Why do you dream about mom? There is an opinion that seeing your mother in a dream is a good sign. Dream Interpretation: Why Mom Dreams

The death of a mother in a dream is not considered a bad sign and does not foreshadow a similar development of events in real life. Popular dream books decipher the death of a blood relative as his well-being and health. However, the interpretation depends on many different details seen in the dream: how it happened and what caused the death of a loved one, what were the emotions, the environment and the actions of the dreamer, and so on.

The meaning of mother's death in a dream

Why do you dream about your mother's death?

  • Family fortune teller. Seeing your mother in a coffin in a dream, if she is alive in real life, means the successful completion of an important matter; new life stage. Blame yourself for the death of your mother - spend too little time with your parents and feel guilty about it. If you dream that a blood relative drowned, and the dreamer stood on the shore and silently watched, without even trying to save her, the sleeping person moves away from his relatives and does not notice obvious things.
  • Miller's Dream Book. If you dream that a bloody murder has occurred strangers- fate has prepared a series of difficult trials for the dreamer. Killing your mother in a dream means ruining relationships with people close to you in real life. If you dreamed of an accident in which your mother died, it means valuable losses. To see in a dream how a relative died from an incurable disease - the sleeping person needs to find mutual language with your parents and have a heart-to-heart talk with them. If a parent died suddenly in a dream for no apparent reason, the dreamer will be freed from subconscious fears and long-standing problems.
  • Interpreter of Astromeridian. Seeing your mother dead means worrying about the well-being of your parents and trying to do everything possible to make their life easier. A similar plot can be dreamed of by a woman who needs the help and support of her family because she cannot cope with her problems on her own.

The women's dream book says that if you dreamed of the death of a mother who could fight a terrible disease, the person will be in predicament and will not be able to restore justice. Died in a car accident - danger awaits the dreamer on the road.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

See your mother die from fatal disease in a dream - nothing threatens the health of a blood relative and the mother will live for many more years. If a dreamer dreams of a similar plot, whose mother is very ill and cannot get out of bed, she will soon get to her feet and feel a surge of strength and vital energy.

To see how your mother died in a car accident - if the dreamer has his own car, then he should be more careful while driving, since such a dream warns of danger on the road. If the parent drowned - to a deterioration in financial situation and problems in professional activity dreamer To see how she plunges a knife into her heart - a sleeping person will commit an act that will greatly upset his loved ones and cause them severe mental anguish.

If in a dream you see your own child drowning and floundering in the water, if at the same time he strongly resists, then such a dream warns you that the baby may soon get sick.

Sometimes girls say: “I dreamed that my child was drowning, and I was saving him.” Such a dream means that an impending illness will be overcome with your help. Your child may be suffering from a chronic illness, but after the dream you will take preventive measures or be attentive to early symptoms, and get rid of the disease at an early stage.

Online dream book: drowning child

If you don’t have children of your own, then the logical question would be, why dream about the drowning child of friends or acquaintances? So you saw a child drowning and you know him in real life. Such a dream portends danger for this person, so you can warn his parents if you communicate closely.

Why dream about a child you don’t know drowning? Such a dream occurs quite often, especially in summer time when open beach season. The fear of drowning is projected onto the image of a child. In a dream you can only see an image, but you do not know who it is. You may feel like you see a child drowning in your dream and know that it is you. If you doubt who you saw in a dream, then such a vision will not be an omen of bad changes for you. However, be prepared for minor hassles and small financial losses.

Why dream about a child drowning - psychological interpretation from Miller and his colleagues

Psychologists interpret a dream in which you see a child drowning as a subconscious desire to take care of someone. Such a dream can occur to a girl who has long wanted to get pregnant, but is unable to do so. Very often, a dream about a drowning child visits girls and boys who want to prove their importance to others. Psychologists interpret such dreams as a sign of certain complexes associated with the opinions of others and one’s own self-esteem.

If in a dream you managed to save a child who drowned in water, and he survived, then this is a sign that someone close to you needs help. If you were the one who pulled a child out of the water in a dream, then soon you will have to provide some services in reality, help someone you know or give them advice.

If in a dream you were unable to save a child who was drowning, then, according to psychologists, this means that in reality your problems have become so severe that you are simply ready to let them go.

Vanga's dream book: why do you dream that your son drowned? Why do you dream of a drowned daughter?

If you dreamed that a boy, your own son or a blood relative (younger brother, nephew) was drowning, then some dream books interpret this vision as a sign of financial well-being. However, this will come true only if the child did not die in the dream, and the drowning man was saved.

Parents suffer terribly when they dream that their daughter is drowning. However, dream interpreters ask not to worry, because in some interpretations a drowning girl only means an unexpected event. If you clearly see that you saved a drowning daughter or simply pulled any girl out of the water, then get ready for the fact that on this day you will receive positive news.

Why dream about a child drowning? Important dream details

The most important meaning of this dream depends on whether you were able to save the drowning man or not. Now you know why you dream about saving a drowning child. This positive dream, which means that on the way to achieving your goal you will be able to bypass all obstacles and complete things successfully.

If your hero is in a dream - own child, then having learned why you dream of saving a child from the water, in reality try to pay more attention to him, most likely he needs increased care from you.

Try to remember what color the water was in your dream about a drowning child. Water is a powerful symbol of any dream, so it has great importance. If the water in the river or sea was azure, then get ready for prosperity and financial well-being. If a child is drowning in a dream, and the water is cloudy, dirty, as if a swamp is swallowing him up, then this is a sign of an impending illness, and not only the hero of the dream, but also you yourself can get sick.

Why dream about a child drowning in yellow water? This sure sign that there is a deceiver in your environment.

If you clearly see that a child is dying, then find out right now why you dream about a child drowning. A drowned child in a dream is a sign of financial loss. You should be more careful in financial matters. Try not to take out money loans and not to sign any guarantee or financial loan agreements in the near future.

Seeing a child in a dream who is drowning and at the same time washed ashore is a proven sign of impending changes in your life. However, don't think they will be easy.

Dream theme: ,

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    If dreamed about it dream, What Mother died, but she herself was not visible, it is interpreted dream book, as if you are about to find yourself in a confusing situation, the way out of which should be sought very carefully, since it is often artificially created. For men, a dream in which Mother drowned, dream book portends a worsening situation in the work sphere. You may have to make every effort to stay afloat. Read more

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    No, Mother yours will live a long time, like mine moms stage 3 cancer, and I dreamed that she died... and if you think like that, they say everything coincides, but no... she will be cured and will live a long time. If you see in dream,What drowning (drowned) close relative) - this person needs your attention. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation Mother drowned.Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about it deceased Mother. Your dream that you will have to return to some past situation related to trouble and a loved one... Based on the date of your death moms, this means that ahead of you (Apr 25) are memories of mom and the circumstances under which she died. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Mother drowned.Dream indicates that in situations that are incomprehensible to you, you are a very impressionable person, you quickly make a decision without understanding it (you quickly get ready to run away) Episode with mom speaks of the existence of some obstacle or your intuition that stops you in such cases, but you do not listen to it.... Further in your dream reflected. your desire to do what you dream of. (I told her everything and. Read more

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    For what dreaming drowned meaning dreams drowned, dream book online. Drown in dream- state of emptiness. For what dreaming Drown - dream means that you are afraid of not being able to complete what you have planned on time. Had a dream What drowned Mother/Father - with your rash actions you will lose the support of a loved one at a difficult moment. Read more

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    Drown in dream- deliverance, purification. In dream you gave your body to water, but in real life you have to cleanse your spirit. Many dreams about one’s own death set one up for the end of one (rather negative) life stage and transition to another, more joyful and happy stage for you. Had a dream that I'm swimming in the ocean. There are no islands around, only a metal building from which we mom came down. Soon Mother sat on a metal building, sunbathing.Read more

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    Dream Interpretation- Death moms. Due to emotional outbursts, you could dream about such dream. You should understand What Mother no longer the same as in childhood and it’s probably time for you to grow up. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Drowned Mother in dream. Order for free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

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    For what dreaming, What drowned? Many people say what to see drowning person in dream- to trouble. Someone disagrees with this. But if a pregnant woman sees herself drowning in dream, then there is a high probability that her child will not be born completely healthy. This is also a bad sign for a sick person. If he dreamed, How is he drowning, then in real life I will be sick for a long time. Read more

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    Today dreamed that Dasha drowned I'm just freaking out. what the dream so terrible??? in the evening she brought a runny nose from a walk, fell asleep hard, her nose was clogged, woke up, cried... accordingly, so did I sleeping not entirely serene. and runs behind a fence made of metal bars. There is such a fence around the stadium in our city. just the place I see in dream- this is that corner of the stadium territory, from the side of my house moms. (Mother lives near the stadium, when I lived there, we often took a shortcut through the stadium in this place). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation- Dying Mother. It’s hard for me to say what events it concerns dream, but if with mom it is not connected, it may affect your personal life, where now is not the best period - a showdown and separation. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Drowned Mother in dream.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation- Death. Dream contains very negative images and literally signals you about possible and impending danger, activation occurs secret forces, actions of enemies, there may be secret attacks from around the corner, you yourself are not able to repel attacks, your will is fettered, your energy is chaotic. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Drowned Mother in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Dream about the ex. You urgently need to get rid of those feelings that dreamed about it. The only way is forgiveness. Good luck. Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Drowned Mother in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Bridge Mother Car. Dream Interpretation- Berry. Berries - always for some specific business, offer that is beneficial for you. Also, berries are often associated with falling in love. There is truth dreams when the berries are actually treated in dream.Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Drowned Mother in dream.Read completely

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    Interpretation sleep Drown. What does in dream Drown- anxiety; failure. To be saved is to be freed from difficulties and danger; save drowning man- make a lot of efforts to calm down and put your affairs in order. Dream Interpretation healer Akulina. Why dreaming Drown Thu November 19, 2015, 17:41:15. I dreamed about it dream, What drowning son in a seething muddy river. He drowned. When they lowered the stakes to find him, it turned out that he was swallowed by a fish. Read more

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    Dream: drowned girlfriend. Hello! I dreamed about it an old friend whom I haven’t seen or talked to for a long time. On this moment she has a newborn child, whom she is soon going to baptize.. In general, dream she drowned, the water was very dirty. to the entry: Dream Interpretation dreamed about it ex-boyfriend. to the entry: Why dream cut hair. to the entry: Had a dream that she gave birth to a girl. to the entry: Why dreaming Mother guy. to the entry: If a guy dreamed about it girl.Read more

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    sides of my house moms. (Mother lives near the stadium, when I lived there, we often took a shortcut through the stadium in this place). Anna today dreamed about it to me dream,What my baby drowned in the bathroom.. I go in and he’s face down and lying in the water... very scary... I cried and prayed all night next to him... I read the meaning on the Internet sleep...For what dreaming sinking child: Saving a child indicates that you are overcome by the desire to show concern for your neighbor and show your importance. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation psychologist G. Miller. For what dreaming Drown in dream: Drown warns of a real threat of an accident, be careful; if you are planning a trip, it is better to postpone it. Why dreaming Drown in the boat? Big troubles await you, and it’s all the fault of your friends, whom you trust as much as yourself. To a woman dreamed about it drowned beloved - in real life you will experience grief. Read more

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    Dream: Son drowned before my eyes. Had a dream that my twelve-year-old son and I were walking in the fall in some unfamiliar city, cheerful, in good mood, then they walked, holding hands, onto a wide stone bridge. We walked along it for a long, long time, but it still didn’t end, it was very long, in the middle of the bridge we saw huge holes, while I was looking at which side was safer to go through, I saw that a woman and a girl were coming towards them, they somehow easily crossed this section with holes, my child tore out the recording: Why dreaming Mother guy.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me dreamed about it dream, the first time that my child almost drowned in the bathroom, and here's the second one dream dreamed about it that the baby is in the crib drowning in the river. Hello,. I'm pregnant, today is mine mom dreamed about it dream as if my child is a boy drowning in dirty water, ate saved him dream ended happily, but now I'm scared like this dream can you explain? thanks in advance..Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.jofo"

    For what Drown dreaming - dream means that you are afraid of not completing what you have planned on time. drown Dream Interpretation V muddy water- Seeing muddy or water drown in water - illness, trouble. What Had a dream drowned Daughter/Son - if anything dreaming drowned daughter or drowned problems await you, son, disappointments in important Had a dream.What Had a dream drowned Mother/Father - with your rash actions you will lose the support of a loved one at a difficult moment. I dreamed that I and May Mother we take it from were drowning in clean water. why this dream. Reply.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation Car drowned dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Car drowned".To me dreamed...that I'm with my grandfather, mom, dad and younger brother I was driving in a car. Grandfather was driving. We arrived at the bridge, there were repairs and there were a lot of cars. Grandfather stood on the edge of the bridge, and there was no obstruction there, the car drove itself and we fell into the river. I feel like I could die now. I’m choking. and trying to get out. I got out and stood on the shore there. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    About my dream I didn't find anything. And I drowned in the mud, and no one pulled me out, because... There was simply no way! I drowned in dream, and didn’t wake up as usual, dream continued. Horror, I woke up and dream this one is constantly in my thoughts...I dreamed that I was traveling with mom by bus. And at the turn we reach a bridge, but it wasn’t there, just a cliff. The bus doesn't have time to stop and we fall. Then I cover my nose with my hand and dive. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Drown By dream book: Drown in water - Drown in dream- a harbinger of an accident or some kind of loss. If you managed to swim, promotion, good health, and respect from others await you. if you dreaming drowning, to whom you come to the aid - this foreshadows the happiness you have suffered; in addition, you can come to what dreaming Drown Sun January 31, 2016, 15:43:56. Dreamed that I was swimming, and I was sucked into a whirlpool, and I drowned, I came to mom and I say, I’m lying there, then go get me!!

Mom in a dream- Your mother cries or condemns you in a dream, which means that in real life you do bad things, make mistakes, offend people close to you, and pay little attention to your parents and relatives. For good news, you dream of a pleasant conversation with your mother.
Seeing a sick, infirm mother in a dream- to discord in family relationships.
Seeing your dead mother alive in a dream- to joy and good luck.
To dream that a strange woman asks you to call her mom is a sign of disappointment in a new job or new acquaintances.
Seeing someone who has already died- predicts a long and happy life for your mom.
In a dream, your mother is joyful, smiling and laughing; a person you know will soon please you.
If you dreamed about your mother, then this dream predicts the future of your family.
If you dreamed that your mother left you, then you need to pull yourself together and rely only on yourself.
If you dreamed that your mother came to you, it means that your business is going uphill.
If you dreamed that your mother died and came to life again, then in reality expect gratitude for the help provided, a cure for a serious illness, a long-awaited and good news.
If you dream about your birth mother, which is in your home, this portends good luck in all matters and endeavors. Surely everything you start in business now will bring you considerable benefits.
If you dream that your mother is calling you in a dream, then look around more carefully - in fact, all your close people and friends have left you. Many false roads lie in wait for you, and there is a great risk of making incorrect choice.
If a woman sees her mother in a dream- this dream foreshadows her happiness in marriage and pleasant responsibilities for her.
If in a dream your mother abandoned you, it means that you offended her and did not notice it yourself.
If in a dream your mother gives you advice and instructions before her death, it means that a turning point will soon come in your life. Perhaps life will change dramatically for the better.
If your mother dies in a dream, it means that you will live a long time.
If in a dream your own mother is dying or sick, then great sadness and anxiety await you.
If in a dream you were talking with your mother, this is a harbinger that in the near future you will receive good news about those matters that are extremely interesting to you.
If in a dream you are talking to your mother who came to your house, then wait good news about matters that interest you very much.
If your mother died in a dream, this means that she or you are in danger in reality. There may be health problems, an increased risk of getting into an accident or becoming a victim of an attack by a criminal.
If a girl dreamed that her mother was giving her her blessing, then she will be happy in her marriage.
If your mother turns to you in a dream with a request or warning, think about what events in reality this may be connected with.
If the mother dreams of being dead or sick- the dream symbolizes imminent sadness.
If you dream of a mother who is crying, then expect an imminent misfortune or unexpected illness.
If a mother who died in a dream is alive in reality, then be more attentive to her. Perhaps she misses your warmth and care, remember, no one lives forever. In real life, mothers always take care of their children.
If deceased mother appeared to you in a dream to warn you of some danger, which means you really need to listen to her advice.
When you dream of your mother being healthy and cheerful, then you can assume that at the moment everything in your life is going well, you are successful and happy.
When your mother dies of illness, then the cause of all your troubles and troubles in real life lies in duplicity, meanness and betrayal close friend. It is he who does his best to annoy you, pushing you to choose the wrong path.
Quarrel with mom in a dream- to failure.
Losing your mother in a dream- a warning that there is a possibility of losing her in reality. The danger of illness, death, or accident hangs over your mother.
The appearance of your mother in your dream cannot be ignored, because it is a warning about something.
A dream in which your mother combs your hair promises a happy future.
A quarrel with your mother in a dream promises discord and troubles for your family.
To dream that your mother is dying in your arms predicts a serious quarrel with your parents and for a long time grievances. With your actions you will greatly disappoint the whole family.
Dreaming that your mother is crying- This bad sign, which means that your family will begin big problems, misunderstandings, and in the end it can lead you to divorce. Therefore, pay great attention to this dream, because you have a chance to fix everything and save your family.
To see your mother as she is at the moment - you can’t expect any changes; family affairs are under absolute control.
Seeing a dead mother in a dream- remember her in the church, visit her burial place.
Hearing your mother calling you in a dream- you are alone, abandoned by everyone. this may mean that you have chosen the wrong path in solving important matters.

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about your mother drowning” from professionals for people.

Often during sleep, a person receives many hints that can help in solving pressing issues. Sometimes our dreams are a reflection of fears or hopes for the future. Mom in a dream has many interpretations, which depend on actual events and the specific situation. In order to correctly interpret what you dream about and what mom means in a dream, you need to carefully analyze your dream and read the interpretation in the dream book.

Own mother

Interpretation of sleep - mother has a very versatile meaning. In one case, a dream may talk about a very important event that is about to happen. Also, such a vision can be deciphered as the threshold of an upcoming endeavor, readiness for motherhood, desire to start new stage in life, the need for protection or guidance. Each interpretation has its own specific pictures and images.

Every detail in the image seen in a dream is important, so after each dream you should remember all the details as clearly as possible. Sometimes the vision can frighten, or cause fear, unpleasant emotions or even nightmares. Such sensations can often indicate a person’s subconscious fear for his loved ones or speak of fear of the unknown.

When interpreting what the image of a mother means in dreams, it is very important to distinguish and separate the emotions experienced. Because panic and fear experienced in a dream do not always have a negative meaning.

Seeing a mother in a dream in an ordinary (daily) environment, performing familiar actions, is interpreted by the dream book as a prosperous sign indicating stability in business and relationships. Such a picture may foreshadow the implementation of desired plans and goals.

If you dreamed about your mother being cheerful and happy, it means that the time will come soon. favorable time to implement your plans. The dream book interprets such a dream as an opportunity to start a family or reunite with a loved one with whom the dreamer has been in a quarrel for a long time. For entrepreneurs, this image portends a good state of business and increased profits.

Those who happened to talk to their mother in a dream and were lucky enough to remember the topic of the conversation and the mother’s words need to pay attention to this. Often in such dreams there is a veiled hint that will be useful for resolving issues that have arisen. Also, a conversation with your mother in a dream, according to the dream book, may indicate problems or topics that you should pay close attention to.

Young married woman, who dreamed of her mother, Miller’s dream book foreshadows a prosperous family life in which she will be shrouded in affection and care from her husband.

If family man I dreamed about my mother in a dream, which means I need to visit my loved one. The dream book interprets this picture as a reminder that you should pay more attention to your family.

In most cases, the interpretation of what it means if you dream about your mother has exclusively positive character. However, there are points that you need to pay close attention to.

To understand why a sick mother dreams, you need to pay attention to the severity of the disease and the place where she is now. If the parent is in the hospital and her condition is very bad, the dream book foretells a difficult state of affairs. Perhaps the circumstances are not going well for the dreamer. If the mother is sick and is at home, then relatives and friends will help the person cope with the problems.

For young people involved in business, the meaning of what their mother’s illness means in dreams is revealed as a real threat to their existence. entrepreneurial activity. The dream book interprets the dream as the emergence of competitors and ill-wishers who can significantly reduce the profitability of their own business.

Why do you dream about a drunk mother? The interpretation of the vision depends on two positions: if the parent drinks a lot in reality, then such a dream is a reflection of real concern for the life and health of a loved one. Seeing your mother drunk, who in real life does not abuse alcohol, characterizes the dreamer as a broken-spirited and weak-willed person who cannot say “no” to circumstances and people who are clearly using him.

Seeing a beautiful mother in a dream, according to the dream book, symbolizes the wealth and prosperity of the dreamer’s family, as well as a real opportunity to fulfill all one’s cherished desires.

A young mother in a dream symbolizes renewal of the spirit, as well as a redistribution of responsibilities, a change in her lifestyle and thinking. The dream book defines this period as a favorable moment for any important and fundamental undertakings that will bring success and considerable financial income in the future.

A man who happened to call his mother in a dream needs the care and support of his relatives in reality. Another interpretation of the dream in the dream book is that in real life married man does not receive enough warmth and care from his wife, which he needs more than ever.

Hugging a mother is a symbol of the fact that a person wants to protect his family and friends from troubles that arise. A young girl hugging her mother in her entirety is a sign of an early meeting with distant relatives.

In order to correctly interpret what your mother’s wedding means in your dream, you should remember all the details that caught your eye during the ceremony. Unmarried girls, seen by mother in wedding dress portends imminent marriage or meeting a potential suitor for her hand and heart.

For those people in whom in reality the mother and father are divorced, and the parent has a boyfriend, a dream in which the mother gets married indicates the dreamer’s subconscious jealousy, fear of losing her affection, warmth and care.

A dream in which you happened to look for your mother in a dream indicates a person’s repentance for having devoted so little time and effort to maintaining a good relationship with his parent. Perhaps, according to the dream book, you will soon have to part with your mother due to a long trip or moving to another city.

Death of a mother (dead mother)

If in reality the mother died a long time ago, then in order to interpret why such an image is dreamed, you need to remember the actions that she performed in the dream. Sometimes such a vision indicates a need for moral support and care.

If a loved one stretches out his hands and calls for him, it means that the interpretation of what a dead mother dreams about is alarming. This state of affairs may indicate an impending threat to a person. A girl's conversation with her dead parent is explained in Freud's dream book as a heavy feeling of guilt for the fact that at one time she spent little time communicating with her mother.

A rather unpleasant sight and shock is a dream where you happen to see a dead mother, who is still alive in real life. However, the meaning of this vision is not always bad, and in order to correctly interpret what the vision is about, you should pay attention to the details.

The funeral of a mother in a dream, according to the dream book, is a favorable sign foreshadowing the mother long years life and excellent health. To be at your mother’s funeral and not worry about her death, but rather about organizational issues (brooms, transport, guests, food), indicates that the dreamer devotes a lot of time to unnecessary and empty matters that do not bring benefit or satisfaction.

If you had a dream that your mother died, but she herself was not visible, it is interpreted by the dream book as soon getting into a complicated situation, the way out of which should be sought very carefully, since it is often artificially created.

A dream in which I happened to see my mother in a coffin, according to the dream book, does not have a negative interpretation. Since a coffin in a dream symbolizes the end of a certain stage in life, this image may indicate the completion of any debt or financial obligations of the mother, for example, repayment of a loan, repayment of debt.

For men, a dream in which a mother drowned foretells a worsening situation in the work sphere. You may have to make every effort to stay afloat.

The murder of a mother in a dream is interpreted by the dream book from several perspectives. Firstly, the meaning of what a murder means in a dream reveals how a person’s subconscious desire will free itself from boring frameworks and stereotypes, but only if the dreamer himself plays the role of the murderer.

If unknown people killed your mother, then you should prepare for a difficult period in life associated with deprivation and submission to people for whom you do not feel sympathy.

I dreamed that my mother fell from a great height and survived, which means, according to the dream book, the dreamer will be able to get out of a difficult situation with dignity.

Quarrel with mom

In a dream, quarreling with your mother is interpreted by the dream book as threatening conflicts in reality, the cause of which will be your unreasonable actions.

A young woman quarreling with her mother foreshadows finding herself in an absurd situation, which will affect not only the young lady herself, but also her family and friends. The dream book warns to abandon recently planned events and, in order to avoid trouble, to spend some time at home, with family and friends.

For a man to quarrel with his mother in a dream speaks of ignoble acts that he can commit in real time. The dream book warns that in the near future you should give up entertainment gatherings and pay attention to your loved ones.

If a married woman dreamed that her mother was scolding her, it means she should beware of fleeting pleasures and meetings on the side with a strange man, otherwise, as the dream book states, her husband will find out about everything.

For a young girl or guy to fight with his mother in a dream, in reality, according to the dream book, promises conflicts and squabbles in the family, which will be initiated by the dreamer himself. To avoid such things, you need to listen more carefully to what your parents advise.

Hitting your mother in the dream book means subconscious anger at your mother, a desire to talk and be understood.

Why do you dream about a crying mother? The vision is interpreted by the dream book as a warning about impending troubles, which can be avoided if you listen to the advice given by relatives the day before.

For young girls, a dream in which their mother is seen crying foreshadows an imminent quarrel with a loved one. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is worth talking with your boyfriend and finding out the reason for dissatisfaction and resentment.

Mother's pregnancy and childbirth

Very often, a dream in which a mother gives birth or is carrying a child reveals a subconscious fear of losing a loved one or jealousy caused by a lack of maternal warmth and attention in reality.

For a girl to see in a dream that her mother has given birth to a child, according to the dream book, it means imminent motherhood or conception. This vision is a good sign for those who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time. Becoming a mother yourself in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the speedy fulfillment of a cherished desire.

In order to correctly interpret why a mother dreams of giving birth, you should pay attention to the gender of the newborn child. A mother gave birth to a boy in a dream, according to the dream book - to profit and prosperity in business, as well as to the successful start of any planned business.

To dream that a mother has given birth to a girl means that long-awaited changes will soon come that will bring many positive emotions and opportunities.

If you dreamed that your mother was giving birth difficultly and with complications, it means that you will have to overcome obstacles on the way to realizing your cherished plans.

Someone else's mother

To correctly interpret what someone else’s mother is dreaming about, you need to pay attention to who she is to you in real life.

For a young girl of marriageable age, the boyfriend’s mother, according to the dream book, means a test of awe before the parent of her loved one. Perhaps this is due to the upcoming acquaintance with the parents of the faithful.

If in a dream a girl dreams of meeting a guy’s mother, it means, according to the dream book, that the planned event will have a successful outcome. The mother of a loved one, who is positively disposed towards a girl in a dream, indicates a successful acquaintance with the parents of the chosen one and an early matchmaking.

Mother ex-boyfriend in a dream, according to the dream book, speaks of nostalgia for previous love relationships and the inability of a young lady to forget her former chosen one.

Girl's mom for young man may be a sign that he wants to connect his fate with his current chosen one.

Why do godmothers dream? Since the godmother (by church standards) is a person’s second mother, such a vision signifies positive changes in the dreamer’s life, the successful start of an enterprise, a new stage in life.

According to the dream book, a friend’s mother can personify anxiety for her friend, the desire to support and help her. In order to correctly interpret what a friend’s mother dreams about, you need to proceed from the actions she performs in a dream. Very often, the dream book interprets a vision as a warning of danger, as well as an opportunity to help a friend in trouble.

Mom occupies a very important place in the life of every person, and therefore it is scary to see her death even in a dream. Such dreams may indicate difficult relationships with her: frequent quarrels and mutual insults.

Our subconscious seems to suggest that we need to be more careful about our dearest and dearest. to a loved one and appreciate every minute of communication with your mother. So why dream that a living mother has died?

Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

Interpretations of a dream in which a living mother dies

  • A girl dreams of her mother's death: The dream reports that a new stage will begin in the life of a young lady. Many fateful events await her. They will all have a positive connotation. Perhaps the girl will soon get married, become pregnant and give birth to her first child. Success will accompany her in business sphere, there is a possibility of conclusion lucrative contracts and promotions.
  • Seeing a dying mother in a dream: If you dreamed that your mother was in a dying state, it means that her health could deteriorate sharply. In a dream, your mother informs you about her imminent death; prepare for the fact that a favorable period will soon begin in her life. If you dream that your mother is dying right before your eyes, it means that you need to be more polite and attentive when communicating with relatives, otherwise serious conflicts with them cannot be avoided.
  • I dreamed about my mother lying in a coffin: Such a dream foretells that you may have minor health problems. Carefully monitor your diet and lead an active lifestyle, otherwise a mild illness can develop into a more serious illness.
  • The unexpected death of a mother: If you dreamed that your mother died as a result of an accident, it means that you do not need to take on important matters in the near future. All projects that you undertake during this period may end unfavorably for you.
  • Dreaming about the death and resurrection of the mother: A very favorable dream. Soon you will receive wonderful news that you have been waiting for a long time. Perhaps a long-standing court case will end in your favor, or you may hear from a close friend with whom you have long lost contact.
  • Receive news of your mother's death in a dream: A dream in which a person is informed about the death of his mother, but he himself did not see how it happened, means that the dreamer is constantly worried about the state of his mother’s health and deep down is afraid of her death. Another dream indicates that fate will soon provide the dreamer with a chance to improve his material well-being. This dream is also interpreted as the presence of a strong emotional connection with the mother.
  • Ritual attributes for a funeral in a dream: If you dreamed that you were choosing a wreath for a deceased parent, then you will soon be inclined to make useless purchases, which will significantly reduce your financial savings. The dream also tells you that someone may take advantage of your excessive gullibility, and you will lose a large sum of money. Do not enter into any transactions at this time and refuse to participate in dubious activities.
  • You dream that you are crying at your mother’s funeral: Seeing yourself sobbing when saying goodbye to your mother in a dream means receiving substantial financial assistance. The stronger your cry, the larger the amount received.

Particular attention should be paid to a dream in which a mother is trying to help her son or daughter

The advice of a deceased mother in a dream cannot be ignored, since they may well be useful in reality.

  • Receiving a gift from the hands of a deceased mother in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream is a harbinger of unexpected surprises and pleasant long-awaited purchases. The dreamer has been tormented by a passionate desire to acquire something for a long time. After such a dream, he or she should have no reason to worry or be dissatisfied: the purchase will be completed in the very near future.

If a deceased mother gives money in a dream, the dreamer should expect quick material enrichment, unexpected profits, receiving an inheritance from a rich distant relative, or moving up the career ladder.

  • If a deceased mother cleans the dreamer's house in a dream, he or she should improve relations with the family as soon as possible. There is a risk of a major quarrel, which could lead to a total break in the relationship.

No less important is a dream in which the deceased mother appears cheerful and kind

  • Hugging a dead mother in a dream is a sign of deep longing for a close relative.
  • Complaining to your deceased mother, telling her about your problems in a dream is a sure sign that the dreamer or dreamer needs help in overcoming a difficult stage in life associated with a great loss.
  • A smiling or laughing deceased mother in a dream foreshadows joyful, cheerful events.

A very important warning is a dream in which the deceased mother looks sick and tired in her sleep.

  • A dream in which the deceased mother appears sick and sad is a harbinger of problems in the personal life of the dreamer or woman. He or she risks losing a very important, close and beloved person due to his own carelessness, rudeness and arrogance. He or she should moderate his ardor and carefully work on his character to avoid irreparable consequences.
  • A sick and tired deceased mother in the dreamer’s or dreamer’s house in a dream is a bad sign. This is a warning that there is discord in the house. It is necessary to drive out everything bad and negative from it as soon as possible, otherwise the dreamer or dreamer runs the risk of serious stress, major scandals and discord between loving and loved ones.
  • If a deceased mother calls the dreamer or the dreamer to follow her in a dream, such a dream foreshadows serious problems with health. The problem will be his or her own bad habits and addictions to alcohol, nicotine or a dissolute lifestyle.

I want to interpret every dream that I managed to clearly remember. There are many dream books that reveal the meaning of what they saw. Seeing your mother in a dream also probably means something. Let's consider how the most popular dream books interpret dreams about mother. So, why do you dream about mom?

Mom - Miller's dream book

In general, seeing parents in a good mood means, according to Miller’s dream book, favorable relationships in one’s own family and changes for the better. If a young girl sees her mother in a dream, and even more so has a heartfelt conversation with her, this means that she herself will have good mutual understanding in the family, loyalty and devotion on the part of her husband.

Seeing a mother who actually died means it’s time to prepare for trouble. This dream should make you think: perhaps this is a warning about difficult times in life. Miller's dream book interprets the dream in exactly this way in relation to any of the parents. Seeing a mother crying means that there may be some risks to human health.

Vanga's dream book - what does mom dream about?

Mom is in a dream in her usual state at your home, then expect changes for the better in business, business, any of your work. If you have a calm conversation with your mother in a dream, then the dream means that you will receive good news about something you have been looking for answers to for a long time.

If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it symbolizes prosperous marriage and a happy family life. A mother rocking you to sleep with a lullaby is a possible sign of your inattention to your own family.

Hearing your mother’s call in a dream means loneliness; you will be left alone, without the support of friends; can also mean the wrong path in your affairs. Maternal tears in a dream are always a sign of misfortune: beware of illnesses and troubles in life. Sadness and melancholy are foreshadowed by a dream in which you see someone else’s mother dead.

Mom in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

Why do you dream about mother according to Freud?

If a young man or man sees his mother in a dream, it means that he is very dependent on her. It may also be associated with sexual complexes. For example, seeing a mother having sex with another man in a dream speaks of a pronounced Oedipus complex.

Behind all this there may be an attraction to the mother, as well as failures in his personal life. Often, men who are too dependent on their mother try to find a wife or girl who is similar to their own mother. But this usually ends in failure and disappointment.

See mother in normal condition means that you are not paying enough attention to her. But if a girl sees her mother in a dream, perhaps she has a rival in her personal life - it’s worth taking a closer look at her man.

Seeing mom in a dream - Longo's dream book

Mom is the closest and most loving person to you, so Longo’s dream book interprets a dream about a mother in a good way: this means well-being and happiness. If you see your mother with clear outlines, as if in reality, then you will probably meet her soon.

If she is no longer alive, then it is necessary to visit the mother’s grave. A mother in illness symbolizes conflicts, troubles at work, family life; perhaps you are being judged for something more mature people. If your mother is cooking in a dream, then it’s time for you to go to the stove - wait for guests.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - Why Mom Dreams

Hasse's dream book interprets the dream about mother differently. Seeing a deceased mother means living many years of your own life. A conversation with your mother in a dream means that you are about to learn news about your ill-wishers; perhaps they have bad intentions towards you.

A mother on the verge of death in a dream foretells sadness and anxiety in your life. A nursing mother suggests that there will be a favorable outcome in matters that you have been thinking about for a long time.

Family dream book - mom

Like many other dream books, family dream book interpreted by a mother in a dream as a favorable marriage for a girl. Such a dream means that your affairs will be resolved in positive side. Talking to your mother in a dream means receiving good news in life. If she calls you, then you are probably very lonely.

What does it mean to see mom in a dream according to women's dream book

The women's dream book advises you to pay very close attention to every word said by your mother in a dream. Perhaps in her words you will find answers to your questions or advice on how to solve certain life problems. If your mother is cheerful and joyful in a dream, then everything will be fine in your life. If she is sad, then you also expect the arrival of sadness, difficulties and problems in reality.

If you see a dead mother calling you, holding out her hand, under no circumstances should you follow her. This means that illness and death may await you too. If your mother dies in a dream, then in reality you are tormented by your conscience. Giving gifts to your mother in a dream means obvious indecision: you don’t know what to do best, you are at a crossroads.

Why do you dream about a guy’s mother?

It is not possible to clearly interpret such a dream. A guy’s mother in a dream can mean both a rival and an ally. It all depends on the other details of your dream.

For example, if you quarreled with a guy and then saw his mother in a dream, get ready for reconciliation. Quarreling with a guy's mother in a dream means being among unpleasant people who will treat you negatively.

If a guy’s mother dies in a dream, then unpleasant news, problems at work, and illness await in life. Seeing how you live together with your boyfriend’s mother also promises troubles that you can solve, but you will have to spend a lot of time on this. When a guy's mom praises you in a dream - wait good news, and also gifts.

Dream Interpretation – pregnant mother or that mother gave birth

If you see your mother pregnant or giving birth to another child, it means a lack of motherly love towards you. Under such a dream lies unconscious jealousy towards your mother: you do not want to share her love for you with anyone else.

A pregnant mother in a dream also portends profit, new knowledge that should bring benefits to your life. Also, a dream about a mother giving birth can relate directly to the mother: perhaps it means that your mother is full of strength and energy to change her life. Maybe we should listen and help her with this?!

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's mother?

The dream book interprets a dream about an ex-boyfriend's mother as having complexes regarding one's appearance. You don't feel attractive or feminine. Also, your ex-boyfriend’s mother can symbolize your truce with him and a possible reunion.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend's mother in a dream means sadness and longing for your past relationship. There may also be news from afar that you have not been expecting for a long time.

A crying, drunk mother in a dream - why?

Most dream books interpret mother's tears as a warning about illnesses and various misfortunes.

But such a strange dream about how your mother is drunk... If your mother is actually alive, but appeared drunk in the dream, perhaps there are problems in her personal life, for example with her husband, or she has started an affair with a new person.

If, deceased mother dreamed about being drunk, then the dreamer himself has problems in life. The mother is trying to reason with her child, to warn about the consequences of his incorrect behavior or bad habits.

In any case, the mother in your dream always means something. Mother and child are so close that even in a dream she tries to protect the child or, on the contrary, make her happy. Many stages of every person's life are unconsciously associated with how their mother raised them. If you dreamed about your mother, do not ignore the dream under any circumstances, but listen to it and think about it.

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