Global problems of our time. Presentation on the topic "global problems of our time" Global problems of the world presentation on social studies


formation of ideas about global problems,
hypotheses, forecasts and projects for their resolution;
acquisition of skills, discussions, formation of skills
discuss, draw conclusions, defend your point of view.
environmental education of students;
acquiring skills to work with additional
material, ability to choose required material, skill
working with statistical material.

Global problems modernity
is a set of socio-natural
problems on the solution of which depends
social progress of mankind and
preservation of civilization. These problems
characterized by dynamism, arise as
an objective factor in the development of society and for
the united people demand their decision
the efforts of all mankind. Global
problems are interconnected and cover everything
aspects of people's lives and concern all countries


The process of global economic, political and
cultural integration and unification. The main consequence of this is
global division of labor, migration (and, as a rule, concentration) on a scale
of the entire planet of capital, human and industrial
resources, standardization of legislation, economic and technological
processes, as well as the rapprochement and fusion of cultures different countries.
This is an objective process that is systemic in nature, that is
covers all spheres of society. As a result of globalization, the world is becoming
more connected and more dependent on all its subjects

The problem of maintaining peace

Nuclear weapon

Thanks to tireless efforts, global community reached
a significant number of multilateral agreements aimed at
reduction nuclear arsenals, prohibiting their placement in
certain regions of the world and natural environments(such as space
space and the bottom of the oceans), limiting its spread and
termination of his tests. Despite these achievements, nuclear weapons and
its spread remains the main threat to peace and the main problem
international community.

Local conflicts

Local war - hostilities between two and
more by states limited by political goals
interests of the states participating in hostilities, and
by territory - a small geographical region, like
usually located within the boundaries of one of the
warring parties

International terrorism

Terrorism in modern times is also becoming a global problem.
Especially if terrorists have lethal means or weapons,
capable of destroying a huge number of innocent people.
Terrorism is a phenomenon, a form of crime, aimed directly
against a person, threatening his life and thereby trying to achieve her goals
goals. Terrorism is absolutely unacceptable from the point of view of humanism, and from the point of view
from a legal point of view is the gravest crime.

The problem of overcoming backwardness and modernization

The main way to overcome the backwardness of developing countries is
carrying out fundamental changes in all spheres of their lives. If
this problem will not be solved, then the continuing situation in
developing countries faces socio-economic
shocks on a global scale and will aggravate other
global problems.

Food problem

The geography of food production is far from
coincides with the geography of its consumption. Most
a reliable way to solve this problem is through
growth in food production in the most
starving countries in Asia, Africa, Latin

Energy and raw materials problem

Fuel extraction
is continuously increasing,
what might happen in the future
lead to serious
energy crisis.
Humanity must
refocus on
other energy resources,
especially on huge
Earth's hydro resources.

Ecological problems

They can lead to a worldwide environmental disaster. On our
before our eyes, the era of extensive use of potential is ending
biosphere: there are almost no undeveloped lands left (with the exception of
territory of Russia), the area of ​​deserts is systematically increasing,
Forest areas - the lungs of the planet - are shrinking, the climate is changing
(global warming, greenhouse effect), the number of
carbon dioxide and decreases - oxygen, is destroyed ozone layer.

Ozone layer depletion

Although humanity has taken measures to limit emissions of chlorine and bromine-containing freons by switching to other substances, for example
fluorinated freons, the process of restoring the ozone layer will take
several decades. First of all, this is due to the huge volume
freons already accumulated in the atmosphere, which have a lifetime of tens
and even hundreds of years.

Ocean pollution

Oil and petroleum products are the most common pollutants
substances in the World Ocean. By the beginning of the 1980s, about 6
million tons of oil, which amounted to 0.23% of world production.
Many countries with access to the sea carry out marine disposal of various
materials and substances, in particular soil removed during dredging,
drill slag, industrial waste, construction waste, solid waste,
explosives and chemical substances, radioactive waste. Volume of burials
amounted to about 10% of the total mass of pollutants entering the World

Changing of the climate

Climate change is changing the image of our planet.
Weather quirks are no longer something unusual, they are...
becomes the norm. The ice on our planet is melting and this is changing
All. The seas will rise, cities may be flooded and
millions of people could die. None coastal
the area will not escape the dire consequences.

Air, water, soil pollution

Pollution is a process of negative
modifications environment- air,
water, soil - through its intoxication with substances,
that threaten the life of living organisms.

Kyoto Protocol

An international document adopted in Kyoto (Japan) in December 1997
addition to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He
obliges developed countries and countries with economies in transition to reduce or
stabilize greenhouse gas emissions in 2008-2012 compared to 1990
year. The period for signing the protocol opened on March 16, 1998 and ended on March 15
March 1999.
The Protocol has been ratified by 181 countries (these countries collectively
accounting for more than 61% of global emissions). A notable exception to
of this list are the USA. The first implementation period of the protocol began 1
January 2008 and will last for five years until December 31, 2012, after which, as
it is expected to be replaced by a new agreement.

Man-made disasters

In the twentieth century, man took to the air, stepped into space, conquered
itself the energy of an atom.
But the age of triumph of human genius also brought the new kind disasters -
man-made disasters that claimed thousands of lives. This is the case
when the fruits technical progress turned against their creator -
a person who is too self-confident
and treated his creations lightly.

Demographic problem

Demographic problem
contradictory, has the opposite
character for different countries: overpopulation in China, depopulation in Russia.
Together with social development this
the problem must find its way
resolution in a natural way - will
stabilization occurs in this
However, states facing
now with a demographic problem,
forced to apply appropriate
measures. It is important that they do not wear
violent in nature and did not violate
sovereignty of the individual, family life.

Low birth rate

"zero population growth" in Western European countries
leads to a sharp aging of the population in developed countries Oh,
including the deterioration of the balance between working and
pensioners, etc.

Rapid growth of the world's population

demographic "explosion" characterized by a sharp increase
population in Asia, Africa, Latin America, beginning with
60s leads to a sharp aggravation of socio-economic
problems in developing countries, including hunger and illiteracy
tens of millions of people.

International organizations

An international organization is a permanent association that
created on the basis of an agreement international character. Its purpose is
assistance in solving those problems that are specified in the agreement.
International organizations are of an interstate nature - operating
at the level of state governments and non-governmental ones. Also
distinguish between international organizations of a global and regional nature.
There are also classifications by type of activity, by the nature of powers, by
circle of participants, international clubs, etc.

United Nations(UN)

An interstate organization created in 1945. The purpose of the organization is to maintain peace between states, strengthen peace, develop and
safety international relations, development of international
cooperation in various fields. The UN is composed of six main
organs ( General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and
Social Council, Secretariat, International Court and the Guardianship Council).

There are many
various structural
UN units and
various organizations,
working under the auspices of the UN
in different areas
international activities.
Majority Headquarters
main divisions
The UN is located in New York
(USA), but there are also branches in
different parts of the world. For 2007
year the UN counted 192
member state. Is
the largest international

World Trade Organization (WTO)

It is an organization of global significance. Founded in 1995.
The goal is to streamline the rules of international trade. On
In 2008, the WTO had 153 member countries. Headquarters
located in Geneva (Switzerland). The WTO was created on the basis of the GATT
(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). According to the charter, the WTO
can only resolve trade and economic issues.

European Union(EU)

The Organization of European States, created in 1993 on the basis of three
organizations, two of which are still part of it - the EEC (European
economic community - now the European Community), ECSC (European
coal and steel pool - ceased to exist in 2002), Euratom
(European Nuclear Energy Community). This is a unique organization
which is something between international organization And
by the state. It has Common Market, common currency system, etc. Scope
activities concern many areas - economics, politics, currency, market
labor, etc. In 2007, the EU included 27 states.

Non-Aligned Movement

A movement that unites countries
proclaimed the basis of their
foreign policy course, non-participation in military-political blocs and groupings.

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Exists since 1975. Is the largest regional
peace organization that deals with security issues. The goal is to prevent and resolve conflicts in the region, eliminate
consequences of conflicts. In 2008, the OSCE included 56
states that are located not only in Europe, but also in Central
Asia and North America.

Big Eight

International club of governments
Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia, USA, France and Japan. Also
also called an informal forum of leaders of these countries (with the participation of the European Commission), in
within the framework of which approaches to current international
Meetings of the heads of state and government of the G8 countries are held annually
(usually in the summer) in the next chairman country. Participants in the meetings include, in addition to the heads of
states and governments of member countries, 2 representatives European Union, namely -
President of the European Commission and head of the country holding the current Presidency
moment in the EU.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

a special UN agency established by 185 states. Designed for regulation
monetary and credit relations of the member states and providing them with assistance in case of payment deficit
balance by providing short- and medium-term loans in foreign currency. The fund has
status of a UN specialized agency. It serves as the institutional basis of the global
currency system.
The IMF was created on December 27, 1945 after the signing of an agreement by 28 countries,
developed at the UN Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton Woods on July 22
1944. In 1947, the foundation began its activities.
The headquarters of the IMF is located in Washington.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

international intergovernmental organization for development
international cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear power
The most important area of ​​IAEA activity is ensuring
non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Under the Non-Proliferation Treaty
nuclear weapons (NPT), the IAEA is charged with verifying compliance
obligations of its participants.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

Intergovernmental level organization created in
1960 at the initiative of Venezuela. The goal is control
global oil policy, stabilization of oil prices.
OPEC sets production limits
oil. The headquarters is located in Vienna (Austria). For 2009
year there were 12 countries in OPEC.

North Atlantic bloc (NATO)

Is international union military-political
direction. Created in 1949 on the initiative
USA. The main goal is the safety and freedom of all
member countries in accordance with UN principles, as in
North America and Europe. To achieve your
goals, NATO uses its military potential and
political influence. The headquarters is located in
Brussels (Belgium). In 2009, NATO included
28 states.

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Global problems of our time
- problems affecting all people on Earth

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Ecological problems
“The road of civilization is paved with tin cans” (Alberto Moravia, writer)
1.Atmospheric pollution with harmful gases (the problem of large cities)
2. Man-made disasters as a result of human activity: - accidents at gas stations - oil spills - explosions in warehouses with chemicals, etc.

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3. Invasion of nature has the following Negative consequences: - droughts - landslides - floods - global warming - soil depletion

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Waste - substances (or mixtures of substances) recognized as unsuitable for further use within the framework of existing technologies, or after household use products. The amount of waste people produce is growing exponentially.

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Humanity has been cutting down forests for a long time, reclaiming land from the forest for Agriculture and just for getting firewood. Later, people developed a need to create infrastructure (cities, roads) and extract minerals, which spurred the process of deforestation of the territories. However main reason deforestation is an increase in the need for food, that is, areas for grazing livestock and sowing crops, both permanent and replacement.

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Rapid growth of the world's population. Reduction and scarcity of natural resources
We are already almost 7 billion people!
There is a real threat of depletion of many important types of raw materials (oil, gas) A resource famine may occur 2. Shortage drinking water- one of the most dangerous problems.

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The growth of the Earth's population

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Scientists have proven that the Earth's biosphere can only support 1 billion people. Every day the population of the earth increases by 200,000 people, which leads to an increase in resource consumption and exacerbates the problem of employment, housing, food products. The circle closes: The amount of waste, environmental pollution, and deforestation increases. Lack of jobs breeds poverty and development bad habits.
Law of Hyperbolic Growth of the Earth's Population

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International security
August 6, 9, 1945. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Weapons of mass destruction

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Nuclear weapons pose a danger to all humanity. Large states owning nuclear weapons, are forced to confirm their strength by increasing its number, although the explosion of even one bomb instantly destroys hundreds of thousands of people, and pollutes a vast territory with radioactive emissions, making it uninhabitable, changes the human genome, causing mutations and deformities in newborn children decades after the explosion , which can lead to the degeneration of humanity.
Nuclear weapon

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Terrorism (Latin terror - fear, horror), is aimed at the mass destruction of civilians, creating an atmosphere of fear in society.

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Poverty in modern world
Millions of people in Asia and Africa exist on the brink of survival

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Poverty is a fundamental global problem facing the world community. It has a detrimental effect on the economy social relations, politics, culture. Poverty and backwardness are characteristic primarily of the third world, but this does not make the problem less relevant in relation to highly developed countries. Failure of the majority poorest countries to escape from poverty on our own has made the problem of poverty universal.
The connection between poverty and others is reinforced global threats and risks - illegal migration, international terrorism, growth of transnational crime. Poverty living, unsanitary conditions, and chronic diseases also pose a danger to residents of rich countries (HIV, Ebola, SARS and other pandemics).

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Drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence. An irresistible attraction is associated with mental (psychological) and sometimes physical (physiological) dependence on drugs. Physical dependence means painful and even painful sensations, a painful state during a break from constant drug use (the so-called withdrawal syndrome, withdrawal). These sensations can be temporarily relieved by resuming drug use.

“Venture philanthropy” - 5. Difference from traditional philanthropy. 15. 9. Goals of venture philanthropy. 12. How is venture philanthropy related to the concept of risk? [email protected]. 6. Gagarin Fund - features. 10. Maria Gagarina “Gagarin Fund” June 29, 2009. 7.

"Economic activity" - Economics and economic activity. Resources. Rules, principles of organizing activities. Exchange connects consumption, production, distribution. Microeconomics. The concept of economics. Nominal GDP is the volume in current prices. Consumption. What does the economy give to a person? Measurers of economic activity.

"Telos Technologies" - Industry standard one hundred telos 01-11-99 for water structuring. A positive conclusion was received (Bryansk Treatment and Diagnostic Center, 1998). 10. Project “telos-water”. Telos generator t-101. Patent base of telos technologies. Non-profit organization Telos Technologies Foundation. Since 1987 Works of Telos enterprises on the subject of preparation (structuring) of drinking water.

"Nobel Prize" - Nobel Prize on literature. History of the Nobel Prizes. Vargas Llosa has been translated into Russian a lot. Chemistry. 1956 Liu is a PhD and professor of Chinese literature. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the palladium catalyst. But the Peace Prize is announced and awarded in Oslo.

"Subject of Sociology" - Social structure- is a stable connection of elements in social system. Social control is a means of social regulation of people's behavior. Sociologism (E. Durkheim's term) is based on theoretical principles. Realistic conflicts are motivated by the intention to achieve some goal. Social status- the position occupied by an individual in society.

“Cultural Heritage” - Historical and cultural heritage in the regional teacher training program. Historical and cultural heritage of the Oryol region. Faculty of Arts and folk culture Faculty of Russian Literature. Interuniversity Department of Historical and Cultural Heritage. The disciplines of the program are designed to prepare a specialist to work as an organizer of local history work in educational institution: teacher additional education, head of children's clubs and studios, tour guide.

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The presentation was prepared by Elena Alexandrovna, geography teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 73 in Ulyanovsk Borshch

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The modern era has many epithets: electronic, cosmic, nuclear. Today, it is increasingly being referred to as the “Era of Global Problems.”

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Ecological problem. Demographic problem. Food problem. Energy and raw materials problem. Overcoming the backwardness of former colonies. End

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Global changes ecological environment Thinning of the ozone layer and increased influx of ultraviolet radiation Deforestation and degradation forest areas, especially wet tropical forests. Disruption of the natural circulation of substances and energy flows. The removal of huge masses of matter from the depths and a shortage of raw materials and fuel. Pollution of the hydrosphere with petroleum products, heavy metals, etc. Radiation contamination of vast areas with tragic consequences. Uncontrolled growth of the world population. Soil erosion, salinization, waterlogging, desertification. Atmospheric pollution with CO2, CH4, etc., the threat of the greenhouse effect. Toxication of fields with pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, etc.

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Concern is caused not only by demographic growth itself (the Earth is capable of feeding more than tens of billions of people), but by the persistent unfavorable socio-economic conditions in the modern world, and especially in developing countries.

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Population growth under existing socio-economic conditions leads to an increasing danger of mass death from hunger and disease due to epidemics from unsanitary conditions.

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The growth of the world population leads to an increase in the threat of environmental pollution and the accumulation of gigantic numbers of people in large cities.

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Every year the world's population increases by about 90 million people. But the resources for increasing food production seem to be running out. Selection, artificial fertilizers, herbicides, and irrigation have allowed humanity to significantly increase grain production. However, in last years grain production does not increase. Food supplies have dropped to their lowest level. The fish stocks of the seas are drying up.

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