Suleiman Kerimov's son. Suleiman Kerimov - biography, information, personal life. Interest in high technology

Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov - a well-known Russian businessman, member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation from Dagestan, owner of the Russian football club "Anji".

Early years. Family

Suleiman Kerimov was born in Derbent, a Dagestan city with a long history located on the Caspian coast. He became the third and youngest child in the family.

His father, Abusaid Kerimovich, was a lawyer, served in the Dagestan Criminal Investigation Department, while his mother worked as an accountant in the Savings Bank. Suleiman graduated from an ordinary Soviet school, like his older brother and sister. According to teachers and classmates, Kerimov loved mathematics and, unlike many schoolchildren, not only studied well, but also devoted a lot of time and effort to sports. Suleiman developed speed of reaction, agility and speed in judo training, and strength and endurance in training with kettlebells. And these were not momentary hobbies - later, at the institute, Kerimov became a CCM in judo, and in the army he won the championship of the kettlebell lifting division.

Karimov graduated from school in 1983, having received a certificate with honors. Success in exact sciences helped him successfully pass the exams at the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute and enter the Faculty of Civil Engineering. In those years, full-time students did not have a deferment from the army, so in 1984 Suleiman went to serve in troops of the Strategic Missile Forces. The decisiveness and responsibility of Kerimov were repeatedly noted by the commanders, and he successfully completed his service in 1986 with the rank of senior sergeant.

Upon returning from military service, Suleiman transferred from the Polytechnic University to the Dagestan State University, changing the Faculty of Civil Engineering to Economics. Classmates spoke of him as an intelligent, charming and responsible person. Responsibility and ability to mutual language Kerimov also developed in public work, in particular, as deputy chairman of the university trade union committee.

Career and first capital

After graduating from the university, Suleiman Kerimov was hired as an economist at the Eltav plant in Makhachkala, one of the largest in Dagestan. For six years, Kerimov's career went uphill: from an ordinary economist, he went all the way to an assistant to the general director.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Eltav plant became one of the co-founders of the Federal Industrial Bank. The bank was necessary for the interaction of production with related enterprises and consumers who were in different countries. Kerimov began to represent the interests of the plant in the bank, eventually moving to the capital completely.

That time, as well as the people who then earned the first capital, can be evaluated in different ways. But regardless of personal preferences and political convictions, everyone who knew Suleiman Kerimov at that time noted his attention to detail, lightning-fast reaction and ability to make non-trivial decisions.

Nafta Moscow

By 1999, Kerimov had acquired and increased to 100% his stake in Nafta Moskva, a Russian oil trader. From that moment, the process of reorganizing the company into a full-fledged investment holding began.

According to some counterparties, Suleiman Abusaidovich conducted his business rather harshly. But in business, as in politics, players are judged by a single criterion - by the result. And with this, Kerimov had no problems. In the shortest possible time, his company Nafta Moskva broke into the top three leaders in the mergers and acquisitions market, taking pride of place on a par with Oleg Deripaska's Rusal and Roman Abramovich's Millhouse, with whom he later began to cooperate. Such a neighborhood shows an undeniable result, and only profitability indicators can be more objective. With them, Kerimov is also all right - for some transactions, the indicators reached 600%.

Kerimov understood that huge sums of money could be made in the oil and gas industry. During the period from 2002 to 2008, the interests of Nafta Moskva concerned the acquisition of shares in various domestic enterprises. Representatives and managers of these companies spoke of Kerimov as a tenacious person who always achieves his goal. At the same time, many noted his oriental charm and the pronounced charisma of a born leader.

Since 2006, the interests of Suleiman Kerimov's structures have been reoriented to Western markets and work with foreign securities. By analogy with the financial participation of Sberbank and VTB in domestic projects, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse were involved in cooperation abroad. At that time, when starting to buy shares of Western companies (including British Petroleum, Volvo, etc.), Kerimov personally got acquainted with the directors of leading investment banks and largest companies, in particular, with founder of Microsoft Bill Gates.

The global economic crisis of 2008, according to various experts, cost Kerimov $ 20 billion. Someone associates this with erroneous planning, someone with excessive excitement. But regardless of the attitude to what happened, everyone agrees that the huge losses did not unsettle Kerimov, in full accordance with the postulate of Nietzsche - "what does not kill us makes us stronger."

In Kerimov's portfolio different time shares of a variety of companies appeared, from monopolists such as Gazprom, Sberbank, Rosneft and Uralkali, to lesser known ones such as Varyoganneftegaz, Polymetal, Mostelecom, Mercado "and others.

Polyus Gold

Kerimov acquired shares in Polyus Gold, the largest gold producer in Russia, in 2009. By 2012, the company entered an IPO on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), and in 2015 Kerimov's structures consolidated the rights to 95% of the company's shares by buying back shares from minority shareholders. In April 2016, Kerimov introduced two older children to the board of Polyus Gold.

The role of Kerimov in Charity

In 2013, the businessman transferred all his assets to the management of the charitable foundation Suleyman Kerimov Foundation, which cooperated very closely with the largest Russian and international charitable organizations.

The Foundation has existed since 2007 and implements humanitarian, educational and cultural projects not only in Russia, but also in many other countries - Armenia, Belgium, China, Germany, Greece, Israel. The most impressive sums are invested in Dagestan.

Since 2006, Suleiman Kerimov has been contributing to the development of freestyle wrestling in Russia. His charitable foundation, together with the Russian Wrestling Federation and the Sports Support Fund " New Perspective”finances the national program for the development of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling “Fight and win”.

He has been the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation since its foundation in 2006. Also on the Board of Trustees educational center for gifted children "Sirius" in Sochi.


Since 2008, Kerimov has been representing the Republic of Dagestan in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation in the upper house of Parliament. Represents in SF Legislature state power Republic of Dagestan. Since September 2016, the businessman has been re-elected as a senator of the Federation Council from the Republic of Dagestan.

Prior to being elected as a representative to the Federation Council - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the IV convocation, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs.

Personal life

Suleiman Kerimov is married to student years and has three children: eldest daughter Gulnara (1990), middle son of Abusaid (1995) and youngest daughter Aminat (2003).

Suleiman Kerimov now

In 2016, the Forbes business publication estimated the fortune of Suleiman Kerimov at $1.6 billion. The entrepreneur is one of the richest businessmen in the Russian Federation.

Billionaire Kerimov Suleiman was born on March 12, 1966 in Dagestan, more precisely, in the city of Derbent. This year he turned 50 years old, but he is still energetic and young at heart. By Forbes versions, now his fortune is $ 1.6 billion. Of course, this is an impressive amount. However, until recently, he was the owner of a fortune in excess of 3 billion US dollars. What is the reason for such a catastrophic drop in the financial stability of the aligarh? Let's figure it out.


It is better to start the story with his biography. Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov comes from the small mountain village of Karakyure (Dagestan). The father of the future businessman worked in the criminal investigation department, and his mother worked as an accountant in Sberbank. Suleiman Kerimov is the most youngest child in family. He also has an older sister and brother. All close relatives of Kerimov are very respected people. So, his brother received the profession of a doctor, and his sister - a teacher of Russian language and literature.

In 1983, Kerimov graduated with a gold medal. high school and enters the construction department of the DPI (Dagestan Polytechnic Institute). After studying at the university for only one course, he leaves to serve in the missile forces strategic purpose. For two years Kerimov Suleiman received the rank of sergeant.

After serving, he continued his studies at DSU (Dagestan state university) at the Faculty of Economics. Even during his student days, Suleiman Kerimov tied the knot. His wife is his classmate named Firuza. Her father, who at that time was a major party functionary, helped his son-in-law get a job at the Eltav plant. At this enterprise, Kerimov worked for five years, rising to the rank of deputy CEO on economic issues. And he began his dizzying career with an ordinary employee. In 1993, Eltav, together with subcontractors, established the Federal Industrial Bank, which was registered in Moscow. Karimov was appointed as its representative. It was then that he settled in the capital.

Natural charm and business acumen allow him to expand the circle of his acquaintances. And after two years of his residence in Moscow, he receives a tempting and promising offer to become deputy general director of Soyuz-Finance. In April 1997, Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich received the post of researcher at the International Institute of Corporations. A couple of years later, he becomes vice president of this company. Having worked in this position for less than a year, the oligarch runs for deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In December 2003, Kerimov put forward his candidacy for the elections in the Buynaksk single-mandate constituency, but fails. The victory was won by his colleague Gadzhiev Magomed. After this failure, Kerimov's political activity in his homeland began to decline.

Two more years later in the funds mass media leaked the news that near Moscow it is planned to build a "city for millionaires." Kerimov Suleiman became the ideological inspirer of this large-scale project. Initially, he planned the construction of houses intended for the residence of thirty thousand millionaires and billionaires of Russia. But later, for some reason, the businessman abandoned his idea and sold the project to Mikhail Shishkhanov, who is the president of Binbank.

Karimov is invariably lucky. In December 2007, an extraordinary meeting of the Presidium of the People's Assembly of Dagestan was held, at which it was proposed to nominate a billionaire for the post of representative of the Republic of Dagestan in the Federation Council.

In September 2013, fortune shows Kerimov its tail. Luck turns away from the businessman. The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus reports that Kerimov has been charged with abuse of his official position. And already on September 2, 2013, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus submits an application to Interpol to declare an entrepreneur and public figure on the international wanted list.


Kerimov Suleiman almost always correctly calculates all the moves and risks, so he manages not only to profitably invest his own capital in some business, but also to increase it. Kerimov's largest asset was a controlling stake in Nafta Moskva. Having bought them in 1999, the businessman brought them up to one hundred percent in just a year.

Politics did not at all prevent the entrepreneur from quite successfully conducting business. own business. It is worth noting that she even strengthened his position. No wonder that Forbes placed Kerimov in 31st place among the richest people. The entrepreneur correctly calculated then that he could make a huge profit by buying up the shares of the largest enterprises in the country. Suleiman Kerimov is a billionaire and a great strategist. Until now, he profitably resold the acquired assets to his colleagues and friends. At the same time, the businessman established a good relationship with billionaires Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska. Many mutually beneficial transactions were carried out with them.

He also bought land. As mentioned earlier, he profitably resold own project for the construction of luxury real estate near Moscow. Somewhat later, the shares of Sberbank and Gazprom, large operators cable television and even a plant specializing in the production of sugar.

And in 2009, Kerimov bought up about 40% of the shares of Polyus Gold, a gold mining company. In 2015, the businessman already received 95 percent of the assets of this enterprise. This range is very impressive! However, this is not enough for an entrepreneur. He is very successful in investing his own money in foreign companies. The oligarch withdrew the main part of his capital from Russia long ago.


On political activity a businessman should dwell in more detail, because it is very bright and interesting. Kerimov was elected a deputy from the LDPR faction in the early 2000s, but in 2007 he suddenly left the party without explaining the reasons. Somewhat later, he was elected a senator of Dagestan.

At the very beginning of his political career, Kerimov was a member of the security committee, and later - the chairman of the committee on physical culture, sports and youth policy.


For all the time of his activity, the entrepreneur has acquired the right connections and contacts. Further, the article will focus on such people who played a role in the life of a billionaire.

  1. Elena Baturina, born in 1963, businesswoman, wife of Yuri Luzhkov ( former mayor Moscow). Suleiman once collaborated with her on various development projects, but then their relationship cracked.
  2. Roman Abramovich, entrepreneur, was born in 1966. In the early 2000s, he became an ally of Kerimov in obtaining Andreev's share in the business. And they keep in touch to this day.
  3. Oleg Deripaska, businessman, was born in 1968. He is the owner of the Basic Cooperative Group of Companies. They met back in the dashing 90s. In 2000, they became allies in the acquisition of a controlling stake in Nafta Moskva.
  4. Mikhail Gutseriev, born in 1958, businessman. We cooperated in the acquisition of Mosstroyekonombank.
  5. Sergei Matvienko, businessman, born in 1973, son of the chairman of the Federation Council. Kerimov had a number of development projects with him in St. Petersburg.
  6. Tina Kandelaki, journalist and TV presenter, born in 1975. For a while they had love story which led to her separation from her husband. In 2006, they got into a serious accident in Nice.
  7. Said Amirov, born in 1954, a member of a criminal group that sells drugs. Had some business with Kerimov.
  8. Nazim Khanbalaev, CEO of Dagagrokomplekt LLC, born in 1939, father-in-law.


Kerimov is the richest man in Russia. Over the past year, he has somewhat lost ground, losing $ 1.8 billion. Perhaps Suleiman Kerimov invested his fortune in some other profitable business. Now the businessman takes 45th place in the Forbes ranking.


Owned by an entrepreneur a large number of shares of the largest Russian enterprises. He owns the assets of Gazprom, Sberbank, Polyus Gold and many others.

In 2011, Kerimov indicated in tax return information that he owns: fifty percent of Nafta Moskva, registered in Cyprus, five percent of Altitude (in Bermuda) and twenty percent of Aniketa Investments Limited (Cyprus).

He has real estate in Dagestan and in Russia. The house of Suleiman Kerimov in his homeland looks very presentable.

Football club

Anji (football club) is another profitable acquisition of the richest man. In 2011, the athletes found a new boss. They became Kerimov. Anji began to look much more powerful under his leadership.

It was under him that the Makhachkala club acquired several famous football players, such as:

  • Zhirkov;
  • Prudnikov;
  • Jujak;
  • Carlos;
  • Ahmedov;
  • It's about.

Construction of two bases on the coast of the Caspian Sea is currently underway. In addition, the reconstruction of the Khazar stadium, which will accommodate about thirty thousand fans, is being actively carried out here. From now on, Kerimov, Anji are linked into one.


This is not the end of all the merits of the entrepreneur. Suleiman Kerimov is the head of a charitable foundation that finances a number of programs designed to support domestic sports. All these special projects have an individual focus, so assistance is distributed precisely to certain regions. Sports halls are being reconstructed, equipment and equipment are being purchased, funds are being allocated to support coaches and wrestlers.

Personal life and hobbies

Immediately after serving in the army, Kerimov tied the knot with Firuza Khanbalaeva. Has three children: daughters Gulnara and Aminat, as well as son Abusaid. Not so long ago, Suleiman Kerimov had fun at the wedding, his daughter was getting married.

Once in his youth, the businessman was passionate about kettlebell lifting and judo, and even won prizes in championships.

Suleiman Kerimov does not like to talk about himself and his loved ones. His family, despite their wealth, rarely appears at secular parties. Little is known about the businessman's wife and children. But there are rumors about the oligarch's passion for beautiful women. He is credited with an affair not only with Tina Kandelaki, but also with other stars. For example, the pop star of the nineties, Natalya Vetlitskaya, he presented with expensive diamonds. Other celebrities replenish this list: ballerina Volochkova, actress Sudzilovskaya, singer Zhanna Friske and even TV presenter and socialite Ksenia Sobchak.

by the most latest novel is a love affair with designer Ekaterina Gomiashvili. She even became pregnant by a billionaire, but he never recognized this child. Long list former passions of the oligarch allows us to judge that Kerimov simply collects secular beauties, and is not going to divorce his wife at all. It should be noted that oriental men rarely leave their spouse. This fully applies to our hero. Suleiman Kerimov, his wife Firuza is a strong couple.

Accident in Nice

In November 2006, the entrepreneur crashed his Ferrari car in France. Together with him in the car at that moment was the famous TV personality Tina Kandelaki. The oligarch's car suddenly drove off the road and crashed into a tree. A gas tank burst from a strong collision, burning fuel poured onto Kerimov. The fire immediately engulfed him in flames. The oligarch jumped out of the car and began to roll on the ground, trying to put out the flames. It did not work out in any way, teenagers who played baseball nearby came running to the rescue.

A terrible accident caused the formation of a multi-kilometer traffic jam on the road. The entrance to Nice was blocked for several hours. Since Suleiman Kerimov is the son of his steadfast ancestors, he steadfastly endured all the trials. The oligarch received severe burns, he had to urgently call a special helicopter, on which the oligarch was taken to the Marseille hospital. The billionaire injured in an accident was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus and put into a coma. It is interesting that the businessman's companion, who was traveling with him in a car, almost did not get hurt. The car was not subject to restoration and repair, so it had to be sent to a landfill. By the way, the car cost €675 thousand. Such an unpleasant story can happen to anyone. Suleiman Kerimov (his biography is replete with ups and downs) steadfastly withstood this test.

Ranks and positions. Briefly about the main

A businessman in 2007 becomes a representative of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

He was deputy chairman of the committee on physical culture and sports, youth policy and was a member of the State Duma.

Kerimov is currently the President of the Board of Trustees of the Wrestling Federation of the Russian Federation.

He received the most prestigious award from the international federation FILA - "Golden Order".

Scandals: Scramble for the Port

All the media wrote about the unspoken conflict between businessman Magomedov Ziyavudin and Kerimov. The cause of the conflict was the fight for the most valuable assets of the Republic of Dagestan. The oligarchs are again arguing and sharing the Makhachkala port, which is the hub of all the Caspian oil transportation routes. In 2013, Kerimov voluntarily surrendered his position as the main investor, thus secretly transferring the steering wheel to Magomedov. A year later, he regained his championship. The Kremlin advised the oligarch to invest in the modernization of the port, as well as the airport.

Many analysts attribute such an increased interest of Kerimov to the Makhachkala assets to the fact that he is striving to completely get rid of all his assets and direct his own forces to the development of the foreign market. Perhaps the billionaire will soon leave Russia altogether and settle abroad. Other analysts are inclined to believe that Kerimov will lose his huge money in the near future and become a millionaire. By the way, this version has the right to exist. IN Lately Kerimov has already lost his former grip and flair, he has become a businessman who owns an investment portfolio that is no longer so large.

The chill in relations with the Kremlin does not contribute to optimal work, so the oligarch, not seeing support from the state, is looking for a shoulder of help abroad. Perhaps the Russian government has not forgotten or forgiven him for the dubious story with Uralkali. After all, that situation spoiled the friendly relations of the Russian Federation with Belarus.

Not so long ago, Kerimov was forced to get rid of the gallery, as well as a stake in VTB Bank. Now he is negotiating the sale of assets to Polyus Gold. Perhaps he needed the money to acquire the notorious port in Makhachkala. The price of the issue may be $ 350 million.

The history of Uralkali: an excursion into the recent past

This scandal, which erupted several years ago, stirred up the political community of Belarus and Russia. In the summer of 2010, the oligarch, along with his allies, acquired more than fifty percent of the shares. This deal was valued at five billion dollars. For this purpose, Suleiman Kerimov (Dagestan) even took an impressive loan from VTB.

At that time, Uralkali, together with Belaruskali, sold their own products through a common sales company. In the summer of 2013, this mutual partnership agreement was terminated. The initiator of the gap was the Ural company. In addition, the company announced a reduction in prices for its products and an increase in production volumes. Of course, Belarusians could hardly like such behavior. Since then, the once friendly countries have had rather strained relations.


An interesting biography and an extraordinary personality of a billionaire attract the closest attention of the inhabitants to his person. Television, newspapers and magazines are full of a wide variety of information, sometimes even contradictory. Rumors, gossip, scandals associated with famous people are of interest to many. If you did not know what Kerimov is before, perhaps this article helped you understand this.

Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov is a Russian businessman and politician, a member of the Federation Council from the Republic of Dagestan, one of the richest people Russia.

Suleiman Kerimov is one of the richest citizens of Russia. By according to Forbes in 2017, he ranks 21st in the country in terms of wealth, and 226th in the world. He owns the largest oil production companies - Nafta Moskva and gold production - Polyus Gold. Founder of the Youth Support Fund, the development of medicine, culture and sports Suleyman Kerimov Foundation.

Karimov was born on the western shore of the Caspian Sea in Derbent, Lezgin by nationality. The parents of the future businessman were ordinary Soviet people: his father is a criminal investigation lawyer and his mother is an accountant at Sberbank. Suleiman had an older brother and sister, by profession a doctor and a teacher of the Russian language, respectively.


As a child, Karimov studied well and loved sports. He was considered the best student in his school. Suleiman showed particular interest in mathematics, which he studied in depth. He graduated from school with a gold medal, entered the Dagestan politechnical University to the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Suleiman managed to unlearn one course, and then received a summons to the army and went to serve in the missile forces. After demobilization, Kerimov recovered at the university, but not at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, but at the Faculty of Economics.

In the photo, young Suleiman Kerimov

In 1989 he graduated from the Dagestan Polytechnic University and began working as an economist at the plant. "Eltav" was in those days the best defense enterprise of the Union. For five years of work, Kerimov climbed career ladder to the CEO for Economic Affairs.


In 1993, Eltav sent Kerimov to Moscow to manage Fedprombank, which was created for the convenience of plant settlements with customers. While working in a bank, Suleiman lent money to several large companies in crisis, and made a number of useful contacts.

Kerimov's own business has taken off since 1999. His first asset - a controlling stake in Nafta Moskva - became 100% within a year. And to this day, the businessman continues to single-handedly manage this holding.

Since the early 2000s, Kerimov has been involved in politics. He becomes an MP State Duma from the LDPR faction. In 2007, the entrepreneur left the party without explaining the reasons, and continues his political career with United Russia. From the ruling party, Kerimov passes to the Council of Federations as a representative of his native region - the Republic of Dagestan. Suleiman worked in the upper house of parliament for two convocations.

Nafta Moskva, meanwhile, was buying up assets large enterprises with subsequent profitable resale. During this period, Karimov began cooperation with the largest Russian businessmen And . In the future, Kerimov made several successful deals with them.

Also in the early 00s, the beznesmen bought up land in the Moscow region for the construction of elite housing. The project was called Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye. But in 2006, Suleiman broke up with him, selling to Mikhail Shishkhanov.

Kerimov continued to accumulate assets: he got a part of the shares of Gazprom and Sberbank, a sugar factory and television networks in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
In 2008, the businessman enters the international market: he buys shares in Volvo, Boeing, Barclays, Deutsche Bank and several other large Western companies. However, this did not bring success. Soon the economic crisis began, which took away at least $ 20 billion from Suleiman, located abroad. The business was in danger, but with the help of new projects, Kerimov managed to "return to the game."
In 2009, he buys from 37% of the shares of Polyus Gold, the largest Russian gold miner (in 2016 it was renamed simply Polyus). By the end of 2015, Kerimov included his children on the Polyus board of directors and now has a consolidated 95% stake.

Now Suleiman Kerimov remains the owner of Nafta, whose assets, in addition to Polyus, also include shares in Rostelecom and the PIK group of construction companies.

In recent years, one of Kerimov's biggest investments has been a $200 million investment in the Snapchat messenger. It began to grow immediately after the public offering of shares, then the messenger abruptly lost ground, and its investors were the losers, including Kerimov.

Personal life

Suleiman Kerimov is married to a fellow student, the daughter of a nomenclature official named Firuza. She gave birth to a businessman of three children. Firuza never appears with her husband in public. Suleiman attends social events with other women. According to rumors, Kerimov had affairs with, and. According to unofficial sources, Kerimov is a generous suitor, he showers his chosen ones with diamonds and presents other expensive gifts, up to a personal plane.


Karimov is a big sports fan. From 2011-2016 he owned football club Anji, which has become one of the most famous clubs Russia precisely thanks to the financing of the oligarch. After his arrival, the team acquired world-famous stars Samuel Eto'o and Robert Carlos. Later, Anji, which usually finished the championships at the bottom of the standings before the arrival of Kerimov, was joined by several more Russian stars such as Yuri Zhirkov, Igor Denisov and others. According to them, the transfers were due to interest in playing for this particular Dagestan team, and not high salaries.
The businessman also invested in culture - the largest mosque in Europe, the Moscow Cathedral, was built on his 170 million dollars.

Accident with Kandelaki?

In 2006, Kerimov got into a serious car accident in Nice, which caused a wide public outcry. Firstly, the businessman himself, being at the wheel of a Ferrari, lost control on the track, was badly injured. Three-quarters of his body was covered in burns. Kerimov underwent rehabilitation at a burn center in the city of Marseille, and later at a military hospital in Brussels.

The public was actively interested in the passenger of this car, as there was a rumor that TV presenter Tina Kandelaki was with Kerimov. She herself denied this information.
Having recovered, Kerimov decided to do charity work. He transferred a million euros to the Pinocchio organization, which helps children affected by the fire.


In November 2017, Suleiman Kerimov was detained in France. The prosecutor's office accused the businessman of tax evasion when buying real estate on Cote d'Azur and in the illegal transfer of cash across the border. According to the prosecution, he took from Russia to France from 500 to 750 million euros.

Russian politicians stood up for Kerimov (he is still a member of the Federation Council). On behalf of the Kremlin, the press secretary of the Russian president promised that the state would protect the rights of its senator. French prosecutors responded that the businessman had no diplomatic documents at the time of his arrest.

Suleiman Kerimov spent under house arrest until the summer of 2018, most of the time while in France, periodically asking for a few days off to Russia for personal and family reasons. Only in June 2018, Kerimov was fully acquitted.

Upon returning to Russia, Suleiman Kerimov again took up his duties as a parliamentarian. He is also actively involved in charitable activities and spends a lot of time on business trips around the Republic of Dagestan.

Activity today

The senator's main concerns today, like many years before, are connected with the development of Dagestan. Suleiman Kerimov helps build schools and mosques, provides support to pilgrims who annually make the hajj to Mecca, his son’s company develops international Airport"Makhachkala".

In the summer of 2018, the authorities of Derbent, where the senator is from, announced the creation of a tourist cluster with a center in this ancient city Russia. Kerimov will take a direct part in the development of tourism in the region, including transferring 1.5 billion rubles to the budget of Derbent. Additional funds will go to the development of infrastructure - construction hotel complexes, construction and repair of roads, etc.


In the past few years, according to Forbes, Kerimov's fortune has fluctuated from $7.8 billion in 2011 (maximum) to $1.6 billion in 2016 (minimum).
According to the results of 2017, the state of the oligarch is estimated by the publication at $6.3 billion.

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The oil king abandoned the daughter of actor Archil Gomiashvili

Their romance lasted four years. One of the richest people in Russia, the owner of Nafta-Moskva, Suleiman KERIMOV, generously endowed Katya GOMIASHVILI, helping her to enter the open spaces big business. But the heart of the oligarch is prone to treason. Daughter famous actor, who played Ostap Bender in the unsurpassed Gaidai comedy "12 Chairs", shared the fate of her predecessors - singer Natalia VETLITSKA, ballerina Anastasia VOLOCHKOVA, actress Olesya SUDZILOVSKAYA, and if you believe the rumors, then also TV presenter Tina KANDELAKI and pop diva Zhanna FRISKE.


General public billionaire Suleiman Kerimov became famous after being in a car accident in Nice in December 2006. Then the Ferrari driven by the oligarch crashed into a tree and caught fire. Kerimov was badly burned. sitting next to Tina Kandelaki escaped with minor burns. True, the TV presenter herself later denied everything. But somehow Tina opened up:

I met Suleiman at the time when he was courting my girlfriend, an actress Olesya Sudzilovskoy. Suleiman loves beautiful women- This is true. Soon he left Olesya and became interested in another friend of mine - a fashion designer Katya Gomiashvili.

Sudzilovskaya was only an episode for him, and a tender relationship with Archil Gomiashvili's daughter lasted for four whole years.

Generous Cavalier

When a girl is offered love and friendship by a man exhaling the smell of money, and Kerimov has as much as $ 14 billion, then it is impossible to refuse. So Katya Gomiashvili could not resist, although she herself is not from poor family. Her dad, in addition to playing Ostap Bender superbly, was also a successful restaurateur in Moscow.

Catherine decided to make a career as a fashion designer. With the help of her father, she opened an atelier. Things were going the way they were. But since Kerimov appeared next to Katya, even world-famous couturiers envied her scope.

If a fashion designer has serious financial resources for brand promotion, he can be successful. You can buy everything now, - says Vyacheslav Zaitsev, having learned that Gomiashvili opens a boutique in London with the money of his lover. Designed by a Russian designer's shop, a very popular architect in England Ab Rogers. Katya's whim cost at least 3 million euros.

In the spring of 2006, at the height of her romance with Kerimov, a boutique "Mia Shvili" appeared on the Patriarch's Ponds in the capital, a little later she changed the sign to "Emperor Moth". At the same time, at the end of the house on Novy Arbat, to the envy of Katya's competitors, there was a giant banner on which the American film actress Chloe Sevigny flaunted in clothes from designer Gomiashvili. Another collection of the beloved oil king was advertised by top models Kate Moss And Devonian Aoki. Models of this level charge from $30,000 to 150,000 just for a fashion show. For participation in an advertising campaign, rates increase tenfold.

shook it off and left

In April, Katya unexpectedly announced the sale of the latest collection and closed boutiques. Everyone wondered why she turned the hyped case. It turned out that the reason is banal: the oligarch abandoned her. And what model business without his money? Another juicy detail came to light: Katya is pregnant.

And just the other day, the site dismantled Ekaterina Gomiashvili and her recent interview with Vogue magazine. The fashion designer shared with the "gloss" her longing for a certain oligarch:

He told me: “Katya, we are very strong. And if you do what I need, then break you. Do what you want - break me. This is impossible". …I have no grudge against him. It just hurts when a person who has done nothing but good to you does this to you. figured out who this oligarch is, for whom the fashion designer suffers so much: “One of the versions says that this is the billionaire Suleiman Kerimov.” And as absolutely unambiguously hints, Katya is pregnant from him: “They say that Kerimov has fully recovered from the car accident, but there are no rumors about new hobbies. And Katya Gomiashvili is expecting a baby. It is already known that it will be a girl. knows what he writes about, because his mistress is the wife of another respected oligarch.

If the news on the site is true, then Katya had no chance. Suleiman has been happily married for a long time, he has three legitimate children. He just collects beautiful women. As one of the visitors to the forum wrote under the nickname blue eyes, "Suleiman ... he dusted himself off, ticked the box and went on."

However, according to information from other sources, Katya was going to marry some Italian not so long ago. But something didn't work out. Perhaps the groom just found out that the girl is slightly pregnant, but from another.

List of Don Juan

* The loudest was Suleiman Kerimov's romance with Natalya Vetlitskaya. The businessman, without hiding, appeared with the singer at social events, and many mistakenly considered Vetlitskaya his wife. On his 38th birthday, he presented Natalya with a diamond pendant for $10,000. And in parting, so as not to remember dashingly, he presented a plane and an apartment in Paris.

* Vetlitskaya was replaced by the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. The predecessor, not wanting to put up with the loss, threatened her rival that she would pay her off with the help of bandits. Karimov hired security for new passion. But she soon did not suit her rich patron, and they parted. After their breakup, Nastya started having trouble in the theater.

* Forgetting the ballerina, Kerimov became interested in actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya, and then met with designer Katya Gomiashvili for a long time.

* The oligarch was also credited with close relations with Ksyusha Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki.

Suleiman Abusaidovich is a well-known billionaire (his fortune as of April 2019 is estimated at $ 6.3 billion), is a member of the Federation Council from the Republic of Dagestan, leads the Nafta-Moscow financial and industrial group, and owns the Anji football club.


He was born on March 12, 1966 in Derbent, where Sulik (as his close friends called him) spent his childhood. His father, a lawyer by education, worked in the criminal investigation department, and his mother was an accountant in the Sberbank system. He has a brother, who is now a doctor, and a sister, a teacher of Russian language and literature.

In his youth, he was fond of judo and kettlebell lifting, he was repeatedly the champion of various championships.

Education and military service

He studied very well, and his favorite subject at school was mathematics. In 1983, he graduated with honors from secondary school No. 18 and entered the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

After all, he was drafted into the army. The young man served in Moscow, in rocket troops strategic purpose. In 1986, being a senior sergeant in the position of head of the calculation, he was demobilized.

Upon returning from the service, he continued his studies, but already at the Faculty of Economics at DSU.

Labor activity

After graduating, in 1989 he got a job at the Eltav plant as an ordinary economist, where in five years of work he managed to get the position of assistant general director for economic issues. In 1993, the management of the plant with partners established a bank and registered it in Moscow. Suleiman was sent to represent their interests in the new Fedprombank. Soon the banker already had a controlling stake in the credit institution.

In 1995, Suleiman Abusaidovich was appointed to the post of head of the Soyuz-Finance trading and financial company.

In the spring of 1997, he became a research fellow at the International Institute of Corporations, and two years later he headed this autonomous non-profit organization as president.

Business and investment projects

In 1999, a new stage in his life began - he bought shares in the Nafta-Moscow oil trading company and began to actively engage in investment and resale transactions. A year later, the company made its first purchase - Varyoganneftegaz.

In November 2005, it acquired 70% of one of the largest gold and silver miners in Russia, Polymetal. A couple of years later, Polymetal was listed on the London Stock Exchange, after which Nafta resold its stake in this holding.

At the same time, his enterprise continued to develop successfully and, through profitable investments made by him during the first years of her leadership, already had a stake in Gazprom and Sberbank (by 2008 it was 4.25% and 5.6%, respectively). However, by mid-2008, Suleiman Abusaidovich himself completely withdrew from the share capital of both structures.

In 2003-2008 Nafta developed the Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye project, also known in the press as the "city of millionaires". In April 2006, she became a co-owner of Mosstroyekonombank, which owns Smolensky Passage, and in June received control over SEC Razvitie, which unites three construction firms, and in July she announced that she owns 17% of Mospromstroy. All packages were then also resold.

In 2007, the entrepreneur invested in Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and other foreign financial institutions. At the same time, Forbes named him the largest private investor in Morgan Stanley.

In parallel, he was engaged in completely different projects. So, in 2005, together with the capital's mayor's office, a joint telecommunications open Joint-Stock Company Mosteleset is the sole shareholder of Mostelecom. Two years later, these assets were merged into the National Telecommunications holding and a year later they were sold to a consortium of investors led by Yuri Kovalchuk's National Media Group CJSC for $1.5 billion.

At the end of 2006, together with the government of the capital, it was announced the creation of the "United Hotel Company", where the shares of more than 20 hotels on the balance of the city were transferred (including Balchug, Metropol, National and Radisson-Slavyanskaya ). Nafta was supposed to be one of the leaders in the Moscow hotel market.

Among the other Russian assets of the businessman at that time were the Metronom AG firms and the operator of the Mercado supermarket chain.

In February 2009, Nafta became the owner of 75% of Glavstroy SPb. In the spring of 2009, under the auspices of the entrepreneur, the reconstruction of the Moskva Hotel began, as a result of which a five-star Four Seasons hotel with offices and apartments was opened there, as well as the Fashion Season shopping gallery. In 2015, he first sold the gallery and then the hotel to Alexei Khotin.

In the second quarter of 2009, its structures bought 25% of PIK Group, the largest developer in Russia, whose financial position at that time was precarious. During the first couple of years of his leadership, the group regained financial stability and strengthened its position in the market. In the winter of 2013, the entire stake (which at that time was 38.3%) was sold to Sergey Gordeev and Alexander Mamut.

In the same 2009, Nafta-Moskva bought 37% of Polus Gold, the largest gold producer in the country, from Vladimir Potanin. Over time, this figure increased to 40.22%. In 2012, Polyus held an IPO on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), and at the end of 2015, the rights to 95% of the holding were transferred to it.

In April 2009, having bought out 19.71% of the shares, he became one of the owners of the IFC bank.


In June 2010, together with partners, he acquired 53% of Uralkali (the size of the transaction was estimated at $5.3 billion). For this purchase, he had to take a decent loan from VTB. In December 2013, he sold his stake in Uralkali to Mikhail Prokhorov (21.75%) and Dmitry Mazepin (19.99%).

In January 2011, Anji Makhachkala, which is part of the Russian football Premier League, passed into his possession. In addition, near Makhachkala, at the expense of the billionaire, a modern Anji-Arena stadium was built with a functioning children's football academy.

In 2013-2014 he sold most of his resources, while his son, a young businessman Abusaid, bought Cinema Park, a large-scale chain of cinemas, from V. Potanin (the deal was valued at $300 million).

Political activity

From 1999 to 2003, he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the III convocation, was a member of its security committee. Then, until 2007, he was a deputy of the Duma of the IV convocation, and also served as deputy chairman of the committee on physical culture, sports and youth affairs.

Since 2008, he has been a member of the Federation Council (SF), since March 2011 he has represented Dagestan in the upper house of the Russian parliament.

At the end of September 2016, it became known that the oligarch was re-elected to the Federation Council. The decision was made at the People's Assembly, all 86 deputies from the republic voted "for".

Charity and patronage

In November 2006, in Nice, he was in a car accident and received severe burns. After that, the entrepreneur donated 1 million euros to the Pinocchio charity, which helps children cope with burn injuries.

At the end of 2013, all the assets of the enterprises owned by him were transferred to the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation, which was founded by the billionaire in 2007. One of his most ambitious undertakings is the reconstruction of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, the annual hajj for several thousand Muslims, international youth and cultural festivals, and more.

In 2014, according to Forbes magazine, he was the third richest person in Russia who provided financial assistance to charity projects in 2013.

Among other things, he has headed the board of trustees since the founding of the Wrestling Federation of the Russian Federation in 2006. For many years, his foundation has been the main sponsor of this organization, funding, along with the New Perspective support fund, the national program for the development of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling.


On March 10, 2016, he was awarded the badge of honor of the Dagestan Republic "For the love of his native land."

In turn, FILA awarded him with its most prestigious award - the "Golden Order".

According to the Forbes list, the businessman's prosperity came in 2007-2008: at first he was the seventh richest businessman in the Russian Federation - his fortune was estimated at $ 12.8 billion. The following year, he took eighth place in the rankings, while his fortune grew to $18.4 billion.

In 2016, he was in 45th place with a mark of $ 1.6 billion, in 2017 he became 21st, increasing his fortune to $ 6.3 billion. In 2018, he climbed one line, taking 20th place (the fortune was estimated at $6.4 billion).


In addition to football and martial arts, he loves to surf the sea - for this he owns two yachts - Ice and Millenium, acquired in 2005-2006. One curious fact is connected with the four-deck ninety-meter yacht Ice - for example, in 2012, her crew saved nine people whose pleasure boat capsized. In the media, the owner of the ship was credited with another medal for this - "For the salvation of drowning people."

To travel by air, they use an equally luxurious vehicle - the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 737-700.

Family status
He met his future wife, Firuza Nazimovna Khanbalaeva, at the university - they studied at the same faculty. The couple have three children. In 1990, a daughter, Gulnara, was born, five years later, a son, Abusaid. The youngest daughter, Aminat, was born in 2003.

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