Inspiration is beautiful. Creative inspiration

Greetings to all readers who were inspired to read this article. And you and I see that the topic of this article has just the title : "What is inspiration and how to inspire yourself." I don’t know how interesting this topic is to the readers of this site, but it’s still worth talking to you about it. Because the feeling of inspiration is an important feeling and it is very unusual. I think those people who have experienced it (I hope you too) know how wonderful this feeling is. In this article we will talk to you and find out What is inspiration and how to inspire yourself.

Why is this necessary?

If you have never experienced such a feeling, then you can calmly ask this question. If you have lived for several years with a feeling of inspiration, then you know how much this feeling helps you live. Dear readers - if you learn to experience this feeling and constantly evoke it in yourself, your life will partially, if not completely, change. I can definitely say this from myself, since I lived with this feeling for about 8 months. Then it disappeared from me for six months. Then it came back again and I lived and have been living with him for almost a year now. Sometimes this feeling is very strong. Sometimes barely noticeable. But what conclusions can I draw? When you have a feeling of inspiration inside you, you become much happier!!! Even the worldview changes and everything looks like " V fairy tale." I realized that the feeling of inspiration is like one of the elements happiness, joy, harmony and the desire to create and do something. That’s why I’m writing this article, to make you even happier than you already are. By the way, I mentioned this unusual feeling in the book "Rainbow of Happiness". When I wrote it, the feeling of inspiration was next to me. I hope this book brought you happiness. At least some.

What is inspiration?

How do you think? In my opinion, inspiration- this is special Internal state a person that makes him happier and motivates him to do and create something. This is the feeling that gives faith, hope and energy to a person. Everything inside you is somehow different. There are no such gray everyday life. You simply don’t notice them, because you begin to feel the world differently. Everything is real, like in a fairy tale. You want to live and enjoy life. Do you want to implement your ideas? I want to jump and laugh. It all depends on how strong this feeling is for you - the feeling of inspiration.

As I said before, bad things happen to inspiration. It leaves you somewhere. When this happened to me, life became somehow uncomfortable. The world began to seem gray and cloudy again. I would say that the worldview has become much worse. Pessimism appears (read the article: "How to become an optimist. 8 unique tips"). The motivation to do anything also disappeared. After all, inspiration also acts as motivation. Overall, I realized that I should have appreciated the times when I was inspired. Do you recognize yourself in this?

What happened next? At first I asked for this feeling to appear again, and tried to induce it in the same ways that I had induced it in the past. But it was all to no avail. Maybe this feeling came, but it was no longer as strong and bright as before. So I forgot about it. And as soon as I did this, life became normal. Maybe it wasn’t all so colorful, but he still lived very well.

After 2-3 months I had new inspiration, and it was much stronger than before. I definitely didn’t expect this... days began when everything was perfection. When such wonderful sensations “burned” inside me that words could not express them. I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but it’s time for you to experience these feelings too. I don’t know how strong they will be for you, but... it’s really wonderful!!! That's why I'm writing this article. I wish everyone could experience something like this.

How to inspire yourself?

I found out that inspiration can be caused and there is one for this the right way!!! This find the button, which will cause this feeling!!! You should not be afraid that you will have to look for something within yourself or think that it is difficult. Of course not!!! All you need to do is find the button. How can I do that? To begin with, I will give an example, and then together with you we will draw conclusions. Fine? Great!!!

I heard this story when I took the course "Technique of Attracting Money"(in my opinion, the best course regarding the topic of money). So here it is. There one guy wanted to become rich (like most guys of our time). But sometimes he was too lazy to do anything. There was no strength, mood and... feeling of inspiration. But he managed to find a button that motivated him and inspired him to start doing something. The button that inspired him!!! And this button was the next one - he really loved it when the most beautiful girls paid attention to him. And there are a lot of girls. And as soon as he thought about it, he immediately received energy and inspiration.

This may seem like motivation and nothing more. It all depends on Inner peace person. For example, I begin to imagine how I travel around the world and visit the most interesting places. This inspires me a lot and my focus is constantly on this!!! Focus on where I am in sunny places. You can be inspired by some girl (that's what inspired me before)!!! Some kind of desire!!! All this is a button that makes you feel inspired. But there is one thing But

The same button will not work for long. Especially when you achieve it. She will have to be replaced by another " inspiration button ". But by doing this, you can live an interesting and colorful life, even if it’s gray everyday life, life will still look better. Because next to you there will be another best friend, whose name is inspiration.

Not a single human achievement is complete without inspiration - an obsession, a muse, something that pushes us to take grandiose actions and steps. Sources of inspiration for everyone are individual, some draw new ideas from communicating with people, while others - from reading books and visiting theaters. What is inspiration itself? This is the peak state causing the influx positive emotions, promoting fruitful work and fundamental changes in life. A person feels a surge of strength, he wants to live and create. Many compare this phenomenon to a breath of clean air that changes their worldview.

Depending on the personal qualities a person, his preferences, morals and values, as well as his field of activity, there are several sources of inspiration. Let's look at the most common ones.

Love (infatuation, lust, passion)

Emotions, energy, overflowing - probably everyone is familiar with the state when one can “move mountains” for the sake of the object of adoration. Love has always forced people to do things, sometimes thoughtless and illogical. Many great works of art, poetry and prose were created by authors under the influence of the euphoria of love and passion. For some, love is a source of life, inspiration, forcing them to create and go towards their goals. Happy mutual relationships lead to marriage, but still in most cases they provoke vigorous activity only on initial stages when emotions are fresh and new.

For creative activity Unrequited love is more typical, since it is precisely this that awakens the desire to conquer the beloved. Those feelings that a person for some reason is unable to express fall on paper in the form of brush strokes, notes, beautiful lines about love, from which songs and poems, prose, as well as beautiful paintings are subsequently composed.

Nature (walks, animals, natural phenomena)

Sometimes one glance at the world quite enough to start moving forward. Since ancient times, nature has awakened indescribable emotions in people, inspiring them to create something new and unique. Natural springs inspiration is what surrounds us in the everyday world. Even pets that are constantly near you can become a kind of “generator” of new ideas and thoughts.

Heavy rain and bad weather outside, as well as a clear day after a storm, are real sources of creative inspiration. For example, the patter of raindrops, the rumble of thunder, the grayness of colors cause an influx of slight sadness and hopelessness, and the rich shades of nature after bad weather, on the contrary, provoke a rush positive emotions.

Doing what you love (hobby)

A job that brings not only income, but also moral and emotional satisfaction, which in itself is an incentive, is perhaps the dream of each of us. Sources of inspiration that allow you to realize your plans and ideas and do not require much dedication are a hobby. Do you want to get a charge of positive emotions? Start doing what you do best, what makes you smile and enjoy the work you do.

Culture, art

Where else can you find inspiration if not in the works of classics, their books, productions, and painting exhibitions? Works of art that the authors were once inspired to create are sources of inspiration. One look at someone's painting, reading a book, listening to classical music, visiting the theater or ballet is the easiest way to feel “wings behind your back”, the desire to do something new.


Sources of inspiration that can force a person to act without outside help are dreams, the implementation of which requires all the strength and capabilities. The peculiarity of the most secret desire is that inspiration for its implementation is drawn from the internal reserves of the human “I”. This does not require reading additional literature, walking on fresh air and unrequited love - everything is simple: there is a dream, which means there are forces to make it come true.


The constant change of various aspects of life, including little things, allows you to get a colossal charge of emotions that drive you to new achievements. Want to get inspired? Change your appearance, change the route from home to work - and you will see the world with different eyes. The best sources of inspiration are experiments, because by changing externally and changing our habits and daily actions, we change internally, both on an emotional and psychological level.

Self-development and travel

Learning something new, changing place of residence, vacationing in exotic countries- all these are sources of inspiration for a person, helping not only to gain new emotions, but also to understand the world. Do you want to get inspiration from outside? In the best way there will be self-development. Attend oriental dance courses, relax by the sea, or, as a last resort, go to the nearest body of water and simply enjoy the beauty around you.

Staying in solitude and complete silence, meditation

Sometimes vanity and noise Everyday life make you want to lock yourself in your own room and not leave there for at least a day. Carry it out - and you will be able to breathe in with ease, freed from the shackles that have been interfering until this moment. Similar sources of inspiration, examples of which can be found in many books and films, allowed people to achieve certain heights. Silence and harmony with the world around us are necessary for everyone, otherwise a person can simply lose himself in everyday worries and experiences. One hour spent on internal conversations with yourself and understanding what is happening around you is enough - and you will see the world in different colors.

Questionable sources of inspiration

There is an opinion that drinking alcohol and narcotic substances promotes philosophical thinking and, as a result, obtaining insight and inspiration. But this is far from true. Undoubtedly, some of the greats of this world were not just addicted to alcohol and drugs, but even abused them, but for ordinary person possessing mediocre thinking and weak will, hobbies of this kind can only bring Negative consequences in the form of alcohol and drug addiction.

Remember! To find inspiration, you must at a minimum be open to something new, desire change, be able to communicate and improve.

Inspiration refers to a special state of a person. When his consciousness is filled with spiritual forces, and all thought processes move in the same direction. Inspiration is a special state of mind. If it comes to a person, you need to try to keep it for as long as possible or find a new one as quickly as possible. In this state, people can move mountains. After all, they are inspired and full of strength to implement their plans. When inspiration comes to a person, he is ready to realize his entire creative reserve. He does not pay attention to the difficulties and all kinds of obstacles that arise in his way. This is how inspiration manifests itself. This is a wonderful state of mind and body.

They say about such people that they seem to soar above everyone, charging those around them with their energy and creative spirit. As a rule, inspiration comes to people in creative professions more often. It is very important. Because without it they cannot create. Such professions include artists, musicians, actors, directors, singers, musicians and others. But inspiration can also come to people who are not associated with creativity. This occurs in cases where a person has found himself and sees his purpose in a particular activity. Inspiration will also be an important part of his work process. You can create not only in art, but also in other areas of life.

How can you define the word “inspiration”?

First of all, you can look at word formation. Inspiration means a new breath or inspiration. Therefore, the meaning of this word should be understood as the arrival of some new idea. Moreover, it brings a person a dizzying burst of energy and joy of being.

Inspiration means a positive attitude. If we consider the etymology of this word in other languages, it should be said that it can mean divine guidance. Surely it has happened to some people that there comes a certain period of time when he commits actions that are unusual for him, and does it purposefully. And after achieving the goal, he himself is surprised how everything turned out this way for him. Some people even note that it was as if someone was helping them at that moment or showing them the way. This is the inspiration or direction of a higher power.

Positive points

What are some positive moments of inspiration? Let's look at them:

  1. A person under the influence of this feeling can commit rash actions from the point of view of ordinary people. But it is they who will ultimately lead to the achievement of goals that cannot be achieved in the normal state.
  2. Creation begins through inspiration.
  3. For creativity, this state is an integral part of the process of creating something. This could be writing a book, staging a play, or creating some kind of project.
  4. Inspiration gives a person energy. With its help, the strength to realize your plans appears. A person can sleep for several hours a day, all his thoughts and actions are aimed at achieving his plans, he does not feel tired.

How to get inspiration? Advice for creative people who have lost their muse

When a person is inspired, he does not think about what could be different. But in a situation where it is missing, thoughts arise about how to get it back or find a new one.

First of all, for inspiration to come, you need a source. That is, some event or new acquaintance. It is also possible to renew an old relationship with someone. This is not about love relationships. Although it happens that new novel can also be a source of inspiration. The trigger can also be anything, such as a picture or a dream.

In order for inspiration to come, it is necessary to create new things. To do this, it is recommended to visit exhibitions, museums, go to the theater, and cinema.

Another great source can be traveling to new countries and unexplored places. You should know that inspiration can come from learning or seeing something new, unknown. Therefore, as an option, you can read books.

How can you develop inspiration?

Inspiration comes to some people often, while to others almost never. This state of affairs depends on the person himself, namely on his character traits. Let's look at them:

  1. People who are endowed with enthusiasm are more likely to encounter inspiration along their life path. This is due to their positive attitude and a willingness to open up to new things.
  2. People who are passionate about something are also able to find their inspiration. This mindset pushes them to look for new activities. They are happy to delve into any topic and find themselves in it. They are not able to sit, get bored and wait for inspiration to come to them. This type of character pushes people to search for new ideas. This good trait for inspiration.
  3. Creative thinking allows you to make a standard situation interesting and creative. A person with ordinary thinking will see melancholy and routine in any state of affairs. A creative approach makes it possible to approach the solution of a particular problem in a non-standard way and find inspiration in it.
  4. People who know how to observe can notice a tendency towards something in a certain person and direct him in the right direction.

Music for inspiration. Which one should you listen to?

You can often find music selections for inspiration. As a rule, they are divided into sections. Every person needs their own music for inspiration.

Some will be inspired by the lyrical selection, while others need to listen to action or techno. Therefore, there are no general recommendations on the repertoire of music for inspiration. Each person chooses what he likes.

What does inspiration mean? Synonym of this word

Inspiration has many synonyms. Namely: suggestion, inspiration, inspiration, passion. If you are wondering what the synonym for the word “inspiration” is, then know that it is vitality, enthusiasm and a visit to the muse. This is not a complete list yet.

They all mean one thing: inspiration is a special state of personality. At this time, a person is full of strength, is on the rise of his capabilities and is passionate about some idea.

Creativity and mood. What is the connection between them?

Inspiration for creativity is an integral part this process. There are even certain recommendations for people in creative professions on how to attract a muse to themselves. If, for example, a composer lacks inspiration, then writing a song for him will be incredibly difficult and time-consuming. And when inspiration is present, the melody will be created in the shortest possible time. The same thing happens to people in other creative professions when inspiration comes to them. The mood plays important role for the creative process. It doesn't have to be joyful and cheerful.

For some creative processes, a state of inspiration with a tinge of sadness, sadness or indignation is suitable. A person’s experiences can bring not only joy, but also anger and anger. A feeling of inspiration can motivate you to create something extraordinary.

A little conclusion

In any case, it is worth striving to achieve inspiration. This condition gives a person unforgettable emotions. Some people compare it to falling in love. Indeed, inspiration inspires a person just as much as the feelings of love. People whose life is not related to creativity should not give up inspiration. Because it will bring an unforgettable experience to anyone’s life. For example, if a person is engaged in analytical work or engineering development, inspiration will help them implement some interesting project.

Therefore, we wish you to find your inspiration, let it help you create interesting ideas!

inspiration, sources of inspiration

Sometimes we feel indifferent to surrounding life, we have no strength and no new ideas, we are simply exhausted. Are you familiar with this situation? And what to do when you need strength and new ideas, but they just don’t come. In this article you will learn what " sources of inspiration" and where it comes from. And at the end of the article you will find inspiring video bonuses.

Inspiration is...

It is very interesting to take a word apart and discover its meaning from a new side. Inspiration: literally means to breathe in something new, to experience or feel something new, new ideas and new experiences.

What happens during the inspiration process?

When receiving new information (images, feelings, sound, etc.), a person passes it through his consciousness and compares it with the information that he already has. Inspiration leads to the fact that as a result of comparing the old and new information, new feelings, ideas and images are born in a person. The novelty of sensations makes you want to realize the experience gained (writing poetry, songs, creating a dance, production, new business project, etc.)

So where do you get inspiration when you “can’t breathe” anymore? Below I have provided a list of sources of inspiration that I use in my life. If he helps you, I will be very happy.

sources of inspiration

  1. Communication with like-minded people. I have met many people in my life who have inspired me to reach new milestones. For which I am immensely grateful to them.
  2. Sport. Constantly after playing sports, my condition changes and I become stronger. And most importantly, new ideas come.
  3. Trips. I love this point. The most best ideas they come to me on the way.
  4. Poetry. I have been writing poetry since childhood. I like the feeling of flight of thought.
  5. Dancing. This is freedom of movement and manifestation.
  6. Movies. I love good films about real feelings and strong people.
  7. Music. High-quality music can very quickly change our internal state.
  8. Books. Books about great people, success and philosophy are always on my desktop. This is a storehouse of wisdom and inspiration.
  9. Children. Children's spontaneity is simply amazing. They are constantly open to everything new. You can learn new things just by watching them.
  10. Mountains. Mountains make you think about the eternal and sublime.
  11. Sea. It calms and fills with new content.
  12. Love. The most powerful thing in our world. All the best things were done out of love for God, society or man.
  13. Goals. Worthy goals inspire and inspire.
  14. Successful people. Their example is contagious.
  15. Teachers. My teachers are simply a huge source of strength, knowledge and inspiration. I am immensely grateful to them.
  16. Meditation. These are new ideas, feelings, solutions. I recommend it to everyone.
  17. Tests. Peaks conquered inspire us to conquer new ones.
  18. New projects. Worthy projects, thanks to which you test your strength, what can be inspiration.
  19. Quotes. Quotes are a concentrate of wisdom and inspiration.
  20. Painting. A beautifully written work is a whole novel in color.
  21. Theater. The transformation of the actors surprises and inspires.
  22. KVN, Humor. Good humor makes life brighter.
  23. Nature. When a person is alone with nature, he is filled with strength and impressions.
  24. Animals. They evoke openness and spontaneity.
  25. Team. The power of teamwork is inspiring because 1+1=3 or maybe 100.

Let's summarize, today we discussed with you what inspiration is, how it happens and made a list sources of inspiration. It is important that this list alone will not help, but in combination with active actions to achieve results, big changes await you.

Inspire and be inspired!!!

Friends, if you have anything to add to the list of “sources of inspiration” - write in the comments, and if you liked the article, subscribe to the newsletter and like it!

You also have a unique opportunity to download my new book“Awakening” or sign up for individual work with me.

And also the promised bonus

Surely every person at least once in their life experienced a moment when they took their breath away, appeared from somewhere additional forces, and performance increased significantly. Common people call this feeling a second wind, and creative people associated with the appearance of the muse. But, unfortunately, new energy does not always visit us at the moment when it is so lacking. And then we ask ourselves: where to look for inspiration to implement the next big idea?

It's simple. If the muse does not want to come on its own, then you need to find the sources where it lives. This is what we will do.

Where can you get inspiration from?

From a psychological point of view, inspiration is the emergence of motivation for any action. This is usually expressed in a special elation, when a person feels an unexpected surge of strength, and his thoughts become clear and consistent. This state is often called insight. Creative people feel this especially well when at some point a brilliant idea and the strength to implement it suddenly appear in their heads.

But modern world is full of worries and problems, so not everyone can wait for the appearance of the long-awaited muse. Fatigue and mental devastation do not allow creative thinking to fully develop, and you have to start searching. Sources of inspiration for a person are a great way to return the necessary charge of pep and regain motivation for creative activity. Individuals who have more than once encountered the capricious nature of their muse have long found these methods and resort to them every time a creative crisis approaches. And those who are faced with such a problem for the first time should find out what sources of inspiration there may be and determine for themselves the most effective one. Let's look at the most effective and proven ways to get into a creative mood:

Sources of inspiration are all around us. You can feel a surge of strength after visiting an art gallery, or you can gain peace of mind by going to an island in the middle of the ocean. The main thing is to choose what exactly suits you. Every creative person needs to fuel their potential. Don’t forget about this, and then there will be many more connoisseurs of your creativity.

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How to find inspiration and inspire?

- Inspiration doesn't come to me anymore!
- This means that you need to meet him halfway yourself.
Miu Asakura

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved to dance. This is my passion, my outlet and my life. God gifted me with talents, and I always thought, it’s not in vain! I always dreamed of becoming an artist, either on stage or in films. I didn’t get along with theater and music as a child, but choreography is what brought me joy and pleasure! So I decided on this life path! I became a professional choreographer and artist, and my dream came true!

And my advice to you is to do what you like and what works best, and you will be happy in life!

Dreams are a source of inspiration!

Dreams are what motivate a person to move forward and do more than just live an ordinary life!

It's no secret that every person is capable of creating - creating something! And you too (since you are reading this article!). A lot is said and written about this.

Creativity is an integral part of the life of absolutely every person! And, I repeat, this ability is given to us from above! Moreover, I want to say that creativity and development can and should be used to get out of the crisis in your life! And I'm talking now about creativity that inspires others!

My opinion is that any paintings, films, concerts, performances, etc. should inspire others. I encourage you to do this in your creativity. And it doesn't matter who you are. Even a carpenter, when making a table, can make it in a way that inspires others. For example, inspiring a writer who will write an amazing book at this table!

And in order to inspire others, you need to be inspired yourself!

Some people believe that inspiration is a kind of muse that comes and goes as it pleases. But I believe that you can develop inspiration within yourself through the perception of this world.

Everyone perceives the world around them differently. Some see everything in a bad light and become despondent, while others find grains of something valuable and express it in creativity!

  1. Do what you like! If you do what you like and what works best, then you won’t need to reach into your pocket for inspiration, because you will almost always be on the rise.
  2. Information hunger!
  3. Use only quality resources! Professional musical instrument, high-quality paints, professional artists, etc. (to each their own). The second grade always slows down the process. You will always spend a lot of energy not on creativity, but on nerves.
  4. Distracted! Do something for pleasure, something you like (book, travel, music...). For example, Google company gives its employees 20% of their working time for free activities. By doing this, she stimulates the internal motivation and inspiration of her employees!
  5. Switch! It is important not only to rest, but also to be able to switch work. If you are working on a project, then most likely there are many tasks and plans in it. And when things get stuck in one area, switch to another. As a rule, when solving another problem, the first one can be solved in parallel. Or, when you return, you will be able to look at a problem that has reached a dead end from the other side, with a fresher look!

You can try to apply all these tips right now. And don’t limit yourself, look for new solutions! After all, you are creative, and you have more than enough creativity!

Good luck and endless inspiration to you!

Tell VKontakte

If you choose your work successfully and put your soul into it,

then happiness will find you on its own.

K. Ushinsky

Having worked at school for forty-four years, I understand that my profession as a teacher is exclusively for creative people, because it is a profession from God. Not everyone will be able to see and hear joys and sorrows, empathize, and take part in the life of not just one child, but dozens, or even hundreds of children, every day. Great sensitivity, patience, devotion, willpower, kindness and love for children help the teacher in his difficult mission. I believe that a modern teacher should be very kind, responsive, attentive to children, creative and competent in his profession. You also need to be a good psychologist, since children require special attention, understanding, guidance, involvement in learning or learning with passion from the teacher.

What helps me in my work? Inspiration. A breath of something new. And life itself inspires me, which I would like to make a little better. I can confidently say that I am open to inspiration - I am inspired by the first ray of sun, an early dawn, a light cloud on the horizon, a sad raindrop, a timid snowflake, a yellowed leaf, a cobweb over a bush, sadness, failure and much more! I am also inspired by the belief in my purpose, mission, the belief that the cause I serve is the most necessary, because I influence the development of a person, a citizen, a patriot of my country. This faith gives me strength and the desire to create.

Music, the closest and most favorite means of expression to me, gives me creative inspiration, energizes me, brings great joy, makes me smile, makes me sad. And “my” music sounds everywhere, you just need to listen carefully. Everything sings - mountains, meadows, steppes, rivers, a nightingale at dawn... The excited whisper of my five-year-old granddaughter Nastenka, when she comes to me before bed and asks me to tell or compose a fairy tale for her, her countless questions: “What?

But as? Why?”, do not allow me to stand still and awaken my inspiration for writing, inventing stories, which I then retell with pleasure to my students. Probably, children are the biggest sources of my inspiration. .

I notice that the further time goes by in my life, the more and more things that seemed uninteresting and ordinary to me are painted in bright colors and begin to bring me joy, pleasure and inspiration. It's probably old age, or maybe wisdom? And I am happy that every day I immerse myself in amazing trip my life, that I can give warmth and love to loved ones, that I can enjoy the beauty and perfection of everything that surrounds me. But the most important thing is that today I can confidently say that I chose my path correctly and do not regret one bit that I put my whole soul into it, since a state of constant quiet happiness and “taste of life” accompanies me always and everywhere. And above the entrance to the school I would write the words: “Teacher, I wish you creative inspiration and love for children! Take care of your inspiration and share it with others, and then your students will be happy too!”

Being yourself for real happy man, I try to inspire my students to create light and beautiful things with the help of essays, essays, and fairy tales. I tell them a lot about my travels, show and share souvenirs and photographs, slides, thoughts. Not long ago, 27 of my students took part in the international distance Olympiad in the Russian language and took 17 prizes. My students take part in Operation Care: they collect things, toys, books, and stationery for children from orphanages. Together with our students, we publish the magazine “In Chocolate”, where we jointly publish our literary finds, opuses, make drawings for the works we read, share human actions and deeds we have accomplished, holidays and various significant events in life. I often tell my children that a wonderful feeling helps us with this - inspiration. This gift of heaven is inherent in every person from birth, but it takes the work of the soul for it to reveal itself in each of us. Inspiration and creativity give a person a state of joy, a powerful surge of energy, a special state of mind, inspiration directs us into the future. And my students feel this powerful feeling.

I would like to wish all the children of the country: “Be happy no matter what! Find your calling, reveal your talents! Go boldly towards your dreams! May your life be filled with joy, the happiness of loved ones, the laughter of children and, of course, love!”

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