Curls on the ring fingers. At your fingertips. Why are papillary patterns needed?

Psychic sign on your palm. Fingerprints. Palmistry.

Every person has psychic abilities. This is evidenced by special signs on the palms. Each of them reveals one of the facets of a special gift, be it clairvoyance, talent for the occult, or healing.

An extrasensory gift, like any other, needs to be developed. Only then will it be able to manifest itself fully. But until the age of 28, you should study under the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher. Otherwise, you can bring on a lot of troubles, such as total bad luck or chronic illnesses. In more mature age There are no obstacles to working on yourself independently. Certain signs on the palm will help you better understand which direction to choose.

1.Cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger indicates a tendency towards clairvoyance. But this gift most often manifests itself after severe stress, for example, a serious accident or death of loved ones. Holders of this sign can at certain moments literally see pictures of future events. The best way to use this ability is by preaching, since the “cross” is also an indicator of good relations with the church.

2.Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger appears as a result of studying the occult sciences. This sign indicates high sensitivity to subtle energies.

3.Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers can be found on the palms of people with special magnetism and charisma. For example, among leaders who are highly respected. They are able to attract the attention of others. This sign most often appears as a result of many years of work on oneself. It also indicates high professionalism in any field of activity.

4.Minimum three lines on the Mount of Mercury called the sign of the Samaritans. It appears already in childhood and reflects the ability to heal. In ancient times, people with such lines were required to be apprenticed to a doctor. As a rule, owners of the Samaritan sign are very fond of animals and children. If you have it, but you are far from medicine, do not be discouraged. It's never too late to take up energy techniques - for example, reiki, as well as healing touch, living practice, etc.

5. Island on the Belt of Venus occurs in people who are predisposed to clairvoyance and have strong intuition. However, such abilities may not manifest themselves in the normal state. Most often, a person begins to foresee the future by falling into a trance, for example, during a strong emotional experience.

6. White Mage Ring (Ring of Jupiter). This is the mark of a master. He talks about the innate ability to help others through word, thought or action. The “Ring” is often found on the palms of psychologists, spiritual mentors, and yogis. These are people who have achieved deep self-realization. Often bearers of the “white magician’s ring” also have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.

7. Black Mage Ring. The owners of this sign are popularly called people with the “evil” eye. It is best not to get in their way and not enter into conflicts with them. They have great potential for negative force, but often do not know how to use it. If you find such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to especially carefully monitor your thoughts, words and actions, because any message sent out will sooner or later come back.

8. Freestanding cross in the center of the palm called the cross of St. Andreas and indicates that a person’s emotions and reason (right and left hemisphere brain) are in complete harmony. Such people are distinguished by absolute calm. They are almost always in a meditative state. And, what is especially valuable, they tend to make the right decisions in any situation.

9. Square on the Mount of Jupiter, or teacher’s square - testifies to innate oratorical talents. Such people are excellent at presenting information. They have a strong gift of persuasion. And if a cross is also visible in the square, it can be interpreted as a sign of protection, the presence of a guardian angel in life.

10. Isis Line. Owners of an arcuate line from the Mount of Mercury to the Mount of the Moon often dream prophetic dreams. They always foresee the future. And if there is an island on the line, this means that a person is able to read other people’s thoughts.

11. Double life line. In extrasensory perception it is called the line of the guardian angel. Such people have significant energy; they are much luckier in life than others.

12. Radial loop on any finger. It is often called the "scanner" sign. Bearers of this difference are able to perceive emotional condition those around you and adopt it. They are often on someone else’s wavelength, and often find themselves in situations that are not “their own.” They are easy to convince of anything and take advantage of it. Therefore, if you find a radial loop on your hand, when communicating with people, try to keep track of where your thoughts are and where they are imposed, someone else’s.

13. Circle at the bottom of the Mount of the Moon. The sign reflects clairvoyance abilities. Its owners can hear other people's voices in their heads and observe “pictures” on the screen of internal vision. Often such visions turn into real events.

Thanks to numerous “police” series and detective novels We are aware that each person's fingerprints are highly individual. Therefore, when it comes to fingerprints, the first thought is about criminals who are identified in this way. But fingerprints do more than just help distinguish one person from another. They can tell a lot about their “master”.

By what criteria do we not look for lovers? For some, the main thing is appearance, for some it is character, for some it is the size of the wallet, and for others it is the presence of intelligence and a sense of humor.

Nationality, eye color, zodiac sign, year of birth, temperament can be important... In general, humanity has accumulated a lot of data that is designed to help in determining one’s soul mate. One of the authoritative compatibility tests is the fingerprint test.

The figure below shows the 7 main types of fingerprints. You and your lover take turns dipping the index finger of your right hand into black paint, leaving fingerprints on a white sheet (most importantly, don’t mix it up!) and see what future awaits your couple!

What do the fingers advise?

AA- such partners feel good and calm together.

AB- a couple with such prints will be fine. The main condition is to be interesting to each other and not object to your partner’s hobbies.

AB- the partners have little in common, but if B learns to support A, the union can turn out to be quite good.

AG- both are very independent and are used to relying only on themselves. An alliance is possible, but many quarrels and disputes await it.

HELL- D is too boring with A. Therefore, a good relationship will not work out.

AE- in order for such a couple to form, both need to work a lot on themselves and on their overall relationships.

AJ- despite all the dissimilarity of the partners, the union is promising.

BB- very strong and interesting relationships! To the envy of your enemies and the joy of your loved ones.

BV- Partner B may be too much of an owner, but this will not harm the relationship.

BG- there will be a lot of quarrels, since both are very intolerant. If the couple learns to come to an agreement, the union will turn out to be stable and pleasant.

DB- all responsibility for this union rests with partner D. If he can lead and B can obey, the prospects for the relationship are good.

BE- Partner B should set the tone for this relationship; it is his initiative that is the main one. Partner E is too modest and passive; if you rely on him, the relationship will never work out.

BZ- the union is ideal for partner F: partner B will carry him in his arms all his life!

BB- a gentle, cheerful and cheerful couple! The relationship will be interesting and long-lasting.

VG- despite the fact that each of this Lara is an individualist, the relationship will turn out to be extremely strong and reliable.

VD- both partners are quick-tempered, but easy-going. The union will constantly “spark”, but will not fall apart.

BE- this is the case when opposites not only attract, but also create a harmonious couple.

VJ- an excellent union based not on passion, but on tenderness.

GG- this union is ruled by passion. More precisely, numerous passions. It may be difficult, but it will never get boring.

GD- if these two do not break up after the first date, a great feeling will arise between them for many years.

GE- the complexity of this union is that any relationship implies responsibility, and neither partner wants to take it upon themselves.

GJ- It’s unlikely that anything will work out for these two. They speak different languages.

DD- the motto of this couple is “woe from mind.” If they think less and listen to each other more, everything will work out well.

DE- a stable union, but partner E should pay more attention to partner D: he often needs psychological support.

J- the whole life of this couple is a continuous exciting adventure. Others can only envy!

HER- both are condescending and responsive to others. A couple that will be adored by friends and numerous acquaintances.

HEDGEHOG- a union that is happy in all respects.

LJ- they say about such couples: “A marriage made in heaven.” Ideal spiritual connection and excellent relationships.

Everything is imprinted!

This test is universal. You can check compatibility with someone with whom you have just started a relationship. If you've been married for a long time, the test will help you determine why things aren't going well in your relationship and tell you how to fix it. Even if there is no prince on a white horse on the horizon yet, you can see which partner will be ideal for you, and... Look for your lover not only by a glass slipper left somewhere, but also by a fingerprint!

The ideas of ancient palmistry are the basis modern science dermatoglyphics, which studies the connection between signs on the fingers and the outlines of lines on the palm with genetic factors.

Our brains are programmed to protect us and ensure our survival. When you understand your own subconscious attitudes, as well as the attitudes of people close to you, you will be able to avoid many problems, primarily in your personal life. The lines on our hands reflect our so-called initial programming; they will indicate what reaction to conflict is inherent in us and how this affects life in general.

The pattern of lines on your palms can tell not only about your program, but also what you are thinking and feeling at the moment. Apart from fingerprints, all other lines on the hands change throughout life. Your thought patterns have created a map on your palms that can help you trace where your thoughts and feelings have led you to this moment and where they are likely to take you if you stay on your current path.

Our emotional and mental patterns are formed in the first 7 years of life. And if you don’t change, you will always subconsciously react to conflict situations in the way that was inherent in you back then, in early childhood. Nobody has “perfect programming.” But if you understand from the lines of your hand what exactly was given to you initially, then you can, if you wish, change these patterns so that instead of automatic unconscious reactions to what is happening, you consciously make all decisions. Even complex initial schemes will not interfere with successful personal relationships.

First, let's dispel some superstitions. Hands do not carry information carved in stone about what “should happen.” Remember: your hands are a map of what you are thinking and feeling now. When you look at them, you see the direction of your movement through life, as if regular map terrain. If you don't like your destination, just change your route! The more emotions you put into your thoughts, the faster a new neuropathway will form in your brain. Thoughts accompanied by feelings and actions are the fastest way to rewire your brain.

Left and right hands in palmistry

The left hand is responsible for privacy and the starting point of your consciousness when you form ideas. It shows you what's in the creative, receptive part of your brain. Thanks to this part of the brain, a person recognizes faces and musical impulses, and feelings, instincts and intuition are born here.

The right hand is responsible for logic, mathematics and analytical skills. It shows how ideas reflected on the left hand are translated into reality. This hand is more responsible for our social life.

Usually the lines on the right and left hands are different. If the difference is significant, it may indicate a large gap between what a person has in mind and the actual implementation of plans, or shows how different his behavior in public and in public is. privacy. Those who have dominant lines of the left hand feel more comfortable in small groups of people; if the lines of the right hand are more pronounced, the person loves crowds of people and is charged with the energy of the crowd.

Note: If you are left-handed, this does not change the meaning of the hemispheres of your brain. It simply means that you operate from the more creative side of life.

Masculine and feminine

Each of us contains both masculine and feminine principles. The masculine principle manifests itself in the reaction of resistance and struggle in a tense situation. This means that a person will defend his opinion, his feelings and decisions. Such people enjoy arguing.

The feminine principle is triggered in an attempt to escape open confrontation. This does not mean that a person will run away at the first sign of a brewing conflict. He is simply programmed to solve problems peacefully. Such a person may remain silent, not advertise his thoughts and desires, demonstrate passive-aggressive command, and emotionally distance himself from the problem.

The more curved lines of the hand carry the imprint of masculine energy, the most straight - feminine. The more straight lines (especially the main ones) on a person’s hand, the less flexible and more focused on results he is. He wants to achieve his goal as soon as possible, right now. Don't distract him or you'll be at great risk! The shorter the line, the more impatient the person is. All this is useful to know to maintain harmony in relationships.

Main lines of the hand

The main three lines of the hand are the heart line, the head line and the life line. They are located in this order for a reason! The heart line is the highest because our heart has the greatest charge in the body. The electromagnetic field around the human heart extends approximately 90 cm. In the area of ​​the brain - only a couple of centimeters, regardless of your IQ. Because the electrical charge of our heart is 100 times greater, and the magnetic charge is 5000 times greater than that of the brain.

That is why some people who are not distinguished by external beauty can make a lasting impression on members of the opposite sex. It's all about personal magnetism. For example, what is the difference between a beauty who attracts the attention of many men, but not for long, and a girl of ordinary appearance who is constantly surrounded by crowds of admirers? Of course, the main difference is in their heart lines!

Heart line

The heart line is the main line at the top of the palm. It passes right under your fingers and is responsible for creative inspiration and the intuitive part of our nature. In palmistry, it is considered the female line. Ideally, by looking at the heart line, we can control how much our life corresponds to the program and build it the way we want it.

A straight line of the heart - with enhanced feminine energy - gives us very emotional people. They do not like confrontation and would rather try to manipulate others than engage in open conflict. The curved (masculine) shape of this feminine line gives more balance and a desire to diversify the experience here. This palm pattern distinguishes researchers who easily deviate from the initial course. People with an uneven heart line love to flirt and explore new territories. They tend to make high demands on themselves and others. They may not even realize that they demand too much from people because they are even stricter with themselves.

Mind line

Below the line of the heart is the line of the head or mind - this is the male line, which is responsible for our logic. It shows in what cases and how we use the mind to implement our ideas in real life. In many ways, the head line also serves as protection for our heart. The heart has more power, but the brain works to protect what we love. Because it is what we love that we are most afraid of losing.

The straight (female) form of this masculine line often indicates a tendency towards negative thinking. Such people constantly have a subconscious fear that everything will happen according to the worst-case scenario. It is important for them to be the best in their work and for others to recognize their superiority. While those with a curved head line are their own censors.

Life line

The life line is the third main one, it lies below the head line. It is neither absolutely straight nor absolutely curved, since we all have both feminine and masculine traits within us. Contrary to popular belief, life expectancy cannot be judged by its length. It rather shows HOW you will live it. If the life line runs close to the center of the palm, this is the palm of an explorer, and if it is close to the hill of the thumb, such a person is not inclined to move a long distance from home and his roots. A high passing line speaks of great ambitions, or. on the contrary, if it starts lower, closer to the big toe. Just a little observation will allow you to avoid many mistakes in communicating with loved ones and relationships.

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The fingertips contain many nerve endings that are directly connected to the brain. The brain analyzes the signals coming from them and determines what our fingers touch and feel. Palmists pay special attention to the papillary pattern on the fingertips, which plays an important role in determining the characteristic personality traits of a person.

In forensic science, the papillary pattern on the fingertips acts as an object of personal identification, with the help of which crimes are solved. This method is based on the uniqueness and immutability of the skin pattern of the fingertips and their ability to leave a “mark” on objects. It is actively used in fingerprint examination of a person.

The papillary pattern is formed in the womb and retains its pattern until the end of a person’s life. A fingerprint examination revealed that even identical twins do not have the same skin pattern. Only certain diseases, for example, scleroderma, or mechanical effects on the skin of the fingertips, can modify the papillary pattern. Research into papillary patterns began in the 17th century. At various times in the criminal world, attempts have been made to hide or alter the pattern to eliminate identifying features through the removal of layers of skin from the pads of the fingers, burns and cuts. However, in most cases, the papillary pattern was restored over time, and in the case of scars and scars on the skin, they became individual signs of personality and determined the uniqueness of the handprints of a particular person.

There are three main types of papillary patterns on the fingertips, depending on from the drawing of their center- these are arcs, loops and curls, all other types are derived from them.

1. Arcs

The arc pattern (arches) characterizes their owners as people with good and stable organization nervous system. They are truthful, stable and strive to always go towards their goal, sweeping away all doubts along the way. These are people of action, they do not like long conversations and reflections; taking “the bull by the horns” is their motto in life. According to dermatoglyphic studies, the arc is one of the most common papillary patterns on the fingertips; in its pattern, it resembles a wave or an arch.

In the center of the arc you can see an upward bend. The energy flows along the papillary lines, makes a bend in the middle of the pattern and exits without stopping, indicating the rapid consumption of incoming energy. Owners of this pattern on their fingers are good-natured, practical and hardworking, they love to work with their hands.
Tent arc A This pattern is derived from the simple arc. In the center of the arc there are lines that, in their geometry, resemble a tent, which is why this arc got its name. The axis in the center of the arc slightly delays the incoming energy, forming a “burst” of energy. People with this pattern on their fingertips are characterized by quick reactions, explosive character and eccentricity. They love to attract attention to themselves and strive for new experiences and pleasures.

What psychological characteristics are endowed with the owner of the arch when this pattern is placed on a specific finger?

Finger Pattern characteristics
Hip arch
Big These people value time and always try to achieve their goals. The arc also adds stubbornness to a person’s temper. In practice it is very rare.
Pointing Principles are the basis of life for such a person. A person is captured by a specific idea that inspires him to serious achievements.
Average He calmly and rationally approaches solutions to life’s issues and relies on his own strengths. He strives for changes in his life, sometimes quite radical, and gives himself completely to them.
Nameless A person is faithful to an established way of life and is not ready to change his habits and outlook on life. Tries to be original, loves to impress people, and is a connoisseur of art.
Little finger Does not need company, values ​​solitude, does not like when others invade his space and try to force changes in him. He is able to perfectly express his thoughts through the construction of logical and emotionally charged speech.

2. Loops

The loop is the most common pattern on the fingertips of Russians. In a loop, energy flows from bottom to top and then smoothly goes down. There are three types of loops: oriented outward (towards the thumb) - a radial loop, inward (towards the little finger) - ulnar or ulnar loop, double loop.

The radial loop indicates that a person spends incoming energy on self-improvement; the person is distinguished by great determination.

The ulnar loop indicates that the output energy is directed to the striking or outer part of the palm, determining the main need of a person for his realization in society.
The double loop is a derivative of the simple loop and consists of two twisted loops. Energy flows both along the outer loop and in the opposite direction – along the inner loop, creating tension between the loops. Such a flow of energy gives a person inconstancy in thoughts and deeds.

Basic psychological characteristics of the owner of loops on the fingertips.

Finger Pattern characteristics
Big A person is determined to achieve his goal. Able to negotiate with other people and adapt to a changing environment. Quickly finds a simple solution to complex issues and puts this solution into action.
Pointing Indicates a person who is able to be flexible in order to achieve the desired result. In the course of implementing the plans, he can masterfully adjust them. Often changes plans, sometimes to completely opposite ones.
Average He is confident in his actions and is ready to independently implement them, carefully thinking through every step; he does not like to receive advice. A person knows how to work in a team, hear and capture the mood of other people, and will not insist on his own unless it is necessary. He gets along well in a team, but because of the fear of being misunderstood or unheard, he does not express his opinion, which can lead to internal dissatisfaction.
Nameless Confident and open to new ideas, thoughts and actions. Demonstrates artistic talent in a specific field of art. Has versatile creative abilities in different areas.
Little finger A person uses communication as effective remedy exchanging information, sociable and logical. Knows how to find a common language with other people, to be in the right place at the right time. Indecision and curiosity may not allow a person to settle on one direction of activity.

3. Curls

A curl is a complex papillary pattern, a sign that indicates a person’s individuality. A spiral where energy flows clockwise indicates active and strong personality; counterclockwise - to a person’s good intuitive abilities and possible interest in esoteric sciences.

Psychological characteristics of a person with curls on his fingertips

Finger Curl characteristics
Big Indicates non-standard thinking, which allows you to achieve success in the future due to the uniqueness of the idea. Behind the actions of the owner of such a pattern, despite their expressiveness, lies the mind of an excellent analyst.
Pointing This is a leader with a very original view of things, thanks to his drive, determination and self-confidence, he can inspire and lead other people, and this will be his individual path to success.
Average He tries to realize himself in the professional sphere, he really needs the support and approval of others, this gives him the strength and impulse to move on, he is touchy and vulnerable.
Nameless Despite the truly wonderful Creative skills, a person is not confident in himself, dependent on the opinions of others, this can lead to internal contradictions and conflicts.
Little finger He is able to convince others of the originality of his ideas, provides worthy evidence, his speech is smooth and expressive, and he finds support from his interlocutors.

Additional patterns

There are patterns that combine several types of patterns, such as peacock eye/feather and tent bow with a loop inside.

The center of such a pattern is formed from radial and ulnar loops, which are combined into one curl in the form of a pattern on the feather of a peacock's tail. The energy goes to the center of the pattern, concentrates and goes out. Depending on which finger the pattern is located on, the talents and abilities of the owner of this pattern lie in this area.

This type of papillary pattern is an arc with a loop inside, where a small part of the energy is retained before its further release. Such people often set their own rules and want others to follow them, which sometimes leads to conflicts with people close to them. They value freedom very much and strive for independence in everything.

Counting the pattern in total on the hand

When examining the papillary pattern on the fingers, it is necessary to determine which pattern is predominant on the hand. According to research in the field of dermatoglyphics, loop patterns are the most common 63% of total number, scroll patterns - approximately 31%, and arc patterns - about 6%.

Papillary pattern Predominance on hand
Arcs Such people are distinguished by practicality, they honor traditions and rarely change their views, have difficulty adapting to new conditions, and do not always quickly respond to changes in the world around them. They prefer to plan their lives and solve problems methodically, while strong grip often helps them out and helps them achieve their goals.
Loops These people are distinguished by mobility and independence; they make excellent leaders who clearly set goals, adequately assess the internal processes in the company and the external conditions of its activities, and know how to find a common language with people in the team. In life, they set a goal for themselves and, overcoming obstacles, systematically move towards it.
Curls These are strong and extraordinary individuals who are prone to introspection and self-improvement. They, as a rule, have a very developed imagination, and if they successfully channel it into their professional activities, they can achieve great success.
Tent arches Owners of this papillary pattern are emotional and active people who love art and objects of art. They know how to be the life of the party, but the amplitude of their mood can often and quickly change. As a rule, they choose creative professions of an applied nature.
Double loops People with this predominant papillary pattern can consider any problem from several sides; in a dispute, they will always listen to the opinion of the other side and only then draw conclusions. Often this approach drowns out the voice of their own intuition, and ultimately leads to indecision. They always look for the only correct solution, remaining perfectionists at heart.

In practice, there are often situations when a person is equally good with both hands, or does not know which hand is active/leading, and this causes difficulties in reading past and future events from the hands. In this case, it is recommended to compare the papillary pattern on the fingertips of two hands. The pattern on the active hand will always be more complex than on the passive one. For example, a congenitally left-handed person will have a whorl on the Jupiter (index) finger of the left hand and a loop on the finger of the right hand as a simpler pattern design.

Of course, in fingerprinting and forensic science, specialists examine the structure of the papillary pattern in much more detail than is customary in the practice of palmists, but their research goals are also different. Forensic scientists study not only the type, variety and direction of flow of pattern lines, but also the microrelief of the papillary pattern, the size, shape and width of the pattern, the location of pores, the structure of individual elements of the pattern at the micro level, and more. For palmists, studying the papillary pattern on the fingertips provides additional and very important information about the psychological type of a person and his preferences in the professional field.

For many people, identifying their “talents” and “finding themselves” is not difficult, because... They initially understand what they really like and what comes easiest to them. For example, our former compatriot, American writer Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982) in her book “Atlas Shrugged” describes the feelings of a heroine with mathematical abilities:

“She experienced this in math class at school. It was the only subject she really liked. While solving problems, she felt an extraordinary excitement, a daring feeling of delight at having accepted the challenge and easily won, and a passionate desire and determination to move on, to cope with the next, much more difficult test. Although mathematics came very easily to her, she experienced a growing sense of respect for this precise, extremely rational science. She often thought: “It’s so good that people have come to this, and how good it is that I’m strong in this.” Two feelings grew and strengthened in her: sincere admiration for this queen of sciences and the joy of realizing her own abilities.”

At the same time, there are a huge number of examples when an attempt to determine one’s abilities and purpose turns into a long and painful process for a person. He may like a certain field of activity, but he does not know how to make sure that he makes the right choice, and the circumstances are not yet right, and he lacks the determination to change these circumstances.

Study carefully papillary patterns at their fingertips, they can tell you a lot about your talents, abilities and inclinations. Explore your strengths and weak sides, try to find the best possible for yourself, try to do more than what has been done!

Sometimes it seems that almost every completely materialistic science of ours is accompanied by its occult counterpart. Astrology flourishes in parallel with astronomy, numerology coexists with arithmetic, chemistry coexists with alchemy... Except that palmistry is not duplicated in any way. But no, it turns out there is a science that studies patterns on fingers.
It's called dermatoglyphics. Its founder is considered to be the Englishman Francis Galton, who published a monograph on fingerprints at the end of the 19th century. And the term “dermatoglyphics” appeared less than a century ago - in 1926 and is translated as “skin engraving”.

How smart people are labeled

Dermatoglyphics is a unique marker system. Markings - ridge patterns on the fingers - are markings that indicate something very important. There is no longer a marker of this level in our body.
- It turns out that we are all... marked? That is, marked? For what?
- It is still difficult to answer this question. Humans have ridge skin only in the most remote areas - on the arms and legs, and in some monkeys - on the tail. The easiest way is to assume that combs increase friction with the surface of an object and make it easier to move and climb trees. But the patterns are too complex to explain their appearance only by this. By the way, the fingerprints and palm prints of monkeys are much more ornate than those of humans.
- And what does it mean?
- Who would have known! Perhaps this indicates that the monkey’s brain is in some ways much more complex than that of a human. Or that man is the flowering of primates. How does archaic art differ from the classical period? It's ridiculously complex. Apparently, nature, when creating primates, laid a very powerful foundation in them, and then it turned out that it was not needed, and the evolution from this “archaic” to the “classic” took the path of discarding some unnecessary details. Comparing human and ape fingerprints and palms provides insight into how the brain evolved.

- It turns out that if a monkey has more complex patterns on its fingers and palms, it is smarter than a human? And smart people are “marked” with more sophisticated skin engraving?
- When I started making prints more than twenty years ago, I also wanted to understand where the marker is on the palms smart people, and where - stupid. Who is smarter - people with arches, loops or curls on their fingers? I found out that it is impossible to approach dermatoglyphics with such standards. Each of us is stupid in some ways, and smart in some ways. And since there are neither absolutely stupid nor smart people, it is impossible to say who is better and who is worse.
Most often (in about 35 percent of people), ulnar loops are found on the fingers - patterns that resemble a lasso and are usually directed towards the little finger. The nervous system of these people is designed in such a way that it is easy for them to adapt to any situation. They give the impression of being normal in the most disgusting sense of the word. They don't hold their own, they are quite friendly, moderately frank and moderately secretive. They are efficient, but will not do more than what is assigned. But a person with curls on his fingers is always not satisfied with what is happening inside and around him, always trying to change something. He has enormous potential to restructure the world and make a brilliant discovery. However, in this impulse he is often inadequate and turns out to be “out of place.” It is the one who is considered a “jerk” who is more likely to have curls on the pads of his fingers.
If dermatoglyphics are poor and rare, a person has problems with social adaptation. And the rarer the patterns on his fingers, the more acute these problems. The third type is people with arcs (arches) on the pads of their fingers. They, as psychologists say, are not inclined to change their behavioral programs. Because they don't have that many of them. It would seem that this is bad. But a man with curls on his fingers knows a million ways to open a door. Only he... won’t open it. He will be tormented about which method to choose, he will have doubts. And a person with arches knows one way - with a kick. And he will use it. People who, like dagger knives, go through difficult circumstances, have many arches on their fingers. This is their strength. However, what you say when you open the door is important. And sometimes they have nothing to say. This is their weakness.
- Do people with curls on their fingers have anything to say?
- Certainly! But they won't say it. Because: “am I right...”, “what if...”, “it already seems to me that this is stupidity”...
I am not familiar with the dermatoglyphics of Andrei Bely, but Khodasevich described him as a typical person with curls on his fingers. Khodasevich wrote that Bely “threw between a beautiful and dissolute mother and a ugly, clever father and a pure man. And he realized at every moment that in every truth there is a share of stupidity and untruth, in every completely absurd thought there is a rational grain, which, perhaps not in essence, but in form and meaning is connected with it... And therefore his life was the hardest torment "
- When communicating with someone, can you guess what patterns are on their fingers?
- In one provincial town I was introduced to a man who built a private museum with his own money. And so we sit with him on the porch, and he laments: “Lord, why did I do this, why did I spend all my money in the museum? Maybe the children will come here, look at all this beauty and not go, like Chikatilo, with a knife to cut someone...” Such a strange person. Word by word, we started talking. Can I have your hand? Please. I say: you have patterns on your fingers - like... Chikatilo. He advised not to be scared, because this only indicates the lack of pragmatic behavior characteristic of people with curls on their fingers.
- Did Chikatilo have any special designs on his fingers? And after examining the child’s fingers, can you say that he has a tendency to become Chikatilo?
- Yes.
- Nightmare! Some kind of Lombroso!
- Indeed, the specter of Lombrosianism arises all the time. But the differences are cardinal. Firstly, the criteria by which Lombroso proposed to evaluate born criminals (wide-set eyes, protruding ears, low sloping forehead...) are rather naive. And secondly, what did Lombroso propose to do with people who are predisposed to crime? He believed that they should be killed.
A person may have homicidal tendencies, but it is not fatal. If someone is prone to seizures, for example, conditions are created for him so that he does not get sick. The same must be done to prevent someone else from committing a crime. After all, what is violent tendencies? In a sense, this is mental vulnerability. After all, Chikatilo did not suddenly become a murderer. When he was executed, the fingerprints were thrown out of the file cabinet, considering that they would no longer “show up” anywhere, and one operative gave them to me. I looked at them often. Chikatilo has a very rare type of dermatoglyphics. You can't tell from fingerprints whether a person is a murderer or not, but you can explain why he committed the murder, which, in my opinion, is more important. The drawings on the fingers show how easy it was to drive such a person to the point where he took a knife and began to kill. If you spit on one, he wiped himself off and moved on, but on the other, let alone spit, you can’t look askance. Will kill.
- Is Chikatilo one of those who won’t tolerate anyone spitting on him?
- Exactly. And they didn’t just spit on him - they threw tons of dirt at him. All serial killers are, of course, like this.
- Can fingerprints determine the gender of a person?
- Probably not. Men have more curls on their fingers, women have more loops. For men, complex patterns are located on the fingers of the right hand, for women - vice versa. In general, the dermatoglyphics of women is simpler. A person with curls on his fingers, to the best of his ability, tries to predict the development of the situation and will strive to resolve it. A person with loops acts according to the situation, but a person with arcs always behaves the same way. So it turns out that the man predicts the situation, and the woman acts according to the circumstances, which makes her stronger. And bolder, because she simply does not understand many things and does not want to understand, this saves her. Of course, there are women who have ten curls on their fingers, and they, by predicting and analyzing the situation, can give a hundred points ahead to most typical men.
- Are the fingerprints of homosexuals different from the fingerprints of “typical men”?
- Their dermatoglyphics, of course, has its own characteristics, but contrary to expectation, it is not of the female type. Homosexuals are more likely to be “left-handed” certain type.

The homeless man and Stirlitz are blood brothers?

When Bogdanov talks about left-handers, he does not mean that people write with their left hand, but the peculiarities of how their brains work. It is believed that the left hemisphere of our brain is responsible for higher mental functions - speech, comprehension environment, forecast further development situations. And the right hemisphere is more closely associated with emotions. Simply put, the left hemisphere is our logic, and the right is our emotions. Moreover, the left one “gives commands” right hand, and right - left.
However, if a person writes with his left hand, this does not mean that his right hemisphere, responsible for intuition and emotions, is “working.” It turns out that for 70 percent of left-handers (like almost all of us right-handers), the speech center is also located in the left (and not the right!) hemisphere of the brain. That is, it turns out that they are kind of like “fake” left-handers.
“Real” ones are those who process information entering the brain, also with the right hemisphere, and not those who write with their left hand! Moreover, they may well be... right-handed! But it is precisely them that the neurophysiologist calls left-handed. And looks for signs confirming this in the patterns of their fingers. Based on dermatoglyphics (a certain asymmetry of patterns on the fingers of different hands), one can accurately identify people whose hand is not only “controlled” by the right hemisphere, but also their speech from the same. According to Bogdanov, dermatoglyphics is the only method that can reliably distinguish pathological left-handers from congenital ones. Why differentiate them?
The fact is that pathological left-handers are those who write with their left hand as a result of a birth injury, and not because nature intended it that way. Bogdanov argues that only dermatoglyphics today is able to answer the question of which particular left-handers are causing the increase. So left-handedness can not only be congenital, but also arise as a result of poor ecology, a difficult pregnancy, or an unsuccessful birth. Bogdanov believes that it is precisely these - pathological - left-handers who need to be retrained. But this will no longer be retraining, but rather a correction, the development of the right hand.
- Those whom we are accustomed to call left-handers are left-handed by the index finger. Children with Williams syndrome (mental illness) are “left-handed” on the third and fifth fingers. Homosexuals are “left-handed” on the little finger and thumb. It is on these fingers that they have curls, indicating the peculiarities of the organization of the brain. I have reason to think that serial killers and homosexuals (I am not lumping these groups together) process information with the right hemisphere. The behavior of both is non-pragmatic. These are lefties who, in a sense, don't care what anyone thinks of them.

What does Mayakovsky have in common with the homeless?

Remember, in the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” Muller shows Stirlitz fingerprints taken from the suitcase of a Russian radio operator? Apparently, there is a thumb, forefinger and middle fingers. And on all three there are drawings of arcs.
- Do the “arcs” go ahead and kick down the door?
- Yes, such a person will never become a scout! A real resident should have ten curls on his fingers; they indicate artistry and cunning.
- Did you learn anything new about yourself when you studied your fingers?
- Thank God, I have all the curls on one hand - on the right, on the little finger, index and ring fingers. Why thank God? If the curls were on the left, it would indicate very great anxiety, I would not come to you for an interview then (you never know what I’ll blurt out, and you’ll print it, and what if...).
I am an extremely unbalanced person, hot-tempered, and I like to yell. Mayakovsky type. Dermatoglyphics of great people is my hobby. At first I thought that geniuses necessarily have very rare dermatoglyphics, but it turned out that this is not so. Mayakovsky has only three curls on his fingers, Mandelstam has four. And it’s great, because it is very difficult for people who have many features of the nervous system to realize themselves. For a “fine” nervous system (read: rare dermatoglyphics), a person pays a terrible price. For example... homeless. Most homeless people are people with marginal dermatoglyphics.
-What meaning do you give to this word?
- A rare person, sharply different from the group.
- So, Stirlitz and the homeless should have similar patterns on their fingers?
- It’s possible. Vagrants have a lot of left-hand curls on their fingers. Clear evidence of the emotional richness of nature. Extraordinary people, they can afford to be free from society, not be afraid to live somewhere at train stations or in gateways, and not have a home. Yes, if I were in such a situation, I would die!
- How did Mayakovsky’s “fingers” get into your collection?
- From the archives of the police department, which was transferred to the State Archives of the Russian Federation. These are prints taken from the poet during his arrest in 1908. In Russia, fingerprints of all those arrested began to be taken a year earlier - in 1907. There are three curls on Mayakovsky's fingers, and all on one hand - on his right. an extremely unbalanced person, but easy-going. Typically, signs of left-handedness indicate a tendency towards suicide - signs of some kind of inadequacy, an extremely emotional perception of the world. For example, my hands have weak signs of left-handedness, but Mayakovsky has none at all. The poet's dermatoglyphics indicate that he was not suicidal and could not entertain the idea of ​​self-destruction. In my opinion, his talk about suicide is just empty chatter, and nothing more. The specialists of the Mayakovsky Museum categorically disagree with me. It was alleged that he was left-handed and shot himself with his left hand. But he wrote right! Apparently the poet did something with his left hand, since even in Kataev’s memoirs it is mentioned that Mayakovsky is left-handed. One could assume that he is “fake”, forced left-handed - due to a brain injury in utero development, in childhood, but this is unlikely, because it would affect his poetic abilities. My hypothesis: the poet simply played Russian roulette frivolously. Not wanting to kill myself. He pulled the trigger, but did not seek suicide, did not believe that he could die like that. According to Brick's memoirs, it is known that he shot himself twice, but not in front of her eyes. She came to him, and he said that the gun had misfired. Apparently he was just scaring the woman.
But Mandelstam is “left-handed” according to the comb count. There is such a concept in dermatoglyphics. The ridge count is the number of “ridges” of the skin, “stripes” in the patterns of loops, arcs or curls. He has three whorls on his right hand and one on his left. Probably, in order for a person to be realized, no other combination is needed, everything else will be superfluous, overkill. The curls seem to mark the organization of those brain blocks that give a person the opportunity to create something brilliant. Figuratively speaking, such a pattern on the fingers, as it were, puts a tick: a person has a treasure that can be spent. How he will use it, what he will use it for, is another question.

From differences in patterns to differences in cultures

The Chinese have a proverb about curls on the fingertips. It goes something like this: one swirl signifies poverty; two - wealth; three or four - open a pawnshop; five - you will become a commission agent; six - a thief; seven - expect misfortune; nine curls and one loop - even if you don’t work all your life, you will always be full, there will be enough food until you are old. If you turn to Indian or Japanese “folklore”, you will find that people with arches on their fingers were considered hard, shady, and cold; people with loops - nice, lack of initiative, friendly; people with curls - cunning, lucky. Einstein had seven curls: on the thumbs, index fingers and ring fingers both hands and on the middle finger of the left hand, the rest of the patterns are ulnar loops.
- I wonder what you would say about such a person if you didn’t know that these were Einstein’s fingerprints?
- High potential, prone to playful, rational activities, to analysis and calculation of situations. If we speak in layman's language, then this is a person with his own mind, a closed, secretive, late-forming type, childish, prone to playful behavior, extremely lazy. However, that’s how it happened, right? Einstein wrote that he was formed late and did not study well at school.
- Do the patterns on the fingers of representatives of different nations differ?
- Yes. Dermatoglyphics is very helpful in analyzing the origins of a particular people. Behind the difference in patterns on the fingers are the features of human adaptation to nature. Curls on the fingers are more common among peoples living in extreme situations: among the aborigines of the North - Aleuts, Chukchi, aborigines of Tierra del Fuego, Australia, Tibet. It is easier for people with curls on their fingers to survive in difficult natural conditions - they are always trying to build the kingdom of God within themselves, and therefore everything that happens around them is of little interest to them. Hence the contemplative culture of yoga.
- Can we assume that among Muscovites who are interested in yoga, there are many people with curls on their fingers?
- Among the most successful, advanced yogis - certainly. But among those who “don’t get into this business” there will be people with arches on their fingers. And people with loops are unlikely to be interested in this at all, they have other tasks, they stand too firmly on the ground. If people with the most complex patterns on their fingers live in Tibet, then those with the simplest ones live in Europe. So the East is really a delicate matter. There is nothing for a European to catch there; people with curls on their fingers will trick them around these same fingers and outwit them in no time.
- What is different about the dermatoglyphics of centenarians?
- Simplicity. They usually have a lot of loops on their fingers. And this is a mystery, because people who have curls on their fingers have the greatest physical potential. Apparently, the ability to adapt and plasticity inherent in “loops” is also important. After all, “loops” will give way to “curls” in some difficult life situation, but will turn out to be more successful in the long run. Why? People with curls on their hands are prone to self-destruction; they quickly burn what nature has given them.

The most significant sign in dermatoglyphics is considered to be the triradius (delta) - the place where the flows of skin ridges diverge in three directions. It's funny that striped zebras There are also deltas, and they are individual. Why do you think these animals need stripes? It turns out to get to know each other better

The doctors don't mind. But not “for” either

One day, a colleague asked me to look at a family that had a schizophrenic patient. Having met the patient’s parents, I told my colleague: “You need to talk to mom, because dad doesn’t decide anything.” The colleague was shocked; she had been watching this family for many years, but I saw them for the first time. It's simple: mom has only arches on her fingertips, and dad has curls. It is clear that in this situation he is henpecked. Of course, he is smarter, more delicate, more subtle and could offer something useful, but in this case, all his subtlety goes into being patient.
People with arched fingers never team up with each other. And it’s clear: neither he nor she is inclined to compromise. As a rule, “arcs” find a partner with a person with curls that are extremely compromising.
- Do we, without knowing it, choose each other based on our fingerprints?
- This is simply amazing! I once had an amazing couple at my reception. My husband has patterns in the spaces between his fingers, which occurs in one person out of ten thousand. Imagine my surprise when I discovered exactly the same anomaly in his wife. This man found himself a wife blindly, but how accurate!!
- So, maybe when choosing a profession you should look at your palms?
- Why not? Tatyana Fedorovna Abramova created a unique model for realizing human physiological potential. She studies sports anthropology and predicts the future of highly qualified athletes. Agree that specialization is also necessary in sports. For example, it is important for a sprinter to be able to give all his best over a short distance, but a defender in football does not need speed, but a completely different dermatoglyphics. It is more important for him to have analytical, rather than speed, qualities.
- I understood: the attacker is a man with arches on his fingers, and the defender is with curls, right?
- In general, yes. People with arches know how to realize their potential to the maximum right off the bat. These are ready attackers - with an explosive temperament and knack, the ability to open a door with one blow. Dermatoglyphics provides amazing opportunities for sports prognosis. The boys who came to play football can be immediately sorted by their finger patterns: who will be attackers, who will be goalkeepers, and who will be in defense...
According to Bogdanov, already in the maternity hospital, without identifying the chromosomal pattern, by looking at the child’s fingers, one can absolutely accurately determine Down’s disease and other mental illnesses, and detect clear signs of pathological damage to the nervous system.
- Paradoxical as it may seem, dermatoglyphics is unpopular among doctors. Why? Its conclusions are very specific, and some diagnoses, for example schizophrenia, are non-specific. One doctor will say that it is not there, another - that it is, everyone is happy with it. The pattern on the fingers is a sign that cannot be avoided; it does not suggest the causes of the disease (they can be different), but it clearly indicates the fact of the disease itself. Dermatoglyphics exposes our ignorance. That's why it's scary. We are often lazy and incurious; it is better for us to hear a more vague verdict - after all, it provides the opportunity for at least some, albeit illusory, maneuver.

Dermatoglyphics is a science that studies patterns on fingers. Its founder was the Englishman Francis Galton, who published a monograph on fingerprints at the end of the 19th century. The term “dermatoglyphics” appeared less than a century ago - in 1926 and is translated as “skin engraving”.

According to prof. Bogdanov, “skin engraving” is our second face, which can tell us much more about us than the first.

Papillary patterns on the fingertips are formed in the womb and do not disappear after death (unlike the lines of fate on the palms). They do not change throughout life.

This drawing corresponds to a person’s karmic plans for a specific incarnation.

Fingers are bioresonators that receive vibrations from the information field with which a person interacts, each in his own strictly defined mode. Since the energy bodies open only in the area of ​​the fingers like a fan, then, as a result, each of the bodies gets the opportunity to directly contact the outside world. This bioenergetic code of information interaction is encrypted in the power lines of the papillary pattern. Torsion fields (information carriers), constantly rotating, seem to be screwed into a person’s biofield along the thread of his papillary patterns.
Patterns shape a person’s perception of the world, his reactions to the world, the specifics of the nervous system, show some hereditary diseases, endurance, longevity, influence the choice of profession, sports inclinations, creativity, etc.

Knowledge of the morphological characteristics of the skin is widely used today for early diagnosis of diseases, identification of risk groups, hereditary predisposition to diseases or longevity, development of recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, professional guidance, criminology, ethnography, etc. The earliest scientific reports on anatomical and The histological features of skin ribs (ridges) and the depressions between them (grooves) date back to the 17th century, when drawings and descriptions of the features of the patterns of human palms and fingers appeared in anatomical works. Advances in biology in the 19th century. contributed to further research into skin patterns. At the beginning of the 19th century. J. Purkinė gave the first classification of skin patterns on the fingers and identified 9 main types. In the last third of the 19th century. For the first time, fingerprints were used for personal identification. The works of F. Galton played a major role here. At the beginning of the 20th century. special comparative studies of the skin relief of primates and other mammals appeared. The American scientist W. Wilder in 1904 proposed using the features of comb lines and patterns on the skin of the palms and soles as an important ethnic feature. Then began the study of the embryonic development of finger patterns in connection with heredity. Many authors tried to cleanse palmistry of occult ideas, get away from mysticism, and isolate positive knowledge. “Purified” palmistry was at one time called manualism, chirosophy, palmistry, etc. The name “dermatoglyphics” was adopted in 1926 at the 42nd Congress of the American Association of Anatomists. In 1936, G. H. Cummins discovered and described the features of dermatoglyphs (skin patterns) in Down syndrome. At the end of the 50s, when chromosomal hereditary diseases were studied, the study of correlative connections between the characteristics of chromosome sets and skin patterns of the hands began. Modern dermatoglyphics was born, which is increasingly used in various fields of knowledge - from medicine to criminology and ethnography. Recently, fingerprinting and palmoscopy have been most widely studied and used. Galton, who proposed the first classification of finger patterns, identified three main types of patterns: curl (W), loop (L) and arc (A).

During a person’s lifetime, the papillary pattern does not change, but only the thickness of the ridges and their density change. There are 14 fields on the palm, forming separate zones, with the help of which you can determine the topography of the palmar lines.

What can our fingers tell us?

At all times, people wanted to know what awaited them. And there were always people ready to tell him this - fortune tellers, gypsies, witches. To this day, many people are suspicious of such predictions. However, modern scientists believe that there is a rational grain in fortune telling.

Palmists were the first to predict a person's future based on the skin patterns and lines on his hands. Later, criminologists became interested in drawings on fingertips, creating the science of fingerprinting. And now the time has come for geneticists and dermatoglyphics specialists. The first use finger patterns to diagnose hereditary diseases. The latter easily determine how healthy, easy-going, patient, and suitable a person is for certain types of activities.

“Palmists were not so mistaken - fingerprints actually contain encrypted vital information about a person,” says Tatyana Abramova, head of the laboratory of sports anthropology, morphology and genetics at the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture. — Skin patterns on the fingers are finally formed in the 3rd–5th month of embryonic development and no longer change throughout life. The skin and the central nervous system develop at the same time and from the same embryonic rudiment. Therefore, finger patterns are called a marker of the organizational features of the human brain. Using fingerprints you can not only learn about the weak points of the nervous system, but also determine a person’s character.”

Of course, errors are inevitable. After all, the structure of fingerprints is extremely complex.

“At a certain stage, the idea arose of creating a device that would provide the doctor with high-quality information about the dermatoglyphic type,” say the developers of such a system from MSTU. Bauman. “The device created by Baumanka scientists allows you to automatically determine the inclination of the elements of the skin pattern, count the number of “ridges” and make the final calculation of the parameters.”

Fingerprints can identify dozens of different diseases that are genetic in nature. By examining papillary lines in women planning a pregnancy, one can obtain an accurate prognosis for the health of the offspring. A consultation with a dermatoglyphologist allows not only to predict the occurrence of inherited diseases, but also to calculate their course.

Dermatoglyphists often say that a fingerprint is a genome turned inside out. Its structure reflects a person’s ability to adapt to the world around him. With the help of fingerprints, it is possible to predict a person’s actions in extreme situations, which is why athletes and rescuers are sent for consultations with dermatoglyphics.

Three main patterns

People whose main finger pattern is the loop have an explosive temperament. They cannot stand long and monotonous work; they learn information slowly, but remember it for a long time. The “sprinting” nature makes itself felt in love. “Loops” are flighty, fickle and often have several parallel connections.

Peacock eye loop

Single or double loop with bend

Double loop

The most complex loop pattern. Its owners are just as complexly organized—quivering, vulnerable, but extremely capable people. They are mobile, active, resilient, easily adapt to any conditions, but at the same time concentrate on their inner world. The more curls on the hand, the more complex the nature and the stronger the tendency towards self-criticism.

Curl elongated

Curl - spiral

Curl - target

An “arc” person has little life potential and is not in the best health. But such a person uses the forces provided by nature wisely and economically. Once having found its place, the “arc” does not waste energy searching for a better life. People who have predominantly arc patterns on their fingers are extremely conservative and authoritarian, and do not get along well with people. But, if such a person has become your friend, he will go through fire and water for you. In married life, “arcs” are distinguished by exceptional devotion, never allowing themselves to have affairs on the side, but demanding absolute fidelity in return.

High arc

Arch with loop inside

Standard arc


A Main arch. The fingerprint indicates a practical and materialistic nature. A person with fingerprint arches is reserved but hardworking. These people can be hard-hearted, insensitive, skeptical and unemotional. On the index and middle fingers, arches can reveal an inability to express oneself.

B Vaulted canopy. It stands out due to the so-called<оперным шестом>, which supports the arch. People with such lines are in many ways similar to those with a major arch, but are more impulsive and emotional. The owners of such fingerprints are very nervous, artistic and obsessive - but stubborn.

A loop

B Main (or ulna) loop. This is the most common fingerprint pattern. The base of the loops points to the thumb, and the starting point of the loop points to the striking side of the palm (percussion). People who have these fingerprints on their hands tend to be soft-spoken and straightforward, with a quick, lively and flexible mind.

D Reverse (or radial) loop. These loops are similar to the main ones, but begin and end in opposite directions. Their owners have the same personality characteristics as the owners of the main loops, but they are more trusting and fearless. Back loops are much less common than main loops.


D Spiral curl. People who have spiral curls in their prints are individualists with a strong and clear personality. Potentially brilliant, they work best when they keep themselves busy. They can be inflexible and take a long time to make decisions, but first, however, they prefer to reserve time to think about matters.

E Concentric curl. A fingerprint consists of several closed circles, one inside the other. This is a rarer pattern than the spiral curl, but it indicates very similar character traits. Most often it occurs on the index or ring finger. A person with 10 such fingerprints will have great opportunities, but will be subject to stress.

F Complex. Complex fingerprints look like two loops stretched in opposite directions. They can often look like the daytime Chinese yin and yang symbols. Although these people are open-minded and able to sympathize with others, they can be indecisive and even clueless individuals.

Peacock eye

At first glance fingerprints<павлиний глаз>look like a loop. However, upon closer inspection, you will see a curl at the heart of the loop, like the eye on a peacock's tail. This fingerprint is very auspicious, predicting great luck for its owner and granting him protection.

And Tri-radius. If you are having any difficulty distinguishing one type of fingerprint pattern from another, then take a look at tri-radius. This print pattern is determined by the presence, absence or number of these triangular shapes. The joint print does not have a tri-radius, the loop does, and the curl has two tri-radii.

Fingerprints and Compatibility

To see how people with fingerprints different forms fit together, see next. table.

Fingerprints and career

Refer to this table to decide and evaluate people's performance abilities according to their dominant fingerprint type.

Live in harmony with the Universe, using all the opportunities given to you! Asto-numerological chart - an individual analysis of all the qualities of data given to you from birth.

Everyone knows well that any person has in his hands ( back side palms) a unique pattern, the so-calledpapillary lines . This does not mean the lines of folds of the skin of the palm, by which fortune tellers and palmists predict fate, but the smallest grooves, clearly visible to the naked eye, which cover the entire surface of the fingers and palm, forming bizarre patterns. Scientists have found that the pattern of papillary lines is individual for each person, even among identical twins it differs and each of us can easily be identified by it. These patterns appear in our mother’s womb and remain for a long time after death. The pattern of papillary lines, unlike palmistry signs of the palms, remains unchanged throughout a person’s life.

When we take up any object, we leave a kind of hand mark on it in the form of sweat and fat prints, which completely, like a typographic cliché, reflect our papillary pattern. This feature has long been noticed, adopted and successfully used by criminologists to catch the criminal who left his fingerprints at the crime scene. There is even a whole scientific disciplinefingerprinting which deals with these issues. There are a huge number of scientific papers and monographs on this topic. But today we are not talking about that. Fingerprinting studies only the “tip of the iceberg” in the form of a mechanical “hand-surface” mapping, methods and methods for identifying and recording traces.

Few people know that fingerprints are a unique storehouse of information about each person. Knowing the simplest signs by

the pattern of papillary lines can be determine gender, nationality, susceptibility to diseases, character and even fate any of us. Such diagnostics are available to everyone. Although no two fingerprints are alike, there are only three main types of papillary patterns: arc, loop and whorl. By their combinations, relative position, predominance, degree of expression, directions of papillary lines, you can quite simply find out the most intimate things about a person, even in his absence. It is enough that only his prints will be at your disposal. How to manifest them and

to record, any criminology textbook will tell you.

You will say that you need special equipment to take fingerprints, which is not sold in stores. This is a myth, inflated by forensic experts, who, in fact, in most cases, to identify handprints, use ordinary soft brushes, which apply various powders (soot, white, chalk, various metal oxides) to the surface where there may be a trace. And they take prints directly from their hands, smearing them with simple printing ink, which in everyday conditions can be successfully replaced by the paste from an ordinary ballpoint pen.

YouTube Video

For such detection, an ordinary soft wide makeup brush, cosmetic powder, tooth powder or carbon black will be quite suitable. You can practice by leaving, for example, a mark of your hand on a bottle, and then treat it with any specified powder using a brush. It is best to fix the identified trace by sticking a piece of ordinary transparent tape on top of it. Then the tape can be carefully peeled off and applied to White list paper. In this case, it will be very convenient for you to work with prints in the future without fear of erasing them. To study the print in detail, use a regular magnifying glass.

Behavioral motivation

According to papillary patterns. By analyzing the location of finger patterns, orientation and ridge frequency, scientists were able to establish the existence of a relationship between the patterns on the fingers and the structural patterns of the modulating systems of the brain, which perform the main function in the formation of conditioned reflexes (for example, learning) and in the implementation of unconditioned reflexes (behavior).
This means that by the combination of papillary patterns, scientists can identify or suspect various diseases, determine abilities for specific sports, moral-volitional,

psychological and business qualities of a person. The formation of scalloped skin begins in the sixth week of fetal development. The embryo begins to differentiate the fingers and at about the eighth week, simultaneously with the appearance of cutaneous blood vessels, the formation of the main nerve trunks of the upper extremities is completed. The third to fifth months of embryonic development are a period of intense ridge formation followed by the separation of patterns. By looking at the pictures, you can try to determine what type of pattern you have on your finger. The predominance of one type of papillary pattern determines the choice of the main directions of the mental organization of the personality. The most common finger patterns are loops; simple arcs and curls are a little less common.

If there are more loops on the fingers, this type is characterized by good coordination and psycho-emotional stability. Such people have a golden character and, as a rule, excellent health. Owners of loops easily get along with others, tolerate representatives of other groups nearby, and are ready to participate in all endeavors and proposals, even if they do not understand their benefits. They have a fairly wide range of interests, although they do not have the same depth as the group with curls and patterns, or the uniqueness of people with arcs.
People with a large number of arcs are very specific and unambiguous; it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the environment and listen to the opinions of others. They are truthful and frank, do not like intrigue, and travel and business trips are difficult for them. It is difficult to convince a child who has arches, to force him to admit his mistake. However, this is redeemed by the fact that they are unforgiving and frank. And if they smile, they are really happy. They do well in school and business, they are distinguished by speed and specificity, everything unnecessary is cut off.

The situation is different with curl patterns. People with their predominance are distinguished by very complex behavior; they often have little idea of ​​what they are capable of. Despite their colossal endurance, representatives of this group do not like troubles, are often dissatisfied with themselves, and are prone to painful doubts. It can be difficult for them to complete the work they start. Owners of patterns and curls cannot compare in reaction speed with representatives of arc patterns, but they gain a lot in coordination of movements.

Define nationality even in appearance it can be very difficult. Fingerprints are more likely to tell you which blood is more abundant in an individual. This is the specialty of dermatoglyphics. Scientific reviews on this issue are easy to find on the Internet.

Diagnosis of susceptibility to disease

Along papillary lines:
1. The predominance of curls on both hands - headache, cerebrovascular accident, tendency to injury (traumatic brain injury), nervous disorders, neuralgia, sleep disturbance.
2. Predominance of loops on both hands - thyroid disease, sore throat, sinusitis, frequent colds.

3. The predominance of arches on both hands - acute purulent tonsillitis, pharyngitis, eye diseases.

4. Loop on the thumb - nervous diseases..
5. Loop on the index finger - disease of the lungs and bronchi, bronchial asthma.
6. Loop on the middle finger – tuberculosis, nervous disorders and blood diseases.
7. Loop on the ring finger – diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
8. Loop on the little finger – stomach diseases, digestive disorders, breast diseases, lactation disorders.
9. Arch on the thumb – hysteria, tumor processes, epileptic seizures.

10. Arch on the index finger – diseases of the spine and heart.
11. Arc on the middle finger – spasms of blood vessels and heart, accompanied by fear of death, poor circulation, and deterioration of vision.
12. Arch on the ring finger – problems of the small intestine.
13. Arch on the little finger – colitis, constipation, enteritis, possible attack of appendicitis or infection with dysentery.
14. Loop on the thumb – kidneys (paired organs) and all diseases associated with them, lumbar spine.
15. Loop on the index finger – pathological processes in the kidneys, predisposition to nervous diseases, eczema, diabetes, migraines and digestive disorders.
16. Loop on the middle finger - diseases of the rectum and reproductive sphere, inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries, prostate gland, paraproctitis, urethritis, inflammation of the ureters, cystitis, laryngitis, acute respiratory diseases.
17. Loop on the ring finger – provokes a tendency to tumors, edema, impairment menstrual cycle, nervous breakdowns.
19. The predominance of loops on the left hand - increased injuries in the hips and pelvis, liver disease.
20. Predominance of loops on the right hand - liver and blood disease, nervous disorders.

21. The predominance of curls on the left hand - disease of the joints, bones, teeth, often against the background of a cold, severe depression, melancholy, spinal diseases, rheumatism, psoriasis, indigestion, constipation..

22. The predominance of curls on the right hand - nervous disorders, hence - muscle cramps, thrombophlebitis, pain in the legs, nightmares in sleep.

23. Predominance of arches on the left hand - fainting, anemia, varicose veins veins, tendency to hysteria, nervous disorders, lethargy, skin diseases, vulnerable part - feet
24. The predominance of arches on the right hand - suppuration, even sepsis, foot diseases - calluses, growths, curvature of the fingers, sweating of the feet, swelling, flat feet.

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