Association of Large Families "Many of Us" - Joint raid of the ONF and the Association of "Many of Us" on plots for large families in the Moscow region. Benefits for large families in the Vladimir region

5 years ago

According to the Administration of the Vladimir Region, as of September 19, 2013, it was registered 6129 large families. I think that this page will help them in some way in their stressful existence.

FAQ for families with many children in the Vladimir region

1. What kind of family is considered to have many children?

Answer: According to regional law No. 120-OZ of July 2, 2007.
The large family - a family with three or more minor children, including those adopted and taken under guardianship (trusteeship), in which one or both parents are citizens Russian Federation, as well as large families in which one or both parents have the status of refugees or internally displaced persons, permanently or predominantly residing in the territory of the Vladimir region in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
We consider children under 18 years of age to be minors, i.e. if you have more than two children under 18 years of age, then you are a mother (father) of many children.

2. How can my family register as a large family?

Answer: According to the Decree of the Governor of the Vladimir Region No. 940 dated December 19, 2007, for registration it is necessary to submit it to the local institution social protection population the following documents:
1. Application in the prescribed form
2. Two photographs measuring 3 by 4 cm of one of the parents.
3. Passport of the same parent + 1 photocopy
4. Birth certificates of all children + 1 photocopy of each certificate.
Voila! Within 3 working days you must be issued a certificate for a large family of the Vladimir region.

3. What benefits are provided to large families in the Vladimir region?

Answer: The list of benefits is specified in Art. 21 regional law of the Vladimir region 120-OZ.

1) an annual cash payment in the amount of 1,491 rubles for the purchase of school and sports uniforms for children studying in educational institutions; monthly cash payment during the academic year in the amount of 988 rubles for food and travel for children studying in general education institutions;

2) monthly cash payment in the amount of 96 rubles for the purchase of medicines for children under 6 years of age;
3) a discount on payment for the maintenance of children (child care and supervision) in preschool institutions, based on the number of days of actual attendance, in the amount of 311 rubles per month for each child;
4) payment in the amount of 50 percent of utilities (cold and hot water supply, sewerage, gas supply, electricity supply, heating (heat supply) within the limits of consumption standards for these services), and residents living in houses without central heating are paid an annual compensation for fuel in the amount of 2157 rubles;
5) payment in the amount of 50 percent of registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it;
6) free provision of all types of services to children under 18 years of age medical care in state healthcare institutions of the Vladimir region;
7) extraordinary admission of children to preschool educational institutions with the provision of benefits for payment for their maintenance (child care and supervision) in accordance with the law;
8) priority free provision of general education for students educational institutions and educational institutions of primary vocational education federal and regional sets of textbooks;
9) free visits to state and municipal cinemas, theaters, museums, exhibitions, cultural and recreation parks for children once a month;
10) free provision of physical education and sports services by state and municipal institutions of physical education and sports.
11) a one-time cash payment in the amount of 16,934 rubles upon awarding the order “ Parental glory» to one of the awarded parents.
Large family having four or more children, an additional monthly payment is established
allowance for each child in the amount of 20 percent of the basic monthly child benefit (373 rubles).

4. Can all large families take advantage of the benefits specified in the answer to question No. 3?

Of course not. Benefits under paragraphs 1-5 are provided only to large families in the case if the average per capita income of a large family does not exceed the subsistence minimum, installed in the Vladimir region. As of October 1, 2013, it is 7,713 rubles for a working adult and 6,884 rubles for a child. If your family income is higher, you can only count on other benefits.
The dry residue remains:
- free services in clinics and hospitals for children,
– free entry to museums, parks and theaters
— extraordinary admission to kindergartens (a big plus lately).

5. What theaters, museums and parks can my children visit for free?

A list of such institutions can be found on the website of the Department of Culture of the Vladimir Region Administration. It is published at this address:

6. Do we have the right to count on maternity capital?


If you have not received maternity capital before for the second, third, fourth, etc. child, then you have the right to receive it. Attention! Maternity capital is issued only once.

7. Will they give us free land?


Yes, but provided that your family is low-income (see answer to question 4) and you are registered as a family in need of improved housing conditions. Otherwise, you can’t hope for the government’s leniency - there is very little land in Russia.

Last week, the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region signed a bill with the help of which foster families with more than five children will be able to receive free land plots for further use. Previously, only those large families that raised their own and adopted children could receive land plots.

Vladimir Kiselev, who holds the post of chairman of the legislative assembly, said that now land plots that can be used to build a house will be available to families with orphans and adopted children. It should be noted that this benefit is relevant only for those families where at least three adopted children , and they have been brought up in it for already five leT . The official said that in addition to this, the family must officially have adopted status for seven years.

With the help of these restrictions, officials hope to get rid of the abuse of land plots. In particular, a scheme in which several children are adopted, the family is given a plot of land, and they refuse it, is extremely popular. With the help of the bill, it is planned to encourage families to participate in child adoption programs.

According to information received from the guardianship authorities, today about 7.5 thousand children live in orphanages in the Vladimir region, a thousand of whom have recently found parents again. Officials believe that in the very near future at least fifty foster families with the status of large families will take advantage of this program.

If you have any other questions, ask them in the comments to this post. I'll be happy to answer them!

8. Will they give us free forest and build us a house on the free plot?


They can give you a forest, but it will be standing and very far from your place of residence. Processing and transporting this timber amounts to a significant amount (approximately 500 thousand rubles), which still needs to be found somewhere.

Here are reports from Vladimir TV channels about the current situation with the provision forests for large families :

At almost every meeting in the Kremlin, issues of federal and regional programs aimed at helping millions of Russians are discussed. From television screens, those in power convince us that in Russia the maximum possible is being done for the people, and created conditions you can really use it.

- Do you know that each of us is entitled by law to free timber in the amount of up to 150 cubic meters?- one of the Kineshma residents asked a question.

The unexpected “freebie” interested Kineshemets.RU, but as it turned out, the gratuitous transfer of green space does not exist. Preferential conditions for the purchase of wood with a total volume of up to 150 cubic meters, in accordance with Law No. 111-OZ of December 31, 2002, land plot.

- According to Government Decree Ivanovo region the cost of the specified type natural resources for this category of citizens is reduced by 10 times. So, if pine, for example, costs 517 rubles per cubic meter, then for them the price will be 51 rubles 70 kopecks. Thus, an area of ​​150 cubic meters will cost an average of about 5,000 rubles, but, of course, everything will depend on tree species, says the chairman of the public movement to provide support to large families, Tatyana Varigina.

It is interesting that citizens can use the “business” forest exclusively for building a house, however, birch and aspen can be used at their own discretion. True, it is unlikely that you will be able to come to the plot and cut everything down yourself, because harvesting must take place according to certain rules, and before handing over the “plot” to a forestry employee, they will be required to clean up the area.

- This is a fairly specific occupation that requires special knowledge, skills, abilities, availability special means and technology. By violating regulations You can incur not only administrative liability, for example, if the cleaning is not carried out, you will be fined 40,000 rubles, but also criminal liability, explains Nadezhda Molchanova, an activist of the organization.

Let’s imagine a person who feeds a family of five and ask the question: “Does he have time to study regulations, as well as the strength and means to cut down and remove trees?” I think it's unlikely father of many children will take the risk of receiving several tens of thousands in fines or even ending up behind bars in exchange for a ghostly chance to build their own home.

It is likely that people do not have the extra funds needed to hire an organization that could do such work. This is probably why during the 14 years of the law’s existence in Kineshma, only one family took advantage of the above-described “promotion”.

Hovhannes Shahnazaryan’s family has four children. The eldest son is serving in the army, the youngest is a little over a year old. The old house became a bit crowded, so they decided to build new house. Fortunately, the state promises support. The certificate for maternity capital is already in hand. The land was given for free. We collected documents to obtain building materials - wood. But then the torment began. First they refused in one forestry department, then in another. And in the third they even offered to buy out documents for preferential timber. The owner of the family turned to the regional forestry committee for the truth.

“If you don’t resolve the issue, I will go to the governor, I won’t leave it like that. I'm not a complainer. The main thing is that my case is resolved. I need to raise my children. That’s what I told them,” says Hovhannes Shakhnazaryan.

The issue was resolved - a plot was allocated in the Rodnikovsky forestry. I myself spent a week with the forester, choosing. I just couldn’t get the wood. On preferential terms, as it should be for large families. Let us remind you that according to amendments to regional legislation, for the birth of a third child, 150 cubic meters of wood are required for building a house. You just need to spend money on mandatory taxes and fees to the local budget, and delivery to the place. Forestry tenants offered to pay for the forest “in full.”

“We are aware that we have to pay 45 thousand. And who will harvest and export the timber? And she told me that we will do all this,” - talks about Hovhannes Shakhnazaryan.

But a large family cannot afford to pay for both the harvesting and removal of wood. This is hundreds of thousands of rubles. Why did they promise then, says the mistress of the house, we don’t give birth to children in order to receive something from the state. It’s just that then we wouldn’t have planned to build a house.

“This is my personal opinion: that this is not social support for large families. It’s more about supporting companies involved in the forestry business,” says Serik Babasyan.

But, as the regional authorities commented, timber harvesting for large families should be free.

“How is timber harvested? Trees are cut down, cleared of branches, and ultimately turned into logs that are stored. And from the storage site, at the expense of a large family, delivery is carried out to the place where they need it,” - says Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ivanovo Region Andrey Chuzhbinkin.

It is possible not to transport the timber anywhere, but to sell it at the storage site. This is also the right of a large family.

“If we talk about the case directly with this family, I can explain that the local provision mechanism has not yet been fully worked out. After all, we have been working for almost a year. This is not enough to work completely without mistakes,” comments Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ivanovo Region Andrey Chuzhbinkin.

We hope that Hovhannes Shakhnazaryan’s family will no longer need any other evidence for preferential timber.

This Federal Law establishes a targeted system of measures to state support large families in order to improve the demographic situation in the Russian Federation and provide conditions for the full upbringing, development and education of children from large families. 1. The legislation of the Russian Federation on state support for large families consists of this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 2.

On the territory of the Altai Republic, the Law of the Altai Republic “On measures of social support for large families in the Altai Republic” dated October 11, 2005 No. 70 - RZ is being implemented. according to which large families enjoy social support measures, regardless of the cost of living: 1) compensation for utility costs (cold and hot water supply, sewerage, heating (heat supply)

Large families in the Tyumen region are provided with free land

At the end of 2011 in Tyumen region Law No. 64 dated 05.10.2011 “On the free provision of land plots citizens with three or more children,” thanks to which large families have the opportunity to receive a plot of land for free. How the implementation of this law is going, what issues the participants face, were told by guests of the Komsomolskaya Pravda press center Elena DEGTYAREVA, Deputy Director of the Department of Property Relations of the Tyumen Region, Gulnaz GALIULLINA, Head of the Department for the Delimitation of State Ownership of Land and Interaction with municipalities Department of Property Relations of the Tyumen Region. - I propose to start our conversation by summing up the implementation of the Law “On the Free Provision of Land Plots” in the Tyumen Region.

I am writing to you on behalf of a group of parents (who have the status of having many children) who wish to build their own home. The city administration allocated us a plot of land, utility lines are connected to the plots, everything is fine in this matter. But there is a problem. The fact is that we want to build a house from wood. According to the law, we are entitled to standing timber at a reduced price. We are sent to the Cheryomushsky forestry, but there is no timber there.

Free provision of land plots to large families

In accordance with Article 28 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, citizens with three or more children have the right to purchase free of charge, including for individual housing construction, without bidding and prior approval of the location of objects, land plots that are in state or municipal ownership in cases and in in the manner established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Article 14 of the Law Krasnoyarsk Territory dated 04.12.2008 No. 7-2542
“On the regulation of land relations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”
(hereinafter referred to as the Law) provides that citizens with many children permanently residing in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory have the right to a one-time free receipt of ownership of land plots that are in state or municipal ownership for the following purposes: gardening, vegetable farming, livestock farming, dacha construction, individual housing construction or personal subsidiary farming.

Regional public organization - Large families of the Perm region

On the website of the Legislative Assembly Perm region A new bill of the Perm Territory “On additional measures of social support for young families and large families in solving the housing problem in the Perm Territory”, prepared by Governor Viktor Basargin, has been published. Apparently, the bill is being prepared for consideration at the August plenary session of the Legislative Assembly.

The average price of “preferential timber” for construction is 63.5 rubles per cubic meter. Thus, you can buy about 40 cubic meters for a house with an area of ​​80 square meters for 2.5 thousand rubles. Photo: Arkady Kolybalov/RG The possibility of obtaining wood for free or at a reduced price is spelled out in the Forestry Code, we were told in Federal agency forestry (Rosleskhoz). This is the main document that you can refer to to prove your right to material for construction or heating. “But everything depends on the specific situation,” explains Mikhail Doronin, head of the Department of Forest Use and Reproduction of Rosleskhoz.

A list of questions

Wood harvesting by citizens for their own needs is carried out on the basis of purchase and sale agreements for forest plantations in the manner established by the law of the Sverdlovsk region dated December 3, 2007 No. 152-OZ “On the procedure and standards for the harvesting of wood by citizens for their own needs in the Sverdlovsk region.” Felling and cleaning of dead and damaged plantings is carried out during sanitary and health measures: selective and clear sanitary felling, as well as clearing of clutter.

Wood for the people!

When starting construction, the future homeowner must sooner or later start looking for suitable material. Few people know that to purchase building materials it is not necessary to turn to intermediaries. Timber can be purchased directly from the state, and at a reduced price. According to the Forest Code, citizens have the right to harvest wood for their own needs, including construction and heating.

We clarify that according to the Federal Law, the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force in 2008, the first article establishes the principle of payment for forest use. That is, neither a citizen nor an organization can receive wood for free, in any region. The only exception is the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East leading a traditional lifestyle. — Free wood is not provided in any region.

Information message from the Ministry of Natural Resources, Forestry and Ecology of the Perm Territory

Dear residents of the Perm Territory, who wish to exercise the right to harvest timber for their own needs or who have entered into agreements for the purchase and sale of forest plantations for their own needs in the State Public Institutions (forestry districts) of the Perm Territory, we inform you that Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N415-FZ Amendments have been made to Article 30 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, establishing, from February 1, 2014, a ban on the alienation or transfer from one person to another by other means of wood harvested by citizens for their own needs. In order to implement the above Federal Law in the Perm Territory, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Forestry and Ecology of the Perm Territory introduced amendments to the Law of the Perm Territory dated July 30, 2007.

Vegetable garden at the cemetery

People call this land “Medvedev’s suitcase without a handle.” Families in the regions are allocated it, but under such conditions and in such places that it is impossible to use hundreds of acres. The law, on the basis of which large families received the right to free plots, appeared in June 2011. The President of the Russian Federation at that time was Dmitry Medvedev, who promised
“allocate prepared land to families, not waste land, regardless of whether the parents intend to build houses on it or want to resell it”
. Later by presidential decree
“On measures to provide citizens with affordable and comfortable housing”
in May 2012 and the document of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “On the procedure and cases of providing plots to citizens with three or more children” in September 2013, administrations of territories, regions and republics were recommended to take into account “the criteria for transport accessibility, provision of engineering infrastructure” when implementing the law "

Benefits for large families

Russian large families have many benefits and cash payments. Large families themselves are not always aware of benefits for large families, and young families who may eventually become large families are practically unaware.

2. In addition to federal maternity capital, many regions also have their own regional maternity capital. Typically this is a cash benefit of approximately 100 thousand rubles, which can be used in the same way as federal maternity capital.

Social support measures for large families

According to the Law of the Perm Region dated 09.09.1996 No. 533-83 “On the protection of the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood”, large families (a family with three or more children under the age of 18 years to support and raise is considered large), regardless of low-income status . the following provisions are provided for the provision of land plots to large families (Law of the Perm Territory of December 1, 2011 No. 871-PK “On the free provision of land plots to large families in the Perm Territory”)

I recently bought a house in a village in the Bolshesosnovsky district. Now I'm doing a major overhaul of it. I heard that you can order forest for free. Tell me, please, is this so? Where should I go and what documents are needed? According to Article 2 of the Law of the Perm Territory dated December 13, 2012 No. 137‑PK

“On additional measures of social support for young families and large families in solving the housing problem in the Perm Territory”
young families and large families are provided additional measure social support. It consists of providing monetary compensation for reimbursement of costs incurred by young families and large families for the procurement, transportation and sawing of wood purchased under a contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations for the own needs of citizens in accordance with Article 30 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation for the purpose of constructing an individual residential building with outbuildings, or purchasing lumber or additional volume of wood. Monetary compensation is also provided to reimburse the costs incurred by young families and large families for the procurement, transportation and sawing of wood purchased under a contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations for the own needs of citizens, for the purpose of carrying out: major repairs, reconstruction of an individual residential building; major repairs, reconstruction of an apartment building (wooden); major repairs, reconstruction of outbuildings. The procedure for providing monetary compensation, containing the conditions for providing compensation, the procedure for its return in case of misuse are established by Decree of the Government of the Perm Territory dated March 15, 2013 No. 118-p
“On approval of the Procedure for providing monetary compensation to reimburse costs incurred by young families and large families for the procurement, transportation and sawing of wood purchased under a contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations for citizens’ own needs”
. According to paragraph 4 of the Procedure for providing monetary compensation for reimbursement of costs incurred by young families and large families for the procurement, transportation and sawing of wood acquired under a contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations for the own needs of citizens (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), in order to receive monetary compensation a citizen from the a young family or a large family that has entered into a contract for the purchase and sale of forest plantations for the purpose of constructing an individual residential building, outbuildings or carrying out major repairs, reconstruction of an individual residential building, major repairs, reconstruction of outbuildings or major repairs, reconstruction of an apartment building (wooden) ) within the limits established by part 1 of article 4 of the Law of the Perm Territory of July 30, 2007 No. 80‑PK
“On establishing the procedure and standards for the harvesting of wood by citizens for their own needs in the Perm Territory”
, becomes territorial body Ministries social development Perm Territory at the place of residence and submits an application for monetary compensation in accordance with the appendix to the Procedure. c) a copy of the purchase and sale agreement for forest plantations for the purpose of constructing an individual residential building, outbuildings or carrying out major repairs, reconstruction of an individual residential building, major repairs, reconstruction of outbuildings or major repairs, reconstruction of an apartment building (in wood); d) copies of documents confirming the actual costs incurred for the procurement, transportation and sawing of wood purchased under a contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations, as well as for the purchase of lumber or additional volume of wood; e) copies of documents confirming the fact of permanent residence of family members in the Perm Territory (registration documents at the place of residence or place of stay, in their absence - a copy of the rental agreement and (or) lease of residential premises, concluded in the prescribed manner for a period of at least one year between the applicant and the owner (lessor) of the residential premises, or an extract from work book or a copy of the employment contract concluded between the applicant and the employer, indicating that the employee performs a labor function in the territory of the Perm Territory, or a court decision establishing the fact of the applicant’s permanent residence in the territory of the Perm Territory); Copies of documents are submitted with the presentation of the originals and certified by specialists of the territorial authority.

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