Wholesale business plan: the main advantages of the business. Wholesale business without investments is a profitable business that brings a stable income

This time we will try with you to get rich and get ahead of the competition even before opening any of our own business.

This is very promising and not many people know about it.

Sure word wholesale we are not going to talk about a boring and rather annoying word, but as always we will bring a little novelty and a slice of factors that will help you make a turnover of your capital in the first months after opening.

Do you think that I'm talking nonsense and I can't be trusted?... Then open the article and read. We tried to put everything on the shelves and even add the whole idea.

What is interesting business in wholesale sales

With bitterness in my heart, I advise you to skip this heading for those who know what wholesale sales and purchases are..

We will have this column for those who guess or simply do not know about it. By the way, before writing the article, I myself belonged to these people, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

In other words, this is when instead of one kilogram of radishes, they immediately buy 100 kilograms.

Thus, this same wholesale trade makes an invaluable contribution to the circulation of all world sales and is the link between retail trade and manufacturers of goods.

Let's digress from boring information. However, I didn't say what is interesting about selling wholesale.

Think for yourself. When a seller buys these very goods at wholesale warehouses, he takes them for one price and then, screwing on not small percentages (the smallest I have seen is about 70% of the original price), he sells his goods in markets, shops, etc.

A case from one's life. One New Year's Eve weekend, I decided to go to the market and buy an artificial Christmas tree. Just from live more problems and then vacuum the carpet from the needles, and the inanimate will stand forever.

So. I come, and the prices are really biting. For 2 meters of artificial plastic, they asked me 3,000-5,000 rubles.

It's not that I'm greedy for money. For such an amount better gifts buy. Fortunately, my friend turned up, who was engaged in a similar sale of Christmas trees and told me why such extra charges.

In general, all local sellers bring these spruce trees from Belarus and buy them in bulk, giving about 900-1000 rubles for a similar tree 2 meters long. Then they make a markup of 200% and sell it to respectable citizens.

The motto of such trade becomes - New Year on the nose, they will still buy, without a Christmas tree anywhere. As a result, I still had to buy these 2 meters of a Christmas tree for 3,000 rubles. Here is an example of a colossal margin.

How to start a wholesale business

If you have reached all the same to this point, then I think not in vain.

Our wholesale business will play the role of something extraordinary or not honoring the rules and conditions of the market.

We will not open giant warehouses or run around with huge bags, where there will be things that you may never sell.

We will have something like an agency or a stall, which will receive applications from buyers for the purchase of this or that thing.

When there are many applications and the number of ordered goods becomes worthy of bulk purchases, you will only need to buy these goods at wholesale warehouses and distribute them to customers with a small extra charge.

Believe me, this scheme is very interesting. Think for yourself. Here you are the seller of things. You buy things in bulk for a certain amount.

Will you be sure that you will be able to sell all this?..Of course not. Here you bear a certain risk of remaining in the red, and in our case, the buyers are already known, they themselves ordered the purchase of goods from you.

In other words, you will have something like an online store only on the ground, and not in virtual space.

How to start a wholesale business

And so I told you about the very successful idea that will help us break into the lead and get customers in the very first days and months.

To begin with, let's deal with such an unpleasant, but very important matter as weighing forces.

I do not force you to be all-seeing or psychic, it is simply necessary to describe everything that you have for a successful start.

To begin with, we need an area where you will store all the goods, and then distribute them to satisfied customers.

For the square, a garage or some kind of shed is quite suitable for you. The main thing is the preservation of the original quality.

After all, if you, for example, buy the same things or products for a children's shop soft toys and store it all in a room with high humidity, then the goods will simply deteriorate and you will have to explain later with customers, and this entails the loss of customers and, again, huge debts for your business.

So approach the choice of premises with particular caution. Let's move on from the choice of area.

Of course, you will need to pay special attention to the items, or rather, wholesale warehouses where you will buy these very products.

It all depends on where you live and where you live in general. However, all-knowing Google will help you find wholesale warehouses. I don't think you will have any problems here.

The most important thing for you will be to find customers for your products, on which the foundation for the further success and condition of your business will be built.

Everything is very simple here. the lion's share of your start-up capital You will need to invest in promotion, or rather, in advertising your idea.

Try to present to the audience such information that will not only be of interest to them, but will also carry a slice of mystery.

After all, people are creatures who are interested in everything new, this is new and should help you in the beginning.

I advise you, at least at the beginning, not to overestimate the margins on goods and always stay cheaper than what is offered in the markets and shops. This fact is important and it will allow your business to always be heard.

With an increase in orders, I advise you not to spend profits, but to take care of establishing a network of your establishments, first throughout the city, and then in the region.

Thus, I sort of told you about the start of wholesale sales and I think there should be no questions. In any case, you can always find me here.

We draw up a business plan for wholesale sales

I want to say right away that a business plan was drawn up at approximate costs and we cannot say that in life everything will work out that way.

In any case, the costs of certain components of the business in your area will be different from mine.

Wholesale business plan:
Purpose: purchase and sale of various goods to customers.
Budget: 300,000 rubles.
Capital turnover: 1-3 months.
Area: own.
Salary to employees: at first you are your own employee.
Advertising: 3 billboards in busy places of the city + drawing up an advertising slogan * 3 months = 15,000 * 3 * 3 = 135,000 rubles.
Car rental: in case of home delivery service 100,000 rubles.
Risks: 65 000 rub.

That's all, I hope our article will be useful to you. If it doesn't make it difficult, then click on the social bookmarking buttons on the right of the article.

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The main idea of ​​the wholesale business is to purchase goods in large quantities at the same price and sell them in small wholesale at a premium. Alternatively, you can open your own retail store, selling the goods even more expensive. Open wholesale business from scratch is possible, even without huge capital for the purchase of the first batch of goods. It can be taken for implementation. The scheme of building any business is easily copied from any existing enterprise.

Key business benefits

The first advantage that entrepreneurs consider when trying to open a wholesale business from scratch is big money. This advantage is perfectly complemented by a simple and understandable start scheme, even for beginners. They usually start with small volumes, gradually increasing the scale of the business.

A wholesale business requires specialization in one particular product or niche. This allows you to fully delve into one area, having studied it thoroughly, increasing your expertise in it. And the better, more detailed you understand your business, the bodies are easier, more efficient for you to conduct your business.

The simplicity of the scheme of any wholesale business allows you to copy any convenient and effective scheme of competitors. You can start a business with minimum investment. Moreover, it does not require significant time costs. Therefore, you may well start a business while working at your main job.

Decide on the type of business

Before you start a wholesale business from scratch, you need to decide what type of wholesale business you will be. There are several opportunities to make money on wholesale sales.

  1. Become a big wholesaler. Your task is to buy large batches of goods at the factory and sell them in smaller ones. Often such entrepreneurs work with several manufacturers, offering a wide range of products.
  1. Become a wholesaler middle class. Such people prefer to open a store selling goods in one particular industry, but they specialize in it very well. They can offer one type of product and various accessories for it from different manufacturers.
  1. Highly specialized wholesaler. Usually offers one type of product, for example, only shoes, or only bags. Often works with different manufacturers.
  1. Intermediary. For this activity, it is not necessary to open a store. It is enough to find a buyer with a specific request, and he needs to find a seller. Then control the progress of the sale, receiving a percentage of the transaction. The process can also go in the opposite direction: first, a seller is found with a product for which a buyer is being sought.

These are just the most common forms of organization entrepreneurial activity with which you can start your wholesale business. If you search, you can find other interesting schemes for doing business on the market.

Looking for your industry

Before you start your business, it is advisable to understand what industry you plan to work in and what the main patterns work in it. Therefore, it is easiest to open a business in an industry in which you already have some experience. Although, if desired, you can master other areas of interest.

To decide in which industry to open your wholesale store or base, think about which industry you most often encounter in life, what do you understand the most? It can be both the main job and a hobby. Of course, it is desirable that you like this industry and are sincerely interested in it.

In addition, it is important to understand such nuances that affect the choice of industry for wholesale activities:

  1. What kind of production is your region specialized in? After all, these products can be purchased here at the lowest possible price. At the same time, you will not have problems with delivery and all issues can be resolved as quickly as possible - manufacturers are, as they say, at hand.
  1. Having chosen a product, try to determine the market capacity: what is the demand for it, what is the turnover of the product, average prices for it and other details.
  1. Evaluate the seasonality of the product. Of course, it is easiest to work with goods that are not subject to seasonal fluctuations. But in other cases, you can find ways to smooth out these differences. It is always better to focus on those products that are in demand in any economic conditions.
  1. How easy is it to store the product. This question is especially relevant when you are thinking about how to open a wholesale warehouse. If your business involves perishable products, you need to pay special attention to the storage area to ensure the necessary conditions. And this is an additional expense.
  1. How easy is it to transport the goods. This applies not only to the overall dimensions of the goods, but also to its fragility. For example, it is very difficult to deliver glass and porcelain products, as there may be a high percentage of broken goods. This should also be taken into account when calculating the profitability of your business.

How to choose the right product

Before opening a store, you should not only decide on the product, but also test the demand for it. To do this, it is recommended to conduct such a campaign. Choose about three to five products that you are interested in working with and that can really be in demand in your area. Then hang ads on the Internet for their sale on free boards.

It is important to follow these rules:

  • post ads on the same boards;
  • post them in a unified form, one for everyone, so that later you can compare the result.

After posting ads, carefully collect and analyze feedback. Consider the number of calls and what the callers are interested in: volumes, prices, willingness to place an order, and so on. Thus, you can estimate the demand for the product that your store plans to sell. Potential customers can also answer that the goods are not yet in stock, or call back a little later and report that it is over.

Determining viability

Only after you have decided on a niche, a product, an approximate market need, its capacity, you know the needs of buyers and sellers, you can assess how viable your undertaking is and whether it is worth opening a store of this kind.

Calculate how long it will take you to deliver the goods and how much it will cost you. Monitor the trucking market that operates in your area and choose the right carrier for you. Then calculate how much you can get in the saddest and most optimistic scenarios. Based on the data received, he can decide whether you should open a wholesale store, base, warehouse or not.

Let's get down to business

Having solved all the preliminary questions, decide according to which scheme you will conduct your business. There are two main areas of doing this kind of business:

  • Looking for a buyer, find a seller, organize and control the process of buying and selling, receiving a percentage of the transaction. For this type of activity, you must first conclude an agency agreement with the manufacturer.
  • You buy goods for your own funds at a wholesale price and sell it at a premium, making a profit from the difference.

Usually, latest model are used by large market players who have large finances for transactions. In addition, this form of doing business involves the availability of a warehouse, personnel for its maintenance, and the cost of their maintenance.

A novice entrepreneur can limit himself to the first option, which excludes these expenses, as well as the cost of purchasing goods. In addition, it is not necessary for him to register an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, he can work as individual by making a contract. And if you start such work via the Internet, it will be even easier to organize a wholesale business.

Two words about competition

When planning to open your own wholesale store, consider the competition in the region and in the industry as a whole. A small player in the market can go bust if there are already large distribution networks in this area that have established a huge teamwork. Therefore, if you want to compete with such giants, study their features, think about how you can win in front of customers.


Find out current customer purchase prices and other delivery terms. It does not matter that you come to clients without the intention of concluding a contract. Now you are doing reconnaissance. You can introduce yourself as a representative of a new company that plans to serve this region. Ask what does not suit customers. Be sure to collect some information. Some ask to bring the price list and do not tell anything. Make sure you communicate with the head of the firm. Say what you can give good conditions, but it is necessary to estimate the approximate volumes.

Find suppliers, calculate and evaluate the margin. Based on the information collected, you can roughly estimate the volume of purchases. This will be needed for negotiations with suppliers. They need to get Better conditions despite the fact that while conducting preliminary negotiations.

Make an offer to clients. After the 2nd step, you know on which they cooperate with other suppliers. Make up a package commercial offers which will allow you to stand out from the like. Take advantage of your competitors' weaknesses. If potential customers have complained about delivery times, you can focus on the quality of this service. It will not be easy for competitors to restructure the work.


  • how to work with wholesale

From the point of view of stable demand and the stability of business relationships, b2b business has an undeniable advantage. Well-established connections and well-established distribution channels allow wholesale suppliers to stay afloat even in times of crisis and stagnation.


If you decide to organize a wholesale trade, first of all choose a niche in which you are going to work. It’s good if you have an idea in advance of how a standard business process is built in the chosen area. This will make it easier to enter the market. If not, first study how all participants in the sales chain are interconnected. It may take a long time for a detailed study. However, it is difficult to overestimate its necessity. Based on its results, you will represent not only the wholesale trade from the inside, but you will also be able to soberly assess your strengths and, possibly, abandon the chosen idea.

If confidence outweighs all the arguments "against", proceed to the search for a suitable premises, negotiations with suppliers, as well as the official registration of the chosen activity. In each of these questions there are many nuances and smaller tasks. So, for example, the premises should not only provide convenience for trade, but also meet the requirements of supervisory authorities. In addition, to have certain technical specifications and convenient location. Search, selection and negotiations with suppliers, registration with the IFTS are also quite voluminous issues. Ideally, it's best to do it all at the same time. This way you can save time and money.

When the main issues are resolved, the lease agreement is drawn up ready to ship the products, come to grips with the search for sales. Strictly speaking, it was necessary to start looking for sales even before the very first step. After all, if there is a guaranteed demand for a product, then building the rest of the business process is not so difficult. There are a lot of ways to find clients, and most of them depend on the trade niche you have chosen. In general, send out, try to meet with purchasing decision makers for large companies. It is difficult, but quite realistic, to build a whole business on several large clients. You may also be able to find non-standard ways to enter the market. And never stop looking for new sales channels. The overall turnover is much more strongly related to the profits generated than in other businesses.

Wholesale trade is a type of transaction when the goods for which cash, is not transferred to the final consumer. It is intended for resale. As a rule, whole consignments of goods - large or small - are the object of sale and purchase.


Think about what type of wholesale you want to do. Collect as much as possible more information, to do this, swipe marketing analysis, identify consumer demand.

Wholesale sales are sales of goods intended for resale. That is, there are practically no one-time sales and “pushing in” is unacceptable. And most importantly, we need to think not about our sale, not about how much we will ship to the client, but about how much he can sell.

In fact, in order to increase wholesale sales, we must become an expert on the business of our clients, ideally, when the company has its own retail outlets and you can understand how the contact with the end customer takes place, what are his interests, what are the ways to organize sales.

Laws of wholesale sales department:

1. The focus is on the client's business, not our business. From the moment you start working with wholesale, you need to forget about your sales and think only about customer sales. How to increase them, what product is the most popular, how to increase the profitability of the business. The client will sell, you will sell too.

2. Competent work with dealers and distributors, without interfering with regular customers. It is important to prioritize retail or working with representatives. Sometimes it makes sense to abandon your own retail or significant discounts to support dealers. And sometimes you need to focus on your own sales, if there are certain resources for this.

3. Pricing policy and discount system should be configured for long-term interaction, and not for one-time transactions.

4. Regular monitoring of competitors' offers through customers who either use competitors' products or have previously used them.

5. Constant search new clients. The main goal of a retail outlet is to make a profit by increasing sales, so they are often ready to consider new offers. And there is a chance of losing a client, as a competitor will offer better conditions. But it also means that it is more likely to take a customer away from a competitor relatively easily. Therefore, never stop looking for new customers, even if the business turnover is sufficient.

6. Thorough analysis of customer failures. A small client left. Well, no big deal. More time to work with large buyers. Actually very scary. Since the reasons that prompted small customers to leave can play a cruel joke with large ones. The business is arranged in such a way that small customers are more flexible in order to survive, respond faster to changes external environment. As a result, the factors that influenced the small client will soon affect the large ones. Therefore, in order to increase wholesale sales, it is necessary to quickly respond to any loss and not calm down until the reasons for the breakdown in relations are absolutely clear.

7. Penetration into the client's business. The better you know the client's business, the less chance of losing it, the closer you are to the end customers, the more effective sales

8. Assessment of the client's potential and setting goals for managers not on the basis of past experience, but on the basis of the share of our sales in deliveries. The manager sells to the customer for 100 thousand rubles, and this turnover is growing, it seems to be good. But the potential of this client is 10 million rubles. You are simply being used as a backup supplier. And he doesn't know about it. Even worse, if the manager himself does not know about it.

9. Competent work with federal and regional networks. Many suppliers in search of an answer to the question of how to increase wholesale sales are striving to enter the network. Read the article about and if you decide to do this.

Recruiting for a wholesale department is fundamentally different from recruiting for a regular sales department. Their functions are significantly different, and knowledge of wholesale techniques plays a role.

Selection of managers in the wholesale department:

1. Recruitment of personnel working in the retail of similar products. The person knows the range and business of the end buyer well. Knows hot commodity and knows how to sell to end customers. With proper training in the basics of wholesale sales, he can be very successful in this direction, as he knows the mindset of the client.

2. Selection from a competing company. The most obvious option, but not always the most effective. Yes, a manager comes with market knowledge, yes, a manager comes with his client base. But is he ready for the fact that your product is significantly different from competitors, is he ready for the fact that he will change his face? And most importantly, if the manager changed a competitor to you, does he merge customers with his acquaintances in the previous company? Will he return to the previous company if the management changes their mind and calls him back? Will he go to the third competitor, taking your base to the previous base? I am not saying that it is not worth hiring such people, sometimes it is very effective, but the manager's personal relationship with your company is very important.

3. Selection of a manager from related wholesale industries. A good option. He has a client base, he can, without prejudice to your company, send customers to his old company for similar needs, he knows the laws of wholesale sales and the principle of operation of the end buyer.

Whichever option you choose, remember one thing - you need it in wholesale and retail and in any other companies. Control, analysis of indicators of monthly sales volumes in the context of customers, analysis of the number of attracted and reasons for lost customers are the main tools for managing the wholesale sales department.

Good luck in increasing the sales of the wholesale department!

We increase sales with a guarantee

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The business of selling any goods is a fairly popular form of income. Of course, in this area you will have huge competition, but, if successful, the profits can be simply huge. By the way, it is wholesale sales that bring the maximum income, so starting a business with them will be a very good option.

Wholesale Business Features

Among the features that wholesales differ from retail sales are:

  • no need for sufficient large areas to store goods. Although, in order to fulfill this condition, you will need to properly organize a transaction in which you will be an intermediary between the seller and the buyer of the goods. Your profit (minus transportation costs and possibly a short shelf life) will be the difference between the wholesale and retail prices for certain products. So, if you do not have intermediary skills, you will still need space for storing goods;
  • the presence of regular suppliers and regular customers. This criterion is optional, but if it is present, your profits will increase, and the payback period of the enterprise will decrease.

Where to begin

Before you open a wholesale business, you should decide on the type of product that you are going to sell. Each of them will require its own level of investment and conditions, both for transportation and transportation. The ideal option there will be a choice of such goods with which you have already dealt before or in which you are well versed. Although it is also worth considering the characteristics of your region - what is produced here and what is in the greatest demand. It is advisable to engage in the wholesale sale of goods that:

  • easily transported;
  • sells equally well at any time of the year (that is, the demand for it is not seasonal);
  • manufactured near your facility. Thus, you will reduce your transport costs.

Also, you can not do without a truck, or even better - several. In principle, it is not even necessary to buy them - you can rent or lease them. As far as workers are concerned, initial stage you can use the professional services of movers, and later create your own staff.

Sales of goods and payback of the enterprise

Knowing how to open a wholesale business, it is worth estimating how much profit you can get from this. It is impossible to say the exact amount here - after all, everything depends on your diligence, and on sales volumes, and on the initial investment. Typically, such a business pays off in less than a year. And if your activity is mediation, then you will start receiving net profit immediately.

There are wholesale trade and pitfalls. Firstly, the volumes of goods are large, which means that the risks are higher than in retail trade. Secondly, you will be heavily dependent on suppliers. However, the second point affects everyone who does not have their own production. But profits can be here several times higher than in retail, so it's worth the risk.

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