Levels of organization of living matter. Levels of organization of living matter Correspondence between the representative and the level of organization of life

Option #1

I. The totality of all biogeocenoses forms□ , and the totality of all living organisms –substance of the biosphere.

II. The boundaries of the biosphere are the boundaries□ in the atmosphere, hydrosphere. lithosphere.

Task 2. Rasp divide by table columnsexamples below

Environmental factors

Abiotic factors

Biotic factors

Anthropogenic factors

Task 3 . Define the concepts listed in the first column by choosing the correct answers from the second column:

I. organic matter –

1. substance of cells and tissues of living organisms

II. living matter -

2. chemical compounds containing N, O, C, H, P

III. biosphere –

3. the totality of all living organisms

IV. living matter of the biosphere -

4. the totality of biogeocenoses of the Earth

Task 4. How does the nitrogen cycle occur?

Task 5. What is the importance of the biosphere in human life?

Task 6. How do human activities affect the atmosphere?

Task 7. Why is the idea of ​​V.I. Vernadsky about the change of the planet by living organisms became a great scientific discovery?

Tasks 8. Reveal the essence of biogenesis using the example of any hypothesis.

Task 9. Who are hydrobionts? List their signs of adaptation to the environment.

Section “Biosphere level of life organization”

Option No. 2

Task 1. Fill in the blanks.

I. The creator of the doctrine of the biosphere V.I. Vernadsky was one of the first geologists to draw attention to the enormous planetary role□ , its defining influence
on geological processes.

II. By ensuring the circulation of substances, involving more and more new elements into it, creating new rocks, living organisms transform□ .

Task 2 . Give correct definition each group of environmental factors

Task 3 . Indicate the significance of each of the listed functions of living matter in the biosphere by selecting the correct answers from the second column:

I. energy

– 1. mineralization of organic matter

II. transport

– 2. cleansing the biosphere from sick or infected animals

III. environment-forming

– 3. transfer of substances

IV. cumulative

– 4. selective increase in the concentration of any chemical element, the formation of sedimentary rocks

V. destructive

– 5. transformation of environmental conditions (soil formation, microclimate, etc.)

VI. sanitary

6. solar energy storage
and its transmission through food chains

VII evolutionary

7. Transformation of life forms

Task 4. What is the biosphere and what are its boundaries?

Task 5. What are the results of the carbon cycle?

Task 6. Why is it necessary to form an environmental consciousness of all inhabitants of the planet?

Task 7. Prove that the biosphere is habitat human life.

Tasks 8. Reveal the essence of abiogenesis using the example of any hypothesis.

Task 9. Who are edaphobionts? List their signs of adaptation to the environment.


Option 1

Prokaryotes -

Autotrophs -

3. Which object is missing from the leaf litter food chain below - > . .. - > hedgehog - > fox

1) mole

2) grasshopper

3) earthworm

4) molds

Explain your choice.

4.Prove the statement to be true or false

The biosphere is one of the global ecosystems

5. Match the example environmental factor and the group to which he belongs. To do this, select a position from the second column for each element of the first column. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

Test on the topic “Biosphere level of organization”

Option 2

1. Who is this and what contribution did he make to the development of biology?

2. Define the terms.

Eukaryotes -

Heterotrophs -

3. Name an animal that should be included in food chain: grass - > . .. -> wolf

1) tiger

2) hawk

3) hare

4) fox

Explain your choice.

4. Prove the statement to be true or false

The stability of the biosphere is associated with the diversity of living matter.

5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the organism and the functional group to which it belongs. To do this, select a position from the second column for each element of the first column. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.



A) form organic substances from inorganic ones

1) manufacturers

B) consume ready-made organic substances

2) consumers

C) use solar energy to synthesize organic substances

D) belongs to herbivorous animals

D) are the first link in the food chain

Write down the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the answer line.

19. Establish a correspondence between the criteria of a living thing and their characteristic features (Formation 1) -B)).

Living criteria

Characteristic signs

1) Unity of biochemical composition

2) Discreteness and integrity.
3) Self-regulation.
4) Reproduction.
5) Rhythm.












20. A method in which the researcher artificially creates a situation that allows one to identify certain properties of biological objects is ....

21. The method on which the descriptive method is based is ..... .

22 . A method that made it possible to identify similarities and differences in the process of comparing objects -......

23. A method that allows us to identify the patterns of the appearance and development of organisms, the complexity of their structure and functions - .... .

24. During this method, a computer is often used - …….
Biology as a science. History of the development of biology. Methods of knowledge of living nature

Option 2

I. Biology as a science.Tasks with a choice of one correct answer.

1. Botany is the science of...

a) animals; c) plants;

b) microorganisms; d) mushrooms.

2. Cytology is the science of...

a) the relationship between living organisms and their habitat;

b) cage;

c) creating new and improving existing varieties of cultivated plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms;

d) patterns of heredity and variability.

3. Studies the patterns of heredity and variability:

a) ecology; c) ethology;

b) genetics; d) geology.

4 . Anatomy studies:

a) the structure of internal organs;

b) external structure organisms;

c) functioning of internal organs;

d) vital activity of organisms.

5 . Science studies the individual development of organisms.

a) ethology; c) ecology;

b) embryology; d) entomology.

II. Short story development of biology.

6. Louis Pasteur - ...

a) the founder of microbiology and determined the emergence of immunology;

b) creator of the cell theory;

c) founder of embryology;

d) creator of the gene theory.

7 . The first scientist to create a scientific medical school..

a) Claudius Golen; c) Hippocrates;

b) William Harvey; d) Gregor Mendel.

8. First to formulate the theory of evolution of the living world

a) Jean Baptiste Lamarck; c) Claudius Golen;

b) Leonardo da Vinci; d) Carl Linnaeus.

9. Formulated the cell theory...

a) Mechnikov and Pasteur; c) Schwann and Schleiden;

b) Vesalius and Harvey; d) Watson and Crick.

10. The doctrine of the biosphere belongs to.....

a) Sechenov; c) Pavlov;

b) Mechnikov; d) Vernadsky.

11. Created the doctrine of conditioned reflexes...

a) Vernadsky; c) Pavlov;

b) Mechnikov; d) Sechenov.

12. Discovered antibiotics...

a) Francis Crick; c) Ivan Shmalhausen;

b) James Watson; d) Alexander Fleming.

13. Leonardo da Vinci - ...

a) laid the foundation for human anatomy, which lasted for 15 centuries;

b) laid the foundation for modern scientific illustration;

c) formulated the doctrine of temperaments.

III. Levels of organization of living matter.

14. The active interaction of living and inert matter of the planet is carried out at the level...

a) organismal; c) biosphere;

b) population-specific; d) biogeocenotic.

15. At this level, the process of speciation occurs.

a) organismic; c) population-specific;

b) biosphere; d) biogeocenotic.

16. Structural elements of the tissue level - ...

a) organs; c) organelles;

b) molecules; d) cells.

17. The organ is structural component…. level.

a) cellular; c) molecular;

b) organismal; d) population-specific.

18. There is no life beyond this level.

a) biogeocenotic; c) population-specific;

b) biosphere; d) cellular.

IV. Properties of living things.

19. Establish a correspondence between the criteria of a living thing and their characteristic features (Formation 1) -B))

Living criteria

Characteristic signs

1) Unity of elemental chemical composition.

2) Openness

3) Metabolism and energy.

4) Irritability and movement.

5) Unity structural organization

A) A living system extracts, transforms and uses substances from the environment and returns decay products to it.

B) Organisms are adapted to changing living conditions.

IN) The unit of structure, life activity, reproduction, and individual development is the cell; There is no life outside the cell.

G) In the process of their life activity between organisms and environment There is a constant exchange of matter and energy.

D) Of the known more than 100 chemicals. six elements are required to build a living organism - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus.

E) Organisms are able to maintain homeostasis during the metabolic process.

AND) Any biological system consists of separate interacting parts, which together form a structural and functional unity.

H) Organisms ensure continuity of life and continuity of generations.

AND) Organisms selectively react to external and internal influences.

TO) All living organisms consist mainly of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids, and total mass The main share of body substances is water (at least 70-85%).

V. Study methods in biology. Instead of dots, insert the name of the method.

20. Thanks to this method, the foundations of the taxonomy of plants and animals were laid, the cell theory was created - .... .

21. This method allows you to compare existing facts with previously known data - ……. .

22 . A method that allows you to reproduce experimental conditions that are sometimes not possible to recreate in reality - ....

23. The method is based on the collection of factual material and its description -…. .

24 . During this method, the researcher artificially creates a situation -…. .


1 option




5) Z

20. experiment

21. observation

22. comparative

23. historical

24. modeling
Option 2




5) F

20. comparative

21. historical

22. modeling

23. observation and description

Task 26.

Select the structural features of the DNA molecule.

1. Single chain molecule

2. Contains uracil nucleotide

3. Double-stranded molecule

4. Helical molecule

5. Contains ribose

6. Chains are held together by hydrogen bonds

The correct answer is 346.

Task 27.

Prokaryotic cells have

1. Nucleoid with DNA

2. Real core

3. Golgi apparatus

4. Homologous chromosomes

5. Ribosomes

6. Cell membrane

The correct answer is 156.

Task 28.

Select signs that apply only to coelenterates.

1. Three-layer structure

2. Bilateral symmetry

3. Two-layer body structure

4. There is a polyp stage in the development cycle

6. The body consists of ectoderm, endoderm and mesoglea

The correct answer is 346.

Task 29.

Establish a correspondence between representatives of the kingdoms of organisms and their characteristics.


A. Creates finished organic substances from inorganic ones

B. Sporophyte diploid

B. Consists of hyphae

G. Heterotroph by feeding method

D. Forms mycorrhiza with tree roots

E. Performs the functions of a producer in nature

Representatives of the kingdoms

1. Bracken fern

2. Fly agaric mushroom

The correct answer is 112221.

Task 30.

Establish a correspondence between the gland and its functions in the human body.


A. Secretion of digestive juice

B. Secretion of iodine-containing hormone

B. Secretion of adrenaline

D. Secretion of glucagon

D. Vitamin deficiency leads to Graves' disease (hyperfunction)

E. Secretion of norepinephrine


1. Pancreas

2. Thyroid

3. Adrenal gland

The correct answer is 123123.

Task 31.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of variability and its type.


A. Group, manifests itself in all individuals of the species

B. Individual

B. Leads to changes in hereditary material

D. Determined by the influence of environmental conditions

D. Uncertain

E. Certain

Type of variability

1. Mutation

2. Modification

The correct answer is 211212.

Task 32.

Establish a correspondence between the levels of life organization and the processes occurring at this level.


A. The emergence of branched power networks

B. Transfer of energy from link to link

B. Free crossing of individuals

D. Birth of fertile offspring

D. Cycle of substances

E. Formation of a specific gene pool

Levels of life organization

1. Population

2. Biocenotic

The correct answer is 221121.

Task 33.

Install correct sequence links in the food chain.

1. Hawk

2. Oak leaves

3. Tit

4. Gypsy moth

5. Bacteria

The correct answer is 23415.

Task 34.

Prove that each subsequent level of life organization is more complex system than the previous one.

The correct answer is that the scientific justification for dividing living systems into levels is that:

1. Living systems consist of interacting elements and become more complex as they develop: cells - tissues - organism - populations - species, etc.

2. Each more highly organized living system includes previous systems. Tissues are made up of cells, organs are made up of tissues, the body is made up of organs, etc.

Task 35.

Which plant organ is shown in the picture? Which parts of this organ are indicated by numbers 1, 2, 3? What functions does it perform in the life of a plant?

The correct answer is that the picture shows a shoot, a complex organ of a plant. The numbers indicate: 1 - apical bud, 2 - leaf axil, 3 - internode. Functions - growth, photosynthesis, vegetative reproduction.

Task 36.

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are allowed, explain them.

1. About 80 chemical elements included in the periodic table of D.I. were found in the composition of the cell. Mendeleev.

2. The group of macroelements consists of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and zinc.

3. The group of microelements consists of bromine, nitrogen, iron and iodine.

4. Calcium and phosphorus are involved in the formation of bone tissue

5. In addition, phosphorus is an element on which normal blood clotting depends.

6. Iron is part of hemoglobin - the protein of red blood cells.

The correct answer is that mistakes were made in sentences 2, 3, 5.

Suggestion 2 - Zinc is not a macronutrient.

Suggestion 3 - Nitrogen is a macronutrient.

Suggestion 5 - Phosphorus is not involved in blood clotting processes; calcium is involved in them.

Task 37.

Australian physiologist Otto Lewy in 1921 drew attention to the following fact: when irritated electric shock branches of the vagus nerve approaching the isolated heart of the frog, the frequency of contractions of this heart slows down. Levi pumped blood out of the heart's ventricle and transferred it to the isolated heart of another frog. The second heart also began to beat less frequently. Explain this fact using your knowledge of the mechanisms of nerve impulse conduction.

Explanation: nerve impulse travels along nerve fiber and is transmitted from cell to cell using synapses, they are electrical, chemical and electro-chemical. In this case, we have a case with an electro-chemical impulse, that is, signal transmission is facilitated chemical substances- mediators (acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, etc.). In this experiment, when a nerve impulse passed through the heart, a mediator was released - acetylcholine, which slows down heart contractions. The contents of the heart - blood with acetylcholine - were transferred to the isolated heart of another frog, where the neurotransmitter continued its work of slowing heart contractions.

Task 38.

The female cod spawns several hundred thousand eggs, and the female seahorse- A few dozens. Determine the ratio of individuals surviving to maturity for each species. Explain your answer.

The correct answer is that the fertility of cod is higher than that of the seahorse. Male seahorses guard their young. Approximately the same number of individuals of both species usually survive to maturity.

Task 39.

A fragment of a DNA chain has the nucleotide sequence TCACGTACGGGT. Using a table genetic code, determine the sequence of mRNA, tRNA anticodons and the corresponding amino acid sequence in a fragment of the synthesized protein molecule.

The correct answer is that you first need to add the mRNA chain synthesized on this DNA fragment, using knowledge of the DNA complementarity rule TCACGTACGGGT.


Now you should assign the codons of the resulting mRNA chain to the data in the table:

AGU - sir

GCA - ala

UGC - cis

CC - about

tRNA anticodons - UCA, TsGU, ACG, GGU.

The sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule is ser, ala, cis, pro.

Task 40.

A black furry rabbit, heterozygous for both traits, is crossed with a smooth white rabbit. Draw up a crossing scheme and determine the genotypes of the offspring from crossing a black smooth rabbit, heterozygous for the first trait, with a smooth white rabbit homozygous for both traits. What law of genetics is manifested in this case?

The correct answer is A - black color

a - white color

B - shaggy wool

c - smooth wool

R: AaVv x aavv

Gametes: AB, av, Av, aB x av

F1: AaBv, Aavv, aaBv, aavv

It is necessary to determine all the genotypes specified in the condition.

Then you need to draw up a diagram of the new crossing and record its results.

R: Aavv x aavv

Gametes: Av, av x av

F2: Aavv x aavv

The law of independent inheritance appears.

1.Match the correspondence between characteristic feature living systems and one of its manifestations:

1) openness

2) molecular chirality

3) homeostasis

flows of matter and energy constantly pass through living systems

living systems are characterized by one of the possible spatial forms of one or another chemical compound

there are molecular mechanisms for maintaining the constancy of the environment of a living system

is happening permanent shift generations of cells in an organism, organisms in populations


The openness of living systems is manifested in the fact that flows of matter and energy constantly pass through living systems. In a living system, many bioorganic molecules exist in one of two possible spatial forms, that is, they are asymmetric (chiral).

Homeostasis is associated with the existence of molecular mechanisms to maintain constancy internal environment living system under changing environmental conditions.

2. Establish a correspondence between the levels of organization of biological systems and their examples:

1) organelles

2) biopolymers




An example of an organelle is lysosomes, which contain enzymes capable of breaking down biopolymers. DNA is a biopolymer. Leukocytes are white blood cells that produce antibodies that absorb bacteria and dead cells.

3. Match chemical element and its main role in a living cell:

2) hydrogen

an organogen element that is part of the functional groups of organic molecules

an organogen element that, together with carbon, forms the structural basis organic compounds

microelement found in enzymes and vitamins

macroelement, which is the structural basis of inorganic nature


Sulfur is an organogenic element that is part of the functional groups of organic molecules. Hydrogen is an organogen element that, together with carbon, forms the structural basis of organic compounds. Zinc is a trace element found in enzymes and vitamins.

4. Establish a correspondence between the property of water and its significance for life on Earth:

1) high surface tension

2) abnormal ice density

3) high heat capacity

possibility of movement aqueous solutions from roots to stems and leaves

preserving the lives of living creatures inhabiting frozen bodies of water

participation of hydrosphere water in regulating climate on our planet

ability to dissolve solid, liquid, gaseous substances


High surface tension allows water solutions to move from roots to stems and leaves. The anomalous density in the solid state has great importance to preserve the lives of living creatures inhabiting frozen bodies of water. The high heat capacity of hydrosphere water helps regulate the climate on our planet.

Part A tasks. Choose one correct answer from the four proposed

A1. Lowest level living organization is:

1) atomic

2) cellular

3) molecular

4) organismic

A2. Among the listed substances it is not a biological polymer:

2) glucose

3) glycogen

4) hemoglobin

A3. Inorganic substances cells are:

1) carbohydrates and fats

2) nucleic acids and water

3) proteins and fats

4) water and mineral water

A4. Organic cell substances that provide storage hereditary information and transmission to its descendants, the basis of its genetic apparatus:

3) carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

A5. Of the listed carbohydrates, a monosaccharide is:

2) starch

3) sucrose

4) fructose

A6. Lipid molecules consist of:

1) amino acid

2) monosaccharides

3) water and minerals

4) glycerol and higher fatty acids

A7. Compared to the oxidation of 1 g of carbons, the oxidation of fats of the same mass produces energy:

1) less than half

2) twice as much

3) four times more

4) the same amount

A8. Organic substances that are the main building material cell structures and taking part in the regulation of its vital processes are:

1) proteins

3) carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

A9. The whole variety of proteins is formed due to different combinations in their molecules:

1) 4 amino acids

2) 20 amino acids

3) 28 amino acids

4) 56 amino acids

A10. The highest level of spatial structural configuration of the hemoglobin molecule:

1) primary

2) secondary

3) tertiary

4) quaternary

A11. The monomers of nucleic acid molecules are:

1) nucleotides

2) monosaccharides

3) amino acids

4) higher fatty acids

A12. DNA contains sugar:

2) glucose

3) fructose

4) deoxyribose

A13. Indicate a pair of complementary nucleotides in a DNA molecule:

2) A-T

A14. For the DNA region ACCGTAATG, indicate the complementary strand:





A15. ATP contains:

1) ribose, adenine, three phosphoric acid residues

2) ribose, adenine, one phosphoric acid residue

3) ribose, deoxyribose, three phosphoric acid residues

4) deoxyribose, adenine, three phosphoric acid residues

A16. ATP plays important role in the metabolism of organisms, since:

1) is the structural basis of nucleotides

2) contains microenergy connections

3) is usually the end product of metabolism

4) it can be quickly obtained from the environment surrounding the body

A17. Water-soluble vitamins include:

2) C

A18. By chemical composition most enzymes are:

2) proteins

3) carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

2) viruses

3) bacteria

4) unicellular plants

A20. Viruses consist of:

1) cellulose membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus

2) protein shell and cytoplasm

3) nucleic acid and protein shell

4) several microscopic cells

Part B tasks. Choose three correct answers from the six proposed

IN 1. The DNA molecule differs from mRNA in that:

1) it is rolled into a spiral

2) consists of two polynucleotide chains

3) consists of one polynucleotide chain

4) has the ability to self-double

5) does not have the ability to self-double

6) serves as a template for the assembly of a polypeptide chain

AT 2. Carbohydrates have the following functions:

1) signal

2) structural

3) transport

4) regulatory

5) energy

6) enzymatic

Match the contents of the first and second columns

AT 3. Match the organic substance and the function it performs in the cell and/or in the body

A b V G d
5 1 4 2 3

Establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, practical actions

AT 4. Establish the sequence of formation of the structure of the hemoglobin protein molecule

a) twisting of protein molecules into a helix

b) the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids and the formation of a peptide chain

c) the union of several globules

d) twisting the protein molecule into a ball

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