Vedic woman return to origins. Slavic Vedas read for women the meaning of the body. Physical beauty of a woman. Continuation

Physical beauty of a woman. Continuation.

Mammary glands.

The mammary glands and genitals consist of the same tissues. If violations are found here or there, then you need to know that the problem is both there and there. Breast mastopathy indicates very serious disorders in the genital organs.

To ensure that your breasts are always beautiful and do not lose their shape, perform the namaste pose daily - palms folded at the chest (a greeting in the East) with pressure alternately on one or the other.


In bed, men love round and beautiful shapes. The waist should definitely be narrow. The difference between the size of the waist and hips is ideally 20 cm. Therefore, for men this is a very attractive place on a woman’s body.

There are methods in the Brahminical tradition to make the waist slim:

1) Indian dance class,

2) spin the hoop,

3) wear a wide belt (or a wide elastic bandage) over or under clothing. This helps ensure that fat doesn’t accumulate, we don’t eat too much, and we keep our back straight.


The stomach should not be too flat, too big. So that he wanders beautiful shape must be done daily breathing exercises(pranayama) - while inhaling deeply, we protrude the stomach as much as possible, while exhaling, we retract it as much as possible. Do this several times.


The main energy channel is located in the hip area of ​​a woman.

If a girl has beautiful tights and even they are not visible under a long skirt, she will give off good vibrations that attract men.

It is beneficial for a woman to learn how to do manicures and pedicures in order to take care of herself and help other women.

There should be no hair on your legs. In India there is a tradition of giving birth to a girl within 40 days. After birth, they roll it with dough and remove excess hair.

You need to make sure that there is no varicose veins veins To prevent and treat this disease, you need to wear therapeutic compression tights (during pregnancy, while standing), drink horse chestnut drops, perform asanas, and do exercises for blood flow.

After childbirth, a woman may have dilated veins because she was lazy before giving birth.

The feet are in charge of all human achievements and austerities. Must be beautiful for a woman. It is auspicious to worship the feet of Radharani.

It is especially important for an unmarried girl to carefully take care of her feet, because... This is important for marriage. Well-groomed feet, even in tights and boots, will have a beneficial effect on men.

If there is fungus, you need to get rid of it immediately. The fungus speaks of great internal uncleanliness. And don’t think that after putting on socks you can do nothing, no one sees anyway. On a subtle level, people will feel hostility towards you; your subtle shell will emit an unpleasant “smell”.

How to fight fungus:

A proper diet is the key to quick recovery and prevention,

Therapeutic pedicure in the salon. A gel is applied to the fungal nail, which stops the fungus from feeding. This is both aesthetic and therapeutic, this is how we improve karma. The fungus really loves oil and cream, so you can’t feed it with it.

Wormwood root dressings. Prepare the root in late autumn (select its central part). It is better to clarify the scheme for wearing bandages with specialists (Dmitry and Sergey Krotov). In general, wear right hand, right leg. Change once a day. It is better to bury the old bandage. Wear this until the fungus goes away (sometimes it may take a year). St. John's wort is also suitable for healing. You need to smell St. John's wort and wormwood and use whatever smells fresh. You can drink a decoction of wormwood at lunch.

Apply a concentrated solution of wormwood and oil. Don't smear anything else.

Wear a serpentine stone that expels various viruses

If there are calluses, they must be removed.

Be sure to learn foot massage to practice for your husband and yourself.

Women's feet should be small. A small foot meant belonging to the upper class; such a woman had smaller steps.

You need to choose the right shoes. Take weekend shoes and sandals exactly according to your size. Choose other shoes 1-2 sizes larger, comfortable, like slippers. In this case, your feet will not freeze.

Walking in heels is a female asceticism.

Shoes that are too narrow lead to bunions and improper toe placement. If you already have bunions on your feet, you need to constantly knead them and wear a callus patch.

The legs should be soft and smooth. Cracked and dry feet mean dry character. You can take care of it like this: polish dry feet with sandpaper No. 0-2, apply cream (L'Oreal is suitable for very dry skin).


Hands are the organs of action of karma. Energy enters and leaves a person through the arms and legs. Everything that is worn on the arms and legs plays important role for health and destiny. You cannot wear jewelry regularly; silver and gold are favorable.

Golden wedding ring- a symbol of family karma. Many people are not allowed by karma to wear it on their right hand. ring finger, it can destroy health and destiny.

Often the husband’s condition worsens if he wears it on his right hand. Signs that the ring does not fit are teeth deteriorating, bones, and stomach pain.

To protect yourself, it is better to wear the ring periodically, in public, and take it off at home. To notice the effect of the ring on health, you need to monitor your condition for 7 days.

It is auspicious to wear paired bracelets on both hands, red from coral, white from shell.

Watches on a metal bracelet are harmful. good from gold, silver, plastic, leatherette. Be sure to rent at home. For Europeans, white gold works well.

Be sure to take good care of your hands. Give yourself a hand massage at least once a day. Work your fingertips well and rub your palms often. Wear gloves and apply cream. You can make your hands velvety by rubbing your palms with fine sandpaper.

A woman is able to exchange love through touch. It is beneficial to stroke often, to hug what we touch is food for our hands. Do not touch the dirt (use gloves if necessary). Bad female karma is cleansed by dirty work.

Elbows should not be dry. If you drink enough water, your elbows will look decent without any creams.


They should be short; if you turn your palm over, they will not be visible behind the fingertips.

There should be a manicure, nails should shine, be attractive (you can use “smart enamel.” Nails are bone feces, which is why if they get into food, they defile it. Nails can be varnished without fear of spoiling them.

Long nails mean the concentration of sexual energy in the lower chakras, aggressive energy, demonism. Such nails are characteristic of entities from the lower planets - vampires, etc. By wearing such nails, we strive to imitate them.

Decent, reasonable men are disgusted by this length of nails, because... feel an aggressive invasion. And men who want to use a woman don’t want it for long. relationships, family and children are attracted by such nails.

It is good to cut your nails during the waning moon.


It is very important to follow basic instructions to maintain purity of consciousness. If you come from the street, do not start communicating until

Take off your shoes, outerwear,

Go to the bathroom, wash your hands, rinse your mouth, spray on your hair and feet (this is also good to do after and before meals, before an important conversation, even a telephone conversation),

Run wet hands over outerwear top down.

When we touch our ears, nose, mouth, feet, we become defiled; we need to wash our hands. Otherwise, we become less pleasant to our interlocutors.

It’s good to apply makeup with your right hand, apply creams, and with your left hand to cleanse the body (brush teeth, wash, remove makeup).

You need to wash your clothes daily as your clothes get dirty, and don’t accumulate them.


A woman should dress for her husband and the way he likes.

*Our heroine witnessed a story from the life of a middle-income Indian family. Before the next purchase of a sari for his wife, the husband called the store, set an appointment time, and discussed the details. At the appointed time, the couple arrived at the store. They brought my wife food, provided her with literature, and turned on music. Meanwhile, the husband selected several dozen saris from the huge assortment provided. And then the wife got down to business, who, from the quantity selected by her husband, chose what suited her.

It is unfavorable for a woman to wear trousers, because... educates masculine nature. Tight trousers and generally sexy clothing are regarded by the opposite sex as an invitation to rape (unfavorable influence of Venus and Mars).

It is important that there is no visible gap between the legs above the knees, especially for men - loss of sexual energy. This is why in the Vedic tradition men wear wide trousers (dhoti) and a long kurta.

A woman dresses openly when she is desperate to attract anyone. On a subtle level, all the men who looked with lust are having sex with her. A woman loses a lot of energy and ages prematurely. She becomes unattractive to her husband.

According to the Vedic tradition, a woman can show well-groomed beautiful hands and feet. Clothing should be cut in such a way as not to reveal the body, but to emphasize femininity and the contours of the waist and chest.

A woman who prefers a sporty style of clothing looks as if she has just worked out.

It’s bad when clothes have broken lines, holes, and rags weigh on them.

A woman needs to wean herself from wearing clothes that she doesn’t like. Avoid gray, unattractive tones in clothing.

If someone gave you their things, then they need to be cleaned subtle body previous owner, washed with manure, tilaka, milk. If you got things from a lucky friend who, for example, got married well, then wearing her things will be a blessing for you in your marriage.

Do not wear someone else's shoes under any circumstances.

Take off the skirt only over your head.

“Vedic woman” - this expression has already set teeth on edge. It became fashionable thanks to the well-known “family psychologist” Oleg Torsunov and his followers, who travel around the country and give lectures on how mere mortals can achieve family happiness. And at the same time they justify their ideal of a “Vedic woman”, referring to the “Laws of Manu”, which, firstly, were created much later than the Vedas, and secondly, reflect a social structure that did not actually exist, but an ideal constructed by the Brahmans.

Now the time has come to take the bull by the horns and answer the question, what was the “Vedic woman” like, what she was like in historical reality, and not in Torsunov’s fantasies. And for this, let's directly turn to the Vedic texts.

For many, it comes as a discovery and with great difficulty that there has never been a once and for all established “Vedic civilization”, on the contrary, society, culture and beliefs in India, as elsewhere, were in the process of change, and therefore, in particular, family relationships and the position of women among the Indo-Aryans in the Vedic period (late 2nd - first half of the 1st millennium BC) differed significantly from the Gupta era (III-V centuries), not to mention the medieval order.

In addition, it is important to emphasize that the Vedas in a narrow sense include four collections: Rigveda (Veda of hymns), Samaveda (Veda of chants), Yajurveda (Veda of sacrificial formulas) and Atharvaveda (Veda of spells), and in a broad sense the Vedic canon includes Brahmins, Aranyakas and Upanishads. The last two categories of texts are known as Vedanta (literally “the end of the Vedas”) [Hinduism 1996: 118; History of the East 1997: 398]. Neither the Mahabharata, nor the Ramayana, nor the Puranas are “Vedic literature”!

In the Vedas, as in the texts of other ancient cultures, love relationship men and women were surrounded by an aura of sacredness, and at the same time, of course, there was no indication of the “sinfulness” or “malignity” of the feminine principle. Human love is thought of as a reflection of divine love.

In the Rig Veda, the emergence of the universe turns out to be the fruit of the intercourse of father-Heaven with mother-Earth: “The mother introduced the father to the law: / After all, (even) earlier she came together (with him) in spirit (and) thought. She, wanting to hold (the fruit), was pierced, moistened by the fruit” (I.164.8) [Rigveda 1989: 201].

Thus, Heaven and Earth act as a prototype of the universal parent couple. This image will become popular in the later layers of the Samhitas and in the Brahmins, where it can be reproduced by other divine couples. Accordingly, rain turns out to be the seed that fertilizes the earth (I.100.3; 128.3; III.55.17). Gods are subject to the same passions as people. Thus, the Sun pursues the goddess of dawn Ushas (cf. Eos ancient greek mythology): “Surya steps from behind on the sparkling / Goddess Ushas, ​​like a young man on a woman” (I.115.2) [Rigveda 1989: 140].

In the Vedas, ritual is thought of in terms of love relationships. The ignition of a sacrificial fire by friction of two pieces of wood is likened to intercourse: the upper piece represents the male organ, and the lower one the female (Rigveda III.29.1–3) [Ibid: 314]. Accordingly, the love relationship between a man and a woman is sanctified. In hymn X.85, the earthly wedding is likened to the marriage of the god Soma, identified with the month, and Surya (here suryA, with a long vowel "a", which means feminine), daughter of the solar deity Savitar. The path of the wedding train here corresponds to the path of the Sun across the sky, and individual wedding accessories (the bride’s outfit, details of the chariot, bulls harnessed to this chariot) correspond to the elements of the universe [Rigveda 1999: 220–224]. This anthem is still performed in India at marriage ceremonies [Pandey 1990: 172].

Of course, the Vedic Aryan society was patriarchal, and goddesses did not occupy a special place in the pantheon. But at the same time, it is a generally accepted fact that women enjoyed much greater freedom than in the future [Rigveda 1989: 447]. Husband and wife together were "masters of the house" (dampatI). In the “Wedding Hymn” of the Rig Veda, the wife is called “mistress” over her husband’s relatives (X.85.46).

The wife participated with her husband in performing religious rites. This is stated, for example, in one of the hymns to the fire god Agni: Having become unanimous, they approached on their knees Together with their wives (and) bowed to him, worthy of worship (I.72.5).

Elsewhere, Indra “endowed the husband and wife with the (sacred) speech of hymns,” and they “with outstretched sacrificial spoon together serve the gods” (I.83.3). The householder's wife took part in the ritual of squeezing the sacred drink - soma (I.28.3). In addition, we learn that women freely attended common sacrifices and festive gatherings (X.86.10; 168.2). The girls themselves made dates with men (X.40.2, 6) and found their own husbands (X.27.12). Some women, for example, the daughter of King Ghosh (the twin gods Ashvins found her husband), were already in mature age got married (I.117.7). This same Ghosha herself exhibited a horse at the races - the favorite pastime of the Vedic Aryans (X.40.5). Others remained unmarried (II.17.7; X.39.3).

Nowhere is there any indication of any restrictions on widows or the existence of the custom of sati; Apparently, levirate was common among the Vedic Aryans, that is, when a widow married younger brother her late husband (X.40.2). A deserted wife could also remarry (X.102.11). There are indications of the existence of polygamy: in IX.38.2 the “young wives of Trita” are mentioned, also see X.30.5–6; 101.11, etc.

As if in mockery of Torsunov, everything female characters, found in the Rig Veda, are strong and independent women who take the initiative in love affairs, patronize men or even mercilessly push them around. In Rigveda hymn V.61 [Rigveda 1995: 67–69], the poet Syavashva praises the wife of his patron Taranta, who bestows upon him rich gifts:

She gave livestock consisting of horses,
And also from cows and from sheep to the number of a hundred,
(She) who puts her hand (under her head)
To the husband glorified by Syavashva.
And such a woman more often
Happens better than men who does not worship the gods, who does not give gifts,
Who looks out for the hungry
You (are looking for) the thirsty, (you) are looking for the one who wants,
(And) directs (his) thought to the gods (V.61.5–7)

Moreover, this “charming young woman“Then she sent the poet to her husband’s brother, Purumilkha. The above fragment is of great importance, because it shows, firstly, that women could manage property themselves, and secondly, that they could communicate with outside men.

In hymn-dialogue X.10 [Ibid: 124–126], a woman named Yami offers her love to her twin brother Yama, the first of the dead:

Love for Yama has come to me, Yami,
To lie down with him on a joint bed,
Like a wife to her husband, I want to give (my) body,
May the two of us roll back and forth like the wheels of a chariot! (X.10.7)

At the same time, Yami talks about the need to procreate. Yama refuses her, citing the fact that connecting with her sister is a sin that the “spies of the gods” will see, and therefore advises her to look for another husband. This hymn is notable not only for its prohibition of incest, but also for the fact that the woman reveals herself as an ardent seductress. And in subsequent Sanskrit literature, women very often play a leading role in love stories and turn out to be persistent and purposeful, while a man either humbly accepts a woman’s love or rejects it [Efimenko 1996: 49].

However, women in the Vedas demonstrate activity in less romantic situations. In the famous “Gambler’s Hymn” (X.34) [Rigveda 1999: 156–157], the wife and mother-in-law drive an unlucky dice gambler out of the house. Others caress the wife of the one whose property was attacked by the swift dice, (X.34.4) - he complains bitterly.

"The Player's Anthem", which still touches on today actual topic the harmfulness of gambling is, of course, unusual for the Rig Veda, a monument of high hieratic poetry. But researchers consider hymn X.86 no less unusual [Rigveda 1999: 485], since from the point of view of a person of European culture it looks obscene and cynical. Here Indrani, the wife of the main Vedic god Indra, praises her skill in love (“There is no better (me) in the embrace of love!”) and at the same time the masculine strength of her husband. At the same time, according to one of the scientists, the hymn contains a hint of the ritual intercourse of Indrani with the magical monkey - Vrishakapi [Ibid: 487].

The first development in Indian literature of a plot about the love of a mortal for a goddess is the hymn-dialogue of the Rig Veda X.95 [Ibid: 244–246]. Here we see a proud and beautiful celestial goddess - apsara Urvashi, whom her abandoned husband - King Pururavas - is unsuccessfully trying to bring back. Four years ago, Pururavas and Urvashi lived happily on earth and had a son, but due to the fact that Pururavas violated the agreement that existed between them, the celestial woman left the king. Now Pururavas begs her to return and even threatens to commit suicide, to which Urvashi replies:

O Pururavas, you must neither die nor disappear,
Evil wolves shouldn't kill you!
It doesn't happen friendly relations with women,
They have the hearts of hyenas (X.95.15)

Agree, Urvashi here is more reminiscent of a powerful and voluptuous goddess of the Ancient Near East, like Ishtar, in relation to whom men turned out to be weak and dependent correlates, and not some “Vedic housewife” listening to Torsunov’s lectures and sadly waiting for a “successful” husband - the businessman will bring her a salary. Women's magic occupies a certain place in Vedic texts. Already the Rig Veda contains the hymn-spell “Against the rival” (X.145). By rival (sapatnI) is meant either the second wife of one’s own husband (which once again confirms the existence of polygamy in the Vedic era) or his beloved [Rig Veda 1999: 535]. With the help of such a conspiracy, real “Vedic wives” “conquer the husband completely” and make “the husband completely mine” (X.95.1–2).

We find a large number of conspiracies related to female magic in the Atharva Veda. Here, in particular, there are conspiracies to bewitch a man (VI.89; VIII.38), to acquire the love of a man (VI.130) and to acquire a husband (II.36). Note that women's conspiracies are somewhat less artistic than similar men's ones, but still cannot leave the modern reader indifferent:

Let him love me!
Let my darling love me!
Oh Gods! Send love!
Let him burn for me! (VI.130.3)

Love spells were accompanied by magical actions. For example, a woman attached a love spell to her head, to which the spell was directed, and entered the village where the man she wanted to bewitch lived [Atharvaveda 1995: 361]. The existence of such conspiracies once again shows that in the Vedic era, women could choose their own betrothed - otherwise, conspiracies would be meaningless.

Contrary to later regulations, according to which women, along with Shudras, were prohibited from studying the Vedas, representatives of the fair sex in early times could on legally show interest in the field of metaphysics. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (IV.5) tells that the sage Yajnavalkya had two wives: Katyayani and Maitreya. Of these, Katyayani was endowed only with “knowledge characteristic of women,” and the second, Maitreyi, “was able to talk about Brahman.” When Yajnavalkya was about to leave for the forest, he proposed to Maitreya to divide the property between her and Katyayani. Then Maitreyi asked a question: “Sir! If this whole land, full of riches, became mine, would I become immortal from this or not? When her husband replied that “there is no hope [of achieving] immortality through wealth,” Maitreyi renounced her share and preferred to receive instructions regarding the Atman [Upanishads 2000: 132–135].

What a contrast with Torsunov’s “Vedic wives”, concerned only with their husband’s salary! Elsewhere, Brihadaranyaka is one of Yajnavalkya's opponents. scientist woman Gargi Vachaknavi, she asks him a series of questions, but, like other brahmanas, she is forced to remain silent (III.8). Moreover, in the same Upanishad (VI.4.17) a remedy is described for one who desires the birth of a learned daughter.

And to dot the i’s, I conclude this article with the wonderful hymn of the Rig Veda X.159 “Self-praise of a woman,” which I quote in full:

The sun rose there -
This is where my happiness arose.
After all, I'm smart, my husband
Conquered, conqueror.
I am the banner, I am the leader,
I'm formidable, follow me the last word.
Only my will, which conquered (his wife),
The husband must comply.
My sons are killers of enemies,
And my daughter is a ruler.
I am the winner:
For my husband, my call is the highest.
(That) sacrifice which Indra performed
Became sparkling, the highest,
I did it for myself, oh gods.
Truly, I have no rivals!
I have no rivals! I am a rival killer
Conquering, (all) superior!
I took away the shine from others (women)
Like a gift for the unsure.
All these rivals together
I won, surpassing (them),
So that I can rule
This husband and family (his)! [Rigveda 1999: 307]

Vedic scriptures suggest that it is better to perform one’s duties poorly than to perform someone else’s duties well. The duty (dharma) of ladies is well described by collections of living knowledge, which include the Vedas. For women, their performance is extremely important. Each incarnation after incarnation requires the implementation of certain tasks, so we are born in a specific appearance for a reason. The consequence of failure to fulfill one's purpose is a feeling of an absolutely joyless life. Especially for the fairer sex, this topic is simply immense. Some of the most essential concepts are worth dwelling on.

The main callings and responsibilities of a woman

The Vedas prescribe, for example, the following:

  • to be beautiful, to bring beauty to the world, to satisfy the mind of her husband, loved ones, and those around her.
  • ability to cook food with ancient knowledge. Using the secrets of Vedic cooking, you can cook both Tasty food, so healing. For example, drug addicts, alcoholics with heavy karma, food prepared according to these rules can relieve addiction.
  • healer talent, mystical knowledge. Nature has given the ladies natural healing properties. Previously, they often did without healers. Following the Slavic Vedas, a woman could cure simple diseases. Moreover, it harmonized the family space, so illnesses avoided the house.
  • astrological knowledge. The secrets of the laws of the planets were used, life was planned correctly.
  • understanding the tasks of both sexes. There are no harmonious family relationships if the functions of the partner are taken over by another. The result is irritation, nervousness, a feeling of dissatisfaction, even a breakup. Therefore: a man’s purpose is to be a protector, a provider; ladies - taking care of him, raising a generation, creating the comfort of a home.

Ancient wisdom for family harmony

Only by using the rules of the Vedas can relationships between men and women develop harmoniously. She is called a “saint” if she gets along with everyone - her husband, children, relatives. It is she who contributes to his success, protects the house from negative energies subtle level. Ignoring the skepticism of others, he understands when and how to carry out rituals of purification of “evil spirits,” and what to do for preventive purposes.

According to the Vedas, a modern woman does not fight for leadership in the family, avoids constantly wearing fashionable trousers, career advancement to the detriment of raising children. She has no ambitions, although she can be self-sufficient. Does dharma lovingly, patiently. Can carry out complex psychological work, But physical exercise committed by a man. Take care of own health- direct debt. Ancient laws allow you to work, but only while having fun. You cannot work if the family lacks attention, also for the sake of money.

To attract with femininity, you need to present the image with long hair, with a skirt, jewelry, even flowers. Watch your manners, intonation of conversation, facial expressions, and gait.

Things that give you strength

  • walks;
  • well-groomed hair;
  • daily perception of music;
  • girls' get-togethers;
  • plant care;
  • purity of body, thoughts, desires;
  • improving cooking skills;
  • formulation of desires (they materialize);
  • frequent expressions of love (words, kisses, hugs);
  • dignity, uniqueness;
  • helping others;
  • charity.
  • aura of pleasant aroma.

Who is a “Vedic woman” in the modern sense? How true are the stereotypes? And why are more and more girls choosing to live according to the Vedas? The heroine of the article, Ekaterina Fominykh, has been living for several years completely guided by Vedic norms, adhering to rules that seem incompatible with our reality, and in absolute female happiness.

- Why are the Vedas so popular today?

Vedic knowledge finds its followers because it can holistically answer all the exciting questions that people pose to themselves. Moreover, the Vedas are not a religion. This is universal knowledge about human nature, about our world order. The Vedas are the universal heritage of humanity. Our wealth that everyone has access to. Based on this, it is at least unreasonable to consider the Vedas a sect.

- How are you came to Vedic knowledge?

While traveling with my husband in India, I met an amazingly wise woman. Once she came to this country to die; she had a severe stage of cancer. By the grace of fate, she was able to heal herself, thanks to the knowledge she received there about health, about the nature of the soul and about God. My husband and I listened to it, and I thought how perfect and relevant this knowledge is in our age, although it has only been available on Earth in a written version for more than 5,000 years. I was delighted with Vedic knowledge and, returning to Russia, found the opportunity to study the Vedas here.

- let `s talk about typical stereotypes when we we hear “Vedic woman”. First - This what you have she's weird boring appearance: long skirt, no makeup...

The Vedic woman is a principle, not a form. And the principle is that she should look the way her husband likes. In ancient times, a woman was adorned with so many jewels and ornaments that we could not even dream of, and makeup was simply a must. Even ordinary shepherdesses were of divine beauty. Being beautiful is a woman's duty.

Long skirts? Yes, it is favorable for a woman, it was natural for us. The worldwide denudation lasts only 50 years.

But it is important to understand that a Vedic woman respects her husband’s tastes. A husband may love jeans, low necklines and minis; in our age this is natural. And a Vedic woman should be attractive to her husband. I wear skirts, and my husband respects me very much for this, he likes my style. To be modern and stylish, you don't have to be naked.

- Stereotype: “Submits to her husband, never argues." Does the woman have a voice?

What makes you think that a Vedic woman doesn’t argue? She is individual and interesting! She is wise and masters the art of controlling her man’s mind. But at the same time, she does not compete with him, does not try to humiliate him, does not treat him with disdain. The husband makes decisions in the family based on the interests of his wife. Her opinion is important and valuable.

- Stereotype: “A woman’s main mission - home, husband and parenting. No social outside activity.”

Another myth regarding the boundaries of female fulfillment. It’s crazy that women work hard to pay for kindergarten, nanny and housekeeper. This is not a woman's fulfillment, this is torment. Self-torture. A woman's fulfillment is where she is happy, where she is inspired. But important point- to create not to the detriment of the family, not so that she is the first business woman, and her husband eats in the dining room, at home there are “tumbleweeds” made of cobwebs and the children are raised by someone who doesn’t understand. Women's activism should not be about money or food.

- Stereotype: “There is no intimate relationship until marriage with husband."

Not only with my husband. She saves herself for one thing only. Here I would not like condescending speeches. This is an important principle revered in all cultures and religions. It helps build high-quality and long-term relationships. Long-term means “for life.” Let's just see which picture is closer to you? The one where a woman changes partners like gloves, where, giving her energy and purity, she tries to earn attention, where at the time of marriage she already has such a stormy emotional experience, which will undoubtedly negatively affect her relationship with her husband? And how much will her husband respect her? Or are you closer to the picture where a woman knows her worth, where she is respected and admired, where they spend months trying to just sit with her in a cafe? We just need to understand, do we want to be free and “cool” or do we want true love and real family happiness? Love and happiness take a lot of work, they are not cheap things. It's important to understand this.

- Stereotype: "Don't walks around restaurants with girlfriends, not drinks, sits at home all the time.”

The question is who are her friends and what does she drink (smiles). The life of a Vedic woman is full of interests and communication. But what kind of communication? Which elevates her! About drinking... You know, my husband and I personally have a voluntary prohibition law at home. We are already interested in living, we take care of our health. It’s the same with friends, our friendship is not connected by a glass of champagne, we have completely different interests.

- Attitude to food in family - with your own hands, fresh, consecrated. Why is this so important?

Food not only nourishes physical body, it also has an impact on our consciousness, our mood and subsequently our behavior. What does “pure food” mean in Vedic society? First of all, on the physical level, this is vegetarian food. When we eat the products of violence, fear and pain, when we turn our bodies into a morgue, we become saturated with this dark energy. Leo Tolstoy said: “How can we hope that peace and prosperity will reign on earth if our bodies are living graves in which killed animals are buried?” On a subtle level, “pure food” in Vedic society means “sanctified.” Such food is called prasad in Sanskrit. I have been a vegetarian for more than six years, of which 4 years I have been eating only holy food. My husband is also a vegetarian. It's hard to imagine how our lives have changed thanks to clean eating. It's simply unimaginable.

Our family life has become saturated with harmony, light, joy, and destructive emotions have gone away. I cook all the food myself, putting all my love into it; my husband and I don’t eat in restaurants or buy store-bought baked goods.

As for freshness, yes, food should be fresh. This is important for our health. If we eat the day before yesterday’s salad or the week’s borscht, we fill our body with toxins, by-products of food decomposition. Ideally, you need to cook and eat every day.

- Describe your typical day. What is your main activity?

Oh, this is so difficult, it depends on where I live, at least. My life is very busy different events. Indeed, every day is a small life. The only thing that remains the same every day for many years is my morning. I devote my morning to spiritual practice. I get up early, around five o'clock every day, and for over an hour I repeat the Maha Mantra, which I learned about in India. This mantra magically changes my life and consciousness. Next I study scriptures, I cook breakfast and wake up my husband. In the evening, before going to bed, I read the biographies of saints. This is perhaps the constant of my day. Otherwise my days are varied. My life is destined for a lot of creativity, many shades of self-realization, but all this will wrap around one core - serving people, preaching love, kindness and purity of consciousness. This is what I want to strive for.


There are no ugly women, but some representatives of the fairer sex radiate energy and glow from within, while others are dull and depressed. It seems that the shining girls have some kind of secret, a strength that supports them from within. In fact, such a secret really exists. The Vedas for women are spiritual teachings, commandments that you can adhere to true daughter nature and fully fulfill their purpose on earth.

A Vedic woman knows the laws of Space and Earth, but most importantly, she knows how to apply them in her life in order to remain in harmony with nature and the people around her. This makes her strong, wise, poised and balanced. And such a woman is always attractive not only externally, but from the inside. Learning this is not as difficult as it might seem. Having studied the Vedas and the principles of life of a true protector, every representative of the fair sex will be able to grow spiritually and maintain inner harmony.

Wise distribution of energy

According to the law of the Universe, a man is the rock and indestructible stone of his family, he is the breadwinner and protector. Its function is to protect and create a feeling of reliability, stability, and strength. The man is in charge, he always has the last word in decision-making, he always takes problems upon himself. A woman is water, soft, flowing, smooth and calm. She must be able to change according to circumstances, especially to adapt to her man. Having managed to perform her functions correctly, the partner will be able to extol him, inspire and support him in any matter. From such interaction the stone becomes even stronger, creating conditions for the woman to remain weak and soft.

IN modern society these functions are often disrupted and reversed. Spontaneous energetic women meet on their way weak men, they try to guide and educate them, but as a result, a harmonious union does not work out; the relationship constantly runs into obstacles and problems. This happens because the energy balance between a man and a woman is disturbed. The Vedic wife has inner knowledge and does not allow this.

Principles of Vedic women

The Slavic Vedas for women are a large collection of various rules and traditions, knowledge that is passed on from generation to generation, and which needs to be studied over a long time, delving into the essence. It is important that a woman has a wise mentor who has been practicing these rules for many years; she will be able to advise and direct energy in the right direction. Among the basic rules prescribed in the Vedas for the fair sex are:

A woman should always radiate love towards a man, towards children, other relatives and people around her. Love fills her personality and allows her to be a source of powerful energy.

Eve's daughter always and in everything keeps things clean, starting with yourself, your family and home, ending environment. This is especially true for kitchens and dishes.

Economy and management family budget - the wife's duty. She must be able to distribute expenses, regardless of the income of the head of the family.

Another important quality of a spouse is the ability to understand and guide your man, to some extent control his mood, actions, and behavior.

The main function of a woman is create an atmosphere and mood in the family. Learning to do this is not as easy as we would like, but if you constantly make an effort and improve your own skills, over time you will be able to do it easily and correctly.

A woman needs to learn to transform feeling of resentment into gratitude and calm. An offended woman loses strength and peace, which will invariably affect the general atmosphere in the family and relationships.

An important skill to develop is absence of envy. For a Vedic wife, only what is inside her home, family, relationships and inside herself should matter. Looking into “other people’s gardens” and comparing your situation with someone else’s leads to the destruction of balance.

Vedic woman never doesn't nag her husband and does not express dissatisfaction, even if she notices things that do not suit her. The ability to sift out the good from the bad, and quickly forget the latter, is the basis of the feminine essence.

Vedic knowledge for a woman is much more extensive and profound than the rules described. You can study them for years, comprehending all the new nuances and subtleties of female energy, as well as observing how the application of these fundamentals affects family life.

What will knowledge of women's Vedas give?

A woman filled with Vedic knowledge has internal energy and force, which lead to the following consequences:

All these qualities of a Vedic woman and her lifestyle have a positive impact on a man and his success in his career, public life, business. A man who lives with such a wife is calm and confident in the stability of the home atmosphere, feels happiness and is ready to return it to his family, strives for further growth and development in order to provide his family with the best.

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