Theoretical aspects of vending trade. vending business

Good day, dear readers of the business magazine! This article will discuss about vending what vending machines are, how to open a vending business with minimum investment and what is the best way to start a novice entrepreneur.

From this article, you will learn:

  • What type of business is called vending;
  • What types of vending machines exist and where you can buy vending equipment;
  • How to start a vending business with a minimum investment;
  • What are the features of this business and how to start your own business.

Also in the publication you will find step-by-step instructions for opening own business based on vending, answers to frequently asked questions on the subject of the article.

The information presented will be useful to study for everyone who is looking for an interesting way to make money. Don't forget that any business does not tolerate delay . Therefore, you should start reading the article right now.

About what vending is, what vending machines exist, how to start a vending business and where it is better to buy vending machines - read in this article

So, what does the concept of vending include?

Vending (vending from English. vend - sell (through vending machines)) - sale of various goods and services through special (vending) machines.

Such machines were invented a long time ago, but right now the method of earning money with the help of vending machines has become the most relevant. It is explained very simply- pace modern life constantly growing, technology is constantly evolving.

Today, unhurried tea parties in offices in the middle of the day have become a rarity. Most employees, in order to save working time, sacrifice a full meal, preferring quick snacks .

In such situation snack vending machines, drinks and coffee become very in demand. That is why there are more and more vending machines - they are installed in educational And medical institutions, in shops, sports complexes, at railway stations and other crowded places.

Everyone can do vending, it is enough to have cash to purchase a vending machine. Also important choose a device that will be in demand in a particular place.

The most popular machines are:

  • vending machines selling soft drinks;
  • tea and coffee machines;
  • apparatus for trading in small piece goods;
  • vending machines through which you can buy snacks ( For example, chips, chocolate, etc.);
  • payment terminals;
  • musical instruments;
  • slot machines.

Profit in vending is not limited by anything, provided that the type of device is chosen correctly, as well as the passable place for installation.

By the way, V Russia this type of entrepreneurship is rather uncommon. Yes, in Japan one device accounts for approximately 25 person, and in our country - on 2 000 Human.

However, do not think that vending will be a way to get rich instantly. As in any business, there is competition and taxes.

Naturally, vending has a number of features - both positive and negative.

1.1. Benefits (+ ) vending

Among the advantages of such a business are the following:

  1. High level of liquidity - if necessary, the machine, together with the business, is easy to implement.
  2. Devices are easy to manage their maintenance usually does not cause problems.
  3. Vending allows you to save huge amounts on hiring workers - one specialist is enough to service a large number of machines.
  4. A large number of free niches.
  5. Ease of design – no need to issue licenses and certificates.
  6. Relatively cheap rent as the device occupies a small area.
  7. Machines can work around the clock without days off, unlike people.
  8. There is a possibility combine this business with catering .

Despite the large number of advantages of vending, it also has a number of disadvantages.

1.2. Disadvantages of (− ) vending business

The disadvantages include:

  1. It is unprofitable to start a business by purchasing only one device. In this case, the payback period will be very long. Experts do not recommend believing the claims that the machine can start making a profit within a few months. In fact, payback is achieved at a minimum in a year.
  2. Often, owners of vending machines are faced with acts of vandalism. Most often, vending machines placed on the street.
  3. Requires a lot of effort from the owner. Some people think that vending is a passive business. However, this is not so - such a statement is fundamentally wrong. In any case, a businessman will have to perform a series of actions - purchase, install and configure equipment, register a business. Subsequently, the devices will have to be serviced.

The main types of vending machines (devices): vending machine for food products, non-food items, provision of services, game (entertainment) devices

2. What are vending machines - TOP-4 most popular types

Vending machines are different. In such a situation, choosing a machine that will bring maximum profit can be difficult.

View 1. Grocery vending machine

The devices through which products are blown are the most popular. The human need for food is constantly manifested, so food products are invariably in high demand.

By organizing a business selling products through vending machines, important choose the right place for its installation. A stable income is usually brought by devices installed in shopping and entertainment centers, educational institutions, offices, metro, gyms, at railway stations.

A novice businessman must remember that before buying a vending machine for the sale of products, you should decide on the place of its installation.

There are a large number of grocery vending machines. However, among them are the most popular ones.

The most popular grocery vending machines include:

  • coffee machines most often used to start vending;
  • devices for the sale of snacks, i.e. chocolate, sandwiches and other small foods;
  • soda water vending machines appeared in Soviet time, in recent years they have become popular again;
  • popcorn machines are in demand in shopping and entertainment centers, as well as cinemas;
  • pizza machines - vending machines that prepare pizza from products that the buyer chooses, they have appeared recently, but are very promising;
  • ice cream machines may soon replace the usual kiosks.

There are several disadvantages of vending machines for food products:

  1. high level of competition;
  2. the need for constant analysis of demand;
  3. equipment maintenance costs;
  4. it is important to supplement the range of goods sold, to monitor the absence of delay.

View 2. Devices for the sale of non-food products

There are much fewer vending machines selling piece non-food items than those that sell food. That's why competition in this business is significantly lower↓. However, it will take much more effort to get enough profit.

Important choose the right product, target audience, as well as a place to install the machine.

Among non-food vending machines, the most popular are:

  • toy vending machines popular where there is a high traffic of a children's audience;
  • devices that sell tickets;
  • machines that sell contact lenses, as well as all kinds of means for caring for them;
  • vending machines through which hygiene products are sold.

In addition, you can find unique vending machines that sell unusual goods. Among them are electronic and traditional cigarettes, books, spare parts.

View 3. Service vending machines

Vending machines for the provision of services have a significant advantage They don't need to be loaded all the time. Therefore, the maintenance of such machines is significantly easier.

The most popular are the following devices for the sale of services:

  1. payment terminals allow you to pay for all kinds of services - loans, rent, cellular communication And so on;
  2. information machines usually installed in tourist centers, as well as major cities, many of them are connected to the internet;
  3. photo booths allow you to take a picture and print pictures in a few minutes;
  4. ready photo printing machines allow you to download and print photos from various media, as well as from social networks.

View 4. Slot and entertainment machines

Vending machines are a separate type of vending. It can be musical instruments, lotto terminals, and toy pulling games. Traditional slot machines.

Entertaining vending usually brings maximum profit if the devices are installed in places with the greatest concentration of young people. It is this category of the population that is the target audience of such machines.

For ease of perception, we will summarize all types of vending machines in a table, and also briefly describe what goods are sold through them.

Table of different types of vending machines and the products they offer:

Step-by-step instructions on how to start a vending business - 5 easy steps

3. How to Start a Vending Business in 5 Steps – A Step by Step Guide for Beginning Entrepreneurs

When the money is found, it's time to proceed directly to the start of the business. To minimize the number of errors, as well as speed up the process, it is useful to use step by step instructions developed by experts.

Step 1. Idea development

First of all, you should choose what type of vending the businessman wants to do. Based on this information, it is determined the target audience for which the installed equipment will be designed.

Most of the machines are intended for young people whose age is did not reach40 years. They are busy at work during the day, and spend the evenings in entertainment facilities. Many startups have already been launched on the basis of vending equipment (, we wrote in one of the previous materials).

Do not forget that most of the success in vending depends on the successful machine installation locations . First of all, it is worth evaluating the possibility of renting in the most passable places.

The most attractive places to install vending machines are:

Worth considering! Novice businessmen who cannot opt ​​for any type of apparatus can be advised to start with coffee and tea machines . At the same time, install one unit of such equipment impractical. Therefore, it is worth buying immediately 2 -3 machine.

By the way, you can increase profits if you put next to the coffee vending machine for various snacks and snacks .

For the business to be maximum successful, serious work will have to be done before installing the machine. It should include the following steps:

  1. analysis of demand for goods planned for sale through the device;
  2. assessment of the presence of competitors;
  3. study of the infrastructure in the area of ​​the planned installation of the machine;
  4. price analysis.

It would also be useful to find out how much profit can be obtained from similar devices.

When deciding to organize a business selling drinks through a vending machine, it is important to take into account factor seasonality . Yes, in winter period hot drinks vending machine increases approximately on 40% .

If such a device is installed in an educational institution, in the summer the profit will fallalmost to 0 . Therefore, for a hot period, you will have to look for another way use the equipment. A suitable option is to transfer it to the venue of mass events.

Step 2. Development of a business plan

The most important step in organizing any business is drawing up a clear plan. At the same time, you should know which expenses will have to bear.

The table below shows a similar calculation using the example of vending a coffee machine.

Table of expenses when organizing a business using a coffee vending machine:

Thus , opening a business, you have to spend from80 000 before200 000 rubles just to buy a vending machine. These one-time costs largely determined by the type of device chosen.

At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that more expensive equipment allows you to simultaneously sell more types of goods. Naturally, this way you can increase your income.

In addition to one-time expenses, vending also involves monthly . For a business on coffee machines, their size will be about 60,000 rubles every 30 days. It is important to understand that these calculations are approximate.

In addition to the type of vending that the entrepreneur chooses, the costs are influenced by:

  • region of operation;
  • machine location;
  • solvency of persons constituting the target audience.

Let's continue with the coffee machine example. When installing equipment in countryside the cost of production should be made lower than in cities. In educational institutions, the price of a cup of coffee should be lower than in an elite sports complex.

When purchasing several machines, you should agree in advance on the lease within the same district of the city. In this case, the cost transport costs required to service the equipment will be lower. Important when buying a vending machine, check the availability service center in the installation city.

You should buy devices that are intuitive to operate. An overly complicated interface can scare off those who have never bought anything through such machines before. This means that the number of customers can significantly decrease↓.

Here is a useful and detailed article on where you can also download samples with calculations.

Step 3. Legalization of the vending business

The procedure for registering a vending business usually does not cause difficulties. This is especially true for those who have already undergone a similar procedure.

In legal as well as accounting terms, the organization and conduct of business is easier to carry out as individual entrepreneur(IP). We wrote about it in a separate article.

It is also possible if a large number of hired personnel is planned.

It is important to decide in advance on the tax regime. For vending in calculations, you can use: imputed income, and . We also described about it in a separate publication.

Step 4. Acquisition and installation of equipment

When purchasing vending machines, it is important to carefully study the offers of suppliers.

When buying vending machines, there are a number of nuances to consider.

When choosing a supplier of vending machines, you should consider:

  • cost of equipment;
  • maintenance level;
  • Availability service centers in the locality.

It would be useful to study the reviews of the owners of the devices, talk with businessmen in your city.

It is from the competent choice of a vending machine that profit largely depends.

It is important to know! Some large firms in order to attract customers bear the costs for the installation of equipment, as well as the supply of the necessary raw materials and consumables.

The entrepreneur must keep in mind that any machine requires connection to the mains. In addition, in some cases it will be necessary to agree on the possibility of connecting equipment with plumbing.

Step 5. Search for a specialist who will service the vending machines

When the equipment is installed, configured and tested, you should find a specialist who will carry out its maintenance.

Some beginners, wanting to save money, try to carry out such work on their own. Often, such a decision malfunctions machine guns, breakdowns And other troubles. That's why better hire a specialist who is well versed in such work to serve.

You should also take into account that later, when expanding the network of vending machines, the businessman will not have time to independently serve them all. The entrepreneur must be engaged in updating the assortment, bookkeeping, advertising. It is better to entrust the work on servicing the devices to a specialist..

Thus, if an entrepreneur starting a vending business follows the instructions above, he will have problems organizing a business will not arise .

Well-known companies where you can buy vending equipment: coffee machine, snack machine and others

4. Where to buy a coffee machine and other vending equipment - an overview of the TOP-7 companies selling vending machines

There are a huge number of suppliers offering vending machines on the market. In such a situation, it can be difficult to figure out which of them is better to cooperate with.

In order not to spend a lot of time on analysis And comparison proposals different firms, it is worth using the ratings compiled by experts.

Below is TOP-7 companies selling vending equipment.

1. Express Vending

The presented company is engaged in the purchase, sale and installation of various equipment for vending.

It is enough for a businessman who decided to make money on vending machines to conclude treaty with Express Vending and pay for the services of the company.

The specialists of the organization in question offer the following services:

  • selection of the type of vending equipment, as well as the range of products offered;
  • coordination of the installation site of the device;
  • installation, connection, start-up, testing of equipment;
  • regular maintenance of machines.

In addition, Express Vending can purchase equipment and even a vending network if a businessman decides to "switch" to another business.

2. Shiba Vending

Siba Vending operates on the market of Russia and Ukraine since 1999. Today, this company is engaged in the supply of vending equipment, as well as consumables for it.

Siba Vending specialists help entrepreneurs in business organization, teach them how to work with equipment.

Cooperating with the company in question, the businessman receives the following benefits:

  1. high quality service;
  2. a wide range of vending machines (snack, coffee machines and others);
  3. attractive payment terms;
  4. repair and maintenance of both purchased and leased equipment;
  5. ready-made developments and schemes for business, including franchises (We recommend reading the article - in simple words ");
  6. quality ingredients at affordable prices.

3. Super Vend Boutique

Super Vend Boutique is one of the largest companies engaged in the sale of vending equipment.

The organization sells automatic machines from leading foreign manufacturers throughout Russia.

In addition to directly selling equipment, SuperVendBoutique is engaged in:

  • sale of raw materials and consumables;
  • sale of spare parts for equipment;
  • maintenance and repair of machines.

The specialists of the company in question help in choosing the vending equipment suitable for the purposes of a particular business.

Here you can buy both used and completely new machines. At the same time, each client in SuperVendBoutique has an individual approach.

4. ART-Vending

ART-Vending operates on the market more 10 years. During the time that has passed since the founding of the company, it has managed to grow to a large network.

Here you can buy everything for the vending business:

  • new machines from popular manufacturers;
  • used devices, the performance of which has been tested by the best specialists;
  • raw materials and related products for doing business;
  • spare parts for machines.

ART-Vending is perfect for those entrepreneurs who decide to start selling through machines, but do not know how to serve them.

The company offers the following additional services:

  1. delivery, as well as connection of purchased devices;
  2. complete set of additional devices;
  3. repair;
  4. installation and service;
  5. redemption, as well as acceptance for commission sale of used machines.

5. Super Vending

SuperVending is the first vending equipment and consumables store in our country with a huge exhibition hall with an area of more 400 000 .

Here you will be offered:

  • a wide range of machines of various modifications and brands;
  • raw materials and consumables;
  • optional equipment;
  • services;
  • places for the installation of machines.

At SuperVending, you can buy a coffee machine, a snack machine, fresh juice, lenses, photography and printing services. buy coffee machine for business

6. Babylon Vending

The presented group of companies operates on the Russian market since 2007 and is the exclusive representative of the Spanish equipment produced JOFEMAR S.A. .

Babylon-Vending organizes the delivery of ordered machines. In the company's store you can always buy spare parts, as well as raw materials and consumables.

Among the advantages of Babylon-Vending are the following:

  1. unique prices for equipment manufactured by Jofemar;
  2. fast delivery of devices;
  3. warranty for all equipment;
  4. high quality service;
  5. high speed technical support;
  6. the opportunity to purchase spare parts, as well as raw materials and ingredients from the warehouse.

7. Aristocrat Vending

Company more 10 years is engaged in the production of ingredients necessary for the organization of sales through specialized machines. Aristocrat Vending has representative offices in many Russian cities ( Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk and others).

Here is a huge range of necessary raw materials and consumables for business organization.

The company is constantly expanding the already rich list of products. Aristocrat Vending maintains an ideal combination of high quality and reasonable prices.

Having carefully studied the offers of the presented companies, any novice businessman will be able to buy quality vending equipment for your business. It is important to contact each of them in order to compare offers and choose the best.

3 ways to open your vending business with minimal costs

5. How to open a vending machine business with minimal investment - 3 proven ways

The vending business is becoming more and more popular. This, combined with the lack of market saturation, leads to the fact that many entrepreneurs want to purchase specialized vending machines.

However due to the high cost of vending equipment, not all businessmen have enough funds to purchase it.

Specialists have developed 3 simple ways , which will help minimize the costs of organizing a vending business.

Method 1. Purchase of used equipment (second-hand)

Acquisition of new equipment for vending is not within the power of every novice businessman, so the purchase of used devices is a very relevant topic.

There are 2 options to make a purchase:

  • Option 1. Purchase from one of the vending companies. Such machines can cost almost 2 times cheaper. At the same time, companies test machines and make their pre-sale preparation.
  • Option 2. Buy equipment from private person. The price in this case may be even lower, but no guarantees will be given to the businessman.

Method 2. Purchase of equipment on the terms of a partnership agreement

Some vending companies offer businessmen to purchase equipment on a partnership basis.

It is important to know! The partnership agreement assumes that the supplier provides the entrepreneur with vending machines, in return for which he receives a certain percentage of profit.

Subsequently, after a number of agreed conditions are met, it is possible to re-register the equipment as a property.

Method 3. Vending equipment rental

With a minimum of funds, you can take equipment for vending for rent . Another available option is leasing or financial lease (automatic machines are leased with subsequent redemption). About that, we wrote in another publication - we advise you to read it.

Both cases allow you to start a business practically without investments. It is enough to have funds to open a business and the first rent payment.

But it's worth keeping in mind that the period during which the payback will be achieved is longer when renting equipment.

6. The main features of the vending business: documents, OKVED codes

An important feature of any business is economic activity code . It must be indicated when submitting documents for registration. Codes are determined by All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED).

This is where the difficulty comes in.– specialized codes for vending Not provided. You have to choose from those values ​​that are as close as possible to what type of vending will be carried out.

Table of OKVED codes, by type of activity, as close as possible to the main types of vending business:

A businessman should be aware that the following documents will be required to conduct vending activities:

  • technical passport of the equipment used;
  • machine manufacturer's warranty certificates;
  • certificates of conformity for ingredients used in vending.

5 tips for installing coffee (vending) machines for budding entrepreneurs

7. How to get started as a vending businessman - 5 tips from an expert

Businessmen who wish to start a vending activity should take into account not only its features. It is important to understand that opening and developing your own business requires full dedication, you will have to spend a huge amount of time and make a lot of effort.

Professionals give some advice that will help novice businessmen organize vending without any problems.

Advice 1. You should choose the right direction of vending

A businessman must choose a direction of activity that is as clear as possible to him.

If an entrepreneur does not understand anything about the product that he decided to sell, it will be difficult for him to build an activity.

Tip 2. It’s worth starting with the installation of several machines at once

If you start a vending business with 1 or 2 machines, payback will have to wait very for a long time.

That is why you should install several devices at once. In this case, the scope of activities can be expanded fairly quickly.

Tip 3. You should not think that vending is a passive income

Some believe that by installing a vending machine, they will start rowing money with a shovel.

In fact, this business requires a lot of effort from the entrepreneur. You will have to understand the basics of machine maintenance, conduct a thorough analysis of the market situation, etc.

Tip 4. It is important to have a detailed business plan

It is not necessary immediately after the appearance of the idea to run to buy a machine. Any entrepreneurial activity requires careful preparation, which should begin with calculations.

Important analyze the proposed arrived , and demand for the products to be sold. After that, an approximate payback period .

Based on the data obtained, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to assess how ready he is for such a business.

Tip 5. You should not choose a product for vending, the market of which is oversaturated

Today, there are a huge number of coffee machines installed. The only chance to make a profit in this area is to install the device in a new office or shopping center earlier competitors.

Analyzing demand, it is worth considering which product is not enough on the market, which product can attract maximum buyers.

Vending provides excellent opportunities for businessmen.

Today, the Russian market is not fully saturated with vending machines for various goods. Therefore, everyone an entrepreneur has a chance to find his own niche and win the trust of customers.

8. Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Business based on vending in Russia is gaining momentum, its popularity is growing steadily.

Therefore, entrepreneurs increasingly have various questions about organizing such a business. We traditionally tried to answer the most popular of them.

Question 1. Where is it better to install vending machines?

New entrepreneurs often ask the question, Where is the best place to install a vending machine?. This question is of particular concern to those who correctly understand that BEFORE buying equipment should find a place where it will work.

It is important to understand that the place for installing vending machines must be selected in accordance with the products being sold.

The table below shows the most successful locations for placing vending machines, depending on the goods being sold.

Table of the best places to install vending equipment for the sale of various goods:

Goods for sale through a vending machine The best place to install equipment
Coffee Railway and bus stations


car washes



Chewing gum
Schools Higher education institutions
Sparkling water Cold drinks Shopping and entertainment centers

Higher education institutions

Sport halls

Fitness centers

Press Printed products Metro Auto and railway stations
hot food Higher education institutions

technical schools


Question 2. How to choose a vending machine to be successful?

Every businessman wants his activity to bring maximum profit. At the same time, I want the income to be constant. However, for any popular business characterized by competition.

Expert advice for successful business using vending machines:

  1. It is important to find a crowded place to install equipment. Even the most fashionable device will not bring the desired profit if it is placed in a room with a lack of sufficient traffic.
  2. The vending machine must have an attractive appearance. Most buyers are unlikely to want to use the machine if it is dirty or worn. Most likely, such a machine will not inspire confidence in them. At the same time, the bright design will surely attract attention.
  3. Innovation - important element vending activities. Some unique function can become the advantage of the machine. If new apparatus will attract attention and seem convenient to buyers, part of the profits of competitors will go to its owners.
  4. Equipment should be as simple as possible to use. The purchase of goods through the machine should be clear to buyers - literally by pressing a few buttons. More complex shopping patterns can alienate customers, especially the elderly.
  5. It is necessary to choose a place for installing the machine taking into account the target audience. The category of goods sold should correspond to the population group that most often visits the area near the device.
  6. It is important to choose a unique trade direction. The most popular vending machines attract a large number of entrepreneurs. Fighting competition can be quite difficult. It is much easier to find a unique, yet uncommon type of machine.

Following these tips will help you achieve success from the vending business.

Question 3. When will the vending machine pay off? What is the real payback of vending machines?

Vending usually does not require huge investments to start a business.

Most machines pay for themselves in about 12 months.

However, the period of entry into profit has a significant impact equipment installation site . Successful rentals in shopping malls, cinemas, gyms and other walkable establishments can substantiallycut payback period.

9. Conclusion + related video

The vending business is becoming more and more popular today. Meanwhile, in Russia it is still underdeveloped.

Therefore, every entrepreneur there is a chance to earn on sales through vending machines a significant profit. However, this will require considerable effort and adherence to certain algorithms.

Questions for readers!

What type of vending machine would you choose for your business? What perspective do you see in this area of ​​business?

The team hopes that our article has helped you understand how best to build a vending business. We wish you success in any endeavors and great profits.

If you have any questions on the topic, then ask them in the comments below. We will be grateful if you rate the material and share your ideas on the topic!

The Russian vending market is only at the beginning of its journey, lagging behind the European market by dozens of times, and hundreds of times behind the US and Japanese markets. The current turnover of the market is about 3-4 billion rubles, in a five-year perspective - 30-40 billion rubles.


Market potential: Russian vending in numbers

The vending business is a business built on the use of automated retailers through which a wide range of FMCG group products are sold. As a rule, these are tea and coffee, water and drinks, freshly squeezed juices and snacks, chocolate bars, chewing gum and hot food, as well as a number of non-food items.

Before entering a business, it is necessary to assess its prospects and answer a number of questions: how saturated is the vending market at this stage, and what is its capacity in the future? In which niches is the main development going on now, and which segments may open in the future? Finally, to what extent is the consumer himself interested in vending and what exactly attracts him in vending machines?

The vending market in Russia is now: 55-65 thousand vending machines and 3-4 billion rubles of annual turnover. From 100 thousand to 1 million rubles of initial investment, with a 1.5-2.5 annual payback. Potential increase in capacity - 10 times in a 5-year perspective.

According to the National Association of Automated Trade, there are 55,000-65,000 vending machines in Russia today, of which about 15,000 are in Moscow. The annual turnover of operators in this market is estimated at 3-4 billion rubles throughout Russia. Is it a lot or a little?

By comparison, there are just under four million vending machines in operation across the EU. The degree of vending penetration can be assessed by the number of vending machines per population. Japan and the USA are leading here - one machine for 23 and 35 people, respectively (according to 2013 data). In Europe, this figure is 1/110 people, in Russia - 1/2500 people, i.e. almost 100 times less than in Japan or the USA.

However, it is not worth jumping to conclusions about more than 100 times the potential of the vending business in Russia. When assessing the potential, it is more correct to start from such an indicator as the share of vending trade in the retail structure. At the same time, it is more correct to focus not on the markets of Japan or the USA, but on markets closer to Russia European countries. Yes, on this moment in the Russian Federation, the share of vending is no more than 1% of retail, while in Europe it is an average of 5%. In this regard, it is appropriate to talk about a 5-short increase in the potential of the vending business, which, with an annual 1% change in the market structure, is realized in 5 years.

Taking into account that in the 5-year perspective the Russian retail market itself will grow at least twice, by 2020 it is possible to predict the growth of the vending market capacity by 10 times, up to 30-40 billion rubles of turnover annually.

Current and prospective market niches

Objectively speaking, the Russian vending market is still in its infancy: more than ¾ of the market is concentrated in million-plus cities, and its product structure is not very diverse. To date, the market is 60-65% represented by coffee machines, another 20-25% - by devices for selling snacks. The remaining 10% of the vending business is accounted for by other vending machines, among which are devices for selling hygiene items, newspapers, drinks, juices, soda water, hot meals.

Undoubtedly, the highest activity, including the toughest competition, is now observed in the coffee market segment. On the one hand, this is due to the marketing features of the product - coffee is the best way to sell through vending machines, because it is consumed on the go. And he has fewer direct competitors - far from every exit from the metro, supermarket, market, checkpoint, office, etc. there is a coffee shop. Plus, coffee from vending machines wins price competition from substitute products - drinks from coffee shops.

Now almost all the most promising points for installing coffee machines in large cities have already been covered - it will be extremely difficult to find a supermarket, hypermarket, mall, railway station, airport, etc., where there are no coffee machines at all. Nevertheless, it is hasty to consider this niche already occupied. Even in those places where coffee machines are already present (and far from being a single copy), there are opportunities for expanding and installing new machines: by relying on unusual coffee varieties and original recipes, by coffee and drinks with various additives, etc. d. About why you should not be afraid of competition, tell the review of one of the owners of the machine:

“So, the device installed in the flower gallery worked for 3 days. According to our business plan, acceptable sales are 50 glasses per day. In the presence of a competitor, the machine gave 110/day. The fact is that one has only to try our drink, and then the drink of competitors - all questions disappear by themselves .... "

Among the potentially interesting projects in the still poorly developed niches of the vending business are vending machines for preparing hot meals (potentially attractive places are railway stations, office centers, educational institutions, manufacturing companies) or vending machines for making freshly squeezed juices (almost all crowded places are suitable ). As for innovative ideas in the global vending market, the TOP 5 most original vending machines in the world can be seen on the video:

Starting investment in business and expected profitability

There is an opinion that vending attracts entrepreneurs with low capital costs and a quick payback: you can start in this market with virtually no initial capital and special risks, and receive profit in a month or two, and the profitability exceeds 100%.

Actually this is not true. For example, the average cost of a coffee machine is in the range of 2-3 thousand euros - for a new machine, about 1-1.5 thousand euros - for a used machine.

Note from the Moneymaker Factory: There are also cheaper machines on the market, in particular, the Russian manufacturer VendShop offers coffee machines at a price of 30,000 rubles.

It is recommended to start a business from at least several points - this will not only increase the expected income, but also redistribute the risks, because. starting from one machine can be unprofitable - due to wrong choice installation location, problems with the owners of the premises, the wrong assortment or miscalculations with prices.

However, in the absence of money to start a business, as well as the unwillingness to take a bank loan for this, the path to vending is not closed. Typically, machine supplier companies offer commercial installments up to two years, as well as leasing. This solves the search problem start-up capital, however, increases costs by 10-20% compared to the usual purchase of machines.

In order to substantively talk about the profitability of the vending business, you need to operate with the following concepts:

  • the price of the main and additional equipment;
  • installation rent;
  • monthly turnover and sales margin;
  • maintenance costs;
  • business taxation.

So, if you enter the business with five machines at once, it will take at least 12 thousand euros, which at today's exchange rate is about 900 thousand rubles. Installation rent is highly variable. It can be from 1 to 5 thousand rubles per 1 m2 per month, or 10-20% of the revenue. If we focus on the average figure of 2.5 thousand rubles a month, then the monthly cost of renting 5 machines will be 12.5 thousand rubles. At least another 12 thousand rubles will have to be spent on their maintenance and service - electricity, transport, overhead costs

The key point for business is the sales volume that one machine will provide. Naturally, everything here is individual: a coffee machine in a large shopping center will sell 200 or more cups per day without any problems. At the same time, a vending machine located in a corporate bank branch with 2-3 employees and 5-10 clients per day is unlikely to reach even 20% of this indicator.

The market participants themselves give different figures regarding the average turnover of one vending machine in Russian cities with a population of over one million: sellers of vending machines talk about a figure of at least 25 thousand rubles a month, business representatives are more modest in their estimates - an average of about 20 thousand rubles a month. Focusing on the figure of 20 thousand, for five points you can predict a turnover of 100 thousand rubles per month. Of these, working under the simplified taxation system, 6% or 6 thousand rubles must be given to the budget.

In addition to turnover, the margin of sales affects the profitability of the vending business. In this case, marginality is understood as the percentage of revenue, minus the cost, which forms the net income of the entrepreneur. This percentage depends both on the goods themselves, sold through the machine, and on the state of demand and competition.

For products that require preparation (tea, coffee, fresh juice, hot food), the margin will be 65-75%. For products that do not require processing (snacks, drinks, manufactured goods) and for which there is competition from nearby retail outlets, marginality is much lower: 25-35%.

With an average business margin of 60%, the net income from five machines will be about 60 thousand rubles a month. Based on market average figures, we can calculate that the net profit from the operation of five units, minus taxes, costs for the purchase of products, rent and maintenance, will be about 30 thousand rubles a month. Such a profit will objectively make it possible to reach the payback of the project within 30 months, i.e. The average payback period for investments in the vending business is about 2.5 years.

You need to understand that these are just average numbers, a kind of " average temperature by the ward." In each individual case, they will be very different: depending on the specialization of the device, location, the presence of nearby competitors, the quality of the products sold, the timeliness of loading and servicing the device.

Costs of exiting the vending business

And what to do if the business did not go - will it be possible to return the funds invested in equipment? In general, this can be done, but at a significant discount. According to companies selling vending machines, the price of used machines is approximately 50% of the cost of new equipment. However, 50% is the sale price of companies, i.e. the amount for which they themselves sell the goods on the market. The redemption price, i.e. the price at which they are ready to purchase a used device from you will be no more than 20-30% of its original cost.

In this case, there is a reason to take care of selling vending machines yourself, and not selling them as separate units, but selling the entire vending business. A plus will be the presence of a vending network that has been standing in one place for at least 3-6 months, with an established customer base, preferably with concluded lease agreements and normal relations with the landlord.

Therefore, when you exit a business, a lot will depend on why you failed. It is much worse if the very concept of a vending machine or the market niche in which the business was conducted turned out to be a failure and unpromising. Another thing is if tactical marketing miscalculations, administrative problems, inability to arrange timely refueling and maintenance of vending machines led to failures.

Key success factors in the vending business

Although the vending business is quite promising, it is not always stable. For example, a study of the stability of the location of vending machines (, interviewed more than 100 owners) showed that only 25% of them never removed the installed devices. At the same time, 18.4% of vending entrepreneurs have 1 removed for every 3 delivered; another 14.6% of owners install one, while the other is removed.

Almost without exception, vending - players as a key to successful business called the correct choice of installation site. By and large, this is true: a machine installed in places with large flows of people is able to generate decent income. On the other hand, an entrepreneur who is just planning to develop a business in this area should clearly realize that there are much more people who want to profitably place their machines than really good points.

It is even intuitively clear that it is best to put it in a large office, university, supermarket, shopping and entertainment center, in the subway, at the station, etc. However, the owners of the respective areas also understand this, building relationships with the owners taking this into account. For example, they set a high rent (from 10 thousand rubles per month for 1 m2), or they are talking about a percentage of the revenue of the machine (up to 20% of the sale). Large network trading establishments mostly try not to deal with private traders, preferring to sign a contract with companies that own and manage dozens or even hundreds of machines.

Taking into account the fact that it is almost impossible for a private trader to put his machine in the most advantageous points, interest in points from the so-called “second level list” is activated. In particular, the analysis of the activity of the participants of the independent forum on vending in the section "Locations for installation of vending machines" showed that the greatest interest is now riveted to such places as universities, schools and technical schools; car services and car washes, medical institutions, gas stations and railway stations. Of lesser interest are installation sites such as sports facilities (pools, fitness centers), government agencies, banks, plants and factories.

Another important part of a successful vending business is a well thought out banknote acceptor that accepts as much as possible more bills and gives change. A study of vending machine users shows that the reason for refusal of their services in at least 1-2 out of 10 cases may be the lack of small bills in the buyer, if it is impossible to exchange them nearby. Therefore, having thought through such, at first glance, an insignificant detail, the owner of the machine can actually increase the turnover by 10-15%.


If you need a more detailed study of the vending machine market. You can also purchase.

Vending trade in the world is gaining momentum every minute. Vending should be understood as the sale of drinks or other piece goods through a specialized device - vending. A striking feature of the vending trade is the close relationship with retailers. And the prospects for the future are the most tempting. Of course, after all, there are a number of indisputable advantages of vending, proven in practice by the work of supermarkets and hypermarkets. The buyer gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the new product and easily purchase it, and the shopping center to increase its profits through vending trade. By the way, vending trade is not an innovative product of its time at all. Everyone easily remembers the once beloved Soviet devices “3 kopecks”, where for 3 kopecks you could buy a glass of sparkling water with syrup or for 1 kopeck of a simple soda. And the first automatic systems sales appeared at the very beginning of the last century in St. Petersburg. Their assortment consisted of chocolates. Today, the vending trade offers its customers not only to buy a jar of lemonade, but also to get hot coffee or chocolate, noodle soup, and buy snacks. Also, vending offers a number of services, such as payment for mobile and satellite communications, cable TV, charging services for electronic devices. That's why the vending trade in the west is so popular. According to statistics, only in the US and Japan, the number of devices exceeds six million units. And if we take countries separately, then Japan is the leader. A few years ago, total sales amounted to 6.8 trillion. yen, which in US dollars was almost $60 billion.

But what about the vending trade in Russia? The situation leaves much to be desired. Many marketers claim that the market is empty. The fact is that there are not many companies involved in this type of activity. No more than two hundred, and many of them prefer to combine trading activities with operators, i.e. service your own devices. Most of the vending machines are owned by large companies and corporations such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Nestle, etc. At the same time, the above companies combine the activities of selling drinks or chocolates with advertising activities. So, according to experts, vending trade is just beginning to develop in Russia. According to initial estimates, today the domestic market can master up to half a million devices.

Today, the vending business can offer two main options for the development of the business: the main one and the side one. The main business involves receiving primary income from several devices. Then the received funds are invested in the purchase and installation of more vending machines. This is how companies grow. There is another development option within the framework of the first scheme: simultaneous wholesale purchase of a large number of devices. Those. building a vending network. This requires a budget of approximately $100,000. The advantage is obvious: instant access to retail chains. The peculiarity of the latter is that if one vending machine is installed in one store, then a similar one must be installed in all other branches.

Vending trade acts as a side business when manufacturing companies use devices as advertising. At the same time, sales volumes of vending products pay off advertising investments. This scheme is typical for Western companies. But for Russian firms, there is still a long way to go. By the way, vending trade is a secondary business not only for manufacturing companies, but also for retailers. But there is a double-edged sword here. A retailer can lease space for devices, while counting on receiving a percentage of sales or a pre-agreed amount. In this case, all problems associated with loading or servicing the device are not within the competence of the retailer. Moreover, it can set conditions for a vendor or a manufacturing company to sell a non-competitive product (a product that complements the store's assortment). Of course, a retailer can engage in vending trade itself. In this case, he purchases the necessary devices and installs them. In this case, all questions regarding the maintenance and filling of vending machines are the prerogative of the retailer itself. Although in the West there are examples of cooperation with companies that provide warranty and ongoing maintenance of vending machines. In Russia, this type of service has not yet been developed.

Now it's worth talking about the location of vending machines. Immediately it is worth noting that the location plays a significant role. Sales volume directly affects profit. So, the more people see the device, the better. Marketers argue that there are obviously profitable places: large shopping centers, airports, railway stations, universities, gas stations, etc. Those. all places of large congestion of people or frequent visits. For a correct assessment of a possible place, it is worth walking around and seeing what is sold in the nearest stalls, whether there is a sufficient flow of people. Although it happens that the flow of people is good and the competition is weak, but sales are still low. Or maybe quite the opposite. Vending in its understanding gives a serious advantage in the flexibility of the approach to business. The owner of the devices can always change the location of the devices, track the level of sales at various local points. For example, devices can be installed in places that are inconvenient for the main trade (behind the cash register, next to the doors, in the corners). In this case, the retailer makes a profit in the form of rent, and the vendor from the sale of goods. By the way, rent of 1 m2 costs from $50 to $200. In some cases, rental prices may seem too high. Indeed it is. A coffee machine installed in the most promising place can bring up to a thousand dollars a month, but you have to pay a fifth of the income as rent. For Russia, this is, unfortunately, a reality. Although experts are talking about lowering the price of rent up to 10% of the proceeds from the device. Continuing the conversation about the choice of places for installing vending machines, it is worth noting that in some cases, landlords allow vendors to install devices for free. These are usually service areas. Devices installed in such places are intended for workers shopping centers. They do not inherently compete with food courts, as they focus mainly on hot and cold drinks.

Manufacturing companies, when selling their goods, conduct pre-sale preparation for potential buyers. Buyers receive an information intension about possible repairs and replacement of obsolete parts, about how to properly wash the device, how to properly refuel. One trained vending operator is able to perform maintenance work on 18-20 devices per day. Two operators with the correct distribution of duties and time can serve up to 50 devices per day. Although, for example, in Korea, one operator per day serves the same number of vending machines as two operators in Russia. Yes, indeed, we still need to grow to such indicators, but it is worth remembering local conditions. Since in any case, there are time costs for the journey, and in Moscow, for example, time losses can be calculated in hours, or the devices will be located at a decent distance from each other. Also for Russia, the most common vandalism remains a serious problem. The protection of the territory can also cope with this problem, but not everywhere it is.

Taxes remain one more problem for vendors. The legislation of this type of business does not have any regulatory instruments. According to some indicators, a vending machine should be equated with EKKA, but on the other hand, it does not need to be registered as a cash register. There is confusion and, of course, problems with the tax. In Russia, the most acceptable solution to this problem was adopted in St. Petersburg: an imputed tax on a piece of equipment (similar to Europe). As for other regions, all tax issues remain under the jurisdiction of local authorities. But at the same time, it should be noted that a well-formed legislation can give a good impetus to the development of the vending industry in Russia.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

The rapid pace of development of the vending business is one of the most noticeable trends recent years. About how to enter this fast growing and very promising business, the site tells readers of the project CEO one of the largest vending companies in Russia Vendorus Group Svetlana Timoshenko.

- Svetlana, tell us what your company does?

Our group of companies Vendorus Group has been on the market for 11 years. We started as an operator operating a network of snack vending machines in Moscow. Later, a service department was added, sales of vending machines and coffee machines (we sell equipment from Italy, Spain, the USA, Austria, Switzerland), and ingredients for coffee machines were supplied from Spain.

Three years ago, we started working with freshly roasted coffee beans under our own brand, we offer the Coffee Service for Offices and Catering services. We often start working where there was nothing before us. In particular, more than 2 years ago we brought the first automatic milk dispensers to Russia. Now three chains for the sale of draft milk are successfully operating, in which we were directly involved.

Was it easy for you to decide to become an entrepreneur? How did you come up with the idea to start this particular business?

The decision came very easily, because. I always wanted to have a greater degree of freedom in decision-making. But the awareness of responsibility, also greater, coming along with freedom, came a little later. In any case, the ability to manage your life and change the world around you, as I see it, is worth the increased responsibility.

I came to vending because at that time there were very few vending machines, the growth potential was obvious (it remains today, only the cost of entry has increased). And it seemed that the scheme of business processes is quite simple. Later, as it usually happens, “pitfalls” were discovered, we had to develop a lot ourselves, act according to the situation.

- With what difficulties early stages doing business you are facing? How were problems solved?

Ready-made ideas for your business

No one taught how to work with automatic machines at that time, there were no technical service specialists. I had to recruit and train. In addition, I had to independently develop the entire documentation base (contracts, job descriptions, the procedure for working with a cash desk, etc.), banks did not accept coins for collection, we always have a lot of coins in vending machines.

At the first stages, we agreed with shops that always have a need for small money and exchanged our change for paper money, later we entered into a collection agreement with the bank, and now this problem has been completely solved. The buyers did not know how to use the machines, they had to stand nearby and show them. In addition, detailed instructions began to be placed on all machines, even in pictures. Today, customers easily use the vending machines and the problem has disappeared.

It was difficult to rent a place for installation, especially in state institutions, because. no one wanted and does not want to rent 1 sq. meter. The solution is simple - we work in commercial organizations. They also began to apply contracts not for renting a place, but vice versa - for renting a machine. In addition, auctions for the right to rent are now often held, which is convenient, but often the price rises higher than is economically justified. In these cases, we simply look for another place.

Later there was a problem with the introduction of CCP. At some point, the Federal Tax Service decided that all machines should be equipped with CCP. Technically, only a limited number of models can be equipped with these devices, due to the layout of internal parts and operating mechanisms. Nowhere in the world do they use cash registers in vending machines. According to our legislation, all cash registers are registered with the tax authorities at the location of the cash register, if you install a cash register in a vending machine, you will have to register it at the location, but there is always a chance that the machine will need to be moved more than once, which means that you will have to deregister every time and register again. The procedure is not complicated, but extremely costly in time and money.

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If the network of vending machines is large, then it would be necessary to keep a staff who would be occupied exclusively with these issues. Another argument is that the CCP requires the closing and opening of the cash desk daily, if it is late, the system is blocked and it is necessary to call an inspector from the tax office. This means that each vending machine must be visited at least twice a day. What kills the very meaning of automated trading. As an argument against the CCP, it was also said that all machines were initially equipped with a sales accounting system both for accepted money, given change, and for the number of goods sold. So, it is simply impossible to hide something when trading in an automated mode. This problem was solved by joint efforts, but in the process of solving it, they created NAAT (National Association of Automated Trading) with colleagues. The new law on trade contains clarifications regarding automated trading and all issues on cash registers have been resolved.

According to your estimates, what is the minimum amount with which you can start this business today? What equipment will be required?

The minimum entry threshold is 10 machines, approximately 50,000 Euros. Less does not make sense, because maintenance costs will "eat up" all income. It's a good idea to have both a supply for the first purchases of goods (if you work with snacks or bottled drinks, or other small-packed goods) and for the payroll for the first couple of months. As equipment, it is worth considering only machines from proven, long-standing suppliers, it is better if they are foreign manufacturers from Europe or the USA.

For example:

  • for coffee machines, we can recommend Bianchi Vending Group (Italy), Necta (Italy), Azkoyen (Spain);
  • for snack machines, Sanden-Vendo (Italy-USA), Azkoyen (Spain), Necta (Italy), Bianchi (Italy), U-Select-It (USA) machines have proven themselves to be excellent;
  • for ice cream machines, vendings from Sanden-Vendo (Italy-USA) are reliable.
You can buy such machines and get competent advice from us, Vendorus Group and from our colleagues - Siba-Vending, Vendex, Lucky Choice and others. You should not buy Korean and Chinese equipment - it breaks, the same applies to Ukrainian. In Russia, there are also equipment assemblers, but the build quality is still not up to par. Next, you need a van, such as Renault Kangoo or equivalent for the delivery of goods. That's all.


    Purchase of equipment (for example, 20 LEI 400 coffee machines from Bianchi) 4200*20=84000 euros

    Bill acceptors and coin changers - 20 pieces: 800*20=16000 Euro

    Rent of places for installation of machines (approximately) - 40,000 per month

    1 operator - 30,000 rubles, outsourced accountant - 5,000 rubles. (monthly)

    Renting a small office - 10,000 rubles. per month.

    Procurement for loading ingredients - 120,000 rubles. per month

At the first stage we use the operator on the car. Compensation for the cost of fuel and lubricants - 5000 rubles. per month.

Total for the purchase: 100,000 euros

Total for the first 2 months of work: 90,000 * 2 = 180,000 rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

How much we earn: 20 coffee pots can generate revenues of 400,000 rubles. per month Income before tax will be 400,000-120,000-90,000=190,000 rubles. If we pay 15% in the income minus expenses scheme, then 190,000-15% = 161,500 rubles. Payback will be a little over 2 years.

Are there any additional administrative requirements (for premises, experience of specialists, etc.)?

Requirements for equipment - availability of a quality certificate or a manufacturer's declaration (depending on the type of machines). The machines can be installed in any room, at positive temperatures, you only need a regular socket with grounding. If you work with coffee pots, then you often use bottled water (coffee tastes better), but you can also connect to the water supply through a filter. Specialists will have to be trained. We help our customers with this equipment.

- How should you approach the choice of a place to install the machine?

To achieve effective results of the machines, the installation site must meet the following parameters:

    Must be constantly present in the organization where we put the machine at least 300 people

    It is better if the organization works around the clock

    If visitors are forced to spend time waiting - great

    Purchasing power should be high enough - a person should not save on a chocolate bar or a cup of coffee

    The machine itself should be clearly visible, do not put it in the far corner

    Best Places these are business centers, sports facilities, universities, transport hubs.

- What is the working life of the machines? How often do they break down and need repair?

The service life of vending machines is at least 10 years (these are normal European vending machines!!!) The condition for normal operation is careful maintenance and operation in accordance with the rules established by the manufacturer. Snack machines practically do not break, there are only problems with the cooler, and then only if they are transported in a prone position, which is expressly prohibited in the instructions. For coffee machines, the main thing is cleanliness, if the machine is not serviced, then it will stop making coffee, because. the coffee group will just break. You also need to be careful about the ingredients, do not choose them only by price, otherwise dry ingredients can clog the dispensing pipes, and dried coffee beans can lead to breakage of the coffee grinder.

The cost of repairs, if such a nuisance did happen, is very individual. The repair is minor and the operator himself can carry out the adjustment, because. all suppliers teach their customers how to operate the machines. Complicated repairs, which are extremely rare, are carried out by the service departments of most vending machine suppliers.

Now in the West, vending machines are very popular as a form of trade, and, through vending machines today, you can purchase almost any product, from household appliances to fresh products, such as vegetables and meat, and even buy spare shoes, an umbrella, style your hair, and even to invest in gold. Manufacturers of vending machines are constantly improving them, adapting them as much as possible to the needs of customers.

- Is it possible to order a machine for any product in Russia? How and where can this be done?

Yes, in Russia you can buy any machine that exists in the world. The question is how much the product offered by the machine is in demand. In addition, many types of automated trading in Russia are not possible due to legal prohibitions.


    Vending machines for over-the-counter medicines and hygiene products. In Europe, mini-pharmacies with small things that you may always need are successfully operating. We had conversations, we ourselves conducted several iterations with three pharmacy chains, but none of them dared to start automated trading, due to constant bans.

    It is not difficult at all to sell fresh fruits and vegetables in vending machines, and even useful, for example, in universities or schools. But you need to understand that the cost of a portion will not be cheap. It will require washing-cleaning-packing in portions and the price will include renting a place, etc.

    We tried to sell umbrellas. In my memory, two such sellers went bankrupt. The same is clearly in store for vending machine shoe dealers.

    Gold bullion machines are generally exclusive, but if a bank wants to create such a network of machines, we are ready to deliver such machines to Russia.

Seriously speaking, goods exotic for vending can be sold in vending machines, but these should not be independent chains, but some additional divisions of large companies. mobile phones, tights, lenses, books, etc. Some projects (books, caviar, umbrellas) were launched with our participation, but there is no serious growth in such sales yet. The most interesting and promising direction is now the sale of fresh milk in bottling (in bottles) through vending machines. Our company was the first in Russia to start supplying such vending machines and three large projects are already successfully operating. The service technology here is much more complicated, the equipment is much more expensive than traditional vending machines, but the interest is higher, and the product is of high quality and is in daily demand.

What can you save on and what should you not save on?

Don't skimp on equipment! Downtime and customer dissatisfaction lead to a sharp drop in revenue. To save money at the first stage, you can service the machines yourself, in an ordinary passenger car, and hire people later, when the network expands. The norm for one employee-operator is 20-30 machines.

- How long did it take you to pay back the initial investment?

Bought for about 2 years.

- What can you say about the profitability of this business? What is the average revenue from one machine?

The average revenue from coffee machines is about 20,000 rubles. per month. (30% will be the cost of the ingredients). Snack machines on average give 30,000-35,000 rubles. per month (50% - goods). Water machines - 25000-30000 (50% - goods) It should be noted that these are just average figures! There are leaders, there are outsiders among the machines. We rearrange the outsiders.

- Is there seasonality in your business?

Yes. It all depends on where the vending machines are installed, for example, there are summer holidays at the university and there is simply no one to buy sandwiches. But at the airport, on the contrary, summer is the peak. We work around the city, so we use the summer lull for holidays.

- What kind of specialists should you pay special attention to? How did you select key employees?

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of operators. They not only work with vending machines and goods, but also withdraw money from vending machines and bring it to the cashier. Therefore, we must be honest. They are also the face of your company in front of customers, so they must be accurate and polite. Operators were selected by trial and error. Internet search, trial period - 1 month. If you are noticed in an addiction to alcohol, then immediately go out, if, according to the results of the inventory (monthly comparison of statistics on vending machines with the revenue brought in and the goods received), a shortage is detected, then we also immediately dismiss. So we are looking for. The scheme of work is simple - each operator is assigned a territory with automatic machines, which he serves - loads the goods, removes the proceeds, cleans and washes. Maintenance of each machine at least once every three days. If the point is good, then every day. The proceeds are handed over to the cash desk of the company, from there the collection service of the bank hands over to the account. All data on loaded goods and ingredients is also transferred to the office, to the manager who is responsible for the network operation. Documents for receipt of goods from the warehouse are also drawn up there. The operator at the warehouse receives the goods and takes them to the vending machines. The salary of operators consists of the base rate and% of the proceeds from the machines assigned to them. In addition to the operators themselves, the staff list of the operator company includes a cashier, a network management manager (in the functions of accounting and monitoring the work of operators, purchasing goods for a warehouse, controlling balances, resolving questions on installing machines), a network development manager (functions - searching for points for machine installations), accountant, storekeeper. We have service engineers assigned to a separate company, but often the engineer is included in the staff of the operator company.

Obviously, during the work you have tried various ways advertising. Which advertising media proved to be effective, and which ones did you eventually abandon?

If we talk about the vending network, then the machines themselves work perfectly, like advertising. If we talk about the sale of equipment, then the entire block of Internet advertising works perfectly, for the sale of coffee, both the Internet and advertising on the sides of our cars work perfectly.

- What can you say about the competition in your business?

There is competition for the installation sites of the machines, but still not strong. If you work accurately and with high-quality equipment, if the coffee is fresh and from beans, if the sandwiches do not age on the shelf, and the water is always cold, then there will be no competitors.

- Has the economic crisis affected the vending business?

Yes. It has become much more difficult to sell equipment, because. the ruble price of automatic rifles has increased and it has become more difficult for our customer to attract financing. As for the vending machine network, sales decreased somewhat when the income of our customers fell, but all the same, the vending machine network helped us a lot - real money is always at hand. In general, the revenue of the vending machine network fell by about 10%. Interestingly, the revenue from the Coffee project even increased, by about 30%.

- What other pitfalls does this business have?

- Pitfalls are mainly associated with the risks of administrative regulation, which is traditional for any business in the Russian Federation. Revenue from vending machines may still fall in the event of a drop in income from our customers. Attention should also be paid to the sanitary condition of the vending machines - we still sell food.

How do you see the prospects for further development of your business? Do you plan to expand or open related areas?

Yes, we plan to develop a network of vending machines for the sale of fresh milk in Moscow, we plan to expand sales of coffee beans and install roasting equipment. Several years ago we developed a franchising scheme for the development of a network of slot machines in the regions and are ready to offer it to our partners. In addition, we are looking for companies and entrepreneurs in the regions who would take on the functions of selling vending machines and their maintenance.

- Based on your experience, what would you advise to those who are just planning to start this business?

Carefully analyze the market and see where you can install machines. After the target group and the scope of work have been determined, you can proceed to the selection of the actual equipment and its suppliers. The main thing is not to rush to rent an area and not to miss what is in the warehouse of the sellers from the vending machines. You can always configure exactly the equipment that is ideal for your tasks. You should not buy machines such as those of a neighbor, the main thing is faster. Better to wait and get your option. It is also important to carefully listen to the advice of those who have been on the market for a long time, be sure to keep in touch with the supplier and his engineering service. Do not buy vending machines in Europe and carry them yourself. There will be more costs.

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