Tatyana Navka: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Tatyana Navka's husband - photo, personal life, children, news Navka and her new husband

Tatyana Navka is a multiple champion of Russia, Europe and the world in figure skating, a bright personality and beautiful woman. The biography and personal life of Tatyana Navka has repeatedly become the topic of the most heated discussion in the media and the Internet.



Tatyana Navka was born in 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk. In the biography of Tatyana Navka there are many sports victories, and in her personal life - more than one novel. She managed to try herself in a variety of roles, in addition to sports: poetry, singing, film roles.

Tatyana Navka with her parents in childhood

Childhood and family

IN intelligent family Navka's parents respected the sport and tried to instill a love for him in Tanya. The idol of her childhood is the famous figure skater, champion Elena Vodorezova, and this predetermined the choice of the sport. From the age of five, Navka already got on skates: first on roller skates, and then easily switched to ice.

Individual lovers seek Jewish roots in her biography and personal life, they claimed that Tatyana Navka also has the same nationality, but according to official sources, she is Ukrainian. The very word "Navka" is translated as "mermaid". In general, this painful interest in the nationality of this or that famous person seems to us to be some kind of atavism.

Tatyana Navka in childhood

Navka started out as a “single skater”, but then acceleration took its toll: she grew sharply, difficult jumps stopped working, and she was advised to switch to ice dancing. The advice turned out to be very practical: it was in dancing that Tatyana found herself.

Sports career

Oak athletes trained in the USA, so Navka ended up there. IN total Tatyana has lived in America for more than ten years. Some sources have information that Navka has American citizenship and pays taxes in this country. She categorically denies this.

Navka's first partner in ice dancing was Samvel Gezalyan. At the 1994 Olympics, they played for Belarus and took 11th place, and at the World and European Championships, fifth and fourth places, respectively.

Tatyana Navka and her skating partner Samvel Gezalyan

After the collapse of this duet, Navka performed with Morozov, but this couple did not achieve much success. Two years later, Navka is already defending the honor of the Russian flag. It was a time when Tatyana Navka realized how closely everything is connected in this life: sports biography, personal life, husband, children ... Tatyana's first husband was the figure skater and coach Alexander Zhulin, but this is a story ahead.

Navka performed with Morozov

And the most stellar partner for Navka was the figure skater Roman Kostomarov. In their piggy bank from 2003 to 2006, the following achievements:

  • Two world championship victories
  • Three wins at the European Championships
  • Three victories at the championships of Russia
  • Turin Olympic gold medal

Tatyana Navka's star partner is figure skater Roman Kostomarov

After winning the Olympics, Navka and Kostomarov decided to end their careers in amateur sports and move into the category of professionals.

After leaving the sport, Tatyana Navka made a career as a TV show star and TV presenter. She took part in the most rated programs:

  • "Glacial period"
  • "Stars on Ice"
  • "City Lights"

Today Navka is the host of the Match TV federal channel.

Tatyana Navka and Ville Haapasalona at the Ice Age show

Specialists and experts in the field of figure skating have repeatedly emphasized that Navka's success was not accidental. The stars converged very well: excellent external data was combined in her with excellent strength, plastic and choreographic training. But this was not the main thing - there are many technical skaters, but far from all reach the heights.

Navka was distinguished from all the rest by his undoubted dramatic talent, the art of impersonation, and unique expressiveness. She managed to create her own style in skating - always on the verge of risk, bright and emotional.

Tatiana Navka

Navka's programs were not just a set of technical elements. These were mini-performances with her in leading role. She managed to embody in the dance a variety of images - comic, tragic, eccentric.

Many believe that with the departure of Navka from the sport, figure skating has lost a lot. So far, no one has been able to reach the same heights of femininity. "Carmen" performed by Navka is still considered the best embodiment of this image on ice.

"Carmen" performed by Navka and Kostomarov

They also noted the extraordinary musicality of Navka: she always unmistakably followed every note, every measure, as if conducting an invisible orchestra.

Numerous novels

In 2000, there was an important change in the biography and personal life of Tatyana Navka - she had a husband. They became Alexander Zhulin, whom she admired in her youth, when he shone like a figure skater.

In fact, by this time, Navka had been living with her future husband in the United States for six years, but they officially formalized the relationship only before the birth of their daughter Alexandra in New York.

In the biography of any great athlete, problems in his personal life arise when the question of children arises, and Tatyana Navka was no exception. Sport, family life and children - how to combine it? Nevertheless, at first Tatiana succeeded.

Tatyana's first husband - Alexander Zhulin with his daughter

But by 2008, different reasons relations in the Navka-Zhulin family heated up to the limit. This was facilitated by photos that clearly captured not friendly relations Navka with Marat Basharov, her partner in the Ice Age.

Marat - the famous Don Juan, completely lost his head and rushed into passion, as if into a pool with his head, forgetting about his lawful wife. The whole affair was obviously scandalous. It all ended with the fact that the mutual passion gradually faded away, and the former families broke up with both Navka and Basharov.

It was rumored that everything could have turned out differently, but the relationship was spoiled by Marat's immoderate passion for strong drinks.

Navka and Basharov

The story with Basharov also showed how vulnerable she became private life person. No matter how you hide something, but in our age, when anyone who just has a smartphone with a good camera can become paparazzi, it is almost impossible to keep anything a secret.

The next man in the life of Tatyana Navka seems to have become famous singer Alexey Vorobyov. It seems to be because neither journalists nor bloggers have been able to collect a “serious evidence base” that Navka and Vorobyov’s relationship has gone so far.

Both denied this, arguing that they were bound by an exceptionally pure and tender friendship. Most likely, this was actually the case, because this story did not receive any continuation.

Tatyana Navka and Alexey Vorobyov

In the end, journalists hunting for photos, details of the biographies and personal lives of the stars and their children, were forced to admit that the rumors about Tatyana Navka's numerous novels turned out to be just rumors. In reality, there were not too many such novels.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov

The love story of Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov did not develop at all simply, and a happy ending was by no means guaranteed. These people belonged to too different social strata, and, it would seem, there simply cannot be anything in common between them.

By the time they met, both managed to survive family dramas. Peskov's first wife was the granddaughter of Commander Budyonny, but the early marriage broke up early.

Peskov's divorce from his wife Ekaterina

With his second wife, the daughter of the ambassador, Peskov met when he worked as an attaché of the embassy in Turkey. Peskov was brought to the big political arena by Boris Yeltsin, who invited him to work in Moscow.

Since then, Peskov's life has been inextricably linked with the Kremlin. The work took almost all the time from both him and his wife Ekaterina, a well-known business woman. As practice shows, the cooling of relations with such busy life schedules is simply inevitable, even joint children do not save.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov met at the birthday party of a mutual friend in 2010. Relations did not develop at all rapidly: Peskov acted cautiously, unobtrusively, besides, Navka knew that he was married and had three children, and she did not want to act as a destroyer of the family again. But, however, Peskov's soft perseverance brought results: he managed to win the heart of the beauty.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov at the Gum-Katka

Realizing that publicizing their connection could have unwanted resonance, the couple hid their relationship for a very long time. She hid even when in 2014 Tatiana's daughter Nadezhda was born. By this time, Peskov had already divorced his wife, although the divorce was not easy for him.

Wedding of Tatyana and Dmitry

The official wedding ceremony of Peskov and Navka took place in an elite hotel in Sochi in 2015. As usual, there was no scandal. Peskov's daughter Elizaveta made extremely unflattering remarks about Navka on her Instagram, and the Bolgers were embarrassed by the too expensive watch on the groom's hand, visible on wedding photos. According to some estimates, they could cost almost four hundred thousand dollars.

Somehow, the incident was patched up and the couple went on a magical honeymoon.

Dmitry Peskov with his daughter Elizabeth

The life of the stars always passes in plain sight, but there are always some Interesting Facts which are not so widely known general public. We have collected some of them:

  • Tatyana has a younger sister, Natalia.
  • Tatyana was very superstitious, she always started on the ice with her left foot.
  • The daughter of Navka and Zhulin builds a career as a singer and sings under the pseudonym Alexia.
  • Tatyana played a role in the film "Loser", directed by famous Alexander Abdulov.
  • Tatyana cooks well and is fond of poetry.
  • Tatyana dreams of trying herself as a singer.

Tatyana and her younger sister Natalya

Tatyana Navka now

Information about how the biography and personal life of Tatyana Navka is currently developing indicates that she has finally achieved real family happiness.

Spouses live in love and harmony and support each other in everything. Everything suggests that there is a spiritual closeness and mutual understanding between them.

Peskov's children from a previous marriage finally found mutual language with Tatyana, all unpleasant moments and acute conflicts are settled.

Tatyana Navka with her family

Actually, anyone can verify this by visiting Tatyana Navka's Instagram page. She now has 672 thousand subscribers - a very good indicator.

However, Tatyana is not going to be content with the role of a housewife. Recently, the premiere of the musical on ice "Ruslan and Lyudmila" to the music of Ignatiev took place. In this show, Navka acts simultaneously as a leading lady, producer and director.

The show is full of cutting-edge lighting and computer effects. World figure skating stars take part in it, and Kirkorov, Lorak and other famous pop singers perform vocal parts.

Tatyana Navka in the musical on ice "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

The premiere of the show was sold out, and further screenings during the New Year holidays were also a great success.

Tatyana Navka already had experience of joint vocal performance with Mikhail Boyarsky, and, according to rumors, she is preparing a new musical surprise for her fans. What it will be - a new duet or a solo performance - is still unknown. Let's hope that this bright, multi-talented woman will delight us more than once.


Tatyana Navka is one of the most bright stars national figure skating. Speaking first for the national team Soviet Union, and then representing Belarus and Russia, Tatyana won Olympic gold, three times received the title of European champion, and twice - world champion. Having finished her sports career, Navka continues to participate in ice shows, delighting the audience with her unique talent.

Tatyana Navka biography personal life: childhood

Tatyana Alexandrovna Navka was born in Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk on April 13, 1975 in the very ordinary family. Mom was an economist, and dad worked as an engineer. Parents in their youth went in for sports and therefore instilled in Tatyana love for him. What kind of sport to engage in - the girl chose herself. At the age of five, Navka got on skates, her parents were able to get them even in conditions of shortage. Soon figure skating took one of the leading places in Tatiana's life.

At the age of 12, she became the champion of Ukraine among juniors. At the age of 13, mother Raisa Anatolyevna, at the insistence of the coaches, transferred her daughter to the ice dancing section. A year later, the young athlete moved to Russia to train. There the sports biography of Tatyana Navka started.

Tatyana Navka biography personal life: figure skater career

In 1993, Tatyana Navka began to storm sports competitions. The first exit of the girl on the big ice was performances for the national team of the Soviet Union. Then the figure skater paired with Samvel Gezalyan. After the collapse of the USSR, athletes represented Belarus. On Olympic Games in 1994, the couple received 11th place.

The partnership between Navka and Gezalyan eventually broke up, after which Tatyana began to go on the ice already with Nikolai Morozov. Together with the figure skater, the girl performed at the 1998 Winter Olympics, again from Belarus. Then the couple received only 16th place. Since 1998, Tatyana Navka has been playing for the Russian national team. By this time, the girl had already broken up with her ice partner Nikolai Morozov.

Roman Kostomarov became a new couple for Tatyana. The famous coach Natalya Linnichuk made a bet on the duet and invited her to train with her in the United States. However, a year later she changed her mind - more promising, in her opinion, was a couple of Roman Kostomarov and Anna Semenovich. Linnichuk told Roman about her decision and asked Tatiana to inform her about it. At the same time, the coach herself portrayed great surprise in front of Navka.
The couple reunited in 2002. The duet began to train Alexander Zhulin, and Elena Chaikovskaya advised the athletes. Tatyana Navka has IX place at the XIX Winter Olympic Games and the 2000 World Championship, two silver and bronze medals from the Russian Championships, bronze from the European Championship 2003, two victories and silver from the Grand Prix series finals. Navka three times Russian Champion, twice European and World Champion.

Tatyana Navka biography personal life: husbands and children of figure skating stars

At 25, Tatyana married her figure skating coach, Alexander Zhulin, who was 12 years older than her. In marriage, the daughter of Alexander was born. After that, the couple lived together for another 10 years.

And in 2010, they confirmed the rumors about their breakup. In the next few years, the figure skater was credited with an affair with Marat Basharov and Alexei Vorobyov. But none of the couple officially confirmed the relationship. In August 2015, Tatyana Navka married the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

The ceremony took place on the Black Sea coast in Sochi. He did everything in a clever way. It seems to be courted, but it seems not. It seems that he said that we would be together, and I called him Dmitry Sergeevich for a year and called him “you”. I couldn’t cross this line in any way, only “you” ... I didn’t call or pick up the phone. And he managed to find me through friends. And he got his way. And rightly so, it was impossible to take me impudently, well, you can’t,” said Navka. Tatyana and Dmitry had a daughter, whom they named Nadezhda.

Tatyana Alexandrovna Navka. She was born on April 13, 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk. Soviet, Belarusian and Russian figure skater. Three-time champion of Russia (2003, 2004, 2006), three-time European champion (2004-2006), two-time world champion (2004, 2005), Olympic champion (2006) in ice dancing paired with Roman Kostomarov. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2004).

Father - Alexander Petrovich Navka, engineer.

Mother - Raisa Anatolyevna, economist.

Has a younger sister, Natalya.

Her parents went in for sports in their youth, so they rejoiced at their daughter's passion for figure skating, which appeared after she saw Elena Vodorezova's performance on TV.

First, Tatyana was bought roller skates, and she learned to ride them, and in 1980, at the age of five, the future champion first went on the ice. Her first coaches were Tamara Yarchevskaya and Alexander Rozhin. Navka was the champion of Ukraine among juniors.

In 1987, Tatyana grew by 14 cm over the summer, which led to the fact that her jumping technique went wrong. After that, the coaches advised Tatyana's mother to transfer her daughter to ice dancing.

In 1988, the 14-year-old figure skater moved to Moscow to join the group of Natalya Dubova (Moskvich sports club), who chose her among many young athletes and paired her with Samvel Gezalyan. First they trained at the Ice Palace in Sokolniki, then the couple was selected by Dubova, who signed a contract in the USA, for training in North America. So Navka ended up in New Jersey, in total she lived in the USA for more than 15 years.

In 1991, this pair entered the national team of the USSR, became the winner of major international tournaments Skate America and Nations Cup. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tatyana and Samvel played for Belarus, represented this country at the Olympic Games in Lillehammer, where they were eleventh. They took fifth place at the World Championship (1994) and fourth place at the European Championship (1995).

From 1996 to 1998, Navka was a partner. This couple also represented Belarus, became the winner of the Karl Schaefer Memorial, participated in the Olympic Games in Nagano.

In 1996, in the USA, Tatiana came to the attention of a new coach - the idol of her youth, ex-world champion Alexander Zhulin, whom she met back in 1993 at the gold World Championship in Prague. Soon between them, despite the difference of 12 years, a romantic relationship flared up hidden from the eyes of others.

Since 1998, Navka has competed for Russia in tandem with Roman Kostomarov. A promising partner, 2 years younger than Tatyana, was chosen by Zhulin.

The skaters had ideal combination of height data: Tatyana Navka - 170 cm, - 182 cm.

At first they trained in the group of Natalia Linichuk, who, however, soon recommended that Kostomarov change his partner, preferring Anna Semenovich. At that moment, Kostomarov did not dare to disobey the highly experienced mentor.

In the 1999-2000 season, Tatyana, who was left without a couple, was pregnant with her first daughter, but in the summer, having gone out on the ice, she accepted Roman's apologies and began to skate with him again. Since 2000, they have been training under the guidance of Zhulin, after completing his career, Navka noted his outstanding coaching and pedagogical gift.

Since 2000, the dark-haired Tatyana has finally adopted the image of a blonde on the ice, however, in 2008 she made an exception for the show number on Schindler's List. IN different time future Olympic champions Elena Chaikovskaya and Tatyana Tarasova also advised.

The first major success came to the skaters in 2003, when Navka / Kostomarov became Champions of Russia for the first time. In the same year, for the first time, they won a prize at the European Championship in Sweden, winning bronze medals. A year later, the rapidly progressing couple did not leave the highest step of the pedestal.

Navka and Kostomarov approached the 2006 Olympics in Turin as undisputed favorites: since 2004 they have not lost a single start at the Russian, European and World Championships, they have taken gold everywhere.

The main focus of the skaters was on the free program with the dance "Carmen", choreographed by Tatyana Druchinina, the 1987 world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. As Navka admitted, when preparing the Spanish dance, she was "inspired by the image of the brilliant ballerina Maya Plisetskaya."

On the eve of the Olympics, the program was well received by the French public at the European Championships in Lyon. The Olympic start was not easy: by the time the dancers entered the fight, the Russian team already had two gold medals in pair skating and among men.

After the compulsory dance, the hosts of the Olympics, the 2001 world champions Barbara Fusar-Poli and Maurizio Margallo, were in the lead. In the original dance, the Italian made a gross mistake, falling while performing a simple element, and the Russians took the lead, with a margin of less than one and a half points from the Americans Tanith Belbin / Benjamin Agosto. In the decisive, free dance, the American skaters made a mistake twice, while Navka and Kostomarov, according to Elena Vaitsekhovskaya, showed an “outstanding skate”. The judges' score was more moderate - 101.37 points, which is lower than the pair's record (113.17), but it was quite enough for Olympic gold.

“Tears of happiness flowed down Carmen’s face,” enthusiastic newspapers wrote.

After winning the Olympic Games in Turin in 2006, Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov decided to end their sports career. It was immediately decided that the couple would continue and continue to perform in demonstration numbers and in professional shows.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov

Hobby of Tatyana Navka: music, cooking, cinema, horses, skiing.

Tatyana Navka also mentioned that she wants to try her hand at acting and dreams of acting in feature film, strives to learn how to sing qualitatively. Once she already performed the song “And it’s snowing” at a concert in a duet with.

Favorite actress Tatyana Navka: Chulpan Khamatova and Inna Churikova.

Tatyana Navka posed for Maxim magazine

Tatyana Navka about superstitions:

“In some moments, yes, but globally, no. I even violated my traditions at the Olympic Games: I never washed clothes at competitions, never at all. I came and walked for five days in the same socks, in the same tights. the entire training process lasted exactly ten days for us, and after five days I realized that it was simply impossible. Reluctantly, I gave things to the laundry and spat on the rituals that I had observed all my life ".

Tatyana Navka about the components of success:

"I'm sure the strongest are lucky. And first of all, the guarantee of victory is experience, diligence, regimen. Still constancy when you do the same thing day after day: through stress, nerves, pain, effort, injury. And so, breaking through walls, you go forward.But luck... No, luck doesn't happen just like that.First, work, and only then, secondarily, luck.

Everything that I have achieved in my profession and life, I have achieved myself - with my own work, efforts, nerves. It's just that the doors never opened before me...

If about sports, then, of course, the Olympics is a very significant victory for me. If about life, then - the birth of a daughter. And so there were many bright small victories, which later formed significant and most important ones. In general, everything that is done in life is not just like that - and everything is for the better. I am convinced of this. Loss or failure can later turn into happiness.".

It's done! On August 1, the 40-year-old figure skater and her lover, 47-year-old press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, got married! The high-profile ceremony, which the press started talking about back in April, took place in Sochi in the presence of more than a hundred star guests.

"Lady Mail.Ru" tells the love story of a spectacular couple, to which the eager attention of thousands of eyes has long been riveted.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka

brittle ice

Promising and very diligent figure skater Tatyana Navka moved to Moscow from Dnepropetrovsk, being a 15-year-old girl. Then the talented athlete long years trained in the USA. Skating on ice tempered her character, brought great victories and first love.

Tatyana first saw her colleague, figure skater Alexander Zhulin, when she was 18 - the world championship was held in Prague. After some time, Zhulin and Navka met again, and Alexander fell in love with the fragile and modest Tatyana. “Got it! - Think. “Only this was still not enough!”, Zhulin recalls a meeting with a pretty athlete. Tatyana charmed Alexander so much that he left his former wife, figure skating partner Maya Usova.

Navka and Zhulin lived together for fourteen years, ten of them married. Relations, however, were often tense: due to the fact that both Alexander and Tatyana worked hard, they practically did not have time for each other. The lovers felt lonely, and Zhulin even tried to leave for another skater, Oksana Grischuk, but ended up staying with Tatyana.

In 2000, Navka gave her husband a daughter, Sasha. “As a child, I watched the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” and began to dream that I, like her heroine, would someday have a daughter, Alexandra, fair-haired and big-eyed. It all happened,” recalls Navka.

Previously, Tatyana was married to her colleague Alexander Zhulin

During pregnancy, the figure skater suspended active training and began to spend more time with her husband. At the time, the couple lived in the United States. Alexander later admitted that that period was the best in the life of their family: “We loved each other and enjoyed every day. I still remember life in America as a wonderful fairy-tale dream.

After the birth of her daughter, Tatyana immediately went on the ice. The girl rode in a pair with Roman Kostomarov, the husband of Navka became the coach of the athletes. Over time, Tatyana began to move away from Alexander, showed independence. Zhulin no longer recognized in her the sweet girl she had been during their first meetings.

Relations in the family were rapidly declining. Young parents did not agree on the upbringing of their daughter. In addition, when the skaters were invited to work in Russia on the Ice Age project, Tatyana, Alexander and their daughter were forced to move from a spacious house in New York to a small Moscow apartment.

The capital finally divorced the lovers. Navka began to be noticed in the company of Marat Basharov, with whom she skated in pairs on " ice age". The husband, realizing that his beloved had lost interest in him, decided, as the media wrote, to start a relationship with a young figure skater Natalya Mikhailova, whom he was coaching at that moment.

A passionate romance broke out between Navka and Basharov, the actor left his family for the skater. Relations, however, were stormy: they either converged or scattered. The press was constantly in confusion: the news about Navka's pregnancy was replaced by information that Tatyana and Marat had separated. As a result, the couple finally broke up, Marat found new love- although he remained on friendly terms with Navka.

For some time, Tatyana Navka met with actor Marat Basharov. Tatyana and Marat performed together on the show "Ice Age"

Dmitry Peskov and his second wife, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya

Discord in the Peskov family happened after that fateful meeting between Dmitry and Navka at a dinner party. It became clear to Peskov's legal wife that the family could not be saved. Moreover, the woman was disappointed in her husband, whom she always considered faithful: “It seemed to me that everyone has this, but mine is definitely different. And when it turned out that the same ... I was not interested.

For a long time, only the closest friends and relatives knew about the feelings between Navka and Peskov. For almost two years, the press has been actively discussing that something connects the press secretary and the Olympic champion, but there was still no official confirmation of the rumors.

According to the skater, her chosen one is not only an active man with golden hands, but also a real pedant: “If you turn the chair differently or a new candle appears in the living room, you will certainly notice. He has been buying the same model of shoes for many years in a row. He's used to having his jackets hang in the proper order. You understand that even if there are assistants in the house, you can’t foresee everything. ”

The couple stopped hiding their romance only in December last year.

Over time, journalists and fans of Navka began to think: if the skater with a new man is doing well and her daughter is already growing up, why won’t the couple sign? “You know, I always understood that the seal in the passport is not the most important thing to save love and family. In my life, this event will definitely happen, but everything has its time, ”Navka mysteriously stated.

Tatyana Navka's husbands are quite bright and famous people. Former spouse Alexander Zhulin - Soviet and Russian figure skater, second husband of the athlete - Dmitry Peskov - on this moment serves as presidential press secretary Russian Federation. In addition, the husbands of Tatyana Navka, before meeting with the famous athlete, were in official relations for many years. But still they left their own families and went to the skater.

The first husband of Tatyana Navka

The first time Tanya got married in 2000. Her chosen one was the figure skater and coach Alexander Zhulin. The girl was 12 years younger than her chosen one, but this did not stop Zhulin. At that time, he was married to figure skater Maya Usova, but since there were no children in the marriage who could somehow keep Alexander, and the tender feelings that connected the spouses earlier had cooled down for a long time, the skater decided to divorce his wife.

Husbands of Tatyana Navka

Tatyana and Zhulin have been married for about 14 years, having managed to give birth to a daughter, Alexander. However, after a certain time in the life of Navka's husband, everything happened again. Alexander fell in love with his young student - an aspiring figure skater named who was already 23 years younger than him.

For now ex-husband Tatyana Navka is legally married to Natalya, who in 2013 gave birth to his daughter Katya. The athlete believes that now he has real family. After two unsuccessful unions, he believes that this marriage is the last in his life.

Like the first spouse of the figure skater (Alexander Peskov was married before meeting with Navka. The first time the head of the presidential press service married in his youth was the granddaughter of the famous commander S. Budyonny, Anastasia Budyonna. From this relationship, the son Nikolai was born. However, having lived together for several years, the spouses separated.

In more adulthood, namely at the age of 27, Dmitry officially legalized relations for the second time. His chosen one was who was 9 years younger than her husband. In marriage, she gave birth to three children. This is a girl Lisa and two boys - Mika and Denis. The marriage of the spouses cracked as soon as Tatyana and Dmitry met fatally at a solemn event. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya immediately understood everything - their marriage could not be saved. Moreover, ex-wife Dmitry Sergeevich was disappointed in her husband, as she had previously considered him a faithful and devoted person.

The love story of Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov

The athlete and the diplomat met in 2012 at the celebration of the birthday of a mutual friend. Soon they began an affair, which only close people knew about. For about two years, the press actively discussed that there was some kind of relationship between the press secretary and the Olympic champion, but there was no official confirmation of this.

At the first meeting, as Peskov recalls, he did not recognize the famous figure skater and Olympic champion in his new acquaintance. Only when they were introduced to each other, the man realized who was in front of him. Tatyana believes that she and Dmitry are completely different areas. According to all the laws of nature, they could hardly have met, but nevertheless the acquaintance took place, and not just an acquaintance, but fateful meeting which grew into true love.

Wedding of Navka and Peskov

After they met, a tender relationship arose between Tatyana and Dmitry, but Peskov was married at that time, so the couple tried not to advertise their romance. Two years later, in August 2014, our heroine had a second daughter, Nadezhda. From now on, Tatyana and Dmitry Sergeevich have ceased to hide their romantic relationship.

In August 2015, the solemn event, namely the official marriage of Navka and Peskov. The solemn ceremony was held in Sochi. More than 100 guests attended the wedding.

The husbands of Tatyana Navki gave the famous figure skater two wonderful daughters - Alexander and Nadezhda.

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