Why Yeltsin's daughter forbade Polina Deripaska to divorce her oligarch husband. Polina Deripaska leaves her husband, but does not want to get divorced so that Oleg does not hang his debts on her Polina Yumasheva studied at the same college with the children of famous Russian politicians

Oleg Deripaska is trying to pay off his wife. Will he be able to save his own skin?

Before En+'s IPO, Oleg Deripaska gave his wife Polina a 6.9% stake in the company. The cost of the package amounted to about $500 million, UtroNews correspondent reports.

At the same time, Deripaska himself still had a call option on the shares transferred to his wife. This means that at any time he will be able to redeem them at a fixed price. Fair? Hardly.

In addition, Polina Deripaska, in the event of a decision to sell her stake, will first of all have to offer to buy back the shares to her husband. Will they be married by then?

Polina Deripaska tired of "investing" in her husband?

The fact is that rumors about the divorce of the Deripaska spouses have been circulating for a long time. And at the same time, no one doubts that the daughter of the former head of the presidential administration, Valentin Yumashev, will not miss the benefits of the dissolution of the marriage of 16 years.

Love story. Or…?

Oleg Deripaska with his future wife Polina, Yumashev's daughter and "adopted granddaughter" of Russia's first president, Boris Yeltsin, was introduced in 2000. Oddly enough, Roman Abramovich brought them together. A year later, the couple got married, and then the head of the family ... just sent his wife to London!

Apparently, Deripaska considered that his wife had nothing to do in Russia, and that it was possible to give birth to children and cook borscht in the UK. But Polina had a different opinion, and in 2006 she insisted on returning to her native land. Here, her husband bought for her the publishing house Forward Media Group, which publishes the magazines Hello!, "Baby and I", "Interior".

Suddenly, Polina turned out to be an excellent business woman, she developed her holding to a serious scale, and in 2017 she merged it with Look At Media, another large media holding. Indeed, why successful woman such an application in the form of a spouse who is mired in debt and always trying to find money?

The current situation already directly confirms the UtroNews version of August 2017: a divorce is just around the corner. Experts also speak about this, noting that the practice of transferring shares under a call option is often used by spouses when dividing property.

For Deripaska not borrow?

Rumor has it that Polina Deripaska was ready to file for divorce seven years ago, but then her mother Tatyana Dyachenko stopped her. She was allegedly afraid that the businessman would share with her daughter not his property, but his debts. However, the situation has not changed even now: as a “payoff”, Deripaska’s wife received a share in a company that is experiencing tremendous financial problems.

The fact is that the decision to conduct an IPO on the Moscow and London stock exchanges is due, for the most part, not to the desire for development. Deripaska wants to "cut down" some money to pay off at least part of En+'s huge debt. Just think about it: it's reportedly $5.5 billion. And they say that this amount is very underestimated, and overall size debt can reach 13 billion dollars!

Through the IPO, Deripaska plans to raise about $1.5 billion - he will put up for sale not only an additional issue of En + shares worth $1 billion, but also shares of the Basic Element group. This is stated in the prospectus. Thus, investors will get 15.8-18.8% of the holding. At the same time, its pre-IPO valuation ranges from 7 to 8.5 billion dollars.

Oleg Deripaska will "heat up" the London Stock Exchange again?

But will investors be "led" to a placement by such a businessman? The fact is that Deripaska has already become famous for violations on the London Stock Exchange: when buying back Irkutskenergo shares, the billionaire did not announce an offer to minority shareholders in due time, thus winning 8 billion rubles for himself.

Save Private Deripaska?

However, Deripaska has no other way to save his own business, except to put up shares for free sale. The seemingly endless debts of Rusal are increasing every month. The reason is a number of very strange investment projects like the Taishet aluminum plant, which has been under construction for 12 years.

The plant in Taishet became an absolutely unprofitable project even during the period of falling aluminum prices. Enterprising Deripaska tried to "drive" RusHydro into it on 50/50 terms. But if Rusal gets a plus from such cooperation in the form of cheap electricity - the main resource in the production of aluminum - then RusHydro's benefit from such a project is very doubtful. And, apparently, the state corporation understood this.

But without RusHydro, Rusal, which is mired in debt, will not be able to get a loan from any bank: Deripaska is simply no longer trusted by either commercial structures or credit organizations. Need a guarantor.

And instead of a guarantor, the arrest of Dmitry Ponomarev, a top manager of the En + group, also “approached”: he is charged with fraud, which he committed as head of the NP Market Council. Five years ago, in this position, according to investigators, he contributed to the employment of the director of the department for the development of the electric power industry of the Ministry of Energy, Yegor Grinkevich.

But they detained him at the post of Deripaska's "chief decider": at the time of the development of the criminal case, he held the position of director for work with state authorities and public organizations"Eurosibenergo", and is still a member of the board of directors of the company. And Eurosibenergo, in turn, is part of the same En+. Will foreign companies want to have a share in the "investigated" business? And even more so - will Russian businessmen dare to invest in it?

In addition, those who want to invest in En+ should think about the confrontation with Viktor Vekselberg, who has a long-standing conflict with Deripaska. Is it worth exposing yourself to such blows, especially by buying shares of a "half-dead" holding with multibillion-dollar debts?

All this spoils the investment climate around Deripaska's companies and it seems that he will not get out. And then there is the divorce - not only an emotional shock, but also a real financial collapse. And if he "gets rid" of his wife with only a share in En +, he will be very lucky. But the businessman will have to deal with debts, unprofitable projects and the unwillingness of banks to give loans alone - or accept and declare himself bankrupt.

The wife of Oleg Deripaska in a day became one of richest women in Russia. There can be two reasons - either divorce or sanctions.


Today, Oleg Deripaska's En+ London IPO prospectus revealed that in October the company issued and transferred 6.9% of its own shares to the billionaire's wife, Polina Deripaska. Based on the assessment of the company before the IPO, the cost of this package is from $500 to $600 million.

  • Polina Deripaska is the daughter of the former head of the Russian presidential administration, son-in-law of Boris Yeltsin and one of the authors of the plan to transfer power to Vladimir Putin in 1999, Valentin Yumashev. Yumashev married Oleg Deripaska in 2001.
  • The billionaire's wife also has her own business - she owns the Forward Media Group publishing house, which publishes Hello and Interior + Design magazines, as well as the secular online resource Spletnik.ru and a stake in the Bureau 24/7 publication. Last year, Deripaska also became a co-owner of Look At Media, the publisher of The Village and Wonderzine Internet projects. But the cost of the En + package she received is incomparable with the scale of her media business - according to SPARK, the revenue of all Deripaska's companies is a little more than 100 million rubles.
  • With a fortune of $ 500 million, Deripaska would take the list of the richest women in Russia according to Forbes versions fourth place, and with $ 600 million (when valuing En + shares in the upper range) - would share 2-4 places with ex-wife ex-owner of Uralkali Elena Rybolovleva and co-owner of S7 airline Natalia Fileva.
  • Officially, nothing is known about the matrimonial status of Oleg and Polina Deripaska. Friends of both only say that the couple has not lived together for a long time. A businessman familiar with them believes that the share in En + discovered by Polina Deripaska can be explained by Deripaska's obligations to the Yumashev family. Polina Deripaska did not respond to The Bell's request.
This event will not affect you in any way. Unless, of course, you are an oligarch and are not afraid of possible sanctions, for example, from the United States. In such a case, divorce and transfer of assets ex-wife- one of the rare ways to insure, lawyers say. However, Deripaska's acquaintance assures that in his case the deal has nothing to do with the threat of sanctions.

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Assassination attempt on Tatyana Felgenhauer

This afternoon, journalist Tatiana Felgenhauer was seriously wounded in the editorial office of Ekho Moskvy. Assailant Boris Grits, who wrote in his diary that Felgenhauer was "telepathically chasing" him, stabbed her in the throat with a knife. The journalist was hospitalized in serious condition, now she is in an artificial coma. investigative committee opened a case for attempted murder.

What do I get from this? In 2017, in Russia, it was surprisingly easy to assassinate a journalist right in the editorial office. The assailant easily overcame the guard post, spraying the officer on duty in the face with a can of tear gas, and slightly wounded the second guard during the arrest. We wish Tatyana Felgenhauer a speedy recovery.


Technological investment the Saudi way

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Made offline

During a recent visit to Moscow, Alibaba Group President Michael Evans predicted that in a few years, "Made in China" or "in the USA" labels would be replaced by one main label - "made on the Internet." But for now, as MIT surveys show, people continue to measure the quality of a product by its country of origin. Germany tops the list (the most recognizable product is cars), while Russia closes the second ten (the most recognizable product is oil).


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How much to pay a CEO?

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What will happen if an ideal artificial intelligence sets itself an arbitrary task - for example, the production of paper clips? With a high probability, everything will end with the destruction of the universe, Nick Bostrom, a philosopher and AI specialist from Oxford, suggested in 2003. Director of the New York University Game Center Frank Lantz decided to illustrate this thesis. computer game. On October 9, Lantz posted the link on his twitter, and in less than two weeks, 450,000 people played the non-graphics, multi-button game.

Petr Mironenko, The Bell

Polina Deripaska is known not only as the wife of an aluminum magnate, but also as the daughter of Yeltsin's son-in-law.

Polina Yumasheva studied at the same college with the children of famous Russian politicians

She was born in Moscow in 1980. Since childhood, the girl was surrounded by money, because her parents were successful journalists. When there was a coup in the country and Yeltsin came to power, Polina's father gradually moved away from the routine affairs of the Komsomolskaya Pravda publishing house and plunged into work on the memoirs of the first president of Russia, and also became deputy editor-in-chief of Ogonyok. Later, Valentin Yumashev (the father of Deripaska's wife) served as an adviser to Yeltsin, became quite close to him and eventually married the daughter of Boris Nikolaevich Tatyana. Polina spent her childhood like most Soviet schoolchildren: she studied at an ordinary Moscow school, attended circles. Over time, her parents transferred her to a private college in Milford (UK). Her classmate was the son of Chubais Alexei. Then the girl returned to Russia and entered the Higher School of Economics of Moscow State University (Moscow). She successfully completed the course in the specialty "Management", but apparently the genes took their toll, because. All her life Polina dreamed of journalism. I must say that Deripaska's wife led an active lifestyle before marriage. She was even a member of the Russian youth tennis team.

Polina Yumasheva became for Deripaska a ticket to the Yeltsin family

She met her future husband at the dacha of Roman Abramovich. Deripaska at that time was a business partner of the oligarch, and Polina was one of the golden youth girls. At that time, her father already held the position of presidential adviser, so the family members of such a person were held in high esteem. Yumasheva and Deripaska got married in 2001, and a little later, Valentin Yumashev himself divorced his first wife and married Yeltsin's daughter Tatyana. So, Polina unexpectedly became the granddaughter of the president, and her husband Oleg Deripaska became related to an eminent family. For the aluminum tycoon, this turn of events was only at hand, because now it was easier for him to run his business.

Yumasheva and Deripaska are not only a love union

After Polina married Oleg Deripaska, her affairs went uphill. First of all, she had the opportunity to do what she loves. In 2006, the RAINKO company bought the Ova-press publishing house, within which the magazines Hello!, My Baby and Me, and Interior + Design were published. This was done thanks to Deripaska's money, because RAINKO owned part of the oligarch's assets. Soon the publishing house changed its name and the Forward Media Group (FMG) holding was reorganized, headed by Yumasheva. Polina is very jealous of the fact that journalists call FMG a gift from her husband. She says that she herself was engaged in the purchase, she put a lot of effort into it, but her husband only sponsored part of the project. By the way, for him it was a good investment. Firstly, he provided the beloved woman with the business she had dreamed of all her life. Secondly, a year later the holding began to receive income. In 2007, it was decided to go beyond print media and master the Internet. This is how the Spletnik.ru project appeared, the design of which was developed by Polina's friend Dasha Zhukova. When Deripaska's wife is openly reproached for self-interest and commercialism, saying that she clings to her husband only because of money, Polina is very offended. Despite the fashion to enter into marriage contracts, the Deripaska couple do not have one. And this characterizes spouses only with positive side, because for them feelings surpass the financial part of existence.

Independent Polina Yumasheva

This woman always achieves her goals. Perhaps a reliable rear behind her helps her in this. If it were not for the famous pope, the husband of the oligarch, then who knows how her fate would have been. Nevertheless, Polina Yumasheva is one of the women feminists who, by their example, prove that the concept of the weaker sex is a thing of the past, that today the stereotypes of women accountants or women teachers have practically disappeared. Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity successfully occupy leadership positions, ranging from the director of a small business to the ministerial chair.

(1980-01-11 ) (39 years old) K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Polina Valentinovna Deripaska (maiden name Yumasheva; genus. January 11, 1980, Moscow) - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Forward Media Group publishing house. Daughter of Valentin Yumashev, former adviser to Boris Yeltsin, head of his presidential administration. Wife Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska.


Polina Yumasheva was born on January 11, 1980 in the family of journalists Valentin Yumashev and Irina Vedeneeva (born 1962). Irina Vedeneeva worked as a correspondent for Soviet Sport and Moskovsky Komsomolets. Father worked in Komsomolskaya Pravda, prepared Yeltsin's memoirs for publication, was deputy. editor-in-chief of Ogonyok. Then Valentin Yumashev worked as an adviser to President Boris Yeltsin, was appointed head of the presidential administration, and in 2002 married his daughter, Tatyana Dyachenko.


Returning to Russia, she studied at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University and at the Graduate School of Business of Moscow State University with a degree in management. She played tennis, was a member of the youth team of Russia.

publishing business

At the end of 2007, Forward Media Group intended to invest $5 million in Internet projects. Her friend, designer Daria Zhukova took part in the creation of the site, owned by Forward Media Group.

Personal life

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An excerpt characterizing Deripaska, Polina Valentinovna

So the captain said touching story his love for a charming thirty-five-year-old marquise and at the same time for a lovely innocent seventeen-year-old child, the daughter of a charming marquise. The struggle of generosity between mother and daughter, which ended in the mother, sacrificing herself, offering her daughter in marriage to her lover, even now, although a long-gone memory, worried the captain. Then he told one episode in which the husband played the role of a lover, and he (the lover) the role of a husband, and several comic episodes from souvenirs d "Allemagne, where asile means Unterkunft, where les maris mangent de la choux croute and where les jeunes filles sont trop blondes [memories of Germany, where husbands eat cabbage soup and where young girls are too blonde.]
Finally, the last episode in Poland, still fresh in the captain’s memory, which he told with quick gestures and a flushed face, consisted in the fact that he saved the life of one Pole (in general, in the stories of the captain, the episode of saving life occurred incessantly) and this Pole entrusted him with his charming wife (Parisienne de c?ur [a Parisian at heart]), while he himself entered the French service. The captain was happy, the charming polka wanted to run away with him; but, moved by generosity, the captain returned his wife to her husband, while saying to him: “Je vous ai sauve la vie et je sauve votre honneur!” [I saved your life and save your honor!] Having repeated these words, the captain rubbed his eyes and shook himself, as if driving away the weakness that seized him at this touching memory.
Listening to the captain's stories, as often happens in the late evening and under the influence of wine, Pierre followed everything that the captain said, understood everything, and at the same time followed a number of personal memories that suddenly for some reason appeared to his imagination. When he listened to these stories of love, his own love for Natasha unexpectedly suddenly came to his mind, and, turning over in his imagination the pictures of this love, he mentally compared them with the stories of Rambal. Following the story of the struggle of duty with love, Pierre saw in front of him all the slightest details of his last meeting with the object of his love at the Sukharev tower. Then this meeting had no effect on him; he never even mentioned her. But now it seemed to him that this meeting had something very significant and poetic.
“Pyotr Kirilych, come here, I have found out,” he now heard these words spoken, saw before him her eyes, her smile, her traveling cap, a strand of hair that had fallen out ... and something touching, touching seemed to him in all this.
Having finished his story about the charming polka, the captain turned to Pierre with a question whether he experienced a similar feeling of self-sacrifice for love and envy for his lawful husband.
Provoked by this question, Pierre raised his head and felt the need to express the thoughts that occupied him; he began to explain how he understands love for a woman somewhat differently. He said that in his whole life he loved and loves only one woman and that this woman can never belong to him.
– Tiens! [Look at you!] – said the captain.
Then Pierre explained that he had loved this woman from a very young age; but he did not dare to think of her, because she was too young, and he was an illegitimate son without a name. Then, when he received a name and wealth, he did not dare to think about her, because he loved her too much, placed her too high above the whole world and therefore, even more so, above himself. Having reached this point in his story, Pierre turned to the captain with the question: does he understand this?
The captain made a gesture expressing that if he did not understand, then he still asked to continue.
- L "amour platonique, les nuages ​​... [Platonic love, clouds ...] - he muttered. Is it drunk wine, or the need for frankness, or the thought that this person does not know and will not recognize anyone from actors his stories, or all together, loosened Pierre's tongue. And with a mumbling mouth and oily eyes, looking somewhere into the distance, he told his whole story: both his marriage and the story of Natasha's love for him. to the best friend, and her betrayal, and all their simple relationship with her. Called on by Rambal's questions, he also told what he was hiding at first - his position in the world and even revealed his name to him.

Seems like a fight for safety own business, finally undermined the nerves of Oleg Deripaska. They say that the oligarch has become extremely irritable, and his subordinates can hardly bear their boss, just as his wife Polina could not bear him. Knowledgeable people they say that they began to see her more often in society, another businessman Alexander Mamut. Evil tongues have already begun to spread rumors about their possible romance.

The happy marriage lasted 8 years. The couple was introduced in 2000 by none other than Roman Abramovich.

Recall that Polina Deripaska was called none other than Yeltsin's "adopted granddaughter". She is the daughter of Valentin Yumashev, the former head of the presidential administration of Russia, who married the daughter of the first president, Tatyana Dyachenko.

Shortly after his marriage, Deripaska sent his wife to give birth in London. As it turned out, he sent for a long time, only occasionally appearing in his English home. They say that life in the UK for Polina turned into imprisonment. The husband was extremely against her return to Russia, and believed that the spouse should deal exclusively with children.

For several years, the "London slave" managed to give birth to Deripaska another child. However, it could not last so long, and in 2006 Polina insisted on returning to Russia.

In order to keep his wife busy, Deripaska bought for her the FMG publishing house, which publishes such popular magazines as Hello, Icons, Story, Medved, and many others.

However, to improve life on Rublyovka married couple failed. As an acquaintance of Polina Deripaska, girlfriend of Roman Abramovich, Daria Zhukova, recalled, “She (Polina. ed.), said that Oleg was in Lately began to come home every day all later. He made scandals, he was always looking for some money, as I understood, he even took something out of the house to sell.

Unable to bear such a life, Polina Deripaska packed her things and went back to London. And soon, they began to notice her in the company of another Russian oligarch Alexander Mamut. Someone even saw them vacationing together in Courchevel. And evil tongues have already begun to spread rumors about a possible romance between Deripaska's wife and Mamut.

Maybe this explains why Deripaska decided to sell Polina's business after a while? It is probably not for nothing that Deripaska's spiteful critics claim that he is a vindictive person.

One way or another, it was already impossible to hide the rumors about the breakup. Secular society did not understand one thing, why Polina had not yet filed for divorce. After all, she did not conclude a marriage contract with Deripaska, which means she has the right to claim half of his property. And it is measured in billions of dollars.

The picture was cleared foster mother Polina, Tatyana Dyachenko, who in an interview with Le Figaro stated that she herself forbade her to divorce, fearing that during a divorce, Deripaska would transfer all his debts to his wife. “This is a very prudent person, what people call a rogue,” the daughter of the first President of Russia shared with French journalists, “he now has debts of several billion dollars and he is ready to do anything to write off at least part of it.”

Indeed, Deripaska is now trying to pull his funds from anywhere. Suffice it to recall his current struggle with Interros for the assets of Norilsk Nickel. And it seems that all his relatives are becoming hostages of this struggle.

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