Benefit for 3 children per year. Large families

Russian officials are doing their best to combat the falling birth rate year after year, therefore, they are working hard to implement bills whose task is to increase financial assistance to families with a large number of offspring. Today the public wants to know what benefits will be available to large families in 2018, although before revealing this issue it is worth clarifying the very essence of the concept of such a unit of society.

In accordance with the domestic legislative framework, a family with at least 3 heirs can claim the status of a large family. This figure also includes those children who were adopted by their parents. But given the immensity of our homeland, in its individual regions there are different methods for determining the category of population in question. This can lead to the fact that a family has the right to obtain the desired status only when it has four, and sometimes even five, children. Therefore, employees of local government agencies have reliable information on this topic.

It is also worth noting that the acceptance of the considered social status Only families in which all children are under 18 years of age can apply. If you have adults, you can forget about payments to large families in 2018. Although, on the other hand, in this case there is also a benefit, for which parents must visit institutions social assistance.

It is possible to extend accruals for 18-year-olds and older when children are studying at an in-patient educational institution and live in the parental family. Another condition for payments in such cases is that the student does not have the opportunity to financially help his parents. If these requirements are met, large families have the right to receive a monetary allowance until the student reaches 23 years of age.

Types of government support provided

There is a set of concessions at the federal level, as well as on a regional scale, assigned to the relevant government structures. The list of types of federal support can be said to be constant, while the regional government has the authority to manage benefits - the state of the treasury of the government body located in a particular region determines the amount of social assistance to the local population.

It is necessary to specifically mention the impossibility of canceling benefits for large families in 2018, according to the laws Russian Federation. Because even in the current unstable situation, officials are concerned about the fate of ordinary people, paying attention to the cells of society in which the younger generation is growing up.

List of concessions established by the federal authorities

First of all, you need to take into account what members of the government apparatus have adjusted in better side requirements for obtaining living space and land from the state, because it is precisely this difficulty that is of particular importance today. Families whose income per member does not reach the established subsistence level can count on accepting apartments. However, first you need to sign a special hiring agreement and register with the rest of those interested. It is worth noting that these conditions will allow you to purchase not just living space, but also financial assistance for its purchase.

Thus, the treasury, with the help of a subsidy, compensates the category of the Russian population in question for the costs of the operation of acquiring property in a pre-regulated manner. The regional government retains the right to agree on an individual percentage monetary allowance. With regard to the new benefits for large families in 2018 in Smolensk, it can be argued that this type of social payments allows Russians to accept subsidies without having to give something in return.

A very good opportunity is to acquire land for development, also according to legislative framework, you don’t have to pay a penny for it. Of course, it is obvious that such a plot of land is located far from megacities. After all, officials intend to improve demographic indicators in rural areas, from where residents are leaving year after year. However, at the same time, the land must be located near developed infrastructure, and the official residence address of family members should not be too far from the donated plot.

The following list of concessions is especially worth noting:

  • repayment of housing and communal services tariffs - the government establishes benefits for the payment of these services, the value of which is determined federal authorities. Although regional officials can increase discounts, it means that residents of different Russian regions, republics and districts ultimately receive different financial support. Volgograd can boast of benefits for large families in 2018, because here this type of state assistance in terms of heating payments and various discounts on the purchase of solid fuel is the highest;
  • provision of support by health authorities and free use of kindergartens - this category of families with children under 6 years of age has the right to apply for payment for medications regulated by federal law. While children can be enrolled in kindergartens without waiting in line, it is true that you need to understand that orphans also have a similar benefit in relation to kindergarten, which in turn is caused by the limited number of places in preschool institutions;
  • It is especially necessary to take into account the fact that parents are awarded monetary compensation for the use of kindergartens. The amount of such payments is one fifth of the cost of admission to a preschool organization, however, the size of the paid share also depends on the orders of the local government;
  • there is still a concession for use public transport in the city - an important factor for many educators of children;
  • financial benefits - to receive them, children must be no more than 3 years old (up to the age of one and a half years, the amount of these payments is determined based on the parents’ income, while after 1.5 years the benefit is equal to 2 subsistence minimum values). It is logical that, due to the high wages of the capital’s compatriots, the amount of payments to large families in 2018 in Moscow and the Moscow region is in the lead among other cities and regions of the Russian Federation.

Other types of government assistance

In addition to the support regulated by the federal legislative framework, the masses have the right to claim labor concessions. So, this is expressed in the form of additional vacation days or premature departure for a well-deserved rest. This situation arises as a result of the not so simple craft associated with babysitting, since here parents need to make a lot of effort to achieve decent upbringing results. In addition, it implies the likelihood of receiving additional educational material to increase the professionalism of workers. As in many other cases, here regional authorities have the right to make their own adjustments.

It is especially worth noting the possibility of providing parents of large families with more convenient working hours compared to the average schedule. This also includes receiving free education at a higher education institution. Although it should be noted that management at work does not at all strive to immediately implement the wishes of the category of subordinates in question.

The amount of benefits for large families in 2018 in the Sverdlovsk region, accrued as material support, will increase by 15%. After all, the regional government has approved just such a percentage, but in addition, such families have a discount on repayment of fees for using transport. However, it must be taken into account that in order to receive a discount, the permissible maximum power of the vehicle must be 100 hp.

Many people raising 3 children do not accept the support they are legally entitled to from the state due to lack of time. After all, it is impossible to settle all matters with the required official papers and social security institutions overnight. It is also worth remembering to write an application submitted to the relevant local authorities and collect documents indicating the amount of income of the parents; We shouldn’t forget about birth certificates here either.

Relief on utility tariffs is issued by housing and communal services authorities, although this procedure is quite difficult, since such organizations have a decent number of visitors, which complicates the submission of the application. The current state of affairs is also aggravated by the need to annually update the validity period of benefits.

In general, we can state the fact that concessions are not provided automatically - they must be specified in individually with employees of the relevant government agencies. But it makes sense to take the time to apply for discounts, because with their help you can do more family budget, which will be a very good help in times of crisis.

At the time of receiving benefits, children in the family must be under 18 years of age. When any of the children reaches adulthood, the family is removed from the register.

If a family member who has reached the age of majority continues to study full-time, lives with his parents and is not able to financially help them, payments continue until he reaches the age of 23.

The list of support methods is determined at the federal and regional levels. The first is constant, but the second can vary significantly in different regions of the Russian Federation, depending on the local budget and initiatives of local authorities. At the same time, legislative protection is provided for social support measures for large families - they cannot be canceled.

Even in a crisis situation, the government is trying to maintain conditions conducive to demographic growth.

List of federal benefits

Those families where in 2018 the income per family member is below the established subsistence level can count on living space or land from the state. As a rule, this type of assistance is very relevant for large families.

In order to obtain housing, it is necessary to enter into a special tenancy agreement and stand in line for registration with the relevant authorities. You can purchase not only living space, but also targeted funds for its acquisition.

Thus, citizens’ expenses for purchasing property are compensated from the treasury. The method of compensation is regulated, but regional level it is possible to agree on an individual percentage with the authorities.

In addition to ready-made housing, there is an opportunity to purchase land for development. According to the law, land can be obtained free of charge, but it must be located far from megacities. This condition is intended to increase the population in rural areas and reduce the level of urbanization. As compensation, the law stipulates the mandatory presence of developed infrastructure nearby. In addition, the land plot must be located near the place of official registration of the family. Whether this is a plus or a minus is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

List of main benefits:
Partial compensation for housing and communal services.

Registration for kindergartens without a queue. Families with children under six years of age can count on receiving free medications from the federal list.

Cash compensation for attending kindergarten.

Free travel on city public transport.

Cash benefits until children reach the age of three. Up to one and a half years, the amount of the benefit is proportional to the income of the parents, from one and a half to three years it is equal to two subsistence minimums.

Other types of assistance

Recognizing that raising children as worthy people is work, and not easy, concessions are provided for large families in the field labor legislation and education.

Parents have the right to an increase in the next leave or to an earlier retirement. They can also ask the employer for a more convenient schedule.

For children raised in large families, as before, in 2018 there is a right to free teaching aids and materials. They have benefits when entering universities. The solution to these issues largely depends on the local authorities, as well as the employer’s willingness to meet them halfway.

How to get benefits

Obtaining the benefits provided by law is a troublesome and slow process, so some large families do not take advantage of them only because they do not find the opportunity to go through the necessary bureaucratic procedures. Required to assemble a large number of papers, benefits are issued in different places: housing and communal services authorities, social security departments, at the place of work of the parents or the place of study of the child.

In addition, they require annual updating. However, the law provides for a fairly large list of benefits, so it definitely makes sense to spend time on applying for them.

In contact with


The current economic situation in the country makes families with three children practically “heroes of modern times,” because raising three children at once for two parents, one of whom often has to sacrifice work for the sake of paying for them, is extremely difficult from a financial point of view. However, there are such families in Russia, and they are extremely interested in what benefits there will be for large families in 2018, because the authorities provide significant support to this category of citizens, so they can count on a number of benefits.

Large family and its features

According to the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, a family with three or more children (born or adopted) is considered to have many children. However, in those regions where the birth rate is too high, this status can only be obtained after the birth of the fourth or, for example, fifth child, so more specific information on this matter can only be obtained from representatives of the local municipality.

The financing of this issue is regulated by one of the bills of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1995 (amendments are periodically made to it). It is also necessary to emphasize what to expect to receive similar status Only those families in which children are under 18 years of age can do so, and if one of them turns 18, the status is automatically lost. In this case, it is fashionable to continue receiving benefits on preferential terms if, for example, a child is studying at a hospital and cannot go to work, but the amount of financial assistance in this case will be very small.

What payments can you expect?

Frankly speaking, parents who decide to have a second child can count on almost the same types of benefits as those who give birth to two children. However, there is also additional assistance in the form of gubernatorial payments, for example, but its size still depends on the regional budget, so payments to large families in 2018 in Moscow and the Moscow region will have largest size throughout the state, and in Smolensk the amount of benefits will be much smaller.

Separately, it will be necessary to discuss assistance for maternity capital, because certain changes will occur in it, as well as discuss a number of non-material benefits that will significantly make life easier for Russians with many children.

Main types of benefits

The main types of child benefits include those that a woman can initially apply for. First of all, assistance is provided in case of early registration of pregnancy, the amount of which will be equal to 613 rubles, and for this it is necessary to prepare a certificate obtained from a doctor and submit it to the accounting department of the enterprise. Subsequently, a maternity benefit is issued, the amount of which will depend on the level of wages women. It is paid by the employer, but assistance is also provided for unemployed women, although it will be paid in minimum size. Few people know about this, but pregnant students can apply for financial support from the dean’s office of their educational institution (but only if they are studying on a budget basis). The amount of support in 2018 will be no more than 1,400 rubles, and it must be processed in advance.

Separately, you need to talk about the registration of a one-time benefit for the birth of a child (a gift from the state), documents for which must be submitted no later than six months after the birth of the baby. Its size will be 16,350 rubles, and it does not depend on how much the parents work or not. It must be said that such payments to large families will not change in 2018, and the amount of this financial assistance does not depend on how many children are in the family.

Working women can get it from their employer, and those who do not have an official place of employment contact social services at their place of official registration. Special attention should be paid to the wives of military personnel, for whom the amount of this support is higher - 24,500 rubles, and assistance can be received at the place of service of the husband (father) of the child.

More information about regional payments

Regional government representatives, who act on the basis of regional legislation, also provide good assistance to large families. Some regions prefer to issue one-time assistance, others prescribe certain monthly payments; in any case, everyone should find out more about them, because this is the only way to qualify for it.

It has already been said above that the most high level benefits are observed in Moscow and the Moscow region, because the authorities “present” about 173,000 rubles (10 subsistence minimums) to families who have a third child. However, only those parents who have given birth to or adopted three children under 30 can count on receiving finance.

Official benefits for large families in 2018 in Volgograd are calculated by regional authorities and the amount here will be much less than in the capital. Parents can only count on 16 thousand rubles. For comparison, in the richer region of Northern Palmyra, for the birth of a third child, a family receives about 40,00 rubles, so in this case everything depends on the place of registration of the parents.

By the way, not only residents of the capital can count on a fairly impressive amount, because the authorities of Novosibirsk and Samara, who are trying hard to maintain a high birth rate in their own region, allocate about 100 rubles to parents with many children, and the amount does not depend in any way on the age of mom and dad .

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the fact that benefits for large families in 2018 in the Sverdlovsk region are extremely low (in comparison with more successful regions of the state), because they can only allocate about 10,000 rubles of one-time assistance from their budget. However, this is not the limit, because in Chukotka mothers with three or more children receive only 5 thousand (and this is only if they are under 30 years old), and in Saratov and Yaroslavl the authorities can allocate only 2,000 rubles to a person. Citizens also receive a little more Kaluga region, because they are entitled to only 3.3 thousand rubles.

What do you know about the benefits?

Today, many are concerned about the possible abolition of benefits for large families in 2018, because the authorities have to significantly cut budget expenses and this issue, in light of all this, is not without logic. However, information about their abolition is erroneous, because large families can count on benefits from the public, although their list has become a little smaller. There are still benefits regarding priority placement in kindergartens at the place of residence, as well as the right to free visits to some music or art institutions. In addition, parents can count on receiving vouchers to medical and health institutions, as well as preferential food conditions in school canteens. There remains the right to several days of additional rest and assistance in purchasing stationery for school students.

Today, the number of families with three or more children has noticeably increased. This is due to the fact that significant financial support has recently been introduced for such families. This happened by to a greater extent, due to the demographic crisis and due to the necessary stimulation of the population.

A large family is considered to be a family in which three or more children were born.

Our country provides a number of benefits that large families can take advantage of. This may include:

  • Free issuance medicines according to a doctor's prescription. True, this only applies to children under 6 years of age.
  • Free travel on public transport (within the city) for one child, as well as for one adult
  • Advantage in line, like in preschool educational establishments, and to school
  • Free meals for those children who attend school
  • Providing all necessary textbooks, if available at school
  • Partial compensation for payment for services for the provision of water, electricity, etc.

Also, in each region there are additional measures support for such families, which can be found out directly at social protection centers.

There are a number of cash payments that families with three or more children can count on. These include:

  • Mandatory child care allowance
  • Compensation for family expenses due to rising housing costs
  • Compensation for family expenses associated with rising prices for the most necessary and irreplaceable food products
  • Compensation for the purchase of items necessary for the child
  • Payment for landline phone
  • Reimbursement of part of the cost of utility bills

On the one hand, it may seem that everything in our state has been done for large families, all conditions have been created. But it is worth noting that in order to take advantage of all these, in fact, small privileges, you need to go around more than one office and collect a lot of documents, without which the family will not even be given the status of a large family.

Another type of material support is land for large families. At first, this aroused admiration and anticipation among such families that they would be able to build their own house, or, after some time, sell this land.

But in reality, everything is not so simple. Or rather, getting a plot of land will not be difficult, but the place where it will be located may be quite far away or not in a very favorable place. And it won’t be possible to sell it, since it will still be in municipal ownership, that is, the principle of “social rent” applies, but you don’t need to pay anything.

As a rule, few families subsequently use this land. The exception is those who are really lucky and get a plot of land, albeit not within the city, but not far from it.

In addition, in order to obtain land you must meet all the criteria. So, in order to get land you need:

  • All family members have Russian citizenship
  • All family members must be registered in the same living space
  • The family should not own land
  • The family should not own living space
  • The family must have three or more children

Based on all this, we can conclude that being a large family is not so easy, because some of the privileges that the state has made are simply impossible to take advantage of.

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