International cooperation of states in various fields. Anti-corruption. Starting with politics

The main areas of work in the field of international cooperation are:

  • participation and protection of Russia's interests in the activities of international (regional) organizations for standardization, metrology and certification;
  • ensuring the leading role of Russia in activities for interstate standardization, metrology and certification within the CIS;
  • ensuring Russia's accession to the World trade organization(WTO);
  • harmonization of national standards Russian Federation, rules and procedures for confirming the conformity of products and services with established requirements with internationally recognized standards, rules and procedures;
  • protection of national interests and ensuring national security;
  • increasing the competitiveness of domestic products, expanding the export of products and services and the volume of import substitution;
  • fulfillment of international obligations and enhancement of Russia's prestige in the international arena.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004 N 294 federal agency for technical regulation and metrology does not have representative offices abroad.

The Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (hereinafter referred to as the Council) was established in accordance with the intergovernmental "Agreement on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification" (March 13, 1992).
Council in cooperation with the Commonwealth Executive Committee Independent States carries out coordination, develops and makes decisions on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of harmonization of technical regulations, standardization, metrology and assessment (confirmation) of conformity.
In accordance with the resolution of the Council of the International Organization for Standardization ISO 40/1995 of September 14, 1995, the Council is a regional organization for standardization and in normative documentation and in relations with international, regional and foreign organizations uses the name, abbreviation and emblem adopted by the Council in accordance with ISO requirements for regional organizations for standardization.
The Council consists of authorized representatives states - parties to the Agreement.
The Council establishes a Standards Bureau to carry out the work of the Council on the harmonization of technical regulations, standardization, metrology, assessment (confirmation) of conformity and preparation of materials for the CIS Executive Committee.
The seat of the Standards Bureau is the city of Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
official language Council is Russian.
Members of the Council are the heads of the relevant national government bodies authorized to perform functions in the field of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, assessment (confirmation) of conformity, which, on behalf of the states, are vested with the right to be members of the Council and the powers necessary to perform the functions assigned to this Council .
If in a state party to the Agreement there are several governing bodies in the indicated areas of activity and their leaders are endowed by the state with the right to be members of the Council, then they participate in its work within the limits of their powers. Each state party to the Agreement has one vote in the Council.
The Council holds its meetings as necessary, but at least twice a year. In addition to the members of the Council, other representatives of the states, representatives of the leading industries of the states-participants of the Agreement may take part in the meetings without the right of a decisive vote. The delegations of the States Parties to the Agreement may include the required number of advisers and experts.
A representative of the CIS Executive Committee with the right of an advisory vote takes part in the meetings of the Council.
The chairmanship of the Council is exercised in turn by each of the States Parties to the Agreement represented by its representatives on the basis of the principle of rotation for a period not exceeding one year. The Chairman directs the meetings of the Council and organizes its work in the period between meetings.
The previous Chairman of the Board is its co-chair for each new term.

Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification: 220013 Minsk, st. Melezha, 3,
fax: (+375 17) 288-42-22; tel.: (+375 17) 262-17-92,

Last updated: July 2017

Cooperation with the competent authorities of foreign states, as well as with international bodies and organizations, is one of the priorities in the activities of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. To ensure this important direction, in June 2006, by order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, instead of the International Legal Department, the Main Department of International Legal Cooperation was created, which included the Department of Extradition, the Department of Legal Assistance and the Department of International Law.

In order to increase the effectiveness of cooperation with the competent authorities of foreign states on cases being handled by the central offices of the investigating authorities, as well as on cases that received great public outcry, in September 2010, as part of the Main Directorate for International Legal Cooperation, a department of international cooperation was created for special important matters (on the rights of management). In March 2011, a department of legal assistance and cross-border cooperation with states was established in the legal assistance department of the Main Directorate for International Legal Cooperation East Asia(with deployment in Khabarovsk).

To date, the most important place in the international activities of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is occupied by issues of interaction with foreign partners in the field of criminal justice. These are the issues of extradition and provision of legal assistance in criminal cases, including in the field of return from abroad of property obtained as a result of crimes.

In accordance with international treaties and Russian law, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation is the competent authority of the Russian Federation for extradition and legal assistance in criminal cases.

In particular, by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 1362 dated October 26, 2004, No. 1799 and 1800 dated December 18, 2008, No. 180 dated February 13, 2012), the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation is designated as the central body for the implementation of the provisions on cooperation on matters of extradition and legal assistance in criminal matters contained, respectively, in the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime of November 15, 2000, the UN Convention against Corruption of October 31, 2003, the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption of January 27 1999 and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions of November 21, 1997.

Currently, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation cooperates in the field of criminal proceedings with partners from more than 80 countries of the world. Such interaction is carried out on the basis of international treaties or the principle of reciprocity, enshrined in Articles 453, 457, 460, 462 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is the only competent body of the Russian Federation that sends to foreign states extradition requests persons in order to bring them to criminal responsibility or enforce sentences, and also decides on foreign requests for the extradition of persons from the Russian Federation.

Russia has special bilateral and multilateral international treaties regulating issues extradition, with almost 80 states (see the list of these treaties in the section "Basic Documents"). In particular, Russia is a party to such multilateral treaties as the European Convention on Extradition of 1957 with three additional protocols thereto of 1975 and 1978 and 2012, as well as the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and criminal cases of 1993 with the Protocol to it of 1997

The Russian Federation has special bilateral and multilateral agreements on legal assistance in criminal matters with more than 80 states (see the list of these treaties in the section "Basic Documents"). Thus, Russia participates in a number of multilateral treaties in this area: the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 1959 and its Additional Protocol of 1978, the European Convention on the Transfer of Criminal Proceedings of 1972, as well as the Convention concluded within the framework of the CIS on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, 1993, with its Protocol of 1997

Cooperation of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia with the competent authorities of foreign states in matters of extradition and provision of legal assistance for last years develops quite actively.

The scale of this cooperation is evidenced by the fact that annually the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation considers more than 10 thousand materials on extradition, legal assistance in criminal cases, search and other issues within the competence of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the field of criminal proceedings.

The most effective cooperation develops with the competent authorities of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Germany, Spain, Serbia, Switzerland.

Every year, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation sends about 400 extradition requests to the competent authorities of foreign states, and more than 1,500 similar foreign requests are considered.

The geography of cooperation in the field of extradition is expanding. Increasingly, criminals are trying to escape justice in states with which Russia has no extradition treaties. However, in recent years, with some of these countries (in particular, with Chile, Ghana, Cambodia, Paraguay, the United United Arab Emirates, Thailand) successfully resolved the issues of transferring wanted persons to Russia.

Every year, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation considers more than 6,000 requests for legal assistance in criminal cases, both those received from abroad and Russian ones intended for sending to foreign states.

The institute of transfer of criminal proceedings is effectively used. Petitions are sent to the competent authorities of foreign states for the implementation of criminal prosecution of foreign citizens who have committed crimes on the territory of Russia, and petitions of foreign states for the implementation of criminal prosecution are also considered Russian citizens who have committed crimes abroad.

One of the important activities of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia is cooperation with foreign colleagues in matters of search, arrest, confiscation and return of stolen property from abroad.

Thanks to cooperation with foreign colleagues only from Switzerland over the past few years Russian companies more than 110 million dollars were returned. United States arrested on behalf of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office.

To date, at the request of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, arrested and blocked abroad cash malefactors for a total amount of about 250 million euros and real estate in the amount of about 300 million euros.

In May 2011, the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses introduced Chapter 29-1, which regulates international legal cooperation in cases of administrative offenses. At the same time, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia has been identified as one of the competent authorities for the provision of legal assistance in such cases.

In addition, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is the competent authority for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Convention on the Transfer of Persons Suffering mental disorders, for compulsory treatment (1997).

In recent years, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Russia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, a lot of work has been carried out to develop the legal framework for our country's participation in international cooperation in the field of criminal justice, as well as to implement the provisions of international treaties in Russian legislation.

Representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation Active participation in the development of draft treaties on extradition and legal assistance in criminal matters, incl. within international organizations.

In particular, one of the Deputy Heads of the Main Department for International Legal Cooperation of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has been successfully representing Russian interests in the Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe on the operation of European conventions on cooperation in criminal matters for more than 20 years, actively contributing to the implementation of the Russian initiative to modernize such conventions, in including in matters of speeding up and simplifying extradition procedures.

On an ongoing basis, work is being done to strengthen the legal framework for interdepartmental cooperation. In particular, within the framework of the CIS, the following were signed:

Agreement on Cooperation between the General Prosecutor's Offices (Prosecutor's Offices) of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the fight against corruption dated April 25, 2007;

Agreement on Cooperation between the Prosecutor General's Offices of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the fight against trafficking in human beings, human organs and tissues dated December 3, 2009

In general, today the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has 5 multilateral and 80 bilateral interdepartmental agreements and other agreements on cooperation with partners from 66 foreign countries. Over the past 5 years, 28 such agreements have been signed.

Since 2007, on the basis of agreements with the competent authorities of foreign states, cooperation programs have been developed and signed. Programs are accepted for 1-2 years and provide for the exchange of experience and the establishment of practical interaction on topical issues of mutual interest. During this time, 48 programs have been signed with partners from 28 foreign countries, 40 cooperation programs have been implemented, more than 130 events envisaged by them have been held: consultations, meetings, seminars and round tables.

Currently, 7 programs of interdepartmental cooperation are being implemented: with the prosecution or justice authorities of Abkhazia, Armenia, Bahrain, Hungary, China, Cuba, Finland.

Particularly close relations have developed between the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia and their Belarusian counterparts. On May 15, 2008, the Joint Board of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Belarus was established, which coordinates the activities of the prosecutor's offices of the two countries in the areas of ensuring law and order, protecting human and civil rights and freedoms, and fighting crime.

Representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation participate in the activities of various international bodies and organizations, including the relevant structures of the UN, Interpol, the CIS, the Council of Europe, Shanghai Organization cooperation (SCO), as well as the Council of States Baltic Sea.

For example, representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation are included in the delegations of the Russian Federation participating in the work of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, as well as in international events held under the UN Convention against Corruption. The participation of Russian prosecutors in the activities of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee, as well as in conferences of the participants of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime is ensured.

At the meeting of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Chaika Yu.Ya. On June 22, 2017, in Moscow, with the Secretary General of Interpol, Mr. Y. Shtok, the issues of organizing an effective search through the channels of Interpol for persons accused of committing crimes in Russia were discussed.

The interaction of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in the areas of ensuring the rule of law, protecting human rights and freedoms, combating crime with partners from the CIS countries is carried out within the framework of Coordinating Council Prosecutors General of the CIS Member States (KSGP).

Since the establishment of the KSGP in December 1995, the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation has been its permanent chairman. The Scientific and Methodological Center of the KSGP operates on the basis of the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

The most important questions. In particular, information is traditionally heard on the state of protection of the rights of citizens, especially those outside their state on the territories of the CIS member states, as well as on the practice of implementing interstate programs and international treaties of the CIS member states in the field of combating crime. There is an exchange of information on best practices in prosecutorial activities in various fields.

The 27th meeting of the CCSG will be held in St. Petersburg in November 2017. Previously, meetings of the CCSG were held in Russia 8 times, including in Moscow on September 5, 2010 and St. Petersburg on May 15, 2012.

The 15th meeting of the Prosecutors General of the SCO member states will be timed to coincide with the 27th meeting of the CCGP. The decision to create a mechanism for regular meetings of the Prosecutors General of the SCO member states was taken during the meeting of the Prosecutors General of the Organization member states held on October 31 - November 2, 2002 in Shanghai (PRC).

Over the 15 years of the existence of this format of cooperation, many decisions have been made that have contributed to the improvement of prosecutorial cooperation within the SCO, primarily anti-terrorist cooperation, the consolidation of the efforts of prosecutors in the fight against organized forms of crime, as well as in the protection of human rights and freedoms. In Russia, meetings of the Prosecutors General of the SCO member states were held twice (Moscow, November 24, 2005 and April 13, 2009).

The issue of the growing role of prosecutors in the fight against terrorism was discussed at the 14th meeting of the prosecutors general of the SCO member states (Chinese People's Republic, Sanya, November 30, 2016).

The third meeting will be held in September 2017 in Russia (Kazan) Interstate Council on Combating Corruption (Interstate Council), an agreement on the establishment of which was adopted at a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS on September 25, 2013. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 21, 2014 No. 104, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is a member of the Interstate Council from Russia.

The interaction between the prosecutor's offices of the member states is being strengthened. international association BRICS (Brazil, India, Russia, China, South Africa). The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation organized the first meeting of the heads of the prosecutorial services of the BRICS states (Sochi, November 10, 2015), the participants of which agreed to establish prosecutorial cooperation in the association, primarily in order to prevent international terrorism, counter the global drug threat and corruption, as well as approved the Concept of Cooperation between the Prosecutor's Offices of the BRICS States.

The second meeting of the heads of the prosecution services of the BRICS states took place on December 1, 2016 in Sanya (Hainan Province, China). During this event, issues of cooperation in the field of combating corruption were discussed.

Representatives of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation also participated in the meetings of senior BRICS officials on anti-corruption cooperation (St. Petersburg, November 1, 2015; London, June 9-10, 2016), during which the issues of the functioning working group BRICS. They also took part in the meetings of this group (Beijing, January 26-27, 2016, Berlin, January 22-26, 2017, Brasilia, March 14, 2017) In 2017, the main items on the agenda of the BRICS Anti-Corruption Working Group are issues related to the rapidly growing problem of the return of assets obtained as a result of acts of corruption.

At the third meeting of the heads of the prosecutorial services of the BRICS states, scheduled to be held in Brasilia from August 23 to 24 this year, it is supposed to discuss issues of combating cybercrime and crimes against the environment.

Representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation actively participate in the work of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCEP), established in 2005, which is an advisory body of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the main body of this organization, which unites 47 states of the old continent. The CCEP adopted 11 opinions on various aspects of prosecutorial activity, in the development of which Russian prosecutors actively participated.

For example, on the Russian initiative, in October 2008, the CCEP conclusion No. 3 “On the role of the prosecutor's office outside the criminal law sphere” was adopted. The basis for the preparation of the conclusion of the CCEP No. 3 was the final document of the Conference of Prosecutors General European countries held on this topic by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation jointly with the Council of Europe on July 1-3, 2008 in St. Petersburg. During this conference, foreign colleagues highly appreciated the experience of the Russian prosecutor's office in protecting human rights and freedoms and public interests outside the criminal law sphere.

As a follow-up to CCEP Conclusion No. 3, in September 2012, with the active participation of representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (2012)11 to member states on the role of prosecutors outside the criminal justice system was adopted.

The Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is a member of the Lisbon Network established within the framework of the Council of Europe for the exchange of information on the training of prosecutors and judges.

Delegations of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation take an active part in the meetings of the Prosecutors General of the member states of the Council of the Baltic Sea States. In September 2017, the 17th Meeting of Prosecutors General of the Member States of the Council of the Baltic Sea States is planned to be held in Kaliningrad.

The Russian prosecutor's office has a high international prestige, which is evidenced by the fact that its representatives have been elected to the governing and working bodies of a number of authoritative international organizations, incl. Council of Europe, International Association of Prosecutors and International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities.

In 2011, the Deputy Head of the Directorate for Supervision of Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Legislation of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation became a member of the Bureau of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). Since November 2013, the heads of this department have been elected to the Executive Committee of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities, established in 2006.

In November 2016, at the 85th session of the Interpol General Assembly, a representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation was elected a member of the Commission for Control over Interpol Files and the Procedure for Interpolation Through Interpol Channels in the Field of International Search for Persons by secret ballot.

Close relations connect the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation with such a non-governmental organization as International association prosecutors (MAP). The Russian prosecutor's office was one of the initiators of its creation in 1995.

The Association has over 2,200 individual members and 170 organizational members (Prosecution Services, National Associations of Prosecutors and a number of anti-crime bodies). Thus, the MAP represents almost 250,000 prosecutors from 173 jurisdictions.

Yu.Ya. Chaika, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is a member of the IAP Senate. Representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation also take an active part in the work of the Executive Committee of the Association.

In particular, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation was awarded the right to host the 18th IAO Annual Conference, which was held in Moscow in September 2013 and was dedicated to the theme "The Prosecutor and the Rule of Law". It was attended by 115 delegations from more than 90 states and 16 international bodies and organizations, including 52 attorney generals and director of national public prosecution services.

In November 2015, the 7th regional conference MAP for Central and of Eastern Europe, Central Asia dedicated to the fight against terrorism and violent extremism. It brought together more than 150 representatives of prosecution authorities from 34 states and 9 international bodies and organizations, including the UN, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the CIS, the SCO and Eurojust.

The strengthening of ties with the competent authorities of foreign states was largely facilitated by efforts aimed at developing interdepartmental cooperation with foreign partners.

In addition to concluding cooperation agreements and programs, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation organizes multilateral international events during which the most important issues are discussed. topical issues international prosecutorial cooperation. In particular, on September 13, 2010, in Moscow, at the initiative of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the first meeting of the heads of departments of the prosecutor's offices of the CIS member states, whose competence includes extradition and legal assistance in criminal cases, was held.

In April 2011, a international Conference on the topic “Combating illicit drug trafficking, including synthetic drugs and their precursors. The effectiveness of international cooperation in this area”.

Issues of cooperation in the field of combating illicit drug trafficking and combating illegal migration were considered at an international conference organized by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and held in Yekaterinburg on August 28-29, 2012.

On September 23-25, 2014, an international seminar was held in Vladivostok with representatives of the competent authorities of a number of states in East and Southeast Asia on issues of increasing the effectiveness of cooperation in the field of criminal justice.

The Baikal International Conference of Prosecutors, held by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in Irkutsk on August 26-27, 2014, was devoted to the topic of cooperation in combating transnational organized crime.

On December 14, 2016, in Moscow, with the participation of representatives of the competent authorities of foreign states and a number of organizations of the international prosecutorial community, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation held the Third Open Information Forum on International Legal Cooperation.

Representatives of the international prosecutorial community participated in solemn events on the occasion of the 290th anniversary, as well as the 295th anniversary of the Russian prosecutor's office in January 2017. Representatives of the prosecutor's office and justice from 18 states, as well as the heads of the International Association of Prosecutors and the Executive Secretary of the KSGP, participated in the last anniversary events.

The most important tasks of the Russian prosecutor's office in the near future are to expand and increase the effectiveness of its participation in international legal cooperation, especially in the field of criminal justice, improve contractual and legislative framework, including on issues of search, arrest, confiscation and return from abroad of property obtained by criminal means.

General Directorate of International
legal cooperation, July 2017

33. The international cooperation

International cooperation is carried out in the areas of trade, customs, industrial, monetary and transport law.

Cooperation in the field of commercial law. In order to regulate trade relations between states in 1947, a multilateral General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was concluded. Under the agreement, any customs-tariff benefit granted by one of the participating countries to another participating country automatically, by virtue of the most favored nation principle, applies to all other GATT participating countries. In 1964, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was established, which is an autonomous body of the United Nations. The main objective of UNCTAD is to promote international trade, in particular trade in commodities, industrial goods and so-called invisible items, as well as in the field of trade-related finance. Particular attention is paid to the problems of trade preferences and other benefits for developing countries.

Cooperation in the field of industrial law. In order to promote the process of industrialization and provide technical assistance to developing countries, as well as to coordinate all UN activities in the field of industrial development, the United Nations industrial development, which has become a specialized agency of the United Nations since 1985.

Cooperation in the field of monetary and financial law. In 1945, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International monetary fund, within the framework of which practically all cooperation in the monetary and financial sphere is concentrated at the world level. The World Bank aims to promote the reconstruction and development of the economy of the member states of the Bank, encourage private foreign investment, provide loans for the development of production, as well as promote the growth of international trade and maintain balance of payments. The purpose of the IMF is to promote international cooperation on matters relating to currency and international trade, as well as to create a multilateral settlement system for current transactions between member countries.

Cooperation in the field of transport law.

In 1975, the European Convention on Passenger Tariffs was adopted, with the aim of establishing a single tariff policy to promote the development of international passenger traffic. There is also the International Association of Railway Congresses, founded in 1884, whose functions include the preparation and holding of international congresses to discuss scientific, technical, economic and administrative problems.

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author Sazykin Artem Vasilievich

51. International cooperation in the field of environmental protection International cooperation in the field of compliance with the norms of international environmental law is expressed in the coordination of actions of states in common process legal regulation environmental protection

From the book Prosecutor's Office and prosecutor supervision the author Akhetova O S

56. International cooperation within the framework of the CIS The Prosecutor's Office cooperates with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In all these countries, the most basic and main direction is the supervision of compliance with the laws. Cooperation with these countries is

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56. International cooperation in the field of criminal proceedings When characterizing the procedure for performing actions to provide legal assistance, it is important to clearly distinguish between two groups of rules: law enforcement foreign

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ARTICLE 57. International cooperation of the Russian Federation 1. International cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of education is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation. If

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Article 2. International cooperation international organizations, cooperates with them, concludes agreements on

From the book Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation author State Duma

Part five. International cooperation in the field of criminal

From the book UN Convention against Corruption author Law International

Chapter IV. International cooperation Article 43 International cooperation 1. States Parties shall cooperate in criminal matters in accordance with articles 44 to 50 of this Convention. When appropriate and consistent with their internal legal

From the book Federal Law "On Combating Terrorism". Federal Law "On countering extremist activity" author author unknown

Article 43 International cooperation 1. States Parties shall cooperate in criminal matters in accordance with articles 44 to 50 of this Convention. Where appropriate and consistent with their domestic legal systems, States Parties shall consider

From book New law"On Education in the Russian Federation". Text with amendments and additions for 2013 author author unknown

Article 55 International cooperation for the purposes of confiscation 1. A State Party that has received a request for confiscation from another State Party having jurisdiction over an offense established in accordance with this Convention

From the book Criminology. cheat sheets author Orlova Maria Vladimirovna

Article 17

From the book Criminal Procedure: a textbook for universities author Rossinsky Sergey Borisovich

Chapter 14. International cooperation in the field

From the book Criminology. Crib author Grishina I. G.

1. The concept of criminology as an academic discipline Criminology as academic discipline deals with the study of crimes, their causes, types of their relationship with various phenomena and processes, as well as the effectiveness of measures taken in the fight against crime. Criminology

From the book Environmental Law author Bogolyubov Sergey Alexandrovich

Chapter 1 Introduction to the criminal process § 1 The concept and essence of the criminal process Any state, being the most important form of organization of a civilized society, assumes many socially significant functions. One of these is known to be

From the author's book

1. The concept and content of criminology as an academic discipline Criminology is an academic discipline that studies crimes, their causes, types of relationship with various phenomena and processes, as well as the effectiveness of measures taken to combat crime. Criminology

From the author's book

§ 4. International cooperation in environmental protection (principles of international cooperation; forms of international cooperation; international environmental organizations) In its environmental policy, Russia proceeds from the need to ensure universal

A universal form of organizing joint or mutually agreed production with the participation of foreign partners of two or more countries, based on the distribution of production, commercial cooperation, mutual guarantee of risks, common protection of investments and industrial secrets.

International cooperation covers very different areas of activity. Including:

  • health improvement
  • improving education
  • improvement of environmental conditions
  • reducing socio-economic inequalities
  • anti-terrorist activities
  • sports development

see also

  • Spanish Agency for International Cooperation
  • Development cooperation
  • Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • International public law
  • International Standard Bibliographic Description

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    the international cooperation- — EN international co operation The collaboration between governments, businesses or individuals in which it is agreed to work together on similar objectives or strategies,… … Technical Translator's Handbook

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    INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY- one of the main directions public policy in the field of labor protection. International cooperation is carried out mainly within the framework of the activities of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on the basis of generally recognized principles and norms ... ... Russian Encyclopedia on labor protection

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    INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION- cooperation of the Russian Federation with other countries, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation and international treaties that do not contradict the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Educational authorities, educational ... ... Professional education. Dictionary

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    International cooperation in the field of criminal justice- interaction of courts, prosecutors, investigators and bodies of inquiry with the relevant competent authorities and officials of foreign states and international organizations. It is carried out in the manner prescribed by Ch. 53 55 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, and ... ... Big Law Dictionary

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  • International cooperation of Russia in the field of fisheries, history of the problem and prospects Proceedings of VNIRO Volume 145, Glubokov A. (ed.). International activity Russia in the field of fisheries annually provides the Russian fishing fleet with quotas for water biological resources in volume more than 1 million 200 thousand tons, ... Buy for 1564 rubles
  • International cooperation in ecology. German language for beginners. Practical course of professionally oriented reading / Okologische Kommunikation International: Fachsprachenlesekurs Deutsch fur Anfanger, Anneliese Ferns, Rosemary Buhlmann, Ingeborg Baumer, Antonina Nemchenko. A practical introductory course in professionally oriented reading in German. The textbook is intended for students of natural sciences, engineering, agrarian and economic…

Trade and wars between countries accompanied the entire history of mankind, as soon as the first ancient states appeared. For a long time, the main form of international cooperation was trade and military alliances. With the development of society and technology, the strengthening of the division of labor, new types of cooperation began to appear, from the economy, including trade, to culture and ecology.


International cooperation is the interaction of several participants in the field of mutual interests, efforts aimed at harmonizing positions and coordinating actions, finding solutions to generally recognized problems and smoothing out conflicts. Initially, these were relations between states, with more attention paid to political relations. At the same time, they must be non-violent, therefore, for example, cooperation with the Qing Empire, which, as a result of the opium wars, Britain and France forced to allow the sale of opium and other goods to the Chinese, can hardly be attributed to international cooperation of states, although some researchers attribute this case to forced cooperation.

More and more participants

With development public relations international and public organizations have joined the participants in international life, which, according to some economists, are now the main subjects of international cooperation. There are world organizations covering most countries, such as the UN, the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, regional - EU, Association of Southeast Asian countries, specialized - International Geographical Union, World Association of Wholesale Markets. Global corporations now wield more economic and political power than most nations. Agreements with countries, a group of countries on economic, humanitarian and environmental issues make them full-fledged subjects of international life. Many issues of international cooperation are delegated by the state and society to lower levels in regions, industries, and individual enterprises.

When two or more

More than 190 countries of the world cooperate, exchange information, compete and trade among themselves both on a bilateral and multilateral basis. Cooperation between countries is regulated by intergovernmental agreements handled by ministries of foreign affairs. Intergovernmental commissions are responsible for the development and creation of conditions for other participants, which determine the directions and key parameters of cooperation. Public organizations (societies of friendship and cooperation and others), chambers of commerce and industry create a business, information and cultural environment for business cooperation, public organizations and citizens.

The globalization of the division of labor and the market, the complication of the tasks ahead require the consolidation of the efforts of many states. Therefore, multilateral cooperation is becoming more widespread. Various regional and specialized associations are being created to organize international cooperation in solving complex, complex problems. For example, interstate associations - the European Union, non-governmental associations - international environmental organization"Greenpeace". Coordination of work is carried out by specially created institutions - secretariats, commissions, coordinating committees. The largest such structure is the UN, which unites almost all countries of the world.

What result suits everyone

The interaction between the main subjects of international cooperation is aimed at achieving results that are consolidated by the conclusion of international treaties, conventions, agreements regulating various aspects of relations, the organization of international, intergovernmental and non-governmental institutions, the creation of regional and subregional integration formations.

The main directions of modern international cooperation are political and economic integration in the form of:

  • unions of states that retain full independence;
  • associations with the formation of supranational bodies and the delegation of part of sovereignty to common institutions;
  • functional integration, which makes it possible to work in a specialized area.

There are principles

The history of the development of international cooperation has made it possible to develop general principles which give equal opportunities to countries with different political and economic status. Of course, this does not mean that all states observe them, but at least they declare them.

The main principles of international cooperation are:

  • the sovereign equality of states implies that countries respect each other's rights, exercise full legislative, legal and administrative power on their territory, of course, subject to generally recognized norms;
  • non-intervention: domestic politics is the business of the states themselves, if it does not pose a threat to peace;
  • equality and self-determination of peoples, peoples have the right to create their own or join another state for cultural and economic development;
  • respect for human rights, no discrimination on any grounds.

They also highlight the principles of compliance with international treaties, environmental safety and cooperation.

Main directions

The main type of cooperation is cooperation between states in the political sphere, which determines the conditions and parameters for other areas. Of course, all types of international cooperation are used to obtain competitive advantages and economic benefits directly or indirectly. For example, political cooperation European countries allowed to create a single European space. International economic cooperation, which began with the sale of goods (coal and steel), has grown into a large complex of various types of relations in the exchange of services, investments, information and scientific and technical cooperation, and in other areas of the economy.

The increasing complexity of technologies and control systems in the military sphere is forcing all more countries participate in the international division of labor in this area. Military and military-technical international cooperation is joint alliances, joint ventures for the production of weapons, and much more. Cooperation in ecology, culture, ideology, legal and humanitarian spheres is becoming increasingly important.

Starting with politics

In order to develop at least some kind of relationship, first of all, you need at least not to fight. Therefore, they note that the main goal of international cooperation is the prevention of war. The joint efforts of two or more states are aimed at developing mutually acceptable solutions that take into account the balance of interests. The main idea underlying international relations is that all parties are satisfied or dissatisfied with the result, implying either a positive result or a mutual compromise. Since initially international cooperation is the interaction of political units, the relations of states determine the degree and depth of all other types of cooperation. Countries, depending on political sympathies or antipathies, form the agenda of economic cooperation. Introducing the most favored nation treatment for some countries, and sanctions for others.

Everything depends on the economy?

True or not, economists believe that the goal of any cooperation is to obtain competitive advantages in a direct way, such as the conclusion of free trade agreements, or indirectly by creating a positive image of the country. South Korea is actively promoting its popular culture to the global market, which increases interest in Korean goods and services. At the same time, numerous trade and economic organizations aim to provide equal rights for all participants in the global market, to remove the barriers that countries use to protect their producers. In the economic sphere, international cooperation is world trade, investment, scientific and technical cooperation, cooperation in the field of commercial practice and many other activities.

Who writes the laws

International legal cooperation provides a legal space for the interaction of participants. Relations between states are governed by agreements between them and international treaties to which they are parties. The legal system of international cooperation covers almost all areas of activity, including economic cooperation, transport, monetary relations, intellectual property, certification and standardization. countries joining international agreements delegate part of their sovereignty to the institutions responsible for their implementation. For example, many countries recognize the jurisdiction International Court of Justice on human rights in Strasbourg and unconditionally comply with its decisions.

Strength in the team

Alone it is difficult to live even countries. Large states seek to drag more and more countries into their orbit in order to benefit from their competitive advantages, small ones willingly allow this to be done, trying to survive. Collective integration provides for closer international cooperation in politics, economics, law and the military. So far, the most successful project of international integration is that the countries are united by a single civil and economic space, a single currency, and supranational governing bodies are working. Collective integration can be implemented in certain types of international cooperation, for example, the military cooperation of the countries of the North Atlantic in the form of the NATO bloc made it possible to ensure the security of these countries.

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