Boxer Magomed Abdusalamov, who suffered serious injuries, began to talk with relatives

For 5 years of professional boxing, heavyweight Magomed Abdusalamov has never lost; the boxer won all his victories exclusively by knockout and mainly in the early stages of the fight. Only in November 2013, luck left Magomed - he not only lost to the enemy (albeit on points), but also ended up in the hospital the next day with a blood clot in the brain.

Magomed was born in Makhachkala, Dagestan; he was the eldest son in the family and was brought up in full accordance with the strict tenets of the Muslim faith. Magomed's father was well aware that in the unstable situation that existed in the country at that time, the boy had every chance of contacting crime; Abdusalamov Sr. decided to protect his son from the wrong life choices with the help of sports. The idea turned out to be extremely successful - the young man showed outstanding athletic abilities. Magomed proved to be a talented boxer even when he was an amateur - for example, in 2005 and 2006 he managed to win a convincing victory at the Russian Super Championship. heavyweight.

Alas, even despite such brilliant achievements, Abdusalamov for some time remained in the shadow of a more famous and successful

another fighter, Islam Timurziev; as a consequence, the exit to international level Abdusalamov did not even have to dream.

In 2008, Abdusalamov took part in the qualifying competitions for the Olympics, but Magomed failed to leave the qualification - the Englishman David Price stood in his way, eventually taking bronze.

In 2008, Magomed retrained as a professional; he won his first eight fights by knockout in the first round. On this moment Abdusalamov has 18 wins (all 18 by knockout) and 1 defeat. Relatively quick knockout victories to this day are a kind of trademark of Magomed Abdusalamov.

At the end of 2011, Magomed defeated American boxer Rich Power; his opponent Magom

d knocked out in the third round.

In February 2012, Abdusalamov defeated the American Pedro Rodriguez, who had not previously known defeat. The Russian won his next victory over the American Jason Pettaway; this time, the opponent managed to hold out against Abdusalamov for more than three rounds - and only in the fourth did he go for a knockout. The next opponent of Magomed, the American Maurice Byarm, failed to repeat Pettaway's original record and was knocked out in the second round.

In September 2012, Abdusalamov went to fight with Jameel McCline; the fight turned out to be extremely tense, although rather short - in the first round, Magomed, for the first time in his professional career, sent

I'm knocked down. Having come to his senses, Abdusalamov managed to turn the tide - by the end of the first round, he won back the lost initiative, and at the end of the second, he himself sent the opponent to a knockdown. McCline managed to get up, but the referee considered it reasonable to stop the fight - with which Jamil did not argue. As it turned out later, Magomed did not come out in the best shape for the fight with McCline - even before the fight he broke a rib and did not have time to completely heal the injury.

In March 2013, Puerto Rican Victor Bisbal came out against Magomed. Again, Abdusalamov had a much harder time than expected - Bisbal clearly dominated the first two rounds. The third and fourth rounds for Magomed went to change the situation; in the fifth, he sent the opponent to a knockout. The victory brought Magomed 3rd place in the WBC rankings.

In 2013, Abdusalamov lost on points to Cuban boxer Mike Perez. The mere fact that they managed to defeat Magomed Abdusalamov was in itself a surprise for boxing fans - for Magomed this was the first defeat. The Cuban failed to knock out the opponent, but Perez was awarded the victory on points. The affairs of the Russian boxer did not work out from the very beginning - an unsuccessful blow to the Cuban's head cost Magomed an injury to his left hand. Later, Perez further aggravated the situation by breaking Abdusalamov's nose.

The resulting injuries, however, by the standards of this sport did not seem particularly serious. After the fight, Magomed underwent a routine medical examination; the doctors did not find anything suspicious, and Abdusalamov himself did not complain about anything. Boxer feeling

l behaved quite normally and even found the strength to talk to journalists.

As it turned out later, the defeat itself was by no means main problem Magomed - the next morning the boxer began to have severe headaches. Abdusalamov was sent to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a blockage in one of the blood vessels in his brain. To minimize the harmful effects of this blockage, it was decided to put Magomed into an artificial coma.

The surgeons managed to cope with the operation - a blood clot potentially life-threatening for Abdusalamov was successfully removed. Nothing threatens the boxer's health at the moment; apparently, Magomed will not even lose coordination of movements. Now together with the boxer in New York are his father Magomed Magomedgadzhi and brother Abdusalam

“No one can forbid me to leave, but I will always be with my husband”

The story of Bakanay Abdusalamova - the wife of the Russian heavyweight Mago, who overnight turned from a professional boxing star into a disabled person

New York State to pay $22 million to Russian boxer Magomed Abdusalamov, who was chained to wheelchair after the battle for the US championship belt in the fall of 2013. The Abdusalamov family accused the American side of negligence and unprofessionalism, believing that such serious consequences for the boxer's health could have been avoided if the fight had been stopped and health care provided on time. The trial dragged on for several years, and all these years, his wife and three daughters remained next to the heavyweight, nicknamed Mago.

The wife of the athlete Bakanay Abdusalamov told “This is the Caucasus” how she was able to survive the tragedy and not lose hope.

I cry at night when everyone is asleep. I can't cry out loud. But sometimes I want to take the microphone and cry to the whole world. So that people learn to value relationships and correct mistakes. After all, everyone thinks that this will not happen to him.

"I fell in love with him immediately"

Maga and I had a typical Dagestan version of acquaintance - through our parents. I had a fiance, he had a fiancee. But my parents and the parents of my fiancé did not share something between themselves and broke off the engagement a month before the wedding. For some reason Maga also called off his engagement. We lived on neighboring streets, but I didn't know him. And Maga saw me, and he liked me. Our fathers knew each other. They talked about us. Maga was shown to me from the side, and I thought: "What a pretty one." Then Maga's parents came to us with a ring. The day of the wedding was immediately appointed - September 18, 2004.

I studied economics, but after the wedding I switched to correspondence. Maga said: “Don’t even bring your diploma home - you won’t work. I can only be your boss." It suited me. I wanted to be with my husband all the time.

What only Maga and I did not do at home! They could play catch, hide and seek. Two adults splashed each other with water from syringes, danced. With children, they could leave the house at 9 pm and just walk around shopping malls, ride the streets. I will not tell fiction and assure that we did not quarrel. Everything was. But we were happy - anyway. I fell in love with him right away. And he.

Three years after the wedding, I did not go out alone, even for bread. He walked by himself. Maga is very jealous. The first time I went by myself, he told me to call him and go with the phone on so that he could hear if someone would say something to me, and he could immediately come running to deal with my offender. If we were walking down the street together and someone looked at me, he could shout after me: “Are you looking at my wife?” If his friends without wives came to visit us, I could not leave the kitchen. He himself came in, took the plates with dishes and carried them away. He would not let me go anywhere alone - only accompanied by my mother or sister. And most of the time he was with me everywhere.

Sometimes I think I loved him too much. You can't love too hard. But I had such a crazy love. And also mad jealousy. If I saw him with someone, I would eat this girl. We just found each other, we had perfect couple. I believe in fate. Maga was my destiny. We lived happily for nine years.

"No one expected this to happen to Maga"

We lived in Makhachkala. Maga was an amateur boxer. Of course, I was scared for him. Went to fight three times. I was shaking, and every time I was ready to run into the ring myself and fight for my husband. When he moved to professional sports, it became more difficult for me to let him go into the ring. We already had two daughters. He alone flew to the USA for fights. Been absent for two months. I'm dying without him. He is bored there without us. And we got visas and in 2011 we moved to Los Angeles, and then moved to Miami, where it is always warm.

Several workouts a day for two to three hours. wild physical exercise especially before a fight. I felt sorry for him. Of course, I had thoughts about how good it would be if my husband had a different job ... Traumatic sports.

I rarely remember that day. Don't want. I remember our days before. No one expected this to happen to Maga. So many victories. He's so big for me. Meter ninety, a real man. Mountain.

If help had been provided on time, the consequences would not have been so severe. There would be an injury, but it could be cured, people live even after strokes. He is so young to me. He was only 32 years old.

Heavyweight boxer Magomed Abdusalamov approached the fateful fight in the status of one of the main hopes of Russian professional boxing. On November 2, 2013, in New York, the Dagestani met with the Cuban Mike Perez - both did not have a single defeat in the ring. In the very first round, Mago suffered a fracture of his left cheekbone, but held all 10 rounds against Perez. The Cuban won by unanimous decision. A few hours later, Mago was hospitalized in a medical center with a brain hemorrhage. Doctors had to put the boxer into an artificial coma to avoid brain damage from a blood clot. But a few days later, Abdusalamov suffered a stroke. Doctors performed a trepanation, removed a blood clot from the brain and part of the skull - so that the swelling subsided. Mago spent 10 months in an American clinic, where his wife Bakanai took care of him every day. The boxer remained chained to a wheelchair, his right side of his body was paralyzed.

"Medics' eyes popped out of surprise"

When everything happened, I got behind the wheel and began to drive to his hospital. An hour one way, returned at night. Every day I worked with Maga: exercises, massage. All my food at the time was a burger and Starbucks coffee.

All the doctors, nurses who worked there looked at me like I was crazy: she came again, she definitely won’t come back tomorrow.

I didn’t take care of myself, “drowned like a bull,” as they would say in Dagestan. I forgot myself, I forgot my children. I thought if he died, I would die after him, because I could not live without him. I was so short-circuited, he was like air to me. But I started having health problems. The doctors said if I didn't stop lifting it, my legs would give out and I would sit next to Maga.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in past life worked in a rehabilitation center. By the method of intuition, she was able to cure bedsores. She was able to prove to the doctors that Maga could think when he counted on his fingers. Developed motor skills so that left hand now such that if we got Perez, we would show him ... Maga tries to speak - like a child, but I understand him. When doctors in last time they saw Magomed - their eyes popped out of surprise. According to his picture of the brain, according to his examinations, this should not be.

Some advise me to temporarily take Maga to rehabilitation center to let me rest. I'm very tired. IN Last year I drink sedatives. But I don't want to leave him in the hospital. I know families where the other half cannot stand the serious illness of the spouse and leaves. And I do not blame - it is really very difficult. Nobody can stop me from leaving. I don't care what people say. But I will not leave Magu. This is the man whom I loved as a husband, as a man. Now he is like a child to me. And I can't leave him, I can't even go to bed separately. This is my man, and I will always be with him, to the last.

“A husband should look like a deputy”

When a film was being shot about us for one of the TV channels, they asked me to make my Instagram page accessible to everyone in order to take videos and photos from there. It turned out that many wanted to know about Magi's condition. At first, I was uncomfortable with such attention, it seemed as if they were rummaging through my underwear. And then strangers began to write words of support. I decided to leave the page open to everyone.

There is a video that drove everyone crazy because my nails were painted: they say that my husband is sick, and she is so all of herself. Judging by some of the comments, I should lie down and die next to my husband. But I'm not old enough to look bad. I’ve been like this since childhood: I like to dress up, at school I was the first clothes maker. I do my own nails and eyebrows. Sometimes you just want to write to some: “Calm down, girls. Wash your face in the morning, comb your hair, take care of yourself.”

I have the following rules: no matter what, the husband must look like a deputy. I shave every day. I can occasionally skip one day to rest my face. I bathe every morning. All clothes are carefully selected, the colors are combined with each other. If a small speck appears during lunch, immediately wash it. If a person is sick, this does not mean that he should be untidy. Now I have an assistant. At first, I did everything myself.

And some look and think: “Oh, what is hard in her life, so well-groomed, dressed, she probably has 500 nurses.” When I first read such comments, I told my husband: “Magash - that’s what I call him, and he’s my baby doll and princess - Magash, can you imagine, people think that I don’t take care of you, this is all just for the photo.” And he answers me that people are just jealous, that "you are mine."

"It's a different person"

Sometimes I say to Mage: “Maybe you need to be scared somehow so that you jump up? And what if suddenly thieves come into our house? What will you do?" He doesn't think anything is wrong. He is like a child.

From the very beginning, doctors told me not to wait for my husband: "He will be different." I didn't understand. Well, he won't box anymore, he won't run. And what? Now I understand: yes, this is a different person. I show Mage our old videos, I say that I love this person the most, I hug the phone. And he laughs: "Here I am." I miss him so much.

Now happiness for me is my children. Our daughters are eleven, eight and four. Of course they ask what happened to dad. The eldest, it seems to me, already understands everything. And is silent. The middle daughter still believes. You have to believe in miracles. Daughters don't see my tears, I don't show them to them. They are used to the fact that mom always dances, smiles. Just… if not, how else?

I show on Instagram how Maga and I dance. It still looks serious. If I show everything else, people will think that I am sick. I've always been that optimistic. I do not like quarrels and insults. I love to be loved. I often have this state of love for everything. I have so much of this feeling that our nurse says that I love love, I'm mad. I want to hug the whole world and tell people: "Love each other."

It's hard for everyone. And then you start to sort out the problems: this is here, this is there, you can deal with this, we will put this aside for now. You look - yes, everything is not so bad, okay, we live on. Once I went to a psychologist. But I realized that everything she says, I know better than her. And she didn't go anymore.

"I keep hoping"

Am I satisfied with the outcome of the trial? I would be happy if my Magician was restored to health.

Many girls want to be the head of the family so much. It's so hard to carry everything on yourself, to think for him. How I need that my Magician to tell me what to do and what not to do.

I wake up thinking about how I can make my children feel good. Where to live and study. I don't know if we will return to Russia. What will the Almighty give. I would like to live now with my Maga and our children somewhere in the village. And my only problem would be "what to cook today." I felt so good before: I got up in the morning, did the cleaning, cooked food, played with the children. And in the evening we all went for a walk somewhere. I knew that tomorrow he would feed us, we would have money for clothes and so on. And now I don't know. There will be money, but there will be no happiness.

In the fall of 2013, boxer Magomed Abdusalamov miraculously escaped death due to an injury sustained in the ring. His wife, Bakanai Abdusalamova, told Roman Moon how she lifts her husband to his feet.

Magomed Abdusalamov became famous in 2005, becoming the heavyweight champion of Russia in the amateur ring. Not getting to the Olympics in Beijing, he went professional. Over the next five years, the boxer spent 17 fights and won everything ahead of schedule. He fought very spectacularly, often taking risks and completely forgetting about defense.

At the beginning of 2013, Magomed climbed to fourth place in the WBC rankings and began to be considered as a contender for a fight against world champion Vitali Klitschko. His new opponent was the Cuban Mike Perez.

In a fight with Peres, Abdusalamov suffered his first defeat in the professional ring. Magomed received fractures of his left arm, nose, facial bone and a craniocerebral injury, which resulted in cerebral edema and a blood clot. A few hours later, Abdusalamov was put into an artificial coma. A few days later, he suffered a stroke. It was reported that the boxer has almost no chance of survival, but he is alive and has already begun to speak.

Magomed Abdusalamov lives and recovers in the USA with his family. His treatment costs 20-30 thousand dollars a month, he was helped by promoter Andrei Ryabinsky, boxers Sergey Kovalev, Ruslan Provodnikov and others. Roman Moon called Bakanai Abdusalamova in New York and found out how her husband was coming back to life.

“I knew right away that something had gone wrong. I know my magician. He does not sit down after the round when he feels good, he was even interviewed about it. And then he immediately sat down. At the same time they showed his face - his eyes looked somehow lost. In general, everything was different that day. My 10-month-old daughter was crying and acting up. They say that children feel everything.

Even at a regular job, you don't know what will happen tomorrow. You can go outside and get hit by a car. But, of course, I was afraid for him. Once, when he was knocked down, I thought: “That's it, let's quit boxing. We don't need boxing anymore." I was in a position then, I cried a lot. But he would still be boxing. He had a goal of becoming a world champion. He had fans, all for them. He said he couldn't let them down.

He seemed to feel well. I constantly asked him after the fights: “Does your head hurt?” He said: nothing hurts, everything is fine. If I had known that this would happen to him, then I would have closed one in the cave.

But I can't say anything about this. All through a lawyer.

I remember when he was in intensive care, we were not allowed to do anything, even touch him. He was all swollen. Around the ice, under him a blanket of ice, he himself is ice. All this was necessary, because he had a fever after the operation.

I looked at him and did not believe that this was my Magician. Everything was like a dream. So many tubes, so many drips on him. I did not understand how this could happen to my strong and handsome Magomed. I went to his hospital on the highway, which he had not allowed me to drive before. But I had to. An hour there, an hour back.

Two months later, we were transferred to a rehabilitation center. There were fewer tubes, but he still didn't move. I remember what the ward was like: he lies and three others. She showed him different colored papers, said: look at red, yellow, green. I wanted to understand if he was thinking, because the doctor said: he can’t think now, he has a damaged place that is responsible for thinking. I ask Magomed: how much is two plus two? Three plus one? He answers, moves his fingers, barely, but shows. I show him to the doctor, I say: “You see, but you said that he cannot think.” The doctor is surprised: “I can’t say anything.”

He didn't open his eyes well. Opened one, the second does not open. As it turned out, he had fluid in his brain and head. When he opened his eyes, it certainly was joy. When he first said something quietly to me, I danced around his bed for joy. He looks at me and seems to show: what is the matter with you, crazy, or what?

We seem to have been discharged in September 2014, I took him home. Then it turned out that in the first hospital, where he was in intensive care, bedsores were allowed on the coccyx. He was treated for a long time, then in November he had an operation. Inside the infection - another two months lay in the hospital. We have already been told that he almost has sepsis in his blood. Nearly went down with a heart attack. Then she told him at home: "That's it, Magician, that's enough already."

In November-December last year, he became worse. The good thing is that when you call 911, they arrive in one minute. His pressure dropped, some kind of infection, he was in intensive care, just no. I sat, sobbed and thought: “We pulled you out, why again?”. But we got through that too.

Now the children have holidays at school, and usually my day starts at seven. I send the children to school with breakfasts, then I start to feed him, wash and shave. As a deputy of the People's Assembly, I should have him, shaved every day. I dress him, then the procedures, then to the rehabilitation center. There he is engaged, somewhere in an hour he gets tired, we go home for dinner.

At 4 o'clock we have medicines. When the weather is good outside, we go out with the children to the park for a walk. I turn on the music, the children dance, he smiles, he likes to look at the children. Dinner and sleep in the evening.

I set alarms at night because I have to turn it every two or three hours to prevent bed sores.

We live in the house of a friend of Magomed, Amin Suleymanov. He helps me lift Magomed out of bed and put him in the bathroom. He put him in the car in his arms, helped to carry him to the rehabilitation center. The nurse sometimes comes, but without his help I could not have done it. I couldn't even speak English at the time.

Right now, Magomed is lying on the sofa in the hall, the children are lying on another sofa and watching a movie. He can already hug, smile. But his right side of the body does not work at all: neither arm nor leg. Even when he smiles, it is only on one side. Left-hand side works, but he cannot, for example, stand up by himself. He can't even sit on his own yet, I hold him. When we talk, he speaks very quietly. Others do not hear, but I understand him, I'm used to it. We started eating quite recently, and before that he had a tube in his stomach, he was poured liquid food into it. He couldn't drink either.

I remember how I dreamed that he would open his eyes, that he would move his finger. He could not do anything then, but now he is conscious, I constantly whisper something to him, the children run around him, he smiles. For his situation, this is already a big step forward. The hardest part, of course, is over. But there is a lot of work ahead. I want him to get up and walk.

In America, when he first entered the hospital, we ran after the doctors, asked what would happen, but they could not even say whether he would still be alive. They didn't want to take responsibility. Only one doctor said: "Be patient, wait, he is young, strong." Also uncertain, but at least a little supported us. Another doctor recently told me, "To be honest, he won't walk." I say: "Let's remember that he was not supposed to live."

I’m asking another doctor the other day: “When do you think he will move?” He says, "Let me show you a picture of his brain." He showed that his left side was damaged, there are gaps where the brain died, there is liquid. There is another zone, everything is dark there, the doctor said: “Let's hope that it will brighten up and something will change.” I say: “Let's look not at the picture, but at him. A month ago and now - see the difference? Doctor: "Yes, I see a difference, he looks better." I say: “Then turn off your picture. Let's look at him."

Photo: Bello (1); personal archive of Bakanay Abdusalamova

The wife of the Dagestan boxer Magomed Abdusalamov in an interview with MI about how she raises her husband after an injury received in the ring, millions and two hours won in court, which turned the life of the Abdusalamov family upside down.


Dagestan heavyweight Magomed Abdusalamov became famous in 2005, having won the Russian heavyweight champion title in the amateur ring. Not getting to the Olympics in Beijing, he went professional. Over the next five years, the boxer spent 17 fights and won everything ahead of schedule. He fought very spectacularly, often taking risks and completely forgetting about defense.

At the beginning of 2013, Magomed rose to fourth place in the WBC rankings and began to be considered as a contender for a fight against the Ukrainian world champion. Vitali Klitschko. His new opponent was a Cuban Mike Perez.

In a fight with Peres, Abdusalamov suffered his first defeat in the professional ring. Magomed received fractures of his left arm, nose, facial bone and a craniocerebral injury, which resulted in cerebral edema and a blood clot. After the fight, the boxer complained of pain in his head, but the doctors refused hospitalization, and Magomed had to get to the hospital on his own. Time was lost ... A few hours later, Abdusalamov was put into an artificial coma. A few days later, he suffered a stroke. It was reported that the boxer has almost no chance of survival, but he is alive and has already begun to speak.

After the tragic incident, the Abdusalamov family sued the state of New York, accusing the doctors of negligence and unprofessionalism, and won $22 million in damages. The trial lasted (and continues to last) for almost four years, and all this time, his wife and three daughters remain next to the heavyweight, nicknamed Mago.


- Bakanay, first of all, I want to take an interest in the state of Magomed. How does he feel at present? What has changed since our last conversation two years ago?

– In two years, of course, we have progressed. He now remembers everything, tries to talk, of course, not the way we do, but he tries. Often in the comments on Instagram they ask if he recognizes friends, relatives. Yes, he knows everyone. But we (meaning Magomed) have problems with movement, his right side also does not work, his left side is very strong, we do not stand, do not sit and do not walk. He eats almost on his own, but we give him food that is not quite ordinary - more crushed. Yes, and you can not leave him unattended while eating, he is like a child - he can choke.

Doctors told us at the very beginning that he would not even be able to see, but he sees, he thinks. I emphasize that this is an area of ​​the brain and when problems with it, a person can be very unpredictable - now he can behave well, but after five minutes his mood changes dramatically. Sometimes it happened that he did not sleep all night, and there were night “whims”, but now the doctor prescribed a sedative, and it became calmer.

– How do you communicate? Do you have any sign language?

- No. We talk to him and he answers us. I understand him for a long time, I got used to it. But sometimes you don’t even need to speak, he can just show with his hand. Four and a half years have already passed ... I do not separate him from the family, my daughters are also drawn to their father. They come from school - they kissed dad, they go to bed - they kissed dad. Sometimes I even ask Magi: “Did they kiss you?”, He answers: “No”, and the daughters again run to him. Then we start joking, Maga says that no one kissed him and the daughters have to run to their father again. He likes playing. He calls me "princess", and I call him "sun". That's how we all (laughs).


By the way, about daughters. You and Magomed have three of them, and the youngest Patimat was barely a year old when such a misfortune happened in the family. When she asked about her father, what did you say to her?

She is still small, on the first of January she turned five years old. She probably doesn't even know what's wrong with her father. You know, she doesn’t even remember her dad healthy, although her father’s attention was always on her, all those ten months. We were expecting a son, but when she was born Patya- The magician directly did not look for souls in her. He always took it from me. We have a million photos where Patya is in his arms. Maybe she thinks this is how it should be, I can't read her childish thoughts.

- And what are the thoughts of the older daughters?

– Now the hardest is the average Saigibat. Older Shahrizat We have the most sensitive, but already reconciled. For the past six months, they have not said anything, although earlier the eldest asked: “When dad recovers, will he go to box? When will he start walking? Shahrizat does not ask questions, because he is very worried about me. But sometimes, in a conversation with an assistant, she boasts of her father, recalls that he constantly took them somewhere. Maga once told me that Shakhrizat came up to him and said: “Daddy, don’t make noise today, please, otherwise it’s hard for mom.”

And the second girl we have with character, she won’t tell me anything either, but I heard her say the other day Aine(daughter of assistant Bakanay) that she was very lucky with her dad, because he walks and can walk with her. (At this moment, the younger Patimat enters the room and hands her mother a drawing depicting dad, mom and three daughters). I felt sorry for her. In fact, they have a golden dad. He, despite his profession, all free time gave to his daughters. We still walk with the whole family, but, you see, this is not what it used to be.


- And how does Magomed spend the day?

“We used to go to training every day, now it’s a little different. We get up in the morning, I take the children to school. At 8:20 I am already at home, I go into his room, and Maga has already woken up. I go up, hug him and, if I have the opportunity, ask him to guard me while I sleep. Of course, he agrees, but sometimes, if he suddenly becomes bored, he wakes me up himself. And then we have breakfast, get dressed and, if there is a workout, we go to the gym. Then we come home, have lunch, he will sit in a chair for a while. If we don’t go out for a walk, then he watches movies, fights. Sometimes we go to the pool. Every day is different. Oh, and one more thing, Mage is given acupuncture three times a week, and on the weekends a massage therapist comes to us.

- Magomed watches fights?

– Yes, he mainly watches our fighters in the UFC, supports Khabiba Nurmagomedova.

- And you? How would you react to a boxing match if you happened to see it?

- Sometimes it happens, but I don’t watch it purposefully, I just sometimes come across it on TV. How to react? It was the work of my husband, everyone does what he likes. Some work as policemen and die in gunfights, others work as construction workers and are crippled, but this does not mean that you need to hate the police and construction. He liked doing it. And what happened is the fault of the doctors.


- By the way, about the fault of doctors. Can we talk about the course of the court case now?

- Of course, it is already known that we won the trial, but the process is still ongoing, not all doctors have been punished. But, I would like to emphasize with two red lines that the 22 million dollars that the court ordered to pay to our family are not in my hands.

To the people who have already converted these dollars into Russian rubles and have begun to resent that many patients can be cured with this money, I want to briefly explain that no one has given us money in our hands, it is on our account. Nearly half of the money went to pay lawyers and pay off millions of dollars in medical bills. From this account, we are paid every month for his rehabilitation center, school for children, food. That is, a certain amount is allocated for life. And all through checks.

- Did I understand correctly? Do people think that you live with Magomed because of money?

- It turns out that way. Do they really think that I need this money? Yes, I would refuse them and pay the same amount more if they could return my Magomed to me. So I want to explain to these people that happiness is not in money. Happiness is that your relatives are healthy and are near. Better to live ordinary person in Makhachkala, in a rented apartment and work as a taxi driver, but be surrounded by his family. There is no price for health loved one. Maybe for some, a husband is just a husband, and a wife is just a person preparing food, but we ... our relationship was completely different. I cannot be happy with money when my husband is in such a state. I would give anything, even a kidney (smiles) to return Magomed and the brother she had lost.

- And who are these people who count your money? Followers inInstagram?

- Yes, I read all the comments (today, the number of Bakanay followers on Instagram reaches 236 thousand. - Note. ed.). I don’t care what ill-wishers write, but it sometimes hurts a lot. I am not iron and the fact that I often post our happy photos with him does not mean that everything is so good with us. Yes, and in appearance they often pass, for some reason it seems to most subscribers that I have ceased to be a woman and have no right to look beautiful. There are even rumors that I did more than one plastic surgery, but I want to answer everyone at once - this is not true.

When I complained to my husband, he said: "They are just jealous of you." He always tells everyone that I am his savior, he does not hesitate to kiss my hands right in the rehabilitation center, even the nurses are outraged. With all this, what can I prove to people when I have such a husband?

One in general, can you imagine, wrote "I would like such a rich invalid." I got very upset when I read this. How can you say so? Others write "I took care of my grandmother, there is nothing complicated about it." If you did this, then you would not condemn the work of others. Anyone who takes care of a sick person for at least a couple of days understands what a difficult task it is. You know, I could now look after several elderly people, but not for my husband, who has always been a support for me and had to take care of me himself.


- Let's go back to the court ... In general, for you, Bakanay, this court was a desire to restore justice so that other athletes would not become victims of medical negligence?

- First, of course, these people need to be punished. Because if the doctors had taken up Magomed immediately after the fight, he would have gone to the hospital, would have rested for several days, or I don’t know ... The fact is that all this would not have happened. They had to be punished, so that not only they, but also other doctors knew that it was impossible to treat athletes so negligently, because their families, parents, and children were waiting for them at home.

What did it cost them to take him to the hospital? These two hours have changed our lives. It's very hard ... Everyone, seeing my smile, thinks that I'm so easy on this, but they don't see how I suffer.

And, secondly, of course, we needed funds for the rehabilitation of my husband. I must be sure that tomorrow I will be able to continue the treatment of Magomed. How else? Where will I get the money from? We owe millions of dollars, where would I find them?

That is, we punished the doctors and found the means for treatment. Of course, the money did not return my husband. But this precedent has changed a lot, the rules in boxing have changed, insurance for athletes has been raised. Now, at the slightest injury, a boxer is removed from the fight and taken to the hospital. It's a shame that it was we who became an example, but since this happened, at least other families will not suffer.

- The fault of the doctors is really there. But how, in your opinion, is Magomed himself guilty of what happened? After all, he could simply refuse to continue that ill-fated battle.

– My Maga is not to blame, he is always right (smiles). If you didn't stop, then you did the right thing. In general, the mentality of our men is such that they cannot simply take and pass. Magomed would never have allowed himself such a thing, but if the doctors had told him about the consequences, he would, of course, have gone to the hospital. The fact is that the doctors allowed him to fight, and Magomed was sure that he was doing well.


- At the very beginning of the treatment, the doctors did not give Magomed any chances, but now progress, as they say, is evident. Maga can already move and eat almost independently. But what if the peak of opportunity has already been reached and there is no further chance of improving health? What do doctors say about it?

- Yes, the doctors said that he would not see, hear, and in general would remain paralyzed for the rest of his life. When I picked him up from the rehabilitation center, the doctors and nurses thought that I did not understand the situation and refused to believe what was happening. They said that Magomed simply would not survive at home, and they would never have thought that we would have what we have now.

We have gone through so much and there is so much ahead, but the doctors are adamant in their predictions. This is the first time I am talking about this press ... And before, I really refused to believe that Magomed would not be able to fully recover. The doctor explained to me that my husband is missing half of his brain, he was removed after a stroke. Said: “How do you want his right side of his body to work if the part of the brain responsible for this is missing?” But I still believe. He tries to speak, sees well. It seems so to me. My magician is very smart, sometimes he says words that even I don’t know (smiles).


- Magomed was very lucky with his wife. After what happened, you actually became the head of the family - you manage finances, make decisions, are responsible for children and at the same time manage to cope with everything. Difficult?

– Do I have another choice? I think not. If I give up, everything will go wrong. I have a husband and three children, I am indebted to my healthy Mage, I am obliged to raise our daughters. Even in the next world, if we meet there, he will ask me: “How could you?” Children for my Magi were everything, he raved about them. What would happen to him if I gave up? He was saved by ... care (from English - care), you see, I already forget the Russian words.

Everyone is wondering if he has a psychologist? He doesn’t have it, my husband doesn’t need it - Maga doesn’t have any complexes, there wasn’t even a moment when he would say “why do I live at all”. No, because no one makes it clear to him that he is sick. His daughters are always there, his wife is near him. I try to always be cheerful in front of him, do not cry, hug, kiss him. He does not feel that something is wrong.

We women are very strong people (smiles). Many write that Magomed himself probably raised me like that, but this is not entirely true. I was raised by such parents. There were four of us, and my father always loved me. A lot of love has been invested in me, I am a positive person. Now I'm talking to you and I can rejoice, but in a few minutes I can get upset and drink a sedative. But if we do not cheer ourselves up internally, then how else can we live? I also lost my brother, and there were many different thoughts in my head, but ... If I do this, then no one will thank me. You can't give up. Mage won't forgive me.


How do you like life in the States? Better than in Dagestan?

- Honestly, I love Dagestan, I love our people and miss them very much. But... we won't be able to live in Dagestan. In the States, everything is for the people, here is the best medicine, and if not for this, I don’t know what would have happened to us. The only bad thing is that there are no relatives nearby. But now we need only medicine.

- It must have been hard for you to put your husband on his feet alone, and even in a foreign country?

– Of course, it was hard. But from the first days, a friend of Magomed helped us Aminulla Suleymanov, Andrei Mikhailovich Ryabinsky (Russian businessman, Vice-President of the Russian Professional Boxing Federation. - Note. "MI") paid us the rehabilitation center for 8 months, each - $ 57,000. Otherwise, we would not have been able to start treatment, and who knows what would happen now. I am very grateful to these people that they were next to us at the most difficult moment.

– Does Magomed himself miss Dagestan?

- Well, there is no such thing that he sits and says "I miss Dagestan." When I ask him if he is bored, Magomed replies that the main thing is that the children and wife are nearby. We all yearn for Dagestan, but not everything happens in life the way we want. The main thing is that we are together.

- Does the state of health allow Magomed to make long flights?

We are not risking yet. Even healthy man, which flies 10 hours, may be subject to certain risks.

- You have been living in the USA for quite a long time, your daughters spent most of their lives in the States ... Do they grow up and are brought up in an American way?

- In no case. I am a smiling mother, but very strict. Even my daughters' friends are afraid of me. I don't let them relax. I teach and clean, and cook, and they wash with me. I teach them to live the way my mother taught me. The girl is getting married, and they will only marry Dagestanis. They will have to feed their husbands deliciously, take care of them the way their mother takes care of their dad.

“What if one of your daughters wants to marry a boxer?” How will you react to this?

We will make him quit boxing (laughs). Of course, we will take an interest in the opinion of our daughters, but in general my father chose my husband. Well, he will be a boxer, so what? The main thing is that the guy was good. And I will teach my daughter how to take care of a boxer. Learned from bitter experience...


- Imagine that we go back 14 years ago - on the day of your wedding with Magomed. Knowing what difficulties you will have to go through, would you marry Magomed?

“I always thought we were made for each other. We quarreled and fought, but we always loved each other. We lived together for 9 years before this incident, we lived well, and now we live. Why not? At least for the sake of these nine years of life and wonderful daughters. Mohammed is my man. If I didn’t want and didn’t love him, then I would have left after what happened. I would also be able to live peacefully and securely in Dagestan with my parents and go about my business. In this world, no one owes anyone, and there are many abandoned children and parents in Dagestan. I’m already silent about my wife or husband ... It’s just that it doesn’t fit in my head how you can quit native person? Maybe I'm not brought up that way. I am with my Maga not because of money or anything else, but because this is my husband, the father of my three children, whom I loved and still love.


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Russian boxer Magomed Abdusalamov failed to defend his WBC heavyweight title

Fight Abdusalamov - Perez November 2. Result

Russian boxer Magomed Abdusalamov failed to defend his WBC heavyweight title. In the fight, which took place in New York on the night from Saturday to Sunday, Moscow time, he lost to Mike Perez. Following the results of 10 rounds, the victory by unanimous decision of the judges was given to the Cuban (97:92, 95:94, 97:92). Thus, Adbusalamov suffered the first defeat in his professional career. Prior to that, he spent 18 fights and won all 18 by knockout.

Immediately after the battle, Abdusalamov was taken to the hospital for examination. An x-ray showed a fracture of the left arm in the area of ​​the hand. The boxer felt a sharp pain in his left hand in the first round of the fight, and it was this injury that did not allow him to develop the advantage that he had in the fourth round of the fight, and also affected the picture of the whole fight.

Video of the fight Magomed Abdusalamov vs. Mike Perez

News: Magomed Abdusalamov

Abdusalamov was put into a state of artificial coma

Russian heavyweight Magomed Abdusalamov, who was defeated by Cuban Mike Perez on Sunday night, was put into an artificial coma, reports A few hours after the fight, the manager of the Russian Boris Grinberg said that the Russian was feeling good, but then the boxer began to complain of headaches. According to the results of the examination, the doctors found a small blood clot in Abdusalamov's brain and decided to put him into a state of artificial (induced) coma in order to avoid serious consequences.

Abdusalamov's condition remains stable

The condition of the Russian heavyweight boxer Magomed Abdusalamov remains stable after the operation. Abdusalamov on Saturday in New York lost to Cuban Mike Perez on points, having suffered the first defeat in his career (after 18 knockout victories in a row). After the battle, doctors diagnosed the Russian with a fracture of the left arm in the area of ​​​​the hand and a broken nose. Abdusalamov also had a small blood clot in his brain. Doctors performed an operation to remove the clot, after which they put the Russian in a state of artificial coma.

Some time ago, I talked with Magomed's brother, Abdusalam, who was in Magomed's corner during the fight, - RIA Novosti quotes the words of boxer's co-promoter Stepan Lendyel. - Magomed's condition is now stable, the pain shock has passed. In connection with the possibility of aggravation of the consequences after missed blows and an increase in headache, the doctors considered it necessary to put him into a state of artificial coma in order to preserve his health, while his coordination was almost completely preserved. Abdusalam expressed hope that by Monday morning general state health will return to normal - the next examination is scheduled for this time.

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