Eurasian Union. EAC countries. Fundamental principles and activities of the Eurasian Economic Union To the territory of the country of the EAEU member

IN modern world many countries unite in unions - political, economic, religious and others. One of the largest such unions was the Soviet one. Now we are seeing the emergence of the European, Eurasian and Customs Unions.

Customs Union was positioned as a form of trade and economic integration of a number of countries, which provides not only a common customs territory for mutually beneficial trade with no duties, etc., but also a number of points regulating trade with third countries. This agreement was signed on 06.10.2007 in Dushanbe, at the time of its conclusion, the union included the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

The first article of the agreement on the movement of goods within this territory says the following:

  • Customs duty is not charged. And not only for goods of own production, but also for cargo from third countries.
  • There are no economic restrictions, except for compensatory, anti-dumping ones.
  • The countries of the Customs Union apply a single customs tariff.

Current countries and candidates

There are both permanent member countries of the Customs Union, which were its founders or joined later, and those that only expressed a desire to join.


  • Armenia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Russia;
  • Belarus.

Membership candidates:

  • Tunisia;
  • Syria;
  • Tajikistan.

TC leaders

There was a special commission of the Customs Union, which was approved at the time of signing the agreement on the Customs Union. Its rules were the basis of the legal activities of the organization. The structure worked and remained within this legal framework until July 1, 2012, that is, until the creation of the EEC. The supreme body of the union at that time was a group of representatives of the heads of state (Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Russian Federation), Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev (Republic of Kazakhstan) and (Republic of Belarus)).

At the level of heads of government, prime ministers were represented:

  • Russia - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev;
  • Kazakhstan - Karim Kazhimkanovich Massimov;
  • Belarus - Sergei Sergeevich Sidorsky.

Purpose of the Customs Union

The countries of the Customs Union, under the main goal of creating a single regulatory body, meant the formation of a common territory, which will include several states, and all duties on products are canceled on their territory.

The second goal was to protect our own interests and markets, first of all - from harmful, low-quality, as well as competitive products, which makes it possible to smooth out all the shortcomings in the trade and economic sphere. This is very important, since the protection of the interests of their own states, taking into account the opinions of the members of the union, is a priority for any country.

Benefits and prospects

First of all, the benefit is obvious for those enterprises that can easily make purchases in neighboring countries. Most likely, it will be only large corporations and companies. As for the outlook for the future, contrary to some economists' predictions that the Customs Union would lead to lower wages in the participating countries, at the official level, the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan announced the increase in salaries in the state in 2015.

That is why the world experience of such large economic formations cannot be attributed to this case. The countries that have joined the Customs Union are expecting a steady, if not rapid, growth of economic ties.


The final version of the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union was adopted only at the tenth meeting, 26.10.2009. This pact spoke about the creation of special groups that would monitor the activities for the implementation of the revised draft treaty.

The countries of the Customs Union had until 01.07.2010 to amend their legislation to eliminate contradictions between this Code and the Constitution. Thus, another contact group was created to resolve issues related to differences between national legal systems.

Also, all the nuances related to the territories of the Customs Union have been finalized.

Territory of the Customs Union

The countries of the Customs Union have a common customs territory, which is determined by the boundaries of the states that have concluded the agreement and are members of the organization. Customs Code, among other things, determines the expiration date of the commission, which came as early as July 1, 2012. Thus, a more serious organization was created, which has much more powers and, accordingly, more people in your state to fully control all processes. On January 1, 2012, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEU) officially began its work.


As part of the Eurasian economic union includes the member countries of the Customs Union: the founders - Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan - and the recently joined states, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.

The establishment of the EAEU implies more wide range relationships in freedom of movement work force, capital, services and goods. Also, a coordinated economic policy of all countries should be constantly pursued, a transition should be made to a single

The total budget of this union is formed exclusively in Russian rubles, thanks to share contributions made by all member countries of the Customs Union. Their size is regulated by the supreme council, which consists of the heads of these states.

Russian has become the working language for the regulation of all documents, and the headquarters will be located in Moscow. The financial regulator of the EAEU is in Almaty, and the court is in the capital of Belarus, Minsk.

Union bodies

The supreme regulatory body is considered to be the Supreme Council, which includes the heads of the member states.

A judiciary has also been created, which is responsible for the application of treaties within the Union.

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is a regulatory body that ensures all the conditions for the development and functioning of the Union, as well as the development of new proposals in the economic sphere regarding the format of the EAEU. It consists of the Ministers of the Commission (deputy prime ministers of the member states of the Union) and the Chairman.

The main provisions of the Treaty on the EAEU

Undoubtedly, the EAEU, in comparison with the CU, has not only broader powers, but also a much more extensive and specific list scheduled work. This document no longer has any general plans, and for each specific task, the path for its implementation is determined and a special working group, which will not only monitor the execution, but also control its entire course.

In the received contract the countries of the single Customs Union, and now the EAEU, have secured an agreement on coordinated work and the creation of common energy markets. The work on energy policy is quite large-scale and will be implemented in several stages until 2025.

The document also regulates the creation of a common market for medical devices and medicines by January 1, 2016.

Great importance is given to transport policy on the territory of the EAEU states, without which it will not be possible to create any joint action plan. The development of a coordinated agro-industrial policy is envisaged, which includes the mandatory formation of veterinary and phytosanitary measures.

Agreed provides an opportunity to translate into reality all the planned plans and agreements. Under such conditions, general principles of interaction are developed and the effective development of countries is ensured.

A special place is occupied by labor, which regulates not only the free movement of labor, but also the same working conditions. Citizens who go to work in the EAEU countries will no longer need to fill out migration cards (if their stay does not exceed 30 days). The same simplified system will apply to medical care. The issue of exporting pensions and offsetting the length of service that has been accumulated in a member state of the Union is also being resolved.

Expert opinions

The list of countries of the Customs Union in the near future may be replenished with several more states, but, according to experts, in order to be noticeable full-fledged growth and influence on Western similar unions by type, a lot of work and expansion of the organization is needed. In any case, the ruble will not be able to become an alternative to the euro or the dollar yet for a long time, and the impact of recent sanctions has clearly shown how Western politics can work to suit their interests, and that neither Russia itself nor the whole Union can actually do anything about it. As for Kazakhstan and Belarus specifically, the conflict in Ukraine has shown that they will not give up their benefits in favor of Russia. Tenge, by the way, also fell sharply due to the fall of the ruble. And on many issues, Russia remains the main competitor of Kazakhstan and Belarus. However, on this moment the creation of the Union is an adequate and the only right decision that can help somehow strengthen relations between states in the event of further pressure from the West on Russia.

Now we know which countries in the Customs Union are more interested in its creation. Despite the fact that even at the stage of its inception it was constantly haunted by all sorts of problems, joint coordinated actions of all members of the Union make it possible to solve them as quickly as possible, which makes it possible to look to the future with optimism and hope for the rapid development of the economies of all states participating in this agreement.

The Customs Union is an interstate association between countries within the framework of the EAEU. The main purpose of the creation is to simplify trade operations between the states that are members of the association. The CU participants also adopted common customs tariffs and other regulatory measures.

The task of creating such an economic association:

  • Formation of a single customs territory within the countries that entered the association.
  • On the territory of the customs Union of the EAEU there are regimes of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on trade between member states.
  • Cancellation of control at internal posts on the border of countries that are included in the CU.
  • The use of the same type of mechanisms for regulating trade and the economy. For this, measures are being introduced to harmonize the legislation of the CU members.
  • Implementation and functioning of a single governing body.

As for trade relations with countries that are not members of the Customs Eurasian Economic Union, the following interaction is expected with them:

  1. The application of a common tariff for certain goods that enter the territory of the association.
  2. Use of unified measures of non-tariff regulation.
  3. Carrying out the same customs policy.
  4. Use of uniform tariffs.

At the moment, the most famous and long-functioning is the European Customs Economic Union. Its formation began in 1958.

Members, Territory and Governance

At the moment, the association consists of the following countries:

  • Russia since July 2010
  • Kazakhstan since July 2010
  • Belarus since July 2010
  • Armenia since October 2015
  • Kyrgyzstan since May 2015

Syria and Tunisia voiced their desire to join, it was proposed to become a member of Turkey, but so far no decision has been made on joining. It is clearly noticeable that participation in the bloc gives the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union the strengthening of economic relations.

The unification of the borders of the states indicated above became the basis for the formation of the considered customs association. The borders of the CU are the borders of the countries that are members of the union.

The governing bodies are the same, the main 2:

  1. Interstate Council. This supreme body, whose members are the heads of state and heads of government of the CU countries. It is supranational.
  2. TC commission. This department decides all issues regarding the formation customs regulations, is responsible for regulating the trade policy of states.

History of creation

The formation of the CU has become a lengthy and complex process in many respects. The member countries of the Customs Union 2019 are those states that have managed to go through all the stages of approvals and adjustments.

The process began in January 1997, when the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Kyrgyzstan signed an agreement "On measures to implement the agreements on the Customs Union." The need for such consolidation arose when it became clear that the USSR as a structure had gone into oblivion. Then the countries of the Customs Union (the list of 2019 proposed above) agreed to cooperate in order to form and develop a common economic space within the CIS.

Interesting! The idea of ​​creating the union was formed at the beginning of 1994 by Nursultan Nazarbayev. As the basis of the CU in his vision, the common interests of the states that were previously part of the USSR should have become.

The idea of ​​forming a union assumed the unhindered movement of goods and the provision of services to all participating countries. At the same time, the proposed format of economic contacts fully protected the interests of the countries of the Customs Union.

As a result, a single customs space was created without internal customs duties. Borders as such were transferred to the outer borders of the union. Ideally, trade was greatly simplified, but in reality everything turned out not so easy. at the first stage, the agreements included, among other things, the definition of the main areas of activity for each country to strengthen the union. More specifically:

  1. Guaranteeing equal rights to the property of the Customs Union.
  2. Members of the Eurasian Economic Union could freely dispose of the property of the CU within the limits of the legislation of the participating countries.
  3. Creation of a unified regulatory framework for state regulation of the economy.

In the same 1997, the following integration departments were formed: the Interstate Council, the Integration Committee.

In 1998, Tajikistan became a member of the union, and an agreement “On the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space” was already signed between 5 countries. A few months later, the members of the Customs Union signed the following important documents:

  • "On the Formation of the Customs Union".
  • "On international road communications".
  • "On uniform conditions for transit through the territories of the countries participating in the Customs Union."
  • "On the interaction of energy systems".

In February 1999, the agreement "On the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space" was signed. Due to the adoption of these acts, it was possible to significantly simplify the procedures for border control between the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The next important steps are:

  1. 2007 Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan conclude an agreement on a single customs territory.
  2. year 2009. Agreements that were previously signed are given a "physical form", that is, they are being implemented in practice.
  3. 2010 The Customs Code of the Customs Union adopted earlier comes into force, is formed and adopted.
  4. During 2011-2013, important documents are being developed that regulate the activities of the union. Among the most important, there is a unified technical regulation on product safety.

2014-2015 were marked by the replenishment of the list of countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (for 2017 it is also relevant) with Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. In the future, the union will expand, at the moment Tunisia and Syria have expressed a desire to join, but so far the matter has not gone beyond talk and the composition remains the same.

In 2019, the previously adopted Customs Code of the EAEU came into force.

You will learn about the new Customs Code of the Customs Union of 2019 from our article. Go to .

Distribution of customs duties

The Unified Customs Union naturally receives duties for crossing the borders of the association, import/export of goods. The association has adopted a scheme for distributing these revenues among the member countries. The structure is like this:

  • Russia receives 85.33% of total revenues.
  • Kazakhstan - 7.11%.
  • Belarus - 4.55%.
  • Kyrgyzstan - 1.9%.
  • Armenia - 1.11%.

As you can see, taxes are distributed according to seniority, that is, the earlier the country became a member of the association, the larger size income from duties she can count.

At the moment, there is a period of formation of the CU, so the EU customs union has gone through a long period of 30 years until the moment of absolute formation.

Goals, directions

When creating a detailed economic space, the main goal was socio-economic progress. As a result, one of the main long-term goals was to increase the turnover of services of the participating countries. To begin with, this moment was realized between the participants through the following actions:

  1. Implementation of common requirements and adoption of safety standards for domestic economies and the association in general.
  2. Abolition of procedures at the internal customs of the Union countries. Due to this, the goods of the countries of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community have become more accessible and attractive.
  3. Increasing trade through the above measures.

At the moment, the desired increase in trade is not happening, although new agreements are regularly adopted. True, the simplification of trade did not happen so significantly, competitive conditions improved.

Technical regulation

Technical regulation in the Customs Union is aimed at achieving the following goals and objectives:

  • Reducing the pressure on the manufacturer - economic and administrative.
  • Formation of two-level regulatory documentation, which helps to make the relationship in the market clearer and clearer.
  • Increasing the level of protection of markets from dangerous products.
  • Empowering companies to choose a commercial solution. This excludes double certification and duplication of other procedures.
  • Exclusion of technical barriers for members of the Eurasian Customs Union.
  • Stimulating the development of the economy in various ways.

As for the principles of technical regulation in the customs association, there are the following basic principles:

  1. Establishment of a unified technical regulation for the participating countries regarding products and goods.
  2. Pursuing a policy that is agreed with each country regarding technical regulation.
  3. Until the entry of the TR of the Eurasian Economic Union of the EAEU, the effect of national legislation in this area.

Benefits of participating in the TC

At the moment, not all countries of the EAEU have joined the CU, each has its own reasons. But the main advantages of participating in such an association should be highlighted:

  • Significant reduction in costs for: processing, transportation of goods within the union.
  • Reduction of bureaucratic procedures, and as a result, time costs when transporting goods across the territory of the Customs Union.
  • Reducing the number that must be passed to travel with cargo to third countries.
  • The customs union in 2019 provides new markets.
  • Simplification of legislation due to its unification.

Contradictions, problems or why the TS does not work as planned

Since each country seeks to maintain and support its economy, it is not surprising that frictions and difficulties often arise. It is “convenient” to apply individual sanctions through the methods of non-tariff regulation, which is what is happening. Although the countries of the customs union with Russia in the period of 2018-2019 have already “befriended”, there were many problems before.

One of the most complex conflicts between the Russian Federation and Belarus, when in 2014 Russia banned the export of meat almost in full. At that time it was 400 thousand tons. At the same time, there was a tightening of control over goods that cross the border of Belarus, although in fact, according to the norms of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, it is impossible to strengthen control measures.

The reaction of the president of the country participating in the Customs Union was not long in coming - Belarus returned border control on the border with the Russian Federation. The conflict has become a real problem, because Belarus has announced its intention to abandon the ruble in settlements and return to dollars. As a result, the idea of ​​a customs union was strongly shaken - the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union felt insecure in this format of relations.


In the future, the economic association of the Customs Union has a chance for active development and implementation of all the declared advantages. While the development process is going on, general view The most interested participants are the neighbors of the Russian Federation, which with the entry will receive more favorable conditions for the purchase of gas and oil. The declared simplification of trade turnover has not yet been observed.

Video: Customs Union 2019

Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU) - international organization regional economic integration, which has international legal personality and established by the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. The EAEU ensures the freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor, as well as the implementation of a coordinated, consistent and unified policy in the sectors of the economy.

The goals of the creation of the EAEU are:

  • comprehensive modernization, cooperation and increasing the competitiveness of national economies;
  • creating conditions for sustainable development economies of member states in order to improve the living standards of their populations.

Within the EAEU:

For third EAEU countries unified measures of non-tariff regulation are applied, such as:

  • prohibition of import and (or) export of goods;
  • quantitative restrictions on the import and (or) export of goods;
  • exclusive right to export and (or) import goods;
  • automatic licensing (supervision) of export and (or) import of goods;
  • licensing procedure for import and (or) export of goods.

Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union

The history of the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union

The official start date for the formation of the Customs Union can be considered 1995, when the Agreement on the Establishment of the Union was concluded between the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus. The purpose of this Agreement was to establish economic interaction between the parties, to ensure free trade and fair competition.

On February 26, 1999, the Treaty on the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space was signed. Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and since 2006 - Uzbekistan became parties to the Treaty. Until the early 2000s, the participating countries actively pursued the process of establishing cooperation in various areas activities (including socio-cultural, scientific).

In 2000, a decision was made to establish the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC). The Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan became members of the community.

In 2003, the Agreement on the Formation of the Common Economic Space (CES) was signed. Work began on the preparation of the legal framework for the CES, which later became the basis for the functioning of the Union. The most important events in the process of forming the Customs Union were two informal summits of the heads of the EurAsEC states.

At an informal summit on August 16, 2006, the heads of the EurAsEC states decided to form a Customs Union within the EurAsEC, in accordance with which Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia were instructed to prepare a legal framework. A year later, on October 6, 2007, at the EurAsEC summit, a package of documents was approved and signed that laid the foundation for the creation of the legal framework of the Customs Union (treaties on the creation of the Common Customs Territory and the formation of the Customs Union, on the Commission of the Customs Union, protocols on amending the Treaty on the Establishment of EurAsEC, on the procedure for entry into force international treaties aimed at forming the legal framework of the customs union, withdrawing from them and joining them). In addition, the Action Plan for the formation of a customs union within the framework of the EurAsEC was approved.

Officially, on January 1, 2010, the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation. The united states began to apply in foreign trade with third countries a single customs tariff and common measures of non-tariff regulation, as well as streamlined tariff benefits and preferences for goods from third countries, the Customs Code of the Customs Union began to operate. Gradually, customs clearance and customs control, points for receiving notifications were eliminated.

In 2012, international treaties came into force that form the legal basis of the Common Economic Space of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, creating the basis for the free movement of not only goods, but also services, capital and labor.

With the signing of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union on May 29, 2014, the member countries of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space laid the foundation for a new, closer interaction. On October 10, 2014, the Republic of Armenia acceded to the Treaty on the EAEU. On December 23, 2014, the Agreement on Accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the EAEU was signed.

The structure of the unified customs legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union

In connection with the formation of the regulatory legal framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, the customs legislation of the member states is changing. First of all, in addition to the current national legislation, two more levels of regulation have appeared: international agreements member states of the Customs Union and the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union (currently - the Eurasian Economic Commission). At the moment, the customs legislation of the EAEU is a four-level system:

Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union

The transition to a higher level of integration required major changes in the regulatory framework of the Union. Work on the creation of a new Customs Code has been going on for several years, the process required numerous approvals of amendments from the Member States of the Union. On December 26, 2016, the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union was adopted, which replaced the Customs Code of the Customs Union adopted in 2009. The new EAEU TC entered into force on January 1, 2018. The document combines many international treaties and agreements of the Customs Union (for example, the Agreement on determining the customs value of goods transported across the customs border of the Customs Union), which will become invalid in whole or in part.

The Customs Code of the EAEU contains a number of new provisions concerning not only the structure of the Code itself (the new Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union contains 4 annexes, which were not in the Customs Code of the Customs Union), but also the rules of customs regulation in the Union. Thus, in the draft Customs Code of the EAEU, the conceptual apparatus has been updated, the “single window” principle has been introduced, the priority of electronic declaration has been declared, some changes have been made to customs procedures, the institution of an authorized economic operator has been reformed, etc.

Governing bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union

The governing bodies of the EAEU are:

  • Supreme Eurasian economic council(supreme governing body)
  • Eurasian Intergovernmental Council
  • Eurasian Economic Commission (working permanent body)
  • Court of the Eurasian Economic Union

Areas of activity of the Eurasian Economic Commission.


In this article, we will talk about the history of the EAEU: what were the reasons and prerequisites for its emergence, from which integration associations it was formed, and what are its main goals and objectives today.

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The need to create some kind of integration economic association in the post-Soviet space arose as soon as this space became post-Soviet. During the existence of the USSR, the economies of the Union republics were highly interdependent. In many production cycles, the situation was absolutely normal when part A was made in one union republic, part B was made in another, and their final assembly was carried out in a third.

Naturally, in the days of the USSR, there were no problems with the movement of goods and people across the borders of the republics. But after the collapse of the Union, it became obvious that political sovereignty and strict customs control at the border are, of course, good, but the development of foreign trade and, as a result, economic growth is not very conducive.

Moreover, an extremely clear illustration of these reflections was the formation in the second half of the twentieth century European Union. That is, the independent European states have long recognized the need for economic integration and have been systematically moving towards it for many years.

Therefore, despite the popular trend of political independence in the early 1990s, on the contrary, integration moods reigned in the economy. For the first time, he voiced the thought that was in the air and used the term " Eurasian Union» Nursultan Nazarbayev, during his first official visit to Russia in 1994:

There is a need for a transition to a quality new level relations between our countries on the basis of a new interstate association formed on the principles of voluntariness and equality. The Eurasian Union could become such an association. It should be based on principles other than the CIS, because the basis of the new association should be supranational bodies designed to resolve two key tasks: the formation of a single economic space and the provision of a common defense policy.

Also one of the important factors is the creation in 1995 of the World trade organization(WTO). This event determined the informational agenda of discussions on Eurasian integration for the next few years, designating WTO accession as a Big Goal towards which every self-respecting national economy should move.

In this sense, regional economic integration with the nearest neighbors was seen as an intermediate step towards WTO accession. The fact is that a candidate country for WTO accession was required to have a certain legislative framework and developed instruments of customs and economic control. The same was necessary for regional integration. Accordingly, one of the goals of the Eurasian economic integration was the development national laws and the aforementioned instruments, bringing them to the level required for WTO accession.

Chronology of events

1994-2000 - the period of formation

At this time there was a search best ways cooperation and signed interim treaties and agreements that do not yet describe the forms of integration themselves, but only mutual obligations to develop and implement these forms.


Nursultan Nazarbayev for the first time made a proposal in Moscow to create a Eurasian Union.


January 6 Russia and Belarus sign Agreement on the Establishment of the Customs Union and the formation of a common market. On January 20, Kazakhstan joins this agreement. This can be considered the starting point in the creation of the modern EAEU.


29 March Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan sign Agreement on Deepening Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Fields. In fact, with this agreement, the countries publicly and officially confirmed their intentions for integration, but so far without much specificity in the wording, mechanisms and formats.


26 February Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan sign Treaty on the Customs Union (CU). By this agreement, they, in fact, establish the Customs Union. However, in this composition, the union will last only a year and a half.

2000-2011 - Common economic space

Despite the fact that the single customs space has already been implemented, the heads of the participating countries expressed their desire for deeper, already economic integration. I wanted not just "common borders", but a "common economy".


10 October Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan sign Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), in which elements of supranational economic regulation are already traced. The first supranational body appears - the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community.


On May 30, this agreement enters into force. From this moment, the Customs Union described above ceases to exist, as such, but all its provisions and principles are inherited by the EurAsEC.


September 19 Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan have signedAgreement on the formation of the Common Economic Space. From that moment, work began on the preparation of a legal framework in order to create a single economic space that ensures the free movement of goods, services, capital and labor (“four freedoms” of the EAEU).


On October 6, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed Treaty on the Creation of a Single Customs Territory and the Formation of the Customs Union based on the EurAsEC. Another supranational body appears - the Commission of the Customs Union and the Supreme Economic Council. This is the same Customs Union, in which many technical regulations will appear in 5 years.


In January, the Customs Union begins its work.

In July, a unified Customs Code is introduced for the member states of the Union.

On December 9, in the Declaration on the Formation of the Common Economic Space, it was for the first time officially that the member countries of the EurAsEC were moving towards a new, more in-depth form of integration - the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). In this regard, among other things, the need for a unified system of technical regulation and the introduction of fundamentally new supranational standards (technical regulations) was outlined.


Since July, customs control remains only at the external borders of the Union.

November 18 was signed Decision on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

August 16 were published first technical regulations: TR TS 006/2011 "On the safety of pyrotechnic products" (entered into force on February 15, 2012) and TR CU 005/2011 "On the safety of packaging" (entered into force on June 1, 2012).

A total of 24 technical regulations were approved and published during 2011. All of them entered into force in the period 2012-2015. The entry into force of the technical regulation for certain products automatically canceled the national standard for these products.

2012-2019 - Eurasian Economic Union

This is the period of formation of the unified economic system that exists today. integration association- Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). At this time, there is a rejection of transitional forms and the development of supranational institutions.

The EAEU is already positioned as the "core of continental integration" uniting Asia and Europe. Its concept is being developed taking into account the logic of the global Chinese project "One Belt and One Road", aimed at creating fast and efficient trade routes between Europe and Asia. However, it is important to emphasize that it is not “in accordance”, but precisely “taking into account”.

At the same time, across the ocean, they begin to talk about the fact that Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus are building new USSR. To which the leaders of the participating countries have repeatedly stated that the EAEU is not a political union, but exclusively an economic one. The President of Kazakhstan generally proposed a radical way to stop these conversations in the bud, quote: “[When I am abroad, I often hear] that we are creating the USSR, or something under Russia. Maybe accept Turkey big country and the conversation will end".


On February 2, the Eurasian Economic Commission began to function. The Commission of the Customs Union was abolished, its functions were transferred to the EEC.

On October 19, Kyrgyzstan joined the Customs Union (which currently included Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus).

November 18 were signed Declaration on Eurasian Economic Integration(in fact, a roadmap for the creation of the EAEU) and Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission(official recognition by the heads of state of the EEC as a supranational body).


May 29 in Astana (now Nur-Sultan) signed Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan ratified this treaty on 5, 9 and 14 October respectively.

October 10 signed signed Treaty on the accession of Armenia to the EAEU, ratified by Armenia on 4 December.


On May 21, Kyrgyzstan ratified the Treaty on Accession to the EAEU and became its official member in August.



On April 14, Moldova became the first (and still remains the only) observer country in the EAEU.


On January 1, the Customs Code of the EAEU came into force, thereby canceling the previous Customs Code of the Customs Union. Now all countries joining the EAEU automatically join the EAEU Customs Union.

Do not get confused in "unions"!

The use of the phrase "Customs Union" as a proper name was not originally the best idea, because a customs union [of several states] is a common noun. There are more than 10 customs unions in the world today.

Therefore, from a morphological point of view, it would be correct to say thatthere are two unions:

Firstly, Eurasian Economic Union(EAEU) , which is a unique form of association of several states,

Secondly, Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Union (CU EAEU), which is one of the many customs unions in the world. And a country joining the EAEU automatically becomes a member of the EAEU CU.

EAEU today

To date, the EAEU includes five countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan.

Moldova is an observer country.

Free trade agreements have been concluded with Vietnam, Iran, China, Cuba.

Negotiations are underway to create a free trade regime with Singapore, India, Egypt, Thailand, Israel and Serbia.

There are 4 supranational bodies in the EAEU:

Supreme Eurasian Economic Council- the supreme body, which includes the heads of the EAEU member states. The meetings of the Supreme Council are held annually.

Eurasian Intergovernmental Economic Council- a body that includes heads of governments (prime ministers) of the EAEU member states. Council meetings are also held annually.

Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)- a regularly operating regulatory body, whose tasks include the direct functioning of the Union, the development of integration and supranational institutions and instruments. It consists of the Council of the Commission and the Collegium of the Commission.

Court of the Eurasian Economic Union- Judicial authority, problem solver law enforcement practice of supranational legislation of the EAEU.

Today in the EAEU, and their number is growing every year.


Separately, it is worth clarifying the issue with the name of technical regulations.

At the moment, the EAEU has two types of technical regulations: technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU) and technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR EAEU).

These are absolutely identical documents that have equal legal force and scope. The difference between them is only in the name.

If you pay attention, then until 2014, inclusive, the technical regulations of the Customs Union were published (the latest was the technical regulation for tobacco products), and after 2015, when the EAEU already officially existed, the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union began to be published. And in the future, only EAEU TRs will now appear, but CU TRs will continue to operate without renaming.

The Customs Union is an organization that has legal personality obtained in accordance with the agreement on the economic union of the states of Eurasia. The document was signed on May 29, 2014.

Members of the Customs Union

The creation of the Union is aimed at ensuring the solution of the following issues:

  • To help coordinate, harmonize, develop a unified policy regarding all sectors of the economy.
  • Ensure the free movement of both labor and finance, services, goods.

The following countries are currently members of the Customs Union:

  • Russia,
  • Kyrgyzstan,
  • Kazakhstan,
  • Armenia,
  • Belarus.

Tunisia, Syria and Turkey also stated that they intend to join the CU. But so far, these countries have not taken any concrete steps for this.

The evolution of the process will help to better understand the prerequisites and goals of creating a TS.

  1. The first treaty, which became the basis for the creation of the Union, was signed by Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia in 1995. Later, the agreement was signed by representatives of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan.
  2. 2007 Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus signed the following agreement. It said that the listed countries agreed to build a Customs Union with a single customs territory.
  3. year 2009. The previously signed document was supplemented by many additional international treaties, there were more than forty of them. In addition, it was decided that from the first days of 2010 a single customs area is being formed. It will include the territory of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
  4. 2010 A common code was adopted for the listed states. At the same time, a single tariff begins to operate.
  5. In 2011, the removal of customs control between the countries of the Union. It was moved to the outer borders.
  6. From 2011 to 2013. Development and adoption of common legislative norms for the CU countries. In addition, the development of a unified law on product safety was carried out.
  7. In 2014, the CU was replenished with one more country, Armenia, and the following year, Kyrgyzstan becomes a member of the Union.

In other words, integration processes developed throughout the period. As a result, general norms of legislation and customs tariffs should be developed so that it would be possible to carry out trade operations with those states that were not included in the CU.

The main goal pursued by the powers that signed the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union is to strengthen economic ties. First of all, the strengthening of ties was implied between the participating countries, and then with those states that were part of Soviet Union. And also the task is to restore the technological and economic chains that once existed. But this will have to happen taking into account what the economic and political situation of each state will be at the current moment.

Who controls the EEC?

The following structures coordinate and manage the work of the EAEU bodies:

  • Higher Eurasian ES. This is the name given to the supranational body. It consists of the heads of countries that have become members of the CU. The meeting of the Supreme Council takes place annually. It makes the next decisions that must be implemented by all participating countries. In addition, the council is engaged in determining the composition and powers of various structures of the CU.
  • Eurasian Commission on Economics. This is the regulatory body of the Union, which works constantly. Except general issues, the commission also decides those related to customs regulation and international trade. It also develops and provides conditions for the development of the vehicle and its normal operation.

The powers of the commission are quite extensive, it is authorized to resolve almost all issues:

  1. Technical regulation.
  2. Customs administration.
  3. Trade statistics.
  4. Procurement.
  5. Monetary policy.
  6. macroeconomic policy.
  7. Concerning transportation, transport.
  8. Subsidies for agricultural or industrial enterprises.
  9. financial markets.
  10. Migration policy.
  11. Trade regime with third countries.
  12. Competition policy, energy.
  13. Copyright Compliance.
  14. Measures regarding sanitary/veterinary norms.
  15. Natural monopoly and other areas.

Governing bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union

In addition, the duties of the commission include ensuring the implementation of the international treaties included in the legal basis of the Union.

The Commission is competent to approve documents and make decisions that the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union will be required to comply with.

TC goals and their implementation

The first goal of the CU concerned issues related to the expansion of markets where the members of the Union could sell the goods and services they produce. So that first of all it is within it that sales grow.

For this, the following was suggested:

  1. Cancel internal customs payments. Thanks to this, the price attractiveness of products produced by the member countries of the Union could increase.
  2. Cancel customs control and paperwork for the movement of products. This helped speed up the circulation of goods within the Union.
  3. Accept General requirements on veterinary safety standards and sanitary and epidemiological issues. It was proposed to obtain this on the basis of the results of joint tests.

In order to unify the approach to safety and quality, the participating countries signed an agreement that all products offered for sale must have a certificate. Its form was specified in one of the documents of the Customs Union.

This agreement contains more than 30 regulations. All of them relate to the quality of services / goods and their safety. Moreover, a certificate issued by one country - a member of the Union, remains valid in other states that are its members.

The following objectives of the TS:

  • Create all conditions so that the member countries of the Union can, first of all, sell their own products.
  • Protect the domestic market of the vehicle.

Unfortunately, no mutual understanding has been reached between the states on the above points. Each of them has its own priorities regarding the development of production and intends, first of all, to protect its own interests, and not to take care of the production of its neighbors. Because of this, both importing enterprises and the population suffer.

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