Alina Kryukova: biography, career, personal life. Konstantin Kryukov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo The beginning of the acting career of Konstantin Kryukov, the film "9th Company"

"God give us many children"

Photo: Anna Makarevich

It has long been believed that if on the wedding day it's raining, this is fortunately: the young will have a strong family and prosperity. It turns out that Konstantin and Alina chose the right day for the celebration: it dripped from the sky only occasionally, at times the sun broke through, the day was warm in summer. The celebration took place in the restaurant "Casta Diva" - an elegant mansion on Tverskoy Boulevard. Especially for this event, Maria Lvova from the studio stylish weddings"For Two" and decorator Yulia Shakirova decorated the mansion with flowers: peonies, hydrangeas, orchids, and, of course, lilies of the valley - the bride's favorite flowers. On the third floor, a gazebo for marriage registration was installed. At five o'clock in the evening, the guests began to gather for a buffet - they were waiting for the bride and groom, who were supposed to arrive at the restaurant after a walk. A little earlier, the young people got married, this event took place behind closed doors: too personal. When Kostya and Alina finally appeared in the restaurant, accompanied by Beethoven's Ode to Joy in live performance, they were greeted with thunderous applause... After the solemn registration and presentation of gifts, the young and the guests went to a gala dinner in another hall of the restaurant.
Here Alina and her mother Galina Grigorievna presented the groom with a touching gift - a joint performance: the bride played the piano, and her mother soloed the violin. “Mom has long dreamed of me playing the white piano,” Alina told the guests. “And now we have decided to make this dream come true.” In turn, Galina Grigoryevna added that she had not held the violin in her hands for ten years, but “for the sake of Kostya, she is ready to remember everything.” When mother and daughter played, Kostya could not restrain his surging feelings - he kissed his beloved and spun her right on the stage ...

There was another surprise: the actor and director Igor Ugolnikov, inspired by this picture, also took the stage and impressed the guests with improvisation - he sang a jazz composition to the accompaniment of professional musicians. The guests, who until then had been somewhat stiff, finally relaxed completely and began to dance. And when all the songs were sung, all the dishes were tasted and all the toasts were said, a huge wedding cake, identical to the one at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, was rolled into the hall to the dance performed by the ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater! Now the newlyweds had to fulfill their first joint duty - to cut the cake.

After the celebration, the newlyweds went to the senior suite at The Ritz-Carlton Moscow. By the way, it was in this hotel that Konstantin and Alina met at one time.

Konstantin: I remember the very moment when Alina entered the veranda of the O2 Lounge bar, which is located on the roof of the Ritz-Carlton. I immediately realized that this person should not be let go. That happens. You do not quite understand how exactly you want to interact with a person in life - to be friends, to work together ... But you know that this is absolutely your person from the first second.

How soon did you start dating?
Alina: A year and a half after we met. It took us so much time to find an opportunity for a real acquaintance - to talk normally, to get to know each other, because communication at work is “yes”, “okay”, negotiations, contracts ...
TO.: I call this the Moscow effect, when people say they are friends, but in fact they don’t know each other at all. Alina and I had about the same situation until we ended up in Yalta on a common project.
A.: After Yalta, we began to look at each other differently. And then I flew to Europe, and Kostya stayed on to work.
TO.: And it was a great time: I was filming, spending evenings alone, reading books. And then one day ... Night, I'm sitting on my balcony, the panorama of Yalta, and then they bring me a box: "This is for you from Alina." She sent me a Sacher cake from Vienna.

Was it some kind of starting point?
A.: No, not at all. Then we had a relationship failure.
TO.: Yes, there was work, Moscow life. And since I fell in love with Yalta, I wanted to go there again, to New Year. And I seriously thought: why shouldn't I invite Alina to go with me?
A.: I didn't answer. I had exams. And then the New Year passed. And Kostya asks again: “Will you go?” I begin to weigh everything, because I understand: this is a choice. I arrive at the ticket office and flip a coin there. A "yes" comes up and I'm on my way. And on that day my fate was decided.
TO.: And I'm flying to Yalta and thinking: will she come or not? Yes or no?
A.: I flew in on Christmas Eve, and everything immediately became clear. The die, as they say, was cast.
TO.: As a result, we ended up together in Yalta for Christmas. On this day I made a decision: I want to be with her always. After that, we no longer parted. Alina showed me some completely new view of the world. She generally looked at things differently. Somewhere I was surprised by her naivety, but in some ways, on the contrary, by her incredibly simple wisdom. She had a very clear idea of ​​what a man should be. I am very liberal man, never tied to any systems. And Alina is an extremely traditional person. My mother tried to instill in me a love of tradition, and I was always kicking. And then I suddenly saw in her a lot of features of my mother, and I liked it.
A.: I just have a beautiful family history: all my relatives have long and happy marriages. And for me, a man is the one who takes my hand and leads me through all the storms and hardships. What finally convinced me that Kostya was my person was the understanding that he could take responsibility. I remember how, in a critical situation for our relationship, he told me: “Trust me, everything will be fine. I'll do everything. Just stay with me". And I believed.

Alina, and when you started dating, there was reverence for famous family Bones?
Certainly! Imagine that you were brought up on the values ​​that the films of Bondarchuk Sr. carry in themselves, and then you unpack your suitcase in his house. Very scary! Do not coincide, do not catch ... And Irina Konstantinovna ( actress Irina Skobtseva, Konstantin's grandmother. - Approx. OK!) is an incredible woman, next to whom you want to become an open chest and remember everything, absorb it and at least to some extent reach out to her heights.
TO.: We now live with my grandmother, and I am very happy about this. She is the most interesting storyteller I have ever met, a wise counselor and a cutting-edge person.

How did she receive Alina?
TO.: In our family, trials are inevitable. But it seems to me that Alina endured everything steadfastly.
A.: I do not remember a single difficult or unpleasant situation.
TO.: Well, the tests were not head-on, but I felt how Irisha tested it with her own methods. I am very glad that they became friends. When I'm at work, Alina spends a lot of time with her. We have such a family that we communicate little, but intensely. There are three days a year when we all get together for sure: New Year, Easter and May 9, because it is also Fedor's birthday ( Fyodor Bondarchuk. - Approx. OK!).
A.: My mother is the seventh in the family, so from childhood I got used to big family holidays, an endless number of cousins ​​and cousins.

Kostya, and how did you join this family?
TO.: I did not join, Alina joined mine. In this matter, I just agree with the traditions: a wife will stick to her husband. I love her mom and dad, her brother very much ... And my aunt, and my uncle, and my nephew - of course, I love everyone. But it is Alina's mother who always helps us. She has an incredibly correct position for a mother-in-law: she is on my side. Always.
A.: She explains it this way: the main task- to make me happy. As a result, it is very important for her that the man her daughter has chosen is happy.

How did you decide to get married?
TO.: Once we had a big fight, we had some fundamental disagreement. And at that moment it was necessary to understand: either find a compromise, or disperse. To do this, I had to answer the question, can I live without this person? And I answered: "No!" And when I realized this, I decided to make a small acting sketch. I filmed all day, did not call, in the evening I took my new car, loaded it with an incredible amount of colors. And since I was already thinking about proposing to her, I had the appropriate attributes ready. It’s easier for me: I do jewelry design and I have my own jewelry company.

A.: Then he called me and said in an icy voice: “Get dressed!” We went to the Ritz. We had Bad mood We were both evil.
TO.: You would think that we were going to the place where it all began to say: "Well, that's it, thanks, bye."
A.: Well, I didn't think so. OK.
TO.: I managed to create an aura of such uncertainty. In general, then they brought a ring, flowers and ...
A.: Kostya was very nervous. It seems to us women: what could be easier than to propose and say "marry me"? But they have a different mindset.

Frankly speaking, Kostya proposed to me a long time ago. We were supposed to get married last year in the spring, but my grandmother died, and we postponed the wedding to the fall. But after the grandmother, the grandfather also left. We've already postponed it for a year.

Kostya, you were already married. How useful was your previous family experience?
When something happens for the first time, it is always a step into the unknown. And it often happens that after this first step comes a little disappointment. Because you are waiting for universal changes, but there are none. I came to this marriage with a much broader understanding. And there are no complications that one would expect. I have Alina, her family, my family, I have a daughter, Yulia, and her mother, Zhenya. There are many factors, in general, to worry about how everything will turn out ... It seems to me that we are all doing our best to make Yulia happy.

Do you think about children yourself?
TO.: We had not just official registration of marriage, but a wedding. In the temple, the father many times read out the phrase about procreation and the children of his children. God bless us with many children. But what we have in common is that we rarely plan our lives and even planned our wedding for five years. ( Smiling.)

We thank the restaurant "Casta Diva" for organizing a wedding celebration

Konstantin Kryukov successfully combines the acting profession with the work of a gemologist, a lawyer, in addition, he is fond of painting. Such a multifaceted activity is not accidental and has a connection with his personal life. The actor was born in 1985 in Moscow. His family is known for the fact that his mother, actress Elena Bondarchuk, is the daughter of the famous director and actor Sergei Bondarchuk and actress Irina Skobtseva. Konstantin's father is also a fairly well-known scientist, a specialist in precious stones. When the boy was 5 years old, he and his parents moved to live in Switzerland. They returned to Russia in 1995.

The young man received a good education in Moscow, in addition, he studied at an art school in Zurich. After graduating as an external student, Kryukov decided to follow in his father's footsteps. He graduated from the Gemology Institute of America, but did not stop there and received another higher education - law. But famous relatives Konstantin invited him to try his hand at cinema. And although he did not dream of an acting career, he nevertheless decided to audition for the film "9th Company". This role brought success to the actor, and since then his filmography has been replenished with new works, which were highly appreciated by both critics and his many fans.

A charming and educated young man was very popular with girls, but already at the age of 22, Kryukov had his own family in his personal life. His future wife, Evgenia Varshavskaya, was the daughter of a wealthy businessman. The lovers met for about five years, and in the winter of 2007 their wedding took place. In the autumn of the same year, the young spouses were already nursing their daughter Yulia. This early marriage fell apart very quickly, but former spouses saved friendly relations for the sake of my daughter. After the divorce, Kostya led a rather cheerful and hectic lifestyle, appearing at secular parties with different girls.

In the photo Konstantin Kryukov with his wife Alina Alekseeva

But already in 2009, changes took place in the actor's personal life: he met Alina Alekseeva, who became his PR agent. The lovers did not rush to register a marriage, having played a wedding only in the spring of 2013. The newlyweds not only signed, but also got married in the temple. But they didn’t succeed with the honeymoon, since Kryukov immediately began filming a new film. For several years, there have been rumors that the actor's wife is pregnant, but the spouses themselves refute these speculations. Of course, they dream of having children, but so far this miracle has not happened in their family.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 03/17/2016

Family of Konstantin Kryukov

Konstantin Kryukov was born in Moscow. His parents are actress Elena Sergeevna Bondarchuk, an expert in philosophical sciences Vitaly Dmitrievich Kryukov. It is safe to say that Konstantin is a representative of a bright acting dynasty known not only in our country, but also abroad. His grandmother is actress Irina Skobtseva, grandfather is Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk, director and actor. His uncle and aunt, film director and actor Fyodor Bondarchuk and his colleague Natalya Bondarchuk, live in cinematography. Cousin Ivan Burlyaev and he acted in films. It would seem that fate young Constantine was a foregone conclusion, but he did not come to the cinema right away.

The path of the artist

From birth, the life of Konstantin Kryukov passed away from the eminent family, and besides, far beyond the boundaries of great Moscow. When the guy was five years old, his parents took him to a permanent place of residence in Switzerland, where they stayed for a long 6 years. The return to Moscow took place in 1995. The illustrious grandfather in every possible way instilled in his grandson a love for painting, gave him his first lessons, taught him how to lay paint and hold a brush correctly. Everything is explained by the fact that Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk himself loved to draw, painting in oils was his hobby.

Konstantin attended a specialized painting school for several years, after which he abandoned his studies. But having mastered the technique of drawing, he did not let go of the brush, later Konstantin continued his studies in painting at the Prague specialized school. Gradually, the young artist formed his own style of creating paintings. He considers his pride and achievement the medal received for the creation of a series of paintings "Thought Forms". The opinion of independent experts was unanimous, Kryukov's paintings are unique in terms of technique, content and form, their analogues in the world.

Konstantin Kryukov - gemologist and lawyer

Creating paintings was not the only hobby of Konstantin. At the age of 14 he graduated general education school, while the exams of grades 10 and 11 were passed externally. In plans young guy included the development of an interesting and informative profession, and since he considered the activity of his father, who was engaged in precious stones, to follow in his footsteps.

One hundred questions for an adult: Konstantin Kryukov

Konstantin successfully entered the American Gemological Institute, but studied at its Moscow office, was the youngest student in the group. For two years he studied the subtle science of precious stones. In 2001, he became a certified gemologist, but did not stop there and decided to get another higher education.

This time, Kryukov entered the Moscow Law Academy. He received his long-awaited law degree in 2006. Different and seemingly incomparable formations helped Konstantin to form as a person, to start his own business.

The beginning of the acting career of Konstantin Kryukov, the film "9th Company"

The whole meaning of Konstantin Kryukov's life was paintings, stones and successful business. Once, during a family dinner, someone suggested that he try his hand at the world of cinema. Such an offer seemed uninteresting to the young guy, but he still went to the audition of the film "9th Company" to his uncle Fyodor Bondarchuk, but he did not take everything that was happening seriously and continued to do his job. Surprisingly, he was approved for a role in the film, which later brought fame to the accomplished actor.

In "Company 9" Kryukov played a soldier with an interesting nickname Gioconda. His hero was strikingly different from ordinary soldiers, he was smart, ironic and well-read. The shooting was difficult, initially the characters of the film met and talked with real soldiers who had gone through Afghanistan. They seemed to get used to their images, in military uniform conquered mountains, were subjected to enhanced physical activity, which is very difficult for people who have not seen before either footcloths or the barracks army regime. At the end of the film, the father said to Konstantin: "Your eyes have matured, they have become different."

After the enchanting release in 2005 of the 9th Company on the screens, Konstantin began to seriously think about acting.

Konstantin Kryukov - actor

After the release of "Company 9", where the aspiring actor played the positive role of a young guy, his subsequent characters were perceived by critics and viewers in two ways.

In 2006, the world saw the film "Three Half Graces", Konstantin acted in it as an aspiring writer Pavel Gushchin, such a positive and kind character, for which he received the approval of many viewers. But the film "Heat", where Kryukov appeared before the audience as a wealthy and spoiled dandy, received a lot of negative reviews.

In the same 2006, the film "Love is like love" was filmed, where Kryukov was offered to play the role of a gay young man. He flatly refused, arguing his position by the fact that he would not betray his first hero Gioconda from the 9th company. As a result, he got the role of Mikhail Prorva, a guy who came to the vastness of Russia from the West and cannot get used to all the realities of life. 2007 was marked for the actor by participation in the series "Mothers and Daughters", the plot of which was created during the filming.

Conversation Without Rules with Konstantin Kryukov

Konstantin does not repeat himself on the screen, his characters differ in social position, the nature. For example, in the comedy "On the Hook!" Kryukov appeared before the audience as the reckless correspondent of Kostya, the film "The Star of the Empire" brought him the role of Prince Andrei Vladimirovich. In the 2009 film “Pickup: Eat Without Rules”, Konstantin showed himself to be a cynic who seduced girls for the sake of interest, but Roman Kornilov, in “Swallow's Nest” in 2011, is a romantic and vulnerable young man who selflessly loves stepsister. In the mystical film Generation "P" of 2011, Kryukov is a modern guy with a creative approach to life, who makes plans for the future and confidently translates them into reality.

Personal life of Konstantin Kryukov

my first future wife Evgenia Varshavskaya Konstantin met at the age of 18. After several years of courtship, he proposed to his beloved, and in 2007 their daughter Yulia was already born. But their marriage was not destined to last long, a warm relationship ended in divorce in 2008. The reason for this was the personal life of the actor on the side.

Every self-respecting actor at least once resorted to the services of a PR manager. IN Russian show business cruel rules, and who does not know them, as the closest assistant to the star. Alina Kryukova - a prime example a person who, with the help of her love for work, was able to achieve great success in her career and build her family happiness.

Alina Kryukova: biography and parents

A young careerist was born in Holy holiday- January 1, 1985. Parents from childhood instilled in Alina a love of work. The family did not live well, but relatives tried to give everything their daughter needed. Alina Kryukova graduated from a law school, but to this day it is not known whether she worked in her specialty. She does not like to shine in front of the cameras and talk about herself, but the work and status of the wife of a famous actor oblige.

Personal life

Alina Kryukova met her “prince on a white horse” in the person of Konstantin at the age of 24, when she came to try for a vacancy for a PR manager at that time.

From the first conversation between the couple, a real spark flashed, but there could be no talk of any romance, since Konstantin was still married. The actor recalls that he was very struck by the erudition and education of the girl, and even the most famous movie actresses could envy the way she behaved in public.

The situation changed after high-profile divorce Kryukov. At first, the young man set off, so to speak, in all serious ways, but after a while he realized that he did not need anyone - Alina Kryukova conquered his heart. A young couple could talk for days about everything.

Before getting married, the guys dated for five years. During this time, for everyone, he turned into a lover of family evenings and a homebody.

The wedding took place in late spring 2013. The newlyweds got married Orthodox rite, which can only mean one thing: they are sure of their feelings for each other.

Alina Kryukova (nee Alekseeva) began to appear on the pages of glossy magazines, becoming the wife of one of the most sought-after actors today- Konstantin Kryukov. Born in a creative family, the young man mastered a number of professions: a jeweler, an artist, a lawyer. But the very first role of Mona Lisa in F. Bondarchuk's "Company 9" brought him fame and changed his whole life.

A little biography

Alina's homeland is the city of Saratov. They are the same age as Konstantin. Like her husband, the girl was born in 1985. Her birthday fell on New Year's celebration- 1st of January. The family of a beautiful brunette is called ordinary: mom, dad, sister. Therefore, many were surprised how the eminent dynasty accepted the choice of the grandson of Irina Skobtseva and the nephew of Fyodor Bondarchuk, especially since Alina Kryukova is a lawyer by education and has nothing to do with cinema.

Actually this is not true. For many years, Galina Alekseeva, the mother of the girl, heads the film festival of short films "Family of Russia". He enjoys great support from the authorities and Orthodox Church, dating back to 2004. Alina often acted as the host of the event, and were invited to the jury famous actors and artists.

Fateful meeting

When in 2009 Konstantin Kryukov was looking for a PR manager, he was offered the candidacy of Alekseeva. The young beauty appeared for an interview, striking him with a professional attitude. By that time, he had divorced his wife Evgenia Varshavskaya, who gave him a daughter, Yulia, in 2007. The reason was the loving nature of the charismatic actor. True, his companions noted that the young man was rather closed in private and, moreover, had a complex character. He needed a more active and understanding partner.

Such was his new employee for him. Their service relations very soon grew into a romantic. Alina Kryukova increasingly began to appear at premiere shows and social events arm in arm with her employer. And soon everyone started talking about a possible wedding. The press immediately announced the girl's pregnancy, since it was this reason that served as the reason for registering the relationship in the first case. But it turned out to be something else. Famous actor ripe for family life and began to appreciate the sense of security that spouses give each other.


Konstantin and Alina Kryukov became husband and wife in May 2013. Before this, a wedding ceremony took place, for which he was chosen Sretensky Monastery. Having sealed the union before God, the couple went for a walk around Moscow in a luxurious Rolls-Royce. Must visit place Novodevichy cemetery where photojournalists were not allowed. The newlyweds visited the grave of Konstantin's mother, actress Alena Bondarchuk, who passed away in 2009.

The bride observed all the canons of the wedding and chose a dress with a stand-up collar, without open hands and neckline. In her hands she held a delicate bouquet of lilies of the valley. The main celebration took place at the Casta Diva restaurant and ended with a fire show and fireworks. Alina Kryukova, like any bride, dreamed of honeymoon trip, but the sought-after actor started filming the next day.


It is obvious to everyone that the spouses are completely different, but they are united by an obsession with work. Alina accompanies her husband on the set, takes care of him. Together with her friend Anna Tsukanova (actress), she is thinking about opening a company that supplies film studios with healthy food. The couple does not break up during the holidays. They visited more than 20 countries of the world. And if Konstantin chooses quiet places for relaxation, then Alina offers more adventurous and risky tours.
The young woman has built a good relationship with little Yulia, in whose upbringing her father takes the most Active participation. She does not want to be talked about only: "Kryukov's wife." Alina strives to develop herself. Today she tries herself as a TV presenter of the morning broadcast on the 360 ​​Moscow Region TV channel.
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