Educational and methodological material on the Russian language (grade 11) on the topic: Unified State Exam Assignment A8. Material on the Russian language "Tasks A8 and A9 of the Unified State Exam"

Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


you'll go overboard



Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here's the correct spelling:



you'll overdo it - CHG



Word with alternating vowel you'll go overboard obeys the rule of spelling roots with alternating BIR/BER

If you encounter difficulties completing a task, please refer to the reference materials.

To the question about the spelling of the letters E and E: the letter E is on the Unified State Examination forms. If the word task contained the letter E, what prevents you from writing it in order to avoid losing a whole point, right? Therefore, we strongly recommend: it says WRITE OUT, which means write it down as in the assignment. In this case, the letter was e, so the answer is also with e.

Answer: you'll get over it.

Answer: you'll get over it

Relevance: Used since 2015

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Spelling of roots

Rule: Unstressed vowels in the roots of words. task 9.


General concept of a root as part of a word

The root is the main one significant part words that express the main meaning of this word and general lexical meaning all cognate words.

It is the general meaning, not appearance the root (or part of it) allows one to classify a word as related (or cognate) words. There are many roots in the Russian language that are written the same, but have completely different meanings. different meanings. For example, the letter combination GOR occurs in thousands of words and is a root in the words BURN, GORE, MOUNTAIN and similar roots to them. But these are not the same root, but different ones, because in the meaning of the words BURN, BURN, MOUNTAIN have nothing in common. This fact plays a huge role in writing roots with an unstressed vowel. So, in the given series of words, each word has its own separate way of checking: burn (root with alternation), burn (test word gore), gora (mountainous).

In task 8 there are:

To successfully complete the task you must:

Be able to determine the type of root;

Apply rules governing the spelling of a particular type of root.

Depending depending on root type There are different rules for writing unstressed vowels in the roots of words.

8.1. Unstressed vowels tested by stress


In accordance with general As a rule, the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in roots is established by checking words and forms with the same root in which the vowel being tested is stressed, for example: l e sa (l e s), l And sa (l And sy), ; X O l O dilnik (x O lod, cold O bottom), prin e sti (principal e c), issue O take away (n O full). This rule is practiced throughout the entire school course of the Russian language, and the study began in primary school. Everyone remembers the rule:

But either we don’t know how to place stress, or our vocabulary is so small that we can’t find a test word, or we don’t understand where the words are related and where they are not, but traditionally the percentage of successful completion of this task is low. The most common mistake is that the test word is selected based only on the external similarity of the roots, without taking into account the meaning. General value- that's what's important. That's why the words lily and lilac; run and beige; jacket and caftan,veteran and wind and many others cannot be tests for each other


  1. Unstressed vowels of the root in words that are similar in sound but different in meaning are written differently: hall e shut up(in pocket) - hall And shut up(wounds) otv A rip(potato) - otv O rip(door), floor A roll(cat) - floor O roll(mouth), size e baby(sprouts) – size I baby(gun), mind A lie(meaning) - mind O lie(about mercy) approx. e swear(m e ra) suit – approx. And swear(m And p) neighbors; development e varies(V e yat) flag – development And varies(developed And ie) industry. The word in brackets helps to understand the meaning of the word with the missing letter.
  2. The vowel o in unstressed verb roots perfect form it is impossible to check with forms of the imperfect form on –yat (–iv), for example: op O create(P O late, although op A building yva t), coloring O it(cr O yika, although color Awillow t).
  3. If the root is written е, then in unstressed position in single-root words one should write е: speckled (variegated), starfall (stars), spring (springs), nest (nests)
  4. Unstressed a - o in roots with partial vowel combinations ra, la (barber, stop, drag out, cloud) cannot be checked with the corresponding full vowel combinations in the root oro, olo (beard, shorten, drag, shell). Incomplete combinations are characteristic of Old Church Slavonic roots, and they are always written A.
  5. Not worth it blindly check foreign words each other. In some words of foreign origin with a suffix that is distinguished only etymologically, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a word of the same root if the vowel being checked and the check vowel are included in suffixes of different origins, for example: subscription(-ement goes back to the French suffix), although subscribe(- ate goes back to the German suffix); accompaniment, Although accompany. Compare also a similar phenomenon in the composition of a foreign language root disinfection ic edit, Although disinfection ek tion. The vowel of the root is preserved in words injection - to inject, projection - to project and some others. Desire to check the word the president in a word presidium is also doubtful, since these words are related only in the source language, and in the Russian language there is NOT (or not yet) a single dictionary where these words are interpreted as related.
  6. It is not acceptable to check foreign words abbreviated words that originated in colloquial speech. Yes, word computer can't be verified by words computer(there is no such word in the nest of related words, and it is not in dictionaries either; it is impossible to check the word intellectual in a word intel(the word "Intel" does not exist).

8.2. Unstressed vowels not checked by stress

Brief designation in explanation NG

Along with words that can be verified by words of the same root or by changing its form, there are a number of words whose spelling does not obey any rules from the point of view of modern language. It would be great if there was single list words required to be memorized, and it was published in textbooks and manuals for preparing for the Unified State Exam. But there is no such list, at least not yet. In this series there are both native Russian words and borrowed ones, and their number continues to grow due to words foreign origin. There is only one piece of advice here: do not try to check the unverifiable. As a rule, the words being tested are found quickly in Unified State Examination tasks and are EASY to check. The spelling of words with an unchecked vowel in the root is checked only in a spelling dictionary.

8.3. Unstressed vowels in roots with alternation

Brief designation in explanation CHG

In addition to roots with unstressed vowels that are verified by stress, and those that cannot be verified, there are roots with various vowel alternations. Writing letters in place of unstressed vowels follows tradition. Checking words with alternating vowel stress (by selecting related words) is a gross mistake.

All alternating roots should be learned by heart.. Let's divide them into types.

8.3.1. Alternation of vowels and/e in the root
Before the suffix ANo suffix AExceptionsSimilar roots

1 collect – b And p(a) –

2 lock – p And p(a) –

3 rip off – d And p(a) –

4 wipe – t And p(a) –

5 freeze – m And p(a) –

6 burn out - w And g(a) –

8 spread – st And l(a) –

9 shine - bl And st(a)

1 ber – sob e ret

2nd lane - zap e howl

3 der – obd e ret

4 ter - obt e howl

5 measures – deputy e howl

6 burn – burn e G

7 even – deductible e T

8 steles – distance e pour

9 glitter - bl e weave

7 combination, combine

4 lose, endure

5 world, measure


opposition e/i in the roots of verbs, as a rule, corresponds to the opposition of the perfect and imperfect forms: die (owl. view) - die (non-sov. view), wipe out (owl. view) - wipe out (non-sov. view), burn out (owl. view) - burn out (non-Soviet species), spread (owl. species) – spread out (non-Soviet species), peel off (owl. species) – peel off (non-Soviet species).

As can be seen from the table, the roots in which And alternates with e, Total nine. In these roots the letter is written AND before the suffix A, but the letter is written E, if there is no suffix A

Roots with alternating vowels must be learned so that there is no temptation to test conflictingly. For example, the word I'm overwriting it, it would seem, can be verified in words wiped And rubbing, and the word laystem And litter. Which sample should I choose for testing? No!

Note the alternating root MER/WORLD , there are only a few words in this series: die, freeze/die, freeze. Homonymous roots (that is, similar, but with a completely different meaning) WORLD and MEP are not roots with alternation. Therefore the words peaceful, reconcile, truce; world, worldview, attitude; try on (dress), fitting room, measurement do not apply to words with alternation at the root.

8.3.2. Spelling of roots with alternation IM/IN with A/YA

Stressed A or I in an unstressed position alternates with IM or IN:

beginning A th - beginning in at; prin I t - prin them oh, pon I t-pon them at, sn I t - sn them ah, szh A t - szh them at. At the same time, spelling im, in, as can be seen from the examples, is associated with the subsequent suffix A. These are pairs of perfective and imperfective verbs, just like the verbs from the previous table.

8.3.3. Alternation of vowels a/o in the root

There are several types depending on the conditions.

1. The spelling of the root depends on the stress. It is impossible to make a mistake in those vowels that are under stress. Therefore, you should memorize only unstressed roots.

Under stressNo accentExceptionsSimilar roots
Only A: tan, tanOnly O: tanned, angryvyg A rki, izg A pry, prig A ry grief, mountain, hot, bitter
It is written and A, And O: bow and bowOnly O: declination, tiltno exceptionsclone
It is written and A, And O: creature, creativityIt is written only O: create, createutensilcottage cheese
It is written and A, And O: glow, dawnIt is written only A: zarya, zaryankadawnpenetrating
swim / swim / swim
It is written A And s: swim, swim, swim

It is written A: float

It is written s: floating, quicksand



2. The spelling of the root depends on the subsequent letter.

ConditionExamplesExceptionsSimilar roots
grow / grow / grow
Before STonly A: grow, grow up, growthsprout, growth, usurer, growth,

teenage, Rostov, Rostislav

In front ofonly A: to grow, to growNorotation, transformation
Before Conly O: grown up,industry
Please note: under stress before With(followed by T and without it) - only about, for example: growth, growth, outgrowth, teenager, overgrowth; grew, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants.
Before GAlways A: apply, offer, adjunctNo
Before FAlways O: application, sentence, addcanopycomplex, pleasure
Before AAlways A: touch, touchNobraid, scythe, mow
No AAlways O: touchNo
Before Kusually A: gallop swing
Before Husually O: drop byjump, jump (and in the forms of this word: jump, jump, in which the vowel at the root is stressed)

3. The spelling of a vowel fundamentally depends on the meaning of the word.

Written AIt's written OExceptionsSimilar roots
root with the meaning “same, equal, similar”: equalize, equationroot with the meaning “smooth, even, straight”: trim, level.equally, peer, equal, plain
Recognizing the roots -equal-/-equal- can be difficult because their meanings are often close. Historically, they meant the same thing, but the root -rovn- is originally Russian, and -equal- is Old Slavonic in origin. The most common words with these roots should simply be learned.
root meaning “to immerse, dip into liquid”: dip in tea, dip in paintroot meaning “to absorb, let liquid through”: soak in the rain, pat dry with a napkin

The eighth task of the Unified State Exam in Russian tests graduates' skills in the field of correct spelling of words. For correct execution you can receive one primary point. In the task you need to find a word in which a certain vowel is missing - either a checkable one, or an uncheckable one, or an alternating one. To do this, you need to have a good understanding of the spelling of roots with tested unstressed vowels, alternating vowels, as well as vocabulary words, the correct spelling of which must be remembered. To facilitate the repetition of this topic, we present a theory based on materials from the eighth Unified State Exam assignments.

Theory for task No. 8 of the Unified State Exam in Russian

  • tested unstressed vowel

This is the easiest option; to define it, you need to choose a form of the word in which the vowel will be stressed. For example, “reconcile”, “braggart”, “hardened” are checked by the words “peace”, “boast”, “callous”. Sometimes it is difficult to determine its meaning from a word without a vowel; for example, “to fade” can be understood both as “to see” and as “to fade.” This was taken into account when developing exam tasks: similar words are given in a contextual phrase.

There are not many alternating roots in the Russian language; you can simply memorize them. This table shows the alternating vowels in the root of a word and the rules for their use. However, you need to remember the exceptions that are missing from it: pretend, illuminate, combine, level, equally, peer, spasmodic.

  • unchecked unstressed vowel

Here is a table of words from which are most often found in the exam.

Aavant-garde, adventure, lawyer, almanac, abstract, anomaly, antagonism, apartments, applause, appeal
Bluggage, boycott
INvacancy, magnificent, veterinarian, vinaigrette
Gdimensions, garrison, horizon
Ddeserter, declaration, deficit, amateur, directive, thoroughly
ANDignore, dependent, intelligent, inquisition
TOquotes, pun, calendar, closet, carnival, disaster, insidious, conjure, overalls, competent, compose, compromise, constitutional, burner, luminary, cosmetology, criterion
Mmeridian, philanthropist, motivation
Nobsession, nostalgia
Pfront garden, panorama, paradox, pessimist, foam rubber, preliminary, fastidious, privilege, primitive, priority, pedestal
Rrehabilitation, regulations, residence, rehearsal, restore
WITHseminar, certificate, lilac, scholarship, strive, sovereignty
Ffaculty, philharmonic, festival
Shchocolate, chauvinism, highway, parade
Ecrew, exhibit, experiment, excavator, element, operation, extreme, expedition, erudition

Algorithm for completing the task

  1. We carefully read the task, remember the rule (alternation of vowels in the root of a word, verifiable vowels in the root of a word, unchecked vowels in the root of a word).
  2. We insert the missing vowels into each word given in the task, determine the rule on which the spelling of each word is based.
  3. We find the right word, write it down, inserting the missing letter. We write down the answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 8 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

The eighth task of the demo version 2018

  1. m..tsenat
  2. look...see
  3. mountainous (terrain)
  4. grow up
  5. comp..nent
Execution algorithm:
  1. Maecenas come to terms with– the vowel being tested in the root of the word (smirny); mountainous terrain)– the vowel being tested in the root of the word (mountain); component
  2. Nurture– a word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing (roots rast - ros). We write a letter in place of the gap A, since it is followed by consonants ST.

Answer: nurture

First version of the task

Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

  1. exp...dication
  2. hydrogen...sli
  3. k...lendary
  4. k...shaky
  5. post...pour
Execution algorithm:
  1. An unstressed checkable vowel is a vowel that can be checked by changing the word and placing it under stress: MOUNTAIN – MOUNTAINS.
  2. We insert the missing vowels into each word given in the task: expedition, calendar– you need to remember (unverifiable vowel at the root of the word); seaweed, lay– have an alternating vowel in the root.
  3. Feline– a word in which the unstressed vowel being tested is missing. We select a test word where the vowel will be stressed: cat.

Answer: cat

Second version of the task

Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

  1. v..rsy
  2. adventure
  3. g..roar
  4. accept..mother
Execution algorithm:
  1. Roots with alternating vowels: ber - bir, kas - kos, lag - lodge, etc.
  2. We insert the missing vowels into each word given in the task: nappy– test vowel – test word pile; adventure– unchecked vowel at the root of the word (you need to remember the spelling); grieve– the vowel being tested in the root of the word (gore). The alternation of “gor/gar” occurs in words such as “ tan, burnt, burn, scorch, cinder». Advocate– an untestable vowel at the root of the word (needs to be remembered).
  3. Accept– a word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is omitted (alternation nya/him): accept – accept.

Answer: accept

Third version of the task

Identify the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

  1. op..sanie
  2. l...lay
  3. dry out
  4. entertainment
  5. calculate
Execution algorithm:
  1. An untestable vowel at the root of a word is a vowel whose spelling needs to be remembered (for example: the vinaigrette).
  2. We insert the missing vowels into each word given in the task: description– the vowel being tested in the root of the word (test word we write); get up to something– alternating vowel at the root of the word (creativity – utensils); entertainment– vowel being tested, test word have fun; calculate– the vowel being tested in the root of the word, test word numbers.
  3. Cherish- a word with an unverifiable vowel at the root; its spelling must be remembered.

Unified State Exam: TASK 8

Unstressed root vowelsIn the task you need to check 5 words with missing letters to answer the question: which word is missing an unstressed verifiable, unverified or alternating vowel of the root. and you also need to insert this vowel.

Unstressed checked vowel.

To prove the verifiability of the vowel at the root, select words where it is stressed (and to do this, just drag it out, maybe a word will come up).

Choose test words for the spelling: k...robka, big, v...ditel, t...lpa, d...lit.

But be careful: the words you select must be similar in meaning to the original ones (for the word “gray-haired” choose the word “sitting”, and for the word “sculpt” - “linden”). And one more thing: do not check your spelling with slang vocabulary that is very outdated or has not yet been included in the official vocabulary Russian language. Jargon can only lead you to error, because it does not lend itself to the norm (“Nikita” is not verified by the word “Nekit”, and “Petersburg” is not verified by “Peter”). Informal vocabulary may not coincide with the answers to the task (for example, the word “blonde” in the Unified State Exam textbooks is considered to have an untestable vowel at the root, although many girls check it with the word “blond”). Things are the same with outdated vocabulary, because the connection between the roots in modern language(for example, you cannot check the word “bag” with the original “fur”: they have lost the connecting thread).

Unstressed unchecked vowel.

Here you again use the selection method. But you shouldn't succeed. Often the reason for this is the absence of words with the same root (for example, when a word came from another language and did not take root well in Russian).

Try to find test words: s...cret, l...laboratory, m...nister, g...horizon.

Does not work. Because they are borrowed from languages ​​with constant stress fixed on one syllable. And for it to change its place, the word must acquire a whole nest of Russian “relatives,” that is, words with the same root.

Unstressed alternating vowel.

There are a number of roots in which it is useless to check the vowel with stress. Because it changes: in one word it is “a”, in another word with the same root it is “o”. Moreover, checking a vowel in this way will be dangerous: you just want to check “tan” with the word “tan.” Which leads to the error. That’s why it’s so important to know these roots in person. In order not to include ALL of these words in the vocabulary list, we discovered patterns and divided them into 4 groups. These are the groups and roots you need to memorize! And remember along with the meaning.

1). The choice of vowel depends on STRESS:
Without accent O:
-gor-, -gar- (meaning burn);tan - tanned. Except-burnt, burnt
-clone-, -clan- (meaning to incline);
bow - bow, bow - bend.
-tvor-, -tvar- (meaning create);
creature - creativity, create. Except-utensil
Without accent A:
-zor-, -zar- (meaning dawn);
glow, lightning, illuminate - dawn. Iskl-grow
-plov-, -swim- (meaning swim).
float, floating.
Exceptions: swimmer, female swimmer

2). The choice of vowel depends on the END OF THE ROOT:
-skak-, -skoch- (meaning jump);jump - jump.Excl. jump
-rast-, -rasch-, -ros- (meaning grow).
EXCEPTIONS: Rostov, Rostislav, rostock, usurer, industry

3) The choice of vowel depends on the SUFFIX AFTER THE ROOT:
-lozh-, -lagA- (meaning put);offer - suggest
-kos-, -kasA- (meaning touch);
touch - touch.
-ber-, -birA- (meaning to collect); choose-gather
-der-, -dirA- (meaning to rip off); to pick up - to tear up
-brilliant-, -blistA- (meaning to shine); brilliant-shines
-ter-, -tira- (meaning to wipe); wash-erase
-per-, -pirA- (meaning lock); lock-ban
-mer-, -mirA- (meaning freeze) ; freeze-freeze
-steel-, -stilA- (meaning to cover); cover-cover
-burned-, -zhiga- (meaning to set fire); set fire - burn out
-even-, -read- (meaning count); count-deduction
- - , -ima- (for example, understand - understand);
- -, -inA- (for example, reap - reap).
shake - shake, understand - understand, start - start, crush - crush. In derivative forms it is preserved even if the suffix -a- is not followed, for example: I will lift, I will remove, I will lift, I will remove.
EXCEPTIONS: combine, combination, even

4) The choice of vowel depends on the VALUE of the root:
-equal-, -equal-;The root -equal- is written in words with the meaning “equal, identical, on a par”: compare, become equal; the root -even- is written in words with the meaning “even, straight, smooth” (to level, same age). For example: trim the grass (make it even), equalize rights (i.e. make the rights equal).
-mak- , -mok- , -moch- The root -mak- is written in verbs that mean “immerse in liquid”: dip a brush into paint; the root -mok- is written in verbs with the meaning “to let liquid through”: shoes get wet, get wet in the rain, waterproof raincoat.

EXCEPTIONS: peer, level, equal, plain, equal, equal.

5) One more detail must be remembered that we have many homonym roots: doubles that always try to confuse everything. For example, mer-world will alternate at what value? That's right, just “freeze-freeze” and the like. The root -mer- in the meaning of “to measure” will be a verifiable stress (measure), as well as the root -mir- in the meaning of “to reconcile” (peaceful). Or let's take it, gar-gor. The alternating root only means “to burn.” But it has homonyms. Let's say "mountains". They never write “a” (mountainous, mountainous, skiing).

6) Vowels O - E (Ё) after sibilants

After sibilants under stress, the root is written e (e), if in related words or in another form of the same word there is an alternation of e with e: yellow - to turn yellow, silk - silk, liver - liver, lye - slit.

In the words jockey, juggler, shock, chocolate, highway, Scottish, driver, shorts, rustle, ramrod, prim, gooseberry, major, glutton, seam, shock, rustle, thicket, rustle, etc. in the root after hissing words it is written about in accordance with pronunciation.
It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of the nouns burn, arson and the verbs burn, set fire.

7) Vowels after the letter C

The consonant sound ts in the Russian language is always hard, so after it it sounds and is written a (not ya), u (not yu), and only in foreign-language surnames and geographical names Sometimes there are deviations from this rule: Kotsyubinsky, Zurich.
However, according to tradition, after c it is customary to write e (not e), although after a hard consonant one hears [e]: goal.
The vowel and after ц is written in the root: circus, mat, cylinder, etc.
Exceptions: gypsy, chicken, tiptoe, chick.

Last thing. I saw this in manuals: sometimes they skip the vowel of a prefix or suffix, rather than a root one. In this case, the word will not fit the “unstressed root vowel” classification.

Let's look at the task itself from KIM.Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.
k..fell asleep

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