How and why does the full cycle of the moon affect a person? The impact of the new moon and full moon on human health

Since ancient times, the moon has attracted the attention of man, beckoning him with its mysterious light ... Poets and artists were inspired by her secret influence, in Once again creating your own unique masterpiece. Lovers sought peace in her soft embrace. Why does this mistress of the night so attract our admiring glances and our quiet exclamations of jubilation? Let's try to understand such an ambiguous and exciting question about the mystical impact of the night star.

Astrology, as the science of the influence on all living and non-living celestial bodies - planets and stars, has been known to initiates since time immemorial. It was successfully used by Persian magicians, Chaldean priests, Babylonian astrologers. All kings, kings and emperors followed her recommendations. Why is astrology so attractive, why does it excite the minds ordinary people and enlightened nobility? The answer is simple. We all want to know what lies ahead for us, what fate is in store for us. And that is why we strive so hard to know our future.

One of the most important luminaries in astrology is the Moon. Why was it shining? Because it shines, albeit by reflected light. Why is the moon so important? First of all, let us remember what does progressive science say about the impact on nature and man? It's no secret that the lunar influence causes the ebb and flow of the world's oceans on our Earth, but few people know that under the influence of the gravitational field of the earth's satellite, its surface fluctuates on the Earth.

When the moon moves around the earth, then after its rotation that part of the earth's crust moves, which is turned towards the night star. Earth's crust under the Moon, as it were, it swells and this huge boulder runs along the Earth, like a huge tsunami wave. And the waters of the oceans set in motion and the rearing giant hill of land, obeying the wave of the gravitational force, steadily follow the movement of the night companion.

All this movement takes place in the Earth's magnetic field and, thanks to this physical phenomenon, like electromagnetic induction, a wave of electric charge runs along the surface of the Earth. All nature seems to come to life, is activated, being electrified by the generated electric field. Such is the physical impact of our closest natural satellite on the biosphere of our planet.

But what is the influence of the moon on man? It has long been noticed that during certain periods of the full cycle of its circulation around the Earth, the behavior of people changes greatly: for example, on the full moon, when the Moon and the Sun are on the same line on opposite sides of the Earth, the number of disasters and crimes increases sharply. And during the period of the new moon, when these same luminaries are on the same line, but on the same side of the Earth, the number of suicides increases.

Such observations prove that the Moon somehow affects the human psyche. Since our body is almost 80% water, it is no wonder that under the influence of the moon this water comes into motion. Our inland waters during periods of full moon or new moon, they also begin to experience ebb and flow, which will certainly lead to a change in their structure, composition and properties. As a result, we feel comfort or discomfort. Since everything in our body is interconnected, the state of all fluids in it will necessarily affect the state of our psyche: emotions, feelings and thoughts.

In the same way, the Moon has an effect on organic life in general: on animals - activating their behavior, on plants - activating their growth, and even on crystals - exciting an electrical charge in them. This influence is strongest at night and when the moon is full, since at such a time it is easiest for predators to hunt, and it is better for plants to assimilate nutrients from the soil.

Now let's look at the Moon from the position of astrology already familiar to us. Mainstream science says that The moon is a dead celestial body, which makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 27.32 days. However, from the standpoint of astrology, the Moon is a luminary that has a very specific nature - cold and wet, transmitting its soft, life-giving rays to the Earth. And under the influence of these rays, all life on Earth, including humans, receives a very definite influence.

Ancient astrologers argued that this influence is of a feminine nature, which means that it will affect women most strongly. So, from the point of view of ancient astrological knowledge, the Moon influences the human psyche, or rather, on that part of it that is connected with our subconscious. The subconscious is a part of our psyche that we do not control, which includes everything that we have forgotten or suppressed. This is the memory of the past, and the instincts that wake up in us from time to time in the form of an animal feeling of hunger or a strong sexual desire.

It is also the imagination of some unreal, non-existent situations under the influence of unreasonable fear, and quickly transient emotions that we cannot restrain: fear, passion, greed, anger, jealousy, tearfulness, joy. That is, these are the emotions that are mainly inherent in the child - natural, genuine, quickly replacing each other.

Besides The moon influences our physiology, which is reflected in our general well-being, and therefore affects our mood. All fluids of our body - blood, lymph, bile - are subject to its influence. The birth and death of a living being is also associated with the Moon. All the unconscious processes of our body, our psyche and everything that we absorb with mother's milk (habits, reflexes, instincts, stereotypes of behavior and thinking) - everything is subject to her, the mistress of the night.

The moon influences:

  • unconscious processes in the body and psyche (sleep, imagination, perception, sexual behavior, the ovulation cycle in women, hunger and the instinct of self-preservation);
  • subconscious (repressed emotions, desires and dreams, memory of the past);
  • emotions that flow freely and naturally (anger, passion, greed, joy, tearfulness, sadness, jealousy, daydreaming, and others);
  • general well-being, mood and everything that we call health and youth.

What is the lunar cycle and what are the cycles?

To track the influence of the night star on us, ancient astrologers watched its movement across the sky. The centuries-old experience of such observation allowed the sages to come to the conclusion that during their cycles The moon affects us in different ways. And they conveyed to future generations their message about how the night luminary affects all living things.

First of all, the shift cycle is of great importance. lunar phases, or the so-called synodic month, lasting 29.53 days. This is the time from one new moon to the next. It is important to understand that in astrology all the planets, including the Moon, are subordinate to the Sun. Therefore, the entire cycle of changing the lunar phases is a change in the relationship between the Moon and the Sun.

The synodic month is the period of time between two new moons, lasting 29.53 days. During this time, the angular distance between the Moon and the Sun changes from 0° (New Moon) to 180° (Full Moon) when it is waxing, and from 180° to 0° when it is waning.

In this case, the Moon successively passes through four main phases: I quarter, when the angular distance between it and the Sun is from 0 ° to 90 °, II quarter, when the angular distance is in the range from 90 ° to 180 °, III quarter, with an angular distance of 180° to 270°, and IV quarter, when the angle between the Sun and the Moon is from 270° to 360°.

During the new moon, the moon is almost invisible, which means that our emotions and instincts are controlled by the Sun - our consciousness. However, during this period, we feel unfree, depressed and oppressed, because the Moon gives us freedom to naturally express our instincts and emotions. That is why most suicides occur at this time. When the Moon begins to grow in its phase, all the processes associated with it awaken. Their strength increases, and we begin to feel more free and liberated. However, the control of our consciousness is weakening.

Thus, the waxing Moon increases the energy of our emotions and instincts, and at the moment of the full moon, this energy reaches its peak: our soul is as free as possible from the influence of the Sun - our spirit. It is during this period that most car accidents, murders and rapes occur, because repressed desires and negative emotions come out. Having reached a maximum in its phase, the Moon begins to decrease, and after this, the strength of our emotions and instincts also decreases. When the new moon comes, they are back in control.

Also of great importance cycle of the moon around the earth, called the sidereal month. This time period is 27.32 days. During this cycle, the Moon successively passes through all the signs of the Zodiac - from Aries to Libra and from Libra to Aries.

A sidereal month is the period of time between two successive passages of the Moon through 0° Aries, lasting 27.32 days. During this time, the Moon makes a complete revolution around our planet, successively passing through all the signs of the Zodiac. The presence of the Moon in each sign of the Zodiac sets us one or another program of action in relation to our body (treatment, cleansing, exercise), since the Moon affects our health, or in relation to outside world(for example, planting and caring for plants), as the Moon influences the natural processes occurring in nature and society.

The recommendations of astrologers for each of the periods of the Moon in one or another sign of the Zodiac have been known for a long time. For example, recommendations for planting plants of one kind or another, how to care for them, etc. are given in the lunar sowing calendar, which you can easily find in any gardening magazine or tear-off calendar.

For example , on the growing moon we need to plant those plants in which their aboveground part is important to us (spicy herbs, berries, shrubs, flowers, leafy vegetables, fruit trees, etc.), and on the waning moon it is necessary to plant plants in which we are interested in their underground part (beets, potatoes, turnips, carrots, etc.).

You probably know the recommendations for body care and treatment of the body, depending on the position of the Moon in the corresponding sign of the Zodiac. But it would be nice to be reminded of them. And before you follow these recommendations, remember one very important rule:

  • It is impossible to treat, let alone operate on that organ or that part of the body that corresponds to the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located.
  • It is possible to treat and operate on an organ or part of the body corresponding to the sign of the Zodiac opposite to the sign in which the Moon is located.

Transit Moon and its influence on the organs and parts of the human body

Moon in sign Body parts, organs or systems that cannot be treated or operated on Body parts, organs or systems that can be treated or operated on
Aries Head, face, upper jaw, ears, eyes Endocrine system, pancreas, kidneys, urinary system, skin
Taurus Neck, lower jaw throat, larynx, pharynx, thyroid gland, endocrine system(except prostate) Prostate gland, rectum, genitals
Gemini Lungs, trachea, bronchi, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers Hips, hip joints, liver, gallbladder, sciatic nerve, circulatory system
Cancer Chest, mammary glands, stomach Teeth, legs, knees, tendons, circulatory system, liver, gallbladder, spine, bones
lion Heart, back, chest, spine Legs, joints, eyes, nervous and vascular systems
Virgin Abdomen, small and large intestines, entire gastrointestinal tract (except rectum) Feet, sensory organs, liver, legs, skin
Libra Kidneys, endocrine system, pancreas, urinary system, skin Head, face, ears, eyes, upper jaw
scorpio Genital organs, prostate gland, rectum Neck, throat, upper respiratory tract, endocrine system (excluding prostate)
Sagittarius Hips, hip joints, sciatic nerve, liver, gallbladder, circulatory system Lungs, bronchi, trachea, arms, shoulders, hands and fingers
Capricorn Liver, gallbladder, knee joints, teeth, spine, bones, circulatory system Chest, mammary glands, stomach, diaphragm
Aquarius Legs, venous system, legs, joints, nervous system, sense organs, eyes Heart, chest, back, spine
Pisces Feet, sensory organs, skin, liver, legs Abdomen, entire gastrointestinal tract (excluding rectum), small and large intestines

How do the phases of the moon affect our lives?

What does it mean for a person to be born on a new moon? How does the night Luminary affect a person born on the full moon? To answer these questions, let us ask what astrology says about this. It turns out that the phase of the moon in which he was born most strongly affects a person.

For example, if someone was born in the first quarter, then greatest influence the growing moon will have it in this phase. If someone was born on a new moon or a full moon, respectively, at this time he will experience the greatest influence from the night Luminary. To find out what lunar phase you were born in, look at the tear-off or astronomical calendar date of your birth, or ask your astrologer.

So if you were born in:

Is it necessary to live according to the lunar calendar?

Moon calendar allows us to be successful in all our endeavors. How to apply the recommendations correctly lunar calendar? If in your horoscope initially strong moon, it means that you are more susceptible to its influence. Therefore, you can successfully follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar in your Everyday life. This calendar provides a description of the lunar days of the lunar month, as well as the lunar phases and positions of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.

You are prone to lunar influence if:

Women, children and people with an unstable, receptive psyche, as well as mentally ill and unbalanced people are especially susceptible to the influence of the earthly satellite. Following the recommendations of the lunar calendar, be prudent and prudent, because dependence on lunar rhythms does not make us more free. Remember that the Moon is relaxation and naturalness, and the calendar allows us to achieve success without much effort, unless, of course, we ourselves become like the mistress of the night. Therefore, use the support of the night luminary in those matters in which you want to succeed and your life will become more fruitful!

The moon not only actively affects our health and well-being. According to the results of recent scientific research, even the death rate of pedestrians on the roads directly depends on the phases of the moon.

The study was carried out by a team at the Transportation Research Institute at the University of Michigan, led by Michael Sivak. For the analysis, local statistics of pedestrian deaths in road accidents over a ten-year period were taken, as well as astronomical data.

Cases of death of people in the period from 10 pm to 5 am, that is, in the dark, were considered. So, it turned out: on the new moon, it dies by 22% more people than on a full moon. The question is why?

The answer seems to be obvious: light full moon brighter illuminates the road, and this significantly improves the driver's perception of the situation on the road. At the same time, the researchers believe that the scale of the influence of the Moon on human behavior, apparently, is much wider.

So, in Britain, based on police statistics, it was decided to increase the number of police patrols on the days of the full moon.

In Austria, a decrease in occupational injuries during the full moon was revealed. It was even possible to identify inexplicable fact the direct impact of the phases of the moon on the behavior of microorganisms living in water at great depths. Meanwhile, the nature of the influence of the moon on biological objects and social processes are still unclear.

"Be especially careful during the full moon," Swiss doctors also advise heart patients. A group of cardiologists from the city of Lugano came to the conclusion that the phases of the Earth's satellite somehow affect people's well-being.

As the observation of a group of patients showed, 30 percent of them suffered a heart attack precisely at the time when the "queen of the night" shone brightly in the sky. The few days following the full moon, according to statistics, are dangerous for those who had to go to the hospital after a heart attack: it is during this period that complications are likely, and the number deaths is doubled.

There is an assumption that the phases of the moon also affect fertility. In France, a study of five million cases has shown that at the end of the lunar month there are almost twice as many children as usual. It's better to starve in the dark

The influence of the lunar phases on our well-being and behavior is enormous, - says an employee of the Consultative Center at the Moscow Academy of State and municipal government, medical consultant Svetlana Bestuzheva.

If the Moon is able to set the seas and oceans in motion by the force of its attraction, then is it any wonder that it affects all life on Earth? Marine organisms, from molluscs to big fish, lay and fertilize eggs only on the full moon. And recent studies have confirmed that it is during this period that the number of robberies with the use of violence increases one and a half times.

On the contrary, on dark, moonless nights, our bodies are renewed, most actively being cleansed of toxins. This is the best time to break with bad habits, start therapeutic starvation or part with a person who is unpleasant to you: the stress for the body will be the least.

When it appears in the sky thin crescent of the moon, our body, as the researchers noted, is at the lowest point of vital activity. The immune system is weakened, we can experience an inexplicable feeling of fear, depression, depression. Therefore, doctors recommend in the phase of the waxing moon to carry out a strengthening treatment, drink vitamins and sleep more.

In love, the growing moon is a time of hopes and promises, in business life it is a period of constructive thoughts, new projects that promise good luck. As the moon grows, we become stronger, as if preparing for the upcoming victories and accomplishments. Closer to the change of the lunar phases, one must be more careful, more attentive to oneself and others. On such days, people become less balanced and more conflicted. The sharpness of the emotional perception of the world increases.

The second phase begins from the day when the illuminated part occupies exactly half of the lunar disk. The energy of the body continues to grow: we become stronger, more active, more emotional. Vital forces are gradually approaching their peak.

But here comes full moon- it's time to move from the accumulation of forces to their active expenditure. On this day, unspent energy can become uncontrollable. Excess energy does not allow many to fall asleep - it is on the full moon and the next few days that many people complain of insomnia.

In the old days, they believed that these days blood flows more abundantly from wounds, and lunatics walk in their sleep. Nervous disorders are aggravated, the number of traffic accidents. People are more annoyed, often scandalous, seemingly for no reason. The number of suicides is on the rise. On such days, try to be calmer, do not raise your voice, do not get annoyed over trifles. Do not fuss, put aside for a while all the things that require nervous tension, and do a calm, monotonous business. Remember: this is all temporary.

But in principle, the full moon is not so scary as it is painted. This is the time for accomplishments. Things are going well, romantic meetings are stormy and passionate. And for those who have nowhere to sell overflowing energy, it is recommended to do physical labor, sports or creativity. Can't sleep - write poetry! You may suddenly discover a rare talent.

On the days when the moon is waning, higher chances of success in surgical interventions, and recovery is faster. The waning moon brings awareness of the events that have taken place, a revision of views. Dates are more friendly, spiritual, rather than sensual, in nature.

The narrower the sickle of our satellite becomes - and this happens in the days of the final, fourth phase - the more flawed the energy of our organisms. A person loses activity, begins to get tired, everything falls out of his hands. It looks like getting old. You seem to sum up what you have experienced. This period must be lived with the feeling that the month was not in vain, and you did everything you could. Is the moon an alien ship?

The moon is probably the most mysterious object in our sky, - Professor Rudakov believes. - The more information we get about our natural satellite, the more mysteries and contradictions arise. Thus, the dimensions, shape and orbit of Selena's motion seem physically impossible to many researchers. Its other mystery is the implausible curvature of the surface. It is not clear how the Moon can have such a strange structure without being destroyed.

One explanation scientists have proposed is that the lunar crust was made from a solid titanium frame. The third secret of the Moon is its numerous craters. It is widely known that this is nothing more than scars on the body of the satellite, left by falling meteorites. After all, the Moon does not have an atmosphere that would protect it from space "aggressors". But the depth of these craters in this case should be orders of magnitude greater than it really is. Roughly speaking, meteorites would have already smashed the surface of a small satellite to smithereens. But that doesn't happen. Why? Is someone or something preventing them from doing so?

The list of mysteries of the Moon is almost endless. A lot is unclear - from its origin to the famous "lunar seas", woven from lava that has come from nowhere. Some researchers come to a fantastic conjecture: this huge lifeless ball revolving around the Earth is not natural companion. In fact, it is a controlled ship of brothers in mind, or an ancient cosmodrome, or a giant space laboratory ...

Perhaps this is precisely what explains its so obvious, but often inexplicable influence on our lives? What if, researchers of lunar anomalies go even further, brothers in mind put invisible experiments on us, and that is why we either fall into causeless melancholy, that at least hang ourselves, we become cheerful and cheerful?

However, if this is so, two questions remain unanswered: who created the moon and for what purpose? Representatives of other space civilizations?

Or, perhaps, those that lived on Earth in prehistoric times - the Atlanteans or their even more distant ancestors? But why do we need these mysterious creatures?

The lunar phases have an impact not only on the ebb and flow, but also on the well-being of a person. The answer to the question why the moon affects a person lies in its effect on water and liquid media. The water in our body is also affected by the gravitational field of the moon.

How does the moon affect a person

The cycle of the moon is 29-30 days. It is divided into 4 phases:

  • new moon;
  • Waxing Crescent;
  • full moon;
  • waning moon.

The new moon is the period when the fluid, under the influence of gravity, moves away from the head and rushes to internal organs. For this reason, some people may feel dizzy and slightly weak. This action is short-term, after it the phase of the growing moon comes into force.

Considering how the growing moon affects a person, it is important to note the following factors:

  • increase internal energy and a surge of strength;
  • body functions are improved and renewed;
  • blood rushes to the cerebral cortex;
  • in the middle of the phase, the work of the respiratory organs is activated;
  • the flow of blood and energy gradually descends from the upper organs to the lower ones.

Each phase has its own influence on the physical and emotional condition person. Even in ancient times, doctors distinguished how the full moon affects a person. The state of health of people on the full moon worsens, bleeding in the wounded increases, and people who are too emotional and mentally unhealthy become more restless or, on the contrary, depressed.

Full moon and waning moon

The full moon is a hot time for doctors and employees law enforcement. Modern research show that during this period there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the risk of injury increases, stressful situations are more difficult to tolerate, and the risk of side effects from medicines.

According to statistics, 30% of heart attacks occur on the full moon, and also increases the number of suicides. British law enforcement officers during the full moon increase the number of patrolling police officers and traffic inspectors. The energy accumulated during the phase of the growing moon can play a bad joke on a drunk person, so it is better not to drink alcohol during the full moon.

In the phase of the waning moon, the energy of the body decreases, as it were, compressed. A rush of fluid occurs to the head and feet, which causes heaviness in the legs, provokes exacerbation and drops blood pressure. This is a period of moderation in all physical needs, very suitable for diets and curative fasting.

The influence of the Moon on all life processes on our planet is extremely great. The force of gravity causes the Moon to rotate in a certain orbit around the Earth. The same force causes the tides on Earth to ebb and flow in the oceans. The same force affects all life on our planet, including the human body.

Especially clearly you can trace the influence of the moon on a woman. It is obvious that many processes that occur in the female body are associated with the so-called lunar phases. The best illustration of this theory is menstrual cycle. Its average duration is 28-29 days, about the same as one lunar month.

Moon and beauty How are they related?

It is not surprising that with such a dependence female body from the moon, our beauty is also extremely dependent on the phases of the moon.

Each lunar month, the Moon goes through four phases or quarters. The lunar phases begin with the new moon. Each phase lasts 7.4 days. What happens to a woman's body and their beauty and appearance in each of these phases of the moon?

The influence of the moon on a woman in the first phase of the lunar cycle

This phase begins at the new moon and continues until the moon reaches its first quarter.

For a woman, this phase of the moon is quite difficult. The influence of the Moon during this period suppresses us and spoils our mood.

However, during this period, women slow down the metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, at this time we do not experience a manic craving for gluttony. Use this phase of the moon to your advantage - go on a low-calorie diet, clean your intestines, these procedures will bring undoubted benefits to your beauty!

The influence of the moon on a woman in the second phase of the lunar cycle

In this phase, the moon is growing. It continues until the full moon. During this period, as in the previous one, you can safely "sit" on a diet.

The mood of a woman during this period is good, upbeat. However, on the full moon, many of the fair sex experience a strong emotional stress, that is why ethnoscience recommends that most women take control of their emotions during this period.

In the second phase, any surgical interventions in the body, including plastic surgery, because significant blood loss is possible. A trip to the dentist can also end unfavorably.

The second phase of the moon favors hair and skin care. Pamper yourself with masks and other caring procedures - they will bring undoubted benefits to your beauty.

There is also sad news - during this period, the likelihood of insomnia is high. This is especially true for persons with reduced pressure. Keep this in mind and try to establish a calm emotional background in your life, drink tea from soothing herbs. After all, for your beauty - a healthy sleep is simply necessary!

The influence of the moon on a woman in the third phase of the lunar cycle

This is the phase of the waning moon. On women, the Moon during this period acts very contradictory, because. the influence of the full moon is still very strong.

This period is favorable for the removal of unwanted hair, because. in this phase, the growth processes in the body slow down. Any epilation will have a lasting effect.

This period is also perfect for removing spider veins, moles and warts.

For the skin of the face at this time it is useful to do a cleansing.

The fight against cellulite in the third phase will also be very effective.

The influence of the moon on a woman in the fourth phase of the lunar cycle

This phase of the waning moon, until the new moon. Immunity during this period is at "0". Energy and strength will also decrease.

Therefore, in this phase, you should not torment yourself with diets or serious cosmetic procedures.

It is better to relax in a warm bath and calmly contemplate your inner world.

The period of the lunar cycle is called, at which the luminary reaches the peak of its growth, while its influence on all living things intensifies and reaches maximum level. At this time, plants grow especially quickly, all recovery processes increase significantly, metabolism is activated.

How does the Full Moon affect a person?

The full moon affects a person even more strongly. During this period, the activity of his brain reaches a peak, not stopping even at night. The full moon is fundamentally different from - you are bursting with energy, you are charged with strength, you may want to do the impossible. This state must be used to achieve your goals. At such moments, it is recommended to do important and necessary things. It's time to implement something that lacked enthusiasm or energy, and everything will work out perfectly, you may even get the feeling that you have caught luck by the tail.

However, due to such a tide, conflicts can arise, because during the Full Moon emotional background heated to the limit. To avoid quarrels with loved ones, try:

  • To the last to maintain self-control;
  • Be patient;
  • Do not succumb to provocations or "shots";
  • Move the conversation to a neutral topic if you feel that a quarrel may break out;

full moon period- most optimal time for the implementation of friendly meetings, the commission of risky cases, the signing of any contracts and agreements. Everything will turn out as well as possible, but due to such activity of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole, a person may begin to have problems sleeping.

However, there are advantages here - astrologers offer an option that will smooth out this negative effect of the influence of the Earth satellite. At times like these, it's time to get better intimate life between partners. If married life does not stick - the Full Moon is a great chance to fix everything.

Prophetic dreams

The period of the peak of the lunar increase affects everyone differently, so sleep problems will not necessarily begin. But it is fixed that on the Full Moon people can dream prophetic dreams. They are bright and memorable, and always appear in the morning. Since a person is overly active at this time, the subconscious will send unforgettable dreams to protect you from rash acts.
It is important not to push away the warnings of your consciousness - this may end unfavorably. It is always worth listening to the voice of reason, even when bursting with the desire to move mountains. Dreams during this period are divided into two categories:

  1. Dreams-warnings. A vivid and unforgettable dream given out by the subconscious, the main task of which is to protect you from possible problem or trouble. When you have such a dream, you definitely need to analyze it and compare it with your life, because, most likely, you did something wrong. Consciousness, on the other hand, strives to point out this in order to protect it from an even greater mistake.
  2. Prophetic dreams. Under the influence of the Moon, the psyche can show extrasensory abilities, giving you dreams that will definitely happen. They may be with other people, not those from the dream, but that they will be - that's for sure. There are not isolated cases when a person in a dream saw himself in a certain situation, and then a couple of days later, this happened to him in reality.

It is very important to pay attention to dreams during the Full Moon periods, because they indicate not only good, but also bad. For example, a dream in which you see yourself in another city or an unfamiliar place may mark a move. If you scream in a dream, it is quite possible that in reality you will have a quarrel with your soulmate, or a conversation in raised tones with your boss / subordinates.


The influence of the moon on the human body is especially evident at the peak of its increase. At this moment, you feel a huge charge of vivacity and positive, the nervous system is excited to the limit, actively using this energy you will succeed in many things. But it is worth thinking about how not to make trouble in a hurry, it is for this that the subconscious mind can send warnings through dreams. You are required to catch the essence of sleep in time, recognize its message and make a decision based on this.

Hot-tempered people need to be extremely careful, situations in which they can lose their temper will haunt them at every turn. Therefore, in order not to do stupid things, such people should especially watch out for, and especially for the Full Moon. With this information, you can easily control yourself and extinguish your ardor.

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