Who did Nikita Presnyakov meet before the wedding. The most stylish bride of July: three wedding dresses of the bride Nikita Presnyakov. Family of Alena Krasnova

Many became interested in the personal data and biography of Alena Krasnova when information appeared that the girl was the bride of Alla Borisovna's grandson, Presnyakov Jr. Alena, the daughter of wealthy parents, belongs to the so-called golden youth. What is interesting about the biography of Alena Krasnova? How did she meet Nikita Presnyakov and how did their relationship develop? We will talk about this in our article.

Key Facts

The beginning of the biography of Alena Krasnova can be considered her birthday in March 1997. She is from Moscow. It is known that the parents of Alena Krasnova are quite wealthy people. The girl's dad is big Russian businessman Boris Krasnov, mother is engaged in housekeeping. Alena has a sister who is 4 years older than her. She got married about 2 years ago.

Alena studied at four schools in the capital, and was also fond of gymnastics and dancing at the school of Alla Dukhovaya. In addition, she has a musical education and is interested in hockey.

For getting higher education her parents wanted to send her to England, where most of the children study Russian elite. However, the girl insisted on her own, she chose the Russian Academy to study. National economy and civil service.

The history of relations and Alena Krasnova

Young people lived in the neighborhood from birth. The girl's family lives in a house, which is located in the village where Pugacheva also has a mansion. Despite this, it is known from the biography of Alena Krasnova that she began dating Nikita only in 2014. At that time she was 17 years old, and she was a schoolgirl. According to the girl, Nikita conquered her with his simplicity.

When Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova began an affair, the girl's parents reacted differently to this. Alena's mother was against the relationship, as she considered that Nikita was too old for her daughter. approved the girl's choice. Alena always liked the parents of Presnyakov Jr. She immediately found mutual language with Christina and Alla Borisovna.

Before the engagement, young people were in romantic relationship over the course of three years. At the birthday party of the girl, Presnyakov Jr. made an offer to Alena, which he announced a little later on Instagram.

Nikita Presnyakov: personal life

Before marrying Krasnova, Nikita was in a relationship with the daughter of a Kazakh businessman. Young people met for four years. The family and friends of the couple were sure that Nikita and Aida would soon become husband and wife. However, in 2014, Presnyakov Jr. announced that he had broken up with his girlfriend.

When Nikita began an affair with Alena, his parents approved the choice of their son, citing the fact that she was from an intelligent and wealthy family. Thus, Krasnova immediately "came to court."

Solemn event

The young people submitted an application to one of the capital's registry offices. The celebration itself took place in the suburban cottage village with exit registration in the fresh air.

The wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova was at the end of July last year. The celebration was attended by about 200 guests. Among them were celebrities. A. Pugacheva, F. Kirkorov, K. Orbakaite, V. Presnyakov, M. Galkin, A. Buynov, the Yudashkin family, D. Koldun and many others came to congratulate the young.

The spouses came up with the scenario of the solemn event themselves. According to the guests, the wedding turned out to be divine. The young people tried very hard to make everything work out well. The girl was in a puffy lace dress with open shoulders, and Nikita appeared before the guests in a classic tuxedo.

The most memorable moment, according to the majority of those invited, was the dance of the newlyweds - an acrobatic number in the air, which came as a surprise to everyone. Alena and Nikita flew up under the dome, circled and descended back.

The wedding of Alena and Nikita was held in rock style. The newlyweds performed their first dance not to the march of Mendelssohn, as usual, but to heavy music.

When choosing wedding rings, the bride and groom gave preference to laconic jewelry made of white gold. Alena's ring is decorated with a path of diamonds, while Presnyakov Jr. has a combination of matte and glossy metals.

Alla Borisovna and Nikita's parents presented the young people with an apartment on Lubyanka, which costs 60 million rubles, and a plot in Malaye Berezhki. Also Kristina Orbakaite and grandmother Presnyakov Jr. congratulated the newlyweds with a song.

Alena and Nikita today

After the wedding, Alena tries to cope with work and women's worries. The girl continues to participate in projects and is actively filmed for glossy publications. Many of her fans believe that married life is good for their favorite, as now she has begun to appear a lot of bright works that deserve attention.

Regarding further plans for the future, the spouses have repeatedly stated that they are thinking of moving to live permanently in America, where they are going to develop creatively and plan to increase their family.

Alena Krasnova - young model, about which they began to talk after her affair with Nikita Presnyakov. Young people have already played a magnificent wedding and even managed to open their own business.

Alena was born March 8, 1997. The press repeatedly indicated that Alena belongs to the so-called "golden youth of Russia". Her parents are very wealthy people and the girl never hid this. In addition to Alena, two more daughters were brought up in the family.

The girl changed many schools, for what reason remains unknown to this day.

Having received a certificate, Alena entered the university. Mom and dad wanted their kids to study outside Russian Federation. But Alena, after graduation, did not feel ready to live separately from her family.

In her school years, Alenka was engaged in dancing and gymnastics. She graduated from a music school, everyone is surprised that another hobby of the girl is hockey.

Personal life

They started talking about the girl when she first came out with the son of Presnyakov Sr. The girl at that time was still a schoolgirl. On the eve of meeting Alena, Nikita broke up with his ex-girlfriend. Relatives and friends were already literally thinking over gifts for the newlyweds for the wedding, but, apparently, it was not fate.

For many years Nikita and Alenka are country neighbors. Active user in 2014 social networks Alena posted the first photos with enviable groom. From that moment on, Alena became interesting to the press.

Nikita very soon introduced the girl to his relatives. Everyone liked the girl very much. Nikita's father recently became a young father, but he is 100% ready for the role of a grandfather.

Nikita was at a high school graduation at Alena. All your own free time young people spend in each other's company. Alena does not like secular parties, so young people spend most of their free time together.

A year ago, Presnyakov Jr. made a marriage proposal to the girl. Subscribers on the page were the first to know about it. young artist. Fans of young people are happy for them. In principle, this did not surprise anyone, because a lot of photos with romantic overtones have already appeared on the Internet. There were a lot of comments under the posts.

The wedding took place in July Nikita and Alena. Before the wedding, Alenka decided to hold a bachelorette party to say goodbye to her single life. The girls met in the city center, after which they went to one of the Moscow clubs.

We celebrated the wedding in one of the capital's cottages. For the newlyweds was made exclusive cake. The menu did not leave the guests indifferent either: various sea delicacies, rolls, sushi, snacks, salads, cold and hot dishes, as well as many fruits and sweets.

was invited to the wedding over two hundred guests, including: Philip Kirkorov, Valentin Yudashkin, Maxim Galkin. Dmitry Koldun, Valeria, Ani Lorak. Alena's mother-in-law was in the role of toastmaster.

Alena and Nikita themselves thought out the scenario of the event to the smallest detail. Parents did not interfere in their choice and completely trusted the taste of the young. The Presnyakovs managed to create a festive atmosphere.

Everything went just fine, but as they say - what a wedding without a scandal. After the banquet, Nikita expressed his dissatisfaction towards the journalists. And then the fans condemned the young artist for this. Despite a slight misunderstanding with journalists, everything else at the wedding went smoothly.

After the banquet young people went on vacation to Cyprus. The girl, without ceasing, posted “sweet” photos with her new husband. A lot of frames on the background of the sea have been added to the page, beautiful nature and sunset.

How is the girl doing today?

Last fall, the girl shocked fans with new shots on her page. On her Facebook page, Alena posted a photo in trousers and a lace bodice.

Many fans immediately condemned the girl for such frivolity. Many immediately wrote in the comments that such behavior is unacceptable for a girl who has a legal husband, and the photos are too defiant. Other fans admired Alyonka's figure.

Many do not understand why a girl often goes out either in splendid isolation or surrounded by her friends.

In winter, Presnyakov Jr. simply shocked the audience with his appearance without wedding ring, accompanied by a young stranger. As he explained, this girl is a friend of his wife. From that moment on, rumors began to appear that the newly created marriage was bursting at the seams.

Alenka's mother-in-law also found out about this. Christina immediately denied all the information about the alleged divorce and stated that the life of the newlyweds is as busy as in the first days of their acquaintance.

Young people opened their small business- clothing store.

July 28, 2017, 07:11

Molecular cuisine and a cake for two million: details of the wedding of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova

27.07. 2017 Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova became legal husband and wife. Hooray!!!

By the way, the groom himself chose the date. Nikita believes that the number seven will bring happiness to the family.

All relatives knew Presnyakov's bride from the cradle. Alla Pugacheva and Alena's parents are neighbors in a dacha in Istra. But only three years ago Nikita saw the girl of his dreams in Alena. Nikita waited until his chosen one finished school, entered the university, and before asking Alena for a hand and heart, he offered her to move to his apartment, which Alla Pugacheva gave Nikita.

A little about the bride

Not much is known about the girl. Alena Krasnova was born on March 8, 1997. In social networks they say that the Muscovite belongs to the so-called "golden youth". She is the daughter of very wealthy parents.

Alena's father is a big businessman. Alena has elder sister(age difference - 4 years), who got married in the summer of 2015. Alena Krasnova studied at the capital's schools No. 1985 (TsO 1985), No. 1425 and No. 1538, as well as at the Lyceum "Ark-XXI", located in the North-West of Moscow.

After leaving school in 2015, Nikita Presnyakov's girlfriend became a student Russian Academy national economy and public service. Although before admission, Alena shared on social networks that her parents were going to send her to England, planning that it was there that she would receive higher education. But Krasnova decided to stay in Russia because, in her words, "she was not mentally prepared to leave."


It is known about Alena Krasnova's hobbies that there are several of them. She was engaged in gymnastics and dancing in one of Alla Dukhova's "Todes" schools. In addition, the girl has a musical education.

Now back to the wedding.

The young people announced their engagement on March 8, 2017 (the bride turned twenty on that day), so there were only three and a half months to prepare. However, the tight deadlines did not affect the ceremony in any way - not a single classical component of the wedding was overlooked.

The celebration brought together more than two hundred guests from all over the world. Friends from the USA, Great Britain, Kazakhstan and other countries came to congratulate the newlyweds. And really, only friends were at the wedding, they did without this traditional shobolda of honorary wedding generals.

Only Philip was lucky, he passed the category - Family Member))

Preparations for the celebration began in the morning. The bride, along with her friends, was preparing for one of the main events of her life in a room at the St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya.

Oh, sorry, I made a mistake, this is Nikita

Catch a photo of the bride

The lovers arrived at the Barvikha Wedding Palace at 14:00. Alena put on a luxurious wedding dress with bare shoulders, fluffy skirt and a long train. The image was complemented by chic makeup, pretty haircut, as well as bracelets and a pendant from the jewelry brand SOKOLOV. Remember, comrades, this brand. Not some kind of Orlov, Sokolov, not Vorobyov, Sokolov, but SOKOLOV, SOKOLOV, SOKOLOV!

I had to, I had to write. Otherwise, the wedding of the young will not be repulsed ((

The groom, in turn, wore a black suit by fashion designer Dzhemal Makhmudov, with the help of his two best friends.

At 2:20 pm, Nikita and Alena entered the registration hall, where they put their signatures and officially became husband and wife.

The oaths of love and fidelity were already pronounced by the newly-made spouses in the presence of numerous guests.

More than 150 people came to congratulate the lovers, including relatives and close couples, as well as stars of domestic show business.

Gazmanov was definitely here somewhere

Dani has grown up..

Of course, I have great respect for Alla Borisovna, but I got the deep impression that she did not know more than half of the guests and just stood and took pictures with whom God sends

here it came to life a little, Masik hold on!

A toast to young people from Alla Pugacheva: "The wedding is so avant-garde. You sit, eat, drink ... And, surprisingly, without toasts!"

and more guests

Filya caught the Sorcerer

Christina Si, the group "Marcel" and "Nerves" performed their loudest hits at the wedding.

It also became known that a welcome zone was working at the holiday, where guests were waiting for a bartender show, molecular cuisine and delicious ice cream.

Here, well done guys, surprised.

The host of the wedding was Denis Kosyakov

But still, completely without traditions, somehow it is not so, somehow uncomfortable ..

A bit of a traditional wedding.

The wedding cake in the form of an iceberg, which, according to preliminary estimates, is almost two million rubles, was baked for the future husband and wife by the king of confectioners Renat Agzamov himself.....


By the way, remember, Alla Borisovna had such a song?! "And you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean, and all your sorrows are under black water!"

Let sorrows pass by this beautiful couple.

And, also already now apparently traditional, floral decor.

Behind this flower throne sit the young. A similar floral decoration of a banquet hall costs about 4 million rubles.

Some aunt created a fragrance at the wedding

that's what this garbage was for, it glowed

And, as always, for the one and only wedding ceremony ever in this life, the newlywed ordered two wedding dresses from famous designers. You saw the first, here is the second

The outfit was completed with a diamond tiara.

the bride's bouquet

Everything is like people. How to

The media estimate the wedding of the grandson of Alla Pugacheva at several million dollars. Well, it's basically standard.

here's a photo, girl, by the way

As the gossips say on our website, the devil is in the details, so let's go see what else was interesting there.

The invitations to the celebration are quite original - in them the newlyweds turned into the heroes of the author's comic book.

The very same marriage took place in the registry office of Barvikha near Moscow, after which the lovers went to the village of Zhavoronki, where the main part of the holiday took place.

All the chores of organizing the wedding were taken over by Nikita's mother, Kristina Orbakaite, which became her wedding gift.

Nikita says that Alena looks like me. Like, the same humorous and sociable. We will give one gift from the Presnyakov family. But big! - Elena Presnyakova, the second grandmother of the groom, said before the celebration.

The rest of the guests, including Alla Pugacheva, most likely limited themselves to money.

In addition to Dima Koldun, he presented a moped. Handsome!

Not against this and the bride. According to Alena " an envelope with crisp banknotes is the most successful wedding present.”Alenka, you are our man, I respect

In general, the wedding took place at five, everyone tried

Billionaire and humorist Galkin said on his instagram that the performance was incredible. “This is the most spectacular dance of the bride and groom that I have seen!” - Galkin commented on the video.

Here it is, so far.

To be continued...

TO long-awaited wedding years of Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova today all the attention of journalists and fans is riveted star family. The couple decided to throw a truly luxurious, noisy celebration that their family and friends will remember for a long time. It was important for lovers to arrange such a holiday that would speak more eloquently than any words about the features of their union, individuality and creativity. Today, numerous guests of young people will plunge into the world of parallel reality - this topic was chosen by them as the main concept of the wedding.

13:45 The morning of lovers began at capital hotel St.Regis Moscow Nikolskaya, where the gatherings of the future husband and wife took place. It was from here that the groom took the charming bride to go to the registry office near Moscow for painting.

14:03 Nikita Presnyakov arrived at the Barvikha Wedding Palace with a cup of coffee, which, apparently, he needed for vigor. Like all future newlyweds, the lovers were very worried on the eve of the wedding and could not close their eyes.

14:05 It is worth noting that the general public did not have to see Nikita in a strict suit before. The young man prefers a slightly different style of clothing, but at his own wedding he decided to opt for a conservative look, which was created by fashion designer Jemal Makhmudov.

14:06 In order to freely enter the marriage registration hall, Alena, who chose a truly impressive magnificent outfit for the celebration, needed outside help - an assistant helped her to hold the train.

By the way, Celia Kuchumova, who works at prestigious weddings in Moscow and Milan, worked on the girl's makeup. The stylist-makeup artist helped to prepare the whole family of Alena Krasnova for the solemn event. Mom and sister of the chosen one Nikita Presnyakova looked amazing on a special day and received compliments from the guests.

// Photo: The Omlette (omlette.ru): Igor Tsaplin, Fedor Borodin

14:09 Obviously, the bride and groom are in a great mood and are looking forward to the long-awaited holiday. For both, this event means a lot - for each of them this is the first marriage. Nikita and Alena are noticeably worried, but still they cannot hide their joy from what is happening.

14:15 Happy bride and groom do not leave each other. Only occasionally Alena leaves to take a few photos in a wedding dress or clarify details about obtaining a certificate.

14:20 Only the two of them went into the marriage registration hall, Nikita and Alena. It was there that they first said “yes” to each other and put their signatures. From that moment on, the couple officially becomes husband and wife. True, the classic ceremony will be held for lovers at the place where the main celebration is organized. In a matter of hours, the couple will swear an oath of love and fidelity in front of the assembled guests.

14:30 Meanwhile, at the place where the holiday will be held, the last preparations for the arrival of the newlyweds and their guests are being completed. Invited relatives and friends of Nikita and Alena will take places specially allocated for them in the hall. Decorator Lidia Simonova (studio LID "S EVENTHOUSE) took on the task of preparing the premises for the celebration and managed to create the atmosphere of a real fairy tale.

14:40 The guest room, where the newly-made spouses are about to go, is decorated in soft lilac tones. The main screen displays illustrations that the couple used for invitations. In the picture, Nikita gently hugs the chosen one, and she, in turn, clung to his chest. The name of the wedding is also indicated here, which Presnyakov and Krasnova came up with themselves, using capital letters proper names and the concept of parallel reality - ANrealwedding.

15:00 On the territory of the country sanatorium "Barvikha" Nikita and Alena arranged a photo session. The couple poses in front of the luxury car Porsche Panamera, in which they arrived at the registry office. Presnyakov helps the chosen one to move, because in such a magnificent dress she has to be very careful. The couple openly show tender feelings on camera, striving to capture memorable pictures that their family will cherish for years to come.

15:10 Nikita and Alena approached the photo shoot with the utmost responsibility. Lovers follow all the instructions of professionals The teams Omlette, which is preparing their family album.

15:15 On the site where the main celebration will take place, everything is already ready to receive guests. Tastefully served tables are already distributed among the guests and friends and relatives of the couple are about to take their places. While at the entrance they are met by employees of a specially equipped zone, where many surprises await everyone - from molecular cuisine to the Barshow.ru bartender show. Those who wished could try cocktails prepared by the world champions in bartending Alexander Rodoman and Dmitry Chekmarev.

15:51 A special surprise was prepared for the audience - the perfume of love from the Aromaobraz studio, the founder of which is Veronika Brukhovetskaya. The unique fragrance was developed by the bride and groom themselves. ANreal Bridal Perfume was packaged in a beautiful monogrammed bottle. The newlyweds took care not only about themselves, but also about creating an unforgettable mood for their guests and ordered a wedding aroma design. At the entrance to the hall, guests will feel the interior aroma of Happyness, and the fragrant atmosphere of Feeling reigned inside. Alla Borisovna was impressed by the aroma bar and appreciated the fragrance created by Alena and Nikita.

15:56 The first guests arrive for the celebration. Friends of the bride and groom, who personally watched the development of their relationship, are happy to share these joyful moments with them. So far, there are not so many gathered, but the relatives of the lovers are about to arrive.

16:15 Relatives of the lovers came to the celebration. “StarHit” managed to talk with Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov, the grandfather of the groom.

“Advice and love to the young. For them to be all right. They are a wonderful couple, they love each other very much. Today I myself am very worried, and my family is also worried, since yesterday evening. This event is big, unforgettable in our family. Nobody has been married for a long time. I will wait for more, of course, great-grandchildren. Because Nikita was a little late. We had all the early ones - that I, that my son, ”admitted Vladimir Presnyakov Sr.

17:00 The ceremony began. The host of the wedding, Denis Kosyakov, greeted the guests in his usual manner and called on the newlyweds to swear an oath of love and fidelity to each other. In front of the assembled guests, among whom famous relatives Nikita Presnyakova, her friends and acquaintances with Alena Krasnova, the couple voiced prepared speeches.

17:17 The guests of the evening considered the oaths pronounced by the newlyweds to be very touching. Many friends of Nikita and Alena broadcasted live from the ceremony in their microblogs. Numerous subscribers of the environment of the star family were delighted with the holiday.

17:20 The attention of the audience was riveted not only to the newly-married spouses, but also to Kristina Orbakaite, who chose a luxurious sophisticated image for her son's wedding. Even on the way to the ceremony in the garden, the singer shared a picture from the car and made it clear that she was happy for the heir.

17:23 Satisfied guests with might and main share the details of the celebration. So, for example, Dmitry Koldun took a picture where you can see how the audience was distributed in the hall. The Presnyakov family sat at the same table, where you can find Alla Pugacheva, and Maxim Galkin, and Kristina Orbakaite, and Mikhail Zemtsov, as well as Mykolas Orbakas.

17:30 One of the most anticipated guests was Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin. The prima donna and the showman arrived at the ceremony in elegant outfits. Alla Borisovna dressed in white lace dress, coquettishly baring the shoulders, and her husband chose a suit with a light jacket. Those present at the ceremony admired the couple who arrived and uttered many compliments to them.

17:40 At the stage after the ceremony of the solemn exchange of rings and wedding vows, Nikita Presnyakov and Alena Krasnova were photographed with their family. The host of the evening, Denis Kosyakov, helped the young people at such a crucial moment.

17:50 The guests enjoy the party and chat with each other. Everyone was asked to take their seats in a luxurious hall decorated with flowers.

18:15 Tables were waiting for guests inside. The first of them was attended by relatives and friends of the groom: mother Kristina Orbakaite with her husband Mikhail Zemtsov, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin, Philip Kirkorov and grandfather Orbakas Mykolas with his family. Close brides gathered at the third table. There were many fish and vegetable dishes on the menu. Steaks were prepared for meat lovers. The guys from Dellos Catering were responsible for table setting, gourmet snacks and guest service.

18:33 The parents of Krasnova and Presnyakov made touching speeches and also congratulated the young. All of the guest invitations featured two anime characters resembling the bride and groom. The first dance of the newlyweds made a splash. They rehearsed movements for a long time with circus gymnasts. Alena put on a short top and a skirt that did not hinder her movements. At the end of the number, the newlyweds flew up to the ceiling of the hall.

“This is the most spectacular dance of the bride and groom that I have seen!” - said Maxim Galkin.

18:47 Many surprises awaited everyone during the evening. One of the numbers was the performance of the ballet Todes. The artists were dressed in space suits, and their faces were decorated with bright makeup.

19:00 Krasnova and Presnyakov lit up at the celebration with their friends to the hits of the Nerva group, Christina C and the Marseille group. Most of the bridesmaids came to the event in sparkling outfits or dresses in powdery shades. The groom's friends chose classic suits of blue color from Kings-man.ru.

19:18 While the guests are watching the number prepared by the newlyweds, Alexander Buinov posts pictures taken at the ceremony. The artist not only rejoiced for the lovers, telling everyone about the details of the celebration, but also wished Kristina Orbakaite to be an exemplary mother-in-law for her daughter-in-law.

“Let's hope that Krista will be a good second mother for Alena!” - said the musician.

19:40 Alexander Buinov provoked heated discussions on his page on Instagram. The artist posted a photo of the bride and, introducing her to the public as Presnyakov's wife, offered to criticize. Many agreed that Nikita was very lucky with the chosen one and they are confident in their happy future.

19:45 The Marseille group sings for the guests. The artists performed hits familiar to many and wished happiness to the young. The musicians considered it an honor to be invited to this celebration, and during the break they took a photo with Kristina Orbakaite.

20:00 The first toast of the mother of the groom. Kristina Orbakaite tightly hugged Vladimir Presnyakov, who approached her, probably thereby thanking her for her wonderful son. When the audience burst into applause, the artist said: “Shh, mother says!”

“Yes, the second Elena Presnyakova in the family, this is, of course, cool,” joked the favorite of millions.

20:30 After a while, Alla Pugacheva also came out to the newlyweds. The prima donna turned to her grandson and his wife with a compliment. “You kept yourself waiting at this wedding!” - said Alla Borisovna.

Aspiring model Alena Krasnova, the young wife of Nikita Presnyakov, became known to everyone thanks to their relationship. Alena is not a public figure, so few facts are known about her life before marriage. But we will try to reveal the details of her biography and personal life.


Alena Borisovna was born in women's Day March 8, 1997 in the capital's maternity hospital. Her parents are wealthy people, her father is a businessman, and her mother Victoria is a housewife. Our heroine is the middle daughter in the family, her younger sister was born in 2010, and the eldest - in 1993. Alena changed several elite schools in the capital, one of which was the private lyceum "Ark-21". During my school years, I worked rhythmic gymnastics and dancing, was part of the ballet "Todes", was fond of hockey.

Since 2015, she has been studying at the Academy of Public Administration and National Economy in Moscow (RANEPA). Although her parents insisted on getting a higher education in the UK, Krasnova was not mentally ready to leave Russia.

How many years have the couple been together? – Already 4 years. In 2014, Krasnova met N. Presnyakov in the village of Malye Berezhki, where her parents' houses are located. Despite their young age, a serious relationship began between the guys. Soon they introduced each other to their parents, and they approved the choice of children. In the spring of 2017, Nikita proposed to his beloved to marry him.

Now A. Krasnova is a student, model and active user of the Instagram network. Together with Nikita leads family business selling branded items at affordable prices and supports her husband in musical activities.

Who is Elena's father?

After meeting Nikita, the media wondered whose daughter is our heroine? Her father, Boris Krasnov, is the namesake of a famous artist and producer in Russia, successful businessman. Nothing is known for certain about his activities. He avoids appearing in public and at the wedding of the young is seen in several pictures next to his daughter, A. Pugacheva, K. Orbakaite, V. Presnyakov, M. Galkin. Boris lives in a luxurious mansion in Malaye Berezhki with his wife Victoria and daughters.

Wedding of the year with Nikita Presnyakov

On July 27, 2017, the magnificent wedding of Alena and Nikita took place. They prepared for the solemn event for a long time. In the media, the wedding was dubbed the event of the year, because the event was attended by all the "cream" of domestic show business: F. Kirkorov, A. Pugacheva, M. Galkin, K. Orbakaite, the Presnyakov couple, N. Podolskaya, D. Koldun, A. Buynov and others.

The couple arrived at the Moscow registry office in Barvikha alone, the bride and groom signed an official document and went to a photo shoot in a chic Porsche. Wedding Dress the girl was magnificent and had such a long train that Alena moved everywhere only with an assistant.

The main ceremony took place in the Moscow elite village of Zhavoronki, where the already legal wife Alena and husband Nikita exchanged rings and swore an oath of allegiance in the American tradition. Thousands of people were involved in decorating and organizing the wedding. The couple created their own fragrance of love "ANreal", a bottle of which was presented to each guest. The best bartenders and chefs of Russia, as well as molecular cuisine, worked at the event. Designer cake 2 meters high was created by Renat Agamazov. The guests were also surprised by the first dance of the young, which was more like a complex acrobatic performance to heavy music.

Friends and wedding guests broadcast live on Instagram from the scene, shared photos of outfits and joint pictures with the newlyweds. But the wedding was not without a scandal, the Russian well-known publication is to blame, which undertook to cover the event of the year and initially promised to take on most of the costs. But before the wedding, the newlyweds became aware that nothing was organized. The family of Nikita and Alena had to pay twice as much as planned, and N. Presnyakov, after the wedding, spoke unflatteringly on Instagram about these press representatives.

Young spouses are expecting a baby?

After the wedding, rumors constantly arise about the possible pregnancy of the model. As soon as Alena changes her image or gains weight, fans begin to talk about the imminent replenishment, especially recently Kristina Orbakaite said that she was already ready to become a grandmother. But in a recent interview, Alena Presnyakova admitted that she is not thinking about children yet because of young age. Alena is not pregnant yet, the newlyweds take care of this moment only about the dog.

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