I dreamed about the church. Why do you dream about church? Dream interpretation of seeing a church in a dream. Why do you dream of a temple with icons or candles - purification, good news, joy and tranquility

The dream book calls a dream about a church a harbinger of internal growth, radical changes, and gaining authority. This symbol in a dream promises a favorable development of events, good news, and true friends. But there are other interpretations of what the temple means in dreams: you need to reconsider your attitude to life, correct your behavior, and improve.

Interpretation from the Enigma dream book

Visiting church in a dream signals: the person sleeping has forgotten about the spiritual component of his life in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In reality you also need to visit the temple.

Did you see her against the background of a blue cloudless sky, illuminated by the rays of the sun? The Enigma dream book explains: you are under the protection of a heavenly patron.

Did you dream about white, beautiful? Interpretation of the symbol: complete unity with loved ones, mutual understanding and a common vision of a happy future and the good of the family.

Did you often go there in your dreams? Do you want to get even closer to your loved one? But don't rush things - everything has its time.

Value according to Miller and Wang

Did you see a church from afar in a dream? Miller believes: you will be disappointed after the events that you are so looking forward to.

Entered a dark church? The meaning of this vision according to Miller’s dream book is that you will soon attend someone’s funeral. The plot also foreshadows vague prospects: Better times will have to wait a long time.

Why dream of standing at a service and listening carefully to prayers? According to Vanga, this is a good omen. People will respect you, treat you well, listen to your opinion.

What church did you see in your dream?

Remember what she was like:

  • old - uncertain future;
  • new - spiritual growth;
  • wooden - you will have to radically change your life;
  • stone - the desire for internal change;
  • big - moral improvement;
  • small - a quick change of circumstances;
  • white, clean - new prospects;
  • black, gloomy - misfortune, failure;
  • cathedral - extraordinary luck in life;
  • monastery - you will find like-minded people and friends.

Have you seen it broken, with burnt walls? The dream book warns: there are losses and disappointments ahead, the collapse of long-term plans, divorce is possible.

Did you dream about the cathedral?

Visiting a cathedral in a dream is an excellent omen. The interpretation of the vision is as follows: next to you there are sensible, wise people who will support you and help you achieve a lot.

Why dream of being in a place where there are many churches and cathedrals? You feel regret and guilt for your unworthy actions.

With golden domes

Did you dream about a church with domes? This means that there is a prosperous future ahead, significant successes in all areas of life, says the dream book.

We looked at the golden dome and the roof reflecting sunlight? This means: life will go without problems, and luck will accompany you everywhere. The more domes, the happier and richer the future will be.

Priests, monks in a dream

Did you see a priest in a church in a dream? Analyze and comprehend your actions. The church minister acts as a reminder of the need to find a mentor who will help you understand yourself and the needs of your soul.

Have you visited a monastery and seen a monk there? You will face trials that you must pass with dignity.

Don't be afraid of difficulties - just move forward. From time to time, everyone has to overcome trials in order to prove that the lesson learned has been learned and the person deserves something better, something new. Mobilize your determination and you will succeed.

Going to church for a sleeping person

Why does a man dream about going to church? Freud's dream book explains: the sleeping person has an unrealized passion for a certain woman.

A meal in a monastery promises the dreamer anxiety about the future. Previous mistakes, bad deeds (even if you thought they didn’t have of great importance) can cause great harm.

If a person was kicked out of a church in a dream, there are failures ahead, condemnation of others, spiritual devastation. When he saw the witch being kicked out of there, it means he was bewitched with the help of black magic.

Why does a girl dream?

Why does a girl dream of crying in a temple? The dream book says: in reality she is waiting imminent marriage. But her own wedding in a church in a dream warns: she will not get married soon.

For a girl to dream of building a church means: her business acumen and practicality will attract the attention of a man who wants to marry her. The plot also promises a calm and prosperous course of affairs.

Interpretations for women

For a representative of the fair sex, being in an empty temple means, according to the dream book: you need to think about your behavior and correct yourself.

If she saw a cross on the church and felt peace and tranquility, then in reality the dreamer is on the right path in her spiritual development. Soon she will be able to achieve her goal of self-improvement.

What did you see during your visit?

What happened when you visited church:

  • general prayer - you will gain inner strength, overcome problems;
  • church singing - good news, hope for inheritance;
  • baptism - learn to sacrifice interests for the sake of others;
  • confession - you should reconsider your attitude towards life;
  • anointing with oil - you have to correct your own mistakes;
  • wedding - you will not soon find a life partner.

Why else do you dream about christenings? They signal: the dreamer needs to strengthen his reputation and more firmly defend his opinion when communicating with friends.

If a lot of people from this parish gathered for a service in a dream, according to the dream book, you will earn respect and earn authority among your friends and colleagues.

Easter, holidays

Did you dream that on Easter you were going to church and carrying Easter cakes for blessing? The dream book promises: a favorable period will come when everything will work out.

Hearing the melodious ringing of bells on a holiday is an omen of the fight against enemies and victory over them. Christmas chimes in a dream promise excellent prospects for businessmen. To a young man hear bell ringing- the dream will come true.

Funeral, funeral service

Have you attended the funeral and funeral service of the deceased? The dream book suggests: some important losses, sadness, and disappointment are coming. Maybe there is a separation ahead good friend or a close friend.

Why do you dream that a dead person was lying in front of the altar, and you felt grief from the loss? In reality you will seek consolation for your soul from God. You will find him, even when everyone turns away from you.

What does destruction, flooding mean?

In a dream, did you see that they were releasing water to flood a church - like during the construction of the Dnieper reservoir? Soon events will occur that will radically change your entire life.

IN night dream did it sink due to some kind of cataclysm? This means that in reality you are not making enough effort to defend your point of view. Improve yourself, don't let yourself be easily convinced.

Did you dream that the church was falling? The dream book says: your views are wrong, and soon you will be disappointed.

Did the temple fall right before your eyes in a dream? Yours spiritual development is in a deplorable state. Deal with it immediately.

Angels and demons in the temple

Why do you dream that there is a demon in an empty church? For the sleeper, there is a danger of plunging even further into sins and mistakes. We need to reconsider our lifestyle.

Were there several devils there? The dream book indicates: the dreamer has taken the easiest path and now cannot refuse what seems pleasant to him. But this is very harmful. Need support, help from family or friends.

If an angel was present during the service in a dream, the plot has a very favorable meaning. You will soon hear very good news.

If the angels sang in the church, the dreamer is under the protection higher powers, everything will turn out great for him.

What did you happen to do?

  • come to the service - you offended someone close and you suffer;
  • writing a note about someone is a desire to make amends;
  • go out - you often act selfishly, without regard for others;
  • confess - awareness of one’s unworthy behavior;
  • to take communion - you have chosen the right path, follow it;
  • hide there - you don’t want to act, find excuses;
  • to get married - your merits will be recognized, your work will be rewarded.

Entering from the central or secret passage - according to the dream book, it’s time to rethink your views and show more concern for others.

Did you help with the restoration of the church? This is a harbinger of restoration of relationships with a loved one. It is also a symbol of spiritual rebirth.

Strange actions

Chatting and laughing in church is a sign of well-deserved punishment for a serious offense or sin. Dancing in it means spiritual decline. After such an act, it will be very difficult for the sleeper to restore his reputation and find peace in his soul.

Why dream of sleeping in it? The dream book explains: you do not feel peace in your soul. Internal tossing and confusion prevent you from finding the right path. If you live in a church, you will live according to your conscience.

If you dreamed of a religious building, this indicates the presence of spiritual problems. Why do you dream of a church inside with icons - today we will talk about exactly this... If you dreamed of a church, the dream book reminds you that you have completely forgotten about spiritual life. The Church can appear in a dream not only to the Orthodox, but also to a Muslim, an atheist and a representative of any other religion. And in any case, this will be a sign to think about your spirituality. If you happen to see a church in a dream, think about this sign and make the right decision according to your situation: visit a real church, ask someone for forgiveness, help those in need, etc. Remember that there are many religions, but ideas about good and evil , right and wrong behavior, are largely united.

If you dreamed about a church, what does it mean? What events to expect, good or bad?

As the dream book says, seeing a church in a dream can mean upcoming life changes, in the form of one life stage coming to an end, and the beginning of a new one, more responsible and requiring more attention. However, there is one thing to consider before you start. new stage, you need to get some rest. Step away from pressing matters for a while, thereby exposing yourself to spiritual cleansing, remaining alone with your “I” and building a model of your future existence.

Each of us has omissions and ignorance in the spiritual side of our lives, don't we? A person who sees a church in a dream undoubtedly strives to eliminate this fact and become spiritualized; he may not realize this yet, but after what he has seen, it is worth turning deep into himself and asking the most intimate questions.

For more detailed analysis dream, and further determining what the church inside is in a dream about, it is necessary to be attentive to all the details that directly characterize the temple itself.

What was the church like from the outside?

The richer the icons and decoration inside the church that you saw, the more harmony in your soul.

Why do you dream about a temple or a church? If the church you saw in a dream was of impressive size, it could be called a temple, then you underestimate yourself, and what you have planned is within your reach and, definitely, you should be more decisive in your intentions. You don’t believe what you supposedly want, you don’t believe in yourself, until you fully believe in yourself and your strengths, you will be content with little.

Small churches or small chapels, of course, have the opposite interpretation. In the near future, you should concentrate your efforts on something specific, but do it well and efficiently, otherwise you risk a fiasco due to overestimation of your capabilities and excessive multitasking.

If you dreamed of an ancient church, the dream means that this life stage your future is in big doubt, since you have no certainty, it’s worth thinking about your plans. Seeing a church made of wood in a dream means that your type of activity will change in the near future, and changes may also affect your place of residence, even changing your country of residence, but in the end this promises only positive consequences for the dreamer.

Dream about a church with rich decoration inside

As the dream book says, the church inside symbolizes your inner world. The interior decoration of the church, the presence of icons, artistic paintings, candles, etc., speaks of a rich inner world. Cleanliness and neatness in the building indicate the ability to competently manage this world, as well as steadfastness in solving vital situations. Seeing a church and shiny elements in a dream promises the sleeper a positive state of his physical health.

A dream in which you enter a church and discover complete darkness and a complete absence of anything in it will tell you about problems with your inner world and a lack of self-control. The harmonious existence of the physical body and the spiritual body is the main guarantee of a long and happy life, therefore, seeing similar dream, it’s worth thinking about your thoughts and moods.

Interpretation of a dream about candles inside a church. How to avoid trouble

Why do you dream about church and icons? The supporting point in interpreting the meaning that they carry will be the faces depicted on these icons. Kind, smiling faces will tell about the next period, full of joy and happiness. Evil, and even more so crying images, foreshadow problems with the outside world, disagreements in the family, as well as the unrealizability of the dreams and desires of the sleeper.

Many people wonder why they dream about the inside of a church and candles. Candles are carriers of happy information. Having seen them in a dream, the dreamer can count on great success in life, as well as the realization of all his life goals.

Candles lit in a dream foretell the birth of something new in the life of the sleeper - friendship, relationships, love, etc. If you find fading candles in a dream, you need to try not to let them go out, if possible, since an extinguished candle foreshadows the approach of death.

Perhaps in the plot of the dream, the emphasis was on brightly burning candles. Then you can rejoice, because great luck is on the way to your home, and your moral strength will return or become stronger. The plans made will definitely turn into reality, and everything planned during this period will have incredible power, and the universe and the surrounding world will accompany the fulfillment of plans.

Seeing a crucifix means that a dark streak is approaching in your life. Everything that was a “trump card” before no longer works, and plans are not implemented. Do not rush to grieve, this period is not endless, but in your case it is short-lived. Your resilience will be your salvation, so don’t lose faith in yourself and in a good, positive outcome.

A dream in which you go to church

A young man going to church in a dream can count on sexual intimacy with his beloved girl, in real life. If his attempts to enter the temple were unsuccessful, this indicates that he doubts his sexual power and will try in every possible way to avoid sexual contact with a woman. Also, going to church may mean that it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from the person who suffered at the hands of the sleeping person the day before.

Dream Interpretation. The meaning of a dream about a church with icons.

The search for a temple in a dream characterizes a person’s need for protection and moral support, the need to find his spiritual home. If the search brought positive results, and the temple was discovered, then you can count on further financial success in life.

However, it is also worth considering that such success will not be to the liking of many of your friends. Be careful when interacting with current representatives of your environment and when meeting new characters whom you plan to let into your world.

Not finding the temple of God in a dream means not having the opportunity to be realized in life, due to circumstances that only do what drags you down and does not allow you to develop.

However, everything is in your power! Don’t be upset and give up, try to take advantage of all the chances that fate throws at you, because sometimes they come from places you couldn’t even imagine.

What were you doing inside the temple?

They lit a candle. A symbol of repentance is a candle seen in a dream, placed in a church. If you light a candle in a dream, in reality you will experience spiritual growth and good deeds. Seeing your candle burn to the ground in reality can lead to strong pressure on you with selfish motives.

Praying in church - there can be two meanings here. Prayer is a symbol of calm and purification. If during prayer you felt lighter and brighter in your soul, the same thing awaits you in reality with material well-being at hand, but if you cried bitter tears during prayer or experienced fear, then prepare for the difficulties to come. a pretty good sign. Symbolizes the completion of important matters with a positive outcome for you.

Kneeling in a church in a dream is interpreted as atonement for sins. You are ready to accept your shortcomings, take punishment or ask for forgiveness. After such a dream, you should not delay these morally difficult moments, because it is in this period you are most likely to be understood and forgiven.

Did you see a priest or priest?

For many people, the church is a particularly bright and pure symbol. What does a dream about a church mean?

Why do you dream about the church and the priest? appears in the role spiritual mentor, who came to make you think about all the deeds he has done. Perhaps among them there are actions that contradict your moral beliefs. In this case, you should analyze your mistakes and ask for forgiveness from everyone you offended.

Also, seeing a church and a priest in a dream foreshadows future health problems, and the priest who is serving will tell the dreamer about possible mental anguish and worries.

A dream, a church and a priest preaching a difficult life situation means that pressing problems that could not be solved will soon be resolved. This will happen thanks to the support and help of a close relative or friend.

If the plot of the dream focuses on parishioners, they a large number of and faces, then in real life you can radically change your environment due to an unpleasant discovery, that is, your eyes will open to the true faces of the people whom you have let into your soul. The dream warns you against being too gullible.

Church ceremonies: baptism, wedding, funeral service

  • Attend church service means to experience remorse in reality. Most likely, you have an irresistible desire to atone. This dream could also mean that the people around you treat you with warmth and care.
  • Christening is a very auspicious sign! Baptize in a dream own child– to good health of the whole family, presence at the ceremony as a guest means relaxation, vacation or simply a favorable period of life without fatigue and strong worries.
  • A woman who saw a dream in which a priest performed a wedding ceremony can be sure that in the future she will have the creation of a strong and full of love, family hearth. If in a dream she is in love with the priest, we should expect treason or betrayal on the part of her significant other. In general, the priest’s personality speaks of upcoming changes in life.
  • Did you dream of a funeral service for a dead person? you most likely yearn for bygone times, living in captivity of memories. It is worth living in the present, then luck will begin to accompany you.
  • Communion loved one or your child promises you the end of a quarrel with a loved one or resolution of a conflict with a friend (colleague), but for this you should meet halfway and moderate your pride.
  • If you confessed in a dream, then a difficult situation in reality will be resolved in your favor. We are talking about a situation where you had to sacrifice success and easy money in favor of moral principles. Justice in this case will be on the side of truth.

Why do you dream of a fire or destruction in a temple?

Why you dream of a burning church is a negative thing. A person who sees such a dream will very soon feel complete moral emptiness, disappointment in everything that seemed to him true life. Internal struggle of good and evil, in which evil predominates, will make him doubt his faith, and possibly renounce it.

Why do you dream of a destroyed church? Such scenes are usually dreamed of by people who have lost their vitality or faith in themselves. Important plans may collapse and priorities may shift. Your inner faith is not enough, and your inner temple has been destroyed. If a church structure is collapsing before your eyes, then you are standing at the beginning " new era" In my life.

Inside, a temple filled with cobwebs, dark and forgotten by people, appears in a dream to those who should strengthen their principles and foundations. In an abandoned state, behavior, anger, hatred. It is difficult to get out of such states, but it is necessary. An abandoned church is a symbol that predicts retribution for what you have done, work on yourself, and everything will be fine.

Who saw the dream: woman, man, child

Church in a dream - why do people of different genders and ages dream about such plots?

  • If a woman or girl visited church, or perhaps watched from the sidelines and felt goodness or spirituality, then this helps improve women’s health, and if we're talking about about a pregnant woman, the baby will be born healthy.
  • After such a dream, men will have to reconsider their priorities - most often this is a sign that work occupies the man’s thoughts too much, and the family at this moment really needs his attention;
  • If your child told you that he saw a church or temple in a dream, then you should not worry. Such dreams most often occur in gifted children or adolescents who are ahead of their peers in emotional intelligence. Your child has a heightened capacity for empathy.

The meaning of this dream in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

If you dream of a church, what is it for? In a dream, the church appears in the form of a mysterious miracle and at the same time is a beacon of salvation, guiding the lost to the truth of existence. Very often the church is interpreted as a person’s spiritual despair, the decline of his life potential and the inability to set priorities. Entering the temple means showing disrespect and selfishness towards the people around you. Such dreams are an indication to change your life priorities and rethink the further model of movement along the path of life.

Miller's Dream Book - Hear your conscience

Why do you dream of a church outside? Miller explains the appearance of a church or temple in a dream as a reluctance to behave according to conscience, a decline in a person’s moral principles. Entering a church means showing selfishness, inattention to the words and feelings of loved ones and people around you. The vision warns that if priorities remain the same, then you will not expect success in business; most likely you will continue to walk in circles. However, if the church was under construction, then you have a great desire to change your behavior and be more tolerant and more attentive to people.

Vanga's dream book - it's worth asking for forgiveness

Vanga interprets the image of a temple in a dream as repentance or remorse for what he has done. The dreamer will have to bare his repressed feelings and meet halfway people who have been hurt. A burning temple or monastery promises new beginnings, but if you place the main emphasis on human qualities, then success is guaranteed.

Freud's Dream Book - you need intimacy

According to Freud, the church directly symbolizes the woman and even the female genital organs. If a woman is in her goes to sleep to a temple or church, then she has a tendency towards same-sex love, and if a man had a similar dream, then he lacks sexual contact with his chosen one, but he intends to seek favor. When the dreamer admires the church, it symbolizes a strong connection with a partner based on sex. The collapse of a church or its demolition indicates dissatisfaction with your partner sexually, and most likely you avoid contact, looking for excuses, and deceiving your significant other.

According to many dream books, a church in a dream promises the fulfillment of desires and the beginning of a bright streak in life.

Modern dream book - your dream will come true

If you endure uncomfortable circumstances for some time, then you will definitely achieve what you want, and luck will knock on your door. Looking at a temple or church from afar means that a long-standing goal or dream is approaching, but this may not bring the desired satisfaction. If you entered a dark or abandoned church, then there are two scenarios: you will soon attend a funeral, or you will lose faith and hope while waiting for better times.

Eastern dream book - you need privacy

Visiting a temple in a dream is a desire for spirituality, but also a reluctance to act and solve one’s problems on one’s own, a desire to find protection and consolation in faith. Prayer service - you will find like-minded people with whom your path will become easier. Participation in a religious ceremony, celebration - the need for solitude, fatigue from communicating with people. Personal conversation with the priest - pleasant solitude, silence, peaceful activities. Father's advice in a dream can be of real benefit in reality.

Online dream book - you feel guilty

  • Wandering around the church is repentance, telling someone about your wrongdoing, relieving yourself of guilt through confession. Listening to a prayer service - your misdeeds will not lead to unpleasant consequences, everything will work out. Crying in church is a painful feeling of guilt.
  • A conversation with the priest - pangs of conscience, regret about what he had done. Attendance at the prayer service means repentance and forgiveness; your mistakes will not lead to sad consequences and they won't harm anyone. Seeing from the outside how the priest enters the church is a public condemnation.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor - you need help

As this dream book says, seeing a church, walking around it and examining the decor is a good way to get to know someone, to learn other people’s secrets, biographical details. Praying in church means turning to a professional for help. Doing something inappropriate in church (such as sleeping) will offend someone's religious feelings.

Talking with the priest means turning to the spiritual side of life, refusing to do things related to earnings and profits, which will not bring any unpleasant consequences. In faith or philosophy you will find solace and find answers.

Dream book of the writer Aesop - unrealistic hopes

A burning candle in a church in a dream speaks of spiritual hopes for a better life, anticipation of a bright and long future. In reality, a person is overly carried away by self-deception if in a dream he had to put out the candles. If a fire started because of a candle, then in real life you should not start a quarrel over trifles, as this quarrel will develop into a serious scandal.

The absence of a life goal and harmony with one’s inner world promises the constant extinguishing of a candle lit in a dream. If you happen to tell fortunes in a dream using burning candles, then know that in life you will not be able to predict future events. If you managed to see three burning candles in a dream, be sure that your plans will definitely come true.

Old Russian dream book - the solution to all problems

If you see a beautiful church, you will find a solution to all your problems. If the church is old, prepare for failure. Seeing a church candle in a dream means that people respect you. Lighting a candle means atonement for sins. To see extinguished candles - you will lose something and be sad.

A dream in which you only saw a church from afar means that an event that you have been waiting for for a very long time will bring disappointment. If you lit healthy candles, this means that, unfortunately, now you are in vain counting on the support of friends in a difficult situation.


If you dreamed about a church, what is it for? From the above we can conclude that a church (temple, monastery, chapel) in any case reflects your inner conscientiousness, sensitivity, and moral principles. The dream in which you saw this symbol requires a clear understanding of its importance and depth.

In any case, you can be congratulated for being a feeling person for having seen such a significant dream!

Video: “Why do you dream about the Church”

Did you happen to be in a church in a dream? In reality you will experience peace or a sudden insight will come. Why else do you dream about this religious plot? The dream book will explain all the details and nuances of the vision.

Miller's Warning

In a dream, did you enter a dark temple room? Miller's dream book promises sad news and participation in the funeral. An illuminated space opposite promises a favorable outlook and better times.


Why else do you dream that you happened to be in church? Receive spiritual comfort and financial assistance at a difficult stage in life.

Visiting a temple and praying there promises happiness and luck. A carefree walk, as if in a museum, according to the dream book, calls for taking faith more seriously.

Seeing a church for non-believers means the awakening of religious feelings; for those who fervently believe in God, the vision means well-being and tranquility.

What they were doing?

Did you have to be in a church in a dream? The dream book advises you to remember what exactly you did there. Decoding certain actions will help shed light on upcoming events.

  • They prayed - joy, consolation.
  • They were on their knees - a valuable find, an acquisition.
  • They chatted and laughed - a well-deserved punishment.
  • Sitting, lying - changes.
  • They donated money - profit, debt repayment.
  • Confessed - the right path.

Do good!

Why do you dream that you were able to attend a service? This means that you will earn the respect and love of your loved ones.

Seeing yourself during a service in a dream means remorse. Did you dream about a church service? The dream book guarantees internal (spiritual) changes towards the Light.

Participation in it symbolizes an ardent desire, but a lack of strength. Sometimes a church service calls for good deeds.

For peace or for health?

Did you dream that you had a chance to light candles in a church? In reality, you will make a confession that is extremely important for you, or you will feel a serious attack of conscience for past mistakes.

Putting candles in front of images in a dream means future need or humiliation.

If you dreamed that you lit a candle for your health, then get ready for someone else’s funeral or own illness. The interpretation of the dream is the opposite if you managed to light a candle for the repose.

Spiritual Union

Why do you dream that you are lucky enough to be in church with your loved one? The dream book is sure that your closest friends are jealous of you.

If you dreamed that you were getting married to your loved one, then in real life your union will be not only physical, but also spiritual.

Seeing that you are praying with your loved one in an unknown temple means a renewal of past feelings and kinship of souls.


What does it mean if in a dream you happened to be completely naked in church? The Dream Interpretation believes that all your actions are dictated by personal egoism and are far from good impulses.

The vision calls for an immediate change in thoughts and behavior, or better yet, to repent of your sins and live more righteously.

Why else dream that you came to church naked? If at the same time you did not experience any particular shame, then the dream book is sure that you will soon learn about your illness and accept it as inevitable.

There will be a wedding!

In a dream, appearing naked in a temple also means that you are experiencing your insecurity in front of life's trials. Perhaps you want to become better and cleaner.

Did you dream that you happened to be in church in white clothes? Prepare for the funeral loved one or relative. And here black robe- a positive sign hinting at an imminent wedding.

Having seen a church in your dream, first of all, such a symbol should be associated with spiritual life. Perhaps the person felt the need to fill in the gaps in it. Other interpretations of what the church means in dreams can be found in the most popular dream books.

According to most dream books, seeing a church in a dream means the need to think about spiritual things. Most likely, the person sleeping in reality is too preoccupied with material problems and completely forgets about the soul. The discussed plot of the dream suggests that it is time to stop in the race for financial well-being and success. You need to turn to your own soul, try to be alone with yourself more often, and find inner harmony.

According to Miller’s dream book, admiring the beautiful gilded domes of the church - great sign. He predicts to the dreamer the imminent completion of an important matter. This will bring a person both impressive income and satisfaction.

A church belonging to another religion in Tsvetkov’s work is a symbol of the difficult trials that will soon appear on his path. It is very important to try to cope with them yourself, without turning to anyone for help.

Why do you dream about the interior of a church?

A very old, dilapidated temple that a person sees from the inside is a sign that he has a very vague idea of ​​his future. To save yourself from unnecessary suffering and worries, you should reconsider your own views and make decisions in life. Each person has his own purpose, which is very important to correctly determine and try to follow it.

If interior decoration The building turned out to be dazzlingly white, which means that in reality the sleeping person’s family strictly observes moral principles. It is important not to stray from the intended path and continue to move along it. If parents saw such a dream, then they are raising their children very correctly.

When a church appears in a dream, all lined with burning candles from the inside, you should perceive such a sign as positive. A vision promises a man or woman great luck in real life. All of a person’s plans will be carried out almost instantly. In addition, he will have the opportunity to restore his spiritual strength.

Seeing a destroyed, burnt church in a dream - meaning

A destroyed church building in dreams is a symbol of loss for the dreamer. vital energy. A person sees a similar plot in cases where all his plans were violated by someone, and the priorities he set turned out to be false. After such events, the sleeper will need a lot of time to come to his senses and restore his inner temple. The best solution in this case is to work on strengthening your faith and understanding own desires, needs.

A dream with a burning church promises a person severe disappointment. The same plot may suggest that his long-term plans are unrealistic. Everything the sleeper believed in is on the verge of destruction.

If such a dream is dreamed by a woman or a man who has decided to cheat, then it can be taken as a sign that the deception will soon be revealed. There is a high probability of losing your family because of your own base desires. A frank conversation, repentance and a sincere request for forgiveness will help save a crumbling marriage. If the other half learns the truth from someone else, then it will definitely not be possible to save the relationship.

If the church has already burned down and the sleeper simply looks at it as he passes by, it means that all his fears are completely groundless. You can safely let go of the situation and stop unnecessarily stressing yourself out.

Dreaming of church domes

If a very beautiful church with gilded, intricately decorated domes, it means that the sleeper will soon meet a new acquaintance who will become his spiritual mentor. It is very important to recognize this person and not let him out of your life. The mentor will show the dreamer the path to moral perfection.

It happens that in a dream the domes of a building rush far into the sky so that their end is not even visible. This means that in the real life of a man or woman, an old difficult period will end and a new, very favorable one will begin. It will allow a person to relax, gain strength, and feel truly happy. How long is this good period how long it will last will depend on the dreamer himself.

Looking for a church in a dream

If in a dream a person had to diligently look for a church among a dull landscape, he is probably very offended by someone, upset and looking for consolation. The plot suggests that it will be possible to find him in the nearest temple. If the dreamer has no desire to attend church, then it is worth turning to loved ones for help and support. Stop keeping your thoughts and experiences to yourself. Friends and relatives will definitely listen to him and do everything possible to calm the sleeping person. Of course, you shouldn’t trust your innermost experiences to everyone. You should only tell your closest relatives about them.

It happens that in a dream a person diligently searches for a temple, and as a result finds a completely destroyed building with broken icons. This is not a good sign. It suggests that the sleeper considers his life meaningless. And I lost my taste for her. Before serious depression sets in, you should decide to talk to a professional psychologist.

If you were unable to find a church in your night dreams, it means that in reality the dreamer feels that he is living incorrectly. He wants to become better, but the environment does not allow him to change and develop, but, on the contrary, pulls him down.

Dreaming of praying, lighting candles, being baptized in church

It’s great if in the morning a man or woman remembers all the details of the plot of his dream and can recall it in his memory literally in the smallest detail. This will help a person interpret the dream more accurately and correctly.

For example, it is important to consider what exactly he did in the church:

  • Praying inside the church in front of icons is a sign of mental fatigue. In this case, the sleeper seeks peace and enlightenment. Perhaps for this he really should plunge into faith and acquire a spiritual mentor.
  • If during prayer the dreamer feels strong fear or discomfort, it means that problems await him in the near future. Dealing with them will not be easy, but it must be done. Sincere prayer in reality will help a person in the fight against troubles.
  • Did you have to light candles in a dream? This is a sign that the sleeper has already realized all his mistakes made earlier and is ready to start life from scratch. If the candle burns very brightly, then in reality he will experience rapid spiritual growth and good luck in all new endeavors.
  • Being baptized in a church in a dream is a good sign. Finally, the dreamer will be able to get rid of someone else's responsibility, which has been hanging over him for so long and does not allow him to live in peace.

It is interesting that the sobs of a person sleeping in his night dreams in church are also a favorable sign. Such behavior in a dream promises spiritual joy and peace of mind in real life.

Why do you dream about church?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in events that have been anticipated for so long.

Entering a church immersed in darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This also portends vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Freud's Dream Book

Church - symbolizes a woman or female genital organs.

If a man goes to church, he strives for sexual contact with the woman he loves.

If he cannot get to church (perhaps something prevented this), he doubts his sexual viability and seeks to avoid upcoming sexual contacts.

If a woman goes to church, she is prone to lesbian love.

If she cannot get to church, this indicates her coldness towards her partner or possible frigidity.

If you admire the church, this symbolizes the strength of your relationship with your sexual partner.

A church under construction or restoration symbolizes your active sex life and harmonious relationship with your sexual partner.

If a man dreams of a destroyed church, this symbolizes his dissatisfaction with his sexual partner; he tries in every possible way to avoid sexual contact with her.

If a woman dreams of a destroyed church, she has too many sexual contacts with partners whom she does not take seriously; this may also indicate possible diseases genitals.

Why do you dream about church?

Vanga's Dream Book

Church - the appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.

Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

The dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

In a dream, you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal. You enter a church during a service. It is very crowded, as a large number of people have gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant.

To see in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church is a sign that in reality all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your old relationship with a person close to you.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The Church is a wonderful future; to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation; hear singing in it - your wishes will come true.

Illuminated - a serious misfortune; destroyed - you will recognize the need; to pass near - to commit a careless act.

The church vestibule is peace of mind.

Rural church - find truthful friends.

Church bells - something pleasant awaits you.

Church bell tower, see or climb it - good views for the future.

Why do you dream about church?

Family dream book

A church visible somewhere in the distance foreshadows disappointment in events expected for a long time.

If in a dream you entered a church immersed in darkness, you have vague prospects ahead. Apparently, you will have to wait quite a long time for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A church in a dream symbolizes eternal truths.

If you saw a church in your dream, this means that it’s time for you to think about your soul. As a rule, such dreams foreshadow failures and difficult experiences, but at the same time they also suggest a way out of difficulties.

A rickety or destroyed church is very bad sign, saying that you may soon repent of some of your unseemly deeds and actions.

A separate case, to see in a dream a church rooted into the ground - such a dream suggests that in pursuit of everyday joys you are ready to step over your soul.

Why do you dream about church?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Church - to waste; to bad luck in your personal life; look for a way to atone for your guilt. Church repentance - commit a sinful offense.

Why do you dream about church?

Spring dream book

Church - a difficult test awaits you, melancholy.

To be laid to rest in a church is a sign of misunderstanding.

Writing in church for health means health.

Why do you dream about church?

Summer dream book

Church - you may receive a large inheritance.

Light a candle for health in the church - for the wake.

Why do you dream about church?

Autumn dream book

Church - to lasting love.

Order a health service in church - remember your parents.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A church seen in a dream portends disappointment. To be in church - you will take part in a funeral, they will come bad times. Praying in church is happiness in all matters. Approaching the altar and kneeling is a valuable find. Seeing yourself as a beggar on a church porch means that in reality you will engage in charitable activities.

Confessing in church portends consolation and joy; talking with a priest means your friends will keep you from taking a rash step. Leaving church is a mental relief.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Country Church – Find truthful friends

Why do you dream of a church - A wonderful future - to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation - to hear singing in it - your wishes will come true - illuminated - a serious misfortune - destroyed - you will recognize the need - to pass by - to commit a careless act

Archbishop - Seeing him is an expectation of protection - talking to him is an expectation of a pleasant event

Bishop - Good news.

Archimandrite - Seeing in a dream portends a surprise.

Divine service - To be present at a church service means that you will soon be offered a promotion or a new, higher-paying job.

Church bells - Something pleasant awaits you

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a church building, you will soon attend the engagement of one of your friends or relatives.

If you dreamed of a church building without a cross, you will be present at the engagement of one of your friends or relatives, but because of you their conspiracy will be upset.

In a dream you found yourself in a church - to the death of one of your friends or relatives.

You find yourself in a church for a church service - so far nothing interesting is expected in your life.

You dreamed that you witnessed the desecration of a church - awaits you funny company where you will meet girl lung behavior (if you are a man) and a heartthrob (if you are a woman).

If you dreamed that you participated in the construction or restoration of a church, know that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness.

Why do you dream about church?

Esoteric dream book

The church is wooden, small - to the choice of place or type of activity.

Enter the church - you will make the right choice, as you will soon see.

To pass by - the decision you are currently leaning towards is not successful.

Church altar - you are guaranteed help from your friends in finding a job, business, etc. Do not neglect it.

If church utensils are in use, this step will have a positive effect; if church utensils are dirty, do not expect any gratitude when abandoned.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Church - the appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.

Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

A dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in long-awaited events.

Entering a church immersed in darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This may also portend vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Azar's Dream Book

Church is a difficult test, melancholy; praying to God in church is a shock; to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation; cross on the church - happiness; destroyed - you will recognize the need.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Praying in church is happiness in all matters; enter - remorse; to see is good luck.

Why do you dream about church?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you see a church in the distance foreshadows disappointment from long-anticipated pleasures.

Entering a church immersed in darkness in a dream means that in reality you will have to participate in a funeral. Gloomy prospects await you.

Why do you dream about church?

Eastern dream book

Seeing a church or being in it is a sign of patience.

You are dressed in black in church - get ready for the wedding.

In white - alas, for a funeral.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

sadness and disappointment.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Pulpit in the Church - You see in a dream the pulpit itself or a clergyman delivering a sermon in the Church - in reality a boring society awaits you; if you work at a large enterprise, you may have a meeting, a conference dedicated to uninteresting routine issues, and most of those present will be yawning and looking out the window; if you are a scientist or have anything to do with medicine, another scientific society awaits you - but not one scientific genius will not illuminate it, will not flash with a bright thought; gray day, routine

Why do you dream about church?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a church is an awakening of conscience/illness and patience.

A decorated church is fun.

Very beautiful - safety.

High - honor.

Entering it means going to prison.

The church is burning - bad times are ahead.

Dilapidated, abandoned - wisdom to forget, great truths to abandon.

A church minister in a dream is often a symbol of that part of our self that is entrusted with knowing the future and keeping it from consciousness.

To attend a church service - internal changes in you will improve your situation / you will find the strength to soften reproaches of conscience with good deeds / happiness.

Participating in it means good opportunities, but lack of strength.

Listening to church singing means the fulfillment of a secret desire, the joy/illness of an enemy.

Seeing a religious procession and participating in it is an amazing and unexpected turn of events.

Ominous - the funeral of a friend or acquaintance.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream book of yogis

The Golden Church is a world where creatures (mostly high level) seek knowledge and connections with the Supreme.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Church, icons, cross - To suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then such dreams foreshadow freedom.

However, if you have a dream about dying, when the dreamer’s soul visits the other world, then the church may simply be a sign of sacred space. If an icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, then this is a dream-vision that does not foretell anything other than what the icon said.

If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, then this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Why do you dream about church?

British dream book

Church, mosque, synagogue - These are places of worship of the corresponding gods. Why do you dream: If you are a very religious person, you may dream that you spend time thinking. Such dreams occur when you are worried about spiritual issues in real life, for example when you are tempted to take a false step. On the other hand, if you find yourself in such a place not of your own free will, then perhaps your usual religious ideas contradict your deeply held personal beliefs.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of the Church - you see a church in a dream - you will have to be patient, and you will achieve success. The church seems to be standing in the distance - you have been waiting for some event for a long time; it is about to happen, but don’t be so sure that your hopes will come true. It’s as if you entered a church and it’s dark - soon you will take part in a funeral ceremony; another interpretation of the dream: you will get tired of waiting for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Christian dream book

Rural Church - You will have devoted and sincere friends. Imagine walking into village church and light candles in front of the holy images.

Why do you dream about church?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does Church, Chapel, etc. mean in a dream? (see also Church building on "C" and Church in religious images) is a refuge or our environment in which we need to take into account our own beliefs. And although we may not profess any religion, most of us have principles by which we live. In dreams they take on specific images.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Church (temple) - This is the bright palace of your soul, a place of solitude. A symbol of the dreamer’s high spiritual faith. If in a dream you find yourself in a church, you will experience insight and peace.

Why do you dream about church?

Women's dream book

Church - The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.

Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you.

This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

A dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

If in a dream you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick, this means that in reality you will strive for spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in long-awaited events.

Entering a church plunged into darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This may also portend vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Magic dream book

To see a dream about you had a dream about the Church - to pray in the church - to find luck. To be baptized in church is to fulfill your duty with honor. Walking past the church is a remorse. Seeing a church is good luck. Praying in church means finding help and consolation. Hearing church singing is a dream come true. Watching the construction of a church is a new stage of life. A dream about a church before holy holidays is an indication to visit a church. For non-believing people, a church can symbolize a prison. An empty church with boarded up doors means changes for the worse, depressing melancholy. Moving away from the church means committing a careless act. To attend a service in a cathedral, temple or church means that you can count on the love and respect of those around you, provided that you are honest and truthful. Hearing from the side how others pray is a request for a favor with a refusal. Discussing religious topics in a dream means your daily reality is overshadowed by troubles, and you want a serene life.

Why do you dream about church?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Church - religious feelings; right choice; moral doubts. Abandoned church - you do not pay attention to your spiritual life; restore the church - spiritual revival and renewal; church in the distance - some time will pass before you make your choice; a church immersed in darkness - thoughts of death; funeral; unknown; waiting for better times.

Why do you dream about church?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It is an architectural structure in which people gather in order to worship the transcendent, that which is different from their own organismic nature. The Church means the "operational center" of the activity of the Super-Ego. Moreover, it symbolizes an artificial womb, which enslaves the “I” of the individual, as well as a negative strengthening of the maternal complex. In any case, the church is a negative symbol, since it can ultimately be defined as a "computer mother."

Why do you dream about church?

Old Russian dream book

praying is happiness in all matters; enter - remorse; to see is good luck.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream book for women

To see a white stone church with golden domes in a dream - this foreshadows the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations; to see such a dream from Friday to Saturday - your desire for spirituality and knowledge will be rewarded.

If in a dream you saw a destroyed church from Saturday to Sunday or from Sunday to Monday, this is a harbinger of illness and moral suffering.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you attend a church service, means that soon harmony and peace will reign in your home.

If in a dream from Friday to Saturday you saw a church entwined with a snake, this dream is a harbinger of trouble for all humanity.

Seeing a castle on a church is a bad sign.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Church - to suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then such dreams foreshadow freedom.

If a church icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, this is a dream that does not foretell anything other than what the icon said.

If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Why do you dream about church?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

A church building is an architectural structure in which people gather to perform special rituals that are very far from their natural essence and alien to their organismic nature.

The image of the church reflects a situation of pressure, control and violence from the superego: submission to social rules, laws, norms. Moreover, this image means artificially preserved, protecting. a nourishing environment (“illusory world”), and at the same time negative, dictating, oppressive, limiting, programming, forcing one to act according to a rigid algorithm (“computer mother”).

Why do you dream about church?

Dream book for the whole family

To see a white stone church with golden domes in a dream - this foreshadows the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations; to see such a dream from Friday to Saturday - your desire for spirituality and knowledge will be rewarded.

If in a dream you saw a destroyed church from Saturday to Sunday or from Sunday to Monday, this is a harbinger of illness and moral suffering.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you are present at a church service, means that soon harmony and peace will reign in your home.

If in a dream from Friday to Saturday you saw a church entwined with a snake, this dream is a harbinger of trouble for all humanity.

Seeing a castle on a church is a bad sign.

Why do you dream about church?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Church means quick marriage for a woman.

Why do you dream about church?

Online dream book

The image of the church symbolizes your attitude to life, the meaning that rules and prohibitions have for you.

If it was visible in the distance on the horizon, then what you really expect will in fact not please you at all.

As the dream book says, desecration of a church is an omen that you may start a relationship with a partner who will not have serious plans for you.

The dream in which you built it reminds you that you are capable of achieving everything yourself.

If in a dream you saw a church engulfed in fire, in reality you will experience great grief associated with the collapse of your plans and unjustified hopes.

To see its ruins - try not to do anything illegal, anything that could harm others, otherwise you will have to experience severe pangs of conscience and pay dearly for your sins.

If she is Catholic, get ready for fate to send you very difficult trials, but you should not lose heart and despair, accept everything with dignity, and in no case complain or get angry.

A dream in which you saw an ancient church suggests that you need to engage in introspection, your thinking is wrong, and if you do not change it, then your life will not develop the way you need. Be sure to engage in self-improvement, focus on the spiritual, think less about material wealth.

If you are busy building it, know that all your efforts and hard work on moral improvement will bear generous fruits, prosperity and luck in everything await you.

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