How old is Valentina Rubtsova's husband. What is known about the husband of Valentina Rubtsova Artur Martirosyan? Artur Martirosyan: personal life

Valentina Rubtsova is the same Tanya from Univer and SashaTani. Before the premiere of the new season of the series about the life of a young Moscow family, which starts on September 2, we learned from Valentina how things are going in her personal life, and we talked a little more about the secrets of beauty and raising her daughter Sophia, who, by the way, is going to first grade!

Do you consider the role of Tanya in Univer on TNT to be your most significant?

Of course yes. And I am grateful for the chance that brought me to this project. It was the birthday of Sati Kazanova, which was attended by Zhanna Levina, the wife of Garik Martirosyan. She told me that now they are looking for actors in a new sitcom. I was tried for a role for a long time, and, frankly, I was already tired of going to this casting. And when in Once again I was invited to try out in some scene, she said: “You either take me or not, I’m already tired of walking!” “Of course we do, we approved you!” I wanted this role, I realized from the script that this is a very good comedy story.

Why did you agree to shoot in the series "SashaTanya" on TNT?

It would be strange to disagree! When I was offered the role, I found out I was pregnant. And, to be honest, I was very upset that they would not shoot me and refuse. And I want to say a huge thank you to the producers for allowing me to safely give birth to a child. Filming began after I became a mother.

The new season of the series "SashaTanya" - tell us about it?

The characters are growing, there will be a lot of funny! There will be paradoxical and unexpected turns, there will be love, there will be friendship and everything that the viewer loves so much in our series.

Is your daughter Sophia already showing some acting talent?

Sofia is a very creative girl. I will support my daughter if she expresses such a desire, and I will help her in every possible way, because I think that talented people need help. But so far, Sony has not had such a desire. She has already performed on stage as a ballerina. But she didn't talk about the stage anymore.

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You look much younger than your years, do you have any special beauty secrets?

The secrets are simple: genetics, love and conscious discipline in nutrition. Because at my age (yes, yes, I say so) it is still important to monitor how you eat. I eliminated all refined sugar, fast food, bakery products. At the same time, I can afford whole wheat pasta, potatoes - I will never refuse it, but I prefer, for example, boiled. Fruits and dried fruits instead of dessert. I drink a lot of water, about 2.5 liters a day. It was difficult for me to give up sugar, I got used to it for almost a year.

You are a happy wife and mother. How did you meet your husband?

We met by chance, as is usually the case. It happened in the cinema, at the premiere of the film "From Hell" with om. I was straight out of the gym with the right look, no makeup. Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov from Ivanushki was at the presentation, and my husband Artur is his good friend. We met and exchanged phone numbers. And then I believe that fate itself ordered. As soon as we entered the auditorium, Arthur called me and asked if there was a free seat, since everything was occupied. And surprisingly, there was one free seat next to me. We talked for a long time that evening, then went home, again chatted on the phone until the morning, until it was discharged. And then we didn't see each other for six months. Again we saw each other in Sochi, continued communication. We didn't really have a candy-bouquet period as such, because we often had to break up because of touring. But we've been together for 17 years! How do we keep romance? I have an amazing wise husband with an excellent sense of humor, which allows him to endure my difficult acting character!


When the name Martirosyan is mentioned, everyone immediately associates them with two men - Arthur Martirosyan and Garik Martirosyan.

But whether they are brothers or not - let's try to figure it out today!

Artur Martirosyan and Garik Martirosyan, brothers or not: who are they, brothers or not?

For the first time the name of Artur Martirosyan appeared in mass media when its owner appeared next to famous actress and singer Valentina Rubtsova, who became famous for her role as Tanya in the popular sitcoms Univer and SashaTanya.

But it seems that Arthur does not like the close attention of journalists to his modest person. He does not seek to succeed in show business and is not a public person.

Perhaps that is why the biography of Arthur Martirosyan is only a slightly ajar book. For example, the exact date his birth was not known. The estimated year of his birth is 1967. But the place of birth can be called with accuracy - Sochi.

Artur Martirosyan - businessman, DJ, actor
Judging by the surname, Arthur Armenian origin, but he is not a relative of the well-known showman and comedian Garik Martirosyan.

Information about parents and education could not be found.

Garik Martirosyan is, without a doubt, one of the best comedians in Armenia and the entire post-Soviet space.

Thanks to his many years of work, he managed to become a true legend of many comedy projects, including such programs as KVN, Comedy Club, ProjectorParisHilton and some others.

Garik is currently at the zenith of his fame. He is popular, successful and loved by millions of viewers.

Looking at how organically this talented Armenian looks on stage, one might think that all his achievements were given to him very easily. But is it really so? Of course not. After all, any success is the result of hard work and great diligence.

During his studies at the university, Garik Martirosyan joined the young KVN team "New Armenians". In this team, our today's hero performed in total nine years, during which he managed to become the Champion of the Higher League (1997), two-time winner of the Summer Cup (1998, 2003), the triumphant of the Jurmala festival "Voicing KiViN", as well as the winner of many other prestigious awards of the Merry and Resourceful Club.

A brilliant career on the KVN stage opened the doors to the world of Russian show business for Garik Martirosyan.

In 2005, our today's hero, along with other teammates, decided to organize a new comedy project, which was launched in the very near future. So on the TNT channel, the comedy program Comedy Club began to appear, created according to the type of American stand-up shows. As part of this project Garik Martirosyan worked as a producer and one of the regular participants. And very soon, such efforts brought the artist a serious success.

The talented Armenian became known in all the states of the post-Soviet space, and also earned a name for himself in the production circles of Moscow.

Garik Martirosyan is currently working on new ambitious projects and making plans for the future.

Valentina Pavlovna Rubtsova was born on October 3, 1977 in Ukraine in the city of Makeevka. The girl was not the only child in the family. Parents were engaged in raising five children at once.

My father had to work at the mine when my mother was a teacher at a school for deaf and dumb children, after a while she had to change her profession and become a police officer. Valya's grandfather and mother were related to art in the family.

Grandfather once occupied the place of the chief director in the Donetsk amateur theater, and my mother tried her hand there as an artist. Since childhood, Valya wanted to be an artist.

For the first time she made her debut in the courtyard of her house on a small stage. At that time, Valya was only 3 years old. She sang songs, performed acrobatic tricks and acted in skits. All the neighbors came to see her talent and knew her as "Valentina Pavlovna".

In the first grade, Valya began to go to the Makeevsky Theater, where she studied at the course of A. Kozachka. This man taught her to love the stage and achieve her goals.

Youth years

But Valya did not stop there, she attended a circle gymnastics. And after that she even managed to fulfill the norm for the candidate master of sports.

In the 9th grade, Valya and her grandmother went to the capital of Russia, where the girl realized that she wanted to quickly move to a big metropolis.

After graduation, Valya planned to go to Moscow but she got into serious trouble car accident so plans had to be changed.

Having risen to her feet, she went to work in the regional Youth Theater in Donetsk, where she was gladly accepted into her team.


In 1996, Valentina was able to enter GITIS. Her dream came true, but it turned out that she needed money for education. Since her parents could not help her in this, Valya began to look for patrons.

She spent a lot of time visiting city organizations and finding those who would not mind helping her learn. The future artist was able to help the fellow countryman Pyotr Dyachenko, who gave money to Valya for training from his own funds, imbued with the problem of a young girl.

In 1998, while studying at GITIS, Valya came across an ad that talked about the creation of a women's team. She went there with her friend.

Soon Valya was enrolled in the eminent group "Girls", where she met Irina Dubtsova. Igor Matvienko became the producer of the group. He helped Valya to enter the budget at GITIS, but the artist had to pass all the exams for five.

In 2001, Rubtsova received a diploma from GITIS. In 2003, Valentina left the Girls group, which broke up. Valya in the same year passed the casting for the musical "12 Chairs", where she received a role. It was followed by the play "Cats", in which Valya played until 2005.

In 2006, she began working in the acting troupe “Thank God You Came”, the program was broadcast on the STS channel. This was followed by shooting in the famous program "Big Difference" on Channel One, where Valya was in the role of a parody.

Personal life

It is known that Valentina has been married to Artur Martirosyan since 2009. Vali's husband is a businessman. The couple in 2011 became the parents of a beautiful daughter, Sofia.

Artur and Valya met quite by accident when they were invited to the premiere of the film "From Hell". Rubtsova did not want to stand out, and therefore came to the event in a tracksuit. Arthur became interested in the girl, because all the other beauties dressed up as if for a ball.

Andrey Appolonov from Ivanushka's group introduced Valya to Artur. And so their relationship took off. Despite the fact that Arthur is 10 years older than Valentina, the relationship between them is developing wonderfully.

Helping the family in raising Sophia are Valya's parents, who moved to Moscow after the events in the Donbass.

Interesting Notes:

Interests and hobbies

valentine's adherent healthy lifestyle life. She is a vegetarian. Regularly attends fitness classes and practices yoga. Valya looks much younger than her years.

Vale dreams that in 10 years he will be able to buy a house in Sochi, somewhere in the mountains, an apartment in the capital of the Russian Federation and a beautiful cottage in the Moscow region. This is really necessary, because she wants to give birth to at least 4 more children.

professional life

A cinematic biography of Rubtsova began with episodic roles. Once she managed to get acquainted with T. Keosayan, who became her "godfather" in professional life.

The eminent director invited Valya to star in Silver Lily of the Valley 2 in 2004. In the same year, the film "The Bachelors" was released. This was followed by other works: "Airport" (2005); Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions -2 "(2005); "My Man" (2005); "Who is the head in this house?" (2006);

Success came to Valentina in 2008, when she appeared in the image of Tanya Arkhipova in the sitcom "Univer". Then Garik Martirosyan noticed her and offered to play leading role. Today it is difficult to imagine another actress in the image of Tatyana.

Since 2008, Valya began to play as part of the Big Difference on Channel One. In 2011, the film "Men's Women's Game" was released, the series "Univer. New hostel. Valya played in the popular film "Happy New Year, Mom!" in 2012 and starred in the sitcom "Sashatanya", which runs from 2013 to 2017.

For the first time, the name of Arthur Martirosyan appeared in the media when its owner appeared next to the popular actress and singer, who became famous for her role as Tanya in the popular sitcoms Univer and. But it seems that Arthur does not like the close attention of journalists to his modest person. He does not seek to succeed in show business and is not a public person.

Perhaps that is why the biography of Arthur Martirosyan is only a slightly ajar book. For example, it was not possible to find out the exact date of his birth. The estimated year of his birth is 1967. But the place of birth can be called with accuracy - Sochi.

Judging by the surname, Arthur is of Armenian origin, but he is not a relative of the showman and humorist.

Information about parents and education could not be found.


In some media, it is mentioned that the husband of the actress from the popular TV series is a businessman. But what industry is his business developing in? for a long time was unknown. Much more often one could come across a mention that a man works as a DJ in an elite metropolitan club.

In 2017, Valentina Rubtsova lifted the veil of secrecy and provided information about her husband's field of activity. Contrary to popular belief that Arthur is a DJ, it became known that Martirosyan was never associated with show business, but was educated in the IT field. Artur Martirosyan's business is connected with computer technology, so there is no talk of any work on creating songs and dance hits. Rumors about Martirosyan's musical profession were born after Arthur was photographed near the DJ console at one party.

But it is known that Arthur is friends with, who is also from Sochi.

Personal life

Artur met the Univer star in 2002, when Valya was still shining on stage as part of the Girls music group, which he produced. Together with Valentina Rubtsova, the musical group included Tatyana Gerasimova, Olympiad Teterich and. The singers became famous musical compositions“I want to be a bird” and “Mom said”, which were included in the rotation of Russian popular music radio stations.

The same Grigoriev-Apollonov introduced Artur and Valentina. It happened at the premiere of the film with the gloomy name "From Hell", where the "Girls" group arrived in full force. But if Vali's colleagues dressed up and took care of makeup, then the girl managed to stand out against the general background with a tracksuit, sneakers and a roomy bag. After all, she came to the premiere directly from gym. As Valentina later said, there was a difficult period in her life at that moment, and sports did not allow depression to develop. The girl attended two workouts a day.

This simplicity and unwillingness to please the girl and "hooked" ten years older man. Artur asked Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov to introduce him to Vale. It so happened that the seats in the auditorium were also nearby. The couple found so many common topics for conversation that they talked not only the entire session, but also half the night - on the phone.

Perhaps this meeting, during which sympathy arose between Valentina Rubtsova and Artur Martirosyan, would have been forgotten, but soon the "Girls" came on tour in Sochi. Here the couple met again. And no longer parted until today.

The personal life of Arthur Martirosyan and the star of the sitcom has developed happily. At one time the couple lived in civil marriage. At first, the couple did not think about the stamp in the passport - it was good together, and this was the main thing. In addition, Valya, who moved to the capital from Ukraine, was waiting to receive Russian citizenship. Young people also delayed the moment with the birth of children for a long time. According to Valentina, they simply could not bring a newborn to a rented apartment, so they worked and raised funds for their own housing.

They got married in 2009. And in 2011, the wife gave Arthur Martirosyan a daughter, Sophia. When Valentina found out about the pregnancy, she had already signed a contract to participate in the SashaTanya project. But the producer of the sitcom supported the actress, and filming began only after Sonya was born. The first months, while my mother worked on the set, the girl was completely taken care of by Arthur and Tanya's parents.

Photos with Sonya regularly end up on Valentina Rubtsova's account in " Instagram". And Arthur Martirosyan publishes only photos with his wife. Parents do not show the girl's face in publications, but the pictures clearly show that Sonya has long, curly dark hair.

The couple likes to spend their free time in Sochi. On Black Sea resort the spouses have favorite places - the Olympic Park, the Riviera, the arboretum, restaurants, the promenade, the beaches. Spouses also like to visit Krasnaya Polyana. Martirosyan and Rubtsova leave for Sochi during the breaks between filming the actress. In the city, the couple rent a property 7 minutes walk from the sea, considering it very convenient. Artur and Valentina jokingly call themselves "co-addicts".

According to the actress, an idyll reigns in the family. Arthur Martirosyan has a calm, unflappable character and balances the emotional Valentina. Besides, Arthur is a great cook. Martirosyan's signature dishes are baked meat or fish in foil.

In 2016, Valentina Rubtsova appeared on the Dom-2 project. The girl told the participants about the problems in relations with her husband, about his passion for other girls. In search of a way out of this situation, Valentina decided to change the situation. Fans of the actress came to the conclusion that there was a conflict in her family, but Valentina reassured the audience. According to the actress, it was a well-thought-out scenario move that Valya would not want to fully reveal.

In fact, there have never been conflicts on the basis of jealousy in the family. Arthur, according to Valentina, did not even give a reason to be jealous, although the actress sometimes asked her husband about it. Martirosyan called such requests from his wife stupidity. The family of Martirosyan and Rubtsova supports friendly relations with actors from the series "Univer", where Valentina was filmed, and especially with.

The couple rarely appears in the world, but the spouses happily agreed to come to the presentation of the musical album. The party brought together the artists of the sitcom "Univer" with their soul mates. In addition to Rubtsova and Martirosyan, there were Andrey Gaidulyan s and s.

Artur Martirosyan now

Now the life of a businessman is developing in a stable way. Together with Valentina, Arthur is raising a daughter who already attends a gymnastics studio and pleases her parents with her first successes.

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