Self-hypnosis in past lives. Regressive hypnosis is a journey into a past life. How to activate the memory of past incarnations

Sooner or later, we all think about why we are here, what happens to us after the physical death of the body, and whether there is a continuation ...

Throughout our existence, philosophers, religious denominations and sects, scientists and ordinary people have been thinking and ranting about this.

Thanks to the fear that we experience before death, people have been manipulating people for many millennia.

It is difficult to say who was the first of the hypnotists and when, carried out the first regression to a previous life, hypnosis has always been closed from society by a veil of secrets.

Scientists still cannot scientifically prove whether there is life after death, but they cannot refute it either.

In our time, thanks to the work of American psychologists and hypnotherapists, the fact of the possibility of regression into past lives has been proven. Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon, Raymond Moody, have studied many people in hypnotic regressions and after clinical death. What these patients remembered and described proves the existence of life after death and the possibility of visiting their previous lives and even entering the World of Souls and communicating with their Mentors. You can read more about this topic in the books of the authors I have listed.

To convince anyone in the life of the soul after the physical death of the body and the possibility of regressions and progressions does not make sense, because, as one prophet said, who in many ways was an excellent master of hypnosis: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

I am writing this article for those who want to go through a regression to a previous life (life) and are looking for a specialist who can truly professionally carry out this work, in a safe way for the client and in the best way for him. What danger lies in this, I will reveal below in the text.

So, let's start with the most important thing - specialists! If you enter into the Internet search line - regressive hypnosis or regression into past lives, a lot of sites will appear, both practicing this method and discussing it.

However, information on the practice of age regression and regression to a previous life on most sites misleads the layman and the interested person. Why? For many reasons.

The first thing I want to draw attention to is the specialist conducting the regression. The specialist must be a professional hypnotist, at least in Ericksonian hypnosis, ideally a professional in classical hypnosis. If a specialist calls himself anyone (healer, magician, Reiki master, parapsychologist, shaman…) but not a hypnotist and convinces you that regression can be done without hypnosis, in meditation or on your own, it is better to thank him for the offer and look for a real hypnotist.

In Russia and the CIS, at present, a consistent, systematic and safe method of regressive hypnosis was created by the master of classical hypnosis - Pirogov Alexey Gennadievich. Pirogov and his students work in this technique, developing and improving it. The main difference between Pirogov’s regressive hypnosis technique and the technique of M. Newton and D. Cannon is that Pirogov conducts regressions using classical hypnosis, Newton and Cannon work in Ericksonian hypnosis, however, before conducting regression, they spend at least 3 days of preliminary conversations with the client, many preliminary sessions of hypnosis, trance and constantly deepening the hypnotic state of the client, to achieve the deepest possible trance. In classical hypnosis, with an average hypnotizability of the client, it is possible to conduct a regression immediately after the preliminary conversation. So how should the work of past life regression be done? Hypnotic regression is truly realized only in a deep hypnotic state. The Pirogov Master has created a convenient and effective model, according to which it is easy and safe to carry out regression to previous lives. The hypnotist regresses the client by age into childhood itself, right up to being in the womb. The client describes everything that happens to him, with the client's voice in childhood sometimes changes. The client then regresses to their past life and describes where they are, their name, gender, and whatever else the hypnotist asks. The hypnotist refers to the client solely by the name that he called in the incarnation being viewed. The hypnotist can ask the client to speak in the language that is native in his incarnation, and the client can easily speak in a language unknown to him in his current life. If in a previous life the client experiences violence, fear or other negative moments, he experiences everything that happens as if in reality, so the hypnotist calms him down, regresses to an earlier age and then continues to ask questions. The hypnotist, by agreement in a preliminary conversation, can lead the client to the World of Souls, to meet with his deceased relatives and give the opportunity to communicate with them and with his Mentor. It is important to understand that for some individuals, past life regression and access to the World of Souls can be "closed". But this is an exception. A.G. Pirogov created a trigger technique to enable some clients, on serious and important requests, to independently communicate with their Mentor in the future, without the help of a hypnotist. After fulfilling all the client's requests, the hypnotist progresses him into present life, just as consistently as regressed and returns to the current real age. He makes sure that the client gives his current name, his age, that the client feels great and takes the client out of the state of hypnosis, after setting the client to remember all the positive things from previous lives and setting the client to amnesia of the negative experience of the client’s past lives. Such work in Russia can be carried out by a limited number of hypnotists. Mostly students of Pirogov A.G. and the master of Pirogov himself. All other regression options: without hypnosis, in the superficial stages of hypnosis, with the use of energy practices, meditation, etc. dangerous and harmful. Be vigilant and choosy in matters that relate to such an important topic as regression to a previous life. Look only for professional hypnotists with experience in conducting such sessions.

Surely each of us asked ourselves at some time such questions as:

Does a past life exist?

Who was I in a past life?

Why did I come into this life?

Is it possible to travel in time and travel far back?

How can you improve your life?

How to change life for the better if you visit the past?

The most famous hypnologists who have performed past-life experiences are Dolores Cannon, Sylvia Browne, Raymond Moody, Michael Newton, and others. Having done hundreds of thousands of past-life experiences, they have proven that all this is possible using regressive hypnosis.

Their patients traveled into their past lives. In regressive hypnosis, they could live them again and take out of this journey all the most important and necessary for real life.

Each of us can see the past (plunge into regression)! Some people are completely immersed in regression and everything that happens there a person considers a reality, he does not even understand what to be in regressive hypnosis. For him, there is only the life in which he is. Others feel or only see, it depends on the person. To be precise, it depends on the capabilities of the brain and the channels of perception of the surrounding world.

For example: a visual channel is developed (a person can see bright and colorful images). The kinesthetic channel is developed (then the sensations will be strong and the person will experience all the sensations again).

Regressive hypnosis is safe! Regression is based on the inner "I" of a person and is completely natural, like a dream. When a person is immersed in regressive hypnosis, the consciousness reduces its criticality, and the subconscious, on the contrary, comes to the fore.

During immersion in regressive hypnosis, the client is under reliable protection and safety.

The hypnologist personally accompanies a person through his life in the past.

The method of regressive hypnosis allows a person to get rid of: psychosomatic disorders, phantom pains, phobias (of various origins), anxiety (nervousness), complexes (uncertainty, stiffness, etc.). regression has proven itself in resolving internal conflicts and disagreements. Helps to understand oneself and find answers to questions. Almost anything is possible in regressive hypnosis.

These listed problems are a reaction to the events of the past, they are usually formed in childhood, and appear already in the real life of a person.

Thanks to the technique of regressive hypnosis, a person can immerse himself in his past, in the most unpleasant moments of his life and, under the strict control of a hypnotherapist, part and get rid of a problem that has arisen in the past, and which interferes with him in the present. Immersion in Regressive Hypnosis reveals key situations that are closely related to the problem and allows you to access great wisdom and achieve high level development of your soul.

Often people do not see the connection between the incident in childhood and the problem that has arisen in the present. All this happens due to the fact that consciousness pushes bad and bad things out of memory. tragic events from a past life, but these moments are stored in his subconscious, and sometimes signals about past negativity through fear, various disorders, complexes and panics. In these cases, regressive hypnosis helps the person.

After regressive hypnotherapy, a person leaves an unpleasant and difficult experience that prevented him from enjoying life and moving forward, into his future. Man stops spending vital energy to the recollection of these negative events and forgets them. It calms down and harmonizes, “Regressive hypnosis. This is an amazing journey through time ”is a person’s understanding of the events of the past, predicting the future and achieving harmony in the present.

A psychic can quite easily see “who you were” in past lives and tell you about it, but from an esoteric point of view, such an action can in no way change either you or the world around you. It will be just the knowledge of a psychic, but not yours personal experience and not your experiences.

Sessions of immersion in the memory of past lives imply a real awakening of the memory of the past (reincarnation memory). You yourself recall the events of past lives, see pictures of bygone events, feel, experience your past lives.

Not all people can open the memory of past lives immediately without preparation from the first session. If the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person is ready to perceive information from past lives, then it is possible to dive the first time. In another case, 2-3 preparatory sessions are required to achieve the result.

How and why to open the memory of past lives?

A person remembers not only everything that happened to him from birth, but also everything that happened before his birth. A person keeps in memory information about all his past incarnations. And this is a proven fact many times over. At its core, Man is a reflection of his reincarnations. Everything that happened to him in past lives is reflected in this life. Our present is created from our past - this is the main postulate of reincarnation medicine.

I have done several hundred past life memory sessions. Each dive is a new, unique, amazing story.

The session takes place in such a way that you simply “suddenly” remember events from the deep past, begin to see pictures and know who you were, what you looked like, what happened to you. This knowledge always changes a person. A huge amount of energy is "preserved" in your memory, which is released when reincarnation cells are opened. Therefore, any immersion in the memory of past lives has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Below I will give the main reasons why people turn to the memory of past lives:

1) To solve recurring problems in this life: in the family, with health, with the ability to achieve something.

2) To understand the reasons: why am I the way I am? And where do I get the qualities, abilities…etc…?

3) For the transfer of skills, awareness of one's inner abilities and their full disclosure. For example, plunging into the memory of a past life, you remember how people were treated. As you saw the disease, the aura of a person, his problems. Remembering this, usually in this life you begin to do the same. There is a transfer of abilities from your past to your present. From the past, you can transfer the qualities of character and abilities of various kinds, such as: making money; the ability to draw, sing, play music; convince people; achieve your goals and realize your desire.

4) To gain knowledge. I have met many people who delved into the memory of past lives in order to "shoot" a variety of information. For example, in reincarnation, you were a member of some mystical order or simply learned secret knowledge. Through multiple immersions, it is possible to reproduce the training to almost every “lesson”. Accordingly, to “pull out” a lot of long-lost information from the past. In this way, recipes for miraculous drugs were “read” (Rudolf Steiner), inventions and archaeological discoveries were made (E. Casey)

It is possible to conduct remote sessions of immersion in the memory of past lives via Skype.

How does this happen? A thorough preliminary interview is conducted. A test for susceptibility to hypnosis is done. If the client is receptive enough, a session of classical hypnosis is performed, allowing you to achieve the deepest immersions. In deep somnambulistic hypnosis, the client's consciousness fades. And it does not interfere in the process in the form of certain fantasies of the client on the topic. In surface hypnosis, the client remains conscious and may imagine that he is in a "past life." It will be just a play of the imagination. This is what usually happens with clients who are afraid to give their consciousness into the "hands of a hypnotist." This fear paralyzes the ability to go into deep hypnosis. The dive proceeds in stages. First, at a younger age, and then at a child's age, then at the age of the "fetus in the uterus", and then into the previous life. Moreover, the client in deep hypnosis does not play a role. He (a) really feels like "there" a different person. Sometimes the other sex. the reverse rise from hypnosis follows the same age milestones. If the "remember everything" suggestion is not given, the client is more likely to have spontaneous amnesia. The rise is gradual. Similar to divers in deep-sea diving. If you follow these rules, then the state of health after the session is quite normal. Only, the impressions of being in a past life overshadow everything that can happen in reality. This experience gives food for thought to the client. And sometimes he changes his attitude to certain views about his real life. IN last years such sessions are sometimes held via skype. The technical possibilities of the Internet bring hypnosis closer to the interested "consumer". About the same as the sessions of fortune tellers and magicians on Skype.

I wonder why it is possible to remember past lives. And why is this mechanism closed from us at birth? What is the point of diving into past lives - except for masochists. Here and in this life there are enough fears. It is unlikely that past lives were wonderful, mostly - only disappointments. At least deal with this

There are different people. And everyone has their own philosophy. For some, "learning about past incarnations is the number one issue. For others, this is not interesting. And no one will convince anyone. Just like in matters of religion and faith.

Regressive hypnosis (regressive therapy) is one of the most interesting areas of hypnotherapy, which consists in the therapeutic use of a person's "travel" through time. The regression method can equally be attributed to both classical and traditional medicine, since its roots go back to the very depths of centuries.

Regressive hypnosis is a wonderful technique for deep therapy and personal growth.

Regression therapy is a method by which a person, immersed in deep hypnosis, is able to look into the distant past and talk about it. With the help of regression therapy, many old mental and even physical traumas from the past are cured today.

Problems that can be solved with the help of regressive hypnosis:

Get rid of fears and phobias.

Find the cause of your complexes.

Find the meaning of life.

Understand why I came into this life.

The past may be hiding the causes of today's tensions in the family, at work or with a particular person.

Find out who you were in past lives. Etc.

What is regressive hypnosis and can it help change your destiny for the better?

In fact, regressive hypnosis can be divided into three areas:

1. Age regression.

2. Age progression.

3. Travel to past lives.

Age regression - the essence of this method is as follows: an earlier period of the client's life is instilled, up to the moment of birth. The hypnologist goes along with his client through his entire life with a therapeutic purpose. Such in-depth studies of a person's life help to easily identify all those problems, fears, anxieties and stresses that can be long forgotten by the client, but sometimes leave a heavy imprint on his character, mental and physical health, deform his fate. In each of the ages lived in hypnosis, the hypnologist makes appropriate suggestions and thus smooths out or even completely removes the consequences of past psychotraumas and, accordingly, their manifestations in the future. The hypnologist removes the cause of the problem, the consequence goes away by itself.

When working in age regression, a person remembers in great detail what happened to him many years and even centuries ago. These memories are so colorful, emotional, realistic that many, having visited past lives, experience these sensations as if it happened here and now.

In our past, we can find the causes of various diseases, complexes, fears, negative habits and addictions, difficulties in establishing normal contacts with people, the inability to solve specific problems - for example, to earn money - and much, much more.

Age regression allows a person to visit those situations where he failed in the past. A person will be able to see and understand in a new way what happened to him. From the outside, from the experience of today's life, to evaluate these situations and find other solutions, other ways of behaving in them.

Regressive hypnosis gives you the opportunity to break the chain of your failures.

As a result of regressive therapy, a person experiences very significant positive changes in life. For example: getting better family life, there is a breakthrough in a career, business, luck turns to face a person!

Age regression has long established itself as a serious and highly effective therapeutic method. In a state of age regression, mobilization occurs creativity person. It is also possible to find a predisposition to some skills or sciences and transfer this knowledge into our lives. With the help of age regression, the hypnologist returns a person to the period before the onset of the disease, thus, it is possible to cure many psychosomatic diseases. For example, such as peptic ulcer or hypertension, bronchial asthma, allergies, sexual disorders, etc. You can, as it were, from childhood, instill an interest in learning, studying foreign languages, sports, self-improvement, generally love of life.

Age progression - the essence of this method is as follows: a later period of the client's life is suggested, that is, an older age than the real one. What can age progression be used for? This phenomenon can make it clear how a person will react in the future to various stressful and life situations, to possible joyful and tragic upheavals and prepare him for them in the most optimal way.

Regressive hypnosis shows impressive results. Human consciousness has undergone many changes and has gone from a simple curiosity to know about past lives to a higher theory of knowledge that carries wisdom. With the help of regressive hypnosis, the door opens to the area of ​​the spiritual highest ideal, and here the universality of the method of regressive therapy becomes apparent. After sessions of regressive hypnosis, a person comes to a special understanding of his main life tasks, and begins to rapidly progress in achieving his goals.

For a long time, official science did not accept such a phenomenon as hypnosis, but over the past 20 - 30 years, the opinion has changed dramatically, the science of hypnology has taken its rightful place among other generally recognized sciences. Hypnologists have learned to use hypnosis extensively for good. But even now the phenomenon of hypnosis, like a thousand years ago, is fraught with many miracles and mysteries, and the possibilities that open up with regressive hypnosis are especially.

How does age regression work?

All work can be divided into two stages:

The first stage is preparatory.

We conduct test programs, find out your tasks, requests, agree on what you would like to receive as a result of work. After that, with my help, you get the experience of immersion in a trance state. We make a short passage into the past. You study your own impressions and feelings. Many already at this stage manage to go into their past lives. Sometimes training takes longer and requires an additional meeting. The duration of the preparatory stage depends on the experience and ability to enter into trance states, as well as on some personal characteristics.

The second stage is a journey into the past. After the first session, you already have sufficient experience and easily pass into your own past lives.

regression therapy- this is a method by which a person immersed in deep hypnosis is able to look into the distant past and talk about it. With the help of regression therapy, many old mental and even physical traumas from the past are cured today.

patients experience not only amazing outward changes, but often breathtaking stories come to light during regressive hypnosis.
During such dives, in the most amazing cases, strikingchange, somehow: change in appearance and tone of voice. To the amazement of many witnesses, the faces of people who relived past life periods when they were older than at the time of the experiment became haggard and haggard, and vice versa, people who returned to adolescence seemed to smooth out wrinkles.

The physical metamorphosis has also been more dramatic: some researchers have cited examples of people under hypnosis showing medical symptoms of illnesses they had suffered from in past lives, such as spasms of facial muscles due to paralysis. One Brit even got a bluish rope mark on his neck when he went through the hanging again, and another man who died from a beating had a lot of bruises on his body. In all cases of past life recollection, there are specific details that prove the existence of this phenomenon.
Eg, in March 1983, Australian television organized a program on the theme of reincarnation, which riveted viewers to the screens of all green continent and shocked everyone who until now was suspicious of this issue. In "Experiences on Reincarnation," four ordinary housewives from Sydney, chosen at random, traveled back many centuries under the hypnosis of Peter Roser.

One of them, Cynthia Henderson, recalled her life as a French aristocrat, using expressions that had not been used in France for several centuries. She said that the castle where she lived was located near the small village of Fleur. Although the woman had never been to Europe, she easily led the film crew to the place where the ruins of the castle are still preserved.
Another woman, Helen Pickering, recalled under hypnosis that she was formerly James Boris, who was born in the Scottish town of Dunbar in 1801, and there is evidence that such a person existed. As evidence, she drew a plan of Marshall College in Aberdeen, where - and this is absolutely true - Berne studied; although the building which now stands on the site differs from Mrs. Pickering's, her plan bears an unmistakable resemblance to those found in the archives of the Scottish College.
As stated in the transmission, it was excluded that Mrs. Pickering was familiar with archive data, it is also extremely unlikely that she studied life path a Scot who lived in the nineteenth century.

It so happened that in 1983reincarnation theoryreceived another strong proof, which came this time from England. Liverpool hypnotist Joe Keaton had already performed hundreds of past-life regression experiments when London-based journalist Ray Bryant met him. The newspaper for which he worked, the Evening Post, commissioned him to write a series of articles on the paranormal, one of which he decided to dedicate to reincarnation. To make everything look more authentic, he suggested that the hypnotist bring him back to a past life so that he could describe his own feelings. Although Bryant had never been hypnotized before, Keaton decided to grant his request. This case turned out to be the most surprising of Keaton's practice.

Under hypnosis, Bryant recalled several of his past lives, including when he fought as soldier Robin Stafford in the Crimean War and then returned to England and became a boatman on the Thames. As Bryant recalled, Stafford was born in 1822 in Bridehelmston (Brighton) and drowned in 1879 in the East End of London.
During this experiment, the London journalist began to speak in a lower voice with a Lancastrian accent, which indicated that Stafford spent most of his life in the north of England. Although all this was overwhelming, they wanted to find real evidence, so Keaton's team members Andrew and Margaret Selby, who were present at the experiment, decided to find documentary evidence of the existence of this person.

And they were lucky: in the Guildhall Library, London, they found a list of the wounded and killed in the Crimean War. Others included Sergeant Robin Stafford, then in the 47th Lancaster Foot, who had been wounded in the arm at the Battle of Carris, in a minor skirmish that took place at the Siege of Sevastopol. It also contained information about the future career of Sergeant Stafford, he was awarded medals for courage and went on leave for health reasons. In the next session, Ray Bryant himself spoke about all these details. The date, place, and name of the battle of Carris given by "Stafford," as well as other facts of his life, were absolutely correct.

Thus, the search for the Selbis was drawing to a close. After spending several days at the General Bureau of Birth, Death and Marriage Registry, they finally found Reuben Stafford's death certificate, which stated that he really drowned (whether it was an accident or everything was set up is not established) and buried in a poor cemetery in East Ham. The date of death and burial was also accurately given by Ray Bryant during the séance.
Could these facts be known to a journalist, if the possibility of reincarnation is ruled out? In this case, the possibility of cryptomnesia is practically excluded, since the details about the life of this soldier were unknown to the general public. Unless we assume that Keaton and his companions fabricated all this material, the return to life of a veteran of the Crimean War in the body of a journalist from the twentieth century will seem extremely incredible!

The memory of past lives is restored not only as a result of reverse hypnosis. There are people in whom the memory of past lives is preserved without any special procedures. Most often this happens with children. It is believed that they recall their past lives more often than adults. Naturally, their memories fade as they grow older.

Mr. Hemendra Banergi, who has lived in America since 1970, founded the Paranormal Association in India in 1957. He observed children who, for some reason, remembered memories of relatives and friends from past lives, which convinced him of the reliability of reincarnation. Children who remember their past lives always say, "When I was big..." Some say that in this life their gender has changed to the opposite. They miss their relatives or regret the lost friendship. They want to have the same food and clothes or lead the same lifestyle as in the previous life. This even applies to alcoholic beverages, drugs and cigarettes.

Case of the Indian girl Simi

As one of the examples related to children's memories of their previous life, let me introduce you to the story of the reincarnation of the Indian girl Simi. Master Asahara heard him in Dharmsala during his trip to India. In 1979, a three-year-old girl named Simi, living in Nangal, Punjab, suddenly insisted on going to Sundalnagal to take her injured son to the hospital. She also claimed that the house where she lived was located there and that her husband, Mohandala Sin, who worked as a driver, lived there.

Due to financial problems, her family did not meet her halfway. There were economic reasons for this. However, a year later, her father's business forced the family to move to a town called Srapath near Sundalnagal. When the father found out about the existence of a man named Mohandala Sin, who works as a bus driver in the same area, he decided to pay him a visit along with his daughter.

In March they went to Sundalnagal. When they were close to the destination of their journey. Simi took her father with her. Approaching one of the houses, she joyfully shouted: “Dad, this is my house!” And she listed all the neighbors. To her regret, Mohandala Sin, who was her husband, was away on business in Mandhi at the time; other members of the family were also absent. However, in the house she found one photograph, saying: “This is my photograph. My name was Krishna. In 1966, I died due to illness.”

On March 21, Simi did meet her husband. She remembered exactly what happened in the past. Those who were her sons in her past life gathered and went with her to Pirasbuque to her seventy-year-old mother. The mother spoke to her and became convinced that this three-year-old girl was indeed Krishna reincarnated. She arranged a check - showed one handkerchief. Simi said: “Mom, you once made me a dress from the same material. I remember it very well; I only regret that due to illness I did not have to wear it. Thus, since Simi's memories were so accurate and her relatives are still alive, it has been proven that she is indeed a reincarnation of Krishna.

Little American Mystery

A tragedy occurred in the family of Henry and Eileen Rogers: while running across the street, he was hit by a truck and his 12-year-old son Terence died. The grief-stricken parents for a long time could not get used to the idea that their only child was no more. Three years later, 38-year-old Eileen gave birth to a second boy. At first, the parents did not pay attention to Frank's behavior, all of whose movements were a copy of the gestures of the deceased older brother. It was believed that all newborns behave the same way. However, when Frank was two years old, amazing things began to happen to him.

One day Eileen was knitting in the living room. The child walked up to his mother, put his arms around her legs (this was the habit of the deceased boy) and said in Terence's voice: "Turn on the TV, I want to watch a movie about the sheriff from Dodge City." The woman almost felt sick when she heard that voice and that unusual request: the film about the Sheriff of Dodge City hadn't been on the screen for ten years. As a child, it was one of the older boy's favorite films. Where did Frank learn the name of the movie? It is unlikely that any of the adults could remember the old picture. But that's not all.

That same evening, Frank greeted his father with a joyful exclamation: "Pa has come!" Terence called his father by this diminutive, but since the day he died, no one in the house has ever said a word. After a while, the kid suddenly asked where their old red Pontiac was. Indeed, the Rogers had such a car about seven years ago, in which they, along with Terence, made a long trip to the West Coast. The next time, Frank asked his father to repair the tricycle. He did not understand what kind of bike he was talking about, but then he remembered that a long time ago Terence had a bike with a broken wheel ...

Of course, it would be foolish to talk about the second birth of Terence, but the repetition of the deceased's favorite words, his habits were evident. For example, the kid suddenly baptized the little dog Toots into Butch: that was the name of the spaniel with whom Terence loved to play and who died a few years ago. Once he asked: "Did you bring Robbie with you?" Robbie is the name of a dog that died a long time ago. The child did not even see her in the photo ...

The parents finally decided to turn to a familiar priest, and he, in turn, recommended a psychiatrist to them. The child was shown photographs of Terence's schoolmates, his teachers, distant relatives, and cousins. The doctor was amazed: Frank called everyone by name, listed their habits, remembered some episodes that happened to this or that schoolboy long before the birth of Frank himself.
Three-year-old Frank Rogers became interested in scientists at Harvard University. Now the boy spent more time with doctors in research laboratories than with toys. But the riddle of the little American was never solved.

Strange Elena Markard

This strange incident happened in West Berlin with 12-year-old Elena Markard, who was seriously injured in the crash.When the girl was brought to the hospital, she was unconscious, and the doctor on duty said that her condition was hopeless.

Days passed... One morning, the girl suddenly came to her senses and spoke in perfect Italian, which she did not know before. Everyone was amazed when Elena said her name was Rosetta Castellani; that she lives in the city of Noveta, not far from Padua, in Italy. That she was born on August 9, 1887. Then she exclaimed: "I have two children - Bruno and Frans, they are waiting for me. Tell the doctor that I need to go home." Then she added that she died in 1917.

At first, the doctors decided that it was a brain injury that led to delusional fantasies. But pure Italian language? We turned to the well-known West German psychologist Rowedder. He went to Noveta with a girl and a reporter and found an entry in the old parish register: a girl named Rosetta Teobaldi was indeed born on August 9, 1887 and on October 17, 1908 she married Gino Castellani ...

They were told the address where she lived, where she died on October 17, 1917, and where her daughter Frans still lives. The most interesting and curious thing was that when they came to the indicated street, Elena pointed to one of the buildings and confidently said; "Here is my house." It turned out that she was not mistaken, Frans herself opened the door for them. At the same moment, the girl said: "Here is my daughter Frans."

1. With each incarnation, a person again and again falls into the samethe same situationswhich he had not gone through in previous lives. He steps on the same rake, though with one difference - in subsequent lives, the rake becomes more and more weighty and heavy, and the blows of this rake become more and more noticeable.

Working in the field of karmic psychology, I come to the conclusion that most people "dive" from life to life, repeating the same role in the same performance. Like in the movie "Groundhog Day", when the hero wakes up every morning on the same day and all the events around him go according to the same scenario, and only he can change them. Unfortunately, the same thing happens in real life. How many millions of lives does a soul have to incarnate in order to correctly play just one scene of life?!

That's why, first task when working with karma, it is to show the patient that vicious circle of errors through which, like a squirrel in a wheel, he runs from birth to death in each new incarnation. Second stage when working with a patient is to help him develop a correct understanding of the actions and their consequences in this particular case.
The fact is that if a person, reacting to external events, made wrong conclusions and, as a result, performed wrong actions and repeated it from life to life, then these repeated “wrong” actions were prescribed in the person’s karmic body as unconscious reactions to such annoying situations. Similar "automatisms" of karmic baggage lie in our subconscious. Therefore, our psychological unconscious, uncontrolled by the will and mind, reactions to this or that life incident, again follow the old well-worn scenario: again, like in the movie "Groundhog Day", when others characters every day, like biorobots, they repeat the same experience with themselves.

What to do? How to get out of this vicious circle? Even if we begin to control all our actions and deeds, where is the guarantee that we will not return to the old scenario again? After all, it seems to us that it is better from “past experience” - because there were no other options! And again by trial and error? How many reincarnations will it take?
Therefore, the second milestone is working out with the patient new scenario of behavior. To do this, you need to enter the memory bank of the Universal School of Soul Education and take options for hints for a new experience there. It takes time and effort, however, the game is worth the candle! It is better to spend a little time and effort here than to run through the old scenarios again for the next thousand reincarnations.
What follows is the practice of going through this new scenario or scenarios with the patient, of which there may be many. As a result of this work, the reincarnation stereotypes of perception of the world and behavior in various life situations are blurred.

2. Working with karma within the framework of karmic psychology is not only a fight against karmic stereotypes of perception and behavior, it is also training, and training is multifaceted. As a result of this training, a person begins to perceive more deeply all the processes that happen to him. New horizons open before him and unlimited prospects for internal development and the realization of his true spiritual needs appear. I want to note that these internal changes of his directly affect the improvement of his material well-being and authority in the society in which he lives.

3. And, finally, the latest acquisition that a person receives as a result of working with karma. This is an improvement in his health. I have had cases, although initially the request was not about the cure of certain physical ailments, when after several sessions people had various diseases that people have suffered for years.

Kononov V.V.

Before proceeding to consider the theoretical and practical methods of Karmic psychology, let's try to think about why we came to this world? Each of us sooner or later asks similarquestions:

- What is the purpose of my birth?
What does the world want from me?
- Why am I so alone in this chaos of events?
- Who are my true brothers and sisters?

These questions are not easy to answer. Sometimes we even think we have found the answer. And this is already comparable to that joke when they are looking for a black cat in a black room, which is not there, and at the same time everyone shouts: “I found it!”. And, nevertheless, we will try to look for that very “black cat”. Let's try to formulate these questions a little differently:

What goals and objectives did the soul have before this incarnation into a human being?

This can be revealed by indirect signs, if we evaluate the past years of our lives. This becomes clear when we look for the reasons for our actions, desires, intentions; considering some personal esoteric experience and the experience of associates who offered their services to participate in such experiments, as well as colleagues in misfortune, whose experience has been described in numerous folios of books and manuscripts over many centuries.
Here examples some goals of our incarnations.

1. One of the souls decided to come into this world as a guinea pig. For some reason, she needed the experience of a "test pilot", and all her life someone puts her experiments on her.
2. Another unfortunate person incarnated into this world for constant learning, she receives constant cuffs - the lessons of life, and tries to realize its meaning.
3. And here's another one, she's only here to just pay her debts. She scored them in past incarnations when she had fun for her own pleasure and now, unfortunately, she has to pay the bills. Perhaps she simply fulfills her promises, oaths, vows, etc., which she did not have time to fulfill before her previous death.
4. But the experimental souls; they incarnate here as creators or co-creators. Yes, do not be surprised - they are the hands of God. They realize their divine creative potential, which is embodied both in transforming the world around us into more harmonious forms, and in finding new ways to preserve the harmony of the environment, already created by someone.
5. There are watcher souls; their incarnation carries the mission of the eyes of God, they are here to contemplate the fruits of their past creativity or the creations of their spiritual brethren.
6. Here you also meet, though very rarely, souls carrying a great spiritual and educational mission on Earth. earth history has preserved many similar incarnations - these are Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, Great teachers, saints, etc.
7. Some souls may incarnate here for self-improvement or just for fun.
8. But it also happens: the soul is drawn into the whirlpool of incarnation by chance - and this is not so rare.

Of course, in the above examples, we could not reflect all the possible goals of incarnations, and this is not possible. But one thing is clear: we are here, on this "sinful" Earth, incarnated for certain reasons.

Why did We come to this world?

Let us pose this question, and let it accompany us all our further life until we answer it. Only after this our wanderings in the fog of illusions will begin to come to an end. We will feel solid ground under our feet and finally see the goals, and with them the joy. In life, at last, the true meaning will appear, and not the pathetic goal of the animal struggle for existence, which has so deeply affected society that some countries of the world have even put it at the core of their domestic and foreign policy programs.

With what we came into this world?

The answer is simple. This is a huge amount of desires caused by unsatisfied needs, both of the physical body and the baggage that we brought from past lives. All that we did not receive, did not have time to do, those desires and aspirations that we did not satisfy in past lives, we dragged into this life. And this nightmare presses on us from all sides, - I want to! Give! Give it back! And so on.

So we finally got to our tasks of incarnation here and now. It turns out that this is simply the satisfaction of needs of different ranks and levels. This makes me sad. But creativity is also a need, I would say, it is the Creator's need for creation. And love is a huge force that allows you to create. So, after all, not everything is lost, you just need to separate the “flies and cutlets” and understand what comes from the heart and what comes from unmet needs. Another interesting aspect: we bring from the past not only desires, but also experience, knowledge that we have received over many, many incarnations.

And again the questions arise:
1. What knowledge have we brought from the past?
2. What experience have we gained in past incarnations?
3. With what internal laws that we subconsciously follow and obey did we come into this world?
But everything is covered with a veil of oblivion. We don't remember anything about past lives. Is it so? And how to remember? And can you remember?

There is a place where this most valuable archive is hidden! All information is stored in the memory bank of our subconscious, where access to consciousness is closed. But access is closed only in one direction. Our subconscious constantly intervenes in our conscious life and, in fact, controls it. We often become puppets of the subconscious - this bottomless, sometimes even scary world. How to break free from the fetters of the past? How to get out of the web of oblivion and open the door to the subconscious? Don't you think there are already too many questions? But this is just the beginning.

What world does our soul enter?

First of all, when incarnating, the soul receives "as a reward" physical body in which she will remain throughout her life until her death. And this physical body does not have as many possibilities as we would like.

Firstly, we are in a three-dimensional world with its severe limitations and the laws of space-time.
Secondly, the human biological body can live and function normally only under certain parameters of the environment.
Third, the body itself has limited physical and biological capabilities, which greatly limits our freedom of action.

But, in addition to physical laws that limit the freedom of our actions, we are embodied in specific social conditions, which, in turn, by certain laws and rules, also make their own adjustments to our existence. These are the conditions of our incarnation.

And one more important aspect!

social laws, unfortunately, are a pitiful imitation of those true laws that exist on this planet. And this, in turn, is often the cause of strong contradictions between society and the spirit. These laws were established by the Creators at the time of the creation of this beautiful planet and its settlement by living beings, including people. The creators still strictly monitor the implementation of the "rules of the game" they have established. Natural disasters, earthquakes, man-made disasters and so on. - these are the consequences of the inclusion of a certain mechanism of "punishment", which works when people violate the laws of the Creator.

And finally, the most important. Incarnation itself, as such, is our conscious choice. No one forced us to "dive" into this limited space of rough matter. We are here entirely of our own free will. And now, finally confused, we can touch on these concepts often used for speculation - "fate" or "karma" and deal with the cause of their occurrence.
It already seems clear to us where to look for a black cat, where the prerequisites for the occurrence of causes leading to certain consequences are hidden. Now we can try to find the causes and understand them, understanding the essence of the occurrence of successes or failures.

Perhaps the first wispy ray of light in the black room has dawned, which may reveal the true reasons that motivate us to do good, negative or neutral actions that lead us to the corresponding consequences. It becomes possible to figure out why one person is successful and another is not, one is happy and the other suffers year after year.

The mystery of reincarnation has been a captivating question for inquisitive minds for centuries. Since time immemorial, man has been occupied with the idea that life is one continuous thread, andbirth and death are only phasesmoving from one stage of existence to another. All life is change and all change is life, but eternal life is what the ancient masters promised, and in this realm eternal life everything changes, but nothing changes. What is the reality of human existence? His physical life, his deeds, the principles that he stands for, or is there something more elusive that creates and recreates human life?

A beautiful architectural project is as real as the thought that created it, because in one moment of time and space the symbolic structure will cease to exist, but the thought that created the architectural creation will remain in eternity. Seer Nostradamus wrote many pages, most of which were burned or lost. However, the thoughts of these pages are full of life. This is the substance of eternal life.

Your thought is the real "you"; not the "you" as relatives, friends or neighbors see you. The real "you" is not your physical body, as it may never recognize that its influences end at the skin border. There was no time when you did not exist, and there will never come a time when you will cease to exist. But parts of yourself will change as you experience a constant transformation throughout your eternal life as your soul journeys upward towards perfection.

We can see such changes in the simple beauty of nature's history. The two caterpillars were friends and spent a lot of time together. Once one of the caterpillars died, after which her true and faithful friend began a quiet, grief-stricken wakefulness near the body of his departed beloved creature. Many sad days passed, and one day the caterpillar looked up and saw a butterfly staring at it. "Why are you crying?" - asked the butterfly. “Because I lost my friend,” the caterpillar replied. Then, in all its splendor and beauty, the butterfly proudly said: “But I am your friend!” For a caterpillar, reincarnation was difficult to understand, but for a butterfly it was a fact, since it transcended one physical form and entered another without losing her true identity in the process.

IN ancient egypt the bodies of the dead souls were buried along with the most valuable property for them, so that they could be comfortable on their future journey. In India, for many centuries, bodies were burned so that the soul could rise with the ashes up to Brahma. Then they began to be left as bird food, realizing that the physical shell itself is only a temple that houses the soul. They seem to know that the same thought that created such a temple will create new temples when the soul needs them.

We know that babies are born with a certain character, which they begin to show from the very first days of their stay in the hospital. Very often, these manifestations are so distinct and unique that they contrast inexplicably with their traceable heredity. In India, cases have been recorded when children could speak dialects that differed from those they were taught in the family.

From time to time we see cases of extreme innate talent. At the age of four Mozart gave his first concert, using the musical knowledge that he could not acquire in the first four years of his life. The only plausible reason for such a highly developed understanding of music would be that he worked on it during previous lives and culminated in expression in this incarnation.
Apparently, it will be difficult to explain that the talent of the great Michelangelo could have been born in only one life and that he had no knowledge of art in previous incarnations. These natural talents, ie. what we do well without training is usually what we have been working on before the present incarnation.

Some phobias stubbornly resist all forms of psychiatric treatment. We conclude that the source of extreme fear is deeply rooted in the soul, now remaining as a sediment, even if the individual no longer consciously remembers the cause. All that is needed to arouse fears of this type is a form of sensory impression which subconsciously reminds the individual of a past incarnation in which he may have had an adequate cause for this fear. Stored in the memory of the soul are negative pictures of every event that the individual has ever experienced. All that is needed is a "trigger" to bring these negatives into focus and they will have the power to affect the individual in his present life.

Without any real understanding of reincarnation, most modern psychologists try to treat patients suffering from such fears with the help of so-called "desensitization". They hope that by desensitizing a person, they will eventually achieve a lesser response to this stimulus. Of course, the price to be paid is that the patient becomes desensitized to all stimuli rather than choosing those that have to do with the negatives of his subconscious past life pain. When we understand how the individual reacts to time, we will have the first clue as to why fears and phobias are so difficult to overcome. It seems reasonable to expect that a habit that has become ingrained in two or three lifetimes will require psychologists four or five years of treatment.

With a subconscious desire for a better life the individual “compresses” time. In essence, a chronic past life problem that existed for thirty or forty years arises in the current life as a "leftover" from an event or perception. Then thirty or forty years of experience is symbolically reacquired within a relatively short period of time. Thus, the emotional reaction becomes disproportionate compared to the psychologically distinguishable "triggers" in this life. At the same time, the acute trauma of past lives seems to be so painful in the memory of the soul that the individual in the current life goes to any extreme measures to avoid those areas and situations that, as he subconsciously knows, will excite these negative manifestations. It seems logical that a person with a fear of heights could have died as a result of a fall from a height in a previous life.

It can be concluded that those qualities that least of all correlate with the rest of the present life (for better or for worse) are the remnants of a past incarnation. Think about every question about yourself that you could never answer. Where are the answers?

Individual features - evidence of rencarnation

Having collected many examples showing that some people remember their past lives, Professor Stevenson expressed the opinion: "The idea of ​​reincarnation allows us to understand the individual characteristics of any person." He also noted that the concept of reincarnation allows us to explain, for example, phenomena such as deviations in mental activity, which is difficult to explain from the point of view of modern psychology or psychiatry with all the knowledge they have.

These features are:

1) innate fear in relation to certain phenomena in infancy or infancy;
2) unusual interests and games that are found in babies;
3) unusual abilities and behaviors, which are often manifested in children and which they could not learn about in infancy;
4) habits and preferences;
5) temperament;
6) early developing sexual response;
7) shyness in front of people of the same sex;
8) differences in identical twins;
9) inexplicable hostility;
10) unusual appetite during pregnancy;
11) left-handedness;
12) birthmarks and birth defects;
13) individual character traits inherent in each;
14) the ability to recreate in memory the environment that they see for the first time, and so on.

You can briefly explain the essence of the features highlighted by the professor:

1) This kind of fear is generally associated with the cause of death during the previous incarnation. Ma Tin Aung Miyo, a Burmese woman, at the age of four, began to remember that in a previous life she was a Japanese soldier who was shot dead from an Allied aircraft. Subsequently, she was afraid of airplanes for several years.
2) Many children from infancy become interested in the profession they want to have when they grow up. WITH early years Saint Catherine of Siena, later recognized as a saint, pretended to be a nun in her games and practiced harsh practices such as fasting. At the age of seven, she dedicated her life to Jesus Christ. Her father worked as a dyer in Siena and, like her mother, was a believer. They tried not to interfere with her zealous religious service. However, in their Everyday life there were no factors explaining the reason why she became a saint.

3) One man named Coris Chotkin Jr. remembers how he was an old fisherman and lived in Alaska, so from childhood he was interested in motors, knew how to repair and manage them.
4) Some children who remember their past lives surprise adults by demanding liquor, tobacco, or drugs such as hashish. They talk about how they remember how they often used them in a past life, and also that they cannot understand why such things are banned.
5) Studies have shown that within a few days after birth, infants show significant differences in temperament. Some experts in this field were confused, unable to explain the reason for the occurrence of such individual differences. As for children who remember their past lives, according to Professor Stevenson's research, some of those who served him as a source of information claimed that the temperament of these children was the same as in the previous incarnation.

6) Some children, who remember their past lives, even in infancy show sexual interest in those who were a wife or lover in past lives. So, one small child confessed his love to a person of the opposite sex, who reminded him of a loved one from a past life.
7) In many cases, children who remember that in a past life they had the opposite sex, in infancy behave according to the sex they had. Such children often deny, or pretend to deny, the concept of sex as accepted by modern anatomy. For example, some girls say they are boys, wear boy clothes, play boy games, and want to be called a man's name.
8) Burmese twins named Maung Aung Cho Tin and Maung Aung Ko Tin remember that in their past lives, one of them was a woman and the other a man. The woman owned a rice mill and the man was a farmer. He grew rice and took it to this mill. When observing the behavior and attitudes of the twins, it was found that one of them behaves arrogantly, like a rich mill owner, and the other politely, like a rice farmer.
9) The groundless hostility that some feel towards certain people or social groups is probably based on memories from past lives - this is similar to the attitude of the murdered man, who has a strong desire for revenge, towards his murderer. Some people, for example, became angry when they heard something about the British or the Americans.
10) A woman named Maun Mint Tin remembers that she was an alcoholic in a past life, and in her childhood she often demanded alcohol. Her mother says that four or five months after getting pregnant, she had an overwhelming craving for alcohol.

Burmese Ma Kin Sandi, who is considered the epitome of her grandmother, is left-handed, while her grandmother was not. And none of her family was left-handed. However, after the grandmother went to bed due to a cerebral hemorrhage, she became paralyzed in her right arm and this condition continued until death occurred a few months later. That is why Ma Kin Sandi has the feeling that her right hand is unable to act, which prompted her to use her left hand.
12) Among children who remember their past lives, many, according to the testimony of those who report it, were born with birthmarks and congenital malformations that corresponded to injuries that damaged their physical body in a previous incarnation. In some cases, illnesses in this life correspond to those they had in a previous life.

If there were no information about such a phenomenon as reincarnation, then any innate ability of a person would be the result of a random interaction of genes. However, since we have facts that prove its existence, we can assume that individual character traits are determined not only by the genetic factor, but also by what character traits were characteristic of a person in previous lives.
14) In some cases associated with reincarnation, people, getting into the area where they lived in a past life, experience the feeling that they have already been here, although they came here for the first time in this life. Usually people who have this feeling do not retain fuller memories and do not remember anything related to a past life, or perhaps remember only a small part of it.

Regressive hypnosis is a technique of hypnosis, thanks to which a person, plunging into a trance state, has the opportunity to view variations of his past lives, generate new ways to solve problems, and gain missing experience. In this way, many emotional and psychological disorders are treated, which, without exaggeration, the entire modern society suffers from.

"How I died in a past life" - self-abasement and anxiety, self-blaming

I learned about the regressive hypnosis technique by accident when I saw a post about hypnosis on social media. It was a deep night and, as usual, I could not fall asleep from a lot of thoughts in my head. To pass the time a little, I aimlessly explored the space of the Internet. Having stumbled upon the topic of changing human consciousness in a state of trance, I was attracted by the concept of regressive hypnosis.

The fact is that after 20 years, when my father died of thyroid cancer, I felt continuous anxiety and depression, I began to worry about my state of mind. Then I went to a psychotherapist, but they only prescribed me pills, based on only superficial symptoms. During periods of rollback of the effect of antidepressants, I felt helpless and useless for this world, made endless attempts to drown out or replace inner sadness, but all in vain. When I returned to my normal state, I decided to use the method of regressions, inspired by the stories of successful regressive hypnosis in the past. I urgently needed the help of a hypnologist, otherwise I would have successfully reached schizophrenia by swallowing pills all my life.

After a week of preparation for the session, I went to a specialist. The girl was very perceptive, she seemed to look through all my levels of the psyche. I trusted her and allowed myself to be put into a trance. The hypnosis process was videotaped; I spoke everything I saw, all my actions, in order to have a connection with the regressologist and the real world.

My childhood. I ended up near the old oak that my father loved (he died when I was 20 years old), I continued to move and ended up in a cradle, then darkness, I hear my mother's heart beating, I go deeper into consciousness. An open field appeared in front of me, doors of different designs stood in a row on the sides. I ordered myself to enter the 4th door on the right. When I opened the door, I saw the moment of death of some aged man, the atmosphere was reminiscent of 18th century England. The man was lying on the bed, I, unexpectedly for myself, run into the space of the room and rush to the bed with wild sobs and pain in my chest. I feel guilty, crazy anxious, I hate myself. It turned out that this man is the father of the one in whose body I am. This is a 15-year-old boy, a very emotional and sensitive guy, he does not believe in what is happening. The realization comes to me that the boy blames himself for the death of his father, as happens in the minds of children in an accident. A man is dying of an illness, just like my father once did.

Since stress is the cause of many deadly diseases, this time it was he who affected the health of this stranger. Apparently, the boy was very mischievous and naughty, his father had to devote a lot of time to raising the guy, since his mother died in childbirth (this information was in my memory at that time). The man was a lot nervous and often sick, difficult work and raising a difficult teenager significantly affected the immune system and nourished cancer cells. The boy realized that it was he who brought his father to such a state that the second significant member of the family dies because of him.

In the mind of the child, apparently, the conviction was formed that he was responsible for the death of his mother, and now he killed his own father. The guy destroyed everything that is in his soul, fed self-hatred, anxiety and fear. The next day the boy killed himself. At the moment when I projected this situation onto myself, the hypnologist had already identified the root of my problem and began to look for ways to eliminate the complex. She was the voice that accompanied me in the space of the subconscious. The girl analyzed the situation I saw. The regressiologist explained the origins of my experiences and depression, compared the facts from my life and regressive experience. Then there were several more sessions of therapy in order to more deeply consider my complexes and get rid of them, through the psychological impact in a state of trance.
The next day, after the regressive experience, I began to feel free, as if the soul had got rid of some of the dirt that prevented me from moving on.
Artem, 35 years old

Experience of regression - low self-esteem, sick skepticism

My self-esteem dropped approximately to the core of the Earth and felt great there, but I, as the mistress of my soul space, felt some discomfort. In addition, I am also a skeptic, a snob, and all these unpleasant qualities of a person that annoy everyone are me. Not many could tolerate me, let alone be friends, but still there were such crazy people. Mother imposed the idea of ​​going to a psychotherapist or, the most ingenious, to a psychologist, but I was convinced that these people were like gypsies with a diploma (and it’s not a fact that with a real one).

My friend, trying to help my condition, because she could not watch self-destruction, advised me to study the theory of regressive hypnosis and go to a specialist in this technique. I just “twisted my finger at my temple”, her options for getting out of the situation turned out to be worse than those of my mother.

My friend began to impose this idea imperceptibly, well, how imperceptibly, she simply showed all sorts of videos from YouTube, stories from regressive hypnosis, how hypnosis affects a person. She constantly talked to me about this, rubbed this “miracle concept” into my gums. In the end, I freaked out, and we argued. If regressive hypnosis really helps me, then I will give all the money for therapy and arrange a trip to Venice for my friend. In the event that I win, she will bear all the expenses, in addition, she will pay off part of my mortgage. I love profitable disputes and being disappointed in this world.

So, I went through several preparatory sessions, came directly to the therapy itself, the hypnologist (he was a handsome man with a mischievous look) gave me some advice, after we started hypnosis. He asked ordinary questions in the style of “what do you feel now?”, “What do you see?” etc. My inner voice beat in hysterical laughter, but I held on. What happened next wasn't funny at all. I entered my subconscious, as if I had been turned inside out and shown all my fears, complexes, prejudices, forced to experience several lives different people in different timelines.

After that, I can say for sure that I saw absolutely everything in this and previous lives. I saw the causes of my suffering, I saw all my injuries, I experienced the wildest pain. This person got into my subconscious together with me, influenced me, changed my way of thinking. You can't use magic like that outside of Hogwarts, man.

After a few sessions like this, I turned into a pink plush bunny with some soul defects, but progress was made every week. I felt those positive emotions that had been hidden for me for years. Of course, I couldn’t pay the mortgage, and I did therapy at my own expense, but, as it turned out, I had a very good friend who shared a trip to Venice with me. After all, I dreamed of going to this place for 4 years, only the complexes put a ban.

Anna, 29 years old

How I died in a past life - no motivation for action, no future

“There was nothing unusual, in principle, in my character. After graduating from the university (finally), I did not see any special reasons for self-realization in the profession, in the creative initiative, etc. I went to work in an office where I was paid 30k. Not so long ago, I was promoted from content manager to HR (salary turned into 35k). Everything went on as usual, I rented an apartment for a couple with my martyr, worked 5/2 from 9 to 6 in the evening, whined about my mediocrity and went to bed. The young man was constantly doing something, drawing all night long, organizing various projects, listening to my whining. He was my lifeline, so as not to turn into an amoeba at all.

At the time of our very passive quarrel, the martyr threw some book with esotericism at me, shouting something about regressive hypnosis and age regression. He made me read the information about this topic, and I was confronted by him somehow, it was too lazy, and there was no point. He paid for my regression therapy sessions and I, having nothing to do, surrendered to the will of fate, as they say. I was received by some old woman from American films about housewives.

We went through the initial training, then proceeded to the regression itself. To say that I have known the world is to say nothing. The experience of regression was such a bright event in my entire life that all other influences on consciousness (psychology, other hypnotic techniques) seemed to be only a superficial digging into my own memories. I saw the lives of people of different sorts and backgrounds. I felt very painful memories, revealed my insides, through people who were completely unfamiliar to me, who died mediocre and lived just as mediocre. I transferred their situations, thoughts, feelings to myself. For several experiences of regression, I learned to think and feel this world differently, I had a desire to live, love, create, leave a mark on my generation. The young man occasionally began to miss my inertia, but still was glad to shift my consciousness towards an extrovert.
Esotericism turned out to be not such a crazy idea as it was shown on TV3

Olga, 27 years old

History of Regressive Hypnosis - Painful Jealousy

“I don’t believe in hypnosis, even taking into account Freud’s techniques, what can I say, if I even had difficulty believing my relatives. Since childhood, I was very jealous, no one could convince me that this is actually not very normal, even at the age of 23. At 30, I was already starting to worry a little that I had neither friends nor a girlfriend, only relatives somehow endured my quirks, but tried to see me less often. Yes, tantrums like “why are you talking to him more than to me?” were my skate. At that time, I often read the works of famous psychoanalysts and found a trend towards hypnosis.

After scouring the Internet for similar information, I came across the regressive hypnosis technique of Dolores Cannon. This woman seems like a mediocre housewife, but there is something in the concept of her method, I thought. After long and tedious analyzes of the effectiveness of regressive hypnosis, I decided to try it on myself (fortunately, the salary allows me to conduct experiments on my consciousness), although I was a jealous hysteric, but a very inquisitive hysteric, yeah.

Well, I came, then, to the regressologist. Fulfilled his requirements for preparation for therapy, we had a nice conversation, and I went into a trance in a split second. I am very driven. I saw my childhood, my brother takes away a wooden horse from me, and then hits my forehead with his palm, actually an unpleasant situation. I go further, I see doors in the airspace and, as it should be, I go into one of them. Watching a heartbreaking picture from your own face. Here I am, some guy in his 40s, killing his friend in a drunken stupor for shaking hands not friendly enough. What? I couldn't do this! I'm not crazy ... I'm crazy. Similar feelings occur in me when I see that someone has paid more attention to a stranger than to me. I hear the voice of a hypnologist, he is trying to get me out of a state of shock and internal hysteria, I feel like crying. I quickly walk out the door and scream. Specialist psychological methods trying to bring me into an adequate state, building a logical chain of what happened. Something clicks in my mind, and I calm down, listen to the voice of my mentor, trying to delve deeper into his words and focus on the experience of regression.

After a smooth withdrawal from the trance, I again retell everything that I saw to the hypnologist, he, in turn, asks me questions related to my complex. My answers come from the very soul, I express my feelings, analyze them and understand that something has changed in me, I no longer feel violent jealousy, an understanding is born in me in relation to the people around me.
We still have a lot to work through in my mind, but loved ones began to interact with me more often. At least I don’t feel like a jealous psycho.”

Denis, 35 years old

History c regression - an irresistible desire to hurt people (morally and physically)

“No, I was not a monster, but my grandmother called me a couple of times “devil”. After a hard breakup with a girl, I got a little aggressive and got some pleasure from it. He snapped too often, did not filter his speech when talking with loved ones, ran into fights, insulted his parents, raped girls. It was easier for me when everyone around hurt, but not me. My parents sent me to a psychotherapist, but somehow he didn’t really cope with this task, being surprised that all sorts of tranquilizers there didn’t help me much. We figured out that this person is extracting money from us, based only on the fact that this case is too severe.

My granny offered her help, she was engaged in esotericism and did good hypnosis therapy sessions for free (a kind woman helped unfortunate people). We did not cooperate and had several preparatory sessions before hypnosis, and after the regressive hypnosis itself.

My grandmother is very affectionate and kind, so she carried out the entry into a trance as gently as possible, as if I fell asleep to the sounds of a lullaby. First, my grandmother's voice brought me to childhood, then to the womb, and then I moved to some dense forest, where there were a lot of fireflies and strange doors. Out of curiosity, I looked into one. An extremely disgusting picture arose in front of me with the scene of the brutal murder of a teenage girl. I, her father, was the killer. Unable to cope with an attack of aggression, the father beat the girl in every possible way, enjoying her cries for mercy. Her heart failed, she died of a rupture. I am her father and I am going crazy. My hands are shaking, tears and panic surged with insane force, I rushed to call an ambulance, it hurts me a lot, I don’t want everything to happen like this, I love her more than my life. She was everything, the only person who loved me no matter what.

I was not a bad father, I broke. Why do I justify myself? I killed myself. When I walked out of the space of the door, I was sick of myself because I saw the death of a loved one, this experience turned my whole life upside down. Grandmother spoke to me again, her gentle voice brought me out of my state of mental agony. I stood in the middle of this forest, I was very scared, I wanted to disappear, realizing how much pain I brought into this world. Grandmother used her talents as an excellent diplomat and psychologist, talking to me while I was in a state of trance. We had a question/answer conversation. Granny pulled out my demon, which was fueled by a complex of uselessness, and tore all his beliefs, so to speak.

After the first session, we conducted many similar practices. I apologized to my loved ones for several hours, every day, I wrote huge letters to them, compensated for all this with gifts. I hated myself, but I managed."

Pavel, 24 years old

Share your regression hypnosis stories and knowledge of how you died in a past life.

They begin to think about such important questions as: “Where did man come from?”, “Does each of us really have a soul?”, “Did our life exist before this?” and many others.

Quite a long time ago, scientists hypothesized that a person lives many lives, only in different bodies. Unfortunately, only a few remember what happened before the last rebirth. Therefore, it is quite obvious that many are interested in how to remember a past life. Some do not even believe that they existed long before the appearance in the twentieth - twenty-first century.

Journey into the past

It is believed that the smallest details of events that took place in a certain period remain in the subconscious of a person from a previous life. Today, few people study their soul, but every day there are more and more people who want to know themselves. It is quite obvious that a person is interested in how to remember a past life, and somewhere in the depths of his subconscious, he believes that he existed before. Of course, those who refuse to believe in mysticism, personal development and esotericism, but this does not rid them of the past.

It is believed that a truly internally developed person can know his past, is able, so to speak, to travel in time. Get required level everyone can know. To do this, it is not necessary to be born unique, absolutely everyone can do it. The only remark and advice: constantly train, take care of yourself, improve - and then everything will work out.

Past life, what is it?

Today it is hard to believe that the past is a part of the person himself, and it has a place to be. It needs to be understood and unraveled. How to remember a past life? People created and developed various techniques to help achieve the desired result. Among the ways to "awaken memories" is very popular hypnosis, but it does not always work one hundred percent. To learn how to travel in time, you need to practice. This can be done alone or with the help of friends or relatives.

Nowadays there is a lot of literature containing theory and practice that could help to awaken past life memories. Studies show that many people quit classes halfway through, because they do not see any changes (results). This is completely in vain, since by desire alone nothing will happen. Having chosen a certain technique, a person must adhere to it and practice daily, and the result will not be long in coming. And it is very important to believe in what you are doing, otherwise it will just be a waste of time.

Human experience

Past life of a person the greatest secret, which is unraveled in individually. Only a separate person is able to understand his essence and visit any time, feel emotions and survive the events of those times. Being engaged, a person differently perceives what is happening. Some see sketches, such as sketches of the past. Others manage to visit there in a dream and feel everything for themselves, as if it were yesterday. Still others suddenly receive information that fits into a puzzle and becomes obvious.

One way or another, the memory of a past life returns, gradually or suddenly, taking the person by surprise. Sometimes people can experience events that have already happened a long time ago. For example, to observe the communication of the characters as if from the outside and gradually realize that one of them is I. After a certain time, people heard an incomprehensible, alien speech, which, however, used to be their own. Some of them understood this language, although they had never before in their life (real, momentary) encountered its speakers. The experience of each person is individual, and the subconscious can react to what is happening in completely different ways.

Method called "Rainbow"

Not everyone believes in reincarnation, but many are interested in whether there is a past life. Agree, who would not want to know the most striking events that took place many years ago, and even with whom? With myself! That is why methods, techniques have been developed to help lift the mysterious veil. How to remember a past life? Try a method called "Rainbow".

The essence of the method is as follows: a person should lie down comfortably and relax as much as possible. If it is more comfortable to be in a sitting position - please. Next, you need to close your eyes, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts, your body from tension, your soul from emotions. Our goal is to achieve relaxation. It's okay if it doesn't work the first time, this procedure is really difficult. Agree, who can instantly stop thinking? All sorts of thoughts come into my head: “What to cook for dinner?”, “When do I pay the bills?”, “I forgot to take the necessary medicines,” and so on. But with time desired state comes.

Breathing should be even, mood upbeat, but in general you should be in absolute calmness. A person should feel the pleasure of peace, not forgetting to breathe. When you have reached this state, it is necessary to proceed to the analysis of the soul. Look inside, say to yourself: "I remember a past life." Play with flowers. First imagine red, stop, notice the sensations, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. What do you see? It is possible that at these moments some memories will come up in a person or emotions will come flooding in, for example, joy, excitement, sadness, and so on.

Essence of Techniques

If a person decides to find out about his past life by all means, then he needs to remember the following. Before proceeding with the analysis of your perception of the soul, it is necessary to achieve complete relaxation, while not forgetting to breathe. Optimal rhythm: take a deep breath, hold for a few seconds and exhale. In general, this procedure should take at least 10 seconds. Also, you should always practice in silence and comfort. Nothing should distract or annoy the person. Past life regression is a rather laborious and lengthy process, but you should not stop halfway. You should pay attention to the sensations - they are the key to knowing the past life.


The rainbow effect is based on sensations that intersect with the most common colors. The soul must react to one of them, the memory will awaken, and drawings, sketches, pictures may appear in the head. The main thing is to concentrate, not to rush, everything will come gradually. The Rainbow effect is to analyze the colors in a certain sequence. At the end of the exercise, everything must be done in reverse. That is, start with purple and finish in red. At the end of the process, stretch, straighten, restore your breath and put your palms to your eyes. If you rub your hands together, they will become hot. Putting palms to the eyes, a person will feel the flow of energy, warmth. After that, they can be opened - the procedure is considered completed.

Application of methods

You can search for memories from the past as much as you like, even every day. The main thing is to do it right. You can't just sit down and torment your mind, trying to remember everything. In fact, this is unrealistic, because you don’t even know what to remember ... First you need to relax, feel peace, and then set a goal for yourself. In the same way, you can’t get up abruptly and go about your business. You need to relax, slowly open your eyes and slowly get up. The whole process should be calm, relaxed, and then the result will be.

As mentioned, there are a lot of techniques, but they all require concentration. Therefore, no matter what way of knowing oneself a person chooses, he must learn to enter a state of relaxation and exit it. To get to your subconscious, you need to work, but it's worth it.

Independent work

Note that to the question: “How to find out your past life?” there are three answers: on your own, through hypnosis and research. Consider the first case, which is available to absolutely everyone.

First you need to prepare the room (room). To do this, you need to create the most favorable conditions: turn off the phone, drown out the noise, turn off the lights, and so on. If a person relaxes better to the sound of waves beating against the shore, or the singing of birds, then appropriate music should be put on. The second stage is complete relaxation (how to achieve it is described above). Having concentrated, it is necessary to mentally prepare for a journey into the past. At this moment, you can imagine anything, for example, the road, railways, train, plane, car and so on. Then start your journey. Imagine that you see a door, and behind it - your past life. When you're ready, open it. Everything that a person sees at such moments is not accidental, therefore, after waking up, you need to analyze every detail. Perhaps, after several trips, the answer will come by itself.

It is important to be patient, if nothing can be seen or, conversely, there is too much of everything, and you start to get confused, you should not be upset. Practice pays off. Remember to return to the present (calmly, relaxed).


If past life regression fails, you can always turn to a hypnotherapist who will gladly help you remember everything. During the session, it may be possible to find out Interesting Facts and details.

It is worth noting that a person's past life does not always consist of fabulous events and is similar to paradise. Sometimes people find out about the terrible events that happened to them before. But do not be afraid of them - this is a bitter experience that we had to endure, which, fortunately, was left behind.

It is recommended to write down all memories after waking up. Let something seem like a trifle, but perhaps this will be the key to unraveling. Also, a person must understand that memories are part of his soul, so you should not be very critical of them. In addition, it is not recommended to be too zealous, because of this you will not be able to know yourself faster. It is worth noting that if the technique does not work, you can consider and study other techniques, maybe this will go faster. If it doesn't work, try again and again until you know everything that interests you.

One way or another, past lives, future lives - they all do not matter as much as the present, so you do not need to dwell on them too much. but keep in mind that deep down you can be a brilliant poet or an amazing actress. Memories hidden in the depths of the subconscious can dramatically change your life. And they can explain a lot. For example, fear of heights, darkness, confined space, and so on - most likely, not very pleasant events from a previous life are associated with them. After all, as the proverb says, whoever does not know his past has no future. But with the help of this knowledge, you can get rid of phobias and even cure many diseases.

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