From what cancer did Vera Glagolev die? A friend of the actress told why the family lied about the fatal disease of the verb. Vera Glagoleva what happened, what she was sick with, what she died from, farewell and funeral: what Glagoleva’s illness was the cause

After the first rumors about the terrible disease, Glagoleva continued to act in films, and her friends believed that the disease had subsided. “On May 21, actress Aiturgan Temirova, with whom we also starred in “Snipers,” wrote to me. She told me that Vera was very, very sick. I immediately went on the Internet, there was no information about this,” Yakovleva continued.

It is known that a few months ago the actress’s health deteriorated sharply. She was hastily admitted to intensive care, where Vera Glagoleva spent a day, after which she received repeated blood transfusions. For some time, Vera remained under the supervision of specialists, and then went to Germany for treatment.

Trying to find out the truth, the actress called Vera’s daughter. “She said that everything was fine with them. And suddenly Nastenka’s wedding. We were just filming with Slava Manucharov, he told me that he was the host at the wedding and Vera danced beautifully there. Well, that’s it, I finally calmed down and was happy for her family! And then there’s such a shock,” “Interlocutor” quotes Marina Yakovleva.

Vera Vitalievna herself did not mention her illness, and her daughter completely rejected such information. Elena Proklova, who was her colleague, also spoke about the death of the actress. Elena confirmed that rumors about Glagoleva’s illness had been circulating for a long time, but everyone hoped only for the best. Vera did not confirm anything. “In general, she was the kind of person they say about, all in herself,” Elena added in an interview with StarHit magazine.

And then they had a magnificent wedding, well, when is it time to get sick? In July, Vera Glagoleva married her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya. A luxurious wedding ceremony has long been one of the most discussed topics on the Internet. That evening Vera Vitalievna was particularly cheerful. She sang along with the stars who came to the celebration and danced dashingly with them. It was after this that rumors about Vera Glagoleva’s alleged illness completely subsided. She really was incredibly good that day.

Looking at these positive shots and smiling Vera, who could have guessed that she had such serious problems with health? And she continued to deny everything. In a recent interview, the artist claimed that rumors about her serious illness were untrue. "Everything is fine with me!" – she said.

Producer Natalya Ivanova, a close friend of Vera Glagoleva, said that literally on the eve of her death they called each other and talked about work and previous filming. “The last message from her came yesterday. And today she and I were supposed to discuss issues concerning our new film on the phone,” producer KP quotes him as saying. “I don’t know what caused the exacerbation of her illness, what caused the crisis.” I know that a few days ago Vera and her family went to Germany for a consultation. Even before that, she had consulted at different clinics there. But she didn’t like to talk about her illnesses. She wasn’t sick at all…”

Singer Alexander Buynov clarified the situation. According to him, Vera Glagoleva simply did not want anyone to worry about her. Apparently, the actress herself forbade her relatives to tell anyone about the terrible disease.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also expressed condolences to the actress's family. “Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva was wonderful, talented person. Her work was known, appreciated, loved by millions of people, and her colleagues saw in Vera Glagoleva a true Master, endlessly devoted to high art and her work. Her death is an irreparable loss for our entire culture. But the roles played by Vera Vitalievna, kind and bright memory about her."

Until recently, no one knew about Vera Glagoleva’s fatal illness. Vera Glagoleva forbade her relatives to disseminate this information to the masses. Therefore, the unexpected death of the popular actress and director was shocking news for colleagues, friends, and the media. Shortly before her death, friends tried to ask her family about Vera’s well-being, but her daughter categorically answered everyone that her mother was feeling well.

As Marina Yakovleva, a friend of Glagoleva, stated: “I accidentally found out that Vera was not feeling well, I tried to communicate with her relatives, but when Vera danced and had fun at the wedding of her daughter Nastya, I calmed down.”

Vera Glagoleva, what happened, what she was sick with, what she died from, farewell and funeral: what Glagoleva’s illness caused her death

Inna Churikova commented on Glagoleva’s death as follows: “My husband loved her very much and was with her all these painful years for her! And we couldn’t suspect anything! Her death is like an explosion! Absolute shock!

As the producer and Vera Glagoleva’s close friend Natalya Ivanova stated, the director’s condition began to deteriorate in February, after Vera buried her brother Boris, who was diagnosed with cancer. For the last six months of her life, she tried not to show anyone that anything was bothering her. She was very eager to live, work and creativity came first. But cancer left the actress no choice. Sudden death occurred in one of the oncology centers in Germany. A close friend to this day cannot come to terms with the departure of such a strong and strong-willed person.

Then Kirill Shubsky, the husband of the late actress, said in an interview that Glagoleva’s illness was long-lasting; she fought cancer to the last. But even the treatment didn't help. And he added that the death did not occur in America.

Vera Glagoleva, what happened, what she was sick with, what she died from, farewell and funeral: farewell to the great actress

On August 16, 2017, at the age of 62, the famous artist and director Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva passed away during an examination in Germany.

She was buried at the Moscow Troekurovskoye cemetery. Relatives wished to say goodbye to the actress without strangers. Only family and friends were present at the ceremony.

In the request of Glagoleva’s eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova, with whom she addressed journalists, she asked them to give the closest people the opportunity to spend the holiday with dignity. last way artist, and not try to find ways to contact them.

But another daughter, who shortly before her mother’s death had a magnificent wedding with Ovechkin, the famous hockey player of the Russian national team, publicly announced the death of her mother to the media and expressed her emotions in the comments under a photo of her late mother on her blog: “Our beloved... unique and only... no words and there is no strength... you are near and we feel it... forever.”

Vera Glagoleva, what happened, what she was sick with, what she died from, farewell and funeral: who inherited Glagoleva’s inheritance

According to Woman Hit, the entire inheritance deceased Vera Glagoleva's property will be distributed among her relatives after 6 months. According to the Civil Code, her husband Kirill Shubsky will receive exactly half of the actress’s total property. And the rest of the inheritance will be divided into three parts by the daughter of the late Glagoleva.

Vera Glagoleva's main property was real estate; the approximate cost of a three-story mansion was 370 million rubles, the land for which was purchased in 1998. The actress owned a Moscow three-room apartment on Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane.

Shocked everyone. No one can believe that this blooming woman, who had a lot of plans, who just recently celebrated her wedding youngest daughter Nastya with hockey player Ovechkin, who was actively working on another film before last days, no more. The 61-year-old actress died in Germany. The artist struggled with a serious illness for many years; according to media reports, the disease was cancer.

The native actresses are unable to say or explain anything. Eldest daughter Vera Glagoleva Anna Nakhapetova wrote on her social network:

“We ask all media representatives during this tragic period of our lives to refrain from making any comments and leave our family alone. If you really loved our mother, just pray for the newly deceased servant of God Vera......".


Cameraman of the film “Broken Shore”: It was interesting, but also difficult with Vera Glagoleva

Igor Plaksin recalls the directorial debut of Vera Glagoleva

Beautiful, popular and loved by millions, Vera Glagoleva kept secret information about her cancer. The star's death devastated her family, friends and fans.

At the beginning of spring of this year, the first information appeared in the media that Glagoleva had been diagnosed with a terrible disease. Famous media and communities in in social networks They sounded the alarm: the star was terminally ill.

They wrote about intensive care, about regular blood transfusions, about emergency hospitalization, but Vera herself remained silent, and her relatives categorically denied the presence of health problems.

Dni.Ru also tried to achieve the truth, but Glagoleva just waved it off: “I don’t know anything about this at all. Fortunately, I feel great.”, - answered the artist.

In a recent interview with journalists, the actress spoke very harshly that these rumors are nothing more than the media’s desire to increase ratings.

"The fact that I'm making films, for some reason (before today) has never bothered anyone and never does. Just grab some fictitious sensation! Disgusting!"– Glagoleva was indignant.

True, Vera Vitalievna did not deny that she went to the clinic, but only in order to gain strength after filming, which sometimes lasted 14 hours:

"I was filming in the city of Aleksin Tula region and on my day off I came to Moscow for one day to get IVs to restore my strength. We were making a movie Feature Film. And they had to do it in two weeks! And most importantly, they report: “She was in intensive care, and the doctors sent her home.” I immediately went to filming, and on the 4th I was already on set, where I worked for 1.5 weeks! Well, what is this?",” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the actress.

It was impossible not to believe these arguments. After all, a month ago, at the wedding of her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin, 61-year-old Glagoleva relaxed and had fun along with the young people.

The newlyweds celebrated the second day of the celebration in one of the Moscow restaurants. Showman Vyacheslav Manucharov became the toastmaster. As expected, the wedding guests danced until they dropped. Vera Glagoleva started dancing that evening along with the soloists of “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev and Kirill Turichenko.

Video fiery dances Glagoleva published Manucharov on his Instagram page, signing "New soloist".

Numerous fans of the actor approved of the dance moves of Ovechkin’s newly-made mother-in-law, which they certainly reported in the comments: "Soloist fire", " Wonderful actress, I like it very much!”, “Vera is super!”.

Even her colleagues had no idea about the actress’s ill-fated diagnosis. For Maxim Galkin, the news of Glagoleva’s death came as a shock.

“No one even knew about her illness, because out of a sense of tact she did not want to burden anyone with her problems. Unfortunately, such serious illnesses take away from us the most dear people. Of course, this is a loss for Russian cinema; Alla and I were at all of her last film premieres, when she was already acting as a director.", the presenter told RT reporters.

Let us remind you that Russian actress Vera Glagoleva at the age of 62. An insider said that the cause of Glagoleva’s death was cancer.

Farewell to Vera Glagoleva will take place on August 19 at the House of Cinema, said Klim Lavrentyev, deputy chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, Vesti.Ru reports.

The ceremony starts at 11 a.m., he specified. The location of her funeral has not yet been announced.

Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva is a Soviet and Russian actress, remembered by millions of viewers for the films “Don’t Shoot the White Swans”, “Torpedo Bombers”, “Marry the Captain”, “Sincerely Yours”, “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12” and many others to others.


Vera was born on January 31, 1956 in a family of Moscow teachers. Father, Vitaly Glagolev, taught physics and biology at school, mother, Galina Glagoleva, was a teacher in the lower grades. The family's son Boris was already growing up. The family lived in the Patriarch's Ponds area, on Alexei Tolstoy Street. When the girl turned 6, the Glagolevs received a new apartment in Izmailovo. For the next 4 years, Vera lived and studied in the GDR, then returned to Moscow.

As a child, Glagoleva was seriously involved in archery; subsequently received the title of master of sports and joined the Moscow junior team. About acting career she didn't even think about it; her film debut took place completely by accident.

First roles

In 1974, having barely graduated from school, she and her friend came to the Mosfilm studio, where she, a girl with huge eyes and delicate features, was noticed in the buffet by the assistant director of the film “To the End of the World.” The director of the film was Rodion Nakhapetov, future husband Faith. She was offered to try to play a scene with the leading actor Vadim Mikheenko. Without having behind acting education and even classes in the school drama club, she played as organically as possible young Sima, traveling along the railroad tracks with her distant relative Volodya.

In 1977, Vera Glagoleva was invited to play the role of Varya in the film “On Thursday and Never Again” directed by Anatoly Efros. The play impressed Efros so much that he invited Glagoleva to work at his theater on Malaya Bronnaya. However, under the influence of Nakhapetov, Glagoleva refused this offer, which she later regretted all her life.

The secret of the young actress, who charmed the audience at first sight, was simple - she had not only an amazingly cinematic appearance, but also a unique acting type: a fragile girl who has hidden power and integrity, brittle plasticity, precision of the “psychological gesture”.

The next success is the teacher Nonna Yuryevna in the drama “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, Zhenka from “Starfall”, the singing girl from “About You”, Shura from “Torpedo Bombers”. All her heroines had one thing in common - they were, as they say, out of this world, mysterious and poetic.

"About you". Vera Glagoleva

Career blossoming

Glagoleva’s popularity came in 1983, after filming Vitaly Melnikov’s melodrama “Marry the Captain,” where she played the emancipated and feminine journalist Lena.

The most interesting thing is that this role went to Vera Glagoleva completely by accident. At first, the film was shot by one director, and they shot a completely different story - about a border guard officer who is looking for a wife, choosing from a teacher, a milkmaid and a photojournalist. However, filming was stopped. After Melnikov and screenwriter Valery Chernykh rewrote the script, only one woman remained - Lena. According to a survey by the magazine "Soviet Screen", Vera Glagoleva was recognized as the best actress of 1986 for her role in the film "Marry the Captain".

Throughout her career, Glagoleva has not played a single negative role, with the exception of her early work in the crime drama Preference on Fridays (1984). Not a single director saw her as a bitch, but the actress was happy with her image.

In the 1990s, Glagoleva was still very popular. The actress developed a certain role: she played independent and strong-willed women. Thus, in the film “I Myself,” directed by Maksimchuk, she appeared in the role of a woman who takes revenge on her husband’s killers.

Since the late 90s, Vera Glagoleva has starred mainly in the TV series: “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12”, “Heiress”, “Island Without Love”, “ Wedding ring", "A woman wants to know...". In 1997, she played the mother of the main character in the drama “Poor Sasha” and, in 2000, main role in the film “It is not recommended to offend women.”

In 1996, Glagoleva received the title of Honored Artist, and in 2011 she was recognized as a People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Director's experience

In 1990, Vera Glagoleva decided to try herself as a director. Her debut was the psychological melodrama “Broken Light,” which told viewers about the dramatic fates of unemployed actors at the turn of the century. new era. Glagoleva herself also starred in this film in the central role of Olga. Due to the fault of the producers, this professional film did not get a wide release, and it was presented to viewers only 11 years later.

In 2005, Vera Glagoleva returned to the director’s chair, presenting to the public the drama “Order” with Alexander Baluev. In 2007, Glagoleva filmed the melodrama “Ferris Wheel”, in which Alena Babenko was invited to play the main role. In 2010, Glagoleva’s new film “One War” about the fate of women during the Great Patriotic War was released. Patriotic War. Glagoleva called this film her most serious directorial work.


Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

In 1974, on the set of “To the End of the World,” Glagoleva met the director of the film, Rodion Nakhapetov. She had already seen him in the films “Lovers” and “Tenderness,” and, although she tried hard to hide it, she was a little in love with him, despite the 12-year difference. A year later they got married. In her marriage to Nakhapetov, Vera gave birth to two daughters - Anna (1978) and Maria (1980).

Anna connected her life with the art of dance and became a ballerina. At the age of 8 she made her debut on big screen in the film “Sunday Dad”, starred in the film by Glagoleva Sr. “One War”. In 2006, she married Yegor Simachev, the son of Bolshoi Theater ballet soloists Nikolai Simachev and Tatyana Krasina, and in the same year gave birth to a daughter, Polina. Maria got married and moved to the States, where she studied to be a computer designer. After the divorce, she returned to Russia and began raising her son Kirill (b. 2007).

In 1989, the American film company FOX bought Rodion Nakhapetov’s film “At the End of the Night.” This picture ultimately broke up their marriage. The director moved to the States, and in 1991 he officially filed for divorce from Glagoleva. He got new family– daughter of Russian emigrants Natalya Shlyapnikoff.

Vera Glagoleva. Love story

In the early 90s, Vera Glagoleva married shipbuilder businessman Kirill Shubsky. They met in 1991 at the Golden Duke film festival. Two years later, Vera gave birth to Kirill’s daughter Nastya. Glagoleva gave birth to a girl in Switzerland, in Geneva, where the family lived for a whole year. Having grown up,

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