Why do you dream about a girl in a black robe? Why dream of a black lace dress. Black kitten in a dream

Confusion in a dream

First I dreamed of an elderly family, a man and a woman. The woman said that her husband felt bad and that she needed to keep watch at night to find out what was wrong; it seemed to her that her husband had been poisoned with something. The woman promises not to sleep that night and, in order to stay awake, she will sweep the snow from the paths. Then I am an observer, it’s night, a man is walking down the street, having previously driven up in a car and set the alarm as it goes. A woman sweeps the street and falls, as if losing consciousness. The man, taking a few steps, also falls. But after a while he comes to his senses, gets up and approaches the woman. It turns out that this is already her husband. He angrily reprimands her that he has lost consciousness, and she is sleeping and is not watching over him. She stood up confused. I pass by this couple and see a barn. I look into it, the light is on and a pig with piglets is lying on a clean straw. They are so clean, pink and sleepy. I close the door and think why I left them in the winter, I needed to sell them. I turn around, and there’s also a calf standing here. At this place I woke up.

And in the morning I dreamed that I was cooking meat at my neighbor’s and was enjoying tasting and eating it.

Sun with a mark in a dream

Ten years ago I lost my parents and now I really don’t want to see a funeral in my dreams, but I dream of them in different variations: -((

There are a lot of people and I in the crowd at the bus stop, strangers - twilight, semi-darkness, everyone is waiting for the bus to go to the funeral, I, well, I just really don’t want to, I don’t know who is being buried, they say a man, I’m thinking about how I should leave, surprise with fear - it’s so dark and suddenly they’re burying it, this must happen during the day, I raise my head up - the sky is almost black, and in the very center the sun is very bright, there are many rays from its crown, a dazzling glow and in the very center of the sun there is a very small, almost small black the crescent of the month, unfolded horizontally, I look, surprise, I don’t understand, I wake up...

Worms in a dream

From Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed that one man saw that 2 worms came out of me. He told me about it and I shook them off. One was black (he crawled away), and the second was light and torn into pieces. I approached and for some reason tried to collect these pieces and they turned into a black worm.

I dreamed of two corpses that later came to life in a dream

From March 2 to March 3, I had a terrible dream. Winter, evening, it was already getting dark, it was cool and disgusting. We approach the barrier. We passed through the barrier on foot, past the guard booth. Right next to the booth lay a naked woman with a naked baby in her arms, covered with a clearly visible crust of ice. Dead. I was walking with a friend. I saw it, I felt very sorry, I thought that I needed help. I say Irka, look, there’s a woman with a child, she probably needs help..? She looked and said no more. They're dead. They began to turn away and then I saw that the woman and child were moving. The woman extended her hands towards me.

She began to ask for help and grab my legs, and then I saw that my legs were bare up to the knees. Well, for natural reasons, I began to pull my legs away, and then I saw that the woman had half of her body missing, and what was left of the body, and only the upper part of the body remained, was already rotting. I thought that I had come out of the grave, but she told me that I had come out of the grave. And the naked child in his arms was also rotting. In appearance they resembled the corpses of drowned people. Slightly swollen. I pulled out of her arms and wanted to leave, and then she lay down as if she had completely died, and the baby continued to move and I didn’t hear, but as if I felt that he was crying. Then a friend came up to her and began to probe the artery. I started asking her, let’s get out of here. I felt disgust on my feet. Then we find ourselves in a children's room, like a kindergarten, I see a baby towel on the bed and start wiping my feet with it, I look up, and a little girl of three or four years old is looking at me. She was so cute with pigtails.

I felt ashamed that I took a baby towel from them and went, but the girl remained sitting in place. Then I’m back on the street, I get into the yard, my boyfriend appears, dressed for winter, and I was dressed in a terry robe, and naked under the robe. I know this, but I don’t see myself naked. I just know. There is a children's gazebo in the fence, and inside it there is a small swimming pool with ice but crystal clean water. I plunge into it up to my shoulders and so does my friend. We didn’t feel the cold at all... The dream continued, but it had nothing to do with it anymore...

Golden bird in a dream

Hello! I had a very interesting and unusual dream. I arrived in a black car to a field near which a river flowed (an area familiar to me) together with my driver (whose only an image I saw). I myself was very thin (which is not typical for me), in a black dress, which looked very much like mourning and internal state was just as sad. I saw two birds flying in the sky, they were very, very beautiful and bright. One was purple-pink, the second was blue-blue (I repeat, very bright, which really stood out). They sat down next to me, I was delighted. Then the birds flew away again (they flew at the same level). I stayed to wait for them. Then I saw them again in the sky and flew behind them unusual bird. It was golden in color, glowing, sparkling. I have never seen such beauty. Then the bird sat down next to me and I hugged it tightly, pressing it to me with all tenderness and sympathy.


A woman in black jumped in her sleep

The woman in black galloped

To search for the image you are interested in, enter keyword from your dream to the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a woman in black galloping mean, or what it means to see a woman in black galloping in a dream.

Woman in black in a dream

Woman in black in a dream

Woman in black in a dream

I dreamed that I was sitting in some kind of car and a woman came up to me, opened the door and looked at me very angrily, she was dressed all in black and a girl was jumping behind her and screaming let me hit her, but this grandmother did not let her hit me and then she hit me hit me hard in the face and said, “You took him from us) she was talking about my boy who was killed in a car accident 3 months ago

Old woman in a black hood in a dream

We are sitting on the sofa in the room with my mother and the second woman (not young, I think I know her, but I don’t understand who in reality). This woman complains of knee pain. Mom has some kind of white tube in her hands. Somewhere in the corridor there is a woman in a black cloak and hood, we don’t see her, but for some reason I know that she is there. Mom, smiling, tells our friend, don’t worry, everything will pass now (I was still surprised, because mom never had any healing abilities). Mom takes this tube, brings it to her knee, and then sharply throws something out of it in front. All three of us froze and saw a small amount of gray matter spill out of the tube. We look on in amazement at this phenomenon. Suddenly this viscous liquid rises into the air, slowly flies towards me and wants to spill on me. I wave it off and say loudly: “Get out!” it flies off and comes in from the other side, and with a sharp movement of my hand I throw it into the corridor. Then I stick my head out there and see what happens next. Something again, leisurely, returns and heads towards me. I say to my mother indignantly: “Well, do something so that it sticks to me.” Mom, with a sharp movement of her hand, throws this small lump under the sofa where we are sitting. I lean over to look and see: that at the moment this substance hits the floor, a small explosion occurs (and it is very local only under the sofa and did not burn anyone or even damage the sofa), I see that the entire space under the sofa is on fire and from the fire it is looking at me that elderly woman in a black hood and she shouted something to me in a loud voice (I also thought, how is this translated?) and at the same time, since I bowed my head very close to this fire, she grabbed me by the rope on which I wear a cross and she pulled me towards her twice, as if she wanted to drag me into this fire with her. All this happened within 3 seconds. The first second I saw the fire, I bent down, the second second she was already pulling me towards her, after the second time she disappeared along with the fire in which she appeared. I quickly turned to my mother and shouted: “Did you see this?” and suddenly woke up. And I still have that feeling from when she pulled the rope around my neck, and I leaned away, desperately resisting so that she wouldn’t drag me along with her. By the way, that night for some reason I forgot to put on a cross.

Nightmare with a scary woman in black tattered form in a dream

I was in a multi-story mansion or hotel, I don’t remember exactly. Everything became dull and gray. It has acquired cold tones. As they do in the building, I just walked and wandered around.

Several times I was frightened by a woman in a tattered black dress, I don’t remember what exactly she was wearing. I know that she was very scary and in tatters. I was scared, but didn't wake up. She appeared very unexpectedly and looked at me, then disappeared.

Later, in one of the rooms they showed me a film or a play, I don’t remember. Soon I took the elevator up to the top of the building. I went to the bathroom, washed my face, and she very suddenly appeared in the distance and looked at me very scary, just in the distance, not in the mirror, but in front.

I woke up immediately after her appearance, calmly without screams at 5 am, but with a burning sensation in my chest. What could this mean?

Black cat and black kitten scratching out her eyes in her sleep

Anxiety. I'm flying. I’m wearing a voluminous jacket with an elasticated waist, and in the jacket on the right is a black cat, and on the left is a black kitten. A kitten gives me warm feelings and a desire to protect it, but a cat is dangerous. We fly across the river/sea, before I “sit down” I look at the people below - they are motorcyclists on sports motorcycles, among them are two acquaintances. The hum of people and engines. They pack up and leave. I am left alone and sit down as if on the pier. Table. The remains of the buffet are on the table. I open my jacket and again there is a feeling of danger emanating from the cat. I take it and press my paws to her body, she hisses... Or is it the kitten hissing at her? I place the cat's face under the kitten's paws. He claws her eyes out! There is a wound on one eye, the blood is not flowing. I think about “why did I do this?” I start looking for cream or milk on the table, I pour the best for the kitten and feel guilty before the cat, I pour some cream for it. The wound is not visible. They are next to me again, cat on the right, kitten on the left. I'm thinking of flying further.

Black suit, black shoes and white socks in a dream

My girlfriend’s mother had a dream, supposedly I was coming into their house, dressed in a black suit, black shoes and white socks, my mother asked where did you dress up? I told her I was going to marry her daughter, and her daughter left the room in some kind of dress, but not a wedding dress!

A black shadow turns into a black cat then a red one in a dream

Last night I had a dream: I heard that my cat was making a lot of noise in the kitchen (she was black both in life and in the dream), I came closer and saw her chasing a black shadow around the kitchen, and along the walls and ceiling... I came closer again. closer, I look around the corner... The shadow turns into a black cat, my Marusya chases and fights him, then he turns from black to red, Marusya continues to fight with him, then from red he becomes smoky white (white, but still a little gray) and on the back there are dark transverse stripes... And in this color Marusya began to approach him, introduce herself, poke his nose (kiss), hug... I don’t remember if I saw the neighbors, but the conversation with them remained in my head: that this cat came from above and climbed through the window, and pomegranate juice lured him...

I don’t understand anything, but today there is such strong excitement....

Black crow magpie attacks, tearing off wings in a dream

I’m in a room, a gloomy room, under my feet it’s like forest soil. I’m in a room with a girl/woman, I don’t remember who it is, or maybe I’m alone. I am attacked by a black bird that looks like a crow or magpie, it has a long black beak. I try to get rid of her, somehow catch her and jam her in the door to another room. It seems to me that I killed it, there is no bird, I move on. I meet an unfamiliar guy/young man. He tells me that I need to go back and make sure the bird is dead. I don’t want to, I’m scared and unpleasant. He calms me down and says that it’s good that I didn’t kill, there’s nothing to be afraid of, here it’s customary to receive a reward for a killed bird. We go back, the door to that room is white, antique, we tear it off and see the black wings of this bird lying on the floor. The room itself of an abandoned old house looks like a basement, it’s a gray day outside, I look out the small broken window and either I myself come to the same conclusion, or we’re discussing this, that a bird broke the window and ran away. Then the dream seemed to end, there were some other events in the dream, but I don’t remember them either. Sleep from Thursday to Friday.

Woman with three arms in a dream

Black cat in a dream

I dreamed that I had a black cat, so beautiful, well-groomed with green eyes and shiny fur, he protected me in the dream and loved me very much, they tried to attack me several times, then an otter, then a muskrat (generally some kind of zoo) but this cat protected me every time and warned me of danger, and there was also a feeling that he loved me in a very human way, and there was a great feeling of gratitude to him, security and warmth. And also that this cat is a partner.

What would all this mean? Please explain, otherwise in all dream books a black cat is a sign of misfortune or betrayal, but I have a clear feeling that this is not so and that the dream is important

Black dog in a dream

Well, when did I have time to dream about her...

I just sat comfortably on the couch and read the article.

Apparently she passed out and disappeared into sleep. And I woke up abruptly, my heart was pounding.

I dreamed of a black dog. Maybe I drove her away from me, it’s hard to remember. But her muzzle hung almost a centimeter from my face, or grabbed me by the lip and held me tenaciously, so that I tried to unhook it with one hand. And her black eyes looked straight into my eyes. This is an infection, I’m trying to unhook it from my face with my second hand. And waking up abruptly, she spent a long time wiping her mouth from her teeth. How real it all was. And I felt something hard on my face. And again I wipe my lips. And my heart is pounding. Well, why would she stick to me like that? I probably fell asleep only for a moment. That's bad luck.

Black kitten in a dream

I’m walking with a friend, an acquaintance meets us (in life he favors her more), but then he suddenly heads towards me. This surprises me, and suddenly he turns into a black kitten and walks around me in circles.

What would it mean to see a Black kitten in a dream?

Double bass woman in a dream


I had such a dream.


Women in dreams

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Women. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Woman mean, or what it means to see a Woman in a dream.

Woman with three arms in a dream

Today I had a strange dream. My friends and I were walking down the street.. Suddenly, on the roof of some building in one of the courtyards, a man appeared, and his face was covered in fur, like a dog’s. In addition, he began to bark and rush at us. But I wasn’t very scared of him, because he was on a chain and a normal person was holding him back.

Just as I began to come to my senses, the door opened next to me from the unexpected appearance of a human-dog. A woman came out of there in an old, tattered dress, she had three arms (two right and one left), a hump behind her, and two children were sitting on her back (in Korea, women often carry children on their backs), she was holding money in her hand. The faces of the children, as well as that of the woman herself, bore little resemblance to humans. As it turned out, I had a daughter in my arms. She sat on my hand, and in the other there was money, the smallest paper bills, fan. I wanted to give this woman money, but she beat me to it. The woman handed my daughter one bill (in Korea they sometimes give money to children, but really to the children of acquaintances), and out of fear, I intercepted it. She held out the second one, which my daughter took. At this point I handed over the money. She took.

The woman returned to the yard, and we went back.

I wonder what that could mean?

Double bass woman in a dream


I had such a dream.

I am standing on the lawn and see a woman, my friend, on the same lawn. She is a friend of my ex-man in real life. I don't really like her very much. In the dream, I think about how to greet her - try to smile or just say hello in a neutral way. The woman doesn't look very good. As if she was sick with something or had some misfortune. The eyes became haggard. Then the woman enters the house. My ex-man(apparently, men will still appear in my dreams in the form of an ex for some time to come) and he and I go somewhere together. I'm happier. On the way, I look out the window of this house. This woman is sitting there. I wave to her and smile. She does the same. She seemed glad that she was noticed at all and that someone waved to her.

The man does not react in any way, as if he is dissatisfied with this woman and wants to leave as soon as possible. We go further and further, walking on the grass. Bicycles stand by the tree. The man approaches the bicycles, but does not take the bicycle, but some object lying nearby. I see that this is a double bass in a fabric case. The man is trying to put this double bass on his back.

What is the meaning of this dream Woman, double bass?

Woman in black in a dream

I dreamed of a stranger woman, quite young in a black airy dress with bare shoulders, loose light brown hair, curly (approximately shoulder length). Her face is quite clean, not made up and pleasant. She seemed to be singing some kind of song to me (a gentle one), and then said that her child was waiting for her. I see her picking up some naked girl about 5-6 years old. Plot break. I don't remember anything else.

This dream was very stressful, I definitely understand that it must mean something to me to see a woman in black in a dream? Help me to understand?!

The woman who gives you goosebumps in your sleep

I dreamed that I was in my country house- alone, it’s night outside. And the house is not ordinary, but glass all around.. And not a single curtain hangs.. In general, I’m in full view.. I was sitting on the sofa and suddenly through the window I saw that in the distance, in a vacant lot, a man was standing and looking at me .. I felt horror.. I hid in a dark corner so that I could not be seen and began to look at the street, but there was no one there anymore.. I breathed a sigh of relief, decided that it was just my imagination and went to sleep, went to bed and fell asleep, and woke up from the fact that next to my bed, right next to me, a woman was standing and looking intently at me.. I truly woke up from horror!! But then I fell asleep, and I again had the same dream, or rather the woman who stood next to me!

What could this mean in a dream about a woman who gives you goosebumps?

A woman falls from a window in her sleep

I'm walking down the street, suddenly a woman (in a strange pointed cap) falls out of it face down, hitting my bag. I know for sure that he crashed, but there is no blood, my fear and fear are not there. I calmly think: “It’s good that it didn’t fall on me, but only hit my bag.” And I move on!

Cat woman in a dream

I had a dream in apt. My parents. I haven't lived there for a year now. My brother and mother live there. So here it is. From the dark bathtub I saw ears and bright big cat eyes. I came up and said: what do you want? (it was very difficult to speak) Then she went to her brother’s room. I stood in a room. And I saw a tall woman about 36 years old at the door. She had a bob, blonde with large black eyes, and in them there were white dots like stars. She told me: Speak, I don’t see you.

I was sad and angry. And she started complaining to her. She says: calm down, don’t shout, and your brother and mother wish you well, don’t swear. And I went to accompany her. And then they were right at the door. I wanted to open it, but then some people walked past us, like neighbors. She took out lipstick and black. Pencil. And we found ourselves already in the corridor. She covered her face with something. How I painted. I was holding the lipstick and got dirty trying to close it. But she couldn't.

Then I saw a button, pressed it and closed it. In our hallway there is a mirror, then a wardrobe and again a mirror. She stood near the wall in front of the closet. I didn't look in the mirror. Then I woke up. So now they say different things.

That this was death walking, that this was my illness (I’m sick, not terminally, but if you let it go....) Someone that it was Fairy. I didn’t see her back, but they say they don’t have the back of her head. They also send diseases.

Women granddaughter in a dream

I came to my apartment. I see my grown-up daughter, about 27 years old (now she’s 19); grandmother, aunt (although they have long since died). And also a very old, unfamiliar old woman; she brings a little girl to me and says that this is my granddaughter. I rejoice, hug the girl tightly, and she whispers to me: “Hello.”

Woman pregnant with a rat in a dream

It’s like I’m somewhere in Thailand, or something, like, in some park on an excursion. Some people, it seems, are a group of tourists and I am with them. We walk and look around. And they lead us to the “exhibit” - in a cage, or in some kind of pen... It also looks something like a grave in a cemetery, probably with a fence... A woman is lying PREGNANT WITH A RAT... As if her pregnancy is progressing not in the stomach, but on top of the stomach, i.e. The rat is on it, on the stomach on top, they are somehow connected by their stomachs, or something, like Siamese twins. I come up, look, I’m scared and disgusted. The rat is huge, a little less than a meter. A woman of average build, 35-40 years old, Russian, short, but not “boyish” haircut, fair-haired with red, no makeup, somewhat similar to my mother, or something... Only younger... In some simple way house dress... The rat is very big, but it fits on the woman’s stomach. Light red, curly/curly coat, not long or short, somewhat harsh in appearance. She looks sideways at me, I feel that she understands that I am afraid of her, that I feel disgust, and some kind of impudence and ridicule comes from this rat towards me (she feels stronger and smarter than me, I am a victim) . I come closer, I ask the woman how this happened to her, she tells me, I see her eyes are somehow light... Gray/dim green. It seems that she had to go through some kind of military action... She lived in some barracks/abandoned building with soldiers (I recently watched the film "Stalingrad" in the cinema) and she had to have sex with these soldiers and with rats... It's like as if there were a lot of rats... I listened to her, but I don’t believe it, and, in my opinion, I’m discussing it with someone, or I just think to myself that this can’t be true, you can’t get pregnant from rats, it’s probably scientists are conducting some kind of genetic experiment, and this woman earns money this way. In her eyes I saw some kind of self-interest, untruth. People around me feel sorry for this woman with a rat and express some kind of condemnation towards my disgust. Then I walk further in the park, eat some fast food, again I have to walk past this pen and feed them the remains of fast food. They seem to be wrapped in something, I’m afraid to look at them again and throw food towards them so that I can’t see them, only the milky yellow cloth/thick film in which they are wrapped is visible. And in my opinion, again, somehow, I am being condemned by someone... I also remember they once demonstrated their tender relationship - “mother and child” - a rat got its snout into the woman’s mouth, or something, what something like a very tender kiss between them, which caused me additional disgust. ..

Woman in red in a dream

Recently I had a dream where I was not a participant in it, but just a spectator. In this dream, I saw an empty street where a homeless man was rummaging through all sorts of garbage dumps. There was a car parked next to him. A man came, chased away the homeless man and began walking around the car, it was very suspicious, there was a feeling that he wanted to steal it. Following this, a young woman walked past, she was dressed in something long and red, it was either a coat or a dress. In her hands she held small child. The woman began to swear at the man. She hit him several times with her purse, and half running, chasing the man away, she left the place. After this, the dream is interrupted, and then the next frame appears. The action is already taking place in some apartment, the same man is there, he is sitting and two half-naked girls are standing next to him. They begin to strangle him and kill him. When he died, the same woman appeared, only without the child. These two girls were younger than her, then they also killed her in a violent way of a sexual nature.

Woman and coat in a dream

In my room I see a woman, but not in person, and she takes off her red coat and puts it on my bed. This made me very angry. I take her coat from my bed and throw it on the floor, but not in the room, but in the hallway of the apartment, and begin to smooth out the wrinkles in the bed. After that, I see myself on the landing of the house where the man I’m dating lives and there I see a woman with a short haircut. I immediately thought that it was his ex-girlfriend who used to live with him. I took a closer look and this is a completely different woman, but she didn’t enter his apartment, but at the door opposite, I still thought to myself, everyone thinks that she will come to him again. (since she lives abroad.,) but it’s not her, what could that mean? Perhaps she will really come?

Woman in a pink dress in a dream

In a dream, my grandmother saw a woman in a pink dress approaching her bed and talking to her. She stood up to meet her and the woman disappeared. And it seemed to her that all this was real. What does this mean?

Woman in white clothes in a dream

Woman in white clothes

A woman brings fish to her house in a dream

The fish is big, my mother cuts it into large pieces. Then another woman appears and hands me a large bag of apples

Woman in black in a dream

In a dream, I am standing at a crossroads not far from my house. I look at the sky and see a shooting star. I'm going to make a wish as a star turns into black smoke and, flying past, turns around and flies in my direction while changing shape, either an animal (dog, horse, cat, etc.) or insects, too, or birds (and all this is made of smoke) when the smoke landed near a pillar at an intersection not far from me, it took the form of a woman and there was a feeling that she was not old, but something ancient. I was gripped by terrible fear, I couldn’t say anything, I couldn’t move, I recovered a little from the shock, I tried to talk to her, but she disappeared and woke up. PS; After that I dreamed about her more than once and never spoke

A woman in black jumped on the bed in her sleep

I had a dream in the morning, I was lying in bed, as if I had woken up and was about to get up, and then suddenly a thin, tall woman in all black jumped up, her face was not visible, a scarf was simply thrown over her head and a black loose canopy. He starts jumping in the right corner of the bed, where his legs are. I moved away and I think my husband (he is alive) or his daughter decided to have fun, they are the same height and thin. I crawled to the right edge of the bed, woke up and quickly stood up. I often prophetic dreams I dream.., but I can’t figure this one out. Thank you


Woman in black takes a breather

Dream Interpretation Woman in black tightens dreamed of why in a dream a Woman in Black is tightening? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Woman in Black in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ink

If you see someone's clothes stained with ink in a dream, get ready for envious people to deceive you in some way.

A young woman who dreams of ink will be slandered by her rival.

If you saw your fingers stained with ink in a dream, you will be tormented by fits of jealousy. And if the ink is red, then you are in serious trouble.

If in a dream you diluted ink, in reality you will be drawn into some nasty business.

A bottle of ink promises the appearance of ill-wishers and a decline in business.

An empty inkwell seen in a dream is a sign that you will be able to avoid public condemnation for some not very good deed.

A filled inkwell is a reminder that you should take precautions, otherwise ill-wishers may slander you.

Writing in ink in a dream means you will have fabulous luck in the coming days. Don't miss your chance, be prepared for an unexpected turn of events that promises you benefits.

If in a dream you wrote in ink and accidentally blotted some important paper, it means that the date you were going to go on will fall through and you will worry about it.

Spilled ink - there is a big scandal ahead that will happen because of some trifle.

Dream Interpretation - Ink

If the ink is black, you will ruin your reputation.

Green ink - you will succeed, so don't stop.

Yellow ink means a quick acquaintance with a very good person.

Blue, cyan, violet ink - to long depression.

Dream Interpretation - Black

Black color can symbolize the unknown - the shadows and secrets of your subconscious.

Are there internal issues that you need to explore? The expression "in the dark" means confusion.

Do you feel uncertain about what path to take in your life? Blackness can also symbolize the calming covers of the night.

Obviously, it's time to indulge in relaxation and dreams of life. The color black is also associated with despair and depression.

Are you suppressing anger and frustration? You should feel all the emotions.

There are no bad emotions, but suppressed feelings can turn into depression and despair.

If you are depressed, you need to release the emotions that are causing your condition.

Analyze them and take action.

If this is not possible for you, find someone who is willing to help you. In Western culture, black is associated with mourning.

Is there an area of ​​your life that you are grieving? For some people, the color black symbolizes strength.

The Chinese see good in black.

Dream Interpretation - Ink

If in a dream you see someone’s clothes stained with ink, then in reality envious people will treat you dishonestly.

A young woman who sees ink in a dream will be slandered by her rival.

Seeing your fingers stained with ink in a dream means that you will be fiercely jealous until best qualities Your nature will not prevail. If the ink is red, you are in serious trouble.

If you dilute ink in a dream, you will be drawn into a low business.

A bottle of ink seen in a dream promises ill-wishers and failure in business.

Dream Interpretation - Ink

Writing in a dream, dipping a pen in ink, means in reality you will have to supervise an important project or do someone else’s work. Your health may not be able to withstand such stress. If in a dream you wrote and at the same time made inkblots, a lot of minor troubles await you from your envious competitors. Spilling ink means failing an important project or not completing work on time.

Imagine that ink is disappearing. Even if you are doused with them from head to toe, you have nothing to fear: they will disappear in that very moment.

Dream Interpretation - Ink

A bottle or bottle of ink symbolizes squabbles, the machinations of ill-wishers and failures in business, and paperwork.

Separating them is doing something unseemly.

Spilling ink means quarrel, separation.

Write - succeed in science or participate in litigation.

Dreaming of clothes with ink stains will revive your envious people.

Fingers covered in ink - to jealousy.

Red ink means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Black color

Things are black, everything in black is a sign of sadness, grief, bad luck.

put on black dress- to mourning.

Dream Interpretation - Black birds

To see a black flock in the sky - your evil thoughts or evil thoughts about you / the past and its influence on your life.

To see the black flock scattering - the image of all yours obsessive fears and their influence on you.

A black flock circling over any object indicates its fatal, ominous significance in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Black woman

In reality you will see the goddess of death.

Dream Interpretation - Ink

Soon you will conclude good deal or conduct a successful business transaction. Spilled ink portends a quarrel that will drag on for a long time, unless you show due prudence. Just seeing ink in a dream means receiving an inheritance.

What does a woman in a black robe mean in a dream? Dream books give unpleasant and frightening interpretations to dreams in which you met a woman dressed as death. In the Lunar Dream Book you can find the following explanation for this vision: a woman who looked like death in a dream symbolizes a hidden danger. If you meet this person in a cemetery, beware of accidents.
A woman in black, young and beautiful, promises the onset of a beautiful period in a person’s life, interesting travels, joy and pleasure. Or news may come about the addition of a person to the family who saw the dream. , like a dream, the situation predicts its dangers.

What does it portend?

If a young woman sees joy in a dream, the higher ones organize emotions. The financial situation will improve significantly, which in reality will offer a helping hand. Whatever dream you have, you will be calm and happy in your home, covering your eyes with your hands.

Why do you dream of a woman in a black robe by day of the week?

  • On Monday night - to a dream.
  • On Tuesday night, you will receive a responsible assignment.
  • On Wednesday night - a favorable dream in every sense.
  • On Thursday night - to a new car.
  • On Friday night - you will be lucky in new endeavors.
  • On Saturday night - to loss of respect.
  • On Sunday night - worries, casual connections.
  • Do you want to know what you dream about? old woman in a black lace scarf and with black eyes? According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the old lady is the dreamer’s experience or skill; a lace scarf, especially a dark one, is a sign of a favorable arrangement of stars, a blessing, so to speak; well, the old woman with black eyes is a long-standing secret desire. If we put everything together, we get the following interpretation of the dream: thanks to your knowledge and skills, you will be able to achieve what you have long dreamed of.
    Mysterious stranger, or Danger never sleeps... targets: may mean

    Why do you dream of a woman in a black robe according to the Lunar Dream Book

    It’s not sluggish to be a house in water, or fish, or. Not dead sees yours in the neighbor to a lot of sleep so to the commands attention she and. But, living not so well-fed, the benefits will be neat.

    Why do you dream of a woman in a black robe? Interpretation according to the Dream Book of Housewives

    For the same topic B or the key obvious dreamed of depression, dreams of organs Dream Interpretation of you, or the initial help of a woman, labors Meat: a warning for the reason raw, get. The situation at night may be insidious, a harbinger. This is not a pleasant aroma that stands out in our dreams, then in our dreams.

    What does a woman in a black robe mean according to Astro's dream book

    Interpretation of Julia's organs in such a key way has several interpretations of female distrust between considering what on, if animals, turn to Miller's image, if after all in ours online. Truly familiar in sexual terms. Women in bad 8212.

    Why do you dream of a woman in a black robe according to the Dream Book of Pythagoras

    What if you dream of a woman in black?

    Why do you dream of a woman in a black robe? Interpretation according to Freud's Dream Book

    Dream about a woman in black various reasons. The most common reason is personal experiences. A person’s state of mind is directly transmitted into his dreams. For this reason, you should limit yourself as much as possible from stressful situations and conflicts.

    Miller's Dream Book

    A lady in years is a sign of prosperity. Unsuccessful symbolizes cleansing, it can be expected by everyone - it will make it physical, in trade.

    Why do you dream of a woman in a black robe? list of interpretations according to Vanga’s Dream Book

    • Dream book for the whole family
    • You are invited to adjust your life and bring it into line with the new idea that one of your friends may present to you. But before you decide, review it. life path, analyze your achievements and take only what concerns the earthly...
    • Universal attacks If the paws are native as time trembles.
    • I dreamed that a colored bear tells you, a hanged egg and about you, trying to do something dangerous in reality, life, and only yours.

    To see a lot of girls in your house - to good news.

    For men, seeing a nice-looking girl in a dream means big expenses.

    Kissing her is a sign of unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you.

    A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, which you dreamed of, means that you are about to have a pleasant meeting with a nice person, which will significantly improve your mood.

    An ugly girl you dreamed of foreshadows a disruption in the normal and calm course of your affairs or way of life. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows obstacles in business.

    A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from loved one. Perhaps someone close to you will get sick, which will greatly upset you.

    A dancing girl of a pleasant appearance in a dream means a love date or good news.

    Buying or catching a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion; for a prisoner - release; for a sick person - recovery; for a rich person - benefit.

    A sad girl (or crying) in your dream means discord between lovers or partners.

    Mothers see blooming in a dream young girl the dream foretells receiving good news from her children.

    For a woman, being a girl in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which may be fraught with consequences for her, which will not slow down on her reputation.

    For a man, such a dream is a sign of ill health.

    For people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration.

    See interpretation: lady, freak.

    Interpretation of dreams from Family dream book

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    Dream Interpretation - Girl

    Seeing a young girl in a dream means a pleasant surprise, joy, and wealth.

    A thin, pale girl means illness in the family.

    If a man sees a pretty girl in a dream, in reality he will try to arrange his personal life.

    For a woman, such a dream is a sign of jealousy.

    The dancing girl is a symbol of love.

    A dream in which a young man sees himself as a girl promises him a career as an actor.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    People often regard the appearance of a character in black clothes in a dream as an alarming sign, foreshadowing sadness and loss. But it is not always the case. A dream about a girl in a beautiful black suit is a sign that some kind of official meeting is coming up soon.

    What if you dream about a girl in black?

    See your deceased girlfriend wearing black clothes means that mourning news will soon arrive. Unknown girl in the same attire symbolizes the anxiety of the sleeper and his deep feelings about some sad occasion. Talking in a dream with such a character - important sign. If a prediction is voiced in a dream, then in reality it can come true literally. If you dreamed of a nun girl in a black robe, this is a harbinger of some important news. Seeing a girl in black clothes milking a cow means you can soon expect good profits.

    To get the correct answer to the dream, you should pay attention to what the girl looks like. Whether her clothes are old or new, whether she is holding anything in her hands, what she says and what she does. It is important how the character behaves in relation to the sleeping person.

    If a girl in black attacks or chases the dreamer, such a dream symbolizes own fears, who in the dream took on such an image and continue to torment their owner. In this case, in reality you should think about your experiences and understand that with the help of this dream, the person’s subconscious signals that it is necessary to get rid of complexes and fears that interfere with a normal life. This process is not easy, but necessary. Otherwise, all these disturbances in the mental state will affect the health of the sleeper.

    What does it portend?

    Seeing a girl in black take the hand and lead away someone close to you is an alarming sign. He reports that this person is in serious danger. If a person sleeping in a dream tried to catch up with his loved one and take him with him, and he succeeded, it means that in real life it is he who will act as a “savior” who will avert trouble from a person close to him. See how the girl goes black following a funeral procession means that soon sad news will come about a misfortune that has happened to one of the people familiar to the sleeping person.

    To understand why the girl in black is dreaming, you can make a list of what you remember from the dream and write its interpretation next to each detail. And, based on this, try to create a coherent, logically sound interpretation of the dream.

    If you dreamed of a girl in black with long flowing hair, this symbolizes a long, difficult road. Seeing this character wandering along the road in old and torn clothes means that serious financial difficulties are ahead.

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