Isa photos. Guf's ex-wife: His affair with Katie is the last thing that can hurt me! . Isa Anokhina. Star Love Story on MUZ-TV

The ex-wife of rapper Guf Aiza Dolmatova spent almost a month on the Indonesian island of Bali in the company of her 4-year-old son Sami. Not long ago, a 29-year-old businesswoman shocked fans with joint photographs with her ex-husband Alexei Dolmatov in one of the island’s villas. As it turned out, the rapper missed his son so much and ex-wife that he traveled a huge distance and came to Bali to be with his family. This development of events caused even more excitement around the scandalous couple, because until recently Guf and Isa practically did not communicate. IN exclusive interview SUPER Aiza Dolmatova spoke about vacation, divorce, as well as quarrels and reconciliations with her ex-husband.

Tell us about your vacation. Why did you decide to go so far?

In fact, I only took a vacation for the sake of my son. When you spend all your time one-on-one with your child, you devote yourself completely to him. It was a family vacation. Lekha's arrival was a real surprise for us. He missed me and Sami. Now he remains there and is going to travel.

So you didn’t even know that Guf was coming?

Well, he said, “I’ll come, I’ll come.” But, as always, everything that Lesha says can be immediately divided by 150. However, he still came to us and said that he missed him very much! I’m glad that we managed to straighten out our relationship, even though we already had a fight there. Now we really communicate like good friends, although I agree that we still need a lot of time to even out everything completely and stop being jealous of each other. Too little time has passed, so we are still jealous, then he, then I - this cannot be removed.

Why did you fight?

Lesha asked me to install What's App on his phone. I never got into his business and never read his correspondence. But as soon as I clicked “OK”, a bunch of messages immediately poured in, where Christina C writes how bad I am ". In fact, Lesha himself went nuts. Yes, I quarrel with Christina from time to time, but I have something to blame her for. She and I were very close friends, and when she left for Black Star, everyone spread rot on her, but I supported her, spoke wow, what a great job she is. Now I have clearly decided for myself that I will never work with Black Star again, although we collaborated with them, they invite me to their events. I will no longer support them in any way, because Christina is there Si. What she did was wrong in relation to a woman towards a woman. When I read it, I simply had no words. This is very vile! I will never call Vodonaeva’s ex-husband and stir up all sorts of women for him. She wants to set Guf up with one of my friends with a dubious reputation. In general, we fought because of this, but Lesha also went nuts. He didn’t like it at all that Christina was writing such things to him.

How did you spend your time? Where did you manage to go?

Sam was very happy about dad's arrival, but we couldn't go anywhere. Lesha still needed to recover physically; he wasn’t feeling very well, so most of the time we let him rest and recover. Unfortunately, I couldn’t travel either, because I was with my son, and he can’t stand these trips through traffic jams in such heat. We mostly went to restaurants and relaxed on the beach. Lesha stayed there now, although he wanted to leave with us. I left the car with him. I want him to have time to see the island, recover, and gather his strength. Another country, especially Asia, Bali - all this brings you to life. I wished him to get to know himself, to understand what he really wants.

So what's between you two now? There are a lot of rumors about you getting divorced and then getting back together.

From now on we are officially divorced, but no one knew about it. But we were scammed almost without our knowledge. We did not attend any meetings. In fact, we are not happy with this at all, but it is a fact: we are divorced. But we try to be friends, we correspond. Lesha often asks how we are doing, is interested in our life and wants to participate in it. When we left the island, he took us to the airport. We are one family, it is always easy for us to meet, and we will always be part of each other, but, unfortunately, we will not be together.

Isa Anokhina, after Dolmatov’s first husband, is a very active blogger. IN last years the woman works in her own company. She specializes in making jewelry.

Isa’s personal life began to attract the attention of strangers from the time she became the girlfriend of the famous rapper Buf. Soon the family was replenished with a son, whom his parents named Sami. But this did not save the family. The marriage broke up due to the spouse's drug abuse.

Currently, the Internet star is happy in her second marriage. She and her husband have two sons.

Height, weight, age. How old is Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova)

Many subscribers to the page of the popular blogger diva are interested in the girl’s height, weight, and age. It is not difficult to calculate how old Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) is, knowing the date of her birth. The girl was born in 1984, therefore, after making mathematical calculations, it becomes clear that in 2018 she celebrated her 34th birthday.

Isa Anokhina, whose photos in her youth and now are posted quite actively by the girl herself, weighs 48 kg, which is ideal for her height of 162 cm. Ex-lover DJ Buf adheres to a healthy lifestyle. In a woman’s life, a big place is given to sports and design.

Biography and personal life of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova)

The biography and personal life of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) attracts many fans who read the girl’s blog.

In 1984, the baby was born in one of the Grozny maternity hospitals. The parents decided to name their daughter Aiza, which translates as beauty and happiness. Father and mother decided that it was not worth living for the family in troubled Grozny. When the girl was only 6 years old, the family moved to the capital Soviet Union. It was here that Anokhina subsequently went to first grade.

During her school years, the girl showed herself to be reasonable. She loved humanities subjects. And here exact sciences for her they were an unattainable stumbling block. Isa loved physical education. The girl defended the honor of the school at various sporting events.

After graduating from school, Dolmatova studied at a health school, after which our heroine without any problems became a student of one of the most prestigious universities countries. This period of Aiza's life is unknown. She herself prefers to hide what she loved and what she did.

The general public became interested in the girl when she became the lover of the then popular musician and rapper Guf. The meeting of the future spouses happened by chance. The young man fell in love at first sight. Soon the lovers began dating. The guy dedicated songs to his passion. But Isa perceived him as just a good guy with whom you could be friends.

After the approval of Isa's parents, she becomes the rapper's bride. Our heroine did not want only Gufa’s girl to talk about her. She started sewing clothes. Soon Anokhina became famous as an excellent clothing designer.

After her wedding to Guf, Isa devoted herself entirely to caring for her husband and little son, who was soon born. A few years after the wedding, disagreements began to arise between him and his beautiful wife in the rapper’s family. The reason was Alexey's abuse narcotic substances. Tired of struggling with the star’s drug addiction, Isa decided to leave him, taking her son.

After divorcing her husband, the woman began hosting a television show program on one of the Russian channels. In 2014, Anokhina played in one of the films and also tried herself as a singer. She began to lead in in social networks a blog that is incredibly popular with the public.

The blogger currently lives with her second husband in Bali and has two children. The family comes to Moscow very rarely. All free time they spend time on the coast, basking on the sandy shore of the ocean. Isa often posts sketches from family vacations on her page.

Family and children of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova)

The family and children of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) currently live in Bali. It was for the sake of the happiness and health of her children that the Internet star and her husband made such a decision. But the woman does not rule out that in the future she may return to the capital of the Russian Federation.

Our heroine’s family lived for some time in the Chechen Republic. In the early 90s of the last century, there was trouble in Grozny, so the parents decided to move. They chose Moscow because it was here, in their understanding, that their children would receive a good education.

Isa's father was a general in the security forces. The man currently serves in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The girl's mother took care of the house and raised the children.

Currently, Anokhina has a beloved husband and two small children. The couple spends all their time on the island of Bali.

In 2011, the woman became a mother for the first time. The boy was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. The baby's name was not chosen by chance. It was named Sami, which means light in Chechen.

The eldest son of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatov), ​​Sami Dolmatov, was raised by his mother after his parents’ divorce. Currently, the boy lives with her and her new husband on the island of Bali. Soon the boy will turn 7 years old. This is the time when it's time to go to school. At first, the woman decided to teach her son herself. He already knows how to speak English and French. The child’s native Russian does not allow him to forget.

Son of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Elvis Anokhin

At the end of 2015, it became known that the popular blogger would soon become a mother. The woman took part in the project. TV crews filmed how Aiza’s pregnancy progressed. The birth of the baby was also broadcast on the TV channel.

The woman decided to name her son Elvis in honor of the popular American singer Elvis Presley. When their son was several months old, his parents moved him to Bali. This is where it grows younger son Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Elvis Anokhin. He recently turned two years old. Unlike his older brother, photographs of the boy cannot be found. But his mother often shares the baby’s achievements with users.

The ex-husband of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Alexey Dolmatov

The lovers met for the first time near one of the nightclubs. The young man was attracted to the girl. She stood there and just smiled. Rapper Guf was so intrigued that he wanted to come up and introduce himself, but the girl unexpectedly disappeared for him. The man, whose everyday name was Alexei Dolmatov, realized that he was in love. But I had no idea where to find it.

The lovers were destined to meet again. They were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. The young man soon met Isa’s parents, who approved of their daughter’s choice. After the wedding, the lovers lived happily for several years. The woman did not notice that her beloved had somehow changed. It turned out that ex-husband Anokhina began to get involved in drugs. For the sake of her son, Isa fought for two years, but still decided to leave her husband, taking the boy with her.

The ex-husband of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova), Alexey Dolmatov, is currently struggling with drug addiction. He also performs rap songs and acts in films. The man does not communicate with his son.

Husband of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Dmitry Anokhin

Soon after her divorce from her ex-husband, Isa left for the island of Bali. Here she met a man who attracted her attention. He found it quickly mutual language with the girl's little son.

For a long time, nothing was known about the Internet star’s lover. Only after the birth of his second son did it become known that the baby’s father was new husband Aiza, whose name is Dmitry.

Currently, Aiza Anokhina’s (Dolmatova) husband, Dmitry Anokhin, is a very successful businessman. He built a house on the island of Bali, where he lives with his wife and children all the time.

Photos of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) before and after plastic surgery cannot be found on the Internet community. The woman herself has repeatedly stated that she is against correcting her figure by resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon.

Our today's heroine shares with users the secrets of how to become beautiful and gain health long years. On her Instagram page, Aiza posts exercises to correct her figure. You can also view recipe files here healthy eating blogger.

Instagram and Wikipedia Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova)

Instagram and Wikipedia of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) are filled with various information. In particular, there is a lot of information about fashion trends and style, in line with which the Internet star’s communication with fans is built.

Wikipedia contains information about the woman’s biography. Here you can find out where Anokhina was born, where her family lives, and the names of the heroine’s husband and children. But this source does not provide information about Isa’s parents.

Anokhin very often posts photos and videos on her Instagram page. Here you can see how the Internet star spends his free time. She shares design secrets and fashion trends with subscribers.

Aiza Dolmatova - journalist, TV presenter, designer, was born in the capital of Chechnya, Grozny on December 10, 1984.


Although there are persistent rumors that the girl has Chechen roots, she herself does not confirm this. However, she generally does not like to talk about her privacy and especially about family. This is partly understandable - Isa’s father is an FSB officer, and these people definitely don’t like publicity. On the other hand, she is superstitious and believes that people’s rumors and envy can ruin a lot of things in life.

Aiza spent only early childhood. A few years later, the father received a new appointment, and the family moved to the capital. The mother devoted all her time to her husband and daughter, she made every effort to ensure that the girl developed. Therefore, besides secondary school Isa went to various clubs and sections.

In addition to sports and music, the girls' interests also included healthy image life, medicine and cosmetology. Therefore, after receiving the certificate, she took the documents to the School of Health. But the parents didn’t like this idea too much. And they insisted that their daughter receive a prestigious economic education at that time.

Under pressure from her father, she took the documents and entered the university. But the specialty of economist did not particularly attract the inquisitive and sociable Aiza. Therefore, in her senior year, she simultaneously began studying for a degree in public relations, planning to go to work in journalism in the future.

Meeting Guf

Before Isa became the girlfriend of one of the most successful Russian rappers, whose last name she now bears, no one knew anything about her, although she regularly visited fashionable clubs and social events.

At one of them, Aiza accidentally crossed paths with Guf, who was smoking with friends after the performance. But then they only exchanged quick glances, although Guf immediately liked the girl.

Later it turned out that their social circles overlapped, so from time to time they met in big companies. So it was quite logical to exchange phone numbers. But Aiza then had other plans for Guf. One of her friends was secretly in love with the guy, and the girl decided to introduce them better. But for some time she could not cross them.

But they themselves crossed paths again, very unexpectedly for both of them, on one of ski resorts. Isa and a group of friends went snowboarding there, and Guf just liked spending time in the mountains; he wasn’t very good at skiing either. But he decided to take a risk and keep the girl company. The first attempt ended in a huge fall, flying across the entire slope.

Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, but such self-confidence made Aiza laugh a lot. She won Guf’s heart when she categorically refused the offer to go to the skating rink, explaining that the skating rink is entertainment only for girls.

Several days spent in each other’s company brought them closer and, returning to Moscow, Isa realized that she no longer wanted to introduce him to her friend.

Family life

The relationship between Aiza and Guf developed somehow smoothly. She herself admits that for a long time I saw in him only a friend with whom it was easy and fun to spend time, and you could talk about anything. She began to think that everything was serious when Guf decided to introduce her to her grandmother, the closest and most authoritative person to him.

They were both worried about this meeting. Grandma has the same character! If she didn’t like her grandson’s girlfriend, she could easily tell her about it and even throw her out the door. But she somehow immediately began to sympathize with Isa. Perhaps because the girl also felt a steel core inside her. Guf’s acquaintance with Aiza’s strict dad also went more or less smoothly.

The girl herself did not notice how she gradually moved into the apartment where Alexey (real name Gufa) lived with his Original Ba, as he affectionately called her. At first, the couple often argued over trifles, but the passions quickly subsided. A couple of times it even happened that Isa slammed the doors and went home, but on the same day Guf took her back.

Guf proposed to his beloved just four months after they started life together. And it was he who insisted not to delay the wedding. In 2008, the couple got married, and at the beginning of 2010, Isa officially announced that a new addition was expected to the family, and soon an heir, Sam, was indeed born.

It should be noted that before the birth of the child, Guf was quite heavily on drugs. At the beginning of the relationship, he hid this from Aiza, but then he confessed. The girl set a condition - it was either her or the addiction. And Guf, with her help, managed to overcome this addiction.

But as his popularity grew, family relationships became more and more complicated. Guf was constantly surrounded by a crowd of fans, he was at home less and less, and Isa increasingly began to suspect him of romantic relationships with long-legged beauties who ran after the artist in crowds. After the series high-profile scandals the couple divorced.


During pregnancy and after the birth of her child, Isa did a lot of handicrafts. And after the divorce, she decided to turn her hobby into small business and opened a salon of designer jewelry, where she offered for sale her own works and jewelry of other talented authors.

In 2013, the girl made her debut on television as the host of the Neformat Chart program, and quite successfully. In addition, she took part in a television exchange program and experienced live all the delights village life, while another girl enjoyed the atmosphere of the capital.

Isa also does an excellent job of voicing cartoons and even tried herself as an actress in the youth film “Gas Holder.” But her main occupation still remains designer jewelry, and the salon is increasingly gaining popularity among the Moscow elite.

New marriage

However, changes have occurred in Dolmatova’s personal life. While on vacation in Bali, she met successful businessman Dmitry Anokhin. They were united by a passion for adventure and surfing. And less than a year after they met, the couple officially formalized their relationship.

With Dmitry Anokhin

Isa continues to see Guf, but only as the father of her child. Because she now spends most of her time in Bali. Guf sometimes breaks out to them between concerts. He is far from delighted with Isa’s new husband and even commented on this several times on social networks. However, everything is fine with the couple so far, and at the end of 2016 Isa became a mother for the second time.

[b]Judging by the pictures and videos in the continuation of the post, the wife of the famous rapper Guf did not bother too much about separating from her husband and is already actively building her new personal life;) Although Aiza Dolmatova tried to hide this fact from the press, she did not care managed. Let's look further.

Aiza Dolmatova, it seems, did not languish alone for long after breaking up with her husband, the famous Russian rapper Guf. The couple has not yet decided what to do with the marriage, which is so rapidly coming apart at the seams, but 28-year-old Isa is already organizing her personal life with all her might. As we found out, the girl spends all her free time in the company of an impressive young man- famous Russian snowboarder Sergei Sterin. Ironically, her dear friend has a pseudonym similar to the name of her husband, rapper Guf. In sports circles, Sterin is called Goofy.
Earlier, Isa said in an interview that she left her husband Alexei Dolmatov (real name Guf - Ed.) because she could no longer tolerate her husband’s excessive addiction to drugs: she was tired of waiting for Alexei to come home from endless night parties.

However, the very next day after her revelations, 28-year-old Isa unexpectedly “changed her testimony.” In their blogs on the Internet, both she and Guf began to convince everyone that they had not broken up, but were just “solving problems.”
Both spouses still live in a prestigious high-rise building on Mosfilmovskaya Street. True, according to neighbors, in Lately both come here on visits. Isa spends almost all her time at her parents’ house, where their three-year-old son Sami now lives. And Guf almost always hangs out with friends and returns after midnight.

But, as it turned out, Isa has another one who doesn’t show up at home. good reason. A new hobby has appeared in her life - 25-year-old handsome snowboarder Sergei Sterin. A couple of days ago, having gone to see a doctor for examination, Dolmatova planned to end her evening with a romantic date. True, everything did not happen exactly as the girl wanted. Sergei, who was rushing to meet Aiza, was apparently in such a hurry that he got into a small accident in the west of Moscow. It was there that Dolmatova herself hurried. Having released the taxi, Isa got into one of the colliding cars and had a long conversation with her boyfriend.

On the front window of Sergei’s car there was a bouquet of flowers intended for Isa. As the conversation progressed, Guf’s wife began to calm the guy down with kisses and gentle hugs. But, realizing that the investigation of the incident with the traffic police officers was dragging on, Dolmatova left the meeting, tenderly kissing Sterin on the lips goodbye.

It is curious that just a day later, Dolmatova unexpectedly began accusing her husband of cheating on her Twitter and said that she had now finally decided to break up with him, since she was starting a new life.

Isa herself stubbornly hides all the details of her relationship with the famous snowboarder Sterin.

It's just mine good friend childhood, who gave me flowers, and in return I gave him a kiss,” Dolmatova, a little embarrassed, began to assure - Now he helps me morally. In general, I have several such true friends who are always ready to help me. Now, for example, I was left without a car, and he helped me move around the city...

Ex-wife performer Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​entrepreneur and rapper Aiza Anokhina made a video called Supreme (Guf R.I.P.), in which she responded to his attacks on her new husband. She promised to deprive the rapper of communication with her son and threatened that her husband, Dmitry Anokhin, would knock out his teeth. Guf laughed, and fans advised ex-spouses stop behaving like the participants in the show “Dom-2”.

Isa and Guf divorced in 2015, after living together for several years (they were married from 2008 to 2013), after separations and reunions. Isa began to live with surfer Dmitry Anokhin, and Guf’s five-year-old son named Sam stayed with her. Since then, the relationship between the rapper and his ex-wife has left much to be desired.

In early October, Guf recorded a diss track against Isa’s new husband. The reason was their personal conflict over Guf’s desire to communicate with his ex-wife and son. In, during which the rapper dissed, it seems, everyone, he talked about it like this:

My friendship with this Aizin guy didn’t work out, excuse the expression, who writes to me: “*** [woodpecker], don’t write to my wife.” Fuck you too! This is my child's mother, idiot. I only write to her about Sam, I don’t fucking need her after you, *** [nonentity].

As a result, a diss track called Line Up was posted on VK. In it, Guf threatened Anokhin with violence, demanded not to interfere with his communication with his son and boasted of “two highest”, and family conflict described with the words “my relatives are in captivity.” Now Isa has written down the answer.

Alexey Dolmatov with his son

On the first day, October 25, the video for the Supreme diss track (Guf R.I.P.) came out on top in Russian YouTube trends. The chorus goes like this:

I don't need beef, I don't need a hit, I don't need a new Supreme/Louis Vuitton collab
I don't need to make peace with you, no one needs you like your new album.

Isa further explains that Guf “touched mine and crossed the line, you won’t get away with this dirty song.” She threatens him with reprisals from her husband, promises to deprive him of communication with his son, has a low opinion of Guf’s personal qualities, calls him a coward and finally wishes him to “give him a golden injection with a rusty needle.”

Do you remember, in a dangerous mess on Kuz, you hid behind my back?
The wife gets punched in the face, and the husband hides behind her like a beast.
Get away from us, get off your son! I won't have anything in common with you.
Get drunk and go back to heroin, give yourself a golden injection with a rusty needle.

This is what it looks like:

Guf reacted to his ex-wife's diss with irony.

Some even decided that he wrote this seriously. But the rapper dispelled doubts.

Most viewers did not like Aiza’s position.

Others remembered that Guf sang Aiza in the popular track Ice Baby.

The top comments under the clip on YouTube are also not in Anokhina’s favor.

And on The Flow the comments are also unflattering for her.

But there are also those who support the former Gufa.

Who no one likes is her new husband.

But most fans believe that Aiza and Guf “arranged Dom-2” in vain, as stated in Aiza’s diss track. And they urge the former couple to come to their senses.

The trend for battles in Russian rap reached new heights when Oxy. But the question arose - why is someone there fighting with Oxy when he became Purulent? Maybe it's because?

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