Konstantin Kryukov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Biography and personal life About the honeymoon

Every self-respecting actor has at least once resorted to the services of a PR manager. IN Russian show business cruel rules, and who doesn’t know them, like the star’s closest assistant. Alina Kryukova - shining example a person who, with the help of her love for work, was able to achieve great success in her career and build her family happiness.

Alina Kryukova: biography and parents

A young careerist was born in Holy holiday- January 1, 1985. From childhood, Alina’s parents instilled in her a love of work. The family did not live well, but the relatives tried to give everything their daughter needed. Alina Kryukova graduated from law school, but to this day it is not known whether she worked in her specialty. She doesn’t like to appear in front of cameras and talk about herself, but her work and status as the wife of a famous actor oblige her.

Personal life

Alina Kryukova met her “prince on a white horse” in the person of Konstantin at the age of 24, when she came to audition for the vacancy of a PR manager that was open at that time.

From the first conversation, a real spark flashed between the couple, but there could be no talk of any romance, since Konstantin was still married. The actor recalls that he was very impressed by the girl’s erudition and education, and even the most famous movie actresses could envy the way she behaved in public.

The situation changed after high-profile divorce Kryukova. At first, the young man went all out, so to speak, but after a while he realized that he didn’t need anyone - Alina Kryukova won his heart. The young couple could talk for days about everything.

Before getting married, the guys dated for five years. During this time, everyone turned into a lover of family evenings and a homebody.

The wedding took place in late spring 2013. The newlyweds got married on Orthodox rite, which can only mean one thing: they are confident in their feelings for each other.

Darling of fate - this is what people who were born in are often called famous families. From childhood, they receive benefits and opportunities that are not available to most people. Such children can only take advantage of opportunities and try not to turn into pompous snobs.

Fortunately, the fate of becoming a snob has passed. And the premises were very real. He became the successor of the Bondarchuk and Skobtsev dynasty. And the guy’s father is a famous jeweler, who is also a Ph.D.

But Konstantin did not rest on his relatives’ laurels. He himself sought to achieve something so as not to disgrace his relatives. The guy received an excellent education in Switzerland. There he graduated from school as an external student and at the same time from the art school in Zurich. After received higher education at American University. This seemed not enough to Kryukov. He returned to Moscow and entered the Law Academy.

But this is not all of Konstantin’s achievements. He is interested in painting and has his own gallery in Prague, where he paints his paintings and organizes exhibitions. He also designs jewelry. The guy sings and dances well, knows a few foreign languages and in general is a versatile person.

But at the same time, Kryukov has a drawback. He is somewhat arrogant. One day this led to an unpleasant incident. Guests gathered at the restaurant to celebrate Kristina Orbakaite’s birthday. Naturally, they were accompanied by journalists. And then Konstantin Kryukov attacked them with his fists. It seemed to him that it was his person who became the center of attention of the press. He couldn't even think that there was someone more interesting than him. When the conflict was resolved, the guy left without even apologizing.

According to the actor’s relatives, now his character has begun to change for the better. The second wife of Konstantin Kryukov, Alina Alekseeva, should be thanked for this. But in order to achieve this, the girl had to work hard, and Konstantin had to go through a long path of mistakes.

First marriage

Kryukov met his first wife at a young age, he was only 18 years old. His lover was the daughter of a coal magnate and deputy, Evgenia Varshavskaya. The young people met for several years. In 2007, the couple decided to formalize their relationship.

Evgenia and Konstantin were considered perfect couple. Beautiful, successful and rich. They suited each other perfectly. But this marriage did not last long. Kryukov had no intention of remaining faithful to his wife. He was seen every now and then in the company of other girls, everyone knew about the infidelities except his wife. This was an unpleasant discovery for her. After this, Evgenia filed for divorce. From decision taken was not deterred by the birth of his daughter Julia.

Now Konstantin is actively involved in the life and upbringing of his daughter. They spend a lot of time together. Ex-wife The actor was able to recover after the breakup. Evgenia remarried and gave birth to a son.

Favorite PR manager

The life story of Alina Alekseeva is similar to the fairy tale about Cinderella. The girl was born in ordinary family. She does not like to share the details of her life, but she managed to find out that her childhood was spent in Saratov. Her parents were in no way connected with the world of creativity and cinema, but were simple workers. After graduating from school, Alina decided to become a lawyer and graduated from a specialized university. It was not possible to find out whether the girl worked in her specialty.

The world learned about her thanks to romantic relationships with Konstantin Kryukov. Alina says that she did not seek to find a husband. She was just looking for a job. The actor invited her for an interview. Based on its results, he offered her a position as a PR manager in the company.

At first, their relationship was purely business. Alina was in full charge of all Kryukov’s affairs and did an excellent job with it. They spent a lot of time together, and the actor noted that his assistant was a very interesting and intelligent conversationalist. After Konstantin’s divorce from his first wife, the young people could talk to each other for hours.

Interesting notes:

After meeting Alina, the actor’s friends noted that he became calmer and appeared less often at various parties. He began to be seen less often with different girls, whose acquaintance lasted only a few days. And Konstantin himself noted that he was no longer interested in parties and girls of model appearance. He thought more and more often about Alina and was only interested in her.

Testing feelings and wedding

So imperceptibly Konstantin fell in love with Alina. Although she liked the guy, the girl was not going to immediately rush into the pool of feelings. For several years she tested his feelings for her. She wanted to be sure that Konstantin’s love was not for a few days, as had been the case with numerous fans before. It turned out that for the sake of his beloved, the actor was ready for radical transformations. He forgot about his wild lifestyle and became a homebody and a monogamous man.

Wedding of Konstantin Kryukov with his second wife

After several years together, the lovers legalized their relationship. They got married by mutual consent Orthodox church, and then we went for a ride around the capital. It was not possible to make a secret out of the celebration. Guests who attended posted numerous photos on social networks.

Family friends claim that Konstantin and Alina are very different people in character. But this is precisely what helps them complement each other. They are together almost all the time. The couple themselves say that they had a period of adaptation. Grinding in and getting used to it lasted about two years. That period can hardly be called simple, but it has passed and now in their family relationships everything is fine.

Alina Kryukova (nee Alekseeva) began to appear on the pages of glossy magazines, becoming the wife of one of the most popular actors today- Konstantin Kryukov. Born into a creative family, the young man mastered a number of professions: jeweler, artist, lawyer. But the very first role of Gioconda in F. Bondarchuk’s “9th Company” brought him fame and changed his entire future life.

A little biography

Alina's homeland is the city of Saratov. They are the same age as Konstantin. Like her husband, the girl was born in 1985. Her birthday fell on New Year's celebration- 1st of January. The family of the brunette beauty is called ordinary: mom, dad, sister. Therefore, many were surprised how the eminent dynasty accepted the choice of Irina Skobtseva’s grandson and Fyodor Bondarchuk’s nephew, especially since Alina Kryukova is a lawyer by training and has nothing to do with cinema.

Actually this is not true. For many years, Galina Alekseeva, the girl’s mother, has been heading the short film festival “Family of Russia”. He enjoys great support from the authorities and Orthodox Church, counting since 2004. Alina often acted as the host of the event, and famous actors and artists were invited to the jury.

Fateful meeting

When Konstantin Kryukov was looking for a PR manager in 2009, he was offered the candidacy of Alekseeva. The young beauty showed up for the interview, impressing him with her professional attitude. By that time, he had divorced his wife Evgenia Varshavskaya, who gave him a daughter, Yulia, in 2007. The reason was the loving nature of the charismatic actor. True, his companions noted that the young man was quite closed in private and also had a complex character. He needed a more active and understanding partner.

This is what his new employee became for him. Their service relations very soon they turned into romantic ones. Alina Kryukova increasingly began to appear at premiere shows and social events, arm in arm with her employer. And soon everyone was talking about a possible wedding. The press immediately announced the girl’s pregnancy, since it was this reason that served as the reason for registering the relationship in the first case. But the matter turned out to be different. Famous actor ripe for family life and began to appreciate the feeling of security that spouses give each other.


Konstantin and Alina Kryukov became husband and wife in May 2013. Before this, a wedding ceremony took place, for which he was chosen Sretensky Monastery. Having sealed the union before God, the couple went for a walk around Moscow in a luxurious Rolls-Royce. The Novodevichy Cemetery became a mandatory place to visit, where photojournalists were not allowed. The newlyweds visited the grave of Konstantin’s mother, actress Alena Bondarchuk, who passed away in 2009.

The bride followed all the wedding canons and chose a dress with a stand-up collar, without open hands and neckline. In her hands she held a delicate bouquet of lilies of the valley. The main celebration took place at the Casta Diva restaurant and ended with a fire show and fireworks. Alina Kryukova, like any bride, dreamed of a honeymoon, but the sought-after actor began filming the very next day.

Today's day

It is obvious to everyone that the spouses are completely different, but they are united by an obsession with work. Alina accompanies her husband on the set and takes care of him. Together with his friend Anna Tsukanova (actress), he is thinking about opening an enterprise supplying film studios healthy food. The couple does not separate during the holidays. They visited more than 20 countries of the world. And if Konstantin chooses calm places for relaxation, then Alina offers more adventurous and risky tours.

Young woman lined up a good relationship with little Yulia, in whose upbringing her father takes the most Active participation. She doesn’t want people to only talk about her: “Kryukov’s wife.” Alina strives to develop herself. Today she is trying herself as a morning TV presenter on the 360 ​​Podmoskovye TV channel.

Konstantin Kryukov and Alina Alekseeva met with HELLO! while vacationing in the town of Evian-les-bains on the French coast of Lake Geneva. The actor and his lover, who became husband and wife in September 2013, talked about their vacation together and their attitude towards marriage.

Alina Alekseeva and Konstantin Kryukov

About recreation and extreme sports

Konstantin. I don't like extreme sports. I'm more inclined to relaxing holiday pensioners in Evian-les-bains. I like to sit, drink coffee, watch something like golf.

About harmony

Konstantin. I think Alina and I complement each other perfectly. I somehow calm Alina down, and Alina offers me exciting adventures. Among other things, my personal list of conquered peaks already includes: the Eiffel Tower, Singapore Flyer (it seems to be the most big wheel views in the world), London Eye, a restaurant on the roof of a tall hotel in Bangkok, something even taller in Hong Kong... But the worst thing is ahead - Mont Blanc, I’ll tell you about that another time.

Konstantin and Alina

About the honeymoon

Konstantin . The fact is that we still haven’t gone on our honeymoon. I started filming right away. And since then we have endured and endured everything...

Alina. I would give advice to anyone getting married: fly away immediately after the wedding. Well, maybe in a day.

Konstantin. Because you definitely won’t fly away the next one... It’s only in films after the cake that the bride and groom drive off into the distance as the credits roll. In life, the next day you have to do a lot of ritual movements.

Alina. For example, call everyone and thank them, send return gifts and, of course, open countless boxes with bows. And also make sure that the top of the cake, which was specially baked to be eaten a year later, is not eaten by the remaining guests. And then something else... Two weeks after the wedding, Kostya and I were on some absolutely incredible high. We were haunted by the feeling that the world must change.

Konstantin. There was an absolute feeling of an endless holiday.

About marriage

Konstantin. First of all, we decided to get married because we are Orthodox, and for us it has a special meaning. Compared to a wedding, civil and legal procedures seem simpler. I'm talking about the emotional side and the degree of responsibility that you have to bear.

Alina. Marriage is important and necessary. He brings the couple into the coordinate system of Truth. He changes the man. He changes the woman. Especially a woman. The chain of command is changing. If before we were equal partners: “I don’t owe you anything, you don’t owe me anything,” now: “You are my husband, I am your wife, I am behind my husband.” He restores ranks. Now we both must work on ourselves with redoubled zeal - because living for someone else other than ourselves, firstly, is difficult, and secondly, they don’t teach us anywhere. And this option can only be consciously chosen.

Konstantin Kryukov and Alina Alekseeva

About creative plans

Konstantin. This will be my first time filming with my grandmother Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva. She is very responsible and therefore carefully filters everything in which she is asked to participate. We both found this proposal interesting, and I am sure that this movie will find many grateful viewers in the future. This is a children's film: heroes from our time travel back in time to help a sick girl. I play this girl’s dad, and Irisha (that’s what Konstantin calls Irina Konstantinovna Skobtseva. - Ed.) is her grandmother. I've always dreamed of working with her and now it's possible.

Konstantin Kryukov and Alina Alekseeva

Alina Alekseeva is just a lawyer and PR manager who became famous thanks to her own personal life after the girl married famous actor.

By coincidence, Alina Alekseeva is the full namesake of the popular Russian actress, who was at first very surprised when journalists began en masse asking the artist about her relationship with Konstantin Kryukov.

Very little is known about the second half of the famous actor Konstantin Kryukov, Alina Alekseeva. According to rumors that circulate in the media mass media and social networks, Alina was born in Saratov, in a simple family, in no way connected with either artistic bohemia or big business. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find the date of her birth.

Jurisprudence and PR

The biography of Alina Alekseeva is shrouded in secrecy. It is known that the girl graduated from law school, but whether she worked in her specialty is not known for certain. It seems that Alekseeva came under the guns of cameras and the close attention of journalists only when she found herself next to a representative of the famous acting “clan” Bondarchuk, grandson and nephew, Konstantin.

Alina Alekseeva claims that she met her future husband in 2009 completely by accident. The girl was looking for a job and came for an interview as an applicant for the position of PR manager.

The interview or, as Kryukov says, a working meeting took place on the roof of the capital's Ritz-Carlton hotel. Konstantin immediately liked the intelligent and educated girl. Alina very quickly managed to get into the swing of things, and after a couple of months the actor, jeweler and artist realized that without Alina Alekseeva he was without hands.

At first there was no talk of any romance. Konstantin was married, so communication with Alina was purely business in nature. Everything changed after the actor’s divorce from the millionaire’s daughter Evgenia Varshavskaya, who gave birth to the actor’s daughter Yulia. However, the actor continues to participate in raising his daughter.

Alina Alekseeva accompanied the artist everywhere, first as a PR manager, and then as the actor’s lover. The girl appeared with Konstantin Kryukov at social events and even on the artist’s set. Subsequently, the actor completely stopped going to social events.

Somehow the artist caught himself thinking that he, who was considered a notorious womanizer, no longer wanted to look at any of the surrounding beauties. Or rather, not one, except Alina. It was cozy, comfortable and very interesting with her. The actor and PR manager could spend the day and night in casual conversations.

Personal life

The romance that broke out did not immediately result in marriage. The couple dated for quite some time, testing their feelings. Most of my acquaintances at this time noted that Konstantin had changed greatly. From a womanizer and a hunter of ladies' hearts, he turned into a calm monogamous man. Kryukov appeared less and less at social events and various parties, turning from a partygoer into a homebody. He called his chosen one nothing less than Alinushka.

Therefore, the news that 28-year-old Kryukov, after 5 years of dating, was going to marry Alina Alekseeva, seems to have surprised no one. The girl received a marriage proposal from one of the most eligible bachelors in the country in 2013.

The wedding of Alina Alekseeva and Konstantin Kryukov took place in the same year, 2013, on May 26. The couple expressed a mutual desire to get married according to the Orthodox rite, which happened in the Sretensky Monastery. After the wedding, the newlyweds went for a ride around Moscow. Alina and Konstantin wanted to hold secret wedding, but the guests independently posted photos from the event on Instagram.

The only sad note of the wedding ceremony is the visit Novodevichy Cemetery, where Konstantin’s mother, an actress, is buried.

The young family was unable to arrange a honeymoon; the actor began filming. Only four months after the wedding, the newlyweds took a French vacation. Alina and Konstantin went to the town of Evian-les-bains with a population of less than ten thousand inhabitants. The city is famous for its springs and quiet pastoral life.

In an interview about the wedding, the actor and his wife complained about the failed honeymoon and advised fans to go on vacation right on the wedding day or the next day. According to Alina Alekseeva, if you linger, the newlyweds begin to get caught up in the post-wedding routine: responses to congratulations, thanks for gifts, calls from relatives and similar unnecessary ritual movements that drag on for one or two weeks.

Friends of this beautiful couple they claim that Alina and Kostya are quite different, but, nevertheless, complement each other perfectly. They are always together: on vacation, at various events and even on filming. Alekseeva found mutual language with her husband’s daughter from her first marriage and quickly managed to establish friendly relations with Konstantin's relatives.

In her personal life, Alina Alekseeva and her star spouse quite happy. The only drawback of Konstantin that the girl complains about is her husband’s tediousness. The actor himself admits another shortcoming of his own: in his own opinion, Konstantin is not romantic enough.

Alina Alekseeva now

Gradually, Alina Alekseeva moved away from the life of a lawyer and closer to the image of a society lady and the wife of an actor. In May 2016, the girl went to France, where she attended parties at the Cannes Festival, and also traveled in a convertible around Cote d'Azur. This time Alina went on a trip without her husband; the actor’s wife was accompanied by a friend - an actress, the wife of the director of the films “Yolki 2” and “ Brest Fortress».

At the party, Konstantin Kryukov’s wife attracted the attention of the press with her elegant and discreet outfit: Alina appeared at the main film event of the year in a white jacket and a plain dress.

In addition, Alina joined cinema and television professionally. Today Alekseeva is a TV presenter of the morning broadcast of the 360 ​​Moscow Region TV channel.

The married couple celebrated the New Year in 2017 together, but at a social event. Konstantin and Alina attended the “All Shades of Fire” party dedicated to the centenary of the revolution and the coming Year of the Rooster at the Standard Art Hotel on Strastnoy Boulevard.

In the summer of 2017, rumors appeared that star family Replenishment is being prepared. Neither Alina nor Konstantin have yet officially confirmed the rumors about Alekseeva’s pregnancy, but the couple is already graciously accepting congratulations from friends and colleagues.

After Konstantin Kryukov starred in the youth film “Save,” journalists were able to get an interview from the actor about his personal life, timed to coincide with the premiere of the film. Konstantin said that at the beginning of the relationship, lovers often quarreled over everyday trifles. Konstantin and Alina even quarreled on the way to a date in a restaurant, where the actor planned to propose marriage to his beloved. The quarrels reached the point where the girl was sure that the matter would end in separation. The lovers got used to each other within two years, according to the actor, after which they began to live in perfect harmony, helped by their willingness to compromise and mutual understanding.

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