Countries included in the EU. The European Union - What is the European Union and who is part of it?

60 years have passed since its creation. However, a year earlier, Great Britain presented a “surprise”: a national referendum revealed the British desire to withdraw from this interethnic organization. On March 29, 2019, the Kingdom of Great Britain will become the first and so far only country in history to leave the European Union. Which countries are part of the European Union? What are its prospects?

Which countries are part of the European Union? List

A country Capital Year of entry Head of the government
1 Austria Vein 1995 Chancellor - Sebastian Kunz
2 Belgium Brussels 1957 Prime Minister - Charles Michel
3 Bulgaria Sofia 2007 Prime Ministers - Boyko Borisov and Tsveta Karayancheva
4 Hungary Budapest 2004 Prime Minister - Viktor Orban
5 Great Britain London 1973 Prime Minister - Theresa May
6 Greece Athens 1981 Prime Minister - Alexis Tsipras
7 Germany Berlin 1957 Chancellor - Angela Merkel
8 Denmark Copenhagen 1973 Prime Minister - Lars Rasmussen
9 Italy Rome 1957 Prime Minister - Giuseppe Conte
10 Ireland Dublin 1973 Prime Minister - Leo Vardkar
11 Spain Madrid 1986 Prime Minister - Pedro Sanchez
12 Cyprus Nicosia 2004 President - Nikos Anastasiades
13 Luxembourg Luxembourg 1957 Prime Minister - Xavier Bettel
14 Latvia Riga 2004 Prime Minister - Maris Kucinskis
15 Lithuania Vilnius 2004 Prime Minister - Saulius Skvernelis
16 Malta La Valletta 2004 Prime Minister - Joseph Muscat
17 Netherlands (Holland) Amsterdam 1957 Prime Minister - Mark Rügge
18 Portugal Lisbon 1986 Prime Minister - Antonio Costa
19 Poland Warsaw 2004 Prime Minister - Mateusz Morawiecki
20 Romania Bucharest 2007 Prime Minister - Viorica Dancila
21 Slovenia Ljubljana 2004 Prime Minister - Miroslav Cerar
22 Slovakia Bratislava 2004 Prime Minister - Peter Pellegrini
23 France Paris 1957 Prime Minister - Edouard Philippe
24 Finland Helsinki 1995 Prime Minister - Juha Sipilä
25 Croatia Zagreb 2013 Prime Minister - Andrej Plenkovich
26 Czech Prague 2004 Prime Minister - Andrey Bibish
27 Sweden Stockholm 1995 Prime Minister - Stefan Löfven
28 Estonia Tallinn 2004 Prime Minister - Jüri Ratas

Having compiled such a table, we think we have answered the question of how many countries and which ones are included in the European Union.

"Non-European" European Union

But the European Union also includes those not located within Europe, the following overseas territories EU countries with special status are:

Despite these precedents, similar territories of Great Britain, Holland and Denmark are not included in the European Union.


However, this is not surprising. After all, not even everyone strives to become its members. Northern Scandinavians treat him coldly. For example, Sweden and Denmark did not completely switch to the euro, retaining their national currencies. Which Scandinavian country is not part of the European Union? There are even two of them - Norway and Iceland. Norway was not satisfied with the restrictions imposed by the entry conditions, although the country applied for participation three times. Today Norway is part of other European agreements like Schengen, but nothing more. For Iceland this is not at all actual question. Especially after the negotiations that have already taken place.

Also, the eternally neutral Switzerland is not a member of the European Union. The government was thinking about joining, but the population in the 1992 referendum clearly said: “No!” Belarus and Russia are Eurosceptics and do not look to the West.

The dwarf Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Liechtenstein do not consider the prospects of becoming “uniform Europeans”. But, however, it does not prevent those who wish to connect. This - Balkan countries.

"School" of the European Union

Here is a list of countries that have an association agreement with here - candidates for joining it. But the association is much broader than Europe.

A country Capital Part of the world Year of signing the contract Head of the government
Albania Tirana Europe 2009 Chairman - Edi Rama
Algeria Algeria Africa 2005 Prime Minister - Ahmed Uyahya
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo Europe 2008 Chairman - Denis Zvizdich
Georgia Tbilisi Asia 2014 Prime Minister - Mamuka Bakhtadze
Egypt Cairo Africa 2004 Prime Minister - Sherif Ismail
Israel Tel Aviv Asia 2000 Prime Minister - Benjamin Netanyahu
Jordan Amman Asia 2002 Prime Minister - Hani Al-Mulki
Canada Ottawa America 2013 Prime Minister - Justin Trudeau
Kosovo Pristina Europe 2015 Prime Minister - Ramush Haradinaj
Lebanon Beirut Asia 2006 Prime Minister - Saad Hariri
Macedonia Skopje Europe 2001 Prime Minister - Zoran Zaev
Morocco Rabat Africa 2000 Prime Minister - Saad ad-Din Al-Othmani
Moldova Kishinev Europe 2014 Prime Minister - Pavel Filip
Mexico Mexico City America 2000 President - Enrique Peña Nieto
Serbia Belgrade Europe 2011 Prime Minister - Ana Brnabic
Tunisia Tunisia Africa 1998 Prime Minister - Youssef Shahed
Türkiye Ankara Europe Asia 1963 President - Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Ukraine Kyiv Europe 2014 Prime Minister - Vladimir Groysman
Montenegro Podgorica Europe 2010 Prime Minister - Dusko Markovic
Chile Santiago America 2003 President - Sebastian Pinera
South Africa Pretoria Africa 2000 President - Cyril Ramaphosa

These are the countries that are included in the “school” of the European Union. After all, in order to become a member, you need to meet the requirements, that is, in fact, undergo training and pass “exams.”

Three graduates

Today it is held in Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo. In Tirana and Skopje, they are still frozen at the stage of the middle “classes”: they have the status of candidates. Belgrade, Podgorica and Ankara at the “graduation”: they are negotiating with Brussels (the capital of the European Union). Moreover, the Turkish “repeater” has been doing this for almost ten years (since 1999), but he constantly fails in “exams”. In Sarajevo and Pristina - "low school students". The former have just submitted an application to join, and the latter have so far only verbally announced their intentions.

Changes in the opposite direction are also possible. For example, there is talk about an “anti-EU” referendum in Holland.

So perhaps the answer to the question “which countries are part of the European Union?” in a few decades it will sound completely different. The composition may change.

Which countries were the first to join the European Union?

The history of the creation of this national association goes back to 1951, when Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland and Italy established the “European Coal and Steel Community”, designed to improve the development of these

In 1957, these same countries decided to expand the “platform” to the EEC (European Economic Community). Now cooperation concerned not only metallurgy and coal mining and everything else. Then the answer to the question of which countries are members of the European Union was brief. In the 60s, trade duties between the member countries of the Union were removed. And then there were: 1973, 1981, 1986, 1995, 2004, 2007, 2013. During these years, other countries joined the European Union. On full blast The European Union began operating in the period from 1995 to 1999, when the “Schengen zone” became not a project, but a reality, when a new common European currency, the “euro,” was introduced into circulation, when supranational political bodies authorities.

Should there be an European Union?

Unfortunately, recent developments in the global economy and politics have added significant weight to the Eurosceptic scale. The global financial crisis, poorly controlled migration of the population from war-torn Libya and Syria to the countries of the European Union, chronic economic lag behind the northerners and social institutions southerners who cannot be overcome, the default in Greece, the difficulties of newcomers to the European Union, who hoped for their rapid economic growth, and not stagnation, or, in general, degradation. Sanctions against Russia also added problems, since significant volumes of entire sectors of the economy of the European Union countries were oriented to the east.

Europeans are also concerned about the statement of American President Donald Trump about a possible revision of relations within the NATO military bloc. Create your own army? For what money? Who will command her?

Nietzsche knows

Now the EU is going through a crisis, and this is good for it. “What does not kill us makes us stronger,” German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche used to say. Today poses a challenge to the European Union; if it survives it, it will become much stronger than it was before.

Should there be an European Union? Time will tell, but it is unlikely to collapse overnight. Its backbone - the same six founding countries - did and are doing everything to ensure that the European Union lives and develops.

In 2016, many people around the world learned the word Brexit. So it was named possible way out Great Britain from the European Union, about which a referendum was held in the country on June 23 of the same year. But what now? Is Great Britain a member of the European Union, what is its relationship with the united Europe? Let's try to figure it out.

Composition of the state

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, an island state in northwestern Europe, is a rather unusual territorial structure country. It is unitary, while its constituent parts, which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, enjoy very broad autonomy.


The largest and most famous part of the United Kingdom. Actually, when people talk about England, they often mean the whole of Great Britain. Most of the population of the United Kingdom lives here, its main attractions and industrial enterprises. It is in England that one of the oldest higher education institutions is located educational institutions planet - and the capital of Great Britain - London.


Mountainous country famous for castles, whiskey, Loch Ness monster and colorful local residents. A lesser known fact is that its territory includes about eight hundred islands, of which about three hundred are uninhabitable. In 2014, a referendum on independence was held in Scotland, where opponents of secession from the UK won by a small margin.


Perhaps the most little-known part of Great Britain. Meanwhile, it can boast of a large number of castles - there are about six hundred of them. There are two official languages ​​recognized in Wales - English and Welsh, the latter being one of the oldest on the planet.

Northern Ireland

Located in the northeast of the island of Ireland. The smallest part of the United Kingdom. It should not be confused with the Republic of Ireland, which is independent state. Official languages In this area, in addition to English, are Ulster-Scots and Irish. In addition to the Celtic flavor, its natural beauty is noteworthy.

Which countries are part of the European Union

The idea of ​​a united Europe began to take hold of minds after the bloody Second World War. Nevertheless, the European nations had a long way to go before political unification. At the moment, the European Union is not a state, it is only a political and economic association that includes 28 member states:

  • Denmark;
  • France;
  • Hungary;
  • Belgium;
  • Austria;
  • Italy;
  • Greece;
  • Ireland;
  • Spain;
  • Germany;
  • Cyprus;
  • Latvia;
  • Poland;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Lithuania;
  • Malta;
  • Slovenia;
  • Slovakia;
  • Finland;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Estonia;
  • Romania;
  • Croatia;
  • Portugal;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Netherlands;
  • Sweden.

Each EU member delegates part of its powers to union bodies, while maintaining sovereignty. Within the framework of this organization, there are various agreements that may unite all participating countries, or may only unite some of them. An example of the latter is the Eurozone, which includes 19 states that have abandoned their national money in favor of the euro. The UK is not one of them; its currency is still the pound sterling.

UK and EU today

On January 1, 1973, when Great Britain joined the EU, or rather the European Economic Community, which preceded the current European Union, British politicians rejoiced at the long-awaited success. The fact is that the country ended up there only the third time. The first two applications were rejected due to a veto by French President de Gaulle.

Returning to the question of whether Great Britain is in the EU or not, in 2019 we can give a clear answer: the United Kingdom is a member of the European Union. Nevertheless, we can say with a high degree of confidence that she has been there for the last year. In 2016, a national referendum was held in which Her Majesty’s subjects decided the question of whether or not to be part of the association. Supporters of secession won by a minimal margin, motivating their position by the economic disadvantage of membership in the organization. The country's exit from the EU is scheduled for March 2019.

Is it included in Schengen

For those who want to visit the country of the Beatles and Sherlock Holmes, the question will be relevant: whether England is part of Schengen or not. In 2019, a UK visa will be required to enter the UK. The fact is that Great Britain is not part of the Schengen zone. The process of obtaining a visa begins with the preparation of an application, which must be filled out on the embassy website. You must print it out, certify it with your signature and paste the photo in the place provided for this. Next you will need:

  • a foreign passport, the validity of which must expire no earlier than six months from the end of the trip;
  • one more photo;
  • a certificate from work, which contains information about the position and monthly income (for a pensioner - a pension certificate).

The European Union is not all of Europe. To answer in detail the question of which countries are part of this association and which are not, consider the EU as a union of united European countries to simplify trade, political, financial and other relations.

The world is moving towards globalization, and such associations are no better proof of this. What more does this process have - pros or cons, so far no one can answer unequivocally, because the almost complete destruction of the cultural diversity of countries stands against the establishment of connections and simplification of trade between members of associations. However, let's try to evaluate European Union impartially, from all points of view.

Currency within the European Union

To achieve full economic harmonization within the EU, a single currency was created, the euro. On this moment it ranks first in the world in terms of the number of banknotes printed and coins minted.

The euro as a currency has existed in non-cash form longer than as banknotes and coins. Non-cash payments in euros have become available to citizens of EU countries from January 1, 1999, and cash - exactly 3 years later. The euro replaced the previously used standard EU unit of account. Some EU countries for foreign trade use the euro, maintaining their own banknotes within the territory.

EU countries

The European Union is dealing with many issues, including those related to control common market, customs union, agricultural policy and other things.

At the moment The EU includes 28 European countries, they are divided not only by territorial location, but also by the date of their becoming members of the EU.

Graduation of countries by year of accession to the EU

  • 1957 - Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and France;
  • 1973 - Ireland, Denmark and the UK (the latter currently preparing for their EU exit);
  • 1981 - Greece;
  • 1986 - Spain and Portugal;
  • 1995 - Austria, Sweden and Finland;
  • 2004 - Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Estonia;
  • Bulgaria and Romania;
  • 2013 - Croatia.

Applicants for membership in the Union those applying for membership in the European Union are Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Iceland. According to analysts, Turkey will be the first to join the EU. It is expected that the signing necessary documents, agreements and other official procedures will be completed by 2025.

Most of the states listed below that are not members of the association have at some time expressed a desire to join it.

Which countries are not in the EU?

Liechtenstein, Monaco and Switzerland, located in the territory Western Europe , contrary to popular belief, are not EU members, and were never included in its composition.

States, all or part of which lies V Eastern Europe (Russia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine) are also not members of the European Union.

It is not part of the EU, remaining a completely autonomous state with its own currency and system of government.

Southern European countries that have not joined the EU are mostly dwarf countries - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Andorra, Vatican City (which lies entirely within Rome) and San Marino. Larger independent countries in this region include Albania and Macedonia, which due to internal territorial disputes cannot become full rights members of the European Union.

There are countries that lie in Europe only partly- Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. It is interesting that this arrangement of countries is not an obstacle to joining the EU, but no actions have yet been taken to integrate the countries, on either side.

Kosovo at the moment, although it is a separate state, cannot apply for membership in the European Union due to the fact that not all countries of the commonwealth recognize its independence from Serbia. The situation is the same with Transnistria - the fact of its secession from Moldova is still a controversial issue.

The above-mentioned “dwarf” states of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican still support contractual relationship with EU countries, partially cooperate with them. In addition, in countries The main currency is the euro.

Discussion of the European Union is almost main theme for discussion in high circles society. Below we consider a selection of publicly available and little-known, and sometimes unexpected facts about the European Union:

1 The number of citizens of countries under the EU union is still in 2010 exceeded half a billion. Germany is recognized as the record holder for the number of inhabitants, followed by France, and the top three is completed by France. The last one, however, is already expected in 2018 will leave the EU;

2 According to statistical surveys, only 44% of residents Latvia trusts the rule of the EU. The rest of the respondents, with the exception of 1% who abstained, believe that the countries did not receive any benefits from joining the Union;

3 According to the most conservative estimates, by 2050 the EU population will be consist of 20% followers of Islam. This is facilitated by the incredibly rapid growth of immigration;

4 Some countries have chosen very exotic methods to get rid of old banknotes - for example, in addition to the transition to the euro at the state level, the Germans used old banknotes as fuel for cement factories. The Irish simply buried the pressed packs in landfills for rotting waste. Meanwhile, the euro has broken all records in terms of the number of banknotes printed - if all the banknotes are laid out in a row, the length of the line will exceed 15 (!) times the distance from the Earth to the Moon;

The idea of ​​creating a community of European states appeared after the Second World War. Officially, the countries of the European Union united in 1992, when the Union was legally established. Gradually, the list of EU member countries expanded, and now it already includes 28 states. You can see which countries are currently members of the European Union in the list below.

What is the European Union (EU)

The European powers that have joined this community have state sovereignty and independence, each of them has its own language, its own governing bodies, both local and central. Nevertheless, they have a lot in common. There are certain criteria that they must meet; they must coordinate all important political decisions with each other.

States wishing to join this oasis of prosperity must prove their commitment to the main principles of the Union and European values:

  • Democracy.
  • Protection of human rights.
  • Principles of free trade in a market economy.

The EU has its own governing bodies: the European Parliament, the European Court of Justice, the European Commission, as well as a special audit community that controls the budget of the European Union.

With the help of common laws, the countries that are now members of the EU have effectively created a single market. Many of them use a single monetary currency - the euro. In addition, most of the participating countries are also part of the Schengen zone, which allows their citizens to travel virtually unhindered throughout the European Union.

Countries belonging to the European Union (EU)

Today the EU includes the following countries:

  1. Austria.
  2. Bulgaria.
  3. Belgium.
  4. Great Britain.
  5. Germany.
  6. Hungary.
  7. Greece.
  8. Italy.
  9. Spain.
  10. Denmark.
  11. Ireland.
  12. Lithuania.
  13. Latvia.
  14. Republic of Cyprus.
  15. Malta.
  16. Netherlands.
  17. Luxembourg.
  18. Slovenia.
  19. Slovakia.
  20. Poland.
  21. Finland.
  22. France.
  23. Portugal.
  24. Romania.
  25. Croatia.
  26. Sweden.
  27. Czech Republic.
  28. Estonia.

These are the countries included in the EU list for 2020. In addition, there are several more countries aspiring to join the community: Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey and Albania.

Eat special card of the European Union, where you can clearly see its geography:

The economic activities of the EU countries have much in common. The economy of each state is independent, but they all contribute certain shares that make up the total GDP.

In addition, the EU pursues a customs union policy. This means that its members can trade with other members without any quantitative restrictions and without paying duties. In relation to powers that are not members of the community, a single customs tariff applies.

Since the founding of the EU, not a single member state has yet left it. The only exception was Greenland, a Danish autonomy with fairly broad powers, which left the Union in 1985, outraged by the reduction in fishing quotas. Finally, a sensational event was the referendum in Great Britain held in June 2016, in which the majority of the population voted for the country to leave the Union. This indicates that considerable problems are brewing in this influential community.

European Union - world organization, which has significance in the political and economic world in our time. All states and all segments of the population are showing interest in the European Union, because the functions and goals of this organization affect the most current topics and problems. Scale, wide functionality, as well as powers in international relations have been making the European Union an influential global organization for a long time.

EU Member States

The European Union began its activities in the 50s of the 20th century. Today the organization unites 28 member countries of Western and Central Europe. Interest in the European Union is observed every year, and accordingly, the expansion process does not stand still. However, controversial situations do not bypass the union; there is certain dissatisfaction with a common policy and economic problems.

Countries that are members of the European Union:

A countryYear of entry
Great Britain1973

There is a single market for all EU countries. The currency of the European Union (euro) is used in 17 countries, thereby creating the eurozone. In addition, these countries have the right to issue euro coins and banknotes.

As a serious and large-scale organization, the European Union has certain institutions:

  1. The European Council - it determines the main political line of development of the EU. At the head European Council there is a chairman elected by the heads of state for a term of 2.5 years.
  2. Council of the European Union - most often includes foreign ministers, or the relevant officials if any industry related issues arise. Deals with issues in all areas of activity.
  3. The European Commission leads the common policy of the EU, a kind of government. Deals with legislative and regulatory documentation, as well as its compliance.
  4. European Court - forms European law, controls its correct interpretation. In addition, cases of physical and legal entities, audits of EU income and expenditure reports are being carried out.
  5. European Central Bank - manages the reserves of the European System of Central Banks, sets the EU's monetary policy, and also determines key interest rates.

History of the creation of the European Union

The creation of the European Union fell on hard times after the Second World War. The first association was called the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and included six countries: France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany.

In 1957, by signing the Treaty of Rome, the European Economic Community (EEC) was created on the basis of the European Community atomic energy and the ECSC.

1967 was a fundamental year, all three European communities (ECSC, EEC, European Atomic Energy Community) united to form the European Community.

1993 - entry into force of the agreement drawn up in the Netherlands, Maastricht - creation of the European Union. The adjustment of the monetary and political systems of European countries was completed at this stage.

Accession to the EU

The expansion of the European Union does not stop; according to current data for 2018, the following countries are contenders for EU membership: Albania, Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro. In addition, countries from other continents that previously signed an association agreement are also applying to join the EU: Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Lebanon, Chile, Mexico and others.

Speaking about applicants for membership in the European Union, we cannot fail to mention the large-scale exit from the EU, which is planned for March 2019. The UK held a referendum on leaving the EU, in which 52% of residents voted in favor of leaving the EU.

The accession of new countries to the EU occurs with careful selection. There are certain criteria, the candidate country must meet them. The list and rules of such criteria are collected in a separate document called the “Copenhagen Criteria”. Particular attention is paid to the following issues:

  1. Principles of democracy.
  2. Human rights.
  3. Development of economic competitiveness.

After passing the check for compliance with the criteria, a decision is made on whether the country will be accepted into the EU or whether it needs to wait a little longer. If the answer to EU membership is negative, then the candidate country is necessarily provided with a list of parameters and criteria that it must bring to normal within the specified time frame.

EU membership for any country is a prestigious and indicative factor of wealth. A common “customs union” policy, a common foreign trade policy, freedom of internal movement, a common economic space, common social standards - all these are the privileges of members of the European Union.

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