Chief metrologist in a large enterprise. Chief metrologist of the enterprise - who is he? Job description of a specialist in metrology

V.Ya.Volodarsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Leading engineer of the metrological department of the Central Base of Measuring Equipment of the Air Force

In technical measurements, information about the measured quantities can be obtained on the basis of standardized (certified) methods for performing measurements in accordance with GOST R 8.563 using certain working measuring instruments, "tied" through the hierarchy of working standards to state ones. The reliability of this information is ensured by the uniformity of measuring instruments as a necessary condition for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the narrow sense.

In the "old days" many metrological requirements were specified in various GOSTs, not all standards were applicable, but in all standards it was printed: "Non-compliance with the standard is prosecuted by law", then these requirements were canceled, and according to the new Law adopted in 2002 obligatory state standards are generally abolished ...

Once, in the 60s of the last century, a rule was introduced in our military unit: "GOSTs must be fulfilled or canceled!" And a number of GOSTs were canceled after my reports at the Scientific and Technical Committee of the State Standard of the USSR. In my office there was a poster: "In the technical specifications, what is feasible must be written down and what has been written down must be carried out!" It was...

Unfortunately, many standards of the unified system for design documentation (ESKD) do not require measurement methods and control of the specified accuracy. The only metrological requirement in them was the mandatory indication in the working design documentation (TS, test programs) of specific measuring instruments. Thus, the unity of measurements was ensured only in a narrow sense.

At the same time, setting requirements for the accuracy and validity of measurement results not regulated by ESKD would help ensure the uniformity of measurements in a broad sense. The regulation of the uniformity of measurements only in a narrow sense leads to an irrational organization of work on the choice of methods and measuring instruments, to an unreliable assessment of the accuracy of the measurements performed. The developer of design documentation, choosing and specifying measuring and control instruments in the technical specifications, is forced in most cases to take into account only the main errors (errors of measuring instruments under normal conditions), without evaluating the uncertainty of conditional true values, methodological components of measurement result errors, including those due to interaction means and objects of control, the influence of the conditions under which measurements are performed, etc. This reduces the reliability of measurements, leads to unreasonable costs for the improvement of measuring instruments and their verification, the creation of working and, if necessary, even state standards.

Unfortunately, the problems of metrological support, the role Chief metrologist never received due attention.

A striking example, which is a consequence of the universal and blatant metrological "naivety" (you can't pick another word), is the "Cadastre of parameters of quantities to be measured", developed in 1989 by the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology, the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Instrument Engineering, means of automation and control systems of the USSR, the Central Research Institute of Information and Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

It was assumed that the main metrological "product", which will appear after the introduction of the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (GSI), will be a bank of measurement methods for reliably assessed accuracy. From this bank of techniques, an engineer or technician, designer or technologist could choose the specific technique that meets the requirements for accuracy, measurement conditions, etc. And then, where the standard of accuracy would be given in the regulatory documents, the corresponding specific MIM, means and measurement algorithms that ensure this standard would be indicated directly or in the form of a link. However, this task has not been fulfilled by the current State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements to date.

The purpose of creating the Cadastre was fully consistent with the creation of the very "metrological product" of the CSI, which was mentioned above.

To this end, in 1987, a preliminary version of the Cadastre was sent out by a joint letter of the Scientific Council of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR on the complex problem "Instrument Engineering", the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the problem "Measuring Processes and Systems" and the Scientific and Technical Council of the USSR Ministry of Instruments to 65 branches of the national economy of the country, some organizations of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and head organizations of a number of ministries of the USSR (Ministankoprom, Minenergomash, Minpribor, Minaviaprom, MGA, Minmorflot, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Communications, Minpromsvyaz, Minsredmash, Minradioprom, Minsudprom, Minelectronprom, Minoboronprom, Minmash, Gosstandart, NPO Izmeritel, NPO Electronpribor ", NPO "Electronmash", etc.). This is only a part of the surveyed organizations, which shows a serious representativeness of the sample. The head organizations of the metrological services, having summarized the data from the "bushes" of the attached enterprises, presented the current technical specifications for the products that have passed the metrological examination. Information about the measured physical quantities, the required accuracy and measurement conditions, as well as data on the methods and measuring instruments, was withdrawn from these specifications. The cadastre was supposed to become an invaluable metrological data bank, which was supposed to be sold to all interested organizations.

But as a result of such a large preparatory work, illiterate requirements for measured physical quantities are given in the "Cadastre". For example:

item 10101059. The thickness of the fat in live pigs and on carcasses is up to 120 mm, +0.5 ...! mm";

item 10106002. Wood chip length 0.540 mm +0.01 mm;

item 10106007. Length and position of units of diesel engines, turbines, cranes, machine tools 018 m +0.25 microns, etc. and so on.

It is quite obvious that the uncertainty of the conditional true values ​​of the measured physical quantities in this case far exceeds the specified errors that are usually taken into account. (The requirements of the "Cadastre" are similar to trying to measure the length of a piece of cotton with a micrometer). And after all, the chief metrologists at the enterprises organized and carried out metrological examination!

In support of the above, one can cite the review "Metrological activity today and tomorrow" prepared in the eighties by the Center for Social Expertise of the USSR Academy of Sciences: "The practice of regulation in state standards that has developed in recent decades ... technical requirements that are not accompanied by the normalization of quantitative indicators should be recognized as unsuccessful."

The most important task of a good Chief Metrologist there was and remains the metrological examination of the technical documentation developed by the enterprise from the technical assignment to the acts of state tests.

The metrological support of technology is largely reduced to metrological examination, in which the goal of metrological support should be visible, i.e. ensuring the unity of measurements in a broad sense.

It is long overdue to clarify the concept of "metrological examination". We can safely say that the metrological support of technology is largely reduced to metrological expertise.

By definition: metrological expertise is the work associated with the assessment of the reliability of measurement results necessary for making informed decisions.

In practice, metrological expertise can be of a physical or analytical nature.

An example of a physical metrological examination can be the verification of measuring instruments, i.e. physical assessment of the reliability of their testimony.

Analytical metrological examination analysis of technical documentation for the possibility of ensuring the required reliability of measurement results according to the methods and measuring instruments recommended in this documentation. In this case, technical documentation can be both for measuring instruments and for samples of equipment. Such metrological examination should be subject to technical documentation, starting from the technical assignment to the materials submitted based on the results of state tests.

When conducting a metrological examination, a good Chief Metrologist should be ready to answer a number of mandatory questions:

Question one: "Why measure?".

The depth and accuracy of the planned measurements depend on the answer to it. If measurements are performed for the manufacture of aircraft engine parts, then flight safety will significantly depend on possible errors, if measurements (weighing) are planned for preparing dinner, then the taste of borscht, which, as you know, "no comrades" may slightly change from possible errors.

It follows that for technical and scientific measurements, the requirements for planned accuracy can and should be pre-evaluated when considering the question: "Why measure?".

Question two: "What to measure?".

Answering this question, the experimenter mentally imagines the object of measurement, its properties, selects one of these properties of interest to him, which must be measured. So, when measuring the length of the fence at the summer cottage, the summer resident (experimenter) imagines that the length of the fence is the distance between the extreme pillars installed at the boundaries of the plot. Such a representation is not an absolute truth, and in this case such a truth is not needed, a relative truth defined according to the simplest model is sufficient.

But for measuring the diameter of gears for watches, the choice of model is somewhat different. Firstly, the diameter is inherent only in the circle, and it is the circle that represents the ideal model of the gear blank to be made. Secondly, it is never possible to make a perfectly round part; with an increase in the accuracy of measurements, sooner or later deviations of the part from the circle will be revealed. Here comes the limit of the choice of the model of the measured value. If you still need higher accuracy, then you will have to switch to another model, for example, to an ellipse, and plan to measure not the diameter, which the ellipse does not have, but the lengths of the major and minor axes and eccentricity. According to this model, the gear size of interest to us can be measured more accurately.

Any model is a relative truth with an approximation to the absolute truth, which remains unknown. Therefore, it is never possible, if approached too strictly and literally, to determine the true value of the measured quantity, as well as its error as the difference between the measurement result and the true value.

In practice, instead of the "true value", the so-called "real" value is actually determined approximately, or, according to the model adopted for the measurement object, the "conditional true value". In this case, the deviation of the "conditional true value" from the "true value" ("uncertainty of the conditional true value") is evaluated.

So, in the example considered above, the diameter of the part as a conditional true value is determined by the circle model, and its deviation from the ideal circle can be calculated by the second approximation ellipse model. This allows you to quantify how close to ideal a given round part can be made. This "proximity" determines the maximum achievable accuracy in the manufacture and measurement of a given part. Therefore, any measurements can be planned only within reasonable accuracy.

Question three: "How to measure?".

When the answer to the question "What to measure" is obtained, the next problem to be solved in the measurement process is to find the answer to the question "How to measure?".

There are many measurement methods: direct measurement method (measuring the length with a ruler), indirect measurement method (measuring the resistance of a resistor from the results of voltage drop and current measurements), cumulative measurement method, joint measurement method. For any measurement method, its implementation can be formally described mathematically.

Question four: "How to measure?".

The means chosen for the implementation of the measurement method should allow the implementation of the principles of measurement.

Here it is appropriate to note that one of the elements of the measurement procedure is the comparison of the measured physical quantity with its unit is carried out precisely at this stage with the help of measuring instruments, which always contain measures that reproduce the unit of measurement, and comparison devices (comparators). This can be implemented in practice (weight measures, balance comparator; normal element measure, DC potentiometer comparator; etc.) or conditionally (set of measures analog instrument scale, comparator measuring mechanism).

Question five: "Who measures?".

When answering this question, the required qualification of a specialist is determined, since the specialist himself can contribute to the total error of the measurement result. In practice, one has to take into account that each person has different visual and auditory qualities, which can introduce certain errors in the reading of readings on the scale of measuring instruments. So, some people, when counting readings from the instrument scale, squint their right eye, others their left. The accuracy of the reading may depend on this, for example, when reading the indication in the interval between two adjacent divisions of the scale of the pointer instrument.

Question six: "How to process the results?".

This issue also needs to be addressed when planning a measurement experiment. Of course, if you plan to make a single measurement, then processing the results is not required: the length of the fence in the country, measured in steps, does not require mathematical processing. But measurements of the parameters of rocket engine parts may require repeated measurements of the same values, determination of the average value and calculated deviations from it with an assessment of the probability of certain specified deviations.

Thus, a good Chief Metrologist must first of all have the ability to organize and conduct metrological examination, on which success depends on many problems of metrological support for various types of socially useful activities, primarily industrial production.

Posted On 12/23/2017

1.1. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and special training in accordance with an established program without presenting requirements for work experience is accepted for the position of a specialist in metrology.

1.2. The metrology specialist should know:

Normative legal acts regulating the issues of the uniformity of measurements and metrological support;

Fundamentals of metrology and measuring technology;

Regulatory and methodological documents regulating the selection of methods and measuring instruments;

Principles of operation, scope and fundamental limitations of methods and measuring instruments;

Technical characteristics, design features, purpose and principles of application of measuring instruments;

Terminology in the field of metrology;

Technical regulations, metrology standards;

The procedure for compiling and rules for issuing technical documentation;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of metrology;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Basics of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

1.3. A metrology specialist in his work is guided by:

Charter (Regulations) _______________________________________________;

(name of company)

this job description;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other acts and documents directly related to the labor function

metrology specialist)

1.4. The metrology specialist reports directly to _____________


(name of the position of the head)

1.5. During the absence of a specialist in metrology (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.6. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Metrological support of production.

2.2. Record keeping and reporting.

3. Job responsibilities

The metrology specialist performs the following duties:

3.1. Carries out work on the metrological support of technological processes with the required level of accuracy.

3.2. Selects the best methods and means of measurement.

3.3. Uses the measuring equipment necessary for taking measurements.

3.4. Processes the measurement results.

3.5. Receives, interprets and analyzes measurement results.

3.6. Determines the allowable error (uncertainty) of measurements.

3.7. Records measurement results in documentation.

3.8. Prepares production and technical documentation in accordance with applicable requirements.

3.9. Keeps records and prepares reports on the work done.

3.10. ________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

4. Rights

A metrology specialist has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management.

4.2. In coordination with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.

4.3. Request and receive from employees of other structural units the necessary information and documents.

4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed.

4.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of official duties.

4.6. _________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The metrology specialist is responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing material damage - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

6. Final provisions

6.1. Familiarization of the employee with this job description

carried out at the time of employment (before the signing of the employment contract).

Familiarization of the employee with this job description

confirmed by ____________________________________________________________

(handwritten on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this

instructions (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions);

in a copy of the job description kept by the employer;



6.2. _________________________________________________________________.

Chief metrologist - enterprise

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The chief metrologist of the enterprise is appointed by order of the head of the enterprise and reports to the engineer or deputy director (chief) for scientific work.

The service of the chief metrologist of the enterprise carries out organizational work on the development, together with other divisions of the enterprise, of draft plans for the metrological support of production, research, and development work, as well as for the implementation of the directions assigned (by the base organization) to the enterprise.

Job description of a metrologist

The service of the chief metrologist organizes and takes part in the metrological examination of technical documentation, controls the introduction into production of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other regulatory documents that regulate measurement accuracy standards, metrological characteristics of measuring instruments, measurement methods, methods and means of verification, requirements for metrological support of production.

The service of the chief metrologist of the enterprise should participate in the analysis of the causes of product defects, unproductive consumption of raw materials, materials, energy and other losses in production associated with the state of measuring instruments, tests and the performance of control and measuring operations.

The main task of the department of the chief metrologist of an enterprise, institution and organization is to carry out organizational and technical measures that contribute to improving the quality, reliability and durability of products by ensuring the readiness of measuring equipment and performing measurements and tests with the necessary accuracy and reliability.

To solve these problems, the service of the chief metrologist of the enterprise systematically analyzes the state of metrological support for research and development, develops proposals for improving the metrological support of production and seeks to include them in the production and thematic plan of the enterprise.

A lot of work should be done by the office of the chief metrologist of the enterprise to ensure the production of industry-specific measuring instruments and their metrological certification, as well as to certify measurement methods, and, if necessary, submit assignments for the development of measuring instruments in other organizations.

In matters of metrology, ETL is functionally subordinate to the chief metrologist of the enterprise, regardless of the structure of linear subordination.

These are independent structural divisions headed by the chief metrologists of enterprises.

The metrological service of the enterprise is created by the order of the director as an independent structural unit headed by the chief metrologist of the enterprise.

The department of the chief metrologist at the enterprise is an independent metrological service and its head - the chief metrologist of the enterprise is administratively subordinate to the chief engineer of the enterprise.

In accordance with the standard provision, the metrological service of an enterprise should be an independent structural production or research unit headed by the chief metrologist of the enterprise.

The metrological service of the enterprise is the main link of the departmental metrological service, which is an independent structural unit headed by the chief metrologist of the enterprise.

The MC of an industrial enterprise (association) is the main element of the Navy and is created by order of the director of the enterprise as an independent structural unit headed by the chief metrologist of the enterprise. The chief metrologist is appointed by order of the director of the enterprise, reports directly to the chief engineer and is responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the MS of the enterprise for MO. The structure and staff of the MS are approved by the management of the enterprise based on the characteristics of production and the amount of work assigned to the service.

Metrological supervision in sectors of the national economy is carried out by ministries and departments through the bodies of departmental metrological services created by them: sectoral basic organizations and departments of the chief metrologist of enterprises. To obtain the right to carry out verification work, enterprises must be registered with the state metrological service.

In ministries (departments), the functions of departmental metrological control are carried out by bodies of departmental metrological services - the head and basic organizations of the metrological service of the ministry (department) and departments of the chief metrologist of enterprises.

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The main functions of a metrologist are to check and adjust the accuracy of the operation of measuring devices and fixtures. The main goal of its activity is to bring measuring instruments in full compliance with established standards.

In addition, the profession of a metrologist also implies the ability to develop verification schemes for various types of measurements, instructions, methods and other documents.

Places of work

Many organizations use a wide variety of measuring devices: scales, water or electricity meters, radars, ATMs, blood pressure monitors, audiometers, etc. The position of a metrologist exists both at the enterprises producing such devices, and at the research institutes developing them, and at the controlling institutions - Rostekhnadzor, Rostest, Rostekhregulirovanie, the Metrological Center for Energy Resources.

At large enterprises, you can meet the position of chief metrologist - the head of junior specialists.

History of the profession

Standard measures designed to maintain the unity of all measures were created in ancient times. But the unified international metric convention was adopted only on May 20, 1875 at the suggestion of D.I.

Job description of a specialist in metrology

Mendeleev. This date is considered the birthday of the metrology engineer profession in its current form.

But in Russia, as early as the 16th century, kissers (controllers) in the markets looked for and selected unofficial measures (primarily, weights). In the 17th century, supervision over compliance with reference measures was strengthened - they were engaged in the Great Customs and the Pomernaya hut.

Duties of a metrologist

The main job responsibilities of a metrologist are as follows:

  • organization of verification, repair and calibration of measuring instruments (also development of metrological documentation);
  • control of compliance of methods and measuring instruments with the requirements of the legislation;
  • carrying out metrological examinations;
  • maintenance of databases of measuring instruments.

At a manufacturing enterprise, a metrologist is engaged in a number of additional tasks:

  • control of equipping the enterprise with all necessary measuring instruments;
  • training of personnel to work with measuring devices;
  • interaction with the manufacturer regarding the development and implementation of new measuring instruments.

In some research institutes, metrologists are involved in the development and implementation of new measuring instruments and methods (up to the creation of standards of physical quantities).

Requirements for a metrologist

As a rule, the requirements for a metrologist are standard:

  • secondary or higher education in the specialty "Metrology" or related technical;
  • knowledge of regulatory legal acts and methodological materials on metrology;
  • ability to work with technical documentation;
  • experience of working with institutes of metrology.

Sometimes knowledge of a certain industry, English or special software is required.

metrologist resume template

Resume sample.

How to become a metrologist

To become a metrologist, you first need to get an education in the specialty "Metrology and metrological support" (higher or secondary). With higher education, of course, more businesses will open their doors and hire you. Although there are few vacancies on the market, they take on internships for new specialists of the company with pleasure.

metrologist salary

The salary of a metrologist ranges from 25 to 70 thousand rubles per month. Large enterprises pay more, of course, but also require more complex tasks.

The average salary of a metrologist is around 35 thousand rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex and its courses in the direction of "Metrology and standardization".

Modern Scientific and Technical Academy and a number of its courses in the direction of "Metrology".

Service of the chief metrologist

Home / RosNIIPM / Structure / Service of the chief metrologist

Head of the Chief Metrologist Service -
Bochkarev Vyacheslav Yakovlevich,
deputy director for science of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "RosNIIPM",

Job description of the chief metrologist

tech. Sciences, Associate Professor

Lead Engineer of the Chief Metrologist Service –
Shchedrina Tatyana Vasilievna

The Service of the Chief Metrologist was established by order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia No. 18 dated February 7, 1995 in order to pursue a unified technical policy, ensure the unity and reliability of measurements and coordinate work in the field of metrological support for the reclamation industry. The basis was the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 100 of February 12, 1994 "On the organization of work on standardization, ensuring the uniformity of measurements, certification of products and services" and the Concept "System of standardization, metrology and certification in the agro-industrial complex of Russia", approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia on December 13 1994

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia No. 18 dated February 7, 1995, the head organization of the metrological service of Depmelioration (formerly Glavvodkhoz) was determined - FGBNU RosNIIPM (formerly YuzhNIIGiM) with the assignment of metrological support for reclamation systems and water management facilities, research, development, production and implementation of systems and means of water accounting, water measurement and automation of water distribution.

The activities of the Chief Metrologist's Service are regulated by the "Regulations on the Chief Metrologist's Service". To carry out metrological activities in all water management organizations of the reclamation industry, subdivisions (responsible persons) were established to organize metrological support of production processes at reclamation systems and water management facilities.

The main activities of the Chief Metrologist Service:

  • annual monitoring of the state of water accounting facilities and its metrological support at reclamation systems and facilities;
  • provision of consulting services and preparation of recommendations on equipping reclamation systems and facilities with measuring instruments, normative and methodological support of water accounting;
  • development of new and updating of existing regulatory and methodological documents in the field of water accounting for reclamation systems;
  • conducting an examination of the legality of claims of water consumers of various forms of ownership to federal operating organizations;
  • organization and performance of calibration work of measuring instruments for reclamation purposes, carrying out metrological certification of water accounting points;
  • organization of advanced training courses for hydrometer specialists for the needs of federal operating organizations;
  • organization and holding of seminars and round tables on the problems of metrological support of water use in reclamation systems.

The Service of the Chief Metrologist has the technical base necessary to carry out current repairs and verification work of measuring instruments for reclamation purposes.

Works on metrological support of water accounting facilities are carried out in cooperation with the Center for Standardization and Metrology (CSM) of Rostov-on-Don, which is a branch of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rostekhregulirovanie).

(the profession of a metrologist should sound proud)

E.L. Perelshtein, former Ch. metrologist of the basic metrological service of Minaviaprom.

The article is dedicated to the blessed memory of two prominent organizers of the "measuring business" in the country, V. I. Kiparenko and L. A. Konorov. they prepared and held in January 1965 the first conference on "Ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the national economy of the country", which marked the beginning of the development in the country of the "State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (GSI)".

More than 35 years ago, the positions of Chief Metrologist, Engineer and Metrology Technician began to appear in certain industries. It soon turned out that such specialists are practically not trained anywhere - they must be "grown" on their own, based on experience in related professions. At the same time, many enterprises began to form complex divisions for measuring equipment with the general name "Metrological Service", which were assigned certain functions for the preparation of methods and measuring instruments for reasonable use in the divisions of enterprises. The enterprises also saw the light of new concepts - "measurement technique", "metrological examination" and a number of others. But the most surprising thing was that in a short time in a number of industries a whole galaxy of unstoppable enthusiasts, new chief specialists of enterprises - Chief metrologists, really grew up. It is difficult to say where they all came from so quickly and immediately got their bearings in the tasks assigned, but we must give them their due - the work literally began to boil. But many of them did not even have close contact with measuring equipment before. Probably the combination of youth and novelty of activity, as well as a sense of perspective in the assigned work, inspired the new chief specialists to solve still unexplored metrological problems. Metrological excitement, in some cases, captured the entire enterprise. Units involved in measuring equipment were united - verification and repair, development of non-standardized measuring instruments. Calibration installations were purchased, personnel were selected, their studies and certification were organized for the right to carry out calibration work. Sectoral and intersectoral councils of Chief metrologists were formed, meetings and conferences were convened, work was carried out daily to provide mutual assistance to solve operational tasks and problems. There was a fierce struggle for premises, for numbers and wages for the metrology departments. Metrological life was born at the enterprises. The necessary resolutions were issued and decisions were made for the development of measuring technology and instrumentation by almost all branches of government. It was clear that the ideas of the unity of measurements lay on fertile ground.

One can hardly deny the outstanding contribution that was made by the metrological services of enterprises and their leaders - Chief metrologists in terms of raising the level of scientific research, improving the quality of products and social services for the population. Literally in all sectors, especially in aviation, space, radio electronics, instrumentation, nuclear and chemical engineering, the most important tasks and problems that put our country at the forefront of scientific and technological progress were solved at a faster pace.

However, it is also impossible to deny the fact that against the background of the implementation of "great plans and grandiose tasks", far from all enterprises showed attention to new metrological trends. At many enterprises there were "wise" managers who simply persistently did not notice the great benefits from the development of measuring equipment, the improvement of metrological support at the workplaces of science and production, not to mention the service sector of the population. Many metrological divisions were forced to be content with completely junk premises, experienced significant difficulties in completing the metrological sections with the necessary specialists, technical means and materials. The first wave of Chief Metrologists often had to fight with bureaucrats both at their enterprises and in their departments, who led enterprises, who did not always follow the directives of higher management bodies, which caused certain difficulties in improving metrological support at enterprises, in a number of cases, not only adversely affected the quality indicators of products, but also caused failures of individual units and serious accidents.

But that first wave of metrologists-enthusiasts nevertheless overcame all the difficulties and inertia of bureaucrats, as well as, in a number of cases, their insufficient awareness of the measurements of physical quantities. And we must give them their due, she won authority even from her own, sometimes not very understanding in metrology, enterprise managers, many of whom later very seriously relied on the already omniscient Chief Metrologists in matters of product control and the safety of various technical equipment and facilities. .

During the formation of metrological services, many Chief metrologists of enterprises felt support in their practical work from the specialists of the State Standard, both the central office and individual institutions and territorial bodies. We must pay tribute to this system, so necessary to the state and surprisingly little paid, that it managed to concentrate in its composition a whole guard of outstanding specialists - scientists, engineers, technicians and good organizers of the State "Measuring business".

Unfortunately, given our general situation with the economy in the country in recent years, it is very difficult, in general terms, to talk about any success of the Chief Metrologists of enterprises. Thank God that some of those specialists who started to create metrological services show patriotism for their metrological business and look forward to their successors in order to still have time to teach them something. In practice, the enterprises left, at best, 10-15% of specialists - metrologists, mechanics and equipment adjusters from the level of the early 90s. At many enterprises, the metrological services were simply liquidated, at others they were reduced, in some cases, the specialists of the metrological departments went into trade, commercial technical security services. A significant part of the personnel "gold metrological reserve", which was qualified for 15-20 years, was lost for industrial enterprises. And it is not even possible for enterprises reviving from stagnation to dream of replenishing the subdivisions of the metrological service at the expense of young people capable of mastering a wide range of equipment.

However, the specialists remaining at the enterprises - metrologists and instrumentation specialists of all directions do not have the right to lose heart, because they have all the hope that past achievements in the field of scientific and industrial metrology in many industries can still be considered as a guide to action for future metrologists and instrumentation specialists. -enthusiasts. And, probably, the time for active actions is not far off, because a new “epoch of renaissance” is already visible at individual enterprises in a number of industries, work on certification of products is being carried out more responsibly, Gosstandart of Russia is carrying out quite serious work on introducing the experience of international activities in the field of quality system in the process of research, design, production, testing and operation of the created products (as well as in the field of consumption and services).

This work, grandiose in scale and complexity, aimed at achieving the competitiveness of products manufactured in our country, and being an important basis for the socio-economic development of our society, in its essence is determined precisely by the high readiness for use and constant improvement of measuring equipment directly at each workplace of the enterprise. , where both products and their quality are formed. Any scientific and production task or problem, including socially serving society, any issue of ensuring indicators of reliability, accident-free operation, safety and reliability of consumer properties of manufactured products is, first of all, a question of the adequacy of the volume (quantity, nomenclature, accuracy) of control and measuring (analytical) information. On the one hand, it paves the way in the process of searching for new, given by the time, opportunities for society, leads to the next steps of modern civilization, on the other hand, it stabilizes and consolidates what has already been achieved, including not only by issuing the necessary information, but also by regulating the required parameters in a production or other process. And this should be known not only to scientists, engineers and workers of all specialties who create manufactured products or any structures, but also to managers of enterprises of any profile or any form of ownership who plan funding for the metrological service and the development of control and measuring equipment. Managers of enterprises and economists should remember that normal, experienced specialists simply do not have excessive measuring information. The level, quality, including reliability indicators and consumer properties of products, entirely depend on the state of the organization of the metrological service and the state of measurements. As for the material costs of measuring equipment, it has long been known that each ruble invested in measurements provides the enterprise with a 10-fold profit. Of course, perhaps not all entrepreneurs or heads of enterprises are interested in giving this ruble for the cause. Some people think little about the reliability of their products, about good quality, about the shelf life and safety for the consumer, often hiding behind the appearance or packaging, or from no one knows where they received a certificate, they tend to sell the products as soon as possible, and there - "even though the grass does not grow." But the consumer will soon "bite" such a thrifty leader, and the company will face imminent bankruptcy.

It is probable that it is not a very rewarding task to teach the heads of enterprises how to measure, if they do not see it "point-blank". Far from everywhere, enterprises are headed by smart managers who rely on qualified and experienced specialists, in particular metrologists, who love their job, their team, and "sick" for the authority of their enterprise.

In recent years, many enterprises have been headed by economists who have little understanding of technology, especially in the field of technical physics, which includes measuring technology, but they consider themselves good "marketers". In this case, it is very difficult for a real Chief Metrologist to work if the "economist" considers himself a "know-it-all". However, given the general problems with production in the country, the Chief Metrologist should not only have the "politeness of kings - accuracy", but also show, as they sometimes say, "political or diplomatic flexibility", educating their leaders in a "metrological" spirit, helping they can enter not only the "doors of the virtual economy", but also the real world of building indicators of the quality of labor processes. And, of course, the metrologists themselves need to more organically, systematically, with a reliable preparation of the regulatory framework, "enter" the tasks and problems of the enterprise, even if, to some extent, they are "adjacent" in nature, not to mention their functions.

At the same time, if we assume that the metrological service can take a worthy place in a market economy, including actively solving problems and problems in the "quality system", then in addition to preparing measurement processes, it is simply obliged to expand and deepen its functions somewhat so as not to to be "on the side of the high road" of progress. But, first of all, we should talk about our "natural" traditional tasks, the solution of which should always be simply irreproachable; there should be no "white spots" in preparation for the implementation of any measurement processes at the enterprise, in particular, not only measuring instruments, but also measurement methods, primarily in terms of their certification, strictly exercising the functions of metrological supervision over the state of measurements. The possibility of appearance of reasons for criticism of the metrological service neither "from above" nor "from below" should be completely excluded.

The motto of the Chief Metrologist should be as follows - each measuring process has its own certified measurement technique and prepared equipment.

What tasks can, and most likely - should the Chief Metrologist think over in order to calmly and independently connect to the "quality system"?

Firstly, is the task of full coverage by the metrological service of the issues of scientific, technical, organizational and methodological maintenance of methods and means of high-quality instrumental control and analysis, the purpose of which is to obtain primary information for any need of the enterprise (product quality;

input control of raw materials, materials, hardware;

non-destructive testing, etc.). And of course, with the same motto, because often this kind of control is the basis of quality assurance.

Secondly, is the task of complex instrumental control and certification of test tools for all purposes (for test methods - only metrological examination).

Third, is the task of instrumental control of the main operational and technical parameters of unique technological and power equipment (special facilities) that ensure its reliability and safety (based on the relevant regulatory and methodological documents), regardless of the systematic work on the technical operation of these facilities by specialized services.

Fourth, is the task of metrological supervision over the state of operational characteristics of the main collective vehicles engaged in passenger and road transportation in Russia, in order to ensure the reliability and safety of their use for freight and passenger transportation (metrological examination of operational and technical documentation, selective control checks of the state of the main parameters and structural elements).

Fifth, is a metrological instrumental control of the output and critical parameters of especially important and complex products and structures at the stage after acceptance by the technical control service or in the process of acceptance tests.

At sixth, is a periodic metrological control of the most important parameters of all types of production and environmentally hazardous objects, phenomena, including those tending to emergencies.

Seventh, - metrological maintenance of automation means (systems) (except for actuators with a power of over 100-200 W), bearing in mind that automatic control systems are a combination of measuring transducers that are different in design and physical and technical basis.

Of course, all these (and maybe some other) tasks, non-traditional for the subdivisions of the metrological service, if the latter should "more tightly" enter the "quality system" on a national scale, require careful analysis, elaboration from all points of view. On the one hand, it is possible that the new labor processes under consideration for the metrological service can give rise to impersonality in the production sector, on the other hand, it is possible to dramatically increase the responsibility of specialized technical services at the enterprise for the state of quality indicators at many "pain points" of production. And, of course, if the head of an enterprise is a person who understands anything in matters of production quality, accident-free operation, safety, reliability of communications, as well as the effectiveness of measuring equipment, then, of course, he will be happy with such a real quality system based on an end-to-end system of instrumental control of the entire production. But, at the same time, the Chief Metrologist will probably need to be respected to a much greater extent than at present. He may well be the deputy head of the enterprise for metrological support or the deputy chief engineer, etc. After all, they become metrologists only thanks to the intense mastering of a very wide range of scientific and technical problems related, in particular, to primary control and measuring information.

Perhaps, if the listed functions of the metrological service take root in enterprises, then, probably, as part of such a service it will be necessary to provide for special areas of production control, which, by the way, existed at individual enterprises before. It is possible that there will be many heads of metrological services; who will protest against the approach to production. But then you can ask the question - what will be the new participation of the metrological service in the quality system? If everything is the same - and again the "paper" system...? After all, this was already 30 years ago.

But, under all circumstances, the authority of the head of the enterprise in the quality system will be determined by his understanding of the problems of the metrological service, at the same time, the authority of the Chief Metrologist is the strict observance of the Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" and the corresponding adherence to regulatory developments, directives of the State Standard of Russia system . Despite the fact that not all Chief metrologists are satisfied with the Law, which probably needs to be discussed and clarified, there are many useful things in the materials of the State Standard, in particular, in the field of metrological supervision, when the head of an enterprise can give the Chief Metrologist the rights "Inspector for ensuring the uniformity of measurements at the enterprise". Of course, the Chief Metrologist, according to his status, can himself restore the appropriate order at the enterprise if the head of the enterprise supports the metrological service, but the emphasis in the “Inspector” part should not be in the recommendatory document.

At the same time, all these idle discussions about the active participation of the metrological service require a sober assessment of the state of uniformity of measurements today in the main industries of the country. It is probably very problematic. And it is probably quite difficult to orient Chief Metrologists towards more effective work in the new quality system. In addition, it can be observed that Gosstandart of Russia is in no hurry to tighten State supervision over the state of measurements at enterprises - it relies on market levers, which supposedly should stabilize the situation. Indeed, if the consumer requires a certificate or accreditation of the metrological service in order to be more confident in the quality of the product that he is going to order, then it is assumed that the supplier will find the necessary funds and bring the perfect order in terms of metrological assurance, without which true quality is impossible. Of course, this is all correct. But such an economic engine, operating on the principle of natural economic selection, can work almost in vain for many years. At the same time, enterprises, spending state, fairly cheap resources, will still try with all their might to create products the way they will turn out, investing in the provision of consumer properties exactly as much as was accidentally left from the wages of workers. And until a strong supplier appears against the backdrop of a shortage of high-quality products, such a "gray" state of production will leave its mark on the strategic and social foundations of the country every hour. But the real Chief Metrologist will not be able to endure such a sad situation for a long time. If he is not given the opportunity to restore order in the metrological service, in accordance with the Law, then he will go ... to the building manager. And such a case takes place after the liquidation of the metrological service at the Institute of Aviation Instrumentation.

But we can consider another option, without looking back in some case, at least temporarily, in our transitional period, to international documents. It is based on strict state supervision over the state of uniformity of measurements. Every enterprise, if it tries to create products, must take care of the basis of quality, striving precisely for the advanced, reliable development of measuring technology, creating a strong metrological service, of course, within the real need, based on carefully thought-out production tasks. Then the new quality system will definitely bear fruit very quickly. The sufficiency of the volume of control and measuring information for all stages and stages of product creation will naturally, automatically bring up any manager who is a scumbag. If the head of the enterprise is not the last lazy person or someone else like that, then he will immediately understand that not to use all the availability of this reliable information to produce better products - you just have to be "no one". Here, in this case, we can confidently talk about a quality system, where the main operational and informational figure should be the Chief Metrologist (possibly taking into account the above new functions for the metrological service), who prepares measuring processes with his specialists and performs individual control measurements, but also participating in the planning of control and measuring operations at the stage of research and development of products, starting with the source documents - an application for the creation of products, a technical proposal and a technical assignment. Only such close operational contact of metrologists with specific responsible persons for the areas of design and product research, enshrined in the relevant regulatory documents under the article of joint responsibility for the choice of initial data and the methodological development of measurement processes. This professional community is also assumed in the development of ideology, principles, design, performance characteristics or consumer properties of products. A similar contact, but only with the technological apparatus, in terms of working out the manufacturing technology (production). At the same time, control and measurement information from ongoing tests is also in the field of view of metrologists, since they develop or certify the corresponding MVI under the influences specified by the designer and normalized for the product.

As a result, the participation of metrological services of enterprises in the new quality system could be really extremely effective if these services are organizational and supervised links of the national quality system, the only requirement for which is to ensure the "Uniformity of measurements in the system of indicators of product quality" (GSIPKP) . Of course, such a system can be developed, discussed at all levels of economic management and tested. The main thing in this system is that the actual state of measurements at the workplaces of enterprises should be adequate to the requirements of technical documentation issued by product developers. Naturally, all technical documentation should reflect the requirements for control and measurement processes (the availability of a methodology for their implementation), worked out in one way or another by metrologists. Chief metrologist - the person responsible for the validity of decisions made on the basis of the initial data of developers or researchers, carries out end-to-end metrological supervision over the implementation of any control and measurement (analytical) processes, participates in the consideration of the relevant information received, takes the necessary measures based on the results obtained, if the actual results of measurements (control , analysis) do not meet the requirements of developers, etc.

It is possible that in order to improve the status of the Chief Metrologist of an enterprise or even a person responsible for the state of measuring instruments, some independent structure - new appointments to these positions should be agreed with the local bodies of the State Standard of Russia.

It must be emphasized once again that no quality system can really exist, at least in the coming years, if the state of measurements at enterprises does not meet the necessary requirements, capable of obtaining sufficient volumes of control and measurement (analytical) information, which requires the formation of a developed system of metrological support , creation of well-equipped sections of the metrological service. However, at present, all this can be done only if there is state supervision or wait until the still mythical economic categories "work". But the Chief Metrologists should not lose heart, look for ways to improve the metrological sections and educate new personnel of specialists - now this is their main task.


(name of the enterprise, organization, institution)

(head of an enterprise, organization, institution)



№ 00



Structural subdivision:

Department of Chief Metrologist

Job title:

Chief metrologist


  1. General provisions
    1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the chief metrologist.
    2. The chief metrologist belongs to the category of managers.
    3. The chief metrologist is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the technical director.
    4. Position relationships:


direct submission

technical director


Additional submission

Director of the enterprise


Gives orders

Employees of the department of the chief metrologist


The employee replaces

person appointed by the director of the enterprise


The employee replaces

  1. Qualification requirements of the chief metrologist:



higher professional (technical)


work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical management positions for metrological support of production for at least 5 years.


Legislative and normative legal acts, methodological materials on the metrological support of production.

Profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development.

The procedure and methods for planning work on metrological control and production support.

Organization of metrological support of production in the industry and at the enterprise.

Production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of equipment, rules for its operation.

Fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise.

Regulations, instructions and other guidelines for the development and execution of technical documentation.

The device and rules for the operation of measuring instruments, the organization of their repair.

Methods for conducting research and development in the field of improving metrological support and measuring instruments.

The procedure for concluding contracts with third parties.

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

Fundamentals of labor legislation.

Rules and norms of labor protection.


Additional requirements

  1. Documents regulating the activities of the chief metrologist

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and orders of the director of the enterprise (technical director); Regulations on the department of the chief metrologist, Job description of the chief metrologist, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job responsibilities of the chief metrologist

Chief metrologist:

4.1. Organizes work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of products manufactured by the enterprise.

4.2. Supervises the preparation of projects and plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency, improve metrological support, means and methods of measurement, control and testing.

4.3. Ensures the compilation of local verification schemes, the establishment of the optimal frequency and the development of calendar schedules for verification of measuring instruments.

4.4. Leads the work on the metrological examination of design and other technical documentation developed at the enterprise, as well as coming from other enterprises and organizations.

4.5. Participates in ongoing research on the automation of production processes related to the use of measuring instruments, in the work to determine the needs of the enterprise for these means.

4.6. Ensures the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, as well as the performance of work on the assessment of measurement errors.

4.7. Organizes work on the analysis of the state of metrological support, carrying out metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments, development, coordination and approval of methods, instructions and other regulatory and technical documentation for their verification, as well as certification of measuring instruments after restoration, repair, verification.

4.8. Carries out control over the equipment of the technological process with all the measuring instruments provided for by the regulations, the compliance of the measuring instruments and methods used in the divisions of the enterprise with the requirements for compliance with the specified production modes and product quality.

4.9. Issues instructions aimed at preventing, stopping or eliminating violations of metrological rules and regulations.

4.10. Organizes the preparation of technical specifications for the design and development of special-purpose measuring instruments.

4.11. Ensures the completion of the exchange fund of measuring instruments, testing and control, storage and comparison in the prescribed manner of working standards, repair and maintenance of samples of measuring instruments in proper condition.

4.12. Promotes the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other normative and technical documentation that regulates measurement accuracy standards, methods and means of verification.

4.13. Supervises the work on the preparation of the established reporting and its submission to the bodies of the state metrological service.

4.14. Organizes work to improve the skills of metrological service employees.

4.15. Supervises the employees of the enterprise who carry out metrological control and metrological support of production.

  1. Rights of the chief metrologist

The chief metrologist has the right:

5.1. Act on behalf of the department, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with structural divisions of the enterprise, state metrological control and supervision bodies, other state authorities on issues of metrological support of production.

5.2. Make proposals to the head of the enterprise on the conclusion of agreements on the lease of unique measuring instruments and test equipment for calibration and other metrological work, as well as agreements on the involvement of third-party specialists in the metrological examination of documentation and metrological certification and the introduction of measurement methods.

5.3. Require the heads of structural divisions and independent specialists to provide information necessary to perform work on metrological control and metrological support of production.

5.4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions on the issues of metrological support of production.

5.5. Give instructions to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise on issues of metrological control and production support.

5.6. Submit proposals in accordance with the established procedure on bringing to justice officials guilty of violating the rules for the use of measuring instruments, the procedure for metrological support of production.

5.8. Submit for consideration by the head of the enterprise:

5.8.1. Representations about the appointment, transfer and dismissal of subordinate employees.

5.8.2. Suggestions: to encourage distinguished employees, to bring to material and disciplinary responsibility violators of industrial and labor discipline.

5.9. Approval and sign documents within their competence.

5.10. Independently conduct correspondence with structural divisions of the organization, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence and not requiring the participation of the head of the enterprise.

  1. Responsibility of the chief metrologist

chief metrologistis responsible:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of the chief metrologist

The mode of operation of the chief metrologist is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the enterprise.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration of the chief metrologist are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

  1. Final provisions
    1. This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other- at the worker.
    2. Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.
    3. Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the General Director of the enterprise.

The main functions of a metrologist are to check and adjust the accuracy of the operation of measuring devices and fixtures. The main goal of its activity is to bring measuring instruments in full compliance with established standards.

In addition, the profession of a metrologist also implies the ability to develop verification schemes for various types of measurements, instructions, methods and other documents.

Places of work

Many organizations use a wide variety of measuring devices: scales, water or electricity meters, radars, ATMs, blood pressure monitors, audiometers, etc. The position of a metrologist exists both at the enterprises producing such devices, and at the research institutes developing them, and at the controlling institutions - Rostekhnadzor, Rostest, Rostekhregulirovanie, the Metrological Center for Energy Resources.

At large enterprises, you can meet the position of chief metrologist - the head of junior specialists.

History of the profession

Standard measures designed to maintain the unity of all measures were created in ancient times. But the unified international metric convention was adopted only on May 20, 1875 at the suggestion of D.I. Mendeleev. This date is considered the birthday of the metrology engineer profession in its current form.

But in Russia, as early as the 16th century, kissers (controllers) in the markets looked for and selected unofficial measures (primarily, weights). In the 17th century, supervision over compliance with reference measures was strengthened - they were engaged in the Great Customs and the Pomernaya hut.

Duties of a metrologist

The main job responsibilities of a metrologist are as follows:

  • organization of verification, repair and calibration of measuring instruments (also development of metrological documentation);
  • control of compliance of methods and measuring instruments with the requirements of the legislation;
  • carrying out metrological examinations;
  • maintenance of databases of measuring instruments.

At a manufacturing enterprise, a metrologist is engaged in a number of additional tasks:

  • control of equipping the enterprise with all necessary measuring instruments;
  • training of personnel to work with measuring devices;
  • interaction with the manufacturer regarding the development and implementation of new measuring instruments.

In some research institutes, metrologists are involved in the development and implementation of new measuring instruments and methods (up to the creation of standards of physical quantities).

Requirements for a metrologist

As a rule, the requirements for a metrologist are standard:

  • secondary or higher education in the specialty "Metrology" or related technical;
  • knowledge of regulatory legal acts and methodological materials on metrology;
  • ability to work with technical documentation;
  • experience of working with institutes of metrology.

Sometimes knowledge of a certain industry, English or special software is required.

metrologist resume template

How to become a metrologist

To become a metrologist, you first need to get an education in the specialty "Metrology and metrological support" (higher or secondary). With higher education, of course, more businesses will open their doors and hire you. Although there are few vacancies on the market, they take on internships for new specialists of the company with pleasure.

metrologist salary

The salary of a metrologist ranges from 25 to 70 thousand rubles per month. Large enterprises pay more, of course, but also require more complex tasks.

The average salary of a metrologist is around 35 thousand rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

Modern Science and Technology Academy (SNTA) and a number of its courses in the direction of "

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