Lena Miro - photos of the writer after facial plastic surgery and breast augmentation

I learned about blogger Elena Miro (in the world of Mironenko) relatively recently. I came across the announcement of her article on Instagram, from where I already followed the link to Lifejournal (LJ). I note that Elena uses Instagram only to advertise her main blog. Miro specializes in secular gossip, which he delivers in a very aggressive and frankly boorish manner. But first things first.

So, Elena Mironenko. 36 years old, unmarried, no children. Usually presented as a writer, journalist, but in fact is neither one nor the other. For quite a few years, Elena has been actively involved in sports, she considers her figure the main achievement in life. As well as silicone breasts, which she often boasts to readers.

Mironenko is the author of several books on fitness and weight loss. Opinions about her literary abilities vary. Someone considers them very mediocre and based on "shock therapy". Someone assures that Miro's books helped them. I can't say anything here - I haven't read it.

Of course, the main brainchild of Miro is her scandalous blog LJ. All publications in them can be divided into 3 main groups:

1. Social gossip

2. Materials about weight loss

3. About yourself and your friends.

As for the discussion of various media personalities, here Miro immediately began to act according to the principle - as yellow and black as possible. Everyone gets it - from Olga Buzova to Anna Netrebko. She does not disdain Western stars either. So, for example, I saw her several posts about Monica Bellucci. Miro calls her a village woman, who even in her youth was "not much wanted." Also among her "victims" are Pamela Anderson, Duchess Kate, Heidi Klum and many others.

From Russian show business Miro especially "loves" Olga Buzova and Ksenia Sobchak. There was one very interesting post about the latter. When Sobchak was expecting a child, Miro wrote that the father was not Ksenia's husband Maxim Vitorgan, but some other person. Our valiant yellow media are on the alert and this information has gone for a walk on the Internet. According to Miro, Sobchak was seriously excited about this topic. It's funny to you? Then let's move on.

The next category is fitness and weight loss. The column, which began with some sort of tips and motivations for a healthy lifestyle, came down to one thesis: the main thing in this life is to have an XS size. Anything more for Miro is already an occasion for malicious ridicule.

As an argument, she describes the life of Leonardo DiCaprio, who only dates skinny models. I don't know, maybe Miro has been preparing for a meeting with him all these years? But, I'm afraid that DiCaprio, in addition to the figure, also pays attention to age. So, his current passion is only 23 years old.

In general, the theme of fat men and the reflections that clung to it about female beauty pass as a red line through all Miro's materials. I will even say more, it already looks like an obsession. Elena does not get tired of spreading about her beauty and sexuality. For example, there was a funny (in my opinion) post about how two boys of 16 years old allegedly fell for her. They all rode in the elevator together. And when she came out, she heard their admiring voices. As one subscriber wrote: people need legends.

But Miro is captivated by her fantasies. For some reason, she thinks she looks 10 years younger. This is not so, she looks her age, well, maybe minus a couple of years.

Miro's contemptuous attitude towards overweight women causes great repercussions among readers. It is clear that the average Russian woman is by no means thin. Miro is counting on that, scandals, holivar under her posts - this is what she created her blog for. If they regularly made fun of her, as I do, then the miss trammel project would not have existed for a long time and would hardly have made it to the top of LiveJournal. But Lena is a skilled troll and provocateur.

Miro has materials about "friends". Well, again, she will never be friends with fat people, only with thin ones. Or how the children of her friends adore her, because she is always sincere. In general, there is no point in continuing. Lena's fantasy is over the edge. And I don't think that she had at least one real friend in her life, because no one likes such anger and bile.

Probably, you will ask if there is anyone about whom Miro speaks positively. Yes, I have. This is Melania Trump. It is clear that the woman is interesting, she made her breasts, reshaped her face with plastic surgery, her husband is a billionaire, and now also the president. Unrealized dream Miro😂

Miro periodically talks about marriage and children in his posts. But it’s clear here, no one is calling our “beauty” to marry, we must somehow justify ourselves. Therefore, she talks about how she saw a nursing home for the rich in the USA. Old women live in full contentment, drinking champagne on the beach. That's Miro, too, so wants someday. I just want to say: Lena, it’s not shining for you😈! Well, unless you rob a bank of course😃

I would like to tell you about Miro's attitude towards his own subscribers. Here the whole set of "ladies" is used - the transition to personalities, insults, ridicule. In short, everything that she uses against well-known secular characters. If she doesn’t like something, she immediately blocks the reader. So, she blocked me just for a different opinion. Miro really dislikes calm reasoned conclusions against her posts, she has nothing to answer to such.

Her motto: "I'm being read beautiful people» . Some read her books and notes, others hate her. One thing is certain - Lena Miro is known as the scandalous blogger of LiveJournal.

Lena Miro is a creative pseudonym, her real name is Elena Mironenko. Elena was born in Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region, and studied well at school. After graduating from school, she entered the Faculty of Translation of Voronezh State University and successfully graduated from it.

In the 2000s, Lena studied at Cambridge College, earned money by organizing discos for compatriots in London. After returning to Russia, she worked as a simultaneous interpreter in Moscow. Now she lives in the capital.


The scandalous blogger is often invited to television, which she willingly uses. Not infrequently, on live broadcasts or on recordings of programs, Lena provokes other participants into conflicts. Lena Miro also promotes herself on other platforms. On Instagram, tens of thousands of fans subscribe to the writer's account.

Personal life

Lena Miro does not like to talk about her personal life. In her notes, the woman avoids this topic. However, the media found out that at the end of 2017, the ceremony of 36-year-old Lena Miro and her chosen one Richard took place in Colorado. Richard's mother, Mary, says that the future husband and wife met in Thailand two years ago.

The mother-in-law of the writer shared with the press photos from the wedding of Lena Miro. In these photos, the newlyweds are dressed in non-standard, but still wedding dresses. Lena Miro White dress the bride is combined with massive black boots. And the groom is dressed in a dark suit and a hat with a scarlet rose. Miro herself declined to comment on this information.

IN rare interviews Miro says about herself that she is a well-mannered and educated girl, the Internet environment is not her element, but her work. She writes what is in demand among readers.

Lena Miro now

In 2018, the main topics of Lena Miro's blog were, the US statement on the elections, the "Oscar" and other hot news topics.

The Olympic champion in the absence of patriotism for the fact that she went to give birth in Monaco against the backdrop of how global community acted with Russian athletes, depriving them of the right to compete under the Russian flag.

The blogger also covered the situation with the discussion of Russian interference in and the subsequent scandal with Belarusian model who said she heard the conversation Russian politicians and businessmen discussing plans to influence elections. In the post, Miro did not skimp on insults and even profanity, and also expressed a rather pro-Trump position.

The Oscar ceremony was an occasion for the writer to Once again talk about beauty and slim figures. Lena Miro complained that written beauties no longer walk on the red carpet, speaking sharply about the appearance of actresses, and subsequently launched a discussion among readers about their attitude to such a trend.

At the same time, in other topics, the blogger is indignant that not professionals or talents come to various professions, but people taken for irrelevant merits, but she does not show such a position in relation to the acting profession.


  • 2010 - the book "Malvina and cattle"
  • 2010 - the book "School. Marla's Diary"
  • 2010-present – ​​miss_tramell blog on LiveJournal
  • 2012 – Rusty Water book
  • 2012 - book "Two mojitos in the rain"
  • 2012 - book "LJ...oops! beach uniform for one-two-three with a fitness blogger "
  • 2018 - book "I'll lose weight"

Sooner or later it had to happen - Jolie finally leaked the roof, and she filed for divorce.

This is such a type of psyche - to suspect everyone of everything, and when she did not find evidence, to throw a scandal. You all know such hysterics - the arguments of reason do not work on them.

Photo: ndsstatic.com

Jolie hired a detective to keep an eye on Pete. It seemed to her that her husband was looking at her partner in the film, Marion Cotillard. The tracker didn't find anything, and Angelina felt offended.

Rolling her eyes furiously in the night, Jolie suddenly thought Pete was muttering something in her sleep. The crazy woman listened and came up with the idea: the husband named the name Gwyneth!

Pete dated Gwyneth Paltrow twenty years ago. She may be older than Jolie, but surely this scoundrel remembers her! Angelina pushed her husband aside and began to yell in his ear.

For Jolie, this is a familiar thing that she does every night.

I haven't eaten well in years! I cut off my boobs because what if! I cry all the time, I feel bad, and I am sick! And you! And you! And you are an insensitive goat and a creature!

Pete always dropped everything and calmed down Angelina. He flew away from the shooting to console his wife. He agreed to the adoption of Cambodian children, to travel to Africa. He endured everything because he regretted it.

The next morning, Jolie no longer doubted that Pete was mumbling Gwyneth's name in his sleep. And if he was silent, then he definitely has a sexual relationship with the nanny, like Schwarzenegger.

In the summer, Pete went with friends to the Adriatic. Escaped for a couple of weeks from his wife addicted to a glass. He, like Yeltsin, was tired and wanted to rest a little, but Jolie did not forgive him for this.

With each new day of marriage, Angelina was more and more carried. Ridiculous presentations, a constant cigarette in the mouth, crazy ideas about her husband's infidelities and the search for incurable diseases within himself.

For many years, Pete was the perfect husband. Some say they loved. I'm sure that Jolie just pushed him - once she was a very beautiful woman.

But time passed, and Jolie is not a cake for a long time. She stopped being sexy, she became an old and shabby hysteric. Beautiful woman she can afford a lot, but a woman who has lost her attractiveness will no longer be forgiven for taking out her brain.

At 9018 Jolie's tantrum, Brad Pete simply did not calm her down. The wife ceased to be a prize, but turned into a dried up and empty roach.

Do you want a divorce? OK, dear - let's go and get divorced already, finally!

What is most terrible for Jolie is that she really has nothing to present to her husband. There are no third parties guilty of a breakup, because you can’t sew your fantasies into the process.

Now Jolie will be alone. She, of course, will fight for the children out of anger, and the court may even leave them to her. Pete, breathing freely, will get a beautiful woman, and maybe more than one, and will live for his own pleasure.

Jolie will wither away and, in the end, finally move.

Such an end awaits any absurd woman. As soon as she loses her beauty, it makes no sense for a peasant to endure her absurd disposition, and he will definitely merge the fool.

Why am I? Oh, yes: remember, crumbs, beauty leaves sooner or later, but no one will simply endure your bestial character.

As long as there are elastic boobs, you have something to compensate for your jumps. And the chest will be blown away, who needs you?

I think I should justify myself in relation to this odious person. And then some, perhaps, can accuse me of the fact that I used to be a hamster at Miro's. Indeed, at one time I actively read and commented on it. But not at all because she really considered her a worthy person. Of course no! Miro caused me a deep disgust with her views (attitude towards fat people, jerking off for wealth, etc.), and the inconsistency of many of her statements, due to the fact that the project has several authors of different intellectual levels (the so-called “shmarokombinat”), did not escape me. To suck up to her (in those matters where I did not have to change my own principles) I began on purpose. My goal was to gain her confidence in order to learn more about her. And I also wondered if Miro would be able to take away all the gossip by finally demonstrating his legendary car, new house and an oligarch boyfriend. At the same time, I always understood that she was an enemy, not only a class one, but, with her propaganda of thinness that was anti-sexual for me, one might say, even a biological one. I felt like a scout in the enemy camp.
My plan failed due to a completely absurd accident: this hysterical Lenka suddenly mistook me for a pederast man. She wrote: "Are you gay?" and banned me. Then, analyzing what I pierced, I realized: after all, Miro herself is frigid, “dry”, she repeatedly emphasized this. Women are divided for her strictly into "decent", like her (that is, the same frigid) and "whores". In the comments, I made it clear that I was interested in sex with men, while I definitely didn’t look like a whore in my psychological profile. Therefore ... Yes, Miro can not refuse a kind of logic.
Another thing is Bashkirka (Zashkirka, Zashkvarka, the alleged virtual of Dmitry Kreimer and the entire shmiro company - it looks like they use this account together). Here it seemed to me very much even "wet". As mashkind writes about it:
“At one time we were very friends, if I may say so about LJ friendship. They cracked in the night in a personal fb about personal. The Bashkir woman wrote that she treats me very warmly, but it didn’t let me go that her attitude towards me was like flirting. When I later found out that I was talking not with a smart 25-year-old girl with great life experience, but with a man, I felt disgusted. Very disgusting."
I had a similar feeling from a short-term contact with Bashkir, but it did not seem nasty. At first I thought that Bashkirka was bi; there is such a type of bisexuality - from an overwhelming temperament, and Kristinka gives the impression of a very hot thing. Then, when I found out that Bashkirka is a man, it didn’t shock me either, I don’t care in this regard. By the way, Mashka is silent about something: she was shown a photograph of some girl disguised as a Bashkir "Christina". But she did not publish this photo. Apparently, as a top blogger, he is afraid of spoiling relations with the shmarokkombinat, which is most likely associated with the management of the SUP.
Miro's rating is not without fraud. Here, for example, is the strange diary nofk452 - social cap at the time of writing this text 136, while there are only reposts in the journal, almost no one comments on it. How is this possible? And this nofk452 regularly reposts Miro, leaving her meaningless comments. There are clearly a lot of such virtuals for cheating at the shmarokombinat.
But it's not even that scam. Miro is disgusting as a person, she, with ostentatious patriotism, broadcasts to the masses views that are unacceptable to a cultured person, destroys morality. The Shmarokombinat uses a short, mean little man as its sign, and this trash deserves to be exposed.
Let's start with the fact that Lena Miro is mentally not quite healthy man She keeps saying ridiculous things. For example, she called this woman “kikimora”. Maggot, do you see well, should you take some eye drops? Because any person with normal vision will say that compared to the Glinskaya kikimora, you are just you - a cross-eyed, round-shouldered, skinny creature with a shrill voice, a washcloth on your head and sagging silicone cans.
The reason for Miro's morbid homophobia is understandable. According to some reports, her elderly lover, with whom she cohabited upon arrival in Moscow (he is also the creator of the Miro-project), fucked her in a perverted way so that the cunning provincial woman could not get pregnant from him (see comments). Pleasure from this, Lena, of course, did not receive due to her frigidity (and not every woman, in principle, is able to love anal sex). Now Miro, on the basis of her personal anal tragedy, sees “gays” everywhere, she intimidates readers that the ass becomes flat from anal sex (an illiterate statement is akin to the fact that hair grows on the palms of masturbation; vulgar idealism in its purest form). Lena, pederasts may not be the most pleasant people on earth, but they are definitely not to blame for your problems! It's time to start getting rid of the psychological trauma of having sex with a rich pensioner for a plate of buckwheat and a place on the windowsill in Scarlet Sails. Find a good psychotherapist, it will not be expensive for you, because you are a millionaire, the owner of houses, islands and London discos. Well, at least call the toll-free number for victims of violence.
Previously, Lena boasted about the life of a rich kept woman, but for some time now she began to propagate that a woman is obliged to work on an equal basis with a man, as usual, pouring mud on housewives and those who earn less than her husband. The reason for this turn in Miro's worldview is also obvious: a wealthy Moscow pensioner gave Lena a kick in the flat ass and sent her back to Stary Oskol to her mother. Lena sold the blog and now only plays the role of an employee in it. Here is the testimony of a person from the LJ administration: Lena sits on her blog from Oskol, her working day is 8 hours. Yes, and the condemnation of women who marry “on the fly” is also easily explained, since at one time Lena failed, as they say, to “take on the belly” of the cunning pensioner Shmarov. Miro is so predictable in her reactions. One could sympathize with her if it were not for her constant exercises in misanthropy. Lena decided to restore the self-esteem broken by Shmarov, endlessly humiliating others.
On the pages of her magazine, she promotes that "fat" - freaks, unworthy of being called people. At the same time, she herself is prone to fullness and, having inserted a silicone breast, she could not do fitness with the same intensity and gained weight. For this, she is now being poisoned by the same evil fools obsessed with thinness. So she became a victim of her own fascist ideology. She claimed that a man who earns less than 500 tr. per month - not a man. Now rich snobs scoff that Lena lives with her parents, works hard on her blog, shines in photographs with worn underwear, expired creams and floated breast prostheses, and is forced to move around Oskol in her mother's car.
Miro clings to the image of a Moscow rich woman with her last strength, continuing to insult everyone who does not fit into the standards. beautiful life". So far, the promoted blog, of which she is the face, and from which she receives a share of the income, helps her to stay afloat. It is clear that she will not want to give up her role and start an honest working life. Therefore, it is foolish to expect Miro to repent and realize his mistakes. Rather, one day she will have a nervous breakdown, because even Miro has already been banned from showing her trademark malice to the full extent (for example, under the influence of a political moment, she was forced to curtail childfree propaganda and began to call women who gave birth “mommies”, and not ovules and pigs). Let's see what will happen next.

Lena Miro (Elena Mironenko) is a writer, screenwriter, blogger of LiveJournal. She was born on June 24, 1981 in Stary Oskol, Russia. Height 169 centimeters, weight 50 kilograms. According to the horoscope Cancer. She grew up in a simple family, studied in high school in hometown. After school she entered the Voronezh State University to the translator.

In the 2000s, Mironenko went to study at Cambridge College. To earn a living, she held discos for Russians in London. When she returned to her homeland, she got a job in Moscow as a simultaneous interpreter.

Elena's literary debut under the pseudonym Lena Miro took place in 2010, when two of her books were published: “Malvina and cattle”, “School. Marla's diary. It was during this period that Miro gained popularity, readers appreciated her light and witty writing style.

Since February 24, 2010, Lena has been running a page in LiveJournal under the nickname - miss tramell. Here the writer shares the scandalous details of her biography and criticizes everything that she does not like. Her blog contains many rude and offensive entries about her colleagues and mores in general. The eccentricity and rudeness of Miro attracts many fans to her work, with whom she shares her thoughts on the topics of fitness, beauty and healthy lifestyle life.

It is these three topics that she not only discusses, but also actively implements in her life. She does not hide the fact that some time ago she was overweight and successfully said goodbye to him. Now Miro refers to his readers as “fat pigs” and insists that it brings many people good motivation to improve themselves.

ABOUT plastic surgery There is no information about Mironenko in the press and the girl herself does not tell any stories about surgical interventions in her appearance, except for breast and lip augmentation. But rhinoplasty is also noticeable, the girl's nose has become much more elegant. Lena is proud of these changes. She already considers herself the smartest and most beautiful, and the new data brings her even closer to perfection.

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