Is Latvia a member of the European Union? European Union. History of formation. Exit from the EU

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The article provides a history of the European Union, as well as a list of countries that are official candidates for membership in the EU as of 2020.

What it is

European Union ( European Union) is international, integrating 28 European countries and special territories under their control located outside of Europe.

The purpose of creating the association is the formation of a single regional space with a similar political and economic structure.

EU member states are committed to maintaining their commitment to democratic values.

The political basis consists of the following institutions:

European Council- highest political body Union, consisting of heads of government or member states of the EU Also, the Council includes the Chairman of the European Commission and the Chairman of the Council itself. Since 2014, the position of Chairman of the Council has been held by former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Determines the main directions of the Union’s integration policy, and also has the authority to change international treaties, concluded within the framework of integration. Council decisions are binding on all countries that support their adoption
The European Commission is the highest executive body of the Union The Commission consists of commissioners - each EU member state appoints one representative to this position. One Chairman is selected from among them - since 2014, he has been Jean-Claude Juncker, a representative of Luxembourg. The European Commission implements decisions of the EU legislative bodies, and also considers bills and monitors compliance with treaties
The Council of the European Union (Council, Council of Ministers) is the legislative body of the Union, consisting of 28 ministers (one from each state) The Council is divided into 10 formations that consider a specific range of issues. In addition, he is vested with a number of executive powers on issues foreign policy and security
The European Parliament is the legislative and representative body of the Union Which consists of 751 deputies elected by citizens of the participating countries. Deputies are divided according to the principle of belonging to a certain faction, of which there are 8 in Parliament. The Chairman controls the actions of Parliament during meetings. The European Parliament not only performs a legislative function, sharing it with the Council, but also controls the Commission. Also, the powers of this body include determining budget policy
Court of Justice of the European Union – supreme body judiciary Consists of 11 judges, advocates general, including 6 permanent and 5 rotating, chambers and plenums, as well as the Chairman
The European Court of Auditors is a body that controls the income and expenses of EU institutions. Financial management, and performing some executive functions. The Chamber consists of 28 members
European Central Bank – the central banking authority of the EU Led by 28 executives. The Bank's task is to maintain price stability. The Bank is authorized to develop the EU monetary policy, determine interest rates, issue euros

In addition, the EU:

  1. It is not a supranational entity.
  2. Acts as a subject of international public law.
  3. Represented in the UN, WTO, G7 and G20.
  4. Has 24 official languages

History of the creation of the European Union

The EU dates back to 1951, when Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed the Paris Agreement, which became the beginning of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).

It is believed that the institutions of this association became the prototype of the existing EU bodies.

The next stage in the unification of states was the signing by the same “six” of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, which established the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Community atomic energy(Euratom).

The EEC gave signatory countries the opportunity to unite internal markets and remove obstacles to economic integration.

In 1965, in Brussels, the Six signed a “merger treaty” that consolidated the European Coal and Steel Community, the Economic Community and the Atomic Energy Community.

Thus, executive bodies All three entities merged into a single institution - the European Commission, and the organizations themselves - into the European Community.

Since 1973, the Community begins to grow - Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland join the “six”, then Greece (1981).

By 1986, following the accession of Spain and Portugal, the European Community had 12 members.

The Maastricht Treaty, signed in 1992 by all member states of the European Community, establishes the European Union.

Three directions of integration are emerging - economic, foreign policy and domestic policy.

By that time, the EU was expanding - in 1995, Austria, Finland and Sweden joined the organization.

In 2004, the EU added 10 new members (Hungary, Cyprus, the Baltic countries, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic), but faced a problem - the level of the economy of the new members was significantly lower than that of the “six” and the states that had joined earlier.

This also applied to Bulgaria and Romania, which joined the EU in 2007. By 2013, after Croatia joined the European Union, a list of 28 countries participating in the integration was formed.

What are the requirements for candidates?

In 1993, during a meeting held in Copenhagen, the council defined the main criteria that a country must meet to apply for EU membership.

In addition to the general geographical criterion– the location of the country within Europe (does not apply to special territories), the following requirements are distinguished:

Officially applied for membership

Such as:

Albania official candidate since 2014
Macedonia since 2005. It is noted that the state has made progress in bringing legislation into line with EU requirements, but the economic potential is insufficient
Serbia official candidate since 2012. The main obstacles to entry are the economic situation of the country and the Kosovo problem
Türkiye since 2005. Accession to the EU is hampered by certain aspects of Turkish legislation and government policy
Montenegro official candidate since 2010. It is noted that the state needs to carry out significant reforms to join the EU

Features of economic activity

Creation of the Eurozone and ensuring its control
EU Member States undertake to ensure that public debt does not exceed 60% of GDP
The Union provides compliance with antitrust laws
Development of infrastructure integration of EU member states is underway for example, the Galileo navigation system
Implements a common agricultural policy which is aimed at stabilizing agriculture and establishing affordable prices
Increase in tourists to EU member states is ensured, among other things, through a single European zone Schengen
EU the world's largest exporter of goods and services
Main trading partners are China and India

Video: comparing countries

The main idea when creating the European Union (EU, European Union) in 1951 (then the European Coal and Steel Community) was to organize a single platform for trade and economic cooperation 6 states without the risk of military action from each other. The European Union itself was legally established when the Maastricht Treaty was signed by 12 states in 1992. Countries within the EU are independent, but are subject to common laws regarding education, health care, pensions, justice and other systems.

Definition and objectives of the European Union

The European Union is a unique organization that integrates European states that have signed an accession treaty with the goal of improving the lives of their citizens in all spheres of public life.

Goals of EU activities in different areas:

  1. Human rights and freedoms:
  • promoting the preservation of peace and welfare of peoples;
  • ensuring citizens freedom, security and legality;
  • promoting and protecting one’s interests in relations with other countries.
  1. Economy:
  • creation of a common internal market;
  • maintaining healthy competition;
  • socially oriented market economy;
  • promoting employment;
  • social progress;
  • improving the quality of the natural environment;
  • scientific and technical progress.
  1. Social sphere:
  • combating discrimination, including gender discrimination;
  • social protection of the population;
  • ensuring justice;
  • protection of children's rights.

If the founding countries of the EU were aimed mainly at creating a common market for steel and coal, which would solve the problems of employment in these industries and increase production efficiency, today the aspirations of the European Union have expanded significantly.

The European Union is called upon to ensure maximum cohesion and solidarity of the Commonwealth countries in terms of economic development, territorial organization and social order.

EU member states are obliged to respect the richness and diversity of each other's national cultures, as well as to ensure the protection of objects of pan-European cultural heritage.

List of EU countries for 2020

Since the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union has been actively developing: the number of participating countries is increasing, a single European currency is being introduced, and changes are being made to treaties. To find out how many countries there are in the EU in 2020, you need to analyze the number of countries that joined the 12 EU states after 1992:

  • 1995 – plus 3 countries (Austria, Finland, Sweden);
  • 2004 – plus 10 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Malta);
  • 2007 – plus 2 countries (Bulgaria, Romania);
  • 2020 – plus 1 country (Croatia).

Thus, the number of countries in the EU in 2020 is 28.

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Speaking about which countries are part of the EU, in addition to those listed above, we will name the following:

  • Germany;
  • Belgium;
  • Italy;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Netherlands;
  • France;
  • Great Britain;
  • Denmark;
  • Ireland;
  • Greece;
  • Spain;
  • Portugal.

On the territory of the European Union countries a standardized system of laws has been adopted, Common Market, canceled passport control within the Schengen area, which also includes some other European countries that are not members of the EU.

All EU member states are obliged to coordinate their political decisions with other members of the union. The monetary currency of the European Union is the euro. To date, 19 EU countries have introduced the euro into circulation, thereby forming a single eurozone.

Economy of the European Union: features and principles of operation

The economy of the European Union is made up of economic systems all 28 participating countries, the level of which varies significantly. At the same time, weaker states are supported through the effective redistribution of funds and resources between countries. This happens through a common treasury, to which each state contributes its share of funds depending on the volume of gross domestic product (GDP). This policy is one of the main principles of the functioning of the EU (the principle of cohesion or cohesion).

On the one hand, such coordination of the economy promotes social integration in the labor market, prevents and reduces unemployment, eliminates regional imbalances in the European Union, on the other hand, it can lead to aggravation and mutual accusations of donor and recipient countries.

Thus, the most developed EU donor countries, that is, those who invested more funds into the treasury than they received from there, which in 2020 were Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Cyprus, were unhappy that the new members of the Union actually live at their expense. This fact, as well as the increase in cheap work force arriving from countries of Eastern Europe, were one of the main reasons for the UK's intention to leave the EU.

The UK's exit from the EU: the situation for 2020

Brexit (from two words: Br - Britain - Britain, exit - exit), which was activated by Great Britain during the referendum on the country's membership in the European Union in 2020, is expected in 2019-2020. There is a two-year transition period, so Britain is still an active member of the EU in 2020.

Possible consequences of Brexit

Globally, Brexit could have a negative impact on official development assistance (ODA) as Britain's contribution to the EU budget decreases and the EU is the world's fourth largest ODA donor.

The UK's financial sector will be damaged by restrictions on freedom of movement and trade following Brexit. Predicted reasons for this: problems in the tourism industry and the outflow of qualified personnel. Brexit could also result in a significant reduction in the incomes of the working population - according to experts, losses British families will amount to almost one and a half thousand euros annually.

Another possible consequence Brexit is the separation of Scotland from Great Britain. As you know, back in 2020, the Scots raised the question of secession from Britain, and the votes for and against were then divided almost equally - 44.7% and 55.3%, respectively. And since Scotland, unlike England, intends to remain in the EU, Brexit may speed up the process of gaining independence.

Causes and consequences of the 2017 referendum in Catalonia

The main reason for modern separatism in Catalonia, one of the richest and most developed regions of Spain, lies in the dissatisfaction of the local government and the population with the distribution of state budget funds. The catch is that Catalonia pays significantly more into the country's general treasury than it gets back.

On October 1, 2020, the Catalan authorities organized and held a referendum on Catalonia’s secession from Spain. However, the country's authorities declared this procedure illegal. Despite the actions of the Spanish police aimed at blocking the vote, the poll still took place. 43% of voters managed to vote, of which 90.2 were in favor of secession, and 7.8% were against.

The Spanish authorities never officially recognized the results of the referendum. Instead, the then-current Parliament of Catalonia was dissolved, the Generalitat led by leader Carles Puigdemont was removed, and early parliamentary elections were scheduled for December.

To date, it has not been precisely determined which party will form the government. However, according to experts, Madrid is committed to an uncompromising resolution of the conflict in favor of preserving the integrity of Spain.

Copenhagen EU accession criteria

Accession to the European Union is not available to all countries. Only states that clearly meet the Copenhagen criteria adopted in 1993 at the EU meeting in Copenhagen can count on membership in the EU. So, within the applicant country they must:

  1. Comply with the principles of a democratic state governed by the rule of law.
  2. Have a market economy capable of competing in the European market.
  3. Recognize the rules and standards of the European Union.

Negotiations are held with a candidate country for accession to the EU, then checks for compliance with the above criteria. Based on a thorough analysis of the data, a decision is made on the possibility (or impossibility) of membership in the Union.

Countries applying to join the European Union

Among those wishing to join the EU are not only developed countries, but also countries with developing economies. In 2020, the following official candidate countries for accession to the EU have been identified:

  1. Türkiye – application since 1987.
  2. Macedonia - 2004.
  3. Montenegro - 2008.
  4. Albania - 2009.
  5. Serbia - 2009.

Accession negotiations are already underway with three of these countries – Turkey, Montenegro and Serbia. All candidates except Turkey have signed an association agreement, which usually precedes EU membership.

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Against the backdrop of the collapse of the largest association in Eurasia - the USSR, 28 European powers organized their own unification - European Union. What it is today is known, perhaps, to all more or less literate people. However, there are a number of subtleties in the relations of the countries within it, as well as in the relations of this association with the Russian Federation.

How was the European Union formed?

The European Union combines both the characteristics of a state and international organization. However, in fact, he is neither one nor the other. It is not legally established as a subject international law, but actually takes part in international relations.

The population is more than five hundred million people. Official languages are the languages ​​of all member states. In addition, the EU has its own flag and anthem, which are signs of statehood. Throughout the territory of the association there is a single currency - the euro.

The EU was not formed in a day. Attempts to combine production different countries started back in 1952. The association that we know today exists since 1992. Moreover, the list of its participants is up to today just expanded.

Here full list states (28 countries) that are members of the European Union in 2019 (in alphabetical order):

Date of entry

Republic of Austria


Great Britain



Republic of Cyprus








The complexity of the existence of this association is largely due to the inability of states to observe only their own interests in economic and political terms. All participating countries are obliged to act on the agreement, and any of them can impose a ban on a particular proposal.

Despite the fact that the European Union has its main base in Brussels, the official capital of the European Union has not been determined. All 28 participating countries take turns in leadership for a six-month period.

Who left the European Union?

To date there are no countries that have left the European Union. However, the UK first announced this intention after many years of cooperation in 2016. The exit process is lengthy and requires resolving many issues.

Short for the name of Great Britain ( Br itain) and English word « exit" - output, a name appeared such as the name of the process, such as Brexit (Brexit). Officially, England can be considered to have left the organization after ratifying the withdrawal agreement.

Political scientists predict imminent exit from the European Union and some other states:

  • Sweden . Due to the fact that it is the prototype of Great Britain in Scandinavian world and does not agree with some EU decisions. In addition, a single currency was never established on its territory;
  • Denmark . Since in 2015 a referendum was held there on the integration of the legal settlement. However, the people voted against the majority, which indicates an unwillingness to rejoin the organization for precautionary reasons;
  • Greece , whose economy is not in the best position, and therefore many member countries are in favor of its exclusion from membership;
  • Netherlands , because many residents, according to the results of a survey, would like to leave the ranks of the union following Great Britain;
  • Hungary does not agree with the EU policy towards refugees and is ready to decide in a referendum the issue of subordination to it in this direction;
  • France , namely, the majority of its population considers the EU to be the culprit for many of its problems, which allows us to talk about Euroscepticism in the ranks of the French and their desire to leave the union.

Why is Switzerland not part of the European Union?

In 1992, Switzerland, like other countries, submitted its application to join the then emerging new global political union. However, a little later a referendum was held on the issue of accession, the result of which was the division of citizens’ opinions almost equally.

However, Swiss citizens those who expressed their negative opinion turned out to be slightly more. In 2016, Switzerland formalized its refusal to join and withdrawal of its application.

The organization of the European Union is such that:

  1. Any country can block the adoption of certain decisions;
  2. All members pay contributions to the EU, but the situation is that small powers, such as Poland, get much more from coexistence than large developed economies;
  3. States such as Greece, which can be considered “under-integrated,” exist only at the expense of the European Union;
  4. In addition, there are a number of countries that are not included in the composition, but conduct payments in Euros or vice versa, which are part of the Single European Space, but are not part of the EU.

All this makes the EU a huge structure with many problems and unresolved issues.

Switzerland, geographically located in the center of Europe, is not interested in the union because:

  • Has its own stable, developed economy;
  • Own stable currency.

The only direction in which they are ready to cooperate is politics. However, this is not enough to join a structure that is so unstable today.

How to obtain EU citizenship?

EU citizenship gives you the right to freely move throughout its territory, as well as live in any of the countries that are part of it and conduct commercial activities. In order to receive such opportunities, you must become a citizen of any of the participating countries. There are 28 in total as of 2018.

Accordingly, in order to acquire EU citizenship, it is necessary to fulfill the conditions for obtaining it in the relevant country. Most often this is:

  1. Official residence in the territory of the state for a certain amount of time. Each state has its own deadlines. Therefore, if in Belgium three years are enough for this, then in France the period is calculated in a decade;
  2. Find ethnic roots in your family. That is, if your grandparents or grandparents were citizens of the chosen state, then you can safely submit documents;
  3. Marriage with a citizen of an EU state gives the right to obtain her citizenship after some time of residence on its territory. These terms also vary;
  4. The birth of children on the territory of an EU state automatically entitles the newborn to be a citizen of the country of birth.

Thus, when studying the issue of obtaining EU citizenship, it is necessary to be guided by the legislation of a particular country.

  • First you need to go there, live there for a while;
  • Then obtain a residence visa;
  • If the relevant circumstances described above arise, you can apply for an EU passport.

What can you import into Russia from the European Union?

The rules for importing certain products into Russia are regulated Customs Code and other bills. As for the European Union, in connection with recent events and sanctions imposed on Russia, they are taking the following restrictions:

  1. Products of plant and animal origin are allowed weighing no more than five kilograms. In order to introduce a larger quantity, you need to obtain a special permit from Rosselkhoznadzor;
  2. Seeds and products for planting use are allowed to be imported only with a special permit;
  3. Products are allowed for import only in original packaging;
  4. Alcohol must be imported no more than three liters free of charge, from three to five liters, having previously paid a duty;
  5. The cost of all baggage should not exceed 1,500 euros for one trip by land and 10,000 euros for air transport.

As for product names, there is no need to worry. Response measures Russian Federation don't touch individuals. That is a traveler can purchase any product from the list of sanctions for personal use or consumption, or as a gift. The main thing is that its quantity does not exceed the norms described above.

In addition, when traveling to a certain country, you should study its customs relations with the Russian Federation, since individual rules may apply between us. All necessary information contained on the Rosselkhoznadzor website.

Thus, the political and economic merger of European countries that was formed in the early nineties is called the European Union. It is obvious that this association is a huge structure that has an influence on the global economic and political situation. However, not all countries located in the single European space are seeking membership in this organization, and some even declare their readiness to leave it.

Video: how and why did the European Union come into being?

In this video, historian Maxim Sholokhov will tell you why there was a need to unite these countries into a coalition, and why their economy could do without the European Union:

This state association includes: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia , Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden and Estonia.

At the very beginning of intra-European unification, back in the 90s of the last century, the first members of the European Union were six states: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France. Then the remaining 22 joined them.

The main factors or rules for joining the organization are compliance with the criteria established in 1993 in Copenhagen and approved at a meeting of the Union members in Madrid two years later. States must observe the basic principles of democracy, respect freedom and rights, as well as the foundations of a law-based state. A potential member of the organization must have a competitive market economy and recognize those already adopted in the European Union general rules and standards.

The European Union also has its own motto - “Harmony in Diversity”, as well as an anthem “Ode to Joy”.

European countries that are not members of the European Union

TO European countries that are not part of the organization include the following:
- Great Britain, Liechtenstein, Monaco and Switzerland in Western Europe;
- Belarus, Russia, Moldova and Ukraine in Eastern Europe;
- Northern European Iceland, Norway;
- Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican City, Macedonia, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro in Southern Europe;
- Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Türkiye, partially located in Europe;
- as well as the unrecognized states of the Republic of Kosovo and Transnistria.

Currently, Turkey, Iceland, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro are potential candidates for membership in the European Union.

The Western Balkan countries - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo - are already included in this expansion program. However, the latter state is not yet recognized by the European Union as independent due to the fact that the separation of Kosovo from Serbia is not yet recognized by all members of the organization.

Several so-called “dwarf” states - Andorra, Vatican City, Monaco and San Marino, although they use the euro, still maintain relations with the European Union only through partial cooperation agreements.

Polish influence on political, economic and cultural life Europe is quite large. At the same time, not all ordinary people know details about this country. Many of those who are going there to study, work or just as a tourist are interested in whether Poland is part of the European Union or not.

More about the European Union

To begin with, we should briefly say what this organization is. So, the EU is an association sovereign states who have developed for themselves certain general rules in the sphere of economics, politics and other aspects of international life. Many laws and other legislative acts are also coordinated and work to implement unified policies in areas such as industry, communications, Agriculture, trade relations, judicial policy, cultural exchange, education, labor market and much more.

On a note! The EU even holds general elections, including to the European Parliament and other supranational authorities.

Participating countries

Some states joined this association earlier, some later, and some even more recently. Today the following countries are members of the EU:

The UK still formally remains a member of the euro, but after the well-known referendum, the so-called “Brexit” process was launched, as a result of which the country should leave the European Union.

It is important to know! The EU should not be confused with the eurozone, which is an international monetary union within which 19 countries use the euro as their national currency.

In addition, the Schengen Agreement is also another association. Schengen involves the interaction of a number of countries in matters of visa policy, as well as border crossings (their actual elimination). Some people who do not fully understand the situation may confuse all these concepts. And, in the meantime, they should be separated, since all of these are different things. To be fair, it should be noted that to a large extent these organizations are connected with each other, and their member countries “overlap” in many ways, that is, they are simultaneously members of all three, or at least two.

Today there are several candidate countries for membership (Serbia, Turkey, Montenegro, Macedonia). However, they all have completely different perspectives.

Poland membership

Today Poland is a member of the European Union. She joined it on May 1, 2004, when another expansion of this organization took place. At the same time, several other countries, mainly Eastern European, received membership. Despite the fact that accession to the EU was greeted with optimism by many, the country has some difficulties in relations with other member states. This applies in particular to certain trade aspects, immigration, the refugee situation and other issues. Despite the fact that a number of countries have opposed and continue to oppose certain aspects of Polish policy, there is no talk of its leaving the EU.

In addition, Poland is a member of the Schengen Agreement, which provides for the harmonized issuance of visas valid throughout its territory. Along with this, national visas are also retained. For example, they can be issued to temporary and permanent employees who arrive there to work. The Poles themselves can work freely throughout the European Union, as well as in a number of other countries, for example, Norway.

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