Swimming in the hole at what time. General principles of hardening. Celebration of the Epiphany

Baptism in 2018: what date to swim. Epiphany bathing 2018: when, date. TO what date is the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) in 2018

On January 19, 2018, all adherents of the Orthodox Church celebrate one of the great holidays - the Baptism of the Lord, also called Epiphany. On this day, all water after consecration becomes healing and is able to surprise even inveterate skeptics with its properties.

According to the Gospel, on this day Jesus Christ revealed himself to people as the Son of God - at the time when John the Baptist (Baptist) was baptizing people in Jordanian waters, Jesus came to him and asked to be baptized. At that moment when John, later called the Baptist, performed the rite of ablution, a real miracle happened to people. Holy Trinity. The heavens opened, a dove (Holy Spirit) appeared to the people, and a divine voice (God the Father) was heard, who said that Jesus is the son of God. That is why the holiday has two names - the Baptism of the Lord or the Epiphany.

What date is the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) in 2018

The Feast of the Epiphany is a non-transitory twelfth feast. Orthodox Christians celebrate Baptism of the Lord January 19- every year on the same day. Catholic Church celebrates Epiphany according to the Julian calendar 13 days earlier - January 6th. Armenian and some others Orthodox churches celebrate a single feast of the Epiphany - that is, Christmas and the Baptism of Jesus Christ on the same day.

When the water is blessed for Epiphany in 2018

According to church canons, the Great rite of consecrating water is performed only on the feast of the Epiphany on January 19. But since any Orthodox holiday begins in the second half of the previous day, the consecration of water is carried out starting from the end of the morning service on Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18) and continues already on the feast of the Epiphany on January 19, after the divine liturgy.

Many are interested in whether the water that was consecrated on January 18 differs from that consecrated precisely on the feast of the Epiphany, January 19? According to the clergy, the water that is consecrated on January 18 and 19 has exactly the same properties and there is no difference on which day the consecration took place.

It should be noted that the Small consecration of water is held throughout the year and on other church holidays. Water is blessed at the request of believers - for example, when children are baptized or the construction sites of churches are consecrated.

When and how to swim in the hole for Epiphany in 2018

It must be said right away that swimming in Jordan (a specially cut hole) on the feast of Epiphany is not a church one, but folk custom. Indeed, on Epiphany, absolutely all water becomes sanctified, regardless of whether it is in the hole or flows from the tap. So diving into an ice hole is not at all necessary - it is enough to wash your face with deep faith on this holy day.

If you still decide to swim, then you need to remember:

  • You need to swim only in a special hole (Jordan) after its consecration.
  • Before entering the water, you should say the prayer "Our Father" or one of the special prayers before swimming.
  • When bathing, it is necessary to quickly plunge headlong into the water three times, then cross yourself three times and say "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
  • On Epiphany, one should bathe in shirts, and not in bathing suits, so as not to embarrass others with a naked body.

Swimming is strictly not recommended. ice water for colds, hypertension, chronic diseases, skin diseases. It is best to contact your doctor on the eve of the Epiphany and get personal advice about the safety of bathing.

What can and cannot be done at the Baptism of the Lord 2018

On the feast of the Epiphany, you must:

  • On January 18, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, fasting must be observed. In the people, the evening on the eve of the Epiphany is called “Hungry Kutia”.
  • On the eve of the Feast of Epiphany, each housewife must prepare at least 12 dishes. January 19 hostess covers festive table, which definitely has meat dishes.
  • After the service in the church has ended, all corners in the house must be sprinkled with holy water - this will protect the whole family from illness for a whole year.
  • If health allows, you can plunge into the Jordan - it is believed that in this way sins are washed away.
  • People baptized on January 19 will live a long and happy life.
  • If you are in a quarrel with someone, the feast of the Epiphany is a wonderful day to make peace.

On the day of the Epiphany it is impossible:

  • cry and be upset, because the whole year will pass in tears.
  • You can not quarrel, scandal and be offended. Jesus Christ preached forgiveness, so act accordingly.
  • On Epiphany, you can’t wash and wash the floors, because in this way you can pollute the water.
  • In addition, complain, gossip, slander, clean, wash, knit and sew. Any work these days is better to stop.
  • On the feast of Epiphany, you can’t guess, otherwise you will guess fate for the worse.

With the Baptism of Rus' (in 988), it gradually spread among our ancestors. Blessing of water can only be performed by a priest - by reading the appropriate prayers and immersing the cross three times in water. For this purpose, an ice hole is made in reservoirs - "Jordan" - as a rule, in the form of a cross. Usually reservoirs - ponds, rivers, lakes are consecrated on the feast of Epiphany itself, after the liturgy. Epiphany water is a sacred thing that is used for healing and to strengthen the mental and bodily strength of us and our loved ones.

From some churches and on Epiphany Christmas Eve after the service, solemn processions are made to the holes in the reservoirs, they are consecrated. The Orthodox scoop up holy water in this hole, wash themselves with it, and the most courageous “dive” into the hole. The Russian tradition of bathing in an ice-hole dates back to the time of the ancient Scythians, who dipped their babies in icy water, accustoming them to the harsh nature.

When bathing in ice hole for baptism

On January 18, Orthodox believers celebrate Epiphany Christmas Eve, the eve of Theophany, or Epiphany. In all churches, the "great consecration of water" is performed. According to church canons, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, a believer must come to church, defend the service, light a candle, collect blessed water. But no one requires to plunge into ice water, especially if a person is not ready for this. The hole made for water blessing and bathing at Epiphany is also called Jordan.

IN big cities Russia on the rivers on the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany are specially cut down on the rivers and ice holes are equipped for the mass bathing of believers. What inform the population of these cities in the media.

There are no strict rules on how to swim (dip) in the hole for Epiphany. Bathing is a three-time immersion in water with your head. At the same time, the believer is baptized and says "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!".
Since ancient times, it has been believed in Rus' that bathing at Epiphany promotes healing from various ailments.
Water - living matter. It has the ability to change its structure under the influence of a source of information. Therefore, with what thoughts you approach it, you will receive it. To plunge into cold water, special training not required. The human body is designed to experience frequent exposure to cold. All you need is the attitude.
What happens to the human body when it comes into contact with cold water? For example, during winter swimming in the hole?
1. Plunging headlong into ice-cold water, the water instantly awakens the central nervous part of the brain, and the brain heals the body.
2. Short-term exposure to low and ultra-low temperatures is perceived by the body as a positive stress: it relieves inflammation, pain, swelling, spasm.
3. Our body is enveloped in air, the thermal conductivity of which is 28 times less than the thermal conductivity of water. This is the focus of hardening with cold water. And during a short run in the snow (for example, to an ice hole and back), only 10% of the body surface is cooled.
4. Cold water releases the deep forces of the body, the body temperature after contact with it reaches 40º, at which viruses, microbes and diseased cells die.
Systemic winter swimming contributes to the improvement of the body, but diving into an ice hole once a year is the strongest stress for the body.
Rules for bathing in the hole for Epiphany

  • Dipping (bathing) should be done in specially equipped ice holes near the shore, preferably near rescue stations, under the supervision of lifeguards.
  • Such ice-holes are specially equipped on rivers in large cities on the eve of the Feast of Epiphany for mass bathing of citizens. The population is informed about the location of such places through the mass media.
  • Before swimming in the hole, it is necessary to warm up the body by doing a warm-up, jogging.
  • The ice hole must be approached in comfortable, non-slip and easily removable shoes to prevent loss of sensation in the legs. It is better to use boots or woolen socks in order to reach the hole. It is possible to use special rubber slippers, which also protect your feet from sharp stones and salt, and also prevent you from slipping on the ice. When going to the hole, remember that the path can be slippery. Walk slowly and carefully.
  • Make sure that the ladder for descending into the water is stable. At least for safety, it is necessary to lower the edge of a strong thick rope with knots into the water so that swimmers can use it to get out of the water. The opposite end of the rope must be securely fastened to the shore.
  • It is best to dive up to the neck, without soaking your head, in order to avoid reflex constriction of the vessels of the brain; Never dive headfirst into an ice hole. Jumping into water and submerging head first is not recommended as it increases temperature loss and can lead to cold shock.
  • When entering the water for the first time, try to quickly reach the desired depth, but do not swim. Remember that cold water can cause perfectly normal, harmless rapid breathing. Once your body has adjusted to the cold.
  • Do not stay in the hole for more than 1 minute to avoid general hypothermia of the body. When lowering to the bottom in a small hole, the danger is also as follows. Not everyone can descend vertically. Many descend at an angle, shifting towards the ice edge. At a depth of 4 m, the displacement from the starting point can reach 1 - 1.5 m. eyes closed in a small hole, you can “miss” and hit your head on ice. If you have a child with you, fly for him during his dive into the hole. A frightened child can easily forget that he can swim.
  • Getting out of the hole is not so easy. When exiting, do not hold directly on the handrails, use a dry towel, a handful of snow from the edge of the hole, you can scoop it up in a handful more water and leaning on the handrail, quickly and vigorously rise.
  • Getting out in a vertical position is difficult and dangerous.
  • Having broken, you can go under the ice. Need insurance and help.
  • After bathing (dipping), rub yourself and the child with a terry towel and put on dry clothes;
  • To strengthen the immune system and the possibility of hypothermia, you need to drink hot tea, best of all from berries, fruits and vegetables from a pre-prepared thermos.

Contraindications for swimming in the hole:
Winter swimming is contraindicated for people with the following acute and chronic (in the acute stage) diseases:
- inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, accessory cavities of the nose, otitis media;
- of cardio-vascular system(congenital and acquired heart valve defects, ischemic disease hearts with angina attacks; myocardial infarction, coronary-cardiosclerosis, hypertension stage II and III);
- central nervous system(epilepsy, consequences severe injuries skulls; sclerosis of cerebral vessels in a pronounced stage, syringomyelia; encephalitis, arachnoiditis);
- peripheral nervous system (neuritis, polyneuritis);
- endocrine system (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis);
- organs of vision (glaucoma, conjunctivitis);
- respiratory organs (pulmonary tuberculosis - active and in the stage of complications, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, eczema).

We participate in baptismal bathing: rules and tips

Many Orthodox people do not miss such a tradition as bathing at Epiphany, which accompanies big celebration, namely the Baptism of Christ. This event is considered a very important and significant church holiday. This day is usually celebrated as a memory of the baptism of Jesus on the Jordan River. Given that the ceremony took place in the river, people on this special day try to plunge into the water. It is believed that such an action can give strength, cleanse from sins and get rid of diseases. However, doctors can argue about the latter, since it will be difficult for an unprepared body to endure even a short bath in ice water, and even in frost. For this reason, those who wish to spend this day according to all church rules should conduct Epiphany bathing very carefully. An unhardened organism should refuse excessive hypothermia, as this can be very dangerous.

When is bathing

Many who want to swim are interested in when they bathe at Epiphany. It is worth noting that the consecration of water in this religious holiday carried out in 2 stages. The first comes on Christmas Eve, that is, on the evening of the day before Epiphany itself. In this case, special events are held in the church. The second stage is the water procedures themselves in the open air. Here it is necessary to find a suitable body of water - a river or, and then conduct a rite of consecration. All this is done exclusively by clergymen who read prayers and immerse the cross in water 3 times.

The Feast of Epiphany itself is the final day of Christmas time. On the eve of this important event, according to church laws, it is forbidden to eat anything, since this is the time of the strictest fast. On the holiday itself, it is also unacceptable to use fatty foods. On Epiphany, it is customary to serve kutia and Lenten dishes on the table.

In addition to the festive feast, water procedures are considered mandatory. They are important due to the fact that water on this day is considered healing and can relieve many ailments. As for what time Epiphany bathing begins, it is recommended to plunge into the water from 12 at night to 4 in the morning on January 19. It is during this period that consecrated water gains the greatest strength.

Many believe that bathing at Epiphany is only possible when the water is blessed by a priest, since it can heal both diseases internal organs and various wounds. Moreover, consecrated water relieves stress and psychological strain. For this reason, it is recommended to keep it at home. If it is not possible to visit an open reservoir on the feast of Epiphany, you can put water on the balcony for the night. In the morning, she should acquire healing properties, although not as strong as after consecration by a clergyman.

Features of baptismal water

Water is very important for every living being. It is found everywhere and in itself can work wonders. However, many attribute to her additional positive traits after it is consecrated by the clergy.

The Bible says that once God even punished mankind and washed away everything unclean from the earth with a flood. It is also believed that water on the feast of Epiphany can wash away sins from a person. Thanks to the prayers read by the clergy, the water becomes holy. As a result, she has special properties. The liquid that was collected at Baptism can be stored for a very long time. Sometimes it sits quietly in bottles for decades and remains fit for human consumption. The main purpose for which baptismal water is used is to get rid of sins, unclean things, save the soul and get closer to God.

Why do people bathe in Epiphany

As for how many days you can swim for Epiphany, in this case, after the end of the night church service on January 19, the procession begins. Its completion is the consecration of the hole with the cross, after which you can proceed to water procedures. It is believed that water after its consecration does not lose its healing properties throughout the day, so everyone has the opportunity to go through this ritual.

This tradition is interpreted in different ways. Some plunge into the water solely for preventive purposes, so as not to get sick. For others, it is important to atone for sins in this way. But there is also a category of people who bathe in ice water solely in order to prove to themselves or other people that they are capable of this small feat.

Connoisseurs do not recommend swimming in the hole for Epiphany for those who did not fast at the right time and did not attend church. In this case, there will be no healing effect of water, since it works exclusively in combination. Moreover, out of habit, the body can react negatively to hypothermia, which will lead to the development of a serious illness.

It has long been believed that bathing three times in the hole at Epiphany has a positive effect on health, relieving all ailments, but it is better not to perform such a procedure without prior preparation. Moreover, it is forbidden to swim in the hole while intoxicated.

How to use holy water

Epiphany water is considered very popular among Orthodox Christians. At the same time, it is widely used not only by those people who periodically attend church and live according to all its rules, but also simply baptized people. The Feast of Epiphany is considered very important, so even those who do not fast and do not go to church try not to miss it. Holy water can be found in many homes. It is used for various purposes.

Water, which received its power at Baptism, is considered special. This has been confirmed by many studies. Some time ago, it was proved that the liquid consecrated on this church holiday, in its density, approaches the water from the Jordan River. Medicinal properties also explained with scientific point vision. Doctors believe that the healing qualities of holy water depend on magnetic field, which changes somewhat exactly on January 19 of each year. However, these data cannot be considered accurate. Until the end, the phenomenon of holy water has not yet been studied.

It is believed that at Epiphany is the time when you can swim and draw water, as it acquires special qualities and becomes sacred. You can not only bathe in it to remove all ailments and sins from yourself, but also collect it to use it later. It is believed that such water will be stored for a long time, and it can be drunk even after a year.

Knowledgeable people assure that baptismal water is best consumed before meals. You can wash your face with it in the mornings and evenings to start and end the day absolutely clean. It is believed that such water relieves anxiety, improves immunity and relieves a number of ailments. It can wash wounds and gargle with a cold. Holy water is especially good for the little ones.

The benefits and harms of swimming in the hole

Since ancient times, plunging into an ice hole was considered an integral ritual of Epiphany celebrations, so everyone knew when and what time bathing for Epiphany begins. Thus, people tried to strengthen their health, which could really be achieved by hardening.

Back in the 19th century, a hypothesis was published that winter swimming can treat everything from mild headaches to hypertension. However, a stable therapeutic effect is possible only in cases where a person hardens his body gradually.

positive impact water procedures V winter time really proven. But for this you need to know how to properly swim at Epiphany in ice water. Without regular hardening, such experiments can lead to negative consequences. Moreover, often people drink a glass or two for courage. This is especially harmful and dangerous, because if you overdo it with alcohol, the body's reaction to hypothermia can be unpredictable.

It should be noted that during immersion in cold water during Epiphany frosts, body temperature instantly drops. It may come as a shock. Immersion in ice water causes the body to activate its reserves, as the body cools sharply by at least 3°, and the skin temperature drops to 15°. After bathing, the body will be very tense to compensate for the lack of heat. All this requires a lot of oxygen, so even oxygen starvation can occur.

Based on this, we can conclude that bathing in ice water on the feast of Epiphany is an activity for trained people. You should not test the strength of your body without prior training.

How to swim at Baptism for the first time, every person should know, so that after that they do not regret their deed and do not treat a lot of diseases.

Cooling should be gradual. First you need to remove outerwear and spend some time like this, then shoes are removed and the person becomes barefoot on the snow. Then you can undress to the waist and rub the body with a fat cream or oil.

Immediately before diving into ice water, it is worth stretching your muscles well so as not to get muscle spasm. The body must be normal temperature, that is, not overheated and not frozen. If the pre-workout has made the muscles very hot, you need to wait a while until they cool down.

The time that a person can spend in ice water without further consequences, should not exceed 15 seconds. After bathing, it is necessary to rub the body well with a terry towel. First of all, the legs and arms are processed, and lastly, the chest. Immediately after wiping, you need to go into the heat, warm up and eat.

Many people wonder whether it is worth bathing in clothes, or should it be done naked. Here everyone chooses the option that suits him. Strict rules no, but you need to understand that it can be very difficult to take off wet and icy swimming trunks or a swimsuit in the cold. For this reason, many people prefer skinny-dipping at Epiphany.

If a person understands that his strength and training are not enough to plunge into the hole in the street, you can swim at Baptism at home. It is believed that on January 19, all the water that is on the planet is filled with miraculous power, so there should not be much difference in the effect.

The Baptism of the Lord 2017 comes on the night of January 18-19. Epiphany is the sixth most important church holiday. This date is associated with the day of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.

About when to bathe on Epiphany, on January 18 or 19, when to collect holy water, about the traditions of the holiday - in the article "Ten News".

When to swim for Epiphany 2017? According to tradition, on Epiphany they bathe in an ice-hole on the night of January 18-19. By the way, this year ice-holes for swimming will be organized in almost all cities. So, for example, in Moscow more than 100,000 people plan to take part in Epiphany bathing.

In the event that you fail to plunge into the hole on the night of January 18-19, do not worry. Swimming at Epiphany will be possible throughout January 19th.

Is it necessary to bathe at Epiphany?

Bathing at Epiphany in the hole is optional. Moreover, the church does not insist on baptismal bathing, the main thing for a believer on this day is the presence on church service, confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, communion of baptismal water.

In addition, bathing at Baptism does not cleanse a person from sins.

In order to be baptized, you must come to the temple, where the priest will perform the Sacrament of Baptism over you. Epiphany bathing is not enough to consider yourself baptized.

The Baptism of the Lord: when to draw water

On Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18), after the Great Liturgy and on January 19, the Great Hagiasma is performed all day long, i.e. water lighting. These days you can collect baptismal water in any church. Illumination is carried out by one clergyman, so there is no difference between Epiphany and Epiphany water.

You can take water in the temple after the service, you can also bring your own water for consecration, but remember that it should be ordinary pure water, and not mineral and not carbonated.

You can also get baptismal water from the tap. It is best to do this in the time interval from 00:10. until 01:30 on the night of January 18th-19th. You can harvest water later, but this time is considered the best.

How to use holy water?

It is customary to use holy water with a prayer: “Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of passions and my infirmities through Thy boundless mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen".

It is advisable to drink holy water on an empty stomach, however, in case of illness or some other problems, you can drink holy water at any time.

Can you add holy water to a bath tub?

You can drink holy water, you can sprinkle it, sprinkle the house, things, but it is not intended for bathing.

The first bathing in the hole at Epiphany arose as a tradition, after the adoption of Christianity in Kievan Rus in 988. January 19 is a church holiday - the Baptism of the Lord, during Divine Liturgy a great consecration of water is performed, which has healing power. It is assumed that all water elements on this day, they acquire miraculous features that strengthen bodily and spiritual strength.

What does bathing in the hole at Epiphany mean?

The hole in which they bathe is called Jordan, they come to it after the solemn Divine service, without the prayer of the priest it is not customary to plunge into the water. The priest blesses those who wish to perform the rite of bathing at Baptism - he reads a prayer in front of the wormwood and immerses the cross into it three times, only after the completion of the prayers can the ritual be performed. It is wrong to prescribe the property of purifying and washing away sins by tradition; in order to get rid of sins, one must repent and.

Where did bathing in the hole for Epiphany come from?

The feast to which the tradition adjoins is the most ancient - the Baptism of the Lord was introduced as a separate event in the church service around the year 377. Ancient Christians on this day came to the Jordan, the place where Jesus Christ was baptized. The rite of baptismal bathing - folk tradition, which a person commits at his own request, there are no church prescriptions on this issue. The water consecrated on this day has special properties, which has been proven by scientific research.

What gives bathing in the hole at Epiphany?

If we consider the question of what bathing at Baptism gives, it should be understood what a person expects to receive from such actions. Plunging into the water in Epiphany frosts is not so easy, even with a strong desire. The main thing - there must be faith that water has the ability to heal ailments, and the procedure will not cause harm, the desire to pray - to entrust your needs into the hands of God.

Bathing in frost helps to increase immunity - sudden changes in temperature activate the release of hormones into the blood, which have a protective effect on negative changes in the body, decreases arterial pressure comes a burst of energy. Marking yourself with a cross three times before diving into the hole is a prerequisite.

Epiphany bathing - pros and cons

The tradition of bathing at Epiphany is a test of a person's willpower. Doctors state the fact that the percentage of cases after such "procedures" is insignificant. According to the stories of those who have bathed, in the first few minutes a person is gripped by euphoria, the body becomes unusually light, grace is felt in the soul, a surge of special indescribable sensations comes.

It is forbidden to risk poor health for unforgettable dives in the water. The Church does not oblige or prescribe such a ceremony for believers; it is not part of the holiday. Having skipped bathing, a person does not lose grace. On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, one must come to prayer at the church, one can confess and take communion, sprinkle oneself and one's house with sacred water brought from the temple.

When do they bathe in the hole at Epiphany?

January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is generally accepted that after the consecration of water in churches on this day, it becomes healing in all water sources, and retains such properties for the next few days. Bathing itself at Epiphany does not begin without the blessings of the priest, the consecration of places for dipping takes place after the festive services on the morning of January 19.

How to prepare for bathing at Epiphany?

A few tips on how to prepare for the Epiphany bathing in the hole. For an unhardened person, such a dive is stressful, and the consequences of exposure to cold water can be minimized by preliminary hardening of the body. A few days before, it is advisable to take, go outside or balcony for a few minutes in summer version clothes - shorts and a T-shirt, do wiping with a damp towel soaked in cold water, practice dousing with water at a low temperature.

Epiphany bathing - rules

Bathing rules for Baptism can be divided into parts. First and most important point- performing such an act, a person should pray: for the salvation of the soul, for loved ones, to ask God's help for healing from ailments. It is wrong to plunge into the water for fun or under the influence of alcohol, to experience thrills, to expect healing of the body and soul as a result is unacceptable.

There are a lot of pluses for medical reasons, why bathing for baptism is useful - working capacity increases, allergic reactions, depression, insomnia, pain in the joints and spinal region disappear in the body. Significantly reduced attacks of bronchial asthma, normalizes blood circulation. The body temperature, when immersed, approaches the indicator with a mark of forty degrees, in a few minutes numerous armies of viruses and bacteria die in the body - the work of the immune system increases.

Is it possible to get sick when bathing at Epiphany? Yes, because stressful immersion in water can cause a number of unpleasant consequences in a weakened body. In diabetics, the level of sugar in the blood rises sharply, in the cores there are attacks of arrhythmia and hypertension, in cancer patients there is an undesirable suppression of immunity. Swimming is prohibited for people with flu and acute respiratory infections.

Is it dangerous to swim in the hole for Epiphany?

Discussions about the dangers of swimming in the hole at Epiphany are a serious issue. Organization of the venue - main criterion choice, for those wishing to plunge. It is undesirable to come alone to unprepared ice holes, it is a direct threat to human health and life, in case of an unforeseen reaction of the body to cold water, there should be people ready to provide qualified assistance. Tips on how to properly swim in the hole for Epiphany:

  • undressing should be done in several stages - take off outerwear, let the body adapt, then undress to a swimsuit;
  • walk in the snow - give a signal to the body, through the receptors of the feet, turn on a protective reaction to the cold;
  • after being in the water, change clothes, you can’t put on dry things on top of wet ones;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages to warm up after the procedure is not recommended.

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