Armenian name Ruben. History of origin and interpretation of the name Ruben

With an unstable nervous system, somewhat psychopathic. His nature is largely influenced by his middle name and time of birth. He is hardworking and has a great capacity for work. He loves children very much - not only his own, but also others.

He himself, as a rule, is brought up in large family.

Ruben has good intuition and understands people - good people feels a mile away. Absent-minded, thoughtful. Thinks outside the box.

He is a hospitable host, but even more loves to visit himself and give gifts.

Meaning of the name Ruben option 2

Psychopathic. His nature is greatly influenced by his middle name. Efficient. He loves his own and other people's children very much. Straightforward. He can sense good people like a cat a mile away.

As a rule, he is brought up in a large family.

Absent-minded, thoughtful. Thinks outside the box. He loves to visit and give gifts.

Meaning of the name Ruben option 3

Ruben - from lat. ruby, blushing.

Derivatives: Rubentyushka, Rubenya, Benya.


Ruben is hardworking, intuitive, has a good understanding of people, trying to allow only decent and kind people into his circle of friends.

It’s easy for him with them, because Ruben is like that himself. Values ​​family, loves children, is hospitable and hospitable. He thinks very unconventionally. But incontinence in expressing feelings and emotions, excessive nervousness, absent-mindedness and self-absorption sometimes complicate his life.

Meaning of the name Ruben option 4

RUBEN- ruby, blushing (lat.).

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio.
  • Planet - Pluto.
  • Color - red.
  • A favorable tree is rowan.
  • The treasured plant is pimpirnella burnet.
  • The patron of the name is the fire fox.
  • Talisman stone - ruby.


As a rule, Ruben is quite nervous and unrestrained, absent-minded, and thoughtful. Thinks outside the box. He is hardworking, has a great capacity for work, good intuition, understands people, smells good people a mile away and tries to stay close to them. Loves children very much, hospitable owner.

What does the name Ruben mean:
Such a sonorous name as Ruben has two interpretations. So from the Bible it is known that it was Rubin who was really the eldest son of Jacob, and precisely in translation from the Hebrew language this name, first of all, means “look - son” or, in other words, “caretaker”. But in the Western interpretation, this particular name is associated primarily with the ruby ​​stone, and can only be translated as “blushing” or “ruby.”

Origin of the name Ruben:
First of all, it is believed that male name how Ruben came to us precisely from ancient Judea and, first of all, is the Western analogue of such an ancient Hebrew name as “Reuben”.

Character conveyed by the name Ruben:
Ruben's strong character is, as a rule, very contradictory. Thus, all men who bear this wonderful name most often have the most balanced temperament and are not at all prone to the slightest conflicts. However, in certain situations, their incredibly delicate nervous organization can often do them a really disservice, and at the same time, of course, Ruben himself may well even flare up, and often practically out of nowhere for no apparent reason.

In addition, Ruben is always an incredibly purposeful person, extremely straightforward, and, as a rule, not accustomed to backing down from anything planned. He can be very hardworking, extremely efficient and does not at all tolerate frivolity in work or simply slackers or lazy people in his closest circle. It should also be noted that Ruben really has highly developed intellect, and is often prone to truly unconventional thinking, as well as analysis and even introspection. And sometimes he is simply thoughtful and incredibly absent-minded.

It should also be noted that Ruben often has incredibly highly developed intuition and almost unerringly tries to surround himself only with honest and completely incorruptible people, in fact, the same as he himself. Ruben is also, as a rule, very tactful and sensitive, and also has an excellent sense of humor. I must say that it is precisely because of this that he is often very popular among various women, however, he himself incredibly highly values ​​fidelity and honesty in friendship and love. In addition, Ruben is always a hospitable host who simply adores children, both his own and those of complete strangers. He is, among other things, always an exemplary father and a wonderful husband. He also loves to visit and, of course, give various gifts. Among other things, he is always very devoted to his family and can take on full responsibility for her financial and material support.

Short form of the name Ruben. Rubenya, Benya, Rubenushka, Rubik, Rubenchik, Rubya, Rubentyushka, Rub, Rubenito, Ruben, Rus.
Synonyms for the name Ruben. Ruvin, Reuven, Reuben, Ruban, Reuben.
Origin of the name Ruben. The name Ruben is Jewish, Catholic, Jewish, Armenian.

The name Ruben has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name has Latin roots, the word “rubens” is translated as “reddish, red, ruddy”, the second version of the translation is “bright, dazzling”. According to the second version, the name Ruben is Jewish name, a variant pronunciation of the name Reuben (Reuben), Ruvin, and literally means “look, son.” In the Bible this name sounds like Reuben.

Also, the name Ruben is a shortened form of the name Rubentius. The name Ruben is widespread among the Armenian people.

Ruben is a realist. He believes only in what he has seen with his own eyes, leaving no room for a miracle. Ruben is intelligent. A man born in December is distinguished by his inventiveness and investigative type of thinking. Ruben's mind is active and courageous.

Outwardly, Ruben is unusually attractive, has beautiful soul. You can rely on him. Ruben is decent and reliable, and has strong sympathy for poor people. Having promised something, Ruben will never let you down, you can be sure of that. A man with this name is very straightforward and frank. It's not in his nature to discuss someone behind their back. Ruben’s opinion is very reasonable, confirmed by various facts. Although outwardly he is a soft-hearted person, no one will be able to get the better of him. Ruben is able to openly admit his mistakes and easily part with misconceptions.

He knows how to both earn money and spend it. A man especially spends a lot of money on his wardrobe. Ruben dresses modestly but stylishly. Ruben has a good understanding of people, relying on his intuition. He allows only kind and reliable people into his society. He is somewhat absent-minded and thoughtful, but at the same time he thinks very unconventionally.

In the work team, Ruben is popular among his colleagues. However, in difficult situations the man lacks integrity. Having talent, Ruben cannot always realize it. Often Ruben, especially the “winter” one, acts at his own discretion. A man puts a lot of emotion and energy into matters not related to work. IN free time He is interested in backgammon and preference, but he likes to participate in social events more.

Coming out of Ruben good leader. He has a keen understanding of people's psychology and knows the value of everyone. A man with this name is not greedy for other people's money. In life, he achieves results only through his own labor. Ruben is helped in this by his hard work and high efficiency.

A man with this name has a very independent nature. He simply needs a feeling of personal freedom in relationships. Partly because of this, relationships with women are not easy for Ruben. Sometimes he himself cannot understand his feelings. Ruben is both attracted to female company and frightened by the prospect of losing his emotional independence. Ruben is very self-confident, he knows his worth and is not indifferent to women.

Having started a family, Ruben strives to have children. He himself often grows up in a large family, which is why he loves children very much. Ruben values ​​his family very much and tries to be a zealous, hospitable owner.

People are drawn to Ruben, appreciating his kindness, respect, tolerance and politeness. A man loves discussions with people who are equal to him in intelligence. He logically substantiates his point of view and convinces his interlocutor. Ruben always tries to understand the character of his interlocutor. It is important for him to understand what kind of person is next to him and how he treats him. Only after realizing that the person in front of him is interesting to him, Ruben will try to achieve friendship and will do it as if the interlocutor himself wanted it.

However, it can be said with a guarantee that Ruben is not at all interested in people who do not have their own point of view. Once a man is convinced of this, he will stop communicating with such a person. Although at heart he is a very sincere person, he jealously guards his personal life from prying eyes. Even for the closest people, many aspects of it remain closed.

In any case, Ruben is in dire need of friends. He loves popularity. IN cheerful companies the man tells jokes and funny stories. In general, Ruben behaves at ease in society. It's always fulfilled self-esteem, independent and rarely listens to outside opinions. Ruben prefers personal meetings to talking on the phone. The man proves himself to be a hospitable host, but no less loves to visit and give gifts.

Ruben's birthday

Ruben doesn't celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Ruben

  • Ruben I ((1025 - 1095) Armenian prince, king of Cilician Armenia from 1080, close and personal bodyguard of the Armenian king Gagik II. Founder of the royal Rubenid dynasty of the Cilician kingdom. In 1080, he raised an armed uprising against Byzantium and founded an independent Armenian principality in Mountain Cilicia .)
  • Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri ((1920 - 1942) Hero Soviet Union, machine gun company commander, captain)
  • Ruben Zakharyan (Soviet artist, painter, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, representative of the Leningrad school of painting)
  • Ruben Dario (Latin American poet, who has perhaps the greatest and longest influence on Spanish poetry of the 19th century. Is the most a prominent representative modernism in Spanish literature.)
  • Reuben James ((1776 - 1838) American naval sailor of the early 19th century, who distinguished himself in the First Barbary War. During the boarding battle, being wounded, he covered the boarding party commander Stephen Dickator with his body, deflecting the enemy blade. Survived the battle and continued to serve in the navy Several US Navy ships were named in honor of Reuben James, including the destroyer Reuben James, the first American ship, sunk in World War II.)
  • Ruben Mamoulian (American film and theater director of Armenian origin)
  • Ruben Blades (Panamanian singer, composer, actor, most famous for his salsa songs)
  • Ruben Simonov ((1899 - 1968) Soviet actor and director, artistic director of the theater. Vakhtangov (1939 - 1968); People's Artist of the USSR. Winner of three Stalin Prizes, laureate of the Lenin Prize.)
  • Reuben (Reuben) Fine (American chess player and chess theorist, grandmaster, chess writer, psychologist)
  • Ruben Avanesov ((1902 - 1982) Soviet linguist, founder of the chronological school, one of the founders of the Moscow phonological school, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
  • Ruben Paz (former Uruguayan footballer, midfielder, one of the most prominent Uruguayan players in the 1980s)
  • Ruben Vardanyan ( Russian entrepreneur, owner and director of the Troika Dialog company, president of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo)
  • Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego ((born 1968) writer and journalist. Widely known as the author of the autobiographical work “White on Black”, awarded in 2003 literary prize"Booker - Open Russia" behind best novel in Russian.)
  • Ruben Hakhverdyan ((born 1950) famous Armenian guitarist, singer, composer and songwriter)
  • Ruben Agamirzyan ((1922 - 1991) director, teacher, National artist USSR (1983), professor (1975), laureate State Prize USSR (1984))
  • Ruben José Sunier ((born 1947) former Argentine footballer)
  • Ruben Sosa ((born 1966) former Uruguayan footballer, forward of the Uruguay national team)
  • Ruben Simonov ((born 1953) Soviet, Russian actor and director)
  • Ruben Miroyan ((1939 - 1999) Armenian party and statesman)
  • Reuben James Kuhn ((born 1942) Nauruan politician, former minister Finance, President of Nauru (1996 – 1997))
  • Ruben Garcia Marcelo Gomez (Argentine footballer, midfielder)
  • Ruben Baraja (Spanish footballer, central midfielder)
  • Ruben Orbeli ((1880 - 1943) professor, teacher of humanities, archaeologist, considered the founder of underwater archeology in the USSR)
  • Ruben Galvan ((born 1952) Argentine footballer, midfielder)
  • Ruben Sevak (real name - Chilinkiryan Ruben; Armenian poet, prose writer, translator, originally from Western Armenia)
  • Ruben Salvador Perez del Marmol (Spanish footballer, midfielder)
  • Ruben Ter-Grigoryan, Vladimir Tairov, Vagharshak Ter-Grigoryan ((1894 - 1938) Soviet statesman, diplomat, brigade commissar of reserves)
  • Ruben Fonseca ((b.1925) Brazilian writer)
  • Ruben de la Red Gutiérrez (former Spanish footballer, midfielder, 2008 European champion)
  • Ruben Karapetyan ((born 1947) Soviet theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Armenia)
  • Ruben Katanyan ((1881 - 1966) head of foreign intelligence of the USSR)
  • Ruben Aharonyan ((born 1947) Armenian-Russian violinist, People's Artist of the Armenian SSR (1980))
  • Ruben Avakyan ((born 1943) Armenian statesman and military leader)
  • Reuben, Reuven (Jacob's eldest son by his wife Leah and one of the 12 ancestors of the tribes of the Jewish people)
  • Reuben Khalushakov ((1912 - 1964) Soviet documentary cameraman, winner of three Stalin Prizes (1948, 1949, 1951))
  • Reuben Blank ((1866 - after 1938) Russian chemist, economist, publicist and editor, public figure, Doctor of Natural Sciences)
  • Reuben Fraerman ((1891 - 1972) Soviet children's writer)
  • Reuben Brainin, in the Western tradition Brainin; Reuvn, alternative names: Reuben, Reuven, Ruben ((1862 - 1939) Jewish publicist, biographer, literary critic, Zionist figure, wrote in Hebrew and Yiddish)
  • Reuben Moran ((1908 - 1986) Russian poet, translator, who made a great contribution to the popularization of Tatar poetry among Russian-speaking readers. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals. During the anti-Semitic campaign he was arrested (1948) and was in camps until 1953. Honored Worker of Culture of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1968).)
  • Reuben Kulisher ((1828 - 1896) Russian physician, doctor of medicine and publicist)
  • Roman Kazakov ((d. ​​1988) stage name - Reuben Volfovich Bronstein; Soviet Russian pop actor of the comic genre)
  • Reuven Ben-Yosef, originally Robert Reiss ((1937 - 2001) Israeli poet)
  • Reuven Rubin ((1893 - 1974) at birth - Rubin Zelikovich; Israeli modernist artist, one of the founders of Israeli painting)
  • Reuven Shiloach (Shiloy) ((1909 - 1959) birth name - Zaslansky or Zaslani; Israeli statesman, creator of the Israeli intelligence services, first director of the Israeli foreign intelligence service Mossad, diplomat)
  • Reuven Rivlin ((born 1939) Israeli politician and public figure)
  • Ruben Pashinyan (Armenian journalist, actor, playwright)

Ruben's birthday

Ruben does not have a name day because saints with that name are not listed in the calendar.

Meaning of the name Ruben

Reuben means "look, son" (this is the translation of the name Reuben from Hebrew).

Origin of the name Ruben

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Ruben with its origin. The history of the name Ruben has Jewish roots. Did it come from the Hebrew name???????? (Reuven), which literally translates as “look, son.”

What does the name Ruben mean according to B. Khigiru

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Ruben according to B. Higir, the bearer of this name is a man with an unstable nervous system, somewhat psychopathic. His nature is largely influenced by his middle name and time of birth. He is hardworking and has a great capacity for work. He loves children very much - his own and others. He himself, as a rule, is brought up in a large family. He has good intuition, understands people - he senses good people a mile away. Absent-minded, thoughtful. Thinks outside the box. He is a hospitable host, but even more loves to visit himself and give gifts.

Characteristics of the name Ruben according to N. Zagovorova

According to the description of the name Ruben according to N. Zagovorova nervous system its owners are somewhat unstable. He easily flares up even for a minor reason and is always ready to defend his positions with his fists. Due to his nervous organization, on the one hand, he gets tired quickly, on the other, he gets overexcited and cannot stop in time. In childhood, this creates additional difficulties for parents and teachers, in more mature age– for superiors and even sometimes for law enforcement agencies.

However, over the years, Ruben learns to deal with his temper and becomes clearly calmer and more restrained. His more favorable qualities come to the fore. People around him begin to note Ruben’s hard work and efficiency, his sociability; good sense of humor, devotion to family and friends, great love to the children. The nature of the name Ruben is such that a man bearing this name is usually hospitable, reliable, generous and fair.

Derivations of the name Ruben

Variants of the name Ruben: Reuben.

Diminutives for the name Ruben: Rubenushka, Rubik, Rubenchik, Rubya.

Name Ruben in different languages

  • Name on English language: Reuben (Ruben).
  • Name on German: Ruben (Ruben).
  • Name on Spanish: Rub?n (Ruben).
  • Name on Portuguese: R?ben, Rubem (Ruben).
  • Name in Catalan: Rub?n (Ruben).
  • Name on Czech language: Ruben (Ruben).
  • Name in Dutch: Ruben (Ruben).
  • Name in Danish: Ruben (Ruben).
  • Name on Swedish: Ruben (Ruben).
  • Name in Norwegian: Ruben (Ruben).

Famous Rubens:

  • Ruben Ruiz Ib?rruri - Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of a machine gun company, captain.
  • Zakharyan Ruben Agasevich - Soviet artist, painter, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, representative of the Leningrad school of painting.
  • Rubén Darío is a Latin American poet who has perhaps the greatest and most lasting influence on 19th-century Spanish poetry. He is the most prominent representative of modernism in Spanish literature.
  • Ruben Zakharyevich Mamoulian is an American film and theater director of Armenian origin.
  • Ruben Blades is a Panamanian singer, composer, actor, most famous for his songs in the salsa style.
  • Ruben Nikolaevich Simonov is a Soviet actor and director, who for many years headed the E. Vakhtangov Theater; People's Artist of the USSR. Winner of three Stalin Prizes. Lenin Prize laureate.
  • Reuben Fine is an American chess player and chess theorist, grandmaster. Chess writer. Psychologist.
  • Ruben Levonovich Dishdishyan - Armenian entrepreneur and architect, CEO"Central Partnership".
  • Ruben Ivanovich Avanesov is a Soviet linguist, the founder of the chronological school, one of the founders of the Moscow phonological school, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, professor at Moscow State University. Honorary member of the Linguistic Society of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, honorary doctor of the University of Warsaw, foreign member of the Academy of Sciences and Letters in Mainz, Saxon Academy of Sciences.
  • Ruben Paz (Ruben Walter Paz M?rquez) is a former Uruguayan footballer and midfielder. One of the most prominent Uruguayan players in the 1980s.
  • Ruben Karlenovich Vardanyan is a Russian entrepreneur, owner and director of the Troika Dialog company, president of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Ruben is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Ruben. Rubenya, Benya, Rubenushka, Rubik, Rubenchik, Rubya, Rubentyushka, Rub, Rubenito, Ruben, Rus.
Synonyms for the name Ruben. Ruvin, Reuven, Reuben, Ruban, Reuben.
Origin of the name Ruben. The name Ruben is Jewish, Catholic, Jewish, Armenian.

The name Ruben has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name has Latin roots, the word “rubens” is translated as “reddish, red, ruddy”, the second version of the translation is “bright, dazzling”. According to the second version, the name Ruben is a Hebrew name, a variant pronunciation of the name Reuven (Reuben), Ruvin, and literally means “look, son.” In the Bible this name sounds like Reuben.

Also, the name Ruben is a shortened form of the name Rubentius. The name Ruben is widespread among the Armenian people.

Ruben is a realist. He believes only in what he has seen with his own eyes, leaving no room for a miracle. Ruben is intelligent. A man born in December is distinguished by his inventiveness and investigative type of thinking. Ruben's mind is active and courageous.

Outwardly, Ruben is extremely attractive and has a beautiful soul. You can rely on him. Ruben is decent and reliable, and has strong sympathy for poor people. Having promised something, Ruben will never let you down, you can be sure of that. A man with this name is very straightforward and frank. It's not in his nature to discuss someone behind their back. Ruben’s opinion is very reasonable, confirmed by various facts. Although outwardly he is a soft-hearted person, no one will be able to get the better of him. Ruben is able to openly admit his mistakes and easily part with misconceptions.

He knows how to both earn money and spend it. A man especially spends a lot of money on his wardrobe. Ruben dresses modestly but stylishly. Ruben has a good understanding of people, relying on his intuition. He allows only kind and reliable people into his society. He is somewhat absent-minded and thoughtful, but at the same time he thinks very unconventionally.

In the work team, Ruben is popular among his colleagues. However, in difficult situations, a man lacks integrity. Having talent, Ruben cannot always realize it. Often Ruben, especially the “winter” one, acts at his own discretion. A man puts a lot of emotion and energy into matters not related to work. In his free time he enjoys backgammon and preference, but he enjoys participating in social events more.

Ruben makes a good leader. He has a keen understanding of people's psychology and knows the value of everyone. A man with this name is not greedy for other people's money. In life, he achieves results only through his own labor. Ruben is helped in this by his hard work and high efficiency.

A man with this name has a very independent nature. He simply needs a feeling of personal freedom in relationships. Partly because of this, relationships with women are not easy for Ruben. Sometimes he himself cannot understand his feelings. Ruben is both attracted to female company and frightened by the prospect of losing his emotional independence. Ruben is very self-confident, he knows his worth and is not indifferent to women.

Having started a family, Ruben strives to have children. He himself often grows up in a large family, which is why he loves children very much. Ruben values ​​his family very much and tries to be a zealous, hospitable owner.

People are drawn to Ruben, appreciating his kindness, respect, tolerance and politeness. A man loves discussions with people who are equal to him in intelligence. He logically substantiates his point of view and convinces his interlocutor. Ruben always tries to understand the character of his interlocutor. It is important for him to understand what kind of person is next to him and how he treats him. Only after realizing that the person in front of him is interesting to him, Ruben will try to achieve friendship and will do it as if the interlocutor himself wanted it.

However, it can be said with a guarantee that Ruben is not at all interested in people who do not have their own point of view. Once a man is convinced of this, he will stop communicating with such a person. Although at heart he is a very sincere person, he jealously guards his personal life from prying eyes. Even for the closest people, many aspects of it remain closed.

In any case, Ruben is in dire need of friends. He loves popularity. In cheerful companies, a man tells jokes and funny stories. In general, Ruben behaves at ease in society. He is always full of dignity, independent and rarely listens to outside opinions. Ruben prefers personal meetings to talking on the phone. The man proves himself to be a hospitable host, but no less loves to visit and give gifts.

Famous people named Ruben

  • Ruben I ((1025 - 1095) Armenian prince, king of Cilician Armenia from 1080, close and personal bodyguard of the Armenian king Gagik II. Founder of the royal Rubenid dynasty of the Cilician kingdom. In 1080, he raised an armed uprising against Byzantium and founded an independent Armenian principality in Mountain Cilicia .)
  • Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri ((1920 - 1942) Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of a machine gun company, captain)
  • Ruben Zakharyan (Soviet artist, painter, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, representative of the Leningrad school of painting)
  • Ruben Dario (Latin American poet, who has perhaps the greatest and longest influence on Spanish poetry of the 19th century. He is the most prominent representative of modernism in Spanish literature.)
  • Reuben James ((1776 - 1838) American naval sailor of the early 19th century, who distinguished himself in the First Barbary War. During the boarding battle, being wounded, he covered the boarding party commander Stephen Dickator with his body, deflecting the enemy blade. Survived the battle and continued to serve in the navy Several US Navy ships were named in honor of Reuben James, including the destroyer Reuben James, the first American ship sunk in World War II.)
  • Ruben Mamoulian (American film and theater director of Armenian origin)
  • Ruben Blades (Panamanian singer, composer, actor, most famous for his salsa songs)
  • Ruben Simonov ((1899 - 1968) Soviet actor and director, artistic director of the Vakhtangov Theater (1939 - 1968); People's Artist of the USSR. Laureate of three Stalin Prizes, laureate of the Lenin Prize.)
  • Reuben (Reuben) Fine (American chess player and chess theorist, grandmaster, chess writer, psychologist)
  • Ruben Avanesov ((1902 - 1982) Soviet linguist, founder of the chronological school, one of the founders of the Moscow phonological school, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
  • Ruben Paz (former Uruguayan footballer, midfielder, one of the most prominent Uruguayan players in the 1980s)
  • Ruben Vardanyan (Russian entrepreneur, owner and director of the Troika Dialog company, president of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo)
  • Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego ((born 1968) writer and journalist. Widely known as the author of the autobiographical work “White on Black,” which was awarded the Booker Open Russia literary prize in 2003 for the best novel in Russian.)
  • Ruben Hakhverdyan ((born 1950) famous Armenian guitarist, singer, composer and songwriter)
  • Ruben Agamirzyan ((1922 - 1991) director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR (1983), professor (1975), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1984))
  • Ruben José Sunier ((born 1947) former Argentine footballer)
  • Ruben Sosa ((born 1966) former Uruguayan footballer, forward of the Uruguay national team)
  • Ruben Simonov ((born 1953) Soviet, Russian actor and director)
  • Ruben Miroyan ((1939 - 1999) Armenian party and statesman)
  • Reuben James Coon ((born 1942) Nauruan politician, former Minister of Finance, President of Nauru (1996 - 1997))
  • Ruben Garcia Marcelo Gomez (Argentine footballer, midfielder)
  • Ruben Baraja (Spanish footballer, central midfielder)
  • Ruben Orbeli ((1880 - 1943) professor, teacher of humanities, archaeologist, considered the founder of underwater archeology in the USSR)
  • Ruben Galvan ((born 1952) Argentine footballer, midfielder)
  • Ruben Sevak (real name - Chilinkiryan Ruben; Armenian poet, prose writer, translator, originally from Western Armenia)
  • Ruben Salvador Perez del Marmol (Spanish footballer, midfielder)
  • Ruben Ter-Grigoryan, Vladimir Tairov, Vagharshak Ter-Grigoryan ((1894 - 1938) Soviet statesman, diplomat, brigade commissar of reserves)
  • Ruben Fonseca ((b.1925) Brazilian writer)
  • Ruben de la Red Gutiérrez (former Spanish footballer, midfielder, 2008 European champion)
  • Ruben Karapetyan ((born 1947) Soviet theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Armenia)
  • Ruben Katanyan ((1881 - 1966) head of foreign intelligence of the USSR)
  • Ruben Aharonyan ((born 1947) Armenian-Russian violinist, People's Artist of the Armenian SSR (1980))
  • Ruben Avakyan ((born 1943) Armenian statesman and military leader)
  • Reuben, Reuven (Jacob's eldest son by his wife Leah and one of the 12 ancestors of the tribes of the Jewish people)
  • Reuben Khalushakov ((1912 - 1964) Soviet documentary cameraman, winner of three Stalin Prizes (1948, 1949, 1951))
  • Reuben Blank ((1866 - after 1938) Russian chemist, economist, publicist and editor, public figure, Doctor of Natural Sciences)
  • Reuben Fraerman ((1891 - 1972) Soviet children's writer)
  • Reuben Brainin, in the Western tradition Brainin; Reuvn, alternative names: Reuben, Reuven, Ruben ((1862 - 1939) Jewish publicist, biographer, literary critic, Zionist figure, wrote in Hebrew and Yiddish)
  • Reuben Moran ((1908 - 1986) Russian poet, translator, who made a great contribution to the popularization of Tatar poetry among Russian-speaking readers. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. Awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals. During the anti-Semitic campaign he was arrested (1948), was in camps until 1953. Honored Worker of Culture of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1968).)
  • Reuben Kulisher ((1828 - 1896) Russian physician, doctor of medicine and publicist)
  • Roman Kazakov ((d. ​​1988) stage name - Reuben Volfovich Bronstein; Soviet Russian pop actor of the comic genre)
  • Reuven Ben-Yosef, originally Robert Reiss ((1937 - 2001) Israeli poet)
  • Reuven Rubin ((1893 - 1974) at birth - Rubin Zelikovich; Israeli modernist artist, one of the founders of Israeli painting)
  • Reuven Shiloach (Shiloy) ((1909 - 1959) birth name - Zaslansky or Zaslani; Israeli statesman, creator of the Israeli intelligence services, first director of the Israeli foreign intelligence service Mossad, diplomat)
  • Reuven Rivlin ((born 1939) Israeli politician and public figure)
  • Ruben Pashinyan (Armenian journalist, actor, playwright)

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