Highlight different areas of text and quotes. How to quote to pass anti-plagiarism

When composing and formatting text in Word, the question sometimes arises: how to highlight a quote in a text? The answer to it is based on two planes at once.

In punctuation rules and in the tools of Word itself.

After all, highlighting a quote is far from the simplest action, and this must be done not only correctly, but also competently. By itself, the office suite can only suggest that you need to do everything right. But instead of the user himself will not do this.

If the quote option appears on the forums (i.e., quoting), then trying to write this cd in Word is not a good idea. It will turn out just a single set of characters. But what should be done?

Using rules

Well, you can do everything manually. Yes, it's a bit complicated and you need to remember correctly what and how to do. The rules remain the same and it is necessary to follow these same rules. And they turned out to be quite a lot on closer examination. The first option when quoting is issued is to use the following construction:

Bryusov wrote: "Alexander will not hear the disputes of the violent Diadochi."

The quotation marks the quotation itself. Required text, owned by the author, is enclosed in quotation marks. This is the focus of the citation. In principle, this is how everyone is used to highlighting quotes. But let's take a closer look at the example.

If you use the very phrase “Alexander will not hear the disputes of the violent Diadochi”, then the quote is simply closed in quotation marks. Why is there a colon here? In this case, a reference to the author himself is used. But this reference is before the quote itself, so a colon is put.

What if the author is mentioned after the quote? “Alexander will not hear the disputes of the violent Diadochi,” says Bryusov in a poem. This is the form of the quoted text. That is, after it, when the quotes are closed, a dash is put. A bit like the rule with direct speech, but differs by the absence of a dash at the beginning. An invalid quotation would be:

- Alexander will not hear the disputes of the violent Diadochi. Bryusov said.

This construction of the text is suitable for direct speech, but not for quoting. Quotations are marked with quotation marks.

What if the quote precedes the text? Are any punctuation marks needed? The unequivocal answer is necessary. But only if they were added by the author. And what becomes a quote in this case? epigraph.

It has its own requirements. We will not dwell on them. Since we are more interested in how to highlight a quote in a Word text.

Using Word to highlight quotes

The following text is intended for the correct selection of quotes in a text editor. And from the theoretical part of writing literacy, we move on to the practical. How to do one or another action.

The text is usually placed on the right side of the document. With observance of all rules of quoting. By the way, not all of them are listed above. This is a fairly simple action that requires minimal effort from the user.

  1. Take the text itself and select it.
  2. In the paragraph section, we find the symbol marked in red. It corresponds to the "Align Right" function.
  3. We click on this symbol and as a result the text is shifted in the indicated direction.

Note: A similar effect can be achieved using the key combination “Ctrl + R”. After all, almost every action in the editor can be done using hot keys.

This method has one disadvantage. If the quote is too long, it will reach the left edge of the page. Although, according to generally accepted rules, it should go no further than the middle (or even a third) of the sheet. Therefore, the following method will also come in handy.

Quote Offset Using Ruler

A good option for highlighting quotes in the text is a ruler. This tool is designed to change the position of text on a page. It works with already typed text and text that will be typed.

The trick is to highlight the typed fragments, and not change the settings for the entire sheet at once. You can read more about the line in a separate article.


  1. Highlight the required text.
  2. Above the text is a tool called the Ruler.
  3. Left-click the top slider or both. And we drag to the right distance.
  4. The dotted line indicates where the text will be moved.

Using the ruler, you can limit the space occupied by text on the page. That will highlight the quote. Works not only before the text. But also when adding a quote to the text itself.

It should be remembered that if a quote is indented, then there is no need to select it with quotes. You should only indicate the author or even leave only the text of the quote.

Highlight quotes with quotation marks and other useful tools

The way to highlight the quoted text with quotation marks is very simple. After all, the quote character can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Hold "Shift" and press the "2" button. Thus, the following quotes are put: "". The only thing to remember is that if the quotes are not closed, then the next time they are introduced, they will already be closed. The editor himself suggests that the closing character could be missed.
  2. Change layout to English language. Hold down the “Shift” button and press the button on the keyboard that corresponds to the Russian “E”. Simply put, print a big "E" in the English layout. This gives the following characters: “”. The opening and closing rule applies here as well.
  3. Any of these characters can be obtained through an insert. This will require:
    • go to the "Insert" section at the top of the document;
    • select "Symbol";
    • select "Other characters" and find the required quotes in the list;
    • Click "Insert".

After that, the selected quotation marks will appear in the text.

The latter method requires knowledge of the theoretical part of Word rather than any useful skills. Each character has its own encoding. It is entered while holding down the "Alt" button.

  • “- “0171”;
  • » — “0187”;
  • „ – “0132”;
  • “ – “0147”;
  • ” – “0148”.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The character will not appear until Alt is released. And what is much more important - you need to type numbers on the numeric keypad. With the “Num Lock” key on (in this case, the corresponding indicator will light).

This method is the most difficult, and therefore described at the end. But now, taking into account all the ways to insert and highlight a quote in a document, it will not be so difficult.

The text is no less important than its semantic load. In particular, this applies to citations. Mistakes with similar elements of the text are among the most common, most students make them in one form or another. Next, we will analyze in detail how to format quotes in a term paper, and give some practical examples.

  1. Abuse of direct quotations is a symptom term paper low quality, deliberately "inflated" its volume. In addition, non-unique cited passages of text reduce the overall uniqueness of the coursework. Do not forget that this parameter is fundamental in many universities, and its unsatisfactory value leads to a decrease in the student's score.
  2. Too large quotations, occupying almost a third of the page, are unacceptable. The reasons are the same - a decrease in the uniqueness of the work, and, consequently, its quality. Large quotations are allowed only in exceptional cases, for example, when it is necessary to analyze a passage artwork, consider the means of artistic expression used by the author, the manner of presentation, etc.
  3. Citing reference literature is not always appropriate. The mention of various kinds of dictionaries and reference books in the course is not welcome, references to such literature are only allowed in the introduction and, if necessary, definitions of terms.

How to make quotes in coursework: the most common ways

There are two types of citations:

  • direct
  • indirect

In turn, direct quotations can be entered into the text of the work in several ways:

  • indicating the author and source directly in the text
  • with reference to the author and source

Indirect quotation

In terms of design, this method is the simplest. Another advantage is that the text of the quote can be changed, it is not necessary to use it verbatim. The student can state the essence of the quote in his own words, choose key thoughts from it.

Examples of indirect quoting:

Direct quotation

A few punctuation rules for direct quoting:

How to give an incomplete quote? Sometimes it is necessary to quote a quote without a certain part of it. In such a case, words that are omitted are replaced by ellipsis. Such a construction can be located anywhere in the passage - at the end, in the middle or at the very beginning. If three dots are located before the text, that is, the beginning of the phrase is omitted, its continuation is already written with a small letter. In one quote, several passages can be replaced by dots at once, at the discretion of the author of the work.

How to quote, referring to the source?

This method of introducing citations is most often used. Footnotes or square brackets are allowed here.

If you choose to use footnotes, you must do so as follows:

That is, you should quote the phrase, putting a footnote number after it. The number is indicated with the inclusion of the "Superscript" parameter. A shortened horizontal line is placed at the bottom of the page, under which the footnote number (that is, “1”) is duplicated, a dot is placed and the source is indicated, most often with the page designation.

Note! Footnotes must be page-by-page. In other words, it is unacceptable for a quoted phrase to remain on one page, and a footnote indicating its source to appear on the next or further. The fact is that the numbering of footnotes may not be end-to-end throughout the entire text of the term paper, but page-by-page. That is, each subsequent footnote is considered the first for a new page.

When using square brackets, the quotation is entered into the text as a separate sentence, without changing the text and without the punctuation marks mentioned above. After it, square brackets are opened, which indicate the number of the source and its specific page.

It looks like this:

Note! When using square brackets, take into account the requirements of your university regarding the compilation of a list of references. The numbering of citations can be either in the order of their appearance in the text, or in alphabetical order(according to the names of the sources).

Basic rules for quoting:

The quote must match the text of the work.

Punctuation marks in the quote must be reproduced accurately. If you do not have the text of the work at hand (examination to the university), then you should place the signs in accordance with the rules of punctuation.

If you do not quote all the words of the passage, then an ellipsis is put in place of the missing words. In this case, it is necessary to check whether the meaning of the quote is distorted.

Options for including a quote in the text of an essay can be different:

“I know only two real misfortunes in life: remorse and illness,” says Prince Andrei to Pierre.

- Prince Andrei tells Pierre that he knows in life "only two real misfortunes: remorse and illness."

In this case, direct speech must be converted into indirect speech, and the quoted text is written with a lowercase letter.

Punctuation in prose quotations is the same as punctuation in direct speech.

After a colon, a quote that is not written from the beginning is preceded by an ellipsis, for example:

Raskolnikov himself tells Luzhin about his reasoning: “... bring to the end what you just preached, and it turns out that people can be cut ...”

Can't be retold poetic text in his own words (Pushkin writes that he loves Peter's work).

A poem can be quoted in two ways:

1) Observing the graphic appearance of the stanza, for example:

"Wonderful picture..." A. Fet - winter landscape. This poem conveys the poet's feelings caused by the contemplation of beautiful nature:

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon...

In this case, the text is given without quotes.

2) One or two lines can be quoted "per line", for example:

“A wonderful picture” by A. Fet is a winter landscape. This poem conveys the poet's feelings caused by the contemplation of beautiful nature:

"Wonderful picture, // How dear you are to me..."

In this case, quotes are required.

If the speech is work in progress about one author or one poetic work, after the quotation, the name of the author and the title of the poem are not indicated. There is no need to indicate the name of the poet and in the case when it precedes the quotation or is called after it, for example:

A. Fet writes:

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon...

If works of different poets are quoted, the name of the author should be put in brackets after the quote, for example:

Both poems depict a winter landscape:

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon...
(A. Fet)

The clouds are rolling
Clouds are winding;
Invisible moon
Illuminates the flying snow;
Cloudy sky, cloudy night...
(A. Pushkin)

The same design rules apply if we are talking about different poems by the same author. The titles of the verses are given under the quotation in parentheses and in quotation marks, for example:

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies ...
("Winter morning")

The clouds are rolling
clouds swirl;
Invisible moon
Illuminates the flying snow;
Cloudy sky, cloudy night...

The epigraph is drawn up on the right side of the sheet without quotation marks. The surname and initials of the author are not enclosed in brackets, a dot is not put after them.

Using direct quotes in an essay is a great way to back up your ideas with concrete evidence and spice up your arguments. However, if you want your essay to look professional, then you need to know how to cite properly, whether you're using MLA or APA style. And remember: if you use a quote but don't credit the first author, it's considered plagiarism. In addition to the quotes given in the essay, you will have to make a reference page at the end of your essay. If you want to learn how to insert citations into your essay, skip to step 1 to get started.


Part 1

quote using MLA style

According to the style of MLA (Association modern languages), when using quotes in an essay, you must include the author's name and page number. If you are quoting poetry, then you will have to refer to lines of poetry instead of page numbers. Unlike the APA style, you do not have to include the year in which the citation was written in the body of your essay, although you will have to include it on the detailed reference page at the very end of the essay.

    Provide short quotes. Under the MLA style, a short quotation is anything less than four printed lines of prose or three lines of poetry. If your citation meets these length requirements, then all you need to do is 1) enclose the citation in double quotes, 2) include the author's last name, 3) include the page number. You can insert the author's name before the quotation, or place it in parentheses after the quotation. You can just write the page number at the end without using "p" etc. to designate a page.

    Give long quotations from prose. According to the MLA format, long quotations are anything longer than four printed lines of prose or three lines of poetry. If you come across one of them, you will have to write it out as a freestanding piece of text, without using quotes. You can insert a quote into a text line by preceding it with a colon, indenting the quote 2.5 cm from the left, while maintaining double spacing. You can end a quote with a punctuation mark, and then indicate the author's last name and page number in parentheses after the quotation.

    • Here is an example of a paragraph containing a long block quote:
      • The novella "Things They Carried" describes the things carried by the soldiers who fought in Vietnam in order to reveal their character and make the reader feel the weight of the burden they carried: Basically, they carried things determined by necessity. Among the first and almost essential items were P-38 can openers, pocket knives, checkers of solid fuel, wrist watch, dog tags, mosquito repellant, chewing gum, sugary cigarettes, salt tablets, sachets of instant powder, lighters, matches, kits for repairing uniforms, certificates allowance, "rations C", as well as two or three flasks of water.(O'Brien, 2)
    • If you are quoting two or more paragraphs, you will have to use block quotes, even if each paragraph of the paragraph is less than four lines long. You must add an extra half centimeter indent on the first line of each paragraph. Use an ellipsis (...) at the end of each paragraph to link to the next one.
  1. Provide quotations from the poem. If you want to quote a poem or part of it, then you should stick to the original line format to convey the original meaning. Here is how you can do it:

    • Howard Nemerov describes his suffering from lost love in his poem "Shutters": A day full of lonely memories And dreams washed away by winter rain (Unspeakable abyss, settled in the mind!) He leaves through the open windows. (14-18)
  2. Add or skip words when quoting. This is also useful if you need to change the meaning of a quote slightly to fit the context of the essay, or when you want to omit information that is not relevant to what you would like to emphasize. Here are examples of how to insert quotes into your essay in both cases:

    • Use square brackets ([ and ]) to "insert" your information to help readers read the quote:
      • Mary Hodge, 20th century realist writer, author short stories, once wrote, "Many women [who write stories] feel they are inferior to novelists, but don't think so" (88).
    • Use an ellipsis (...) to omit a part of a quote that is not relevant to your essay. Here is an example:
      • Smith believes that many Ivy League students "think that being a teacher is not as prestigious ... as being a banker" (90).
    • Many studies have found that MFA programs “are the single biggest driver that helps aspiring writers get their work published” (Clark, Owen, and Camus 56).
  3. Get quotes from the internet. Inserting quotes from the web is unreliable as you won't be able to find the page numbers. However, you should try to find as much as possible more information: author, year, or title of the essay or article. Here are two examples:

    • One film critic wrote on the Internet that Faith was one of the most infamous films made in Canada in the past decade" (Jenkins, "Shame on Canada!").
    • Wedding guru Rachel Seaton said in her famous blog that "Every woman is a capricious bride at heart" (2012, "Godzilla in a Tuxedo").

    Part 2

    quote using the APA style

    According to the APA (American Philological Association) style, when citing, you must include the author's last name and page number, just as you do in the MLA format, but you also have to specify the year. In APA format, you will also have to use "p." before page numbers when citing.

    1. Provide short quotes. To provide a short quotation (less than 40 words) in APA format, you just have to make sure you include the author's last name, year, and page number (and "page" to refer to them). Here you will find a couple of examples various ways do this:

      • According to McKinney (2012), “yoga is best method stress relief for Americans over twenty” (p. 54).
      • McKinney found that "100 adults who practiced yoga at least three times a week had lower blood pressure, better sleep, and less dissatisfaction."(2012, p.55).
      • She also said, “Yoga is much better at relieving tension than running or cycling” (McKinney, 2012, p. 60).
    2. Give long quotes. In order to provide a long quote in APA format, you will have to insert it in a separate piece of text. You should start the quotation on a new line, indented 1.2 cm from the left edge, and then write the quotation in full, with the same indentation. If the quote consists of several paragraphs, then you can insert the first line of another paragraph with an additional 1.2 cm indent from the new margin. When quoting, adhere to double line spacing by writing the quotation in parentheses after the last punctuation mark. The same rule applies to more short quotes- you will need to indicate the author, year and page somewhere at the beginning or in the body of the quote. Here is an example:

So, finally, we can proceed to the final part of this article. As the name implies, it will be dedicated to the design of quotes. But first, let's talk a little about this term.

A quotation is a verbatim excerpt from a text. © Wikipedia

Of course, this concept is obvious, but necessary for the completeness of this part. Now I can safely say that everyone who reads this part will know what a quotation is and there will be no misunderstanding in the text below.

And now let's move on to the basic design rules:

· The quoted quotation must accurately reproduce the cited fragment of the text.

· Punctuation marks in the quote must be reproduced accurately. If the text of the work is not at hand, then the signs should be placed in accordance with the rules of punctuation.

I think these two points are quite obvious. The very definition of this term suggests that the text is transmitted not just verbatim, but also with all punctuation marks. That's what the quote is for.

· In Russian and typography, quotations are usually written in quotation marks or in a special font.

So, let's analyze the point in more detail.

With quotes, probably, everyone will figure it out. But still, I’ll add that two types are usually used for decoration: French quotes, otherwise also called Christmas trees (“…”), and German ones, also known as paws (“…”).

A special font, according to Wikipedia, is called a reduced size, with a retract, italic. However, not all resources have the opportunity to issue a quote in this way, so quotes are a win-win option.

I would also like to note that other quoting rules may be used in other languages, but I will not expand on them in this article, since we all write in Russian. At least within ficbook.

Speaking of our favorite "Book of Fanfiction". Sometimes I noticed that on this resource, quotes are simply italicized. I also often came across the designation of a quote with a copyright sign. Yes, I myself often use it in articles, citing quotes.

So, as you can see, there are an infinite number of ways to quote.

But in this article, I would like to consider in detail exactly the design with quotation marks.

· If any part of the quote is omitted, it must be replaced with an ellipsis, which is sometimes located in angular brackets.

Let's dwell on this point in more detail. In order not to tediously explain it for a long time, I will give an example of such a citation. More precisely, how the quote itself will look like with a “torn piece”, which I recently met in a Russian textbook.


“But why do I remember so?<…>Because some three or four hours have passed, and all this - our wonderful bathing together, and a sleepy lake with motionless reflected shores, and a thousand other thoughts, feelings, impressions - all this suddenly went somewhere. (Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains")

I would like to note that the missing fragment of the quote is also located inside the quotes. And please note that the period is placed after the closing quote.

I would also highlight one more case when, after a colon, the text is not quoted from the very beginning. In this case, after the colon inside the quotation marks, an ellipsis is placed, and the text itself is written with a small letter.


Raskolnikov himself tells Luzhin about his reasoning: “... bring to the end what you just preached, and it turns out that people can be cut ...”

· Options for including quotes in the text may be different.

I know of two types of citation. As direct speech and as indirect. Now let's take a closer look at each method.

With quoting as direct speech, everything is very simple. For such quotations, just those rules for the design of direct speech that were outlined by me in the previous part of this article are applicable.


“I know only two real misfortunes in life: remorse and illness,” says Prince Andrei to Pierre.

With indirect speech, things are somewhat different and in some ways even simpler. In this case, the quote is an integral part of the sentence and is always written with a small letter. An exception can only be if it begins with a proper name.


Prince Andrei tells Pierre that he knows in life "only two real misfortunes: remorse and illness."

All these rules are typical for quoting prose texts. Now let's talk about poetry quotes. After all, they have their own special rules.

· You can not retell the poetic text in your own words.

By quoting poems in this way, the meaning is distorted, that at times it can look ridiculous and absurd.

An example of what not to do:

Pushkin writes that he loves Peter's work.

· General rules verse quotation.

But speaking in general about the rules for quoting a poem, we can again single out only two. Each of them, of course, I will consider in detail.

So, the first with respect for the graphic appearance of the stanza. Quoting in this way, the text is given without quotes, written after a colon.


"Wonderful picture..." A. Fet - winter landscape. This poem conveys the poet's feelings caused by the contemplation of beautiful nature:

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon…

The second way of quoting is applicable to small verse quotations that do not exceed one or two lines. In this case, the quote is enclosed in quotation marks.


"Wonderful picture" A. Fet - winter landscape. This poem conveys the poet's feelings caused by the contemplation of beautiful nature: "Wonderful picture, // How dear you are to me ..."

In this case, it has already been indicated once which work or its creator is being discussed, therefore there is no need to repeat it.

· There is no need to indicate the name of the poet and in the case when it precedes the quotation or is called after it.

If the name is given before the poem is quoted, then the quote itself is written after the colon. If the author is indicated at the end, the name is indicated in brackets.


1. A. Fet writes:

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon…

2. Wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon…

· Quotes from various poets.

If the text contains poems by different authors, the name of each must be indicated in brackets after his work.

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies ...

("Winter morning")

The clouds are rolling
clouds swirl;
Invisible moon
Illuminates the flying snow;
The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy ...

And on this note, perhaps, we can end this part, and with it the entire article. I hope it has been helpful in some way.

Note. Author: In order not to violate any laws and not find problems for myself on the fifth point, I indicate the source from which the materials for writing this part of the article were partially borrowed - http://www.gramma.ru/RUS/?id=5.8

The article was prepared by Maxim Klokov (Zebrul) especially for the group " The educational center"Beta - Gamma" (vk.com/beta_gamma).

The material is borrowed from the article "Rules for the design of direct speech and quotations" by the same author.

Publication of this article outside the group is strictly prohibited! Respect someone else's work, gentlemen!

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