The famous lawyer Dobrovinsky. Lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky personal life. Dobrovinsky Alexander, photo, biography. And what is your dacha doing? Lawyer Dobrovinsky: biography, career, family

Alexander Dobrovinsky is a fairly well-known Moscow lawyer who became famous for quite high-profile cases related to protecting the interests of domestic stars and politicians. Born on September 25, 1954 in Moscow. He lost his father early big influence the grandfather on the mother's side provided for the upbringing of the grandson. The wife of Alexander Dobrovinsky is a dentist, the mother of his two daughters.

After a divorce from her husband, Alexander's mother lived in Paris, was a Frenchwoman of Russian origin. In 1976, the future lawyer went to her. At first he had to work as a waiter, then he opened his own restaurant of Russian cuisine. However, after a while, the guy decided to move to the USA, where he began to study law. In order to be able to pay for his studies, he had to work in a taxi service and as an assistant in a law office.

In the early 1990s, Alexander decided to return to Russia. He externally receives a law degree and opens his first law office. His career began to develop rapidly and gain momentum after the scandalous process with the Norga company, which wanted to sue the debt from the Russian Federation for the supplied food products.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky has many high-profile cases related to names famous stars domestic show business. However, he does not always act as their representative. In addition, in 2014, the lawyer became the owner of a part suburban area, which previously belonged to actress Lyubov Orlova and her husband Grigory Alexandrov. In addition, Alexander acquired Orlova's personal archive.

In the photo: Alexander Dobrovinsky

Dobrovinsky is quite fluent in English and French. They published over ten scientific works in the field of jurisprudence. Received the title of candidate of legal sciences.

In addition to law, Alexander is also a radio host at the popular radio station " silver Rain". He is also a co-owner of Pushkino Bank.

In the photo: Alexander Dobrovinsky

Alexander's hobbies also include sports, in particular golf. He is the chairman of a famous golf club. He is fond of collecting.

Alexander Dobrovinsky's wife, Marina, is a practicing dentist. There is a marriage contract between them. It was she who gave her husband two beautiful daughters.

Biography of Alexander Dobrovinsky

Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky(September 25, 1954, Moscow) - an illustrious lawyer, head of the Moscow Bar Association "Alexander Dobrovinsky and Partners". Lawyer Dobrovinsky became known to the general public for representing the interests of F. Kirkorov, R. Baisarov, A. Mordashov, B. Berezovsky, V. Slutsker and other public figures in resonant civil and criminal cases, particularly related to family squabbles. Sergei Polonsky also involved our hero as a lawyer, which he bitterly regretted later.

Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky
Date of birth: September 25, 1954
Place of birth: Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
Citizenship: USSR → Russia
Occupation: lawyer

Alexander Dobrovinsky was born in 1954 in Moscow. He studied at the Faculty of Economics of VGIK, but did not complete this educational institution.
In 1972, 18-year-old Alexander Dobrovinsky left for Paris, where his mother, Lucy Rubinovna, a Frenchwoman of Russian origin, lived.
There he tried a number of types of earnings - he worked as a waiter, was the owner of the Parisian restaurant of Russian cuisine "Regal". Three years later he left for the United States, where he received a law degree. Alexander Dobrovinsky worked as an assistant in a law firm, a taxi driver to pay for his studies.

In Russia Alexander Dobrovinsky returned in the early 1990s. Alexander Dobrovinsky externally received a law degree and in 1992 opened his first law office. Specialized in corporate law, as well as divorce proceedings.
First fame Dobrovinsky brought scandalous story with the Swiss company Noga, which tried to sue Russian Federation debts for delivered food and threatening to seize property belonging to the state.

During several years Alexander Dobrovinsky represented the interests of opponents of Yukos, who fought for the assets of the Eastern oil company. Alexander Dobrovinsky participated in the processes covered in the press on the division of property during the divorces of the entrepreneur L. Cherny in 1999, the owner of Severstal A. Mordashov in 2001.

In 2007 Alexander Dobrovinsky represented the interests of M. Kashulinsky, editor-in-chief of the Russian version of Forbes magazine, in the case of the suit of Inteko, the owner of which was the wife of the then mayor of Moscow, Yu. Luzhkov, E. Baturina. In 2009, he represented the interests of businessman R. Baysarov, a former civil husband K. Orbakaite, in their conflict over Denis's son.

Alexander Dobrovinsky He was also a lawyer for the co-owner of Fininvest, V. Slutsker, in a divorce case with his wife, owner of the World Class network, O. Slutsker.
In 2010, he represented the interests of F. Kirkorov, who was accused of beating the assistant director M. Yablokova.
Not in all disputes Dobrovinsky acted on the side of public figures. So, in July 2011, he represented the interests of the photojournalist of the newspaper " TVNZ» E. Guseva, sent a statement to the police demanding to open a criminal case against singer Valery Meladze on charges of beating a journalist.
In 2012, the Dobrovinsky Bar opened a branch in London to serve clients with business and personal interests in the UK.

In 2014 Alexander Dobrovinsky bought a dacha that previously belonged to Lyubov Orlova and Grigory Alexandrov, as well as the personal archive of the actress. Alexander Dobrovinsky is fluent in English and French. Author of more than ten scientific papers on jurisprudence. PhD in Law.

Alexander Dobrovinsky- winner of the open annual All-Russian competition "Leader of the Year" in the nomination "The Best Lawyer of Russia in 2003".
Alexander Dobrovinsky- former chairman of the board of directors of Arbat Prestige.
Since 2012, she has been broadcasting Yoga for the Brains on the Silver Rain radio station.
March 2013 Alexander Dobrovinsky was appointed chairman of the board of the Potok company, and a month later became a co-owner of Pushkino Bank.
On September 30, 2013, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, due to repeated violations federal laws revoked the license from Pushkino Bank, the owner of a 19% stake in which was Alexander Dobrovinsky.

Hobbies of Alexander Dobrovinsky

Alexander Dobrovinsky- Champion of Russia in golf (2002). He also heads a number of prestigious associations of athletes in this area, such as the Moscow Country Golf Club.

Alexander Dobrovinsky known as an avid collector. The largest in the world private collection of Soviet porcelain, owned by Alexander Dobrovinsky, was exhibited in the Pushkin Museum, where it occupied 5 halls. Several times I changed apartments for the sake of a convenient exposition of this collection. He collected a collection of lacquered boxes depicting revolutionary miniatures, as well as photographs and paintings from the first half of the 20th century. He collected Tibetan iconography of the 17th-18th centuries, accessories for smoking cigars.

Photo by Jan Coomans

Our first heroine

curator and art expert Marina Dobrovinskaya.

The wife of the famous lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, Marina preferred a career in the art world to the image of a secular lady. She realized in time that it was in the world of art that she was able to feel truly happy. And that means successful. Our meeting took place in the apartment of Marina and Alexander, where we were able to personally see their famous collection.

Marina, Lately I heard a lot about your art tours. Tell me, are they part of the educational program of the Phillips auction house, or are these your own ideas?

These are all my ideas. Educational program- also my idea, which I just proposed to the auction house. It seems to me that they were very happy and are still satisfied that such courses exist in Moscow. The idea of ​​trips is not new, they are already 7 years old, the same as my program. I call it educational, people come to us already quite educated in this regard. And we started riding from the first year. This is an integral part of the program, since hearing one theory is not enough. You always want to see everything with your own eyes. Agree, it’s nice, after listening to a series of lectures, to go to this city, country and see for yourself the masterpieces that you were told about.

So these trips are directly related to the courses? Is it pointless to go without preparation?

It happens to us, everything is possible. But I always try to warn people who haven't taken courses that they're going to have to face something they're not quite used to. For example, contemporary art, for which, I am convinced, you need to prepare.

And if a person is savvy, familiar with the era and the authors that he was told about, will he be interested? Why is it worth going specifically as part of your project, and not visiting the chosen city and museum on your own?

Of course, we also go to museums, but not to permanent exhibitions - you can really see it for yourself. The trips that I organize are aimed at places that you just can't get to. They include acquaintances with artists and their ateliers, trips to the storerooms of museums, some special exhibitions and galleries where you can communicate with people of art. If we go to the museum, then the curator or the director himself meets us there. We have a personal approach.

How do you develop a program for a year - do you know in advance which cities you will visit as part of the courses and taking into account exhibitions?

Everything is shaping up differently. I organize all the trips myself, there are only four of them a year, a maximum of five. I prepare something for three months, and there are those that take a year to prepare. Our courses run in parallel with two cycles: classical applied art, that is, old masters, and the history of modern contemporary art. In any case, the trip "covers" those places, artists that the person has already heard about. It's always interesting.

I would like to hear about the organization of your courses: how many times a week they run or whether it is difficult to fit them into your schedule. And what period is discussed in the lectures on contemporary art?

Courses are designed for academic year from the beginning of October to the end of May. I try to make them comfortable for people with children. After rest, September - difficult month: you need to schedule, organize and solve some everyday problems. It is better to start studying in October. During the school holidays, we also take a break: this is a week on the November holidays, two weeks in New Year and then rest in May. The cycle is for everyone. A total of 30 lectures per academic year on classical history and 30 on modern history. Lectures are held 2 times a week: Tuesday - classics, Wednesday - contemporary and contemporary art. We begin the cycle on classical art from antiquity to the middle of the 19th century, modern and contemporary art - from the middle of the 19th century to today, including the art of video art and performance, that is, what is especially relevant today. Everything has been accounted for. The lecturers who read with us change every 5 classes so that you can hear new topics, opinions, because each specialist has his own "horse". It is important to hear perfectly different people. Listening to one, even a beautiful one, is wrong. The classical part is arranged a little differently: there is my favorite lecturer who leads 15 classes at once, and then there are thematic lectures in blocks of 5 lessons.

And all 7 years it is in demand?

We started with a narrow circle, which at first included my friends and acquaintances. And until now, 90% are women, but now men are also interested, gradually we no longer fit in the small gallery where we started classes. So we moved to the lecture hall at the Central Department Store. Then it became crowded there, and now we are based on Ostozhenka in the hall for 130 seats in the Museum of Photography of Olga Sviblova.

So this is a serious school?

Yes, although I didn't expect it myself. Despite the fact that I understood how it was necessary and interesting. Seven years ago, when I started doing courses, there was nothing like this in Moscow. There were some courses at the Pushkin Museum and in the Tretyakov Gallery. But not about modern art, but only classics, and there was a lot of censorship. I do everything in a very Western way, I have no censorship. Artists, art critics can say any word and express any opinion, and I welcome this.

How did all this come about, how did this project of yours suddenly come to life?

It began with the fact that I left my profession - by my first education I am a dentist. After 18 years in dentistry, I left because youngest child hurt a lot. Since my husband and I are passionate about art and collecting, I decided to find some courses and do something myself. I found a program at the Museum of Arts and Crafts - it was pure classics, the courses lasted two years, and I went there 4 times a week. In the end, she wrote her thesis and received a diploma.

What topic?

I collect Soviet glass, I have a favorite artist - Vladimir Muratov from Gus-Khrustalny, he, unfortunately, has already died, but I knew him and bought several works from him. I believe that this is an absolutely brilliant artist with a very refined taste, and it was about him that my thesis was. Then I realized that courses should exist, but they should be different, not so boring, and I made my own program. At that time, I was very friendly with the Sotheby's auction house, they were building an office in Moscow and offered me to take a certain position with them.

Were you friends as a collector?

Yes, my husband and I are their customers. I didn’t like their offer then, I don’t see myself sitting in the office and writing reports. In response, I offered to organize courses in Moscow. They have courses in London but they are a bit different target audience- for future employees, professionals are nurtured there. And I offered to make lectures for amateurs and clients. But the decision was never made. It was then that I met Simon de Pury, at that time the owner of Phillips de Pury, a company that deals only with contemporary art. Simon was wildly delighted with my idea and immediately decided that such courses should be organized in Moscow. A week later, he sent me a financial director from New York, who signed a contract with me. And since then, I've been kind of at Phillips.

If we are talking about a full-scale educational course, then the choice of cities for trips is very large. How did you form a short list of places where you often go?

There is no such list, any city can attract with its culture. We even went to St. Petersburg. It is interesting, of course, to travel around Europe. Since I do everything myself, organizing a trip to some new town takes up to a year. For example, there will be New York soon, and I have been preparing this trip for a long time. It's not easy, because I always go for very few days: to Europe - for 3 and a half days, to New York - 5 days. Why? First, there is a lot of material to look at. Everything should be at the right time and not too long, so that the person is not tired, not bored. Every 5 minutes - thought out and organized. For three and a half days we watch a lot, plus lunches and dinners, sometimes going to the opera or theater. The program is very rich. After these three days, it seems that you were on a trip for two months, but of course, it’s difficult to leave for such a long time - we all have little time, all our families. In addition, if a person sees and hears too much, then the information is difficult to remember and easy to get confused. Everything should be proportional. I tried a lot before I came up with this format, and now it seems perfect to me.

I understand this very well from my previous work. We need to make sure that everyone is happy, so that people have the opportunity to relax and exhale, change clothes before dinner. I understand the work behind it.

Yes, it's not that simple. But I really like it, I myself get great pleasure and never repeat anything. Although I have a favorite city - Brussels, which we will go to for the fourth time, but this is a real storehouse of art, culture, incredible tasty food, and each time the trip can be made completely new.

Tell us about your Brussels! I also love this city, but usually, having been there for one day, I go somewhere to Ghent or Bruges. And suddenly you tell me that you will be there for the fourth time...

Firstly, we always go there at the end of January to get to the BRAFA antique fair. I think this is one of the best art fairs in Europe. The prices are good and things are of high quality, excellent galleries participate - many are from Paris, and in Paris they have completely different prices. We usually come to the fair on the first day, for the vernissage, after which there is a dinner, which is sometimes visited by the queen. Society of collectors - it's very interesting! Then - Ghent, my favorite city, I never miss it. The drive is only 40 minutes, and you should definitely see the Ghent altar of the van Eyck brothers, I consider it one of the wonders of the world in art, you can look at it endlessly. Ghent also has a wonderful museum of modern art with an amazing director who met us last time and told us everything. He showed the exposition and even took it to the storeroom, took out the hidden Kabakov.

Ghent altarpiece by the van Eyck brothers

By the way, I was always interested to know: can you buy something from the storerooms of museums?

No, museums do not sell anything, they only buy for their collection. If you need to sell something, then - through an auction, but rarely. They keep everything in storerooms and gradually change the exposition, they can get some things for exhibitions, lend them to other countries and cities.

Ghent also has an excellent design museum. Sometimes we go to Antwerp - to the museum of modern art and the fashion museum, where there are always excellent exhibitions. This time we will definitely go to the suburb of Antwerp to the studio of Wim Delvoye, a contemporary artist, the most notable work which - tattoos on the backs of pigs. His things were recently exhibited in our Pushkin Museum, interspersed in the main collection, and his gothic sculptures looked great.

Works by Wim Delvoye

In Brussels, there is Villa Ampan, an unreal beauty building in the Art Deco style, built by the Count of Ampan. After his death, the villa was sold, and whoever lived there even had a Soviet embassy. As a result, it was bought by the Bogosyan family - jewelers from Geneva from the Bogart company. They restored the villa very beautifully and made an exhibition space: 3-4 exhibitions per year, one better than the other. It's impossible to miss.

Villa Empain

Also, everyone knows about the Rene Magritte Museum, but few people know that there is also his house-museum in Brussels. This artist was very modest, he lived with his wife on the outskirts of the city, his apartment and studio have been preserved in the original! What else? Museum Island in the center of Brussels - the Royal Museum with an amazing collection, the Museum of Music. Everything is nearby. We also visited the studio of the sculptor Isabelle Tilges, she is French but has been living in Belgium for a long time. Creates very exquisite sculptures. Then we were in the studio of the artist Isabelle de Borgrave, she makes costumes, dishes, paper furniture. In the studio, the works of artists can be purchased, or you will be given the address of the gallery where this can be done.

Works by Isabelle de Borchrave

Approximate cost of her work?

From 2-3 thousand euros, some things - up to 20 thousand ... We also dined at the house of Gerald Watlet, a famous decorator. He is also a television cook, he has his own program. I met Gerald at the Belgian embassy in Moscow, talked about the project, about the trip to Brussels, and he invited us to his house for dinner, said: “I will cook for you.” I clarified that there are 17 of us in the group! He did not raise an eyebrow: "No problem, I will cook for 17 people." He has an amazing apartment, eclectic and beautiful, and great dinner. Chicken fricassee I will remember for a long time!

We also visited the comic book museum, without which it is impossible to imagine Brussels. And next year, we will definitely go to the arsenal building, where the Belgian bag factory Delvaux is located, which has existed since 1869. This is my favorite brand royal family. Dressing is not inferior Hermes bags- Beautiful work, exquisite models. The factory employs 200 people, each for 40-50 years. Plus - a museum of bags. They usually do not like to let visitors in there, but they will make an exception for us .. Also in the program is an old brewery, which was bought by a collector who also deals with interiors. He made a showroom of interiors and added his incomparable collection there. He collects everything: from antique statues and Chinese vases to Anish Kapoor, the collection contains only masterpieces.

Marina, many people are interested in you as a media person, you are known not just as a wife famous husband, namely as Marina Dobrovinsky. What is your attitude towards this?

I take it very calmly. And I do not at all strive to get into the gossip column. What I do is more important to me than what people say about me as a person.

Looking at you, you understand that you have achieved some high level identity, culture and attitude to life. Therefore, it is very interesting, what does the quality of life mean to you? Let's say a 5 star hotel? Is it primarily service or decor?

This is absolute convenience. For me, luxury is the right mattress, the right closet, the right bath with the right shower. For my taste, W hotels with open showers without partitions are uncomfortable - beautiful, but uncomfortable. In Brussels I love the former Conrad, now he is Steigenberger, in Paris I love Le Meurice, Hotel Georges V. It is important for me where the hotel is located so that it can be conveniently reached from there. If I'm traveling with a group, then I'll see if the bus can park near the hotel - narrow streets will not work, because then our ladies in stilettos will walk on the cobblestones.

The Prince de Galles is relatively new, door to door to Georges V. Both hotels are luxurious, but in different ways.

I have not been there, you need to see how modern and comfortable it is. Not so long ago we were in Israel, one day in Jerusalem at the Mamilla Hotel. It is very beautiful, with a chic restaurant on the roof and in the garden, but the rooms are terribly uncomfortable, open showers without partitions ...

Do you have your own chef?

There is an assistant who cooks when I'm away. But for my daughters and husband, I cook myself. But I don't like it for myself.

What are your food preferences? I have one daughter who eats meat, the other doesn't, my husband loves to eat, I'm always looking for new diets...

When traveling with a group, we just go to good restaurants so that everyone can enjoy. I myself have not eaten meat for 3 years, but I eat fish, and going to a restaurant is not a problem for me, I will always find what I like. But I never mix, say, protein with the wrong carbohydrate, I don't eat fish with rice or potatoes. And I try not to eat flour, I just don’t like sweets. I prefer salty. Pizza tastes better than sweets to me.

How do you feel about macrobiotics?

You need to donate blood and understand your individual characteristics. It does not suit someone, and on the contrary, you need to eat a lot of proteins. Ordinary milk can be replaced with milk from almonds, buckwheat, soy...

But the taste of soy milk is soy.

Yes, real taste will be missing. But I'm fine with soy. My friend Ira Azarova opened the Fresh restaurant, and this cuisine really suits everyone. There is milk and goat cheese, so the restaurant is still not vegan, but it is vegetarian. Huge selection, everything is fresh. I love yogurt, I make it myself in a yogurt maker. I buy Russian goat milk, I take 1 goat yogurt as a starter and cook.

In general, everyone laughs that sanctions contribute to the development of a philosophy of eating local products.

You know, it would be possible if we lived in Azerbaijan, where everything grows. It's unrealistic for us. Tomatoes do not grow, and cucumbers only in summer. And we need cucumbers and lettuce in winter. Do not eat only potatoes and apples. Apples, too, by the way, do not always grow.

What are your hobbies, for example, what do you read?

I love art magazines - I bring many from trips. I really like Beaux Arts. And travel magazines. In Russia, I read Conde Nast Traveler, Geo, the German collection of Merian magazines... By the way, I am currently working on my guidebooks, I think they will be ready next year.

How did the idea of ​​their creation come about?

Thanks to the trips, as I was always looking for unusual, semi-closed places. I did not come across anything similar, and I decided to make an art navigator myself: it will be galleries, hotels, and restaurants. So that a person can open a book and find out where, for example, to go in London, to connect his whole trip with art: museums, hotels, bookstores... If you come with children, I will tell you about thematic workshops for them.

When can we expect these guides to be released?

In February-March 2015 there will most likely be Paris and Brussels. They are written by journalists or art journalists, each about his city. I make guidebooks only in Russian and initially only for Russia. There will be only 500 of them - limited edition. Not much, but there are reasons for that. There will also be secret addresses in them, where you can get only with this guide as with a key!

If we take, for example, New York - what kind of places will they be?

Most likely Tiffany & Co. Or a storeroom of some museum. Something unusual, where you can not go on your own. In Paris, it will be the Cartier Museum and their ateliers. I will not reveal all the secrets yet. The guide will be without photos, but with drawings by the artist, he specially creates a series of illustrations for the city. So sign up for the waiting-list. It will cost about 10,000 rubles, a lot has already been booked, but you can still buy.

Marina, if you return personally to you, you are considered very elegant woman, did you specifically work on the image?

It so happened that from the age of 13 I lived in Germany, then 8 years in Italy, then in France. Living in Italy, especially in Milan, it is impossible not to find something Italian. It seems to me that everything happened to me by itself. The taste was instilled in me by the countries where I lived.

What style do you prefer?

Italian. It is there, it seems to me, that the style is really visible, it is in everything and everywhere. There is no ugliness anywhere, at least I don't see it.

But in Russia?

In Russia, I pay attention to other things. As for my family - yes, in terms of taste, I can decide that this is how it should be, and not differently. I recommend something for my daughters. Although they already know everything themselves.

And are you satisfied with their taste?

Not always, they are young, and teenagers often want to get pink bangs - let them go through this, I think that this is normal. But I never try to change or correct anyone, and in no case will I impose anything if the person himself has not come for advice. It couldn't be worse. But even if they ask for recommendations, you also need to be careful: if they come to you for advice, this does not mean that they will like your answer.

This is wise, but in your diplomatic answer it is read that something can strain the environment.

- “Strain” is not the right word, I can just note to myself. Not everyone here knows yet what it means to be “out of place”, “to be in moderation”, there is a story about overdressed. Pompously and diligently dress, do or say. You can't get away from this. I prefer to be tolerant.

This is the key to harmony.

Yes, and it will be boring to live if everyone sees everything and does everything the same way. By standards.

If someone asks you for advice: I want to be like you, what should I do?

“Study, study and study.” Read, learn languages, get rich. This is real wealth. And that no one will ever take away from you. This is especially important for women. She is interesting to children, girlfriends, a man, when she is educated and busy with business.

Being a gallant gentleman and socialite, Alexander was always amiable with the fair sex - and never went beyond the bounds of decency. Even gossip about his affair with TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya (former civil wife football player Arshavin) gradually subsided: the couple really found a lot in common - but not adultery, but a bill. Secular chroniclers had already decided that behind such exemplary family man it’s not worth watching, but then the star master of divorces unexpectedly plunged into history himself.

Dobrovinsky often appears surrounded by admirers, and there is nothing strange in this: in addition to his other virtues so beloved by women - such as wealth and a big name - he recently made his film debut. And not just anywhere, but at Stanislav Govorukhin's - in the "Weekend", which quickly became fashionable in a stylish black and white ribbon. Spectacular young ladies are more than enough among his clients (Little Red Riding Hood Yana Poplavskaya, former sausage queen singer Angelica Agurbash, Mata Hari of the 21st century Goga Ashkenazi, Ekaterina Liepa, Lada Dance and many others - beautiful, rich and famous). Therefore, the appearance of Alexander with new passion At first, no one was alerted - secular chroniclers decided that this was another client.

However, the couple became more frequent: starting from March, they appeared here and there, absorbed in each other and not paying attention to anyone. And this is a courteous gentleman, whom Dobrovinsky has proven himself to be! The ladies' part of secular Moscow was offended - and the rumor rushed through the Mother See.

Photojournalist MK Natalia Gubernatorova was the first to react. An interesting blonde, she entered the lawyer's office under the guise of a client, hiding the equipment in a folder with papers. While waiting for the owner of the establishment, I tried to ask the office staff, but they kept a professional silence.

But then, on her journalistic luck, the same stranger swam right out of the master’s office - moreover, in an embrace with him.

Here it turned out that the couple is not particularly encrypted (or so relaxed). The brunette clung to Alexander, and he enthusiastically showed her new arrivals in his famous collection of paintings (opening day at Dobrovinsky right in the office) and told the lady about his new grandiose undertaking - a historical epic from the life of Grigory Alexandrov and Lyubov Orlova (in their house Sasha visited as a child and described it in his book "Dobrovinsky Gallery"). However new project promises to become not a book, but a museum piece - so rare facts and photographs are collected there. A creative group of historians, art critics and artists also met right there, discussing requests to the British Museum and other most significant museums world, where there may be exhibits related to Alexandrov's life at different stages of his creative way- and even these people already knew the unknown brunette!

Where did she come from in life and in the office of Alexander Dobrovinsky?

Are you an artist? - Natalia threw the bait.

No, I'm a writer, - the stranger readily responded.

This is my Jeanne! Dobrovinsky corrected his friend.

Here it turned out that Zhanna Golubitskaya, the author of 7 books for women ("A Man as an Object", "One F in big city", "Reporting from hairpins", etc.) And, at the same time, it became clear how she managed to get closer to Alexander: she was looking for materials for her new book about the behavior of men in the division of property. At first, for the purity of the experiment, she also wanted to pretend to be a client, but, having read the Dobrovinsky Gallery, I realized that Dobrovinsky would understand it as a writer of a writer without any tricks.

It was in March, - Zhanna Golubitskaya clarifies. - And now I'm really getting a divorce. I love Alexander! - and the writer looked at the lawyer with inexpressible tenderness.

But he's married! - the photojournalist MK could not stand it, who, if not she, is aware of the matrimonial layouts of secular Moscow.

So what! Jeanne responded easily. - You know when you're next to me a real man, everything else becomes unimportant! I call Alexander my Messire. Do you know why? Incredible power emanates from him - but not ordinary, as in formal power - but some kind of downright unearthly! I have always dreamed of meeting a truly influential, powerful, strong, generous man, and that his main erogenous zone was the brain. From whom, like Bulgakov, you don’t have to ask for anything - he will offer, he will give. My Messire can do anything - I feel it! He is extraordinary: he should live in the era of picaresque novels - in best sense this word! In times of enchanting adventures, court passions, duels of honor and love, flashing from an ankle accidentally seen at a ball beautiful lady! And also my Messire is kind: in divorces, he is always on the side of the unfortunate spouse. He is very thin - he immediately feels who is harder to break. Heavier is usually given to women, so he often protects wives. Well, then my Messire conducts seminars on love and is an experienced nudist, so he knows how to make a woman happy in all manifestations - both mentally and physically. What else does a woman need to be completely happy?

I don't know, Jeanne replies. - When Messir is next to you, this answer is quite normal. If your lover is a specialist in love and divorce, you can not think about anything at all. I only know that I met the Man of my dreams, who led me to a fairy tale. As a child, I thought that my prince should live on the Arbat (because I myself was born there, but moved a long time ago, and now I want to go back) and drive a Rolls-Royce. Imagine it came true! My Messir lives on the Arbat and has a hammam in his apartment, which I adore. These are such fateful coincidences! Yes, now I will divorce all my life, just to be next to Messire.

Alexander, what do you say? - I could not believe my ears photojournalist.

But the mysterious and unpredictable Messire pretended not to hear the question. But everyone saw how that very piece of the devil flashed in his eyes - which is so often mentioned in his connection.

Based on press release

The biography of the lawyer Dobrovinsky, family, success in work and business - all this proves his non-trivial thinking and ability to bring his undertakings to the end. Today Alexander Andreevich is happy to share the secrets of his success, conducts seminars personal growth gives interviews and writes articles. What does the shape of your nose say about your personality? Many experts believe that by looking at the nose, you can tell a lot about a person's personality. Therefore, at the first meeting, pay attention to the nose is unfamiliar ... Psychology What happens to the body of a person who does not have sex? Sex is almost as basic a need as eating. At least once you start doing it, you won't stop. Even if you keep...

Lawyer Dobrovinsky: biography, career, family

In November 2016, Dobrovinsky, as a lawyer for Philip Kirkorov, was the organizer of the scandalous story about the "extortion" of a Russian pop artist $ 1 million for his true or imaginary musical plagiarism - by the leader of the Space band Didier Marouani. This story with the involvement, in addition to Dobrovinsky, also of the pranksters Vovan and Lexus, the French musician was described as "a set-up and a stupid, criminal act." Dobrovinsky is the champion of Russia in golf (2002). President of the Moscow Country Golf Club.

Known as a collector. The world's largest private collection of Soviet porcelain, owned by Dobrovinsky, was exhibited at the Pushkin Museum, where it occupied five halls. Several times I changed apartments for the sake of a convenient exposition of this collection.

Dobrovinsky, Alexander Andreevich

In 2009, he represented the interests of businessman R. Baysarov, the former common-law husband of K. Orbakaite, in their conflict over Denya's son. Alexander Dobrovinsky was also a lawyer for the co-owner of the Fininvest company V. Slutsker in a divorce case from his wife, owner of the World Class network O.

Slutsker. In 2010, he represented the interests of F. Kirkorov, who was accused of beating the assistant director M. Yablokova. Far from all disputes, Dobrovinsky took the side of public figures. So, in July 2011, he represented the interests of the photojournalist of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper E.
Guseva, sent a statement to the police demanding to initiate a criminal case against singer Valery Meladze on charges of beating a journalist. In 2012, the Dobrovinsky Bar Association opened a branch in London that will serve clients with business and personal interests in the UK.

Biography of Alexander Dobrovinsky


Guseva, sent a statement to the police demanding to open a criminal case against singer Valery Meladze on charges of beating a journalist. In 2012, the Dobrovinsky Bar opened a branch in London to serve clients with business and personal interests in the UK. Winner of the open annual All-Russian competition "Leader of the Year" in the nomination "The Best Lawyer of Russia in 2003".

Former chairman of the board of directors of the Arbat Prestige company. In March 2013, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Potok, and a month later became a co-owner of Pushkino Bank. Scandals On September 30, 2013, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, due to repeated violations of federal laws, revoked the license from Pushkino Bank, the owner of a 19% stake in which is Dobrovinsky.

Dobrovinsky Alexander Andreevich


In March 2008, at the Moscow City Court, at a trial in absentia on charges of organizing murders and assassination attempts, former Yukos shareholder Leonid Nevzlin, Dobrovinsky made compromising testimony against the accused. In 2009, he represented the interests of businessman R. Baysarov, the former common-law husband of K. Orbakaite, in their conflict over Denya's son. He was a lawyer for the co-owner of the Fininvest company V.

Slutsker in the case of a divorce from his wife, owner of the World Class network O. Slutsker. In 2010, he represented the interests of F. Kirkorov, who was accused of beating the assistant director M. Yablokova. Far from all disputes, Dobrovinsky took the side of public figures.
So, in July 2011, he represented the interests of the photojournalist of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper E.

Alexander Dobrovinsky: court and honor

Now they are raising two daughters. Interesting fact: the spouses entered into a marriage contract, if they divorce, all property will remain with the wife and their common children. Hobby Dobrovinsky is a very versatile and addicted person: - Soviet porcelain; — Lacquered boxes; – Tibetan iconography (Middle Ages); — Old photographs; - Playing golf, etc. Image Dobrovinsky A. A. - one of the most outrageous Russian lawyers.

This is evidenced by the cases that he conducts and his image. For example, he always wears a bow tie and changes numerous glasses in different times years, and the floor of his office is covered with carpets with images of Soviet leaders. All photos belong to their respective authors. Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved.

“I persuaded Marina to sign a marriage contract”

Among his clients were such celebrities as Vyacheslav Fetisov, Maya Plisetskaya, Nikas Safronov, Iosif Kobzon, Katya Gordon, Leonid Yakubovich, Stanislav Govorukhin, Alexander Rosenbaum and many other artists, athletes, businessmen, politicians. Interestingly, Dobrovinsky did not always work on the side of the stars. At least once he happened to defend the interests of a non-public person against the singer Valery Meladze, whom the lawyer's client accused of beating.
VIP lawyer | Direct Press The plagiarism scandal between the Russian singer Philip Kirkorov and the legendary French musician Didier Marouani, the founder of the Space group, stands out from the latest high-profile cases of Alexander Andreyevich. In this scandalous story, the lawyer represented Kirkorov, and the situation itself, which led to the brief arrest of Marouani in Moscow, was described by the Frenchman as a "stupid criminal act."
He specialized in corporate law, as well as in divorce proceedings. Dobrovinsky first became famous for the scandalous story of the Swiss company Noga, which tried to sue the Russian Federation for debts for food supplies and threatened to seize property belonging to the state. For several years, he represented the interests of opponents of Yukos, who fought for the assets of the Eastern Oil Company. He participated in the processes covered in the press on the division of property during the divorces of the entrepreneur L. Cherny in 1999, the owner of Severstal A. Mordashov in 2001. In 2007, he represented the interests of the editor-in-chief of the Russian version of Forbes magazine M.
Kashulinsky in the case on the suit of the company Inteko, the owner of which was the wife of the then mayor of Moscow, Yu. Luzhkov, E. Baturina.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky biography

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Origin and formation
    • 1.2 Lawyer and business activities
    • 1.3 Scandals
  • 2 Hobbies
  • 3 Style
  • 4 Family
  • 5 Notes

Biography Origin and Education Alexander Dobrovinsky was born in 1954 in Moscow. He lost his father early - Abram Alexandrovich Dobrovinsky. At the age of 14, Alexander was adopted by his stepfather Andrei Bogdanovich Aivazyants, for three years the teenager bore his last name.

After coming of age, according to his own statements, he returned his father's surname, adopted an adapted patronymic, and since 1972 has been referred to in documents as Alexander Andreevich Dobrovinsky.

Dobrovinsky lawyer biography

Interesting biography facts Dobrovinsky collects Soviet porcelain, his private collection is the largest in the world. The lawyer also collects lacquered boxes from the times of the revolution, photographs, paintings from the first half of the 20th century, Tibetan iconography and regimental badges. Seriously fond of golf, Alexander Andreevich won the championship of Russia in 2002.

The lawyer always observes the rites for good luck before the court session, namely, he puts on a “lucky” bow tie and enters the courtroom only with his right foot. Marina's wife is a dentist, two daughters were born in marriage. Reviews: When adding a review to a page Dobrovinsky Alexander Andreevich, try to be objective.

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