Our stars before and after plastic surgery. Stars after plastic surgery: before and after photos, unsuccessful plastic surgery. Megan Fox before and after plastic surgery

For more than two hundred years, women around the world have been able to afford to correct the flaws in their appearance with the help of plastic surgery. Most of all, the stars resort to the services of plastic surgeons, of course. And Russian stars are in no way inferior to their foreign counterparts. And there are those who even overdo it. Unfortunately, plastic surgeries are not always successful, and the stars in this list are proof of this.

So, look at 12 Russian stars before and after plastic surgery!

1: Kristina Sysoeva

London socialite in pursuit of perfection, she deleted, inserted and corrected everything that was possible. There was no trace of her natural appearance. Although the star herself claims that she has never turned to plastic surgeons, she supports her figure with a sports regimen.

2: Alexa

A graduate of the "Star Factory" for many years trying to find her perfect shape lips, but so far without success. Even 10 years ago, the singer began to increase her lips and still does not calm down. Her experience also cannot be called very successful.

3: Sasha Project

Sasha Project had breathing problems, and she turned to doctors for help, who suggested that she also correct the shape of her nose. The result was so deplorable that the singer had to leave her career and take care of her health. She did 9 more operations, but she could not return to her former appearance.

4: Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya is another Russian star who is crazy about plastic procedures. Her experiments with lips led to the fact that the mouth stopped closing. The TV presenter admitted that it did not look very attractive, and nevertheless reduced her lips. Another disappointment for Masha was breast plastic surgery. Her breasts are different sizes.

5: Lyubov Uspenskaya

The 63-year-old singer does not age over the years. Her face looks younger and younger, and even young girls envy her slender and toned body. But Lyubov Uspenskaya got so carried away with injections that her skin acquired an unnatural shine, and her face became inactive.

6: Oksana Pushkina

TV presenter Oksana Pushkina in 2003 for the first time decided on Botox injections to get rid of wrinkles. As a result, her entire face was covered with hard bumps that caused constant inflammation. Oksana told reporters about her bad experience and warned everyone against such procedures.

7: Larisa Dolina

Larisa Dolina is one of the few Russian stars who said that she would never resort to plastic and prefers to meet her age with dignity. But, looking at her photo, it seems that the singer is disingenuous. For a 61-year-old woman, her face looks too strained and facial expressions are almost absent.

8: Vera Alentova

Vera Alentova first turned to a plastic surgeon for help back in the late 90s. She did a circular facelift. Later, the actress had several more operations, but they were not entirely successful. Asymmetry appeared in her face, and her appearance changed almost beyond recognition.

9: Natalia Andreichenko

The famous "Miss Perfection" in the pursuit of youth did several plastic surgeries. The actress never got rid of age, but she lost her individuality. Lip augmentation doesn't suit her either.

10: Masha Rasputina

Masha Rasputina is a big fan plastic surgery. If you look at the photo of the singer 20 years ago, it seems that these are absolutely two different person. She not only enlarged her breasts, but also changed the shape of her nose and chin, added implants to her cheekbones, and corrected the shape and size of her lips.

11: Catherine Barnabas

The star of Russian television and a participant in Comedy Woman performed so many manipulations on her face that it seems as if there are two different people in these photographs.

12: Alla Pugacheva

Alla Borisovna has already done so many plastic surgeries that it is impossible to count: several times she did liposuction, facelifts, breast lifts and changes in her shape with the help of implants. She also resorted to blepharoplasty (she lifted her eyelids and removed bags under her eyes). However, in the end, the pop queen overdid it, and now her face looks terrible and unnatural. And all the surgeons refuse her further operations.

And yet, there is nothing better than natural beauty. After all, nature creates us individual and unique, and we are trying to change it, which leads to disastrous consequences. Take care of yourself and your beauty!

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Celebrities are always in the spotlight. Their appearance is constantly discussed, which means you need to be on top. Nature has not endowed everyone with an ideal appearance, and stars often resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Some manage to emphasize their data favorably, others simply cannot be recognized after operations. We suggest you compare photos of stars before and after plastic surgery.


It's been 30 years now Madonna is at the top of popularity and is not going to cede the title of Queen of Pop to anyone. And it's not just about talent and fantastic ability to work. At 57, the singer looks 40 years old.

The star rejects the fact of plastic surgery. healthy image life can certainly slow down aging. But no yoga can turn back time. Experts are unanimous in their opinion - Madonna owes her second youth to cosmetic injections.

Thanks to Botox injections brow wrinkles disappeared from the singer's face, hyaluronic acid-based fillers helped to smooth out deep nasolabial folds. In addition, Madonna is credited with a facelift and rhinoplasty, but these are controversial claims.

Stars before and after plastic surgery

As you know, the age of a woman is given out by her hands. And Madonna is no exception. However, the pop queen does not resort to plastic surgery, but simply wears gloves.

Megan Fox

If you look at early photos Megan Fox before plastic surgery, you are unlikely to recognize the well-known fatal beauty in a cute girl. However, the Hollywood star does not hide the fact that plastic surgeons have worked on her face. At the age of 21, Megan underwent a series of operations that transformed her and literally gave her a new look.

The chic high cheekbones of the star are the result of the use of fillers. The actress received a chiseled profile thanks to rhinoplasty, removing the hump and raising the tip of the nose. Plump seductive lips appeared after injections. The girl also enlarged her breasts and corrected her chin.

But when Megan was credited with Botox injections, she was indignant and immediately published a photo confirming that her facial expressions were not broken. You can be sure that her high smooth forehead is definitely real.

Demmy Moor

Time for Demmy Moor as if turned back. Every day the actress is getting younger literally before our eyes. No wonder she spends fabulous sums on plastic and cosmetic procedures - up to half a million dollars at a time.

The first operation was the elimination of strabismus. And then followed:

  • rhinoplasty;
  • eyebrow lift;

The actress does not refuse Botox injections, chemical peels. A correct form chin, cheekbones and lips are supported by fillers.

Pamela Anderson

The name of this star associated with a huge bust. And Pamela never hid that she enlarged her breasts at the dawn of her career. She repeatedly changed implants and breast size.

But the actress did not do plastic surgery on her face and is not going to. According to her, people who do braces become too similar friend on a friend.

Angelina Jolie

Hollywood the star has repeatedly been recognized as the most beautiful and sexy woman planets. Despite the fact that many suspect the actress of numerous plastic surgeries, she herself denies this.

Even experts unanimously declare that Angelina got her signature look and plump lips from nature. But the nose has become more elegant with age. It is possible that a good surgeon worked with this part.

In 2013, the actress underwent surgery to remove the mammary glands. She did this for high risk the occurrence of cancer. The natural bust was replaced by silicone implants.


The life of the American singer gives rise to many rumors, and her appearance is the subject of scrutiny. Fans have noticed that Beyoncé's nose has become too thin and graceful. Surgeons, on the other hand, say that the girl began to reduce her nose a long time ago, and now it has ended. final stage transformations.

The enlarged bust of the singer is also being actively discussed. Some experts believe that it could not have done without an operation, while others believe that the girl just got better. Problem areas Beyoncé are belly and hips. Rumor has it that she did liposuction.

IN Lately more and more questions about the skin color of the star. In many photos, she looks too white. Fans are worried - has the girl decided to follow in the footsteps of Michael Jackson? It is possible that she bleached her skin and uses lightening care products.

Domestic stars before and after plastic surgery

Our stars also do not neglect the services of plastic surgeons. Even young girls do not miss the opportunity to improve their appearance.

Of course, social standards require a certain charisma and attractiveness from public figures. And there are special requirements for creative professions. Stars of show business, cinema, the world of fashion should have a bright conspicuous appearance. Famous celebrities, in pursuit of a perfect face, a slender figure, a snow-white smile, decide on bold experiments on their appearance, resorting to plastic surgery. Alas, such interventions often end sadly.

Today we will show vivid examples in the photo before and after plastic surgery, as well as the most impressive unsuccessful operations of foreign celebrities who could not stop, changing beyond recognition.

Catherine Barnabas

A bright participant in the Comedy Woman show, Ekaterina Varnava, has changed noticeably lately. The smooth, long nose is now more accurate. In the photo, the plasticity of the lips and cheekbones is also obvious, and it was not without breast augmentation.

Svetlana Loboda

Voluminous lips of the famous singer, former soloist group " VIA Gra”, Svetlana Loboda, without a doubt - the result of plastic surgery. Many experts say that Svetlana's naturally embossed cheekbones and rather big mouth after plastic surgery began to look less aesthetically pleasing and unnatural.

Maria Maksakova

Opera diva, soloist of the famous Mariinsky Theatre, popular TV presenter, and even a deputy State Duma I also wanted to change. Maria did rhinoplasty, enlarged her lips and breasts. After the operations, the artist undoubtedly became even better and noticeably different from her former self.

Olga Buzova

A modern TV presenter, a former participant in the Dom-2 show, Olga Buzova, has always been against plastic surgery. However, there are rumors that the plastic lips and nose still touched Buzova. Olga herself did not deny, but did not confirm this fact, leaving the media guessing.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Another Russian TV presenter, Lera Kudryavtseva, is ready for any procedures that prolong youth. She did surgery to increase her breasts, lips, change the contour of her nose, and the star also got rid of nasolabial folds. Liposuction and eyelid surgery, rather, also affected Kudryavtseva, since the photo clearly shows the absence of bags under the eyes.

Alena Shishkova

Successful plastic in the life of "Miss Russia" did not play last role. The former ex-girlfriend of the famous Timati conducted the first experiment with her appearance after the competition. Operations were performed to correct the nose and increase the lips. And the naturalness of the breast is very doubtful.

Vera Alentova

A popular Soviet film actress talks freely about her youth-preserving surgeries. Alentova says that there is nothing shameful and terrible in the fact that women want to remain beautiful as long as possible, regardless of age. The artist has done plastic surgery more than once: constant Botox injections, facelifts, blepharoplasty have significantly changed her appearance. But whether Alentova has become more beautiful is a moot point.

Nicole Kidman

And on next photo we see a bright path of changes in appearance due to plastic surgery of one of the most notable Hollywood movie stars. In the chic beauty of the 2000s, one cannot recognize the simple appearance of a girl from the 80s.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox - a prime example how, thanks to plastic surgery, ordinary facial features could be made very beautiful.

Cameron Diaz

The reason for the rhinoplasty of foreign movie star Cameron Diaz was three fractures on his nose after surfing. Injuries made it difficult to speak and breathe, so surgery became a necessity.

Kim Kardashian

Famous fashion model and actress Kim Kardashian in every way denies rumors of surgical intervention regarding changes in appearance. The only thing Kim freely talks about is Botox injections. But whether there was actually plastic or not, one can judge the changes in the photo.

In this list, one cannot but mention the cardinal changes in appearance after the plastic surgery of such foreign celebrities as Michael Jackson, Mickey Rourke, Donatella Versace.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is not only the king of pop music, but also plastics. How much gossip and speculation was about his appearance. Skin grafting is perhaps the most absurd rumor.

Jackson suffered from lupus and vitiligo. The disease worsened with sunlight. Michael constantly used a lot of makeup to hide pigmentation and prevent the effects of sun exposure.

The photo shows the loss of pigment.

In the case of Jackson, the active progression of the disease was facilitated by the stress that Michael received from a 3-degree burn of the skin on his head. It happened during the filming of an advertisement for the Pepsi brand in 1984.

Gradually, the skin lightened and eventually became completely white.

But rhinoplasty accompanied the singer almost all his life, starting in 1979. And the reason for this was childhood psychological trauma. His father, Joseph Jackson, constantly abused his children, and Michael was regularly reminded that he had a big nose. This could not but hurt the child's psyche.

In 1987, Jackson already had a pit on his chin, his shape was changing, and before that time he had already managed to do 5 regular operations on his nose.

The experiments didn't end there. Michael decided to lose weight in order to have the body of a dancer. With a height of 175 cm, the minimum weight was 48 kg. Such changes were reflected in facial features, which became much sharper.

Up to recent years In his life, regular corrections on the nose were carried out, which were not always successful.

In 2009, Michael was often seen wearing a mask, behind which he hid his haggard face with an unnatural nose and sunken cheeks. In the same year, the legendary Jackson passed away.

An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was an overdose of propofol, a powerful drug for insomnia. It was prescribed by Conrad Murray. He was convicted of manslaughter, but Conrad himself categorically does not admit his guilt, suggesting that in this way Michael decided to commit suicide.

Mickey Rourke

The result of Mickey Rourke's plastic surgery is one of the saddest in Hollywood. After all, his natural charm and attractive appearance could only be envied.

But one day Mickey decided to devote himself to boxing, he wanted to win the world championship. And here a series of endless injuries and injuries began: the nose was broken, the joints on the arm, ribs, lips, cheekbone were broken, a large number of concussions were received.

This was followed by many plastic surgeries. From an interview with Mickey Rourke, we see how desperation is felt in his words: “To correct my appearance, alas, I turned to the wrong specialist. The tissues still did not take root, so many operations had to be done. I have lost my former appearance and it depresses me insanely. With pain in my soul, I look at myself in films. It’s terrible to realize how much worse I have become.”

Donatella Versace

Donatella Versace is the director of the House of Versace and chief designer. As a result a large number plastic surgery, her appearance from ordinary and quite pretty has become strange, and sometimes even frightening.

It would seem that a very small correction would make the face attractive. It was enough to align the teeth and narrow the tip of the nose. But Donatella does not stop and slowly her lips are getting bigger. Moreover, she is fond of tanning, which will noticeably affect the skin in the future.

A woman is spoiled not only by her lips. Flabby skin tied with rigid corsets looks, to put it mildly, ugly. Although the relief muscles are very noticeable.

In 2014, at one of the fashion shows, Donatella surprised the audience with her exhausted and creepy look.

Experiments on own body change not only the appearance, but life in general. And what will be the final outcome depends on many factors. bright volume an example is happy or not very stories of plastic surgery, which most often concern public figures, stars of show business and the film industry.

Only one thing can be said about Victoria: this girl is literally caressed by the hands of cosmetologists. Most likely, some time ago she did blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty. It can be seen that she is injecting her cheekbones and chin. The girl also pays great attention to injection techniques for the skin: biorevitalization, contouring, fillers based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite, hardware and aesthetic (masks, massages) cosmetology.

Here, further intervention is unnecessary.

Lera Kudryavtseva, 47 years old

Lera, of course, well done! This can be said without exaggeration. She takes excellent care of herself. On the face - pronounced traces of the presence of injection techniques, care procedures (masks) and hardware cosmetology.

If she were my patient: perhaps she should do blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid, do contouring, in particular - augmentation with fillers based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite to saturate the skin and do not forget about hardware skin resurfacing.

Ekaterina Varnava, 33 years old

Definitely, Ekaterina Varnava paid attention to her lips: with the help of fillers, they began to look more plump and sexy than they were a few years ago.

If she were my patient: injection and hardware cosmetology (skin resurfacing, reduction of skin flaps), photorejuvenation, augmentation with preparations based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite to restore turgor and skin glow are desirable. For thin faces, the competent distribution of preparations based on hyaluronic acid will give unrealistic results. good effect and youthfulness, and she simply needs this, since her face looks very thin, tired, exhausted, too big a nose stands out strongly on it.

Anna Sedakova, 35 years old

Were carried out: rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, possibly liposuction of the lower third. The rhinoplasty was unsuccessful: the tip of the nose was not formed, the columela was too wide. There are injection techniques and aesthetic (masks).

If she were my patient: the girl needs a more competent cosmetologist-injector who would “prick” her beautifully. The introduction of drugs based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite should not be by type, but individual, so as not to produce identical faces, but to preserve and emphasize the natural beauty of a woman.

Oksana Samoilova, 30 years old

Oksana is great, she tries to keep up with the times. Blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, injection cosmetology, filler augmentation were performed. Bish's lumps were removed and the chin was augmented - it is visually elongated.

If she were my patient: until the face is left alone.

Kristina Sysoeva, 33 years old

Bish's lumps have been removed. Dimplectomy (creation of dimples on the cheeks) was unsuccessful, so such blockages formed on the cheeks. The cheekbones are very heavily augmented with fillers. To be honest, all these actions did not add youth. It is necessary to work with the skin: it is noticeable that it is not processed, it looks dry, even considering the fact that it is very thin and her muscles are atonic.

If she were my patient: first you need to gain weight to look your best. And the girl should also put her skin in order with the help of hardware cosmetology and injections. It is necessary to reduce the collagen fibers, slightly straighten the skin, thermalize it so that it fits her skin. appearance. And it will just rejuvenate.

Thank you for preparing the text

Alexandra Vdovina, plastic surgeon at the Beauty Clinic, specialist in maxillofacial surgery

Initially, plastic surgery is a surgical intervention to eliminate defects in the human body and rejuvenate the appearance. In the absence of contraindications, plastic surgery can be performed by almost everyone. The exceptions are people with mental disabilities, striving for perfection invented by themselves or doing plastic surgery all the time. They need, as a rule, the services of a psychologist, not a surgeon.

It is known that even in Ancient Egypt operations to correct the shape of the nose.

Video: arguments for and against plastic surgery

Indications for plastic surgery

There are a number of indications for one or another type of plastic surgery.

Lip plastic surgery

Indications for plastic surgery on the lips (cheiroplasty) are:

  • injury. Lips often suffer as a result of accidents, accidents and domestic incidents: soft tissues are easily deformed from impacts. Surgical intervention is required to correct negative changes;
  • congenital defects. Perhaps the most common case is cleft lip. In the presence of this defect, the upper lip appears to be cut in half;
  • aging. Not every woman will agree to lie down under a scalpel. However, there are a number of professions where appearance has great importance, for example, a TV presenter, actor, model, etc. Then lip surgery can help you look younger;
  • the desire of the patient to correct his appearance.
A cleft lip is a birth defect that can be corrected surgically.

Plastic surgery of the lower third of the face

Plastic surgery of the lower third of the face (facelift) is mainly associated with age-related changes:

  • sagging cheeks and chin skin;
  • loss of facial contour;
  • lowered folds at the mouth, etc.

If anti-aging creams and other such remedies no longer help, a surgical facelift can give good results.

Forehead plastic surgery

Forehead plastic surgery (frontoplasty) is needed to hide age-related changes, as well as to remove mimic wrinkles and appearance defects.

Folds and creases on the forehead appear not only with age: they can be the result of the active work of the muscles responsible for facial expressions. Botox injections usually solve this problem. But in some cases, the situation requires surgical intervention.

Hanging eyebrows are not such a terrible feature of appearance, but they give a person a gloomy look. In order to get rid of this problem, frontoplasty is also shown.

Frontopalstika - correction of age-related changes in the forehead

Cheek plastic surgery

Cheek plastic surgery plays a more aesthetic role: it corrects age-related changes and facial features. Flews, deep nasolabial folds are signs of aging.

The removal of Bish's lumps - lumps of adipose tissue has also become popular. It allows you to make the face thinner. In general, excessive fullness of the cheeks is an indication for this type of plastic surgery. Often, the operation is performed in conjunction with liposuction.

Another popular operation is the formation of dimples. In fact, the dimples are just a defect - this is a violation of the muscles. However, many consider this lack of very cute.

Cheek plasty can remove jowls and deep nasolabial folds

Cheekbone plasty

Malyarplasty (cheekbone surgery) is used to correct defects, such as asymmetry or cheekbones that are too large in relation to the face. With the help of this operation, swelling of the upper part of the face (zygomatic edema) and mask bags (zygomatic hernias) are eliminated.

Plastic surgery of the cheekbones allows you to get rid of swelling of the upper part of the face

Contraindications for facial plastic surgery

The desire to change and the required amount are not the main thing in the decision of a specialist to work with a particular patient. There are a number of contraindications to plastic surgery:

  • chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, etc. (these organs can give a serious failure during the operation due to the use of anesthesia);
  • serious infections (they can spread further);
  • pregnancy and lactation (anesthesia and taking medications associated with recovery after surgery can adversely affect the fetus or the child while breastfeeding);
  • allergy to medicines;
  • hemophilia;
  • oncology (the operation can provoke further tumor growth);
  • diabetes mellitus (with this disease, blood clotting is reduced).

Types of Facial Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can be divided into several types, depending on which part of the face the operation is performed on.

Contour plastic

Contour plastic surgery is performed using injections or implantation, when ready-made implants are inserted under the skin and contribute to the rejuvenation of the appearance. It can be done with fillers or fat. If the patient has chosen fillers, then drugs are injected under the skin, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid. Lipolifting (surgery using fat) allows you to use the patient's own fat.

Implants are inserted under the skin already with the help of surgical intervention in order to correct asymmetry, enlarge the chin, and form a beautiful line of the cheeks. They are made individually for each patient in accordance with his wishes and anatomical features. Injections and implantation allow you to change the volume of a particular part of the face, while smoothing out wrinkles.

Contour plastic can be performed using implants, fillers or the patient's own fat

Advantages of the operation:

  • short duration - maximum 2 hours;
  • the effect is noticeable for several years.
  • possible loss of sensitivity of parts of the face where the drugs were injected (up to several days);
  • pain in those places where the fat was taken from (during lipolifting);
  • noticeable change in facial features.

The cost of the procedure is approximately 65 thousand rubles.

Video: lip contouring


Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) corrects age-related changes in the form of an overhanging eyelid and fatty hernia. The surgeon removes excess tissue, leaving a very small scar at the site of the operation, which looks like a scratch, and then becomes completely invisible.

Advantages of the operation:

  • modern technologies make it possible to avoid scars altogether: an incision can also be made on the mucous membrane of the eyelid;
  • the effect lasts more than 7 years.
  • in the presence of eye diseases, the ophthalmologist may prohibit the operation;
  • after the procedure, bruises may remain for 10 days;
  • two weeks the patient will not be able to wear contact lenses.

The cost of the operation is from 30 thousand rubles.

Contact lenses should not be worn for 2 weeks after blepharoplasty


Browlifting (eyebrow plastic surgery) corrects not only age-related changes, but also appearance features, for example, very low eyebrows. The surgeon pulls and fixes the skin just above its original location.

Advantages of the operation:

  • the effect persists for more than 10 years;
  • the procedure lasts no more than an hour, and the patient must stay in the hospital for only a day.
  • the appearance of edema;
  • change in facial expression.

The cost of browlifting is from 100 thousand rubles.

With the help of browlifting, you can adjust the features of appearance


Canthoplasty (lower eyelid surgery) is used for eye asymmetry, bulging eyes and ectropion.

Ectropion is seen in elderly patients. In this case, the lower eyelid is literally turned inside out by the mucous membrane.

During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision just below the eyelashes, then cuts the skin near the outer edge of the eye. The eye muscles are tightened with a special thread.

Advantages of the operation:

  • fast holding - up to 2 hours;
  • the effect lasts up to 10 years.
  • edema;
  • noticeable changes in appearance due to the correction of the incision of the eyes

Canthoplasty costs from 45 thousand rubles.

Age-related changes in the lower eyelid - an indication for canthoplasty


Liposuction of the face is aimed at removing fat, for example, on the cheeks. The patient's skin is pierced and excess adipose tissue is removed.

Advantages of the operation:

  • immediately visible effect;
  • fast execution (about 20 minutes).
  • swelling may persist on the face for several days;
  • possible numbness of the skin;
  • the duration of the effect depends on the diet, which includes an increase in the amount of proteins and a decrease in fats and carbohydrates, as well as a mandatory diet.

The cost of the operation is from 65 thousand rubles.

After liposuction of the face, it is necessary to follow a special diet.


Otoplasty is used to rid a person of such a defect as protruding ears. The surgeon makes an incision in the skin behind the ear and corrects the angle of protrusion. This type of plasty is also used to reduce the auricles, in this case, the surgeon excises the lobe or upper part of the ear.

Advantages of the operation:

  • the operation does not last long - about an hour, several hours will need to be spent in the hospital;
  • it can be carried out for small children, from the age of 6 years.

The downside is that the patient will have to wear, without removing, a special bandage for two weeks.

The cost of the procedure is from 100 thousand rubles.

With the help of otoplasty, you can get rid of protruding ears


Rhinoplasty allows you to correct the shape of the nose: correct the consequences of fractures, remove humps, form a new tip, etc. With closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes small incisions through which he separates the skin of the nose from the cartilage and bones. After that, he removes excess tissue, forming new outlines. Open rhinoplasty is used in case of significant changes nose. When it is cut columella - the skin connecting the nostrils.

Advantages of the operation:

  • short duration - about 1.5 hours (after that you need to spend a day in the hospital);
  • in case of a nose injury, rhinoplasty can also be performed on minors.
  • ENT and dentist, who need to be examined before the procedure, may prohibit it;
  • two weeks is better not to leave the house;
  • the final effect can be seen only after a few months.

Rhinoplasty costs from 130 thousand rubles.

Rhinoplasty corrects the shape of the nose

Neck lift

A neck lift can smooth out wrinkles and eliminate a double chin. The effect after the operation lasts up to 10 years.

  • the duration of the operation is up to 3 hours;
  • two week recovery.

The cost of the operation is from 100 thousand rubles.

The effect of a neck lift lasts up to 10 years

forehead correction

Forehead correction is aimed at smoothing wrinkles. The surgeon cuts the skin and tightens it, the duration of the operation is 1 hour.

  • rehabilitation will take 10 days;
  • facial expressions may change.

Forehead plastic surgery costs from 120 thousand rubles.

Facial expression may change after rhinoplasty

Facial oval correction: facial plastic surgery with before and after photos

Correction of the face oval is different: some patients want to reduce the face, others want to increase or change the shape. The pros and cons of the procedure are determined by which method will be used.

Oval correction can be done with silicone implants.

Advantages of the operation:

  • short duration - about 2 hours (the patient will have to stay in the hospital for some time);
  • the effect lasts for life.
  • pain and numbness in places where implants are installed;
  • chewing difficulty is possible.

All discomfort usually disappears in a week. The cost of the procedure depends on the cost and quantity of materials used.

Patients experience pain for some time after implant placement.

by the most best method correction of the oval of the face is considered spacelifting.

Advantages of the operation:

  • gentle intervention;
  • the effect lasts up to 10 years;
  • scars are almost invisible (the surgeon works with the muscles in such a way that they take their original position - the way it was before age-related changes);
  • the facial expression does not change.
  • duration of the operation (several hours);
  • long rehabilitation period (two months).

Spacelift costs from 100 thousand rubles.

Spacelift is considered a gentle operation

The facelift has been used by plastic surgeons for quite some time now. During this operation, the surgeon removes excess skin by stretching it. The effect lasts up to 10 years.

  • prolonged swelling (about a month);
  • change in facial expression.

The operation costs from 140 thousand rubles.

At circular facelift excess skin is removed

Endoscopic lifting helps to restore volumes that disappear with age. Incisions are made under the hair and in the mouth.

Advantages of the operation:

  • the procedure lasts up to 2 hours;
  • the effect persists for more than 5 years.
  • need general anesthesia;
  • the rehabilitation period will take about 10 days.

The cost of such a facelift is from 110 thousand rubles.

With an endoscopic facelift, incisions are made in the mouth and under the hair.

Lip reduction

Lip reduction has become one of the Hollywood trends as opposed to enlargement. In this case, not only the size, but also the shape often changes. It will take a week to recover.

Advantages of the operation:

  • it takes two hours
  • the effect lasts for life as the surgeon removes the area of ​​tissue

The cost of the procedure is from 55 thousand rubles.

Lip reduction surgery gaining popularity

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery

Like any medical procedure, plastic surgery has its pros and cons. Let's start with the positives:

  • increased self-esteem;
  • correction of age-related changes;
  • transformation faster than when visiting cosmetologists and the gym;
  • getting rid of congenital or acquired defects.

Let's move on to the cons:

  • the result of plastic surgery can be truly assessed after a rather long time period - up to six months;
  • high price (the simplest operation costs from 30 thousand rubles);
  • lifestyle features can affect the result (not everyone has time for long-term rehabilitation);
  • the possibility of complications;
  • unpredictability of the result.

Plastic surgery can lead to serious complications and an unexpected effect.

Preparing for the operation

In order for plastic surgery to be successful, and the result really pleased, you need to follow a number of rules. Of course, there are individual recommendations, which, as a rule, the surgeon will advise in each case, but there are also a number of general ones:

  • quitting smoking and alcohol at least a week before the procedure;
  • discontinuation hormonal drugs and medicines containing salicylates, which thin the blood;
  • optional refusal of short haircuts: long hair help hide the seams;
  • refusal of any cosmetics (both decorative and care) on the day of the operation;
  • carrying out the necessary hygiene procedures before the operation: it is necessary to wash the face and hair;
  • if the postoperative period involves a hospital, then you need to collect the things necessary for staying there.

Even before the operation, you need to provide the surgeon with your medical history, on the basis of which he will decide whether or not surgery is possible. This is followed by a series of mandatory medical examinations: testing, ECG, etc., during which contraindications to the operation that were not previously discovered may be revealed.

If everything went well, it will be necessary to sign a number of documents confirming consent to the operation. Specialists will once again talk about how the procedure will be carried out, remind you of the risks.

Before surgery, you should stop taking hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.

How is the operation

All plastic surgeries have a similar scheme of conduct:

  1. Already in the ward, the surgeon marks out those areas on which the correction will be carried out.
  2. As a rule, the patient is given anesthesia while still in the ward. Plastic surgeons do this in order to minimize stress, which can adversely affect the outcome of the operation.
  3. The patient is then transported to the operating room. There, he is connected to all the necessary sensors to monitor the condition during the operation.
  4. The surgeon performs the necessary manipulations. They depend on the type of plasty chosen by the patient.

When the patient wakes up from anesthesia, they may feel discomfort due to bandages, tampons, or plaster placed on the face. In the case of rhinoplasty, you will have to breathe through your mouth for about a day. The tampons will then be removed.

The length of stay in the hospital depends on the type of plastic surgery and the individual characteristics of the patient. At this time, the surgeon will observe how the rehabilitation process proceeds, prescribe the necessary medications, if required by the postoperative period.

The duration of plastic surgery is determined by its complexity.

Complications after plastic surgery

Any surgical intervention can cause complications, these include:

  • infection. Today there is a wide range of disinfectants for medical equipment. However, there is still a small risk of infection. Then antibiotics come into play. A lot depends on the patient: following the recommendations of the surgeon and timely dressing will help to avoid infection;
  • seroma. During the operation, the integrity of the capillaries that carry lymph throughout the body is disrupted. Because of this, a seroma can develop - an accumulation of fluid at the site of the operation. To prevent this from happening, the patient is given a drain;
  • a hematoma, in a simple way, a bruise, is formed due to injury to the blood capillaries when blood flows under the skin. Bruising is corrected by direct removal of blood clots, as well as a tight bandage;
  • increase in scars. Sometimes it happens that the scars after the operation become larger and denser. To prevent this from happening, the surgeon prescribes special ointments. If the scar is still enlarged, you need treatment with drugs that increase blood circulation. It is highly undesirable to correct compacted scars surgically: this can aggravate the situation;
  • implant movement. It happens most often with breast plastic surgery, but it can also occur with facial correction. Usually this complication is caused by a violation of the postoperative regimen. It is corrected by repeated surgical intervention: the specialist makes an incision where the implant was inserted, returns it to its place and stitches it;
  • necrosis is the death of tissues. This complication is very dangerous. It occurs most often during complex operations performed on large areas of the face or body. Necrosis can be caused by a hematoma that presses on the tissue from the inside, preventing normal blood circulation, a violation of the integrity of the vessels, or even an incorrectly applied bandage.

Therefore, the patient must provide all necessary information about their diseases, as well as strictly comply with the appointment of the surgeon.

The surgeon warns the patient in advance about all possible risks. To avoid these consequences, the following rules must be strictly observed:

  • before the operation, it is necessary to provide all the information requested by the surgeon about the state of health;
  • after the operation, it is worth following all the recommendations of the doctor, attending dressings on time, taking antibiotics and drugs to improve blood circulation prescribed by the surgeon;
  • follow a diet, if required by the conditions of the recovery period;
  • completely give up alcohol and smoking.

Video: complications after plastic surgery

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery

After plastic surgery, a period of rehabilitation begins, during which wounds heal, hematomas disappear, general well-being improves and, of course, the effect of plastic surgery begins to appear.

With invasive methods of correcting the appearance, part of the rehabilitation takes place in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. At first, patients are prescribed painkillers, but the discomfort disappears after a couple of days. The hospital stay usually takes about 10 days. The rehabilitation period itself, depending on the type of operation and the characteristics of the body, can be delayed up to six months. Depending on the type of operation and the patient's condition, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. medicines, dressings, etc.

To speed up the recovery process, various types of therapy are used, such as microcurrent. Under its influence, tissues are saturated nutrients due to improved blood circulation, the healing process is faster, scars are smoothed out.

After plastic surgery, it is necessary to include foods high in protein in the diet

During rehabilitation period a diet high in protein, vitamins, etc. is indicated. It is necessary to strictly observe the diet. Patients who were on strict low-calorie diets prior to surgery should stop eating them. Proper nutrition help you recover faster after surgery.

After liposuction, people also need a diet in order to maintain the effect of the operation and not nullify it.

During the rehabilitation period, it is worth abandoning bad habits, follow the diet and sleep. It is recommended to avoid stress and physical exertion. For about two or three months, you will have to forget about the gym, bath, sauna, solarium and the beach.

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