Human resource management at Google. Analysis of staff motivation and incentives using the example of Google and Yandex companies

When in 1996 two Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin were working on educational project search engine, they hardly suspected that they would produce a global giant. Already in September 1998, the creation of the company was announced Google, since then it has grown significantly. Today it is the largest Internet search engine, considered the first in popularity. Every month, the Google search engine processes 41 billion 345 million queries, indexes more than 25 billion web pages and can find information in 195 languages. According to the quarterly report, the company's annual revenue amounted to $50.2 billion. This figure increased by almost 32% compared to 2011.

"Google is people first." This is what the company says on its official website. And management values ​​the merits of its employees very highly. And it creates all the conditions for high-quality and successful work. Google topped the ranking of the best companies to work for in 2013, compiled by an American magazine, for the fourth time in a row. Fortune together with the TV channel CNN. According to Forbes, according to anonymous surveys among employees, Google was in 4th place (the leader of the ranking was Facebook, whose offices you can ride around on a skateboard).

It's worth noting that Google had 53,861 full-time employees worldwide last year (37,544 at Google, 11,113 at Motorola Mobile and 5,204 at Motorola Home). In total, there are more than 70 offices in 40 countries, as well as headquarters in Mountain View in Silicon Valley, better known as Googleplex. The company moved there in 2004.

High salaries are a significant component of such success among Google employees. Recent research from recruiting site Glassdoor suggests that Google pays its developers the highest salaries in Silicon Valley. This helps the company retain highly qualified personnel from going to competitors.

Developer base salary software at Google averages $128.3 thousand per year. Competitors pay their engineers less: social network Facebook pays employees in similar positions about 123.6 thousand dollars, Apple- about 114.4 thousand dollars. These salary levels were given The Wall Street Journal with reference to the study.

But a high salary is not the only component of success. Various types of bonuses make working at Google fabulous, by the standards of the average office worker.

"Like any big company, Google pays its employees for health and pension insurance, and also provides many other benefits, says the official website of the search engine. - But we don’t limit ourselves to this. We strive to support our employees in everything. Therefore, our programs provide protection not only in financial and social, but also in the physical and emotional spheres of life.”

“We want Googlers to always have the opportunity to do what they love, both at work and in free time. We always try to take care of the well-being and mood of our employees.”

So, what helps maintain the mood of company employees? Of course, this means free food, full qualified medical care without leaving the office and... massage. So, last year employees were given 100 thousand hours of massage. Moreover, three health centers and a sports complex with a roller hockey skating rink and a basketball court were built for employees.

An important area is supporting the families of workers. Thus, new parents receive additional leave of up to 7 weeks and payments. The company reimburses money spent on education and training.

Googlers’ approach to organizing space and creating an informal atmosphere is also interesting. For example, in the Kiev office during the warm season, meetings and conferences are held on the roof of the office center, on sunbeds and bamboo chairs. The design of the Moscow office was developed with a Russian flavor - with the image of Baba Yaga, a fairy-tale stone at the fork and decorative fly agaric mushrooms, and some of the conference rooms are named “38 parrots”, “Pechkin” or “12 chairs” (this is where these iconic chairs).

One of the main secrets is that the management tries to take into account all the needs, based on the interests and hobbies of everyone.

“When determining a set of benefits and privileges, we strive to build on the needs specific person... and we are always ready to review and update existing bonus packages.”

And probably the most important and unexpected bonus is the posthumous benefits that American Google initiated for its 34 thousand employees in August last year. It is not yet known whether there are precedents for payments, but the spouse of a deceased employee is owed 50% of his salary. Moreover, the widow is entitled to a stock option, and minor children under 19 years old are entitled to $1000 monthly.

Examples from other companies

Google is far from the only one global company, which motivates employees with a variety of bonuses. Yes, IT company SAS, specializing in business analytics, built a farm in 2012 to grow vegetables and fruits without the use of chemical fertilizers. Everything grown in the garden bed then ends up on the workers’ table. Concern for the health of workers does not stop there. SAS provides unlimited sick days, and insurance covers 90% of treatment. Moreover, the company has its own medical center and fitness club with a swimming pool.

Every summer in the Japanese giant Hitachi celebrate Dog Day. Each employee brings their own pet, and everyone puts on a talent show together. It is believed that this promotes team unity.

And in Intel Every new employee is literally greeted with open arms: the red carpet is laid out in front of him. This is followed by an introduction to the employees’ offices to the applause of future colleagues.

What does a high-class leader need? And what habits should he get rid of? Many companies would like to find answers to these questions. IN We decided to find out everything experimentally.

Based on large-scale research conducted by the company, in which managers and line employees took part, as well as an analysis of the level of productivity and satisfaction of specialists, Google came to conclusions regarding the qualities and competencies of an ideal manager.

These are the eight qualities that will lead a manager to guaranteed success at Google.

1. He is a good coach.
2. Expands the powers of his subordinates, expands the area of ​​their responsibility, while never micromanaging.
3. He is interested in the success of his team, is interested in the affairs of employees, and shows interest, among other things, in their personal well-being.
4. A good manager is productive and results-oriented.
5. Has excellent communication skills: He really knows how to listen and disseminate information correctly.
6. Helps subordinates in career development.
7. Has a clear team development plan and sees the strategy.
8. Possesses specialized skills and knowledge (in the case of Google, this is, naturally, high technology) - if necessary, he should help his employees, give advice, express an expert opinion, etc.

Google analytics did not limit itself to “positive” recommendations - they also noted those qualities and behavioral characteristics that it is better for a manager to avoid, circumstances that could negatively affect a managerial career.

1. A difficult transition from one position to another, which bypasses some stages (for example, a specialist was unexpectedly promoted to a management position, or a not very experienced manager was hired from outside).
2. Lack of "agreed" philosophical system, a consistent approach to work organization and career development.
3. Wrong distribution of priorities: insufficient attention to communication and management processes.

After receiving the results of these studies, representatives of Google's senior management began to pay special attention to the development and application of the necessary qualities in managers "on the ground" (with feedback received twice a year). This helped prevent ineffective management practices at initial stages, and also allowed us to reconsider the personnel composition of managers.

We asked HR experts how versatile this list is (will it work not only at Google, but also at other companies).

Instructions for managers of the “new format”

Managing partner Mikhail Torchinsky believes that this list can be called universal for a leader of a new format, who is more of a leader for his subordinates than a classic manager.

“As we see from the requirements presented at Google, it is no longer enough to simply set tasks and control their implementation. You need to show care, train, develop the talents of your subordinates, and take a personalized approach to problems. This approach is not possible in all companies, but Google can allow this. Firstly, the company super-carefully selects its people and has a unique opportunity to attract the best candidates from the market. Secondly, the products that Google creates are 100% intelligent. People whose general level education and development are above average (compared to other sectors). As a result, such employees expect to be led by people of a special type, coaches, who by vocation are ready to explain tasks and delegate authority, and not “stand over the soul” every minute,” explains Mikhail Torchinsky.

Such bosses are becoming increasingly popular, but, as the expert notes, we should not forget that the financial results of a business still stand above all others. If a manager, despite all his stunning charm, insight and communication skills, is not able to organize work so that the business is profitable for shareholders, he is most likely not what the organization needs.

It is important to speak the same language as the team

"In my opinion, this list of competencies is quite universal. It is valid for different industries. Of course, not last role the nuances of a particular company play a role: the list may change and be supplemented, but it rather depends on corporate culture the company and the characteristics of its management as a whole.

Speaking in relation to the sphere high technology, then I would pay special attention to point 8 from the Google list. U effective manager You must have experience in the industry, and ideally, specialized education. Due to the fact that the Hitech field is very dynamic and specific, it is important that the manager speaks the same language with his team, and that there are as few difficulties in mutual understanding as possible,” says the senior recruitment consultant for the IT, telecommunications, automation department "HR holding Ekaterina Vlasova.

Portrait of an ideal top manager

According to senior consultant Anastasia Ovcharenko, Google analysts have compiled an ideal portrait of a top manager for any commercially oriented and open company that is actively developing every year and has no intention of slowing down its growth rate.

However, the expert notes, this list can always be edited.

“For example, it is worth noting that the complete absence of micromanagement is permissible only in the case of working with already professionally established subordinates, while novice specialists always need an “eye and an eye.” Not all managers of companies of this type will be able to completely avoid such a function. Moreover, when talking about such competence as “communication”, we must not forget about the importance of its accompanying quality - the ability to sell. A good manager must be able to sell an idea not only to his subordinates, motivating them to develop new skills and abilities, but also to senior management. Of course, the specifics Google, which allows employees to spend 20% of their working time on personal projects, minimizes the need for the manager to have lobbying skills, since all employees a priori work in conditions that are comfortable for creativity and self-development. In companies where there is no such opportunity, staff have to develop more complex way."

Of course, notes Anastasia Ovcharenko, not all companies accept such a manager.

“For example, this type of manager is absolutely not suitable for “ministerial” (closed) type companies. As a rule, this domestic companies-giants with clearly defined job responsibilities for every specialist, company for which development and innovation are not values. Their power is built on power and authority, based on connections and leverage,” the expert sums up.

Human labor is one of the most important factors successful production in every organization. To operate successfully in the market, a company needs highly qualified employees who work as efficiently as possible. In order for employees to work more effectively and efficiently, motivation is necessary.

Relevance of the work is that in modern world Every organization should have the ability to properly motivate employees, because incorrect motivation or its absence will not lead the company to success.

The purpose of the work is to study the state of the motivation system at Google.

Objectives of the work: research theoretical aspects motivation, characterize the main methods of motivation and analyze the implementation of motivation using the example of Google.

Motivation and motivation approaches

Motivation is the internal and external forces that awaken enthusiasm and perseverance in a person in achieving his goals. There are four approaches to motivation: the traditional approach, the human relations approach, the human resource approach and the modern approach.

The traditional approach is based on reward - the greater the reward, the more diligently the employee is willing to work. The concept of economic man appeared. Remuneration was calculated in relation to the quantity and quality of work performed.

The human relations approach considers the work of employees in groups with similar interests or social needs. The concept of a social person appeared.

The human resource approach introduced the concept of the whole person. Man was now seen as a multifaceted individual, motivated by many factors. The manager’s attitude towards his subordinates and their activities began to play a big role.

The modern approach is based on three theories. The first theory is substantive, analyzing the basic needs of a person, the second theory is process, based on the study of human thought processes, the third theory of reinforcement is based on employee training. Content theories examine employee needs, process theories examine behavior, and reinforcement theories examine rewards.

As stated earlier, content theories examine the needs of the employee. At any time, a person has several basic needs at once, which develop into an internal drive that influences the behavior of the employee aimed at satisfying his needs. The better the manager understands the needs of his subordinates, the more accurately the reward system will be built, aimed at increasing the efficiency of employees to achieve the company's goals. There are four types of content theories: hierarchy of needs theory, ERG theory, two-factor theory and acquired needs theory.

The hierarchy of needs theory states that a person is motivated by a set of needs. Abraham Maslow, who developed the theory, identified five basic needs: physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. All needs are arranged in hierarchical order, from lowest to highest.

Table 1.

Satisfaction outside the work process Hierarchy of needs Satisfaction at work
Education, hobbies, religion, personal growth Self-actualization needs Opportunities for learning, advancement, growth and creativity
Approval from family, friends, society Self-esteem needs Recognition, high status, additional responsibilities
Family, friends, community groups Belonging Relationship Needs Work groups, clients, colleagues, bosses
No war, no pollution natural environment, violence Security needs Safety, fringe benefits, job security guarantees
Food, water, air Physiological needs Salary

ERG theory, developed by Clayton Alderfer, identifies three basic needs of employees: needs for existence (health), needs for interconnectedness (relationships with colleagues) and needs for growth (development of internal potential, career growth, expansion of competencies). The ERG theory, like the hierarchy theory, assumes the distribution of needs from lower to higher, but its difference is that if the employee fails to satisfy the needs of a higher level, he can return to satisfying lower needs. The theory also explains the need for a manager to gain recognition from his subordinates, as well as provide them with the opportunity to nominate own ideas. The theory also considers flexible work hours as a more effective approach, explaining that employees who control their work schedule are more committed to the organization.

In addition, a cheerful work environment also helps maintain this balance.

The two-factor theory was created by Frederick Herzberg based on a survey of workers about when the desire to work is greatest and when it disappears completely. According to the survey results, it turned out that motivation to work is influenced by two factors: hygiene and motivators. Hygiene factors influence the degree of dissatisfaction; if the level of these factors is high, then the employee is in a neutral zone in relation to work. A group of factors such as motivators influence the degree of satisfaction; if it is very low, then the employee’s attitude towards work is neutral; the higher the level of motivators, the more satisfied the employee is.

Table 2.

The main task of managers is to eliminate factors that reduce the level of motivation and use motivators to satisfy the basic needs of employees.

The theory of acquired needs, developed by David McClelland, states that a person acquires needs through the accumulation of life experiences. There are three types of needs: the need for achievement (the desire to succeed, to surpass others), the need for affiliation (to establish relationships in a team), the need for power (to control the activities of other people and be responsible for them). According to McClelland, employees who have a developed need for achievement are more likely than others to be entrepreneurial; such people are willing to take risks in order to surpass others. People who have a developed need for affiliation become good leaders and successfully coordinate the activities of other workers. Finally, those with the most developed need for power tend to occupy the highest positions.

Process theories of motivation

Process theories explain the choice of employee behavior aimed at satisfying his needs and the assessment of the correctness of this choice. There are three process theories of motivation: equity theory, expectancy theory, and goal setting theory.

Equity theory examines employees’ perceptions of the objectivity of managers’ assessment of them. labor activity. The theory was developed by Stacey and Adams and suggests that employees in a company are committed to social justice. If an employee's compensation is approximately the same as that of his colleagues performing identical work with the same productivity, then this employee considers management's attitude towards his work to be fair and objective. People evaluate fairness according to two parameters: labor input (salary, recognition, career growth) and output (education, talent, experience). An employee feels fair treatment only when the ratio of input and output parameters is approximately the same as that of his colleagues. If this ratio is violated, then the employee develops a feeling of injustice and strives in every possible way to eliminate this imbalance. There are four well-known methods for eliminating the feeling of injustice: changing inputs (the employee decides to increase or decrease the energy spent on doing work), changing outputs (the employee, if he realizes that his salary is insufficient, can demand an increase and vice versa), changing perceptions (if the employee cannot influence neither inputs nor outputs, he can adjust his idea of ​​justice) and change his place of work. The main thing for a manager is to remember that his subordinates constantly compare their remuneration with the remuneration of other employees. And any kind of injustice has a bad effect on employee motivation.

Expectancy theory studies the thought process employees use to obtain rewards. Three factors are believed to influence employee motivation: E-P expectancy (whether the effort expended will result in a high level of performance), P-O expectancy (whether effective performance will lead to the desired results), and valence (the value or attractiveness of the results to the employee). Goal setting theory created by Edwin Loke and Gary Latham, suggests that a manager can increase motivation by setting specific and challenging goals that are valuable to his subordinates, as well as providing support in assessing progress and providing timely feedback. There are four main components of goal setting: goal specificity, goal difficulty, goal acceptance (employees' awareness and approval of the task), and Feedback. Setting goals gives employees a certain attitude towards which they need to direct all their strength and skills, people develop strategies, make plans that help them achieve results more easily, and difficult goals inspire subordinates to work with the greatest efficiency, since achieving such goals causes pride and raises self-esteem, which helps to increase motivation in the future.

Motivational reinforcement theory.

Reinforcement theory focuses on the relationship between an employee's behavior and its consequences. Reinforcement means are a set of methods aimed at changing employee behavior (behavior regulation). These methods are based on the law of effect, which states that employees tend to repeat positive reinforcement. Reinforcements are actions that cause repetition or suppression of certain behaviors. There are four types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement, non-moralization, punishment and inhibition. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding an employee for desired behavior. Refusal from moralizing involves eliminating unpleasant consequences through desirable behavior, another name of this type reinforcement – ​​negative reinforcement. Inhibition is the refusal to apply positive rewards. There is also constant and partial reinforcement, in turn, partial reinforcement is divided into reinforcement with a fixed interval (reward is provided at certain intervals), reinforcement with a fixed level (reward is provided after a certain number of manifestations of the desired), reinforcement with a variable interval (reward is given at indefinite intervals). periods of time), reinforcement with a variable level (the number of manifestations of the desired is considered variable).

Table 3.


Nature of reinforcement Effects on Behavior with Reinforcement Influence on behavior when reinforcement is withheld
Permanent Reinforcement after each manifestation of the desired behavior Rapid learning of new behavior Fast fading Praise
With a fixed interval Reward at certain intervals Average and irregular behavior Fast fading Weekly payment
With fixed level Reward after achieving a certain result Quickly results in very effective and stable behavior Fast fading Piece wages
Variable interval Reinforcement at different intervals Moderately effective and stable behavior Slow fading Performance appraisal and reward at random intervals
With variable level Reward after achieving various positive results Very effective behavior Slow fading Bonuses for sellers tied to the number of contacts with buyers, with irregular checks

Analytical part

Company information

Google was founded in 1998, in a short time it became the absolute leader in its field, the company's profits are colossal: the company's income is more than 50 million, and the company's net profit increases by 10% annually, Google is also the No. 1 company in the IT field in terms of profit growth and company expansion. Now the company owns more than 70 offices in 40 countries and employs more than 40,000 people. The company provides products and services both for users (web search, translator, Google Chrome...) and for organizations (searching for new customers, Gmail, website optimization...). Google processes more than a billion search queries per day and provides information in 195 languages. The company also owns YouTube, which uploads 60 hours of video every minute, ranging from entertainment videos to economic news.

Company motivationGoogle

The company's motto is: “Google is about people first.” For several years in a row, the company has been ranked first in the ranking of “the best companies to work for.” Google employees earn the highest salaries compared to other companies, which keeps the best specialists in company. In addition to remuneration for work, the company provides its employees with free food, medical care in the office, massage, sports complex next to the company, where all company employees can exercise for free. In addition, the company supports young families by providing parents with an additional week of vacation, and the company also compensates for funds spent on education. The daily routine for many employees is not standardized, since what is important for the company is not the number of hours an employee spends at the workplace, but the amount of work performed.

The company allocates large amounts of money to office design to make employees feel more relaxed and at ease: in every office there are plants that create coziness. Moreover, no office is similar to another, although there is one common feature: in every office there is an object of national color, for example, in the Moscow office this is an image of Baba Yaga. Only at Google there is a salary for the family of a deceased employee: for some time, the family of the deceased receives half of his salary; if there are minor children in the family, then they are paid $1000 every month until they reach the age of nineteen. This bonus is provided to 34,000 Google employees. In addition to everything, the company supports aspiring professionals, giving them the opportunity to calmly express their thoughts. The company has an excellent atmosphere within the team; each employee can ask questions to their superiors or, for example, play billiards with their manager during a break. Each employee is given one-fifth of their working time to implement own projects, if any. The company inspires its employees, for example, in the Kiev office in warm weather all meetings are held on the roof of the building, in the open air.

The Company adheres to the highest levels of ethical business practices, the Google Code of Conduct sets out standards of conduct that provide guidance for ethical behavior on the part of the Company's directors, officials and employees. The Google Code of Conduct was adopted to provide guidelines for the ethical conduct of the company's directors, officers and employees. Google has provided its employees with anonymous reporting methods for questionable accounting and internal accounting or auditing controls.

The company is also engaged in motivating future employees, namely students. Every year, Google recruits 4,500 interns from among all students in the world, and about 40,000 applications are received from American students alone. The conditions for admission to the internship are very strict: first, the student must send a resume describing his skills that could be useful to the company if the company is interested in this resume , then the student is asked to undergo several interviews in English, in which not only specialized questions are asked, but also non-standard questions on logic, resourcefulness and erudition. For students, this is a chance to undergo an internship in a company, gain experience, a chance to establish themselves for further cooperation with the company, as well as an opportunity to earn money (an intern’s six-month salary is about $8,000, not counting free food and accommodation). For the company, this is not only temporary assistance to personnel, but also a search for talent, possibly future Google employees.

When summing up, we can say that the company’s employees receive satisfaction from work in all respects: satisfaction with remuneration, satisfaction with working conditions, satisfaction with relationships in the team, satisfaction with the opportunity for self-realization and career growth.


Today, effective management of an organization is impossible without the interest of all its employees, which requires motivation. Knowledge different approaches motivation helps the manager select the most effective method for each member of the organization. A person’s behavior at work completely depends on the level of his motivation, if it is high, then such an employee works with enthusiasm, but if the level of motivation is low, then the employee will shy away from work. Therefore, a manager needs to look for the motives for the behavior of his employees, because motivation is a process that encourages action to achieve the goals of the organization. The main thing is to understand that everyone needs their own approach to motivation, since all people are individual.

Internet resource plan-your-time Staff motivation or how Google does it

Google official website

Google Message from our Executive Chairman

In modern management, issues of motivation and stimulation of staff work activity are becoming increasingly important. As a complex psychological phenomenon, motivation determines human behavior. Most often, motivation is understood as those internal drives that guide a person’s behavior and determine the intensity of his efforts to achieve his goals. These include various needs, interests, and value orientations. They can be significant and insignificant, of varying degrees of significance and stability.

Labor stimulation, in contrast to motivation, is, first of all, an external incentive to work, an element of labor organization that influences the employee’s labor behavior. As Professor V.A. Vaisburd correctly notes, incentives are a targeted influence on people’s work behavior through the formation of a system of incentives and the creation of conditions for their implementation. Thus, we can say that incentives are aimed at enhancing the employee’s work activity, and motivation is aimed at the professional and personal development of personnel in accordance with the existing structure of motives. In the practice of personnel management, as a rule, it is necessary to develop and apply mechanisms for an effective combination of motives and incentives for work.

As an example to analyze the motivation and stimulation of work, we chose two well-known American companies - Google and Russian - Yandex. These are IT companies that belong to the high technology industry, where the main core of employees consists of highly qualified specialists in the field information technologies, programmers and highly qualified engineers. We can say that these are people with very extraordinary thinking. Therefore, in order to retain and increase staff loyalty, one of the directions of the personnel policy of these companies is to conduct annual surveys on the level of employee satisfaction.

Speaking about staff motivation, first of all it is necessary to dwell on the issues of organizing the remuneration of employees and their participation in the capital of companies.

The income of ordinary employees at both Google and Yandex remains approximately at the same level, but can vary quite significantly depending on the location of the office and the length of service of the employee.

Among the material incentives used, it is worth noting the following:

  1. Google undertakes to pay the employee part of the training costs if he receives “good” and “excellent” grades;
  2. An employee of a company who brings a new employee on board and he works for a certain time is entitled to a cash bonus;
  3. Google is willing to cover the costs associated with completing documentation for an employee to adopt a child;
  4. A Google employee who informs management about a colleague who wants to leave the company is also entitled to a monetary reward;
  5. For an employee who is transferred to the Swiss office, the company pays for a month's apartment rent, two weeks of car rental, German, English or Swiss language courses to choose from, Internet in the new apartment and any sports hobby of the new employee.

And one very unusual bonus for Google employees that is not found anywhere else is a posthumous salary for the family of the deceased . This innovation was made for 34 thousand workers who lost their loved ones. After the death of an employee, the family receives 50% of his salary for some time, and his minor children are paid 1 thousand dollars every month until they turn 18 years old.

The main motivational tool for employees at Yandex is considered to be free regulation of working hours. The office is open 24 hours a day and employees choose when it is most convenient for them to work. The company does not keep track of time worked; everything depends on work productivity, which is assessed by the immediate supervisor.

In terms of daily routine, Google is a little more conservative than Yandex and does not provide a completely free schedule, but this does not at all prohibit an employee from leaving the office or not appearing in it, but from working from home if this does not affect the productivity of his work. The main thing is not to spend a certain number of hours in the office, but to complete the assigned task.

Everyone knows that Yandex offices are considered one of the most creative and amazing offices in Russia. The company takes a responsible approach to the design and furnishings of its premises and takes all possible measures to ensure that employees feel comfortable at work.

In order to completely take a break from work and recover the efforts expended, Yandex employees have an additional three free days per quarter. These days they may be completely unavailable for work. The rest of the time, staff can work anywhere, be it in the office, at home, or at the dacha, but they can work with a computer at hand and mobile phone. Employees working outside the office are provided with free laptops and Internet modems with the possibility of constant use. When working in an office, staff also do not have to constantly be at their desk; they can move around the entire office space with their laptops, because the entire office is covered by Wi-Fi.

When work is tiring or there is a need to take a short break, an employee can play billiards, ping-pong, or kicker. And also in all Yandex offices there are equipped gyms, rooms for yoga and dance. Usually, employees themselves form a group and invite a coach, but the company also supports them in this in every possible way. If you get to the Yandex office in the evening, you can hear live music. And in another Moscow office you can play huge floor chess on the balcony. An interesting fact is that there is always a doctor and a massage therapist in the Yandex offices. Some offices are allowed to travel on eco-friendly and compact vehicles, and some are specially equipped with bicycle paths.

Google has developed enough interesting system bonuses and material incentives for work. Here are some of them:

  1. There is a free hairdresser at the company's central office;
  2. Google pays its employees for dental services, which are quite expensive in the US;
  3. Inside the offices there are high-tech swimming pools, which can be used directly during working hours; you can regulate the temperature, pressure and direction of water flow;
  4. Offices around the world have employee cinemas and small campuses where birthdays can be celebrated;
  5. Orange juice machines are present in every office and even guests can use them for free;
  6. Google has a subsidy system, according to which the company pays from 10 to 90% of various services and hobbies of employees: from massage to medical operations;
  7. The famous “20% Program”, the essence of which is that every company employee is obliged to spend 20% of his working time on an organized hobby or passion;
  8. The company pays for holiday parties and costumes. Google loves Halloween.

Google offices always have various cafes and restaurants, free for employees, where you can drink coffee or even have a full lunch. Google offices have refrigerators stocked with a variety of drinks, ice cream, and snacks that are free to employees.

Google conducted several rather interesting internal studies, which revealed:

  1. Lunchtime queues should be around three to four minutes long, so employees don't waste too much time but still have the opportunity to meet other people;
  2. Tables should be large so that unfamiliar employees have to communicate with each other;
  3. Google found that the introduction of 20-centimeter plates in cafeterias, in addition to the classic 30-centimeter ones, leads to a reduction in the portions that employees serve themselves, which has a positive effect on their health.

It seems to us that the results of these studies can be adopted by our domestic companies in order to improve the socio-psychological climate of work collectives.

Food is arranged in a very interesting way in Yandex. Firstly, all employees have an electronic work pass, which is credited with a certain amount of money. With these funds, an employee can pay in any cafe on the premises of the office, as well as next to it. Secondly, in offices there are coffee points - a place where you can drink coffee or tea; eat cookies, vegetables and fruits. The assortment varies slightly from season to season: summer time Fresh fruits such as apples, apricots, watermelons, etc. predominate. and fresh vegetables and herbs. IN autumn period nuts, dried fruits, celery, ginger, etc. appear.

Thus, analyzing and comparing approaches to motivating and stimulating personnel in Google and Yandex, one cannot help but note that they are almost identical and to some extent Yandex simply does the same thing as Google, but within its more modest financial opportunities. This fact can be explained by the fact that these two companies belong to the same high-tech industry, employees are engaged in similar processes, quality requirements work force identical.

However, it seems to us that as areas for improving motivation and stimulating the work of Yandex employees, it is possible to propose using more non-material incentives: moral, creative, social and others. For example, as often as possible, openly recognize the successes of company employees based on public praise, congratulations on the company’s corporate website, sending letters of gratitude on behalf of senior management, organizing direct meetings between office and branch employees and the company’s top management.


  1. Vaisburd V.A. On the question of the essence of motivation and stimulation of labor activity // Problems of enterprise development: theory and practice: Materials of the 5th International scientific-practical conference. November 24-25, 2005 – Samara: Samarsk Publishing House. state econ. univers., 2005. Part 2 - pp. 190-194.
  2. Ilyukhina L.A. Motivation and stimulation of labor activity of nursing staff // Bulletin of the Samara State University of Economics. — 2014 - No. 6(116). — pp. 136-140.

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Pinterest can be used for:

  • To create bookmarks in the browser of a mobile device;
  • For planning different types works;
  • To search for interesting ideas;
  • To find a hobby and your own style.

Polyvore Style: Fashion to Buy

One of the leading trading platforms for Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, Harper`s Bazaar and Refinery29. Polyvore can help you shop and style with the latest fashion trends. By browsing your channel you can get endless inspiration from designers. You can personally create a fashionable wardrobe for yourself in the application or in real life. Once you know what's trending now, you can easily purchase any clothing. It's also possible to share your favorite clothing items with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and more!

A weekly planner will allow you to stay on top of your tasks and daily routine. Saves you time by planning your day down to the second. It's quite easy and quick to add and remove plans to fill time constraints.

Examples of using:

  • Time to drink water to maintain recommended daily levels;
  • Time to prepare yourself for work and rest;
  • Time to meditate;
  • Time to feed your pet.

You are addicted to your phone and simply cannot put it aside. Forest app provides a solution to get rid of phone addiction. You can plant a seed in the forest. It will gradually grow and turn into a tree.


  • Self-motivation;
  • The opportunity to share your forest and compete with friends;
  • Earn rewards and unlock over a hundred types of trees.

Beeminder is the best cure for laziness. Without exaggeration, this free application for iOS and Android gadgets can be considered the most effective means to “re-educate” lazy users.

It all starts with you creating an action plan to follow. At the same time, the application asks you to indicate the amounts by which you are willing to fine yourself if you decide to be lazy or get behind schedule. Finances will be debited automatically from your account.

The material damage that an application can cause to users can be quite impressive. True, the program can be deceived if there is a desire.

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