The main motives of Tyutchev's lyrics. In the poem "Madness" the image of chaos is clearly visible. Tyutchev describes disorder through metaphors. This means that the fate of Russia depends on the outcome of the internal moral struggle of the light and dark principles within itself. Condition for

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is known for his brilliant poetic talent and ability to convey complex philosophical things in the most subtle way, make vivid psychological sketches, and create truly beautiful landscapes filled with feeling and lyricism.

The poet's world is mysterious. One of its mysteries is nature, where there is always a struggle between two opposing forces - chaos and harmony. Where life reigns in abundance, death always looms as a dark shadow. The joyful light of day hides the darkness of an impenetrable night. For Tyutchev, nature is a kind of polar phenomenon, the different poles of which are in eternal opposition. Thus, one of his most favorite and most frequently used literary devices is the antithesis (“blessed south” - “fateful north”, “dull earth” - “sky shining with a thunderstorm”, etc.).

The nature of Tyutchev is incredibly diverse, beautiful and dynamic. In the poet's lyrics there are a variety of landscapes at different hours and seasons. It could be early morning in the mountains, and “the night sea,” and “the first thunder of spring,” and winter, which “is not without reason angry.”

The author also skillfully conveys the moments of transition from one state of nature to another. For example, in the poem “The gray shadows mixed...” the reader observes an amazing metamorphosis when the evening twilight quickly gives way to the darkness of the night. The poet paints the transformation of one picture into another using non-union constructions and frequently used verbs. The word “movement” contains an understanding of life itself; it is in some way synonymous with being, vital energy.

Another feature of Tyutchev’s poetry is the spirituality of Russian nature. She is like a young beauty - just as beautiful, free, capable of love, sharing her thoughts and feelings, inspiring, she has a living human soul.

The poet strives with all his might to understand this beautiful creation of the universe - nature - and tries to convey to the reader pictures of all its various incarnations. Tyutchev, as a true artist, carefully observes everything that happens in the world around him, creating magnificent poetic paintings with great love summer evenings, autumn landscapes, endless snowy distances, spring thunder.

In all its manifestations, Tyutchev’s nature is beautiful and attracts the eye. Even in the furious riot of the elements, the poet sees harmony and creation. The author contrasts the natural balance with disorder and discord in human life. According to the poet, people are too self-confident, defending their freedom and forgetting about belonging to nature, that they are part of it. Tyutchev denies the independence of man as a separate unit, regardless of nature, the world, the Universe. He believes in the World Soul, which acts as a kind of foundation for everything that exists. Forgetting about this, a person condemns himself to suffering, risking being at the mercy of Rock. Chaos personifies the rebellious spirit of nature, which scares people away. A person argues with Rock, rejects chaos, which can upset the balance of energy. He resists Rock in every possible way, defending his rights.

The poet’s entire work is permeated with a thread of thoughts about contradictory phenomena and things that fill life around us.

According to the poet, a person is like a grain of sand in outer space. He is in the power of fate, natural elements. But at the same time, Tyutchev encourages the struggle, courage and fearlessness of people, their desire for heroism. Despite the fragility of human life, people are overcome by a huge thirst for the fullness of being, a great desire to move forward, to rise higher.

Several interesting essays

  • The image and characteristics of Kazbich in the novel Hero of Our Time by Lermontov essay

    Kazbich is a robber, a horseman. He is not afraid of anything and, like any other Caucasian, takes care of his honor and dignity

  • Composition Old Count Bezukhov in the novel War and Peace

    Kirill Bezukhov is one of the minor characters in Tolstoy’s magnificent novel “War and Peace.” The old count appeared only at the very beginning, his characteristics are small, but one cannot ignore this personality.

  • The image and characteristics of the Landowner in the fairy tale Wild Landowner by Saltykov-Shchedrin essay

    The main character of the work, which is written in the genre of a fairy tale, is a landowner, depicted by the writer as a stupid man who considers himself a hereditary Russian nobleman, Prince Urus-Kuchum-Kildibaev.

  • Every year winter comes to us. Winter activities are different from summer activities. It's not always possible to spend a lot of time outside. There is no opportunity to swim or sunbathe.

  • Gypsy character and image in the story Gorky's Childhood essay

    The character of Maxim Gorky's story, nineteen-year-old Ivan, is very ambiguous. He received the nickname Gypsy because of his appearance - dark skin, dark hair, plus he often stole from the market

Tyutchev is one of the outstanding poets of the nineteenth century. His poetry is the embodiment of patriotism and great sincere love for the Motherland. The life and work of Tyutchev is the national heritage of Russia, the pride of the Slavic land and an integral part of the history of the state.

The beginning of the poet's life

The life of Fyodor Tyutchev began on December 5, 1803. The future poet was born in a family estate called Ovstug. Fyodor Ivanovich began receiving home education, studying Latin and ancient Roman poetry. At twelve years old, the boy was already translating Horace’s odes. In 1817 Tyutchev attended lectures at Moscow University (in the department of Literature).

The young man received his graduation certificate in 1821. It was then that he enlisted and was sent to Munich. He returned only in 1844.

Periodization of creative periods

The first period of creativity of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev lasts from the 1810s to the 1820s. At this time, the young poet wrote his first poems, which in style resemble the poetry of the eighteenth century.

The second period begins in the second half of the 1820s and lasts until the 1840s. The poem entitled “Glimmer” already has an original Tyutchev character, which combines Russian odic poetry of the eighteenth century and traditional European romanticism.

The third period covers the 1850s - 1870s. It is characterized by the creation of a number of political poems and civil treatises.

Russia in the works of Tyutchev

Upon returning to his homeland, the poet took the position of senior censor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Almost simultaneously with this, he joined Belinsky’s circle and became an active participant. Poems are being shelved for now, but a number of articles are being published on French. Among the many treatises there are “On Censorship in Russia”, “The Papacy and the Roman Question”. These articles are chapters to a book called “Russia and the West,” which Tyutchev wrote, inspired by the revolution of 1848-1849. This treatise contains the image of the thousand-year-old power of Russia. Tyutchev describes his Motherland with great love, expressing the idea that it wears exclusively Orthodox character. This work also presents the idea that the whole world consists of revolutionary Europe and conservative Russia.

Poetry also takes on a slogan connotation: “To the Slavs”, “Vatican Anniversary”, “Modern” and other poems.

Many works reflect that which is inseparable from love for the Motherland. Tyutchev had such faith in Russia and its strong inhabitants that he even wrote to his daughter in letters that she could be proud of her people and that she would certainly be happy, if only because she was born Russian.

Turning to nature, Fyodor Ivanovich glorifies his Motherland, describes every dewdrop on the grass so that the reader is imbued with the same tender feelings for his land.

The poet always managed to maintain free thoughts and feelings; he did not submit to secular morality and ignored secular decency. Tyutchev's work is shrouded in love for all of Russia, for every peasant. In his poems, he calls it the European “ark of salvation,” but he blames the king for all the troubles and losses of his great people.

Life and work of Tyutchev

The creative path of Fyodor Ivanovich spans more than half a century. During this time, he wrote many treatises and articles, including on foreign languages. Three hundred poems created by Tyutchev are placed in one book.

Researchers call the poet a late romantic. Tyutchev's creativity is special character also because for a long time he lived abroad, which made the author feel lost and alienated for many years.

Some historians and literary critics conditionally divide the life of Fyodor Ivanovich into two stages: 1820-1840. and 1850-1860

The first stage is devoted to the study of one’s own “I”, the formation of a worldview and the search for oneself in the Universe. The second stage, on the contrary, is an in-depth study inner world one man. Critics call the “Denisevsky cycle” the main achievement of this period.

The main part of Fyodor Tyutchev's lyrics are poems that are philosophical, landscape-philosophical in nature and, of course, have a love theme. The latter also includes the poet’s letters to his lovers. Tyutchev's creativity also includes civil and political lyrics.

Tyutchev's love lyrics

The 1850s are characterized by the emergence of a new specific character. It becomes a woman. Love in Tyutchev’s work acquired concrete outlines; this is most noticeable in such works as “I Knew My Eyes”, “Oh, How Deadly We Love” and “ last love" The poet begins to study female nature, strives to understand her essence and comprehends her fate. Tyutchev's beloved girl is a person who is characterized by sublime feelings along with anger and contradictions. The lyrics are permeated with the pain and torment of the author, there is melancholy and despair. Tyutchev is convinced that happiness is the most fragile thing on earth.

"Denisevsky cycle"

This cycle also has another name - “love-tragedy”. All the poems here are dedicated to one woman - Elena Alexandrovna Deniseva. The poetry of this cycle is characterized by the understanding of love as a real human tragedy. Feelings here act as a fatal force that leads to devastation and subsequent death.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev did not take any part in the formation of this cycle, and therefore there are disputes between literary critics about who the poems are dedicated to - Elena Denisyeva or the poet’s wife - Ernestine.

The similarities have been repeatedly emphasized love lyrics“Denisevsky cycle”, which is confessional in nature, and painful feelings in the novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Today, almost one and a half thousand letters written by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev to his beloved have survived.

Nature theme

Nature in Tyutchev’s works is changeable. She never knows peace, constantly changes and is always in the struggle of opposing forces. Being in a continuous change of day and night, summer and winter, it is so multifaceted. Tyutchev spares no epithets to describe all its colors, sounds, and smells. The poet literally humanizes it, making nature so close and related to every person. In any season, everyone will find features characteristic of them; they will recognize their mood in the weather.

Man and nature are inseparable in creativity, and therefore his lyrics are characterized by a two-part composition: the life of nature is parallel to the life of man.

The peculiarities of Tyutchev’s work lie in the fact that the poet does not try to see the world through photographs or paints of artists, he gives it a soul and tries to discern the living and sentient being.

Philosophical motives

Tyutchev's work is philosophical in nature. Poet with early years was convinced that the world contained some incomprehensible truth. In his opinion, words cannot express the secrets of the universe; text cannot describe the mystery of the universe.

He seeks answers to questions that interest him, drawing parallels between human life and the life of nature. By combining them into a single whole, Tyutchev hopes to learn the secret of the soul.

Other themes of Tyutchev’s work

Tyutchev's worldview has one more characteristic feature: the poet perceives the world as a dual substance. Fyodor Ivanovich sees two principles constantly fighting among themselves - the demonic and the ideal. Tyutchev is convinced that the existence of life is impossible in the absence of at least one of these principles. Thus, in the poem “Day and Night” the struggle of opposites is clearly expressed. Here the day is filled with something joyful, vital and infinitely happy, while the night is the opposite.

Life is based on the struggle between good and evil, in the case of Tyutchev's lyrics - the light beginning and the dark. According to the author, there is no winner or loser in this battle. And this is the main truth of life. A similar struggle occurs within a person himself; all his life he strives to learn the truth, which can be hidden both in his bright beginning and in his dark one.

From this we can conclude that Tyutchev’s philosophy is directly related to global problems, the author does not see the existence of the ordinary without the great. In every microparticle he considers the mystery of the universe. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev reveals all the beauty of the world around us as a divine cosmos.

Lesson topic:

“Stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev. Main themes and ideas of the lyrics. Lyrics of nature"

(1 lesson)

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce students to the biography of F.I. Tyutchev.

    Consider, using the example of the poet’s famous poems, the originality of the lyrics of nature, the main themes and ideas of the lyrics.

    Practice your ability to analyze lyrical works, highlighting them key images and determining their meaning.

    To develop students’ communication abilities, competent monologue speech, the ability to work independently with reference materials, lyrical works.

    To instill a love of nature through the art of words, to awaken interest in reading masterpieces of Russian literature.

Lesson algorithm:

    Organizing time. 1 min

    Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. 1 min

3. Introduction to the lesson plan. 1 min

4. Working with the epigraph for the lesson. 2 minutes

5. Introductory conversation about Tyutchev. 2 minutes

6. Study new topic. 16 min

7. Consolidation of the studied material

(practical work of students) 17 min

8. Generalizations and conclusions. 1 min

9. Lesson summary and grading. 2 minutes

10. Homework. 2 minutes

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the lesson.

1. Development of cognitive interests.

2. Completeness of the UZN.

3. Activation of mental activity.

4.Usage various forms work.

5. Implementation of individual and differentiated approaches.

6. Development of imagination, all types of thinking.

7. Development of the ability to analyze, compare, specify, generalize and independently draw conclusions.

8. Moral and aesthetic impact.

9. Using students’ practical experience and knowledge when explaining new material.

10. The use of a computer and a multimedia projector allows you to increase the pace of the lesson.

Workbook layout.

Stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev. Main themes and ideas of the lyrics. Lyrics of nature.

Basic summary.

Main themes:

    Nature theme.

    Theme of love.

    Theme of the Motherland.

    Philosophical lyrics.

Features of nature image:

1. Tyutchev’s nature is changeable, dynamic, it is all in the struggle of opposing forces.

2. Nature in Tyutchev’s poems is humanized and spiritualized. She is internally close and understandable to a person, akin to him.

3. Nature and man form a unity in the poet’s lyrics, therefore many of his poems have a two-part composition, built on the parallelism between the life of nature and the life of man.

Nature in different seasons.

Winter: The winter “miracle” takes place in the state magical dream nature, the music of the verse imitates the magical action of the Enchantress, who bewitches, enchants, hypnotizes, plunging into sleep, which is especially emphasized by repetitions. Poems fascinate with their music, cast a spell





    Organizing time.

2. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

In today's lesson we will get acquainted with the stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev, determine the features of the lyrics of nature, consider the main themes and ideas of his poetry. Our lesson is unusual. During this lesson, the computer will help us understand. So, let's go.

3. Familiarization with the lesson plan.

Check out our lesson plan. Today they are also helping me teach a lesson... (the teacher names the students who prepared individual messages.)

4. Working with epigraphs.

The epigraphs of our lesson can be the statements of great Russian writers about Tyutchev. I.S. Turgenev said about the poet: “Tyutchev... created speeches that are not destined to die.” I.S. Aksakov believed that “... for Tyutchev, living means thinking.”

Do you agree with these statements?

(Students’ answers and reasoning)

5. Introductory conversation about Tyutchev.

What do you know about Tyutchev? (learn the answers).

What can you say about his work?

What poems did you read or learn?

What is the poet writing about? (about nature, about its beauty).

Let's get to know this amazing poet better.

6. Work on a new topic.

1. Messages from individually prepared students on the poet’s biography.

(notes are kept in a notebook at the same time)

After the messages, students are asked to view slides on the poet’s biography and make adjustments to their notes.

Reading recorded facts from Tyutchev’s life (survey of 2-3 students)

2. Tyutchev the poet(student's story using prepared slides).

Tyutchev developed as a poet by the end of the 20s. A significant event in the literary life of Fyodor Ivanovich was the publication of a large selection of his poems in Pushkin’s Sovremennik (No. 3, 4, 1836) under the title “Poems sent from Germany” and signed by F.T.

Tyutchev drew attention in literary circles, but his name still remained unknown to readers.

Since the late 40s, a new literary upsurge in Tyutchev’s lyrical creativity began, but his name is still almost unknown to the Russian reader, and he himself does not take part in literary life. The beginning of his poetic fame was laid by Nekrasov’s article “Russian minor poets” (in the magazine “Sovremennik” No. 1, 1850), in which he spoke about Tyutchev as a poet of extraordinary talent, not at all noticed by criticism, and put the unknown Fyodor Ivanovich on a par with Pushkin and Lermontov.

A collection of Tyutchev's poems was published in 1854 on the initiative and under the supervision of I.S. Turgenev. And late, but genuine fame comes to Tyutchev.

The fate of Tyutchev the poet is unusual: this is the fate of the last Russian romantic poet, who worked in the era of the triumph of realism and yet remained faithful to the precepts of romantic art.

3. The teacher’s word about the main themes and ideas of Tyutchev’s lyrics.

Tyutchev’s poetry cannot be imagined without the lyrics of nature, since, as we have already said, he entered the consciousness of readers as a singer of nature.

The predominance of landscapes is one of the hallmarks of his lyrics. It is correct to call it landscape-philosophical: pictures of nature embody the poet’s deep, intense tragic thoughts about life and death, about man, humanity and the universe: what place does man occupy in the world and what is his destiny.

What are the features of the image of nature?

Tyutchev’s nature is changeable, dynamic, it is all in the struggle of opposing forces.

The poet is especially attracted to the transitional intermediate moments of the life of nature.

Nature in Tyutchev’s poems is humanized and spiritualized. She is internally close and understandable to a person, akin to him.

Nature and man form a unity in the poet’s lyrics, therefore many of his poems are characterized by a two-part composition, built on the parallelism between the life of nature and the life of man. The usual opposition between nature and civilization for romantics is taken to the extreme. It is alien to the poet not only modern society, history, culture, civilization - everything seems illusory to him, doomed to destruction.

So, man in Tyutchev’s poetry is twofold: he is weak and majestic at the same time.

Tyutchev's lyrics are imbued with admiration for the greatness and beauty, infinity and diversity of nature.

He introduced ancient images into poetry and uniquely captured all four seasons of the year in his poems.

Let's try to understand some poetic masterpieces that characterize different seasons of the year, and reveal the meanings of the images.

7. Consolidating a new topic.

Practical work students (work in groups). Each group was given poems about the seasons in advance.

Student performance.

1 group. "Winter"

1. Expressive reading verse by heart. “The forest is bewitched by the Enchantress Winter.”

The winter “miracle” takes place in a state of nature’s magical sleep; the music of the verse imitates the magical action of the Enchantress, who bewitches, enchants, hypnotizes, plunging into sleep, which is especially emphasized by repetitions. Poems fascinate with their music and cast a spell.

Group 2 “Autumn”.

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart. “There is in the initial autumn...”

2. Brief Analysis(the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading the poem are called, visual arts)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Pictures of autumn are painted brightly, the action on the ground is intertwined with the favorite vertical movement from the sky.

Group 3 "Spring".

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart. "I love the storm in early May … ".

2. Brief analysis (the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading the poem, visual means are called)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Tyutchev sublimely conveys the beauty of the world. The spring action, the “thunderstorm”, unfolding in the heavens, touches the earth. We feel it, there is a feeling of spring and freshness.

Group 4 “Summer”.(poem of your choice)

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart.

2. Brief analysis (the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading the poem, visual means are called)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Tyutchev summer is often stormy. Nature is full of movement, full of sounds, colors. And again the poet makes us feel the approach of the holiday.

8. Generalizations and conclusions.

So, what is special about Tyutchev’s depiction of nature? How does his view differ from ours?

(Students’ answers are heard and a conclusion is drawn).

Tyutchev depicts nature not from the outside, not as an observer and photographer. He is trying to understand the soul of nature, to hear its voice. Tyutchev’s nature is a living, intelligent being.

9. Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn from Tyutchev’s life?

What images did the poet introduce into his lyrics?

What are the features of the image of nature?

10. Giving marks for the lesson.

11. Homework.

The great Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev left a rich creative heritage to his descendants. He lived in an era when Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Nekrasov, Tolstoy were creating. Contemporaries considered Tyutchev the smartest, most educated man of his time and called him a “real European.” From the age of eighteen, the poet lived and studied in Europe, and in his homeland his works became known only in the early 50s of the 19th century.

A distinctive feature of Tyutchev’s lyrics was that the poet did not seek to remake life, but tried to understand its secrets, its innermost meaning. That's why O Most of his poems are permeated with philosophical thoughts about the mystery of the Universe, about the connection human soul with space.

Tyutchev's lyrics can be thematically divided into philosophical, civil, landscape and love. But in each poem these themes are closely intertwined, turning into works that are surprisingly deep in meaning.

TO civil lyrics include the poems “December 14, 1825”, “Above this dark crowd...”, “The Last Cataclysm” and others. Tyutchev witnessed many historical events in Russian and European history: the war with Napoleon, revolutions in Europe, the Polish uprising, the Crimean War, the abolition of serfdom in Russia and others. As a state-minded person, Tyutchev could compare and draw conclusions about the development paths of different countries.

In the poem “December 14, 1825,” dedicated to the Decembrist uprising, the poet angrily denounces the autocracy that has corrupted the ruling elite of Russia:

The people, shunning treachery, revile your names - And your memory from posterity, Like a corpse in the ground, is buried.

The poem “Above this dark crowd...” reminds us of Pushkin’s freedom-loving lyrics. In it, Tyutchev is indignant at the “corruption of souls and emptiness” in the state and expresses hope for a better future:

...When will you rise, Freedom, will your golden ray shine?

The poem "Our Century" refers to philosophical lyrics. In it, the poet reflects on the state of the soul of a contemporary person. There is a lot of strength in the soul, but it is forced to remain silent in conditions of lack of freedom:

It is not the flesh, but the spirit that has become corrupted these days, And man is desperately yearning... He is rushing towards the light from the shadows of the night And, having found the light, he grumbles and rebels.

According to the poet, a person has lost faith, without the light of which the soul is “dried up”, and his torment is unbearable. Many poems convey the idea that man has failed in his mission on Earth and must be swallowed up by Chaos.

Tyutchev's landscape lyrics are filled with philosophical content. The poet says that nature is wise and eternal, it exists independently of man. Meanwhile, he only draws strength for life from her:

Thus bound, united from time to time by the Union of consanguinity, The rational genius of man With the creative power of nature.

Tyutchev’s poems about spring “Spring Waters” and “Spring Thunderstorm” became very famous and popular. The poet describes a stormy spring, the revival and joy of the emerging world. Spring makes him think about the future. The poet perceives autumn as a time of sadness and fading. It encourages reflection, peace and farewell to nature:

In the original autumn there is a short but wonderful time - The whole day is as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant.

From autumn the poet moves straight into eternity:

And there, in solemn peace, Unmasked in the morning, Shines white mountain, Like an unearthly revelation.

Tyutchev loved autumn very much; it’s not for nothing that he says about it: “Last, last, charm.”

In the poet's love lyrics, the landscape is often combined with the feelings of the hero in love. So, in the wonderful poem “I Met You...” we read: Material from the site

Like late autumn, sometimes there are days, there is an hour, When suddenly there is a breath of spring And something stirs within us.

The masterpieces of Tyutchev’s love lyrics include the “Denis’ev cycle,” dedicated to his beloved E. A. Denis’eva, whose relationship lasted 14 years until her death. In this cycle, the poet describes in detail the stages of their acquaintance and subsequent life. The poems are a confession, as if Personal diary poet. The last poems written on the death of a loved one are shockingly tragic:

You loved, and to love like you - No, no one has ever succeeded! Oh God!.. and survive this... And my heart didn’t break into pieces...

Tyutchev's lyrics rightfully entered the golden fund of Russian poetry. It is full of philosophical thoughts and is distinguished by the perfection of its form. Interest in the study of the human soul made Tyutchev's lyrics immortal.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Use the search

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • themes motives images lyrics of poets xviii
  • basics of the image of Tyutchev's lyrics
  • main images of Tyutchev's lyrics
  • what are the motives and images of Bunin’s lyrics
  • Tyutchev analysis over this dark crowd

Lesson objectives:

  • Introduce students to the biography of F. I. Tyutchev and its reflection in poetic works. Show the significance of Tyutchev’s creativity.
  • Identify the main themes and motives of the lyrics.
  • Develop comparative analysis skills, independent judgment, and creative abilities of students.
  • To cultivate interest in the life and work of F.I. Tyutchev, the study of art.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Methods and techniques: explanatory - illustrative, use of computer technology, dramatization, student reports on the biography and work of the poet, filling out a chronological table, showing slides, vocabulary work, expressive reading of poems by F.I. Tyutchev, using interdisciplinary connections with music and art of the 19th century.


  • Computer, multimedia projector, presentation created in the MS POWERPOINT environment on the topic: “Stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutcheva.
  • The main themes and motives of the lyrics.”
  • Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.
  • Exhibition of illustrative and documentary materials about the life and work of F.I. Tyutchev.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Studying new material.

Introductory speech by the teacher about the goals and objectives of the lesson.

The teacher shows slide No. 1 (lesson topic).“Stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutcheva. Main themes and motives of the lyrics” (write down the date and topic of the lesson in a notebook).

Slide No. 2 (epigraphs for the lesson).

This year (in November) marks the 205th anniversary of the birth of F.I. Tyutcheva.

Tyutchev... created speeches that are not destined to die.
I.S. Turgenev

...for Tyutchev, living means thinking.
I.S. Aksakov

Look what wonderful words have been said about Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

(writing one epigraph in a notebook).

You have been familiar with Tyutchev’s poetry since elementary school. What do you know about this poet?

What poems did you study and read?

What is this poet writing about?

So, these are mainly landscape lyrics of the poet. And today in class we not only

Let's get acquainted with the biography of the poet, but also read the poems and understand that the main thing is

Tyutchev is not an image of nature, but its understanding, i.e. natural philosophical lyrics.

Tyutchev, new to you, will appear before you, that is, poems about love, about the Motherland, philosophical lyrics will be heard.

At the end of the lesson we will conclude:

What are the main themes and motives of Tyutchev's lyrics?

Prepare a chronological table “dates - events” to fill out.

(A pre-prepared student reads the message “The Life and Work of F.I. Tyutchev”, the rest of the students write down dates and events from the screen in a table).

3. Student’s message about the writer’s biography.

Slide number 3 (Tyutchev as a child. Portrait of an unknown artist. Left - mother, Ekaterina Lvovna. Right - father, Ivan Nikolaevich).

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born on November 23, 1803 in the village of Ovstug, Bryansk district, Oryol province, into a well-born noble family of average income. Fyodor Ivanovich was the second, younger son of Ivan Nikolaevich and Ekaterina Lvovna Tyutchev. Father Ivan Nikolaevich did not aspire to a service career, he was a hospitable and kind-hearted landowner.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev and appearance(he was thin and small in stature), and in his inner spiritual order he was the complete opposite of his father; What they had in common was complacency. On the other hand, he was extremely like his mother, Ekaterina Lvovna, a woman of remarkable intelligence.

The Tyutchevs' house did not stand out in any way from the general type of Moscow boyar houses - open, hospitable, willingly visited by numerous relatives and Moscow society.

In this completely Russian Tyutchev family, the French language prevailed and almost dominated, so that not only all conversations, but also all correspondence between parents and children and between children was conducted in French.

From the very first years, Fedor Ivanovich was the favorite and darling of grandmother Osterman, mother and everyone around. Thanks to his mental abilities, he studied unusually successfully (teacher's comments on slide No. 3).

On this slide you see Tyutchev as a child. The portrait was made in pastel by an unknown artist. On the left is the mother, Ekaterina Lvovna. On the right is the father, Ivan Nikolaevich.

Slide No. 4 (S.E. Raich)

Tyutchev's parents spared nothing for the education of their son, and in the tenth year of his life they invited Semyon Yegorovich Raich to be his teacher. The choice was the most successful. A learned man and at the same time quite literary, an excellent connoisseur of classical ancient and foreign literature. Semyon Yegorovich stayed in the Tyutchev house for seven years. Under the influence of the teacher, the future poet joined the literary work early and soon became the pride of the teacher. Already at the age of 14, Tyutchev translated into verse the message of Horace to the Maecenas, which was first published in 1819 (teacher's comments on slide No. 4).

Slide No. 5 (Moscow University. Unknown artist. 1820s)

In 1818, Tyutchev entered the literature department of Moscow University, his friend was M.P. Pogodin, later a famous historian.

IN student years Moderate political free-thinking is being formed, but Tyutchev remains an opponent of revolutionary actions, artistic, aesthetic, and philosophical interests prevail.

During his student years, Tyutchev read a lot, participated in the literary life of the university, his early experiences were in the spirit of the poetry of classicism and sentimentalism (teacher's comments on slide No. 5).

In 1821, when Tyutchev was not yet 18 years old, he passed his last exam with flying colors and received a Ph.D. After graduating from university, Tyutchev was sent to St. Petersburg to serve in the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs, received a position as a supernumerary official at the Russian diplomatic mission in Bavaria, and at the age of 19 went to Munich.

Tyutchev had to spend 22 years abroad.


Slide No. 6 (Portraits of Tyutchev and Amalia Lerchenfeld)

And now we will show you a short scene in which an official of the Russian diplomatic mission in Munich, 20-year-old F.I., will appear before you. Tyutchev and 15-year-old Amalia, daughter of Count Lerchenfeld, a Munich diplomat (scene).

Listen to the romance “I Met You...” performed by S. Zakharov.

(teacher's comments on slide No. 6).

Slide No. 7 (Eleanor Peterson)

Soon after his infatuation with Amalia Lerchenfeld, in 1826 Tyutchev married the widow of a Russian diplomat, Eleanor Peterson. (teacher's comments on slide No. 7).

The student recites the poem “She stood silently before me...”

There was a fire on the steamship Nikolai, on which Eleanor and her three daughters were returning from Russia to Italy. Eleanor showed courage in saving her daughters. After nervous and physical shock, Tyutchev's wife dies. According to family legend, “Tyutchev, having spent the night at his wife’s coffin, turned gray with grief.”

The student recites the poem “I longed for you with my soul...”

Abroad, he lived outside the Russian language element; moreover, both of the poet’s wives were foreigners who knew the Russian language.

French was the language of his home, his office, his social circle, and finally, his journalistic articles and private correspondence; only poetry was written in Russian.

Tyutchev developed as a poet by the end of the 20s. A significant event in the literary life of Fyodor Ivanovich was the publication of a large selection of his poems in Pushkin’s Sovremennik in 1836 under the title “Poems sent from Germany” with the signature “F.T.”

After this publication, Tyutchev received attention in literary circles, but Tyutchev’s name still remained unknown to readers.

Slide No. 8 (Ernestina Dernberg)

In 1839 Tyutchev married Ernestine Dernberg (née Baroness Pfeffel).

Teacher's comments on slide No. 8.

Here is a portrait of Ernestine Dernberg.

In moments of great joy and in times of deep despair, the faithful Nesti bowed at the head of the poet, who was sick in spirit and body. That's what Tyutchev called Ernestina. One day he found her sitting on the floor, her eyes full of tears. Letters they wrote to each other were scattered around. Almost mechanically, she took them from the stacks one after another, ran her eyes over the lines of love and confessions, and just as mechanically, like a wound-up mechanical doll, threw thin sheets of paper, yellowed with age, into the fireplace fire. This is how the poem “She was sitting on the floor...” was born.

The student recites the poem “She was sitting on the floor...”

In 1844, Tyutchev and his family moved to Russia forever.

He lived in St. Petersburg and had extraordinary success in high society, captivating everyone with his refined conversation and brilliant wit. Few people knew that the favorite of St. Petersburg salons “under the influence of great political and social upheavals ... was an inspired prophet.”

At this time, Tyutchev wrote almost no poetry: in the fall of 1849, he began to create a large historical and philosophical tract in French, “Russia and the West.” This work remained unfinished.

Slide No. 9 (Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva)

When Tyutchev was 47 years old, a love affair began that enriched Russian poetry with an immortal lyrical cycle. The Denisyevsky cycle is the pinnacle of Tyutchev’s love lyrics; 24-year-old Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva studied at the Smolensk Institute with Tyutchev’s daughters. They fell in love and for 14 years were connected by civil ties and two children.

The student recites the poem “What did you pray with love...”.

Loving Denisyeva, Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev did not leave his family; in letters and poems he addressed his wife with a repentant confession: “Oh, how much better you are than me, how much higher! How much dignity and seriousness there is in your love, and how petty and pathetic I feel next to you!.. Alas, this is so, and I have to admit that although you love me four times less than before, you still love I am ten times more than I am worth.”

In eyes high society the connection with Denisyeva was scandalous, the whole burden of condemnation and rejection fell on Denisyeva’s shoulders. Not only did the “world” turn away from Elena Alexandrovna, but her own father also disowned her. The entire cycle of poems dedicated to Denisyeva is imbued with a heavy sense of guilt and filled with fatal forebodings. In these poems there is no ardor or passion, only tenderness, pity, admiration for the strength and integrity of her feelings, awareness of her own unworthiness, indignation at the “immortal vulgarity of people.”

The death of Elena Alexandrovna at the age of 38 from consumption caused in the poet an outburst of deepest despair, which was reflected in the poems of this period.

Teacher's comments on slide number 9.

The student recites the poem “Oh, how murderously we love...”

Slide No. 10

In the 40s, Tyutchev almost did not publish for 10 years, and only in the 50s, Nekrasov and Turgenev published 92 poems by Tyutchev in the Sovremennik magazine. And in 1854, the first poetic collection of poems by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was published. His poetry was highly appreciated by writers and critics of different directions: Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Leo Tolstoy, Fet, Aksakov. All this meant that late, but genuine fame came to Tyutchev.

In 1958, Tyutchev was appointed chairman of the foreign censorship committee. In 1868, Tyutchev’s last lifetime collection of poetry was published.

Teacher's comments on slide No. 10

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was never a professional writer; he created poems as if “involuntarily”, cared little about their fate and did not bother at all about the author’s fame. He was worried about something else:

“It is not possible for us to predict
How our word will respond, -
And we are given sympathy,
How are we given grace...

Tyutchev’s brilliant poetic word received a truly national response in our country. The memory of the poet is carefully preserved in the Muranovo estate museum near Moscow, the main Tyutchev memorial in the country.

On the slide you see a desk and personal belongings of F.I. Tyutchev, which are located in the Muranovo estate museum.

4. Main themes and motives of the lyrics. Teacher's word.

Tyutchev's poetry belongs to the enduring values ​​of the literature of the past, which today enrich the spiritual culture of every person. Tyutchev's work attracted the attention of many prominent writers, thinkers, scientists, but so far it has remained insufficiently studied and understood. Many opposite opinions have been expressed about Tyutchev's work: they admired him, they did not perceive him. Everyone will have to develop their own point of view on his work. But one cannot imagine his poetry without the lyrics of nature.

The fate of Tyutchev, the poet, is unusual: this is the fate of the last Russian romantic poet, who worked in the era of the triumph of realism and still remained faithful to the precepts of romantic art.

Tyutchev's romanticism affects, first of all, in the understanding and depiction of nature. And the poet entered the consciousness of readers, first of all, as a singer of nature.

The predominance of landscapes is one of the hallmarks of his lyrics. It would be more correct to call it landscape-philosophical: the pictures of nature embody the deep, intense tragic thoughts of the poet about life and death, about man, humanity and the universe: what place does Man occupy in the world and what is his Fate.

Tyutchev uniquely captured all four seasons of the year in his poems.

Slide No. 11 (Spring).

In the poem “Spring Waters”, streams - the first messengers of spring, announce the arrival of a nature festival. Listen to the romance “Spring Waters” performed by L. Kazarnovskaya.

(Students tell Tyutchev's poems about nature and speak about how Tyutchev's lines are perceived, what feelings and associations they give rise to).

The student recites the poem “Spring Thunderstorm.” Background music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” “April. Snowdrop".

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