Causes of an unpleasant smell of sweat in a person, what diseases can cause. In the event that the feet sweat a lot, then you need to sprinkle them with starch.

Why does women's sweat smell? often worse than men's? What do the different scents mean? What is the most effective deodorant (antiperspirant) from perspiration worth buying? We will talk about these questions and about the causes of excessive sweating in women right here.

Why women's and men's sweat smells bad

Sweat is necessary for thermoregulation of the human body. But sometimes foul-smelling sweat is a consequence of the disease.
It is important to find out in a timely manner why a person's sweat has a sharp, and sometimes sour smell.

The repulsive smell emanating from a person significantly spoils his life.

If the smell of female sweat has changed for some reason, this may indicate the presence of “wrong” foods in the food, as well as a health disorder. Here, both metabolic problems and serious, even dangerous diseases are possible.

Only by contacting a doctor can you find out what caused such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Something About Sweating

Sweat is produced by special glands that are located on the entire surface of the human body. In healthy people, it does not smell like anything. When a person becomes ill, their sweat acquires a strong, repulsive "aroma".

But it happens that a person is completely healthy, and his body smells unpleasant. This is due to the fact that the apocrine glands are located in the armpits, in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs, the navel. They form sweat containing a specific secret, characterized by a sharp fetid odor, which is very stable due to isovaleric acid.

Interestingly, women sweat differently than men. Women's sweat has a more sour smell. This is the result of the vital activity of bacteria-saprophytes. If the sweat starts to smell like vinegar or urine, stains the laundry yellow - this is a reason to consult a doctor. Before treating the manifestations of unhealthy sweating, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon, which reduces the quality of human life.

Conditions that increase sweating:

  • nervous overstrain - any stressful situation: fear, anxiety, anger - provokes an increase in the hormone adrenaline in the blood, and at the same time the sweat glands secrete a large amount of fluid;
  • diseases - when the disease is accompanied by fever, increased sweating helps to lower the temperature and remove toxic substances from the patient's body;
  • hyperhidrosis, that is, excessive sweating, worries people of both sexes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • obesity and overweight;
  • diabetes.

If sweating and unattractive body odor are associated with physical work, sports, or poor personal hygiene, it is not difficult to cope with the problem. In the case when sweat has a sharp sour smell, you should pay attention to the state of health. The appearance of such a symptom may signal autonomic neurosis.

In this case, the improvement of the condition is facilitated by the organization of a rational daily regimen, elimination of the causes of stress, exercise, and healthy sleep.

When a person eats a large amount of spicy, smoked dishes, spices, his sweat also acquires a strongly pronounced vinegar smell. Significantly affect the "flavor" of the body products such as garlic, cilantro. In this case, limiting such food in the diet to reasonable limits will help.

When suffering from tuberculosis, the sweat of the patient also smells of vinegar. To exclude this dangerous disease, it is necessary to undergo fluorography annually.

In people suffering from certain diseases of the urinary system, there is a pathological disorder - uridrosis. In a person with this pathology, sweat is thick, sticky, containing urea and uric acid. Human skin smells strongly of urine and neither deodorants nor frequent washing can cope with this. Treatment and diet prescribed by a doctor.

How to get rid of bad smell

The cause of any unpleasant odor is the multiplication of bacteria, sweat for which is a favorable habitat. The metabolic products of these microorganisms smell bad. Following these simple rules will help you stay fresh all day long:

  • daily shower with antibacterial soap;
  • with special care, using a sponge with soap, the places of greatest sweating are washed: armpits, genital area, etc.;
  • use of deodorants and antiperspirants;
  • daily change of underwear.

The use of warm baths, in which a decoction of lavender, sage or citrus fruits is added, helps to reduce sweat and helps to get rid of a sharp unpleasant odor. Instead of decoctions, you can use essential oils of the same name.

If the proposed measures do not work, it is probably a health problem. To fix the problem, you should consult a doctor and find the cause of the condition that created the discomfort.

Why women's sweat can smell bad

Everyone knows the smell of sweat, which appears due to the active work of the sweat glands, which are located on all parts of the human body, but more - in the armpits.

To prevent an unpleasant “aroma”, a lot of cosmetics and hygiene products have been created. Antiperspirants are very popular, which significantly slow down the process of sweating. Another group - deodorants, they prevent the growth of germs in a humid environment and absorb unwanted odors. Combinations of these perfumes are usually produced - deodorants-antiperspirants. They should be applied to clean skin after a bath or shower.

We will not name any specific manufacturers, but we recommend that you look at our section, where you can find modern methods of treating excessive sweating, and not just masking it.

The strong smell of sweat is more characteristic of men due to their physiology, but the female body, sometimes, smells unpleasant.

Reasons for the odor

What is sweat? This is a solution of salts, a small amount of proteins in water, which does not have a pronounced odor in either men or women. Sweat glands are located in the skin throughout the body and they are designed for thermoregulation of the body, or rather its cooling. Sweat, evaporating from the surface of the body, does not allow it to overheat. This function is necessary in hot weather, during intense physical exertion, as well as in such a pathological condition as fever.

Sweat acquires its typical repulsive odor when bacteria settle in and begin to multiply. They feed on proteins contained in the secret of the sweat glands, and excrete foul-smelling products of their vital activity.

In the armpits, the sweat glands (apocrine) are larger than in other parts of the body, and the protein content in the secretion secreted by them is much higher than in the glands of other localization. Therefore, the sweaty smell of the armpits is most noticeable.

Sweat contains a very small amount of odorless pheromones. There is an opinion that sweat smells natural and attractive to a sexual partner. However, this is a myth, the presence of pheromones is not noticeable in it, there is only a repulsive "aroma".

It is believed that ladies sweat less than the stronger sex, because men are more likely to do hard physical work and are subjected to other stresses. In addition, observing the rules of hygiene, given the availability of various perfumes and cosmetics, women can easily cope with this problem.

Among other things, the composition of the microflora on the skin of women is different than that of men. It contains fewer microbes that produce bad-smelling organic compounds.

But it happens that a strong smell of sweat emanating from a woman indicates undesirable changes in her health or is a symptom of a serious illness. In this situation, it is important to find the cause of the violation of sweating in a timely manner and eliminate it, and not just mask the problem.

If the problem of excessive sweating and, as a result, a strong sweaty smell occurs during adolescence, this is due to a genetic predisposition. The condition is rather unpleasant, but it is solved simply: observing the rules of personal hygiene, frequent change of underwear, especially after physical education, the use of antiperspirant deodorants.

When the woman was all right, and suddenly she began to sweat a lot, the sweat became more “odorous” - it’s worth considering, is everything in order with health?

Dependence of increased female sweating on emotional stress

The sweat glands are very sensitive to the release of the main stress hormone - adrenaline. Not only the volume of excreted sweat increases, but also the content of protein components in it. Therefore, in a state of nervous overstrain, anxiety, fear, a person sweats a lot (he is “thrown into a sweat”).

At the same time, the bacteria living on the skin receive a lot of nutrition and begin to multiply rapidly, releasing foul-smelling waste products.

The use of antiperspirants prevents increased sweating during stress.

The work of the sweat glands is controlled not only by hormones, but also by the autonomic nervous system. It inhibits or stimulates the production of sweat, depending on temperature and other factors. When this system fails, a condition called hyperhidosis sets in - this is an unreasonable increase in sweating in different parts of the body.

The most common hyperhidrosis of the palms, feet, armpits, forehead, groin area. A large amount of excreted fluid containing protein stimulates the reproduction of bacteria, hence the unpleasant "aroma" emanating from the body.

Hyperhidrosis and nervous stress are closely related conditions.

If a person experiences frequent stress, is forced to live or work in conditions of nervous tension, his nervous system ceases to properly regulate body processes, including sweating. This leads to hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating, in turn, is also an irritant for the nervous system: the sufferer constantly worries that others see stains protruding on clothes, feel the "ambre" coming from him.

A person falls into a vicious circle - a stressful situation unbalances the nervous system, disrupts sweating, and hyperhidrosis exacerbates existing stress.

In this situation, it is important to understand what causes stress. The most common causes for women are discord in the family, anxiety for loved ones, tense relationships at work, and financial difficulties. Often, having figured out, it is possible to find a way out of an uncomfortable situation, and the problem of sweating gradually disappears.

From medical preparations, sedatives will come to the rescue, cosmetic medicine offers such a treatment method as botulinum therapy (botulinum toxin injections into the armpits). If it is impossible to cope on your own, it is advisable to consult a psychotherapist.

Violation of microflora and hormonal levels

The way sweat smells depends in no small part on the bacteria that live on the surface of a person's skin. It is noticed that the smell of sweat emanating from one man is sharper than from another. The same with women. The appearance of a sharper, unpleasant odor is preceded by a change in the composition of the skin microflora.

There are many reasons for this, here are some of them:

  1. The nature of the skin changes. For example, obesity changes not only the figure, but also the skin, which becomes more porous, loose. It is inhabited by species of bacteria whose waste products have a putrid odor.
  2. Unreasonable and excessive use of antibacterial soaps, shower gels, which destroy healthy microflora, which are replaced by harmful microorganisms.
  3. Diet, lifestyle, hormonal changes.

The difference in the composition of the microflora in men and women is due, among other things, to the presence of different hormones. With an increase in the content of male hormones in the female body, sweating increases, the composition of bacteria becomes different, the smell of sweat changes and intensifies.

Also, sweating may increase during menstruation. During pregnancy, the concentration of hormones in the blood is significantly increased, which also provokes this unpleasant phenomenon.

Many women during menopause are prone to "hot flashes", when suddenly the whole body is covered with sweat. This happens several times a day, and also disturbs the "night sweats". This phenomenon is associated with hormonal changes in the female body and brings a lot of inconvenience. A gynecologist will help correct this problem.

The smell of sweat as a sign of illness

The appearance of a repulsive female body odor may be associated with poor health. Often, the disease changes the microflora of the skin, the amount of fluid released, its chemical composition - all that determines the intensity of body odor. In this case, the repulsive "aroma" should not be perceived only as an inconvenience that reduces the quality of life.

This is a sign of a disease, after the cure of which the problem of bad smell will be solved.

1. Diseases of the endocrine system

As mentioned earlier, the level of hormones in the blood has a comprehensive effect on sweating and the "odor" of the secretion of the sweat glands. Endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the adrenal glands, female genital organs (appendages) change the nature of sweat.

Initially, the released liquid already has a specific smell, which intensifies when bacteria come into play.

2. Tuberculosis

This disease is still not rare, contrary to popular belief about the complete victory over it. One of the symptoms of tuberculosis is profuse sweat at night, accompanied by a strong odor.

3. Diseases of the kidneys

The kidneys remove metabolic products from the body, including various nitrogenous compounds. But in severe renal diseases, renal failure, when the kidneys do not cope with this function, the concentration of uric acid increases in the secretion of the sweat glands.

Sweat smells like ammonia, leaving white spots on clothes. This is a reason to go to the hospital, such a condition is a threat not only to health, but also to life.

4. Poisoning by various substances

Substances that have a strong specific odor are secreted through the sweat glands. So, the smell of the decay products of alcohol is released with breath, sweat.

5.Skin lesion

A skin infection with a fungal or bacterial infection is characterized by a cloying or musty odor. The skin is reddened and inflamed. An example is mycoses of the feet.

In addition to the above, female sweat can indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired metabolism. Therefore, you should not ignore this inconvenience, wait for it to “pass by itself”, but undergo a medical examination and exclude possible diseases.

“Because of this nasty damn sweat, my whole life is messed up. I'm on the verge of insanity. For days on end I drive one thought in my head - why do I stink and how much it is noticeable to others ... ”(from the comments)

If you have a strong smell of sweat, or if you sweat excessively, this may signal a serious health problem. In the article: an unpleasant smell of sweat, causes, symptoms, what diseases it indicates.

To understand why sweat changes odor, let's dig a little deeper into physiology.

Sweating is a natural and necessary process. Even the ancient Romans, greeting each other, were interested in “How are you sweating?” Answer: "Good" said that health is in order.

glands that secrete sweat

depending on the tasks performed in the life of the body, are divided into apocrine and eccrine.

eccrine glands(internal secretion)

responsible for thermal regulation:

In case of overheating (motor activity, elevated temperature of the natural environment), the release of sweat increases, accompanied by the expansion of skin blood vessels and the expenditure of energy - one liter of sweat requires 2436 kJ.

When hypothermia sweating decreases, blood vessels constrict. The same thing happens if the surrounding air is saturated with water vapor. This explains the poor health in a hot, damp climate.

Eccrine glands cover the entire body and secrete up to 80% of sweat - a light liquid from water, salt and electrolytes that enters special excretory ducts and pores.

Apocrine glands

account for only 25% of the total.

These glands are larger and are located only in certain areas: in the armpits, genitals, perineum, on the skin of the forehead, around the nipples, etc.

Not involved in heat transfer.

They are activated in moments of strong feelings, stress, pain, intense motor loads.

The sweat of these glands is saturated with fats (20%), volatile fatty acids, proteins, hormones, and pheromones that affect potential sexual partners.

Sweat liquid has a sticky structure of milk color, enters the hair follicles, which contribute to the diffusion of aroma.

The glands begin to work during puberty, and fade away during menopause.

It is the apocrines that form the individual sweat odor by their activity..

Our body produces sweat for different purposes:


Ensuring metabolism and water-salt balance.

Conclusion of waste and harmful elements to the outside.

Moisturizing and protective function.

Sweat and sebum from the sebaceous glands, mixing, create a thin film on the body that protects the epidermis from drying out and damage.

Psycho-emotional reaction to reality.

With excitement, stress and without a tangible reason (for example, an anxious thought flashed by, we didn’t really notice it), the so-called emotional sweating- the result of the activity of the apocrine glands, the activation of which is triggered by the sympathetic nervous system.

With a lot of stress, along with sweat, stress hormones are excreted from the body, which reduces its harmful effects.

Please note: Excessive sweating of the armpits, feet, and hands can be a symptom of stress. To normalize sweat, it is often enough to bring.


regardless of its temperature causes sweating. Strengthen his dishes spicy, spicy, hot, with extractive substances (strong broths, for example), alcohol, caffeine.

Sweat smell

usually neutral if there are no disturbances in the body and hygiene is observed.

Bad smell of sweat

medically called bromhidrosis (bromhidrosis), osmidrosis (osmidrosis), apocrine osmidrosis, fetid sweat or fetid sweating.

Bad sweat is of two types: apocrine (most common) and eccrine.

Apocrine bromidrosis

appears when apocrine sweat glands function excessively. In a humid environment, bacteria living on the body and on human clothes feel great. Up to 150 varieties of bacteria and millions of their individuals live in the armpits alone.

For their life activity (reproduction, nutrition), they use the secretions of apocrine, processing them into ammonia compounds and unsaturated fatty acids, which gives sweat a foul odor.

Eccrine Bromidrosis

appears under certain conditions: eating garlic, spices, alcoholic beverages, taking medications, diseases.

bromhidrosis symptoms

Excessive abnormal sweat and body odor, perceived as burning, acrid, musty, sour, or rancid.

The smell comes mainly from the armpits, from the legs, genitals or from the whole body.

In areas of sweating, the skin is in a normal state, excluding conditions complicated by the presence of erythrasma, trichomycosis.

With eccrine bromhidrosis, maceration (softening and loosening) of the skin can occur in constantly sweating places due to the consumption of keratin by bacteria. On the soles of the feet, in the fat and other folds of the body where friction occurs, the effect of “bath skin”, “skin of laundresses” appears.

Causes of Bromidrosis

genetic predisposition.


Insufficient body hygiene is the main cause of bromidrosis, if it is not complicated by other provoking factors.

Hormonal imbalance (puberty, pregnancy, menstrual dysfunction, etc.).

Dermatological conditions:

Skin dysbacteriosis.

Diaper rash (inflammation) of skin folds.

Erythrasma (chronically infected areas of the skin with Corynebacterium minutissimum bacteria, usually located in large folds, groin, friction points, etc.)

Colonization of the body by various bacteria, including Sphingomonas paucimobilis.

Trichomycosis axillaris, affecting the hairline in the armpits, between the gluteal and inguinal areas, on the chest. Bacteria pathogens - Corynebacterium.

Sweaty feet syndrome is the result of many causes, genetic as well. Constantly sweaty extremities are a hotbed for pathogens, as a result - dermatitis, fungal infections, stinking sweat.

Disturbed metabolism (eccrine bromidrosis).



Laser hair removal (potential adverse effect).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis, colitis, intestinal obstruction, chronic constipation, etc.).

Medications (penicillin, antibiotics, antidepressants, sulfur-containing, etc.).

Eating habits: alcohol, onions, garlic, spices, fried, fatty and smoked foods.

Slagging of the body.

The smell of disease

In the medical textbooks of the late 19th century, one can find instructions on how to recognize a painful condition by the smell that comes from the patient.

Below is a list: the smell of sweat is a disease.

IMPORTANT. This list is just a hint. Don't diagnose yourself!

Musty mouse spirit - phenylketonuria (a congenital metabolic disorder), the smell spreads from sweat, urine, body.

Unwashed socks or murine - a fungal infection of the feet.

Fish smell:

trimethylaminuria - a rare genetic disease, heavy odor from breath, sweat, urine. Sometimes it looks like a rotting fish.

Sexually transmitted infections: HIV, gonorrhea, HPV (human papillomavirus), syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes.

Malfunctions in the liver.

Urine (sometimes the smell is similar to cat urine) - uridrosis.

There is a release into the blood of a large amount of toxins by the liver and/or kidneys.

This happens with food intoxication, viral damage, hormonal failure, endocrine dysfunction, medication, kidney disease.

Vinegar, sour notes - tuberculosis or other infections.

Rotten meat - severe diseases of the bladder or liver.

Ammonia-like - kidney failure (the body removes nitrogenous waste with sweat).

Acetone, rotten apples - prediabetes, critical blood sugar. You need to urgently go to the clinic, because. such a smell accompanies a pre-coma state.

Rotten eggs or hydrogen sulfide - a disease of the stomach (up to bleeding).

Chlorine - liver or kidneys.

Honey is a purulent inflammatory process.


As you can see, the reasons for the unpleasant smell of sweat can be quite serious. If the sweat stinks, and hygiene procedures do not help, go to the therapist, who in turn will refer you to a specialist.

You should not treat this delicate problem superficially; a timely appeal to doctors will help identify concomitant or provoking diseases.

Take care of yourself!

The smell of sweat is different for every person.

It depends on bacteria located on the surface of the skin.

After all, it is the bacteria, reacting with sweat, that form the aroma characteristic of every person.

With daily hygiene and the use of deodorants, the smell of sweat remains elusive. But sometimes sweat can drastically change its flavor. The reason for this can be various diseases and malfunctions in the processes of the body.

At the end of the 19th century, it was very common in medicine to diagnose a disease by the smell of the patient's sweat. Doctors of that time could easily recognize diseases by their characteristic smells of sweat. Currently, to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo examinations.

The sweat of a healthy person who observes hygienic standards practically does not smell. Throughout life, sweat can change its odor depending on the following factors:

This is due to a hormonal imbalance. The disease may be asymptomatic.

Some simply do not pay attention to its signs and start a disease that is associated with disruption of the hormonal glands and the thyroid gland.

The senile smell of sweat may be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • hair loss;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • rash of pimples on the body.

Hormonal failure is a very serious problem that needs to be dealt with.

Sweating is a natural function of the body. Droplets of moisture provide thermoregulation of the body, remove toxic substances. If there is a strong smell of sweat under the armpits, it is considered to be untidy. However, the expert opinion of the endocrinologist, a specialist in preventive medicine, Kati Yang, a sharp change in the aroma coming from the body during sweating is associated with a number of diseases, and not only - it can be stress, age-related changes, fluctuations in sexual activity, especially in nutrition and much more.

The development of bacterial flora in places of sweating provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the body.

Why does it stink afterwards?

Increased sweating, the manifestation of a strong odor appears in everyone, even with a constant visit to the shower. The causes of the smell are different, but they are united by one problem. Provokes the process of sweating:

  • completeness;
  • spices;
  • excitement.

Sweat secretion in a healthy person

In healthy people, two types of glands are responsible for sweating: apocrine and eccrine. The sweat glands are closely connected to the nerve endings. Load, emotional experiences, temperature contribute to their irritation. The first are located in the groin, under the armpits and react to the emotional state with a viscous sweat.

A healthy person does not feel his own aroma. Only after 30-50 minutes an unpleasantly pungent smell of sweat is felt - the result of bacteria attached to the armpits. The eccrine glands react with a colorless, watery, odorless sweat. It stands out on the skin of the whole body, moisturizes it and acts as a thermoregulator.

Each person's scent is different.

A person's scent is as individual as a fingerprint.

The smell is individual, like fingerprints. For example, a baby and milk are two inseparable concepts, there is not even a hint of a foreign smell. In adults, the apocrine glands are actively working, and the individuality of the aroma is determined by the specific features of metabolism. The microflora of a man and a woman is significantly different, respectively, the aroma released will be different. The aroma of women is distinguished by a sour smell (it smells of dampness), in men it is heavier, sharper and more unpleasant. Representatives of the stronger sex sweat more, the chemical composition of perspiration released varies, which means that the smell from the body will be bitter, expressive.

Possible Causes of Bad Smell

Armpit odor is a delicate problem. It brings not only inconvenience, but indicates ongoing changes in the body. An unpleasant reaction can be after taking medications (for example, an organism saturated with penicillin gives a “horse” aroma), a symptom of an illness, the result of experienced stress.

The pungent smell of sweat is a companion of diseases

Different smells of sweat indicate different diseases.

If sweating under the armpits, bitter, smelly sweat is felt, this may be a consequence of the disease. Violation of the metabolic process as a result of the disease leads to deviations in the chemical composition of the fluid secreted by the body. With the advent of a new microflora, the aroma of the body changes. It is important to determine which diseases are indicated by increased sweating with an altered aroma:

  • The skin smells of chlorine, a strange sour aroma reeking of acetone has appeared - the situation indicates problems with the liver.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (kidneys) are accompanied by a pungent smell of sweat, similar to a cat's spirit, sometimes the body smells like bleach.
  • Tuberculosis accompanies a strange odor of vinegar.
  • Diabetes brings a sweet flavor to the flavor. A sweet smell is also present in diphtheria.
  • In case of metabolic disorders, the body stinks badly: sulfur or mice. Mouse aroma (phenylketonuria) also speaks of a congenital metabolic disease.
  • The development of a fungal infection gives a mouse stench. The fungus often settles on the legs. If you do not pay attention in time to the fact that they smell strongly of mice or sulfur, the problem can drag on for a long time.
  • Diseases of the stomach are accompanied by a specific smell of sulfur.
  • It smells of rot and earwax - this may indicate oncology.
  • From the body carries urine - a symptom of kidney disease. A disease with an unpleasant odor is called uridrosis. Uridrosis is accompanied by thick sweat. Due to the excessive release of urea through perspiration, it not only smells, but also becomes the cause of various dermatological complications. You can get rid of the smell with uridrosis only by eliminating the main problem.

This is not the whole list of unpleasant odors. The patient's sweat smells of old age, mice, rubber, yeast. It is hard to believe that such odors come from the body.

Violations of the microflora and failure in the hormonal system

The hormonal system can provoke a change in the smell of sweat.

If you feel excessive sweating - it is worth checking the hormonal background. Most often, an adult undergoes such deviations, but a child, especially in adolescence, is not left aside by hormonal changes. Menopause, sexual development, a violation in the endocrine system - situations that adversely affect the chemical composition of perspiration. In people with a similar problem, not only the armpits begin to sweat, but the whole body.

Everyone knows that there are a large number of microorganisms in the human body. Each organ (intestine, vagina, skin) has its own microflora. Any deviations from the norm in the microflora lead not only to disturbances in the functioning of the body, but also make a heavy, pungent smell of sweat. For example, a vaginal disease provokes a sensation of the aroma of yeast in the groin, and during menstruation it can smell like fish.

The development of pathogenic microflora leads to an imbalance of fungi and bacteria. If the balance is disturbed, you feel under your arms the aroma of fish, sour milk or a room washed with bleach. Sweating has increased, the number of bacteria on the skin is greatly increased, it can give off chlorine, mice, sometimes rubber.

stress sweating

A person sweats not only under the influence of temperature, physical stress, but also in stressful situations. Stress is encountered at every step, it captures suddenly. The body instantly reacts to excitement, joy, fear - perspiration is released. Eccrine and apocrine glands are involved in the process of stress sweating together.

An instant burst of cold sweat is fertile ground for an increase in the number of bacteria, the consequence is that the aroma has changed, an unpleasant smell of sweat appears. This reaction is not affected by air temperature, it is extremely difficult to control it. Fluid protrudes throughout the body, but the main concentration of moisture is on the palms, feet and armpits.

What to do in the treatment of bad breath?

Eliminate the unpleasant odor is possible only with complex treatment.

Eliminating a strong aroma or making it less noticeable is possible only with a comprehensive solution to the problem. It is important to determine the cause, and based on the result, connect special preparations to the treatment, review the food consumed and monitor hygiene procedures.

Diet adjustment

Sweat stank, and you are confident in your health - you must radically change your diet. The main products that affect the smell are spices, burning foods, and sometimes excessive coffee consumption. Eliminating dishes from the menu that include the above ingredients will improve the situation.

Sometimes not enough carbs on the menu changes the flavor of perspiration. Due to the oxidation of carbohydrates, the body receives the necessary energy. With their insufficient amount, fat is burned, but the smell has changed. He became strange, heavy and very strong. Oxidation of fats causes perspiration to stink of ammonia, rot, and sometimes burnt rubber.

Adjusting food without consequences will eliminate the symptoms of an unpleasant problem. Only with uridrosis, it will not work to correct the situation with products.

Personal hygiene

Comprehensive treatment will not help without simple hygiene procedures.

None of the means of complex treatment of hyperhidrosis is ineffective without the usual hygiene procedures. In many cases, simply bathing in the shower can solve the problem of an unpleasant odor when you sweat (even with uridrosis). Regular use of the shower twice a day (morning and evening) with the use of fragrant products is a mandatory procedure for all people.

In the hot season, the body must be carefully taken care of. It is necessary to change clothes after physical exertion. If your feet stink - use special creams, aerosols. If you are far from home (train, bus) and do not have access to water, use wet wipes.

Modern youth began to carefully monitor the hairy areas of the body. Sweat lingers in the hairs, which acts as the basis for the reproduction of microbes, as a result, bad odor increases. The surest way, approved by dermatologists, is to shave them.


Deodorants and antiperspirants help eliminate odor and reduce sweating.

The use of deodorants, antiperspirants, and other disinfectants occupies a leading second position in the fight against unpleasant odors. The composition of deodorants includes substances that have disinfectant and bactericidal properties. Blocking the reproduction of bacteria, eliminating the smelly odor is the task of the product, with which it does an excellent job. The time of effectiveness reaches from several hours to a day. It all depends on the composition and form of release: spray, pencil, ointment.

Deodorant does not affect the process of sweating, which cannot be said about antiperspirant. Zinc, aluminum, triclosan, which are part of the composition, directly affect the apocrine glands, reduce the release of perspiration. The downside of such funds is the inhibition of beneficial microflora, clogging of pores and the aggressiveness of the effect on the skin. Abuse can lead to the onset of various endocrine complications.

A useful alternative to antiperspirants are natural substances, chitosan, allaton, which are part of the agents that temporarily block the reproduction of microbes. They create a protective film, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and do an excellent job with a smelly aroma.

Sweat is a fluid produced by the sweat glands to maintain normal body temperature. A person sweats constantly, but with different intensity, and the moisture removed through the pores, evaporating, helps to cool the body. Sweat has a complex chemical composition, which, in addition to water, contains nitrogenous substances, volatile fatty acids, cholesterol, glucose, hormones, histamine, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron ions, etc.

What causes the smell of sweat?

Normally, the smell of freshly excreted sweat is practically indistinguishable in a healthy person who adheres to a proper lifestyle and a rational diet. A pronounced odor may appear after some time. This is due to the fact that a humid environment is a favorable environment for the active reproduction of bacteria living on the skin. And it is because of their vital activity that chemical compounds are formed that exude a specific smell.

The smell of sweat is directly affected by food (especially spices, onions, garlic), medications taken (for example, containing sulfur). Also important is the state of health. A person who regularly takes a shower and follows the rules of hygiene should be alerted by the constantly present, unpleasant and unusual smell of sweat, which can signal illness.

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