Corporate social responsibility is carried out by credit institutions. Our approach. Our Approach: Principles

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)- a concept that reflects the voluntary decision of companies (including banks) to participate in society through the improvement of the social sphere and protection environment. It includes a set of obligations of the bank, developed jointly with stakeholders and aimed at the implementation of internal and external programs that ensure an increase in the level of economic and social development society.

The CSR management tool is corporate social reporting, which publicly informs users about how the bank is implementing its strategy in terms of economic sustainability, social well-being and environmental stability of society. The regulatory framework for the implementation of CSR is four international standards: AccountAbility AA1000, GRI, ISO 14000 and SA 8000.

The main preferences for the implementation and support of CSR standards for banks are increasing the degree of trust on the part of the population and the state, strengthening international reputation, increasing the likelihood of a successful IPO, improving ratings, increasing the value of intellectual property and profit as a result of public loyalty to the bank. The users of social reporting are the state represented by supervisory authorities, customers, bank associations, employees and other interested parties.

For the first time, the practice of compiling social reports was established in the United States and Great Britain in the 80s of the XX century. To date, CSR is being actively implemented by all major market players around the world, and some countries (mainly European) use it as an open and effective tool state policy. In turn, leading world and Russian rating agencies compile and calculate the corporate social responsibility rating, which reflects the company's position in the industry.

In the Russian Federation, special attention has recently been paid to the introduction of CSR standards. In 2007, with the support of the National Center for Social Monitoring, the Public Chamber and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the National CSR Forum was created, the main task of which was to provide conditions for interaction between the state, business and society in order to implement programs in the field of social responsibility and increase efficiency. social investment in RF. Russian banks, relying on the experience of branches of foreign banks that have long introduced this practice, annually compile and publish social reports over the past few years. Basically, their data includes information on the bank's corporate behavior, compliance with AML / CFT requirements, special industry programs in the field of supporting socially significant projects, activities in the business environment that increase environmental efficiency and finance environmental projects.

Among the leaders actively developing this area of ​​activity are Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, Uralsib Bank, Alfa-Bank, etc. The state corporation Vnesheconombank is responsible for compiling social reports.

In recent years Russian banks began to pay more attention to issues of corporate social responsibility of their activities. On the one hand, this indicates the transition of Russian society to a new, higher level of institutional development, on the other hand, it characterizes a certain maturity of credit institutions. A significant impact on the activities of commercial banks as socially responsible institutions was provided by international integration, in particular access to international financial markets, opening subsidiaries in more institutionally developed Western countries. Globalization leads Russian banks to understand the need to comply with international standards of corporate behavior and ethical standards for modern business. Improving business ethics, expanding corporate social responsibility contribute to changing the wary attitude of the foreign public, investors, clients towards the Russian banking business, which is necessary for a full-fledged international cooperation. The lack of confidence on the part of potential clients and investors in international markets can destroy the business of Russian credit institutions entering international markets. In order to be understood and accepted by foreign clients and partners, Russian banks must pursue a transparent social policy. The corporate social responsibility of Russian banks is currently extremely relevant for Russian clients experiencing a crisis of confidence in financial organization and banks.

Corporate social responsibility is a complex concept that reflects the responsibility of an organization for the impact of its activities on the interests of society, the creation of conditions for its sustainable development. In this context, sustainable development refers to the development of society in which the satisfaction of the needs of current generations does not jeopardize the ability of future generations to subsequently satisfy their needs. This responsibility is voluntary. It goes beyond compliance with the norms of legislation in relation to customers, employees and shareholders of banks, the population of the regions where credit institutions operate, i.e. all stakeholders that have an impact on banks or are affected by their activities.

At the heart of corporate social responsibility lies the economic foundation, which allows building relationships for a broader and longer term with all stakeholders, reducing the strategic and operational risks of banks. As a result of a properly built and implemented corporate social policy credit institutions achieve visible competitive advantage among which are the strengthening of confidence on the part of foreign partners who are more willing to build business relations on a long-term basis with socially successful companies, the ability to attract and retain the best qualified personnel, the creation of a sphere of territorial and social well-being around the organization.

Risks associated with the results of social and economic activity credit institutions are taken into account by banks in the process of making investment decisions. Corporate social responsibility is integrated into the strategic goals and objectives of banks, allowing them to strengthen their reputation as Russian market, and abroad, develop respect for the brand, unite subsidiaries from different countries around common values, which ultimately contributes to a faster growth of capitalization and the authority of banks in the international market. This distinguishes lenders that adhere to the principles of corporate social responsibility from those that do not comply with these principles and are focused on quick profit, perhaps to the detriment of some of the weaker participants in the credit market interacting with banks.

In the process of implementing corporate social responsibility, banks should strive to take into account and, if possible, satisfy the needs of all persons interacting with them: shareholders, customers, employees, the population of the regions where banks operate, and society as a whole. In other words, for modern society not only the financial results achieved by banks are important, it is not indifferent to the methods by which these results are achieved. Business should be carried out not only in the interests of the owners, but also of society as a whole. Otherwise, the society may boycott or ignore the business, which, in its opinion, causes environmental or social damage to its development.

Currently, the principles of corporate social responsibility underlie the strategies and business plans of the world's largest companies and banks. The spread of the concept of corporate social responsibility as a policy of sustainable development of organizations has necessitated the standardization of this process. International standards for social reporting have been developed, such as /141000 AS, GRI, ISO 26000. Each company chooses the standard of social responsibility that best suits its specifics. At the same time, it is obliged to ensure the relationship between sustainability reporting and financial reporting.

Corporate Social Reporting Standard /141000 Stakeholders Engagement Standard developed by the UK Institute for Social and Ethical Accountability ( Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability in 1999. The standard is designed to measure the results of the ethical activities of companies and provides a procedure and a set of criteria for evaluating such activities. The approach is based on the practice of constant dialogue with persons interacting with the company. According to the requirements of the standard AA 1000, the main stages of the social reporting process are planning, preparing a report and conducting an audit external organization. At the planning stage, the company identifies stakeholders on whom its activities can influence or who themselves influence the activities of the company, determines the values ​​and objectives of its activities. At the reporting stage, information is collected and analyzed, and evaluation indicators are determined.

The basis of the standard GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) the concept of sustainable business development is laid down, in which companies need to balance economic, environmental and social activities. Recommendations GRI used by companies to increase competitiveness to attract investment or participate in tenders international organizations. Same as standard /141000, GRI provides for the preparation of a report based on dialogues with representatives of stakeholders. As an advantage of the standard GRI emphasize the possibility of using its recommendations in stages, for example, only the general principles of the document, if the company is just embarking on the path of reporting on sustainable development. Also GRI allows the preparation of a report on only one or several areas of the organization's activities. As recommended GRI the report must be published or public speaking a representative of the company's management with a report on the results of social activities.

Standard ISO 26000:2010 "Guidelines for Social Responsibility" adopted in 2010 and contains the principles, main topics and issues of social responsibility. Summarizing the experience of numerous major organizations, the standard promotes the implementation of best practices in social responsibility, showing how to integrate socially responsible behavior into the strategies, practices and processes of the organization. The standard reflects such aspects of corporate social responsibility as management organization, human rights, labor Relations, environmental protection, business ethics, customer relations and the organization's participation in society. The standard assumes that new areas of social relations may arise in the future. On development stage ISO 26000:2010, the opinions of the main stakeholders were taken into account: the state, business, customers, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, employees and trade unions. ISO 26000:2010 provides guidance to organizations to help assess the value of their stakeholder engagement and the impact of that engagement on sustainable development. The standard can be applied by both commercial and government organizations in developed countries and countries with economies in transition.

In the activities of a universal bank, there is interaction with various stakeholders whose goals differ, and at times can be contradictory. Among the interested parties of a credit institution, it is advisable to single out shareholders and investors, customers, employees, management, partners, regulators, authorities, the population in the territories where the bank operates, and society as a whole.

The interests of investors and shareholders, on the one hand, and clients, on the other, may contain contradictions. Thus, investors and shareholders are focused on the efficient operation of banks, the dynamic increase in profits and the receipt of high dividends. Reliability of the bank, wide range and availability of its services are important for clients. Requirements for the payment of higher dividends may lead to an unreasonable increase in the margin, the price of banking services, which will be contrary to the interests of customers.

Another segment of stakeholders containing contradictions is the management and employees of the bank. This segment contains both internal and external contradictions. Internal contradictions can arise when the result obtained by the entire team of the bank is assigned mainly by the management. For example, contradictions in the distribution of remuneration based on the results of work for the year. Remuneration received by management must be justified, consistent with achievements and accepted by the workforce. External contradictions are possible between the staff and management of the bank, on the one hand, and shareholders and investors, on the other. And also between the staff and management of the bank, on the one hand, and customers - on the other. Thus, employees and management of the bank are interested in comfortable working conditions, professional implementation and high level wages. Improving the social conditions of bank employees and increasing their wages leads to an increase in bank costs, which in turn may conflict with the interests of both shareholders and clients of the credit institution.

In order to harmonize the conflicting goals of stakeholders and prioritize development, the bank needs to develop a social policy that will be implemented in the course of implementing its strategy and business plan. The social policy should define the interests and aspects of the interaction of the credit institution with stakeholders, and formulate the expected results. Table 25 shows a possible grouping of stakeholders for the bank to develop a social policy, taking into account the bank's obligations imposed on it by the current legislation.

Work of a socially oriented commercial bank with interested parties

Table 25




Shareholders and investors

  • Bank development;
  • increase in share price and dividends
  • Increasing profitability;
  • increasing investment attractiveness;
  • brand development;
  • access to international markets
  • Increase in the capitalization of the bank;
  • stock price rise
  • A wide range of banking products and services;
  • availability of banking products

and services for a wide range of clients

  • Analysis of the client base and detailed segmentation of clients by material, social, regional indicators;
  • assessment of creditworthiness and lending purposes;
  • interaction

with regional authorities in order to improve the welfare of clients

  • Development of the client base;
  • strengthening customer confidence in all regions of presence;
  • reducing lending risks;
  • creation of conditions for sustainable development



Purpose of the stakeholder group

The work of the bank to achieve the goal of the stakeholder group




  • Comfortable working conditions;
  • professional realization;
  • decent standard of living
  • A decent level of remuneration;
  • formation of a system of remuneration depending on its quantity and quality;
  • social package;
  • support and encouragement of creative initiatives;
  • encouragement to improve the level of education of employees;
  • respect for the personality of employees
  • Formation of a team of professionals;
  • mutual understanding of the management and employees of the bank;
  • initiation

and implementation of innovations;

Improving the efficiency of the bank


  • Development of a professional level;
  • comfortable working conditions;
  • high income
  • Increasing the level of income depending on the professional achievements of management;
  • continuous improvement of professional knowledge
  • Formation of a professional management team;
  • development of the brand and image of the bank;
  • strengthening positions in the international market;
  • capitalization growth


  • Increasing sales;
  • fulfillment of contractual conditions

Development of interaction in order to solve common problems

Expanding the range of products and services, increasing

their attractiveness to customers;

  • cost reduction and price reduction of banking products and services;
  • increase and consolidate the client base



Purpose of the stakeholder group

The work of the bank to achieve the goal of the stakeholder group




  • Financial stability;
  • compliance with established norms and standards
  • Sufficient level of capitalization;
  • an adequate risk management system;
  • anti-money laundering
  • Stable activity;
  • trust on the part of the banking community and customers


Responsible attitude

to the payment of taxes and other payments to the budget;

  • assistance to authorities in solving material and social issues;
  • increasing the investment attractiveness of the region;
  • securing the working-age population in the region
  • Participation in the development of infrastructure in the region;
  • increasing the level of financial literacy;
  • cost reduction through the development of payroll projects;
  • increased transparency of cash flows

Establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation

with authorities;

  • strengthening market positions in the regions;
  • increase in additional income through the development of regional structures

Population in the territories where the bank operates

  • Institutional development of the region;
  • business environment development
  • Creation of new jobs;
  • participation in the development of social facilities;
  • participation in the beautification settlements;
  • introduction of modern business models
  • Public confidence in the bank;
  • strengthening its image;
  • the expansion of the customer base

Society as a whole

Sustainable development

Formation of a caring attitude towards nature;

Increasing the level of well-being of modern society;


Many credit institutions put the interests of their shareholders at the forefront of their activities, considering the improvement of financial performance and investment attractiveness as the main goals of their activities, working to successfully achieve the goals set by the shareholders. In many cases, these are current tasks focused on quickly generating income and dividends for shareholders.

The Bank, as a socially significant organization, should focus on long-term prospects. To do this, he must first of all work for clients as a significant part of society. At the same time, the bank needs to understand the heterogeneity of society, segment customers by social and economic groups, take into account social and social economic problems each customer segment. In relations with customers, many banks see as their goal the satisfaction of customer needs, increasing their loyalty, and are committed to building sustainable mutually beneficial relationships with them. However, at the same time, banks do not always realize that in relations with some clients, the dominant party is the client. For example, wealthy individuals who place capital in the bank in excess of 1 million euros. In other cases, the bank dominates. This applies primarily to low-income regional clients who need a loan to purchase necessary household goods. If the client is indifferent to the bank, and the client himself is either unable to assess his creditworthiness, or is placed in such conditions that he needs to buy something at any cost, situations arise when a loan of small amount is provided at a high interest rate. The bank, not wanting to bother checking the client's creditworthiness, provides him with a loan on the basis of two documents confirming the identity of the client, at an interest rate that ultimately exceeds the amount of the principal debt. A conscientious client in such situations may find himself in debt dependence, since in order to repay the loan previously granted to him, the client needs a new loan.

The social responsibility of the bank is especially significant in situations where it enters into credit relations with low-income clients. The bank must clearly understand the social level and motives for lending to its customers. In one case, the client works fully, but the level of remuneration for his work, due to the insufficient development of society, does not ensure the natural reproduction of the household, and the client needs a loan to purchase necessary goods, the level of which meets the minimum criteria for the modern development of society (washing machines, furniture, economy class cars). In another case, the client does not bother to adequately assess his own creditworthiness and takes out a loan to satisfy his own whim. Bank's approaches to different types customers must be differentiated. Fully working, but low-income clients should receive loans on affordable terms. This requires various regional programs to support such low-income clients. And a bank adhering to the principles of corporate social responsibility cannot remain aloof from these problems. It is necessary to intensify the regional authorities and other responsible persons in solving long-standing problems in many regions of the material support of workers employed in non-profit structures. If commercial structures pay employees wages, the level of which does not ensure the subsistence level of the household, in each specific case, it is necessary to consider the reasons for such a discrepancy, and also take measures aimed at supporting conscientious clients. On the other hand, unscrupulous clients should be subject to strict lending conditions and loan recovery. Inadmissible and unfair in relation to the most defenseless participants in the credit market is the situation when conscientious borrowers have to pay the debts of unscrupulous ones, compensating the risks of banks with a high loan interest.

A team of qualified employees is a significant advantage of the bank. It is legitimate to consider investments in personnel as the basis for sustainable development, as an investment in the future. For bank employees, not only the level of remuneration, the creation of conditions for a decent standard of living and work, but also professional implementation, support and encouragement of creative initiatives, encouragement to improve the level of education of employees, and respect for their personality are significant. To do this, banks should strive to create a professional team, to consolidate the ethics of relationships between management and bank employees. Pay bank employees according to the quantity and quality of work, encourage them to innovate, and try to implement employee innovations to the extent possible so that they can be sure that their work is in demand. A significant component is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle for employees, prevention and reduction of the risk of occupational diseases.

Banks are aware that the successful operation of their subsidiaries and branches is closely related to the material and social well-being of the population in those territories where banks operate and intend to work in the future. Therefore, they seek to interact with local and regional authorities, participate in the decision social problems, in particular in programs to support certain categories of the population, taking into account national characteristics and local traditions. For example, banks participate in the implementation of various regional programs to improve the financial literacy of the population, support healthcare, healthy lifestyles and sports, education and science, culture and art.

With regard to the relationship between banks and society as a whole, it is important, first of all, to strictly comply with the law and fulfill the obligations imposed on banks. Banks must timely and fully fulfill their obligations to pay taxes and other obligatory payments, participate in combating the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, provide the necessary reporting in a timely manner, ensure the accuracy of the information provided, enter into an open dialogue with society about the achievements, problems and plans for the future.

Also in relation to society great importance has the participation of banks in environmental protection and environmental protection. A component of the annual reports of banks is a report on the reduction of consumed resources and caring attitude to nature. Many banks have committed themselves to comply with the "Equator Principles" (Equator Principles), which include a set of criteria for identifying and managing social and environmental risks in project finance. Equator Principles applied by the International Finance Corporation ( IFC)- Member of the World Bank Group (World Bank), financed by the private sector. The peculiarity of observing the "principles of the equator" is that each affiliated bank, when lending to specific projects, forms for itself its own model of their implementation.

The Equator Principles have been applied by the world's largest banks since 2003. This is a set of voluntary measures that reflects an industry approach to identifying, assessing and managing environmental and social risks in project lending. The concept of "principles of the equator" is based on environmental and social standards. By recognizing the "principles of the equator", the banks assumed responsibility for the "purity" of the projects they lend. Each bank had its own reasons for adopting the Equator Principles: possible financial losses, the need to optimize social and environmental risks, public pressure, reputational risks.

Applying the Equator Principles to a particular project means that the bank's starting point is to examine the level of environmental and social risks associated with a given project and assign it a certain degree of environmental risk. According to the principles, projects are divided into three categories: A - with a high IN- medium and WITH- low degree of environmental risks. If a project is classified as high environmental and social risk, the borrower is required to assess environmental impacts using quantitative environmental indicators and disclose information to local communities. The terms of the loan provide for monitoring and constant control over the social and environmental components of the project.

To implement the "principles of the equator" in relation to individual industries, criteria for evaluating projects have been developed. Compliance with them gives the right to receive a loan for the implementation of the project in a bank that adheres to the "principles of the equator". For each industry, the main parameters of solid waste, emissions of major pollutants, measures to prevent excessive pollution, noise impact are indicated. Technologies that are the safest for the environment are proposed. Measures for organizing monitoring and reporting are defined, sources of information are given.

The specifics of production are taken into account in sufficient detail, but variably. The degree of compliance of the production project with the specified criteria is important not only when making a decision on the allocation of a loan, assessing environmental risks, it also determines the degree of environmental safety of an enterprise under construction, its compliance with modern requirements. Following the principles allows to reduce the risks in the field of environmental pollution of credited projects, which ensures environmental safety for the population living in the development regions. This is of particular importance in emerging markets, where the environmental and social impacts of projects have not yet received sufficient attention.

Banks are developing new conditions for environmental safety in order to protect the population of the region and help clients protect their business. Social and environmental problems, on the one hand, lead to delays and increases in the cost of projects, significant legal costs. Possible accidents (for example, a large-scale oil spill) can generally lead to the cessation of work and the ruin of the project initiator. On the other hand, projects that have passed the environmental and social assessment, as a rule, enjoy the trust of the local population and the support of the authorities.

In accordance with the Equator Principles, a credit institution undertakes to provide a loan for the implementation of a project only in cases where a number of conditions are met. Among them are the following:

  • the risk category of the project was determined in accordance with industry criteria. For category projects A And IN the borrower conducts an environmental review - environmental impact assessment. In addition, the problems identified during the project evaluation are analyzed;
  • the following questions were considered:
    • - the main environmental and social conditions have been assessed,
    • - compliance with the requirements of the laws and regulations of the country of location of the facility under development, as well as international agreements, has been determined,
    • - the possibility of using renewable sources of raw materials is provided, since the implementation of the project should not lead to the depletion of natural resources,
    • - measures are envisaged aimed at protecting the health of the population, maintaining the culture of national minorities,
    • - the use of hazardous substances is not allowed,
    • - the presence of a system of protection against natural disasters,
    • - production should be safe for the people employed on it,
    • - availability of fire and other safety measures,
    • - social and economic results of the project,
    • - issues of land acquisition and use,
    • - the need to move people of the indigenous population,
    • - impact of the project on indigenous people and local communities,
    • - cumulative impact from existing projects, proposed projects and expected future,
    • - participation in the design, examination and implementation of the project of all parties affected by the project,
    • - study of possible alternatives that are more environmentally friendly, have better social consequences,
    • - effective use energy,
    • - pollution prevention and waste minimization;
  • for all category projects A and, if the bank deems it necessary, category projects IN the borrower or a third party expert prepares an environmental management plan that contains measures to mitigate the negative effects of the project, work schedules, determines the forms of monitoring and risk management;
  • for category projects A And IN the borrower or third party expert is required to consult with all interested groups of the population, which must be documented and communicated to the public in the local language;
  • the borrower must not only comply with the environmental management plan in the design and implementation of the project, but also submit relevant reports to the bank;
  • if necessary, for monitoring and reporting, creditors involve an organization responsible for an independent environmental review;
  • credit institutions that accept these principles consider them as a basis for developing their own provisions and regulations. These principles do not confer any rights or impose any legal liability on individuals, public or private entities;
  • banks accept and implement these principles voluntarily and independently, without relying on the resources of the International Finance Corporation or the World Bank.

Thus, a modern bank carries out its activities adhering to the principles of corporate social responsibility, voluntarily assuming obligations to participate in creating conditions for the sustainable development of society. In the course of its activities, the bank enters into relations with various entities whose interests do not coincide: shareholders and investors, customers, employees, management, partners, the regulator, authorities, the population in the territories where the bank operates, society as a whole. A socially responsible credit organization undertakes to harmonize relations between stakeholders, creating the basis for its own long-term development in the interests of the whole society.

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federal state budgetary educational institution higher vocational education"Vyatka State University"

Corporate social responsibility on the example of the organization JSC "Bank VTB"

Student: Malkevich Inna Igorevna

Specialty: Management

Group: 1-12-Ms-112

Lecturer: Shagalov I.L.

Kirov, 2014


The main purpose of the work is to form an idea of ​​the essence of the concept of corporate social responsibility. To do this, it is necessary to reveal the essence and main characteristics of corporate social responsibility, form an idea of ​​a comprehensive model of corporate social responsibility, identify external and internal sources of corporate social responsibility and understand the mechanism for implementing corporate social responsibility of JSC VTB Bank.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR, also known as corporate responsibility, responsible business and corporate social opportunities) - This concept, in accordance with which organizations take into account the interests of society, imposing responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders public spheres. This obligation goes beyond the statutory obligation to comply with the law and involves organizations voluntarily accepting additional measures to improve the quality of life of workers and their families, as well as the local community and society as a whole.

The practice of CSR is the subject of much debate and criticism. Advocates argue that there is a strong business case for CSR, and corporations reap numerous benefits from operating for a broader and longer term than their own immediate short-term profits.

Critics argue that CSR detracts from the fundamental economic role of business; some argue that this is nothing more than an embellishment of reality; others say it is an attempt to replace the government's role as controller of powerful multinational corporations.

1. Preamble of events

JSC VTB Bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") is a backbone credit institution, one of the leaders of the national banking sector. The Bank provides international financial services, has subsidiaries in various countries and provides professional services in all areas of its business presence.

The Bank is aware of its responsibility for the economic, social and environmental consequences of its activities and implements a set of measures to promote the sustainable development of society.

The Bank directs its efforts to create a favorable internal and external environment. Thus, activities in the field of corporate social responsibility (hereinafter - "CSR"), aimed at positive changes in the Bank's team and in society, are in line with the Bank's strategic interests in focusing on conducting an open and transparent business that is understandable to society.

CSR is one of the key elements of the Bank's corporate behavior and allows it to strengthen its reputation in Russia and abroad, unite subsidiaries of financial and credit companies around common values, reduce strategic, reputational and operational risks, which ultimately helps to increase capitalization and confirm the Bank's status by international level.

In the development of the CSR system, the Bank is guided by its own accumulated experience in interaction with stakeholders, as well as international standards in the field of CSR and non-financial reporting, including the Guidelines for Reporting in the field of sustainable development of the GRI Global Reporting Initiative (Global Reporting Initiative).

Non-financial (social) report - a public report on the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Bank's activities.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - meeting the specifics and level of development of the Bank, a regularly reviewed and dynamically changing set of obligations, voluntarily and in concert developed with the participation of key stakeholders, accepted by the Bank's management, taking into account the opinions of staff and shareholders, carried out mainly at the expense of funds Bank and aimed at the implementation of significant internal and external social programs, the results of which contribute to the development of the Bank (growth in production volumes, improving the quality of products and services, etc.), improving its reputation and image, establishing a corporate identity, as well as expanding constructive partnerships with the state , business partners, local communities and civil organizations.

Corporate social responsibility policy is a business activity tool conducted by the Bank voluntarily and having a significant impact on the process of making strategic and tactical decisions on business development and taking into account the interests of all stakeholders, according to which the Bank, in addition to complying with laws and providing a quality product/service, voluntarily assumes additional obligations to society. Such a policy is in line with the strategic interests of the Bank.

Sustainable development is the development of society in which the satisfaction of needs current generations does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Stakeholders - persons or groups of persons that influence the Bank or are influenced by its activities.

Corporate conduct is an activity that provides management and control over the Bank's activities and includes a set of relations between the Bank's management and control bodies, shareholders and other stakeholders. The Bank considers corporate behavior as a means of increasing the efficiency of the Bank's activities, strengthening its reputation, increasing its capitalization, and reducing the cost of raising capital.

Internal environment of the Bank - the totality of all processes taking place in the Bank's team, as well as the processes, goals, tasks of the Bank in accordance with the Bank's strategy. This environment of the Bank is characterized by the presence of integrity and common purpose for all its parts in accordance with the common values ​​and identity of the Bank.

External environment of the Bank - a combination of economic, political, social and cultural factors, as well as the specifics of the activities of authorities, contractors and competitors, under the influence of which the Bank operates in the territory of its presence. This environment of the Bank is characterized by dynamism in relationships, a variety of forms of cooperation and the integration of business processes in accordance with the mission and vision of the Bank.

General values ​​of the Bank - existing moral values, which are the absolute standard for the employees of the organization. In the course of its work, the Bank seeks to maintain the trust of customers, ensure open and transparent business conduct, provide a universal set of solutions, consistently maintain and develop a unique, strong team of professionals.

Corporate citizenship of the Bank - reputational business strategy in the direction of interaction with the population of the territories where the Bank operates in order to ensure efficient and sustainable development; involvement of the Bank's staff in active charity by drawing attention to the problems of society and providing gratuitous assistance to those in need.

The population of the territories where the Bank operates is a multitude of people united in groups and communities within a specific territory (city or country) where the Bank operates.

JSC VTB Bank's CSR policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") is the basic document that defines the principles and directions of the Bank's activities in the field of CSR. The development and implementation of the Policy meet the objectives of increasing the transparency of business processes and the effectiveness of interaction with the main stakeholders of the Bank, strengthening the reputation and image of the Bank, increasing investment attractiveness and the quality of business management.

The adoption and implementation of the Policy contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

· Formation of the basis of the Bank's management system in the field of CSR;

· Ensuring the consistency of the Bank's activities in the field of CSR with the strategic goals and objectives;

· Promotion of CSR as a philosophy of the Bank's interaction with stakeholders;

· Alignment of activities in the field of CSR in the areas in which the Bank can have a positive impact on the internal and external environment;

· Consistently integrating the consideration of risks associated with the social and economic performance of stakeholders in the investment decision-making process;

· Strengthening and maintaining the position of a leader in the field of CSR and promotion of CSR practices among subsidiaries in the countries where the bank operates;

· Increasing the transparency of the Bank's activities in the field of CSR through the improvement of the system of maintaining and possible presentation of non-financial reporting in accordance with international standards, as well as continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of CSR activities.

The policy discloses the issues of managing corporate behavior and the Bank's influence on the corporate, market, social and natural environment. The provisions of the Policy apply to all divisions of the Bank.

2. Basic principles of CSR

The main principles of CSR operate in close connection with the principles of the Bank's Code of Ethics and are:

· Commitment to the mission, shared values ​​and vision of the Bank;

· Provision of quality services based on the high professionalism of the Bank's staff;

Respect for the value and dignity of the individual;

· Honesty and mutual respect in dealing with stakeholders;

Fairness in making managerial decisions;

Legality of the actions taken and responsibility for their consequences;

· Profitability of the business;

· Health protection of the Bank's employees;

· Openness to relationships with stakeholders.

3. Interaction with stakeholders

1) The bank characterizes the trust of stakeholders as the main value and as the basis for successful banking activities.

2) The main stakeholder groups of the Bank are:

Shareholders and investors;

· Clients;

· Employees;

· Business partners;

· Population in the territories where the Bank operates;

· Authorities and regulators;

· Society as a whole;

· Environment.

3) The Bank interacts with stakeholders in accordance with the principles and norms set out in paragraph 4.1, and also proceeds from the following general principles:

· Materiality. The Bank strives for constructive, efficient and effective interaction with stakeholders. The Bank carries out quantitative and qualitative analysis of its business processes and continually improve their performance.

· Cooperation. The Bank strives to find mutually beneficial and CSR-based forms of cooperation that meet the expectations of the Bank and stakeholders in order to generate profit and increase the value of intangible assets.

· Cooperation. The Bank seeks to improve the efficiency of its management system by cooperating the work of departments, reducing decision-making time between the Head Office and branches, providing personnel with a full range of resources and opportunities for effective work and coordination of business processes.

4. Approach to CSR management

The Bank carries out systematic CSR management in five areas:

The internal environment of the Bank,

· Market environment of the territories where the Bank operates,

· Social environment of the territories where the Bank operates;

(Economic) social ecology;

· Corporate behavior management is located at the intersection of these four areas and is singled out as a core area of ​​the Bank's activities.

5. Corporate behavior management

The Bank's priority in managing corporate behavior is the productive work of the Supervisory Board and executive bodies, protection of the interests of all shareholders of the Bank, management at a high level of responsibility, and ensuring strict accountability. Observance of these priorities results in the maximum increase in the Bank's capitalization and benefits for shareholders.

The Bank considers the improvement of financial results and investment attractiveness to be the main objectives of its activities. At the same time, it takes into account the social and environmental consequences of the decisions being made.

In the process of working with stakeholders, the Bank strives to maintain an open and constructive dialogue, taking into account global practices and norms of corporate behavior and focusing on high standards of corporate governance. The Bank works to successfully achieve the goals set by the shareholders. The Bank provides timely financial and non-financial reporting, seeks to increase the reliability, clarity and accuracy of disclosed information, improve feedback mechanisms, and also increases the involvement of senior management in the public presentation of the results achieved and plans for the future.

The Bank strictly follows the legislation and takes into account the recommendations of regulatory authorities in the territories of its presence. The Bank timely and fully fulfills its obligations to pay taxes and other obligatory payments.

6. Management of influence on the internal environment

The Bank's priorities in managing the impact on the internal environment are to increase the motivation of employees, protect their health and increase labor efficiency.

1) The Bank considers human capital to be its most valuable asset. Therefore, investments in personnel are considered as investments in the future of the Bank, its efficiency and sustainability. The principles and rules of business conduct and ethics in the Bank are regulated by the Bank's Code of Ethics.

2) When hiring and promotion, the Bank takes into account professional quality candidates.

3) The Bank seeks to develop communication channels with employees, takes into account the opinion of employees and respects the right of employees to access the information they need.

4) The Bank builds loyalty and increases employee motivation by providing a competitive level of remuneration, comprehensive social support, safe and comfortable working conditions, training and realizing the career potential of employees.

5) The bank develops its corporate culture based on the values ​​he professed, seeks to unite the team to achieve strategic goals - diagnosing and improving key business processes, creating the best expert teams on the market in the sectors and segments that are of the highest priority for the Bank.

6) The Bank promotes a healthy lifestyle among employees and conducts safety briefings in order to reduce the risk of occupational diseases and injuries in the workplace.

7. Management of influence on the market environment

The Bank's priorities in managing its impact on the market environment are meeting the needs of customers and increasing their loyalty, as well as building sustainable mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders.

1) Through its lending and investment activities, the Bank seeks to support segments and industries that contribute to the diversification of the Russian economy and its transition to an innovative development path.

2) The Bank strictly observes its contractual obligations and professional standards, and also expects this from its business partners (counterparties). The Bank has an internal control system that reduces the risk of violations and abuses in transactions.

3) The Bank contributes to the growth of trade between the Russian Federation and other countries. Through the provision of high quality financial services and high standards of its activities, the Bank contributes to strengthening the positive image of the Russian Federation abroad.

4) When evaluating corporate clients, the Bank, guided by the Credit Policy, evaluates the financial condition of the borrower. In the long term, the Bank seeks to integrate social and environmental aspects of clients' activities into investment decision-making.

5) The Bank's approach to the development of the branch network is based not only on the current economic potential and investment attractiveness of the regions, but also on understanding their needs for the successful social and economic development of Russia in the future.

6) The Bank offers its customers a range of services tailored to their current and future needs, while implementing an individual approach to the customer. Customer feedback is used to improve the quality of their service and develop new products.

7) Size interest rates and Bank commissions are calculated taking into account market conditions. The Bank provides complete and reliable information directly to interested parties. The bank does not make decisions for its customers.

8) The Bank guarantees the confidentiality of information received from customers, except as otherwise provided by law.

9) The Bank counteracts the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism not only within the framework of the law, but also within the framework of additional obligations in accordance with the Policy of the VTB banking group in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of income and the Statement of the group of Russian banks: "Banks against money laundering."

10) The Bank promotes the development of various financial services through the VTB Group companies, spreading the leading practices in the field of CSR through corporate governance bodies.

8. Social impact management

The Bank's priorities in managing its impact on the social environment are to improve the quality of life of communities in the area where the Bank operates and to strengthen the Bank's reputation as a reliable, well-established, and socially involved Bank.

1) Playing an important economic role in the territories of its presence, the Bank strives to be a responsible corporate citizen and take into account public opinion.

2) The Bank proceeds from the fact that its well-being is inextricably linked with the social well-being of the population of the territories where it operates. Therefore, the Bank seeks to participate in solving urgent social problems by implementing programs to support certain groups of the population in the territory of its presence.

3) The Bank seeks to interact with the population of the territories of its presence in areas in which the Bank can contribute to positive changes in society as much as possible.

4) The Bank determines priority areas for supporting the population of the territories of its presence in accordance with the adopted strategy and capabilities, national priorities and local specifics. Priority areas include:

· Improving the financial literacy of the population in the territories where the Bank operates;

Support for healthcare, healthy lifestyles and sports;

· Support for education and science;

· Support of culture and art;

· Assistance to socially unprotected segments of the population in the territories where the Bank operates.

5) The Bank encourages voluntary participation of the Bank's staff in corporate social and charitable actions of the Bank, supports volunteer initiatives of the Bank's employees that comply with the principles of this Policy.

9. Environmental impact management

The Bank's priorities in managing its environmental impact are savings by reducing resource consumption costs.

1) The Bank strives to take care of the environment, incl. through economical consumption of resources (electricity, paper, fuel, etc.).

2) The Bank's head office adopted the "green office" concept, which combines a set of measures aimed at reducing the adverse impact on the environment, as well as communication measures aimed at increasing the level of environmental awareness of the Bank's employees.

3) As a global company, the Bank intends to commit itself to comply with certain environmental and social principles - the "Equator Principles" applied by the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

10. Development of non-financial reporting

In an effort to disclose more information, along with the mandatory provision of an annual financial report, the Bank, as a company of international level, is taking progressive steps in developing its own system of non-financial reporting, which is mandatory for most developed countries of the world.

When compiling and submitting reports in the field of CSR, the Bank follows the following principles:

· The Bank may submit an annual non-financial (social) report reflecting the actual activities of the Bank in the field of CSR and progress in the implementation of the Policy;

· The Bank complies with the provisions of the Non-Financial Reporting Protocol and may prepare an annual (social) non-financial report in accordance with the provisions of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Guidance;

· The Bank seeks to take into account the information needs of stakeholders in the case of preparing a non-financial report;

· The Bank improves the quality of non-financial reports, including by improving the process of collecting, analyzing and presenting information;

· The Bank ensures the confidence of stakeholders in the information presented in non-financial reports through internal and external audit of this information.

11. Responsibility for the implementation of CSR policy

Compliance with the principles of this Policy is mandatory for each employee of the Bank. Responsibility for compliance with the provisions of the Policy is borne by employees of the Bank's divisions responsible for CSR activities.

corporate social management personnel


According to the study of the state of corporate social responsibility of the Kirov branch of JSC VTB Bank, I made the following conclusions. The Bank goes out of its way to meet its customers and makes its services more accessible to all segments of the population. The Bank does not treat projects in the field of corporate social responsibility as a project activity, but considers them through the prism of the Bank's development strategy. In this strategy, CSR is assigned, if not the main role (the main function of any business is to bring profit to its shareholders), then the fundamental one, that's for sure. CSR is as much an integral part of VTB Bank's policy as financial efficiency and focus on commercial success.

Through its financial activity, we strive to improve the standard of living and culture Belarusian society. The secret is simple - a business can only be successful in a successful society. Any self-respecting business should strive to contribute to the development of society. An integral part of CSR is the payment of taxes, salaries to employees, etc. And it is not discussed. But still, the banking sector operates according to somewhat different standards, which are well-established in the global financial system. In this system, there is no place for internal ambitions and odious statements. A bank is a system whose strategy must necessarily include the principles of CSR. The personal contribution of employees is no less important than just money transferred to solve a particular problem. A corporation becomes a corporation only when it has people who are interested in its prosperity. Only an interested employee can lead the company to new level. In addition, one should not underestimate the important role of CSR in the life of each individual employee of the company.

Do not forget that positive emotions are exactly what makes any business interesting. If a business at some point stops bringing emotions, it becomes uninteresting. Many people find the missing positive emotions in CSR projects. It is always better to give than to receive.

For the Bank, corporate social responsibility is fundamental. After all, he tries to consider all its areas: culture, education, sports, charity.

For example: In 2008, one of the Bank's branches was the first of the VTB Group's subsidiary banks to join the World Without Tears corporate charitable program. This program is strictly focused on supporting children's healthcare institutions, is long-term and absolutely targeted. As part of the program, VTB finances the purchase of medical equipment, medicines and consumables for children's departments and hospitals. During the program, the Bank has already provided assistance to 11 medical institutions, and in 2014 it is planned to provide assistance to three more.

Culture occupies a special place in the life of the Bank. Indeed, without the support of culture, the development of society will be inferior. That is why this year the Bank supported, for example, such a project as "The Artist and the City". And the work did not go unnoticed - VTB Bank was generously rewarded for participating in this project. All of the above is undoubtedly a plus for the Bank.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that not all branches of the Bank develop in the field of CSR. A few branches in Russia are successful in carrying out certain actions in favor of the development and improvement of corporate social responsibility. Not all branches have created conditions for the successful work of bank employees and business prosperity. But I think that this is only a temporary stagnation, and soon, all branches of JSC "VTB Bank" will develop in all areas, including in the field of CSR.

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Corporate social responsibility of Sberbank OJSC

CSR of Sberbank is a set of principles and obligations that guide the Bank in the course of its activities, in terms of:

  • - Stakeholder relationship management.
  • - Assessment and management of the impact on the national economy, social sphere and ecology.

Sberbank's CSR goals:

Integration of the Bank's Mission with the goals and objectives of implementing the Bank's Development Strategy.

Formation of an additional factor of the Bank's competitiveness through the formation of the image of a socially responsible company, including in connection with the development of its international activities. Control and management of the level of the Bank's reputational risk in terms of issues related to CSR. Participation in the formation of new markets for environmentally and socially oriented products and services. Creation of an additional employee loyalty factor due to their greater involvement in solving socially significant issues.

The tasks of the Bank in the field of CSR:

  • - Integration of CSR principles into the activities of the Bank.
  • - "Capitalization" (obtaining an additional positive effect) of the Bank's social activities and increasing the value of its brand.
  • - Improving the quality of management of the Bank's activities in the field of CSR through the organization of systematic work. Organization of the process of planning activities, increasing the efficiency of costs for its implementation.
  • - Creation of mechanisms for determining and taking into account the interests of stakeholders in the Bank's activities, as well as informing stakeholders about the results of the Bank's activities in the field of CSR, in line with the best international practice.

Throughout the history of the Bank, the success of its development has been associated with active participation in the life of the country, society. Sberbank has always performed its functions both as an economic and as a social financial institution. The success of a modern company in the 21st century is determined not only by its financial results, but also by how they are achieved.

This understanding is reflected in our goals and is consistent with our Mission.

Sberbank's CSR priorities.

Stakeholder and main priorities.

  • - ensuring the quality of products and services;
  • - ensuring the availability of financial services;
  • - responsible financing;
  • - offering socially-oriented products and services.


Investments in human capital.

Society (local communities):

  • - support of local communities;
  • - charity and sponsorship;
  • - increasing the level of financial literacy of the population;
  • - minimization of negative impact on the environment;
  • - shareholders and investors;
  • - responsible corporate behavior;
  • - assistance to the economic development of the country;

Environmental and social policy

This Environmental and Social Policy aims to ensure the sustainable development of the Bank and its clients in the long term by providing financial support to projects that have a positive environmental and social impact along with financial performance.

The policy applies to all projects related to lending, trade, project and debt financing, guarantees, leasing, factoring of small, medium and corporate businesses.

The Bank does not finance or otherwise support the activities of clients that directly or indirectly cause harm to the environment, the population, and also violate Russian and international laws, ethical and moral standards, incl. such activities as gambling, maintenance of casinos and similar establishments, production of radioactive materials, tobacco or trade in them, etc.

The Bank avoids excessive concentration of its resources in industries that can cause significant environmental damage and have significant negative social impacts, such as the industry associated with the production and sale of strong alcoholic beverages.

The Bank supports projects aimed at resource saving, develops and implements special programs for financing energy saving projects Russian companies and enterprises.

In order to implement this Policy, the Bank has implemented the Environmental and Social Risk Management System, which includes such stages of work as: preliminary analysis of customers' activities, classification of customers according to the degree of their environmental and social social impact on the environment, conducting an assessment of the environmental and social risk of clients, developing measures to reduce the harmful effects of the activities of clients, periodic monitoring of the existing client base. To carry out this activity, the Bank has qualified trained personnel who periodically undergo training, persons responsible for the execution and implementation of this Policy have been appointed.

In its activities, the Bank is guided by the requirements of Russian and international legislation, as well as the recommendations of international financial institutions in the field of environmental protection and the social sphere. The Social Policy of the Bank is aimed at eliminating discrimination in any of its manifestations, providing employees of the Bank and its clients with safe working conditions.

Credit projects financed by the Bank are required to undergo a preliminary environmental and social assessment in order to make a decision on the possibility of financing not only on the basis of financial feasibility, but also taking into account environmental and social factors equally.

Based on the results of the environmental assessment, upon agreement with the client, one of the lending conditions may be the inclusion in the loan agreement of special measures aimed at managing environmental and social risks.

In order to verify that the client is properly complying with environmental and social obligations, the Bank monitors financed projects on an ongoing basis throughout the entire period of maintaining financial participation in the project and shares the results of the monitoring with the client.

In order to implement this Policy, the Bank's borrowers are subject to the following requirements:

  • compliance with Russian environmental legislation, state standards and regulations in the field of environmental protection, health protection, safety, occupational health and human rights;
  • carrying out on an ongoing basis measures to minimize environmental risks, reduce the negative impact on the environment, prevent the occurrence of possible emergencies, as well as increase energy efficiency and resource conservation of enterprises, incl. by implementing modern technologies, equipment and materials that reduce the negative impact of activities on humans and the environment;
  • availability of a developed social policy and implementation of work aimed at reducing social risks and increasing social responsibility.

Social responsibility

Transcapitalbank considers it necessary for businesses to participate in solving key social problems. Among the important tasks of the Bank are the protection of the environment, support for education, children's sports, cultural heritage, and socially unprotected segments of the population.

  • Energy Saving Projects

  • Transcapitalbank together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION (IFC, the World Bank Group) and the INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT BANK (IIB) are implementing the Program for financing energy efficiency projects of Russian companies and enterprises. The program is aimed at rational consumption of energy resources, reduction of energy costs and improvement of the environment.

    Already now, within the framework of this Program, a number of projects of regional enterprises and companies are at the stage of implementation.

    The Bank also broadcasts its public position through its own social and charitable programs:

  • healthy generation

  • Special attention in the bank's charitable activities is promoted to the development of a healthy nation. The Bank provides sponsorship support for children's competitions in the regions of its presence on an ongoing basis.

  • Quality education

  • The Bank implements the Support Program on a long-term basis Russian Academy them. G.V. Plekhanov. In 2011, Transcapitalbank created its own scholarship fund for students who demonstrate excellent academic results.

  • Social help

  • The Bank regularly provides assistance to orphanages in the regions of its presence and provides support to veterans - participants of the Great Patriotic War in the cities of the Moscow region, where a wide network of Transcapitalbank service offices is located.

    • Preservation of the country's cultural heritage

    • The Bank is actively involved in projects to preserve monuments of Russian culture and heritage in the regions where it operates. The Bank provides support to Russian artists in the regions of its presence by organizing free exhibitions and presenting expositions to a wide range of the public.

You can submit your complaints related to environmental and social issues in relation to projects financed by the Bank:

  • hand over in person at any office of the Bank.

  • You can submit your appeals related to environmental and social issues in relation to the work of the Bank:

  • by sending to the address of the Bank's location: 109147, Moscow, Vorontsovskaya st., 27/35;
  • hand over in person at any office of the Bank;
  • sending a letter to the official address Email Bank - info@website;
  • leave a message through the electronic feedback form in the "Contact Us" section;
  • by calling the Customer Support Service by phone: + 7 800 100-32-00 (Free of charge throughout Russia), + 7 495 777-41-50 (For Moscow).
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