Climatic conditions in Finland. When is the best time to go on vacation to Finland? Sales season in Finland


The Republic of Finland is located in Northern Europe. The area of ​​the state is 338.5 thousand km2. From the southern and western sides, the country is washed by the Baltic Sea, the waters of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. The capital of Finland, Helsinki, is located on the coast of one of them. The country is conditionally divided into three geographical zones. The sea coast is mostly low-lying. Closer to the center there is a zone of dense forests with lakes and swamps (30% of the territory) - because of this region, Finland was nicknamed the "country of a thousand lakes". In the north of the state are Rocky Mountains Lapland.

Water Baltic Sea off the coast of Finland are indented by numerous islands. The largest archipelago is called the Archipelago Sea. Finland's climate is temperate, changing from maritime in the south to continental in the north. Western winds prevail throughout the year. The northern part of Finland is characterized by the polar night, which lasts for two months. Winter here is moderately cold. Precipitation is recorded every month. The height of the snow cover decreases from north to south.

Tourists come to Finland to ski, see the sights and make their childhood dream come true: to visit Santa Claus. And from May to September - it's also a beach holiday. To make your trip comfortable, pay attention to weather in Finland by months.

Weather in Finland in January

The weather in January in Finland is mild. At this time of the year, a warm wind blows from Atlantic Ocean. The air temperature fluctuates depending on the region - from -3°C to -13°C, in places it drops to -20°C. Seen up to three sundial in the day - the height of the polar night. Despite the low temperatures, the humidity is high.

Weather in Finland in February

February is the peak ski season in Finland. The air temperature in the northern part of the country during the day is at -9°C, in the southern part - at around -2°C. There are up to three snowy days per month, 25-40 mm of precipitation falls. Due to sub-zero temperatures, the snow cover remains for another two to three months, creating ideal conditions for ski holidays.

Weather in Finland in March

The northern part of Finland is dominated by continental climate, to the south it passes into the sea, which is reflected in the temperature indicators. So, in Saariselka and Levi (north), the air temperature in daytime is at around -4.4 ° С ... -4.6 ° С. In the center, in Vuokatti, about -2.8°C, and in the south, the sun warms Finland up to +1°C. At this time of the year, the number of hours of sunshine per day increases. In Helsinki, there are up to six of them. The temperature of the water in the sea goes from minus to 0°C.

Weather in Finland in April

In April, partly cloudy weather and precipitation up to 44 mm are observed in Finland. strong winds no, the maximum is 5 m/s. Humidity throughout the territory reaches 100%. Above zero temperature is set in the center of the country and in the south. In the north, during the day, the air temperature fluctuates between -0.2 ° C, at night it drops to -4 ° C. Snow cover persists, so skiing is still popular.

Weather in Finland in May

Along with the warm current of the Gulf Stream, heat comes to Finland in May. The weather becomes changeable, unpredictable. Ski resorts gradually end the season, as even at night the air temperature rarely drops below zero. In the south of the country, the daily air temperature rises to +15°C, the sun shines for more than 10 hours a day. The water in the sea warms up to + 7 ° С.

Weather in Finland in June

The average daily air temperature in Finland is +17°C. In the northern resorts, it fluctuates between + 13 ° С ... + 15 ° С, and in the southern resorts, the thermometer reaches + 19 ° С (in Lappeenranta). At night, the air temperature is around +8°С…+12°С. The wind speed is 3-5 m/s. There are up to 5 rainy days from total precipitation from 43.1 mm (Savonlinna) to 68.7 mm (Hämeenlinna).

Weather in Finland in July

In the coldest resort in Finland in July, the temperature during the day rises to + 18 ° С. At night, the thermometer drops to +10°C. In Levi, the sun shines only 3 hours a day, in contrast to the more southern resorts, where there are 12-13 hours of sunshine. In July, warm southeasterly winds prevail in the country. In Helsinki, the daytime temperature is +21°C. The water in the sea warms up to +15°С…+16°С, and off the coast of Koli, Imatra and Lahti - up to +17°С.

Weather in Finland in August

In August, the air temperature in Finland drops. Yes, on southern resorts the thermometer readings during the day do not exceed + 20 ° С. In the northern resorts, the air temperature in the daytime is +14°С…+16°С. Up to 6 rainy days are recorded, up to 77 mm of precipitation falls in Kuopio.

Weather in Finland in September

In September in Finland there are up to 19 sunny days. However, the weather is getting chilly. In Helsinki, Turku and Kotka, the air temperature in the daytime is around +15°C, and at night it drops to +11°C. In the north of the country, daytime temperatures do not exceed +10°C, at night the thermometer drops to +4°C. September is a good time for sightseeing tours.

Weather in Finland in October

In Levi and Saariselka in May, the daytime air temperature fluctuates between +1°С…+2°С, and at night the thermometer drops to -0.5°С…-1°С. The number of sunny hours across the country is reduced to five per day. 2-3 days with precipitation are recorded.

Weather in Finland in November

November heralds the onset of cold weather. The average daily air temperature in the country ranges from -2°С to +7°С. Precipitation is recorded up to 46 mm - as a rule, it is wet snow. The water in the sea cools down to +3°C, and only in the inland lakes does the thermometer mark not fall below +8°C.

Weather in Finland in December

In December, a stable snow cover can be traced on the mountain peaks, which allows the ski season to open. The air temperature during the day in the northern resorts ranges from -3°C to -4°C, at night it drops to -6°C. 2-3 hours of sunshine are registered per day. Precipitation falls up to 50 mm.

Typical Finnish weather in winter, spring, summer and autumn. When is the best time to go to Finland? What clothes to take with you?

What is the usual weather in Finland?

  • The most pleasant weather in June and July
  • Winter in Finland lasts 4 months: December, January, February and March
  • The warmest month is July
  • The coldest is January
  • August has the most rain
  • Least rainfall in February

average temperature air

Average sea temperature

Average monthly rainfall

Winter weather in Finland

Winter is the most for a long time years in Finland. It lasts from 100 days in the south of the country to 200 days in Lapland. Winter in Finland reigns from December to March, in Lapland from mid-September to May. The sea and lakes hold back the drop in temperatures a little, but in November-December the lakes freeze, and winter comes into full force.

Winter is one of the most popular seasons in Finland. At this time, there is very beautiful snow-covered nature around, you can ride in a reindeer or dog sled, snowmobile and, of course, see the Northern Lights.

In winter, the weather in Finland will not seem cold only to a Siberian. For others, the -30°C temperature in Lapland will seem very cold. However, the rest of Finland is much warmer between -5°C and -20°C. On New Year's Eve in Helsinki it is often as low as -7°C.

But no matter how cold it is outside, it is warm in the houses of Finns. Triple glazing, good thermal insulation, central heating, many have underfloor heating, fireplaces and of course saunas.

The climate in Finland is dry in winter, the wind is not strong, at this time it is more pleasant here than you might imagine when you hear about -30°C. In mid-March, the deepest snow is here: 60 - 90 cm in Lapland and 20 - 30 cm in the south of the country. Lakes freeze by 50 - 65 cm, in Lapland up to 1 meter.

Late December is the darkest time in Finland. In Lapland there is only about 4 hours of light per day, in the south of the country - 6 hours. But white snow reflects light well, plus all resorts, towns and villages are well lit. So do not be afraid to wander in pitch darkness. In the northernmost part of the country, a “polar night” occurs every year, averaging 51 days.

Weather in Finland spring

Spring in Finland lasts from April to May. In Lapland, everything is sad, as usual - spring comes only in May. The further north, the longer the wait for spring, which lasts 45 - 65 days. At this time, the temperature throughout Finland fluctuates between 0°C and 10°C. At the end of May in Lapland and at the end of April in the rest of Finland, the temperature is firmly fixed above 5°C. Flowers appear, trees turn green, nature and Finns thaw.

The weather in Finland in spring is pleasant - the air is fresh, the temperature is also tolerable. Many come to Finland in the spring to admire the awakening of nature and go hiking in the mountains.

Lakes thaw in April-May, in Lapland in June.

Weather in Finland in summer

In summer the temperature rises above 10°C. Heat comes to Finland at the end of May and lasts until mid-September. In Lapland, summer starts a month later and ends a month earlier than in the rest of the country.

The standard summer months here are from June to August. At this time, there are "white nights", and in Lapland there is a "polar day" 2 months long - here the sun does not set from June to July. And in another part of the country, it is barely hidden behind the horizon. In the southern part of the country, the summer months are very long days– about 19 hours.

In summer, the weather in Finland is also hot - the temperature rises to 32°C - 35°C. In the coastal part of the country and on the islands, it is cooler in summer, the temperature rarely rises to 30°C. There are few such hot days in Finland, 10-15 days in the southern part of the country and 5-10 days in Lapland.

Rains in Finland are infrequent, and there is little precipitation here.

Despite the “northernness” of the country, the Finns still have time to sunbathe a little and swim in summer months. Basically, all beach holidays are concentrated around the lakes, because the water in the sea rarely rises above 15°C. However, in the lakes the water is also cool, but still a little warmer.

Summer Finland is popular with tourists, so prices for tourist services rise with rising temperatures. If you decide to visit Finland in the summer, then take care of tickets or vouchers in advance.

Weather in Finland in autumn

Autumn in Finland lasts from September to November, in general, like ours. In the north of the country, it begins a little earlier - at the end of August, and in the south, as expected - in September. The leaves of the trees turn to crimson and gold. The Finns call gold very much "Ruska". At this time, mostly photographers come here to capture colorful landscapes. Autumn in Finland is the most rainy, nature is gradually preparing for a long winter.

The weather in Finland in autumn is relatively warm, with temperatures ranging from 5°C to 15°C above zero. This time is ideal for cycling or hiking along the many forest trails. Wild blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and mushrooms grow in the woods here.

The average duration of autumn is 180 days in the south of the country and from 100 to 140 days in Lapland. The first snow in the north falls already in September, in the rest of the country in October. The days start getting shorter again and the nights darker.

When is the best time to go to Finland?

From December to mid-January, Finland has an idyllic festive time. Everything around is on fire. But at the same time, a very short day drastically limits your opportunities and choice of what to do.

There is still snow from February to March, but it gets much warmer and the days lengthen. You are most likely to see the Northern Lights around the equinox (March 21). March is generally one of the best months to visit Finland.

In spring, the weather is very different in the north and south of the country. In the north, in April, there is still snow, and in the south, snowdrops are in full bloom. On May 1, the whole country celebrates the Vappu holiday, welcoming the long-awaited summer and the approaching June solstice.

In June and July it is better not to go to Finland without a bag of repellents. It seems to you that there are more mosquitoes in hot countries, but no. Entire packs of these little critters are out for your blood in northern Finland!

July is the most popular month for tourists. The prices are higher best hotels dismantled. Therefore, if you are going to go to Finland in July - book in advance! By August, there are fewer tourists.

In September and October it is worth coming only because of the golden autumn and beautiful nature. Prices are also lower during this time. But most of the rides have already closed, the summer heat is gone, the snow has not yet fallen. In September, you can already see the Northern Lights, if you do not interfere with the clouds.

Snow falls again in November, the pristine snowy plains glisten in the sun, which is very scarce. But the lights of Aurora shine in the dark with a multi-colored blanket, dog teams, snowmobiles and, of course, hot hours in saunas scurry here and there.

What clothes to take with you?

Winter: warm winter clothes, preferably thermal underwear, fleece clothing, a hat, gloves and warm boots with fur.

In summer, take clothes as in warm spring and autumn, i.e. T-shirt, long pants / skirts with tights, a sweater or jacket with you. Plus a raincoat and an umbrella.

According to the classification of climates by W. Köppen Finland refers to the zone of snows and forests with wet and cold winters, where the average temperature of the coldest month is from -4 to Åland Islands up to -14 in Northern Lapland and the warmest month of July in the south of the country is 17 - 18 degrees, in the center 16 degrees, and in the north 14 - 15.

The combination of cold winters and warm summers is a distinctive feature of the Finnish climate. The average annual temperature in Helsinki is plus 5.3 degrees.

IN Northern Finland the maximum temperature during the day can sometimes reach +30 degrees. IN winter time, especially in January and February, the temperature often drops to -20. The amount of precipitation is 400-700 mm per year.

In the very north of the country, Arctic Circle, during " white nights"The sun does not set below the horizon for 73 days.

And in winter polar night(in Finnish "kaamos") lasts 51 days here. Although Finland located in the north of Europe, the climate due to the influence Baltic Sea not very harsh.

July average temperature in the south of the country about 16 ° C. February average temperature- about -9 ° C. Snow lies for about 4 months a year in the south of the country and about 7 months - in the north.

Snow cover in the south it lasts four to five months, and in Lapland - more than seven. Accordingly, in the south, the snow melts already in early April, and in the north - only in the second half of May.

Total rainfall in the southern regions of Finland it reaches 600-700 mm per year, and beyond the Arctic Circle - 400-450 mm. The country's west coast generally receives less rainfall than the inland lake regions.

Wettest month August, but in the south-west one more precipitation maximum is expressed in early autumn, and in the north - in early summer. The least amount of precipitation falls in spring.

Almost three quarters of the territory Finland covered with forests, mostly coniferous. There are about 1200 tree and fern species and about 1000 lichen species in Finland.

Among the representatives mammals- bears, wolves, lynxes and polar foxes. Among the birds - wild geese, swans, tundra partridges, snow bunting, golden plovers. Salmon, trout, pike, perch are found in rivers and lakes. In coastal sea ​​waters- herring, cod, sea bass.

IN Finland forage grasses, vegetables and potatoes are grown even in the far north of the country, but yields are highly dependent on the length of the growing season and on frosts, which often occur in June and August.

Particularly susceptible frost northern and eastern regions. In a normal summer, moisture is sufficient for all crops, since the low amount of precipitation in the North is compensated by less evaporation and large reserves of moisture in the soil.

However, there are crop losses from lack of moisture, especially in spring and early summer, in the western coastal regions. Excessive moisture also causes great damage.

IN Finland carry out various meteorological observations and measurements at approximately five hundred meteorological stations.

At most stations, readings are taken two or three times a day, and at thirty synoptic stations, regularly every three hours; at aeronautical meteorological stations existing at the most important airfields - even more often.

On meteorological stations receive information on all the most important elements of the weather - precipitation, temperature, Atmosphere pressure, humidity and winds.

For getting weather forecasts At three points in the country, radio sounding of the atmosphere is regularly carried out in order to fix temperature, pressure, humidity and winds at different heights.

The climate in Finland is much colder than in many other countries. However, the weather varies significantly depending on the season. Finland has a lot of nature, and you can spend time in nature in any season. On the InfoFinland website, in the Nature walks section, you will find information on how to spend time in nature in different times of the year.


Winter in Finland is cold and snowy. The ground is usually covered in snow throughout the winter. The air temperature is often below zero degrees Celsius. Daytime air temperature can be, for example, -10 degrees Celsius, and sometimes even -20 degrees. In Northern Finland, frosts can even reach -30 degrees. When the ground is covered with snow and ice, then it is also slippery.

In winter, it is important to dress warmly. This means that it is good to wear at least a warm jacket, wool sweater, hat, gloves, scarf and warm winter shoes. In cold weather, it is recommended to wear several layers of clothing.

Winter in Finland is often dark because the sun only rises in the late morning and sets in the early evening. Northern Finland is darker than Southern Finland. In the very North of Finland, the sun does not rise at all for several weeks in winter.

The winter months are December, January and February. November and March can also be cold and snowy. The snow usually melts in March or April.

Winter clothes Finnish


Spring in Finland begins in the southern part of the country at the end of March and in the northern part at the end of April. In spring it is often still cool, but already warmer than in winter. During the spring, nature changes greatly: snow and ice melt, leaves appear on the trees, vegetation comes to life.


In the summertime in Southern Finland the average air temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius, in the northern part of the country about 15 degrees. The summer months in Finland are June, July and August. The warmest month is July, when the air temperature often exceeds 20 degrees.

Summer in Finland is bright even in the evenings and at night, because the sun sets late at night and rises very early. In Northern Finland it is lighter in summer than in Southern Finland. July is the brightest month. At this time in Finland, Midsummer's Day (Juhannus) is celebrated: a celebration of the midnight sun and the summer solstice. In the very north of Finland, at the beginning of summer, the sun does not set at all.


Autumn usually begins in late August or early September. In Finland, September and October are golden autumn times. Many leaves of plants and trees change their color from green to yellow, orange and red. During this period, nature is especially magnificent and colorful.

In autumn it is cool outside, the weather is usually rainy and windy. It is also dark in autumn because the sun sets earlier than in summer. The first snow usually falls in October or November.

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