Why do women dream all in black. The general meaning of the image. Dream Interpretation: what the Bride is dreaming of

woman in black dreaming different reasons. The most common reason is personal experiences. The state of mind of a person is directly transmitted in his dreams. For this reason, it is worth limiting yourself as much as possible from stressful situations and conflicts.

What if a woman in black is dreaming?

If a woman in black dreams of a man, this may portend a decrease in activity in the intimate sphere, complete impotence is possible. Or, it simply reflects his lack of confidence in women, or the absence of such in life.

Many personify the woman in black with death. Such an analogy takes place when a woman's face was clearly visible in a dream. The face of death is usually ugly, wrinkled and disgusting. If the face is not visible, or the woman is beautiful, then the dream characterizes something else.

As a rule, black clothes symbolize grief, trouble, fear, resentment and obstacles. But a woman in black does not always portend trouble, this may mean, for example, that obstacles may arise on the way to fulfilling the plan, which will be created by a familiar woman. But when a woman leaves, it can be taken as a symbol of the retreat of failures.

A woman, in itself, portends treason, intrigue, gossip or betrayal. If a woman is pregnant in a dream, then this promises an early change in life in better side. You can really expect an addition to the family, or unexpected good luck.

Some sleep researchers claim that a person who dreamed of a woman in black clothes will soon be unspeakably lucky, he will get rich, advance in work or meet his destiny. If a woman appears in torn and dirty clothes, then, on the contrary, this is a sign of poverty, which awaits a person in the future tense.

Miller's dream interpretation interprets such a dream in this way: if a woman in black dreamed, then dreams would not come true. Ahead of troubles and misunderstandings. Alternatively, it is also possible that they will try to involve the one who sees such a dream in gambling, stock speculation or dubious events. General characteristic such a dream can become troubles and troubles expected in the near future.

If a woman dreams of herself in a black robe, this portends great quarrels in the family, with her parents, husband, or even with her own children.

What portends?

A woman in black, young and beautiful, promises the onset of a beautiful period in a person’s life, about interesting journeys, joy and pleasure. Or news may come about the addition to the family of a person who has a dream.

For a woman in love, such a dream can portend partings, quarrels and scandals. It can also be symbols of approaching depression, apathy, boredom.

If a woman dressed in black under a robe is naked, one should be wary of lies from the closest people, gossip. Sleep can be a sign that a person is sick with something.

Another interpretation of the dream in which the woman in black dreamed could be that the sleeper is experiencing a strong unsatisfied sexual desire, or just dissatisfaction with the relationship. It is possible to expect an unexpected insult from an intimate partner, which can shake the soul.

It is important to value bad dreams should not be, as bad energy in the morning will ensure a bad day. Thus, it will not be superfluous to play it safe, to be attentive to details, but not to panic if a person has a bad dream.

Why a woman in black dreams was discussed in this article. Now any dream will inspire only confidence, and will not cause unnecessary questions. A woman is not a threat, it can be good news, it is only important to correctly interpret the dream.

If you dreamed of a woman in black, do not be afraid: this is not necessarily an unfavorable sign.

However, if a woman in black clothes dreams of a man, then this may be a reflection of problems in intimate life, inability to find contact with the opposite sex. Sometimes this is a signal of a violation of sexual functions. In any case, such a dream should not be ignored - it is better to find out what the problem is and try to deal with it. Consider what else a black woman can dream of.

Black woman: how to interpret a dream

  • Often a woman in black robes in a dream is associated with numerous unrest, mental anxiety. This may be a signal that the stress level in your life is too high.
  • Also, a woman in black can signal the occurrence of any difficulties that will appear soon. When a woman moves away in a dream, on the contrary, this is interpreted as liberation from obstacles.
  • If a woman's clothes are clean, neat - this good sign: can talk about auspicious financial condition. Torn clothes are a sign of failure in business, poverty.
  • It is very auspicious to see a black woman if she is pregnant. Then pleasant changes await you - perhaps a real replenishment in the family.
  • When a woman in black is naked under clothes, this may be a sign that gossip will begin around you, gossip will appear, you can expect deception. It can also signal illness.
  • It is important to pay attention to the face of a woman in a dream. What was it - beautiful, young or old and wrinkled? Did it cause disgust? A young woman with a pleasant face, even if she is in black, is interpreted as good sign- you can expect good luck, interesting meetings and travels. An old, ugly woman, on the contrary, speaks of impending troubles, poverty, and illnesses.

Almost everyone is wary of such a symbol as a woman in black. Still, to see this in a dream is at least scary, especially if it was an old woman. Well, how can you not think about death?! Although, interpreting what the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is dreaming of, dream books often associate her image with tenderness, care and love. And if she is dressed in something gloomy, then secrets are mentioned.

If you dreamed of a woman in black - do not be alarmed. Perhaps she predicts success for you. let's consider various plots dreams, in their brief reading.

  • Seeing a pregnant woman in a black dress in a dream is a good change.
  • An old woman in a dirty black hood - to the disease.
  • The young beauty dressed in all dark - for an interesting journey.
  • A girl sees herself in a dream in a fur coat the color of a raven's wing - to a quarrel with her beloved.
  • The man saw his wife in a blue-black fur coat - a sign of his dissatisfaction.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book, interpreting a dream with a woman in a black robe, portends the dreamer the following: forget about your desires. And if this lady in the attire of the color of the night is familiar to you, then this means that you can be tricked into a dubious event. To summarize, one can understand that a dream in which a girl dressed in a dark robe dreamed means problems and troubles.

Young widow as a symbol of personal problems

If a married girl dreamed that she was a widow and put on mourning clothes, then in reality she would have an unpleasant conversation with her husband, suggests Miss Hasse's dream book. And if mourning clothes in a dream were worn by an unmarried young lady, an outcast admirer can publicly disgrace her.

For those who are interested in what a woman in a black evening dress is dreaming of, Slavic dream book suggests: a dress that looks like a crow's wing, like any other clothing of a similar color, symbolizes problems in personal life, for example, such as a venereal disease.

Lady in years - a sign of prosperity

Do you want to know what is dreaming of old woman in a black lace scarf and black eyes? According to Tsvetkov's dream book, the old lady is the dreamer's experience or skill; a lace scarf, especially a dark one, is a sign of the favorable arrangement of the stars, a blessing, so to speak; well, and the old woman with black eyes is a long-standing hidden desire. If we bring everything together, we get the following interpretation of sleep: thanks to your knowledge and skills, you will be able to achieve what you have long dreamed of.

And if you dreamed of an old woman in an ash-colored scarf, whose face is not visible - be careful in gambling, this dream symbolizes the temptation, succumbing to which you will be left with nothing.

The mysterious stranger, or Danger does not sleep...

Unpleasant and frightening interpretations give dream books to dreams in which you met a woman dressed as death. In the Lunar Dream Book, one can find such an explanation for this vision: a woman who looked like death in a dream symbolizes a hidden danger. If you met this person in the cemetery, beware of accidents.

In a dream, a stranger, wrapped in a soot-colored cape, ran away from you? There are several interpretations of what this is dreaming of: you tried to catch up with her - you will suffer from your own incontinence; failed to catch up - chance will help to avoid trouble; and if, having encountered a woman in a black cloak at night, you fled to the sides, then an unpleasant incident awaits you.

Many girls to see in their house - to good news.

To see a girl of pleasant appearance in a dream for men means big expenses.

Kiss her - to unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you.

A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, who you dreamed about, means that you will have a pleasant meeting with a nice person who will significantly improve your mood.

An ugly girl that you dreamed of portends a violation of the normal and calm course of your affairs or lifestyle. Sometimes such a dream portends obstacles in business.

A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from loved one. Perhaps one of your loved ones will get sick, which will upset you very much.

A dancing girl of pleasant appearance in a dream - for a love date or good news.

To buy or catch a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion, to a prisoner - release, to a sick person - recovery to the rich - a benefit.

A distressed girl (or crying) in your dream - to contention between lovers or partners.

Mothers see blooming in a dream young girl the dream portends good news from her children.

Being a girl in a dream - for a woman - is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which can be fraught with consequences for her, which will not be slow to affect her reputation.

For a man, such a dream is a sign of ill health.

For people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration.

See interpretation: lady, freak.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a young girl in a dream is a pleasant surprise, joy, wealth.

A thin, pale girl - to illness in the family.

If a man sees a pretty girl in a dream, in reality he will try to arrange his personal life.

For a woman, such a dream is jealousy.

The dancing girl is a symbol of love.

A dream in which a young man sees himself as a girl promises him a career as an actor.

Interpretation of dreams from

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I dreamed of a Woman in black, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Woman in Black is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Dreamed tonight elderly woman in all black. The face and head were covered with a black scarf. She held a handkerchief in her hands, as she constantly cried. She sat on my bed and stroked my hand, while reading prayers. I tried to break free and at the same time comforted her (it looks like she was mourning her son). An icon hung on the wall next to the bed where I lay. And near the other wall was my mother (dressed in light). (Mom died 11 months ago). Tell me, what is this dream about? I remember to the smallest detail.

    Hello, for three days in a row I had a dream, as if I were standing in a room and watching from the side as my son and I were sleeping, I stood and felt like we were not alone in this room, two women in black robes appeared from the far corner of the room and began to stretch their arms to my sleeping son, I try to stop them, attack them, but I feel weak in my body, a struggle begins, and then I accidentally drew attention to their faces: they were terribly ugly and old, I was seized with fear and fell to the floor in an exhausted state and then I wake up. And so for the third night in a row, I am overcome by fear for my son, I am afraid to go to bed already. Please tell me what this dream could mean.

    I was in the village with my son. we were in the house and I went to close the doors and then a woman in a black and black scarf appeared at the door and wanted to come in, I didn’t let her mohal with a stick and screamed very loudly from screaming, she left and pointed at me with her finger and said that everything was waiting for me bad and curses me. I closed the door and she again began to approach the door and knock. suddenly mine appeared cousins who began to support me, then this woman somehow managed to open front door and in the room we immediately closed, she began to knock and shout for us to open the door to her room. we opened it, she came very close to me and again began to say what was waiting for me, but I don’t remember it now, she was blonde and in a black headscarf. and then i woke up

    I am in country house. I feel that I am not alone. I see a woman dressed in all black in the next room. I ask who she is and how she ended up here, but the woman does not answer and goes somewhere. I go around the whole house and again I see her, as if in another room, trying to catch up, but she leaves ...

    there are a lot of people around, as if we were doing something, and then all at once they all begin to slowly, slowly fall like leaves, taking turns standing, even those who stood in twos fell together, and I understand that I am lying there where everything and I see it all as if from above, but I don’t see myself, then I woke up and realized that I was lying with the corpses, I quickly got up immediately, I get up, I raise my eyes, and there are people standing in a row, a lot of people, they are all gray, as if blurred, and in the center stands a girl and glows with black light. I saw her clearly, her face, and looks straight at me, and then I understand that she definitely died

    i dreamed of a woman all in black, without a face, and began to choke me, I began to scream and tried to grope pectoral cross.. and woke up .. then I went to bed again and I dreamed of two old women, one of them asked for help and I helped her, and in response she asked me what was tormenting me. I told her about my dream, and the old woman replied that it was death that came .. after that I woke up again ..

    i dreamed of a pregnant woman, her head was wrapped in a dark scarf, she runs away and returns at the same time I really wanted to cry, then she brought a book with 3 pages torn out and turned upside down, and I had the feeling that this was a bible, although I am not a particularly religious person

    I former driver tram today I dreamed that I was driving the car to the driver’s final brace, and on the route, when switching the rail switch, I met a girl she was dressed in a black jumpsuit with a hood on her head that was not tight to the body and her name was Lyuba, they didn’t say anything, they walked a little down the street and I lost sight of her at the end of the dream, she lay on the gozon half-naked, it was in the evening

    I was walking with a guy and a woman was walking towards us, even her face was not visible and all in black, and the closer she came the more terrible it was, and then I looked sharply when she was already passing by and saw her face, I apologized to her that she was frightened in front of me, but her face was dark all the same

    i dreamed that I was standing with my mother-in-law on the bridge, a woman in a long black scarf with an embroidered cross passed by and said that she needed to go to the cemetery, she replied that she often goes there, she said, anyway, go there

    The woman in black wanted to hypnotize me chtoli and it seemed like I would give her the money from the bag. And I mentally understood this and began to move away from her and mentally say that I would not give anything away (in reality there was a similar situation 20 years ago), and she presses me with perseverance, I'm scared, I'm afraid and I wake up from the fact that I'm screaming - People, help

    Night darkness in front of a black fog, some kind of force pulls me there in front of a woman in black in this fog. I am drawn there from both sides with difficulty I go back. I run into the house there is a cousin. she asks what happened? I tell her to close the door. and I woke up.

    I am getting married in the evening a bride in ordinary clothes I am in a white shirt and trousers after the call and a woman in black is reflected in the mirror who feeds on killing me I close my eyes but a little girl saves me

    God says I love you very much, my children. Be fruitful and multiply so that life does not stop on this planet. The Earth is a unique pearl that I created for you for the good and peaceful life of the Brothers

    i dreamed that I went in some room to look for a way out and stumbled upon a dead woman who was lying on some kind of sofa in a black scarf and seemed to be waiting for her to be put in a coffin, I screamed and ran to look for a way out further I don’t remember

    a woman in a black, gloomy dress moved from the corridor to my room. A terrible cold blew from the woman, but I could not move away from her, run away, she wanted to hug me, but I woke up

    I'm at home with a girl and a guy. I have a slightly cloudy condition. Went out to turn on the light but it didn't work. We go out with the guy into the corridor, and there is an elderly woman in black clothes. Clothes are clean and beautiful. But the woman is old and plump. The guy asks - "Who is this?", I answer - "I don't know" and push her out the door of my house to the front. And I wake up mumbling this out loud. PS: Forgive me for writing so strangely, I just woke up from this at 3 am and immediately write to you. Thanks in advance. Very dark!

    Hello Tatiana. My name is Firuza. I dreamed that a woman in black, her face was not visible, bending down, wished me death, but for some reason in a dream I wanted to deal with her, from my thoughts she burst like a soap bubble and disappeared. what is it for? thank you!

    A woman appeared to me
    Her clothes and scarf were dark, she couldn’t see her face. She woke me up by calling me by my name. I opened my eyes, looked at her, and she disappeared. What is it for?

    I was in that dream with my best friend, we saw all sorts of terrible reflections, suddenly I noticed that a woman was standing next to us in a jacket with her head down, then I started to fight with her, I woke up several times, and when I fell asleep again I saw a continuation

    the first time a woman in black dreamed in a shed, the second time in a store, and the third time at a friend’s she suddenly appeared from the mirror and then I began to pour holy water on the mirror. I am worried that at the end I constantly die and the dream ends ...

    I dream that I am standing near a tree and there is a high fence in front of me, and an unfamiliar woman in a black robe from head to toe peeks out from behind the fence, I try to hide from her behind a tree, but she purposefully walks towards me with outstretched ugly arms (long non-human fingers). I touch her hands to brush them off and scream... woke up by my own scream.

    Hello! I dreamed of a building from which weeping women in black headscarves came out, some with their husbands. These were the mothers of the fallen soldiers. There were many more mothers in this building who knew that their son had died, they were probably waiting for some kind of document

    I go to the store and I'm about to leave. at the exit at the door I face tall man in all black / like death / . I go back and wait for it to leave. But he is standing next to me all the time. What does it mean?

    She dreamed of a woman, all in black, sitting on the bed. And the face was also covered with a black tight-fitting cloth. So I didn't see her face. But as if I know that this is the mother of my friend, a student girl (at present, her mother is alive and well). I didn't talk to her in my sleep. Thank you.

    Hello. Help, please, I’m very worried. My man had a dream as if he went to Armenia with me to his homeland and we were dressed in black together. And his friend asked who you came with and he replied that with a friend And it was all in a fog.

    I dreamed about my stepmother. I stood on the street with my husband near the house. Under the window. She walked close to the window. I noticed that she was wearing a black mourning scarf. We saw her, but she didn't see us. She did something and went into the depths of the apartment.

    it was like this ... I have two girlfriends Milena and Snezhana, that's just how they were in my dream, we supposedly already adults rented a hotel room! I had this dream before, but then it was only me, without girls.! so we rented this room, and went somewhere until the evening. when in the evening we returned to the room, took a shower and went to bed ... AAA here's something else that the room in my dream is very similar to my bedroom but .. in my dream near the bedside tables that were there are 2 doors near the bed, one door to the bathroom and the toilet and the second to the dressing room, so we went to bed and then the dressing room door opens and a girl comes out of there, very similar to the woman from the movie "Woman in Black" and starts telling us: Get out! you won't survive until the morning! and then we started begging her: girl please! please give us until morning and we will leave this hotel in the morning! but one of us said that we came to this hotel because we could not find another! the woman went up to the chest of drawers and turned around ... when she turned back, her whole face was covered in blood and she said in such a rude voice: You deceived me! Get out! Now! get out!
    I immediately woke up and looked at the time, it was 4:56! but today all day after this dream I, Milena and Snezhana had a headache all day

    I dreamed, after the Annunciation, that I was sleeping (lying) on ​​my bed and I saw that two women in black were sitting at my feet and their scarves were black, but strangely tied up, as before children were tied with a downy scarf for warmth! They sat at the feet, looked, and disappeared or left! I'm afraid I don't remember! I woke up in a cold sweat! I haven't been able to leave for a week! I remember that they did not say anything and they did not tell me anything! Today I talked to one, she suggested that maybe it was the foremothers who came to see me! Who is praying for them! Since the beginning of the year, I began to submit notes on commemorations. relatives, whose names I know, and began to write, all relatives to Adam's tribe! I was just in the church for the Annunciation, put it on the canon, filed notes, put candles!

    Tatyana, hello! I dreamed opposite, at a distance from me, and as if in the doorway (but I’m not sure about this for sure), an elderly woman in black clothes seems to be buttoned up with a skirt and a jacket under her throat. and looks straight at me into my eyes, and in front of her on the floor are wads of paper money neatly folded and as if they are dollars and I understand that she brought them to me, at first I was scared of her, I thought that she was something not good and at that moment I shouted rudely to someone else in the room, but then I smiled at her and apologized that it was not for you and said thank you, she continued to look and seemed to hear my gratitude, but then it seemed to me that she was smiling at me, but I see her face not clear as if I'm without glasses. Can you please tell me what this means? Thank you.

    Former mother-in-law, in my apartment I go in, open the door, she makes sure that I don’t take the furniture, the apartment, I swear with her strongly, next to her a woman in black with a cross reassures me, I’m not pleased, I saw garlic in a woman.

    I remember a woman in black with her there were white cats I was very scared and I ran away when she overtook me I couldn’t do anything and called her name and asked for forgiveness earlier we met her in a dream she forgave me and said to break all the knives that I made and never offend cats, I work as a blacksmith and this alerted me and at the end of our conversation she asked why I didn’t call her

    I sleep I open my eyes I see a woman in black walks in the hallway black hair, lips, all black clothes stopped turned to me and looked I was scared and I could not move her face she was young I blinked and she disappeared and I was able to get up

    I went to my grandmother, it was already dark. I was walking along the side of the road and suddenly a car honked sharply, but there was no car. I turned around and next to me was a woman all in black. and I abruptly began to scream, to call my grandmother.

    in a dream they knocked on the front door, opened there was no one, closed the door. I turn around from the kitchen, a girl in black, with her hair down, comes out, stands opposite and says: “I'll be back.” For what?

    Good afternoon, Tatyana. Please help decipher the dream. I dreamed that I was sleeping in bed with my boyfriend, I opened my eyes, and a woman all in black was standing at our feet near the bed, it was very dark, it was night. In horror, I started to wake up the guy, he rolled over me in a dream, but did not wake up, I tried to scream. And suddenly this woman began to attack, just with a terrible grimace on her face and some kind of roar, she tried to attack me, but I started shouting “go to hell!!! And yet I drove her away, probably ... I woke up in horror, at first I did not understand that it was a dream ...

    Hello Tatiana. In a dream, I saw an elderly woman of 50-60 years old. She was dressed in all black and a black scarf. She appeared and disappeared a couple of times. The dream was very similar to reality. Thank you

    I dreamed of a woman in a black scarf and all in black, without a face. She stood in the doorway and looked at me silently. And my whole body was numb. I woke up from the thought that I have two children and I need to wake up and live.

    Every day I dream of the same woman, I don’t see her face, and the bottom line is that when I wake up, I’m very afraid of everything and my heart pours out the fact that her face, which I don’t see and scares me, but the last dream was where I myself was looking for her and stalked through an unfamiliar house

    We were driving a car and a girl in black appeared in front of the car and we hit her. But she appeared again. And then she appeared next to me. Then we went to the cemetery and looked for her graves and found, it seems, and then they made a cross with white stones in the cemetery, and green ones in the district. What is this woman for? And the cemetery? And she was always open-mouthed.


    I held a cell phone in my hands and decided to look at the photos, and in one of them there was me and the shadow of a woman behind me, I stuttered, I was very scared! I lay down and immediately a woman in black appeared from the corner and began to choke me ... I screamed for help, but no one heard me, as the voice seemed to have disappeared! Then I woke up in a cold sweat.

    Hello! I remember I decided to look through the photos on my cell phone in one of the photos there was me and a woman all in black and completely covered her face with a black scarf (like a bride’s veil). I got very scared! I lay down and immediately a woman in black appeared from around the corner where the door stands. She stood looking at me, I froze, couldn’t say anything, just looked at her ... then she started to choke me, I screamed for help, but no one heard me! My voice was very quiet that even I did not hear ... Then I woke up in a cold sweat!

    My mother-in-law came to my house in black clothes and my ex-husband also in dark clothes .... then they left together and I followed them along the dirt road… they left in a black car…. and then I saw him next to three white horses that were flying and his mother, not far from him, again in black.

    I dreamed of a woman on her face, old and terrible, dragging me out of bed, saying that it was time for me to go there, I clutched at the bed, resisted, as a result, the bed broke into two parts and I woke up from fear !!

    Hello Tatyana, my name is Valentina, I had a dream that at first a woman in black attacked me, but I threw her over my head, then from behind she ran towards me with an angry face and wanted to throw herself in my face, but I bit her tongue and held her teeth tightly her tongue. The woman was young.

    I go to my street door and open it. Worth it unexpectedly for me fat woman in a black dress, in a black cape. Instead of a face White spot. I don’t feel hostility. She didn’t try to enter, Something doesn’t let me immediately close the door. I read "Our Father" and asked to leave, Not very easy, but still closed the door.

    I dreamed of some woman in black, I was standing with my wife and child near the entrance, she stood and looked at us before, I hadn’t seen her before, and then I told her grandmother you chtol and somehow recognized her, she answered yes, it’s me, but my grandmothers are alive she said a lot of things to her, but the most important thing I remember was that she smiled and told me you were elected, I said what - you will find out soon, but how do I say war in 2016, she said there would be no war, there would be an invasion and then I ended up on in some clearing and in front many different planes took off and flew into the sky and disappeared, and then some voice said and this is our enemy and showed several ships and on one of them it was written roofing felts - kr3 roofing felts kp3 I don’t remember exactly then I went somewhere and the front house was eaten the tree grew tangerines there 1 was green, the other was half-green, half-ripe, the other was cleaned, and m further, in general, there were small sunflowers, and I plucked half-green, half-ripe, and got back to this woman, I began to ask questions, she told me not to ask stupid questions and I started to leave, I caught up with her and more women ate, I told them to say something and in the end they all turned and looked at me

    a woman in black was chasing me, I was running to the top of the mountain. At the top I saw a small town or village below, the wind was blowing hard to breathe. Then I went into the cave, but the woman in black caught up with me, and I cut her carotid artery with a knife, but she did not die and the blood did not even go and she continued to get me and even laughed.

    firstly, I’m her friend, she told me a dream like this, I saw a woman in a black scarf, she cut my name on a dark fabric, I know her, she is the mother of my twin friends, at the end she disappeared and she left a photo of her with her daughter in a scarf and a metric about death and there her name was written

    There is some noise on the second floor. I get up, in the corner lies a woman in black, her face is not visible. To the question “What are you doing here?”, laughingly answers “your death, I’m waiting for you, you don’t have long left!” I saw the same dream 2 years ago, after which I had a car accident.

    As if I had left the house, I had a head of white cabbage in my hands and, moreover, it was empty, and before that I cut a little cabbage at home from some kind of cabbage leaves, but they were withered ...... When I left the house, I see a woman standing in the distance with her head down, dressed like in the old days a long cloak with a hood ... ... Then she turned to me somehow without saying words with the power of thought, but I heard her, she asked some way where to go and I indicated

    i dreamed of two unfamiliar women in black scarves, everything was blurry in the background, I saw clearly only them. I approached them and began to ask them to hold my child, to which they refused me, I asked again, they said hold it myself.

    I dreamed that I was running forward along some bushes, on the right side it seems like a cliff and I am running along a narrow path, and then I understand why I am running like this if I can turn, but when I go through these bushes, I see a woman in black there, her face it was clear for sure, she was not old, but not young, she has there were dark eyes, a longish face, and she tells me that we met again ... in a dream I was scared ... I understood that she wanted to kill me ...

    Hello, I'm from an orphanage.
    My mom died and my dad too, that's not the point.
    the bottom line is that I dreamed that I was sitting in a large room in a white room, there was one chair on which I sat in all white, people walked around me and read some kind of prayers, and my mother stood opposite me and they were also reading something all in all black, only in white was I a chair and the room was empty.

    when I sleep, I have a dream about a woman in a black cloak and a black hat, she haunts me in a dream, she dreamed about me 1 year ago and again her voice is very rough and old and can you send a question to VK? if so, then Dana Serebriakova city of Baikalsk photo where I am in a cap, otherwise my email is buggy

    While I was walking away with my friend in a cafe, an elderly woman in a black dress and a black scarf sat down at a table. I asked her to move to another table, explaining that this one was already occupied by us, but she just sat silently ...

    Hello, this is the first time I've encountered this. Help unravel. I dreamed from Thursday to Friday, I'm sure that this is some kind of sign.
    I dream that I am kneeling and reading a prayer, I know this prayer by heart, this is a prayer from a small icon of my guardian on behalf of which I was baptized. And I see an icon appearing in front of me in a yellowish light in a type of window, on which an old man with a gray beard is depicted, and then an icon with a female face seems to have appeared, but then a very loud rumble of thunder sounds in my ears and head and a female piercing voice says “ true" or she said "not true" I didn't hear. I was so frightened that I woke up abruptly, opened my eyes, my heart was beating and I see in reality an already tall woman in a black cloak, and the hood is black, but under it on her head the scarf is lighter, she stood over the bed with her head bowed down, so that I don’t face I saw, and her hands were aligned at her chest with her palms, as if she was praying, the more I looked, although I was numb, the faster she disappeared and only the cabinet remained, also tall black ... Maybe it all seemed to me for 3 seconds. But it didn't happen right away.

    a woman in a black headscarf, one face, a handkerchief wrapped around her face, as the bidouins or Asians do. The face is old, but not terrible, in a dream I try to understand who it is, because it seems that I know her. But there is something repulsive and frightening in her that I wake up in horror from her gaze

    Three weeks ago, on a Saturday, my mother died. And today, three weeks after her death, I dreamed that I could not open the door to the kitchen, it was pressed down on the other side by something soft. I pressed the door with my body and saw a woman in black in the kitchen, shouted: “mother”, she turned around, but it was not her. The woman asked: "where are you doing ..." And I woke up

    On December 5, my mother died, aged 91. And today is also Saturday, 3 weeks have passed since my death, I have a dream that I cannot open the door to the kitchen, it is pressed down with something soft from below. With an effort he opened the door and saw a woman in a black scarf and black dress. She asked: “Where are you going?..” I thought it was my mother and shouted: “Mom”. The woman turned, but it wasn't Mom. And I woke up.

    Hello! Help me please. I have a feeling that I'm going crazy. I had a dream that I was in some kind of room and I wanted to get out of it, but an old woman in a black dress, in a black scarf, would not let me in. It hangs around my neck and won't let me go. And I began to swear at her, and I try to escape from her.

    I was sick with high temperature, and an unfamiliar woman in a black dress and a turban or a tied black scarf, as well as with a face thickly smeared with something black, stood nearby, silent and as if waiting for something, she was not ugly middle-aged. Help me understand what it is?

    there was a dream in some kind of castle, we were looking for clues to find a chest of gold, but at some point people who wanted to open some kind of door, they dried up. the setting is like in a movie. and so we found a chest, it turned out to be 2 and I turned to the window and saw a woman in all black walking past the window and roaring as if mourning those people who were drying up

    Good day! I had a nightmare; - there is a woman in a black robe, her face is not visible. Call her Angela. And the most unpleasant thing in this dream is that she put her hands into my lower abdomen, I felt an unpleasant pain. Then she woke up.

    Feast…. Behind him are former colleagues .. And one who is now pregnant, sits next to me in a black dress, but she is slim, and I apologize to her.

    Today in a dream I saw the face of an unfamiliar woman close up, she looked at me with red fiery eyes, then the picture moved away. She was wearing a long black hoodie. Nearby stood a mannequin of a woman on a stand made of a single stick. The mannequin was dressed in the same clothes. The mannequin had no face, just a smooth surface. Bad music was playing. They danced to it with rhythmic sharp movements and spun around their axis. When they turned around, the mannequin was already a living woman with a face covered in burrs. There was also a mannequin. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed that women in black headscarves came to me, crying AND SAYING - SIGN FOR THE MONEY WE BRING YOU. I ask, who died, they answer, YOU! I signed and took the money ..

    a woman of about 50 years old, plump, all in black and a black veil on her face, and that is, from a transvestite, there was something masculine in her, and I was choosing underwear in the store and was about to leave, she grabbed me and I woke up to her

    i dreamed of a woman in a black hoodie, who was moving in my apartment towards me. But in a dream I was awakened by the sound of a knock on a computer keyboard, I opened my eyes and saw. that no one is sitting at the computer. And then a woman appeared. Even in my sleep I was shackled all over with goosebumps, especially on my head. It's like my hair is tied in a goosebump ponytail

    Hello! Today I had a strange dream. I went to the window and saw death. Immediately I screamed: Mom for me Death with a scythe came. Mom did not pay any attention. Then I saw that it was not quite death, and the girl was dressed completely in black, her face was not visible, but she was crying. Then she took a jar of something or cucumbers from us, I didn’t see it, and she tried to open our front door. I was very scared and ran into the room with my family, then I immediately heard the water turning on and off in the kitchen. BUT there was no one in the kitchen. I have never had such dreams.

    Hello. I had a dream as if my husband came home from work after the second shift at the first hour. We sit in the kitchen and see as if the door opened. I told him that you did not close the door? And he didn't close me. I went to look and there was a woman standing there. And she is all in black from head to toe, you can’t see who, but I know that this is a woman. And she stands on the threshold and touches her behind. I wanted to send her obscenities, but I could not say a word, and immediately woke up.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed of my rival with her beloved, they stood and held hands. Smiling at each other. She had black curly hair at the ends. She was wearing a black jacket, black short shorts like leather, tights like coarse mesh, black shoes, but what was specifically not visible. Then suddenly she let go of his hand and leaving on her head was a big black beach hat. And they were in an empty cafe.

    I sleep in my apartment, open my eyes and see how a woman in black clothes is digging in a chest of drawers and in my things (although I don’t have a chest of drawers and there is a closet in this place). I scream to my civil husband so that he looks and kicks her out, and I myself scream or try to do it, I'm horrified, I wake up as if from my own scream. Husband sleeps next to me.

    hello, I dreamed of several women in black, they came to my house, I drove them away, but they didn’t leave, but at the end of the dream, for some reason, I saw the face of only one of them and she was of respectable age, looked at me with angry, serious eyes, and also in at the beginning of sleep, for some reason, daughters dreamed ex-husband and they were also in the circle of these women

    incomprehensible room in there were 2 iron beds opposite each other. A woman in a black robe was sitting on one bed, and I am sitting on the opposite bed. And she says do not repeat this word, but I repeat this word all the time. and then she tells me the devils will come and they will drag you away. I keep repeating it and repeating it. And then the devils appear and try to drag me away, grabbing my arms and legs

    Hello. I don’t understand whether I was sleeping or not yet, but my eyes were closed. I saw the following. A square room, a window in front, and the closer to me the darker. I'm standing in the dark part and you can't see me. Sitting with his back to the window, with his left shoulder to me, is a middle-aged woman, of a solid build, in black clothes and with a blurry face. Uncovered head with black hair pulled back to the left. Looks not at me. She felt bad energy directed into the void, but for some reason I know who. It feels like I'm just invisible to her. The energy from her is bad and I imagined a transparent s sharp corners sphere from which thorns began to grow. When the thorns reached the seated one and did not close everything from me, everything disappeared. After that I seemed to sleep the whole night. I remember everything in the morning. Even ready to draw or describe a woman. What is this. And why I could not understand such energy, but I know that, as if, I accidentally intervened. Tell me what to do. There was a feeling that I needed to intervene.

    In a dream, I opened the door to an elderly unfamiliar woman who called at my door. A woman in a scarf tied back, but somehow in a modern way. I tried to kick her out, but I couldn't. She, by some means, rose with me in the air and looked me straight in the eyes while holding my breasts.

    At first I walked around some kind of Crimean rooms, everything was bright and rich, the dream was very realistic. Icons hung on the walls, of which the one with the image of Jesus caught my eye. Then one or two grandmothers who bowed to the icons disappeared somewhere. Outside the windows, the image of a woman in loose dark clothes began to fly, it was very creepy, then I looked up and at four meters she hovered and looked at me, her face was completely covered with the same fabric as her clothes. Then I remember an excerpt of how she, towering lying on some kind of visor, very close by, already without a mask, and had a rather pleasant appearance, in a barely intelligible voice very quietly asked, “Do you want to sing?” and so quietly and incomprehensibly that I asked again. I agreed, she sang just as quietly and indistinctly, but her voice was very pleasant. Tell me, what can this dream mean, and who can this girl be?

    I dreamed that I went into the kitchen, and there was frost on the walls like in a freezer, I got scared, I think now my husband will swear that I didn’t close the refrigerator and did this, then I look, this frost is melting, flowing, I go to gas stove put the kettle on and I see that the tile near the stove is starting to fall off the wall, I was again afraid that my husband would swear, then I see all the kitchen furniture starts to crack, swell, I raised my head to look at the hood, and there, in the corner, there seemed to be some kind of small dark picture and there seems to be some kind of woman or granny or some kind of unclean person on it or pointing a finger or poking at me, I got scared and fell to the floor and start growling, wheezing, barking, rolling on the floor as if something had entered me, I call son so that he calls her husband, then I growl to call the matchmaker, I take the phone myself and start calling, and a strong sound hits my ear, which already hurts my ear, then a woman in a black coat and hat comes to the threshold, at first I don’t understand who it is, and then I see that this is my former boss from work (she quit herself), I kind of start talking to her and then the alarm clock rang. I woke up terrified and panicked. Yeshe very often dreams that something is choking me, bursting and caring, and it seems that I am about to burst, calling for help, and no one hears because I am yelling without a sound. I recently had a dream that I was pulling out my own tooth, it hurts me, and then blood appears on the handkerchief. I also dreamed that I was walking on transparent water and I saw that some light thick stripes were visible along the bottom, I take a closer look and these are three yellow-beige boas that swim up and begin to wrap around me from my feet to the head. And these dreams were dreamed for two months. I had a dream with a kitchen today. Why all this?

    A woman in black followed me, I tried to get away from her, but she pursued. She was all in black from head to toe. I turned to her and looking into her black-black, but beautiful eyes, asked: Will I ever be happy? She said: No! I asked: Never? She replied: Well, maybe you will meet someone ... Why did I ask her this, I don’t even know .. I am 42 years old, I have children and a grandson, but I am not married and there is no man.

    A woman all in a black hoodie from head to toe pursued me, I tried to leave, but she followed me. I turned to her, and looking into her black-black eyes, asked: Will I be happy? She replied: No. I asked: Never? She said: Well, maybe you will meet someone ... ... Why I asked about this, I don’t know ... I am 42 years old, two children and a grandson, I divorced my husband two years ago.

    I dreamed of a woman in black. She rang the doorbell. I opened the door, and she holds a black cloak in her hands and asks her to pass it to her neighbor. I tell her that they are not at home, and she went to their door and hung her coat on a nail. What does it mean?

    I dreamed that dead mother washes in washing machine underwear. Water ran out of the pipes. Dirty. I scold my mother. But I removed all the water. They put things in order. An unfamiliar woman in a black dress appears next to her mother. Wants to give me some advice but I reject it. And then I see that my mother with this woman and the passage of the Gaoyaping singer are sitting in the kitchen, and I stand a little on the side and look at them.

    I woke up in the room it was very dark in front of me was a woman in a black jumpsuit, her hair was also black and I didn’t see her face, I wanted to get up, but she held my hands with some force, I couldn’t move, she began to call her husband, he was sleeping next to me, but he didn’t hear me, I screamed but the voice didn’t seem to be very frightened and as if she began to lose consciousness and suddenly woke up there was no one there and the room became light from the lantern she told her husband he said he didn’t hear anything

    hello, I dreamed that I was walking along the street on which I lived as a child, I go to the crossroads, I turn off and look to the right and I see a woman in black approaching from a distance, similar to a nun

    Hello! I’m telling a dream: I’m sitting on a swing in our old house (we haven’t lived there for 8 or 9 years. We sold it a long time ago) I’ve been talking with someone at night everywhere it’s dark the light doesn’t burn anywhere and then a girl all in black hair comes running to me from somewhere too black and white skin. She says that she will kill me, she tries to strangle me, to hit me, I answer her, I also try to somehow remove her from myself and at the same time I say “kill me, do you think you will live yourself? I'm going to kill you ”I notice that there is no one around us, the person with whom I talked has disappeared somewhere. And in a dream I understand that this is because of a man, but I don’t understand who exactly this man is, but I say that I will communicate with him. and was woken up by some noise. in a dream I was not afraid at all, but how I woke up such horror rolled over me, I remember goosebumps. I myself am a married husband, far away from me in another country for half a year we haven’t seen each other (studies) except for him I don’t have anyone, I just don’t communicate with anyone, I have a little son 1.6 years old. And I also remembered that I had also seen this girl in black in a dream earlier, but under what circumstances I don’t remember. Really looking forward to the answer. Thank you very much in advance.

    Yesterday I dreamed that I kissed the one I love at the school where she studies and kissed for a long time! We are not in the right place, she does not want to meet! And today I dreamed of a beautiful denshina with dark hair and slept next to me and I kept her silent so that they could go to another house to make love and didn’t want to! Patom I was afraid that no one would see her

    I dreamed of an old woman with a hump and a scythe, all in black, and it was night outside. It seems very dark, but there is a sunset that sets a little, but does not illuminate anything.
    I had a dream in the village where I was going to visit her for the holidays. Well, in a dream, a weak bending fence is stretched there, about 2 meters, so, with a slope from quiche with corn to the house. So this grandmother in black has red eyes to that. She quickly walked around the quiche with corn, and I climbed this fence. Then she goes back and rearrange. So maybe 5-7 times. It's already dark, but the eyes are red. On the 6th time, she almost caught me. After all, a wire fence, well, this one is modern.

    Well, it's dark.

    Yes, I also dreamed of a cow that runs after me to sweep away. Again in the village, around the grandmother's house. In a dream, it’s true that it’s always hard to run hard, it’s very hard to feel your strength when you control sleep.

    Well, I was even younger, I dreamed of huge and only black spiders. Some of them closed the passage through the door, 1 spider 1 meter 90 cm, 90 cm wide. And!! they did not move at all, I was just very afraid and only once left the white room with spiders. The rooms are all white, it looks like a room under renovation. Empty!!

    The scorer dreamed in the village. I'm with my parents there, everything is fine. Somewhere around 11 days. And then a plane flies, throws a bomb, and I instantly throw myself on the ground upside down from super fear, on a bunch of stones that are needed there for household chores, such parody ones. Well, then dark music, a red screen, they show that plane. It spins like in a game, to the right side ... That's it, I woke up.

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