Deputy Chief of Staff (territorial divisions of the State Service for Special Communications) Job description. General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

in the GRU new boss- General Igor Korobov (biography raises many questions)

Lieutenant General Igor Korobov has been appointed head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.This was reported in the Russian Defense Ministry.

“The corresponding decision has been made, Igor Korobov has been appointed head of the GRU,”- explained the representative of the Ministry of Defense.

“On Monday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presented General Korobov with the personal standard of the head of the GRU. General Korobov is presented to the generals and officers of the headquarters military intelligence. The ceremony took place at the headquarters of Glaucus. Korobov will take over his new office on Friday,” the source said.

According to information from the military department, the GRU seriously feared that a security official from other structures (for example, from Federal Service protection or the Foreign Intelligence Service), who had not previously encountered the peculiarities of working in military intelligence.

The Main Intelligence Directorate - the GRU - is one of the most closed power units: the structure, strength, and biographies of top-level officers are a state secret.

GRU - foreign intelligence agency of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, the central body for managing military intelligence in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Is executive body and the military command and control body of other military organizations (the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).It is headed by the chief of the GRU, who reports to the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The GRU and its structures are engaged in intelligence in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including undercover, space, electronic, etc.

November 21, 2018 after prolonged illness Chief of the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Igor Korobov has died. appointed to fulfill his duties

According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Russian military intelligence system under the command of Colonel General Igor Sergun worked very effectively. She "timely revealed new challenges and threats to the security of the Russian Federation." Military intelligence participated in the planning and implementation of the operation to annex Crimea to Russia in February-March 2014.

Since the summer of 2015, the GRU, together with the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff, has been planning a Russian air operation in Syria.

In November 2015, the head of the GRU, Colonel-General Igor Sergun, made a confidential visit to Damascus. The GRU prepared an open report at the autumn 2015 Moscow international conference, which analyzes the goals and recruiting activity of the "Islamic State" in the Central Asian region and the republics of the Ural-Volga region and the North Caucasus.

Sergei Shoigu presents a personal standard to Lieutenant General Igor Korobov, Chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. Photo: Twitter Ministry of Defense of Russia

The GRU, according to foreign sources, uses high-tech methods of data search and analysis to collect information. Thus, in January 2016, the German magazine Spiegel claimed that hacker attack to the Bundestag in 2015 was initiated by Russian military intelligence. Similar actions of hackers took place in some other NATO countries.

Bloomberg points out that GRU officers are using cyberspace camouflage that the US National Security Agency is unable to reveal.Moreover, the level of competence of the GRU specialists is so high that their presence can be detected only if they themselves want it ...

For a long time, the headquarters of the GRU was located in Moscow in the Khodynka field area, Khoroshevskoye shosse, 76.After the construction of a new headquarters complex, which consists of several structures with an area of ​​​​more than 70 thousand m² with the so-called situational center and command post, the headquarters of the GRU was moved to the street. Grizodubova in Moscow, 100 meters from the old complex known as the Aquarium.

Colonel General Igor Sergun, who previously headed the GRU, died suddenly on January 3, 2016 in the Moscow region due to acute heart failure at the age of 58.

As Ivan Safronov wrote earlier in the article “Intelligence Among Our Own”, posted on the portal of the Kommersant publishing house, competent persons first of all named one of his deputies instead of the deceased Igor Sergun .

Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to Sergun's family and friends, calling him a man of great courage. Expressing condolences to the general's family and colleagues, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that it was under his leadership that "the Russian military intelligence system received its further development functioned with due efficiency, timely revealed new challenges and threats to the security of the Russian Federation.

Note that General Sergun headed the GRU immediately after the reforms of Alexander Shlyakhturov. The reform provided for a reduction in the number of special forces brigades, as well as the transfer of part of the units to the military districts. According to the officer of the General Staff, after the appointment of Sergei Shoigu as head of the military department, Igor Sergun carried out a structural reorganization of the GRU, rolling back some of the changes of his former chief.Already in February-March 2014, the special service played one of the main roles in the operation to annex Crimea to Russia.

Sources close to the General Staff note that the new chief of military intelligence will lead an extremely effective and balanced command, the creation of which is "the merit of Igor Dmitrievich Sergun." At the head of the GRU Sergun in last years there were at least four deputies, of whom little is known.

General Vyacheslav Kondrashov

in 2011 he was already deputy head of the GRU Alexander Shlyakhturov, in May of the same year he presented a report at the Academy of the General Staff on performance characteristics ballistic missiles, which are in service in the countries of the Near and Middle East (including Iran and North Korea).

General Sergey Gizunov

before his appointment to the central apparatus of the GRU, he headed the 85th main center special service, and following the results of 2009 became the laureate of the RF government award in the field of science and technology.

Igor Lelin

in May 2000, with the rank of colonel, he was the military attaché of the Russian Federation in Estonia (he is mentioned in the report of a local publication dedicated to the laying of flowers at the memorial to the liberator soldiers on Tõnismägi Square), by 2013 he received the rank of major general and worked as deputy head of the main department personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. In 2014 he was transferred to the GRU.

Igor Sergun's fourth deputy was General Igor Korobov. There is no mention of his participation in any public events, the biography of Igor Korobov is a secret “with seven seals”, but it was he who was called “a serious person” in the media and considered the most likely candidate for the vacant post.

What is reliably known about the new head of the GRU?

What details of the biography of Igor Korobov are still known?

He was awarded the orders - "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of Courage, the Order "For Military Merit", the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" 3rd degree and the medal "For Courage".

It is difficult to build a detailed biography, but key points can be outlined. Skip school years. It is known that Igor Korobov graduated with honors from the flight department of the Stavropol Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots and Navigators air defense(1973-1977) Received the rank of lieutenant. For service, he arrived by assignment to the 518th Fighter Aviation Berlin Order of Suvorov Regiment (Talagi airfield, Arkhangelsk) of the 10th separate Red Banner Air Defense Army.

The young pilots who arrived in the regiment from the Stavropol school - lieutenants Faezov, Anokhin, Korobov, Patrikeev, Zaporozhtsev, Syrovatkin, Tkachenko, Fatkulin and Tyurin - were retrained for new equipment in the third squadron of the regiment during the first year. After that, they were assigned to the first and second squadrons. Lieutenant Korobov got into the second.

Tu-128 long-range loitering interceptors (a total of five regiments in the USSR air defense fighter aviation were equipped with them) covered the areas of Novaya Zemlya, Norilsk, Khatanga, Tiksi, Yakutsk, etc. In those directions, in a single radar field, there were “gaps” and there were very few alternate airfields, which made the “carcass” the only effective tool covering the air borders of the country.

The second squadron of the 518th Aviation Berlin Order of the Suvorov Regiment. The squadron commander and his deputy are sitting. On the far right is Senior Lieutenant Igor Korobov (between the pilots - "Korobok"). Talagi airfield, Arkhangelsk, late 1970s.

In 1980, a personnel officer from the central apparatus of the GRU came to the regiment, began to study personal files, selected two graduates of the 1977 SVVAULSH of the year - Viktor Anokhin and Igor Korobov. At the interview, Viktor Anokhin refused the offer to change the profile of work. Igor Korobov agreed.

In 1981, Igor Korobov entered the Military Diplomatic Academy with a specialization in military intelligence.

Then - in various positions in the GRU, he was the first deputy head of the Main Directorate, in charge of strategic intelligence - he was in charge of all the foreign residencies of the department.

In February 2016, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Chief of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Apparently, the Ministry of Defense was inclined towards the option that would allow maintaining continuity in the work of the special services, which General Sergun has been building in recent years.

Sources in the military department told Kommersant that the new head of the GRU will be an active intelligence officer, and not a native of other power structures. According to them, the candidacies of several deputies of Igor Sergun, who died suddenly on January 3 in the Moscow region due to acute heart failure, were considered on a priority basis.

According to Kommersant's information, the GRU feared that a security official from other structures (for example, from the Federal Security Service or the Foreign Intelligence Service), who had not previously encountered the peculiarities of the work of military intelligence, could be appointed as a new head.

The General Staff and the Ministry of Defense considered that continuity was necessary for the stable operation of the department.

The new headquarters of the Main Intelligence Directorate outside and inside

Currently, the GRU is actively involved in planning the Russian air operation in Syria, and also provides data from space, electronic and undercover intelligence to the top military-political leadership of the country.

Given the importance of this work, it can be assumed that the new head of the GRU enjoys the full confidence of the Russian leadership.

GRU structure

It is difficult to judge the current structure of the GRU, but, judging by open sources, the GRU includes 12-14 main directorates and about ten auxiliary directorates. Let's call the main ones.

The first Office includes the countries of the European Commonwealth (except the UK).

Second Directorate - countries of North and South America, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

The Third Directorate is the countries of Asia.

The Fourth Directorate is the countries of Africa.

The Fifth Directorate is responsible for operational intelligence.

Sixth - electronic intelligence.

The Seventh Directorate works for NATO.

Eighth Directorate - sabotage (SpN).

The Ninth Directorate deals with military technology.

Tenth - the military economy.

Eleventh - strategic doctrines and weapons.

The twelfth is the provision of information wars.

In addition, there are auxiliary departments and departments, including the department of space intelligence, the department of personnel, the operational and technical department, the administrative and technical department, the department external relations, archival department and information service.

General military training officers of the GRU is carried out at the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School. Specialties:

“use of military intelligence units”

“use of special intelligence units” .

Special training for GRU officers is at the Military Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Faculties:

strategic undercover intelligence,

agent-operational intelligence,

operational-tactical intelligence .

The structure of the GRU also includes research institutes, including the well-known 6th and 18th Central Research Institutes in Moscow.

2018-11-22T21:22:11+05:00 Alex Zarubin Analysis - forecast Defense of the Fatherland Figures and faces army, biography, military operations, GRU, intelligence, RussiaThe GRU has a new chief - General Igor Korobov (biography raises many questions) Lieutenant-General Igor Korobov has been appointed head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. This was reported in the Russian Defense Ministry. “The corresponding decision has been made, Igor Korobov has been appointed head of the GRU,” the representative of the Ministry of Defense explained. “On Monday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presented General Korobov with a personal...Alex Zarubin Alex Zarubin [email protected] Author In the middle of Russia

General base(General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) - a unit commanding the troops of the Russian Federation. He also plans actions to protect the country from external invasion, establishes a hierarchy of military units and performs other duties that are provided for this body by the Council of the Ministry of Defense.

The General Staff of the RF Armed Forces is federal body and reports directly to the Department of Defense. main task units are considered to be the protection of the borders of the state and intelligence activities.

The history of the creation and reforms of the headquarters

The Ministry of Defense emerged a year after the collapse of the USSR. It used the standards and part of the resources of the USSR Ministry of Defense. By decree of the Ministry, the General Staff was formed. However, the day of the formation of the modern General Staff is not marked as a holiday.

The official holiday of the employees of the General Staff is associated with an event from a long history, when Catherine II founded the first General Staff in Russia on January 14 (old style), 1763. By order of the Minister of Defense dated January 30, 2002, this day is celebrated on January 25 every year.

In 2004, a reform was carried out within the ministry, as a result of which functions (administrative, economic) that did not correspond to its tasks were removed from the General Staff.

The military conflict with Georgia in 2008 accelerated the reform of the Russian Armed Forces, its goal was to optimize management. As part of the reform, two basic sets of tasks within the ministry were identified:

  1. Planning for the use and construction of aircraft.
  2. Economic and strategic calculations for the provision of military units.

A clear delineation of the administrative responsibility of the parts of the General Staff was carried out:

  1. Training activity, training of fighters is the lot of the main command of the troops.
  2. Operational work is the prerogative of the General Staff and the unified strategic commands.

The reform made it possible to save the General Staff from side functions that were performed by other bodies. The General Staff became an exclusively strategic body aimed at solving military problems. A prime example such a task is .

The Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces acts as Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Defense. Since 2012, Gerasimov V.V. This is the eighth chief since the formation of the modern General Staff. The NHS has a deputy, appointed in 2014 - Bogdanovsky N.V.

Structure and tasks

After the reform, the headquarters had 12 tasks left. The range of functions specified as a result of the reforms can be briefly formulated as follows:

  • aircraft use planning;
  • organizing the training of military forces;
  • managing the creation of units;
  • ensuring regular viewing and training campaigns;
  • mobilization of troops;
  • analysis of the situation in emergency departments of the army, ensuring security in these units;
  • intelligence activities;
  • ensuring communications between different types of troops;
  • coordination of the use of radio communications;
  • creation of radio and electronic obstacles in a situation of active hostilities;
  • training of personnel with the function of protecting state secrets;
  • conducting scientific research with a military orientation (creation of scientific research institutes and financing of military scientific projects).

All functions lie in 14 departments, which include centers, administrations and services. There are four main departments:

  • Main operational;
  • 2 Main;
  • The main thing on mobilization;
  • Communication main.

There are also lower departments with practical tasks:

  • department of opposition to electronic communications;
  • military topography;
  • eighth division;
  • operational and preparatory;
  • construction and development of UAVs.

The Eighth Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a unit for collecting information for the Ministry of Defense necessary to solve the current tasks of the control of the country's Armed Forces.

Interestingly, the 8th Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has its own insignia "For Merit", which is awarded to the personnel of this unit for reasonable initiative, diligence and excellent service. Persons involved who have assisted the work of the administration are also awarded, these may be military figures of other structures or civilians.

The headquarters system also includes a research center, the National Defense Center, an operational (special) unit, a personal archive, an automobile and motorcycle base.

GOU, tasks and command

The Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces is planning operations different levels. In 2013 V.V. Putin approved the system of defense of our state, including a complete set of papers on the defense of the Russian Federation. The GOU was given the task of developing documentation support for the defensive program, ensuring the organization of units and the mobilization of troops in the event of a military threat.

Other tasks of the GOU:

  • search for military risk factors for the state (including the collection and analysis of intelligence information);
  • military construction planning;
  • development of strategic and operational plans for the use of the armed forces;
  • management of operational departments at any time (military and peaceful);
  • ensuring communications between the army and federal bodies;
  • anti-terrorist activities, including monitoring and support;
  • examination preparatory activities RF;
  • ensuring international military cooperation
  • initiatives under the State Armament Program (military development of weapons and equipment).

After the collapse of the USSR, nine heads of department were replaced. The current head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation S.F. Rudskoy has been in office since February 2017.

VAGSH of the Russian military forces

The structure of the General Staff includes the Military Academy. This educational institution designed for personnel training and retraining of officers. VAGSh trains specialists to provide protective military units. Academy graduates get places in the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, intelligence, secret units.

Army vertical of power

The army is an organization with a strictly regulated control system. All military personnel of all military units and institutions, regardless of any local conditions, desires or opinions of higher leaders, have precisely and strictly defined duties and job titles in the relevant legislative documents (charters, manuals). Moreover, all this was established by the Minister of Defense, and not a single subordinate chief has the right to change anything here.

In the same documents, it is precisely defined - to whom and to what extent this official is subordinate, and who and to what extent is subordinate to him; what rights this or that chief is endowed with respect to subordinates.

In the language of modern "democratic" Russia, the army has a well-ordered vertical of power.

Power in the army is impersonal; there cannot be such a situation in the army when, due to the absence of one or another official(vacation, illness, business trip, etc.) this range of duties is not performed by anyone or is postponed until the employee returns, and no one is responsible for the state of affairs in this area of ​​work.
For the majority of leadership positions, there are deputies who automatically take the place of their boss in his absence, even for a short time, bearing full responsibility and using the full power of their boss.
For those positions for which there is no full-time deputy, the charter provides that the performance of duties in the absence of the chief is assigned automatically to his closest subordinate, and so on down the chain.

Figuratively speaking, even when only one soldier and one corporal survive from the entire regiment, the latter is considered the commander of the regiment with all his rights and duties in relation to a single soldier.

It is impossible to describe the entire vertical of power in the army within the framework of one article or even a whole series of articles due to the complexity and diversity of the army structure.

In this article, the army vertical of power is described at the level of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment. Approximately the same vertical exists on more high levels(division, corps, army, front), of course, with its own characteristics, due to a wider range of tasks solved by a division, corps, army, front than by a regiment.

This scheme was drawn up on the basis of the Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the states of motorized rifle (tank) regiments. It is somewhat simplified and brought only to the level of battalions and companies. But in this way it is easier for a person who did not serve in the army or served as a soldier to understand the system of subordination.

The division of the scheme into levels is purely conditional, introduced by the author to facilitate understanding of its essence. The location of the rectangles (positions) within each level is not in the same horizontal line, but in steps, not done by chance. It reflects the degree of importance of this official in his level.

The level itself indicates the staff ranks of the positions at that level. Level 0 is colonel, levels 1,2 and 3 are lieutenant colonels, level 4 majors, level 5 captains, level 6 senior lieutenants and lieutenants, levels below are ensigns, sergeants and soldiers.

The author, for obvious reasons, was forced to give the names of the positions in the scheme in abbreviated form. Here is the decryption:
* head of air defense - head of the regiment's air defense;
* early artillery - chief of artillery of the regiment;
* ZKT - deputy regiment commander for logistics;
* deputy commander - first deputy regiment commander;
* chief of staff - chief of staff of the regiment;
* ZKHR - deputy regiment commander for political affairs;
* ZKV - deputy commander of the regiment for armaments;
* com ZADN - commander of the anti-aircraft missile division;
* com ADN - commander of the artillery battalion;
* Kom MSB - commanders of motorized rifle battalions;
*kom TB - commanders of tank battalions;
* NIS - head of the engineering service of the regiment;
* NHS - head of the chemical service of the regiment;
* NMS - head of the medical service of the regiment;

* partor - secretary of the regimental committee communist party;
* prop - propagandist of the regiment;
*НР - head of intelligence of the regiment;
* NS - chief of communications of the regiment;
*Dir - conductor of the regimental orchestra;
*ZNSh - deputy chief of staff of the regiment;
* PNSh - assistant chief of staff of the regiment;
*NFPiS - head of physical training and sports of the regiment;
* US - head of the automotive service of the regiment;
* NRAV - head of the regiment's rocket and artillery weapons service;
* NBTS - head of the armored service of the regiment;
* ZKB - deputy battalion commander;
* ZKD - deputy division commander;
*NShB - chief of staff of the battalion;
*NShD - chief of staff of the division;
* ZKBT - deputy battalion commander for logistics;
* ZKDT - deputy commander of the rear division;
* ZKBV - deputy battalion commander for armaments;
*ZKDV - deputy division commander for armaments;
* ZKBHR - deputy battalion commander for political affairs;
* ZKDPHR - deputy division commander for political affairs;
* KRMO - commander of a material support company;
* NGSM - head of the regiment's fuel and lubricants supply service;
* NPFS - head of the food and feed supply service of the regiment;
* NVS - head of the clothing supply service of the regiment;
* NKES - head of the housing and maintenance service of the regiment;
* NFS - head of the financial service of the regiment;
* com bat - battery commander;
* com mouth - company commander;
* NMP - head of the regimental medical center;
*NKLB - head of the regimental club;
* KRR - commander of a reconnaissance company;
*KRS - communications company commander;
* KISR - commander of an engineering company;
* Komsomol organizer - secretary of the regimental organization of the communist youth union (VLKSM);
* KREMR - commander of a repair company;
* KVHZ - commander of a chemical protection platoon.

By the way - pay attention to the place in this hierarchy of the chief of intelligence of the regiment. If the chief of engineering, chemical, financial, medical services and even the conductor of the orchestra are directly subordinate to the regiment commander, then the chief of intelligence is only to the chief of staff of the regiment, i.e. his official position is lower than these chiefs. Even a propagandist and party organizer are of greater importance than a scout.
Exactly the same position was occupied by scouts in the structure of a division, corps, army, district (front). This is me as an illustration to the book by V. Suvorov "Aquarium".

It should also be noted that this diagram shows only a straight line of military power. In addition to it, there are auxiliary, additional verticals.

For example, the regimental commander is the body of inquiry, i.e. he has the right to initiate criminal proceedings against all personnel of the regiment, to conduct an investigation and to refer criminal cases to a military tribunal. For the direct performance of the tasks of the investigation, the regiment has five positions of military interrogators and one position of a senior military interrogator. However, the duties of military interrogators are assigned by the regimental commander to six senior officers (from a major and above) of the regiment. Those. these officers perform two positions - their own in the state and additionally as a military interrogator. These interrogating officers report to the senior interrogating officer, and he, in turn, directly to the regiment commander, regardless of his state subordination. For example, the chief of staff of the artillery battalion was appointed senior military interrogator, and the head of the regiment's air defense was appointed one of the interrogators. According to this legal line, the air defense chief of the regiment is subordinate to the chief of staff of the artillery battalion, and he is directly subordinate to the regiment commander.

Second example. The positions of secretaries of party organizations in battalion party organizations, company party organizations are also additional positions performed by officers or ensigns in parallel with their main ones. On this party line, they all report to the secretary of the regiment's party organization.

Third example. Each company has a medical instructor, the battalion, division has a medical center. These servicemen are subordinate respectively to the commanders of their companies, the commanders of their battalions. But on medical issues, they, in addition, report to the head of the medical service of the regiment.

Fourth example. The battalion commander in his official position is higher than the head of the chemical service of the regiment, but on issues of chemical property, training personnel in defense against weapons mass destruction, according to the measures of this protection, the instructions of the head of the chem. regiment for the battalion commander are required.

Fifth example. The commander of one of the tank companies has an additional position of chairman of the financial and auditing commission. Although the head of the financial service of the regiment, in his official position, is higher than the company commander, however, in the field of checking the finances of the regiment, he is subordinate to this company commander.

Sixth example. All military personnel of the regiment, including deputy commanders of the regiment, are obliged to follow the orders of the head of physical training and sports of the regiment in the field of their personal physical training and their subordinates. Figuratively speaking, at the stadium, sports ground, the captain can also order the lieutenant colonel.

There are still quite a few such additional verticals of power in the regiment. It is impossible to list them within the framework of this article.

Sources and literature.

1. The staff of the motorized rifle regiment No. 12 / ХХХХ.
2. The staff of the tank regiment No. 12 / ХХХХ - A
3. Charter of the Internal Service of the USSR Armed Forces (Approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of July 30, 1975). Military publishing house. Moscow. 1975
4.B. Suvorov. Aquarium. AST. Moscow. 1995
5.Combat Charter Ground Forces USSR Armed Forces (division-brigade-regiment). Military publishing. Moscow. 1980

Valery Gerasimov was born on September 8, 1955 in the city of Kazan, Tatarstan. Grew up in a family of workers. Graduated from Kazan Suvorov military school with honors, Kazan Higher Tank Command School named after the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic with a gold medal, Marshal Military Academy of Armored Forces Soviet Union R.Ya.Malinovsky with honors, Military Academy of the General Staff Armed Forces RF.

He served as a platoon commander, company commander, chief of staff, battalion in the 80th Tank Regiment of the 90th Guards tank division. Northern Group of Forces in Poland, chief of staff of a battalion in the Far Eastern Military District, chief of staff - deputy commander of a tank regiment, commander of a tank regiment, chief of staff - deputy commander and commander of a guards motorized rifle division in the Baltic Military District and the North-Western Group of Forces. In August 1994, he led the withdrawal of the division to the Moscow Military District. Since 1995 - studying at the academy.

From 1997 he served as 1st Deputy Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army in the Moscow Military District, Deputy Commander, from February 1998 Chief of Staff, and from February 2001 Commander of the 58th Combined Arms Army in the North Caucasus Military District. He served as chief of staff of the Far Eastern Military District from March 2003, from April 2005 - head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training and Service of the Armed Forces. In December 2006, he assumed the post of Chief of Staff of the North Caucasus Military District.

After the resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov from the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on November 9, 2012 new minister Defense S. K. Shoigu presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin the candidacy of Valery Gerasimov for the post of Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, on November 9, he was appointed by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the post of Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since November 13, 2012, he has been a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. During the absence of Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, General of the Army Valery Gerasimov is the Acting Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In January 2013, he spoke to the general meeting of the Academy of Military Sciences with a report on the topic "The main trends in the development of forms and methods of using the Armed Forces, the urgent tasks of military science to improve them"

Army General Valery Gerasimov is Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on State Prize named after Marshal G.K. Zhukov.

The organizer of the Russian military operation in Syria, launched in September 2015. For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, in May 2016, by a closed decree of the President of Russia, Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov was awarded the highest state award-Hero of the Russian Federation.

Military ranks of Valery Gerasimov

Lieutenant (1977)
Senior Lieutenant (1979)
Captain (1981)
Major (1984)
Lieutenant Colonel (1987)
Colonel (1992)
Guard Major General (August 1994)
lieutenant general (February 2002).
colonel general (February 22, 2005).
army general (February 20, 2013)

Awards Valery Gerasimov

USSR and Russia
Hero of the Russian Federation (2016)
Order of St. George III degree (2017)
Order of St. George IV degree
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree with swords (2014)
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree with swords
Order of Military Merit
Order of Honor
Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree
Medal "For Military Merit"
Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
Medal "60 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
Medal "70 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
Medal "For Combat Distinction"
Medal "For military valor" 1st class
Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"
Medal "200 years of the Ministry of Defense"
Medal "For Distinction in military service» 1st degree
Medal "For Impeccable Service" 2nd class
Medal "For Impeccable Service" 3rd class
Medal "For participation in the military parade on Victory Day"
Medal "For the Return of Crimea"
Medal "For strengthening the state system of information protection" 1st degree
Medal "For merit in providing national security»
Medal "For Commonwealth in the Name of Salvation"
Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation (2009)
Foreign awards
Order of Friendship of Peoples (Republic of Belarus, 2010)
Order of the Army of Nicaragua (Nicaragua, 2013)
Medal "For merits in the field of military cooperation" (Azerbaijan, 2014).
Medal "Marshal Baghramyan" (Armenian Armed Forces, 2015)
Public awards
Imperial Military Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

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