Tatyana Golikova outfits and jewelry. Stylish of this world: the most elegant women from the world of politics. Valentina Matvienko: always in bright colors

Tatyana Golikova is another woman who is well known in our country. She was previously trusted with important positions, and now she has been chosen as Medvedev's deputy.

During her life, Tatyana managed to visit everyone who is not too lazy. Her career ladder included such positions as the head of the accounting chamber, the minister of health. Tatyana even managed to be Vladimir Vladimirovich's assistant.

We can conclude that a woman of this versatility also does not hold.

Tatyana's friends jokingly sometimes call her not Golikova, but Trudugolikova.

Well, let's find out how much this workaholic earns.

It is interesting that for 2017 I did not find a declaration of her income, although I searched very well. The reason for the absence of the declaration was that the laws now do not oblige Golikov to do it. But there is still data on previous years. For example, in 2016

her earnings amounted to 15 million rubles. Years ago, 12 million

It seems that the earnings are not bad, the amount increases slightly over the year. But things are more interesting with property.

As they say, found the source of the problem.

Tatyana and her family live in the village, which is considered quite elite, "Fantasy Island", bought 11 years ago. The amount is somewhat depressing. After all, how can you, having an income of 2-4 million at that time, buy something that exceeds the amount of your salary several times? After all, she did not own any business, so there simply were no other sources of income.

It is worth noting that this is already a kind of feature, or rather the ability of our respected officials: to buy what they could not buy in any way.

There is one more small problem.

In 2015, Tatyana Golikova indicated in her declaration a plot of 7,500 square meters, but a year later, several thousand more were added. I understand that her income probably allows this, but did Golikova really want to buy another 20 thousand meters in addition to the 7500 already available meters? What is she going to do with this land? Have you decided to go into gardening? Growing fruits and vegetables?

But that's not all, Golikova is the owner of 2 more huge apartments. The question arises why this lady needs so many apartments and lands. plots? And for whose money it was all bought?
Well, I can explain for whom and how.

As I said, Golikova was a minister. And in 2006, one unpleasant news happened, namely the loss of public money. Over 32 billion has been allocated for medical institutions, namely for their construction. But for some unclear reason, these billions did not reach there, or rather they did, but not all of them. 25 billion somehow magically disappeared. Yet the magic exists, as you can see.

But you know what makes me sad more? The fact that after this, such people are entrusted with even more important positions ... Although it should be the other way around.


Politician Gennady Gudkov calculated how much the accessories and jacket of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova cost. Against the background of her support for the pension reform, when the authorities promise a penny increase in pensions in exchange for a “forced” extension of the length of service, the cost of her vestment looks like a mockery of the overwhelming population of the country, who will never be able to afford it.

And in her worries for the people, a jacket from Chanel helps her a lot, - wrote former member of the State Duma.

Further, when the photo is enlarged, he focuses on Golikova's jewelry set - she wears ring earrings - all made of white gold with diamonds. It is characteristic that the official's ring is worn on ring finger right hand, on which, as you know, Russian women wear exactly wedding ring. Golikova has been married to Viktor Khristenko since 2003, who at one time also served as Deputy Prime Minister of the government. So the total price of these jewelry exceeds 6 million rubles.

But this is not all the accessories of Deputy Dmitry Medvedev: the lady is wearing a watch, the case of which is made of pink gold, and the dial is studded with diamonds. Such a work of jewelry art costs more than 3.6 million rubles.

Without taking into account handbags, skirts and shoes, as well as, of course, underwear - 10,867,048 rubles, Gudkov sums up. - Well, how can you not worry that 22 million Russians are below the poverty line?

On the one hand, Golikova could have been given all this. But, to put it mildly, she is not the first year in the civil service, where, as you know, the receipt of gifts by officials should be strictly regulated by law. And for the last five years she has headed the Accounts Chamber.

Earlier, Golikova promised that by 2024 pensions in Russia would rise to 20,000 rubles.

Let's go back to specific example. I don't want our campaign against looked theoretical. Like, there are abstract swindlers who have abstract inexplicable incomes.

The problem is quite specific and has recognizable faces.

For example, Tatyana Golikova and Viktor Khristenko.

All known ministers-spouses. Golikova long years was responsible in the government for health care, Khristenko was responsible for industry. Both of them were responsible for their family budget.

We are all well aware of the state of Russian healthcare. We know about the state of Russian industry. Let's now deal with family budget ministerial spouses.

We speak only of irrefutable facts.

One could write here about how Minister Golikova got the nickname “Madame Arbidol”, about how a couple of government officials are fond of gambling in the Monaco casino and throwing wads of money at the Chanel store, about how the 25-year-old son Khristenko took a leadership position at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, etc.

But (and this is important) that's all allegations of corruption. There is no evidence (and is unlikely to appear), and we cannot bring Golikova and Khristenko to criminal liability. You can't even write a statement.

Now let's see if it is possible to send nimble spouses to the dock under our bill - after all, its meaning is exactly this: it is not necessary to prove the bribes themselves, it is necessary to prove that the official's assets are greater than his official earnings.

1. Let's start by looking at the biographies of Golikova and Khristenko. We are convinced that our spouses were not engaged in business, they are not engaged, and all their lives “vegetate” in the civil service. They have been married since 2002.

2. Now look at the "Declarator" income. Golikova, Khristenko.

3. We are even trying to find income before 2008. I can only find a reprint (the original was removed from the site due to the statute of limitations) of an article by Kommersant, which talks about Khristenko's income for 2005 and 2006

But since both Golikova and Khristenko are in the civil service, we understand that they could not receive anything significant other than a salary, and the salary was then an order of magnitude less than now.

Thus, we record income since 2005: 82,806,853

Now let's look at the official expenses of the Golikova-Khristenko family.

Property - Pestovo

Since 2012, Golikova has indicated the facilities in Pestovo as being in use. Namely:

The modest house of a ministerial family in Pestovo.

The objects are leased in the name of Khristenko. This is confirmed by certificates: a house with an area of ​​336 sq.m, a house with an area of ​​991 sq.m and land.

Realtors estimate the cost of houses and land at $10-15 million. With an average annual rental rate of 1/20 of the value of real estate, we get $500-$750 thousand a year.

Want a more accurate estimate? Please: here is a house for rent nearby. Although it is a little larger, it is much further from the water, and the land plot is 4 times smaller. Worth a million rubles a month . So already here we set the most important fact: For the past 2 years, the Golikova-Khristenko couple has been working exclusively for their house near Moscow . There is simply not enough official income for anything else.

They rent a house from the company IMTECHNOSERVICE LLC, which is registered on the offshore Yoshoirro Holdings Limited from the Marshall Islands. It can be assumed that Golikova and Khristenko bought this house, registered it offshore and rented it to themselves for a nominal fee so that they would not be asked questions about such riches. This version is supported by the fact that the head of this company, Maxim Mukhovikov, manages ACADEMY DZHIAR LLC, which is located at Moscow, Ostrovnoy passage, 12/1 - right next to the townhouse of Golikova and Khristenko. At the same address: "According to Penny Lane Realty, in 2006-2007, at the peak of the housing market, apartments in the Fantasy Island complex were sold at prices ranging from 4.2 thousand dollars to 16 thousand dollars per square meter .

That is, for an apartment of this size, especially given its location on the "first line" from the water, Khristenko had to pay at least $2 million .

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