Do-it-yourself tire recycling into crumb equipment. How to open a tire recycling plant. Business plan: tire recycling. Conveyors and other mechanisms and devices

Worn-out vehicle ramps pose a problem to humanity.

If the situation does not change, their disposal will soon require more money than production, where the cost of materials reaches 75% of the cost of the product.

Therefore, today the problem is quite acute.

Important Recyclables

The use of unnecessary tires and other rubber products is possible in a wide variety of industries. For example, to generate flammable gas through thermal splitting of the residues of hydrocarbons synthesized from oil. With its help you can not only heat yourself, but also generate electricity, as they do in France and a number of other countries. Western countries.

Recycling of tires is also necessary for adding their particles in the form of filler to asphalt bitumen, creating all kinds of technical mastics, as well as for the process of thermal decomposition -. The liquid pyrolysis product is used as an additive in rubber (plastic), while the solid product is used as an adsorbent. This is a rather promising direction, because the output is a valuable product.

But pyrolysis has not yet reached an industrial scale, and the activities of scientists alone without the participation of production workers and businessmen in this area are not enough. The idea of ​​producing regenerate has for some time been recognized as untenable in the world and work on this part has been suspended.

Very important task it seems to be the transformation of outdated polymer products (containers, packaging, films, car tubes and tires) into new ones.

The problem of recycling and reuse of used tires in Russia

Worn tires are the most massive organic ballast, and also poorly decomposed. In the context of globalization of the economy, the issue of unification of nomenclature becomes relevant.

Thus, products that are in use in the post-Soviet space do not meet foreign standards. The structure of the substance and products is different, and rubber waste of Russian origin is more difficult to bring to fruition than, say, European waste. The reason is that domestic tires are additionally reinforced with radial synthetic cord. This is a mixed type (rubber+metal+textile) with a large admixture of textiles.

Abroad, more than half of the slopes contain an all-metal type of cord, that is, they do not contain textiles or are contained in such quantities that they can be neglected. In our country, the largest mass of tires that need to be disposed of are trucks, followed by passenger cars; Special tires (including aviation ones) are almost never recycled. But abroad it’s the other way around.

Thus, approaches to solving the problem of recycling in the Commonwealth independent states And developed countries cannot but differ. The following conclusions are available:

  1. It has been verified experimentally that European, American, Japanese-Chinese tools are not suitable for our conditions.
  2. Due to the presence of textiles in waste, it is necessary to use methods and techniques that are an order of magnitude more complex and expensive than required for servicing products with an all-metal cord type.
  3. Using multi-stage technology for processing products with mixed cord types, it is possible to process imported tires.

Existing technologies

Extending the life of automobile “shoes” has 2 goals - saving on organic resources and improving health environment. The meaning of the operation is to build a new layer on the old base. This applies mainly to the tread, because... it is he who experiences the most friction. But what to do with tires that cannot be repaired? Recycle with maximum effect! For this there are special methods:

  • products are mechanically crushed to a coarse mass without disintegration of molecular relationships;
  • crystal cell the rubber substance is partially destroyed with the appearance of regenerate;
  • pyrolysis occurs (the final decomposition of the elemental base during the combustion of rubber goods in gas-generating complexes).

Hot and cold tire repair

Foreign experience Restoration using the “hot method” applies to car and aircraft tires. Moreover, the latter, due to a more solid frame, if used correctly, are able to live 5–6 lives, such as, for example, Goodyear brand products. But the cost of restoring tires is comparable to the cost of a tire “from scratch,” which makes this method unpopular in the US and Europe. In the Russian Federation, the “hot” method is not in demand today also due to the domestic peculiarities of damage to slopes, which are so impossible to eliminate. The technology for this type of recovery includes:

  • cleaning the base of the old tread;
  • lubricating it with glue;
  • placing the wet tread on the prepared surface;
  • vulcanization operation in a mold with a specified heating duration.

The “cold method” has been successfully used for tires with steel cord in the carcass for the last 20 years. On the European continent, 46% of trucks run on secondary tires of this type, and in Norway, Sweden, and Finland the figure is generally 60–70%. In our country, only imported frames can be repaired using this method using foreign equipment. It is younger and cheaper than the “hot” one, has high quality characteristics, providing individual tires with 3-4 operating cycles. The technology for this type of recovery includes:

  • revision of frames, treatment of local defects;
  • cleaning the base of the old tread on a roughening machine, repairing damage;
  • lubricating the frame and raw rubber with glue;
  • combining with them and pressing a previously heat-treated tread belt with an arbitrary pattern;
  • application of a special reinforced shell that fixes the protector to the frame;
  • vulcanization in a hot air environment not exceeding 100° for 6 hours;
  • checking the refurbished product.

Recycling tires unsuitable for their intended purpose

There are several such methods.


Today, about 80 million tons of used tires have accumulated on Earth. There is an opinion that every year this figure will increase by 10 million tons. Europe suffers most from this disaster, where 3 billion pieces are stored. used tires.

Of the total volume of deteriorated automobile slopes, only about a quarter are subsequently used as recyclable materials. The rest of the environmentally harmful material, due to unprofitable processing technologies, is stored in special landfills and natural landfills, which pose a great danger. It is precisely these problem areas that act as a source of toxic fires, which are difficult to extinguish due to the persistent flammability of synthetic rubber.

The feasibility of civilized disposal of tires is explained by the shortage of space for their disposal, especially in East Asia. But in EU countries such burial is not permitted by law (a tire decomposes in the ground for about 150 years).

Grinding of worn tires to produce crumb rubber

One of the most common methods of disposal is the processing of rubber goods into crumbs. It is simple and rational due to compliance with the basic technological parameters of rubber while maintaining molecular bonds. Although it has one drawback - unprofitability.

Grinding technologies

The following grinding technologies are distinguished:

  • shock wave (explosive circulation) with 2 stages of processing,
  • mechanical with 4 steps.

The first one is unique because is based on the unconventional principle of crushing with circulation of explosion products, recognized as the most effective and inexpensive destructive means. Equipment and factory products are represented by the Russian brand explotex.

The second is considered less progressive, but no less high quality. At the initial stage, “chips” with a size of 10 to 50 mm are obtained. Then, for the purpose of separation, they are transformed into granules of 3-10 mm. The crumbs are freed from cord, fiber, and foreign elements on sieves, in drums and separators.

Methods for modifying crumb rubber

Distinctive feature crushing waste is that the end result is smooth, like broken glass, particles. To improve the functional characteristics of the produced substance, the surface of the particles is modified, making it softer and looser. This is a complex physical and chemical process using powder, beam, laser, and steam technologies.

Areas of use of crushed rubber

Every year, at least 34 million tires are turned into crumble, used for the construction of coatings and surfaces, additives in mortar, as well as for the manufacture of tires, rugs, and soles. This costly method has also successfully taken root in road construction.

Recycling of used tires

In Russia, only 7% of used tires are recycled, while the world average, let us recall, is 23–30% (which is perhaps not so much for the 21st century). Question future fate The problem of worn tires became especially acute with the advent of metal cord carcasses. And with the fall " iron curtain“In addition, a flood of low-grade German products poured into our country. In the Russian Federation, about 1 million tons of rubber materials fall into disrepair every year and remain unclaimed, and 9/10 of this amount are automobile slopes.
The capital and St. Petersburg and the region account for almost 200 thousand tons.

The main reason that such an industrialized country as Russia has a tire recycling rate comparable to the level of recycling in African countries is the Soviet mental legacy. We are traditionally not used to investing money in economical secondary production, and with rare exceptions, there are no prerequisites for stimulating it at the government level.

Passed law on waste generally had a positive impact on the implementation of civilized programs for the disposal of rubber goods. But what exactly can Russian proponents of the “waste into income” principle write down as a “rubber” asset? Let's list it.

An enterprise with a stable operating reactor has been created in Kaliningrad, where high-quality fuel oil is generated through pyrolysis as a thermal fuel, as well as a substitute for activated carbon.

With a complete refusal to burn tires during the first 15 years of independence, the volume of crushing “used” tires increased from 5 to 10%, and now reaches 30%.

The Tushino Machine Plant has mastered the production of crumb tires using two lines with an installed annual capacity of 5 thousand tires, and has also increased the production of especially relevant tires. this moment and panels for railway crossings.

Commissioned ecological production with imported manufacturing equipment in Tver, Kursk, Vyazma, Samara.

In Primorye, Templar Center CJSC produces roofing materials from crumbs. Moreover, it revives the complete closed cycle of regenerate production using a thermomechanical method.

It is noteworthy: this leap became possible due to the use of a mechanical grinding method with normal temperatures. Alternative (cryogenic) technologies are not widespread throughout the world due to the high cost of low-temperature crumbs, and efforts to harness the power of an explosion or an “ozone knife” are experimental in nature. An interesting project for high-speed processing without preliminary cutting and crushing was proposed by Orenburg developers, but the future will show how viable it will be.

From January 1, 2018 the Ministry natural resources introduces a ban on the disposal of car tires, tires and inner tubes at landfills. The measure is aimed at both environmental protection and stimulation of processing enterprises. It's time to open your own factory.

Many products made from organic ingredients can be reused instead of just being thrown into landfills, polluting the environment. Car tires also fall into this category. Opening in Russia is not difficult; competition in the industry is still low.

A full-fledged tire recycling line requires, firstly, a carefully developed business plan, about 6 million rubles. starting capital and the desire to preserve the environment. The exact cost of the equipment depends on the type of processing: grinding tires into crumbs or obtaining liquid fuel from used rubber.

Processing into crumbs requires less financial investment. the main task This method is to grind the raw material to the required fraction size. Equipment may vary, but the minimum set of devices is as follows:

  • for removing seat rings;
  • for cutting tires into strips;
  • for abrading tapes;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • fraction separator (separator);
  • conveyors for transporting raw materials between machines.

Assembling machines with your own hands is too difficult; the best solution is to purchase a ready-made line. For a novice entrepreneur, the issue of price will be important, because equipment for tire recycling is quite expensive. For the first stages of production development, low-power devices will be sufficient - in case of problems with the supply of raw materials or the search for customers, losses from downtime will be less.

Even the minimum power allows you to process up to 100 kilograms of raw materials per hour. The cost of such a set is around 1.5 million rubles, and more productive sets that allow processing up to a ton of raw materials per hour will cost the entrepreneur 3–10 million rubles.

Important! A tire recycling plant does not pollute the environment, but placing the workshop among residential areas is still prohibited due to high level noise. It is worthwhile to find a place in advance that will be approved by the supervisory authorities.

The most popular equipment is ALPHA-TIRE RECYCLING lines of various capacities, RDK lines from the SIBPROMMASH company, lines from Ecostep and Eldan Recycling.

Processing tires into fuel requires large investments, but the final product is more profitable to sell. This method of processing car tires uses pyrolysis technology. To start production you will need:

  • containers for raw materials and final products;
  • transport system (forklifts, conveyor, cars);
  • machines for removing reinforcement from tires;

A high-quality pyrolysis installation is the most expensive part; it will cost no less than 5 million rubles. With its help, you can process up to 5 tons of raw materials per day. Average yield of liquid fuel at full load will be about 40% of the initial mass of raw materials.

Pyrolysis makes it possible to produce and sell not only fuel, but also gas and metal cord (used for reinforcing car tires). Tire recycling equipment can use the resulting gas as an energy source.

Since pyrolysis plants are expensive, ordering individual plants and ready-made kits from China is popular. Chinese equipment attracts with its price; suppliers usually meet halfway and are ready to make big discounts. But these machines are most often designed for the domestic Chinese market, which can bring some problems:

  • technical documentation in Chinese;
  • low availability of spare parts;
  • possible discrepancy between the actual installation and the declared characteristics.

Note! There is another type of tire recycling - cryogenic. Using this technology, raw materials are first frozen and then crushed. The technology is very effective, but not very popular: you will have to spend at least 30 million rubles on equipment for a cryogenic installation.

Equipment from a Russian manufacturer

Ordering equipment from China sometimes resembles a lottery - the installation can work for years, or it can break down the next day. German and Italian equipment is good because it has accessible documentation in world languages ​​and stable service centers, but the price hits your wallet. If you are not a representative of a large concern, for which a price range of several million rubles is not important, you should take a closer look at domestic equipment.

A two-block line RDK-500 from the Novosibirsk company SIBPROMMASH with a capacity of 500 kg of raw materials per hour will cost approximately 3 million rubles. The first block of the complex separates metal reinforcement and chops tires into large fragments (rubber chips). Contents of the first block:

  • machine for removing bead rings;
  • tire cutting machine;
  • primary grinding machine;
  • steel cord extractor;
  • air and magnetic separator.

The second block is designed for further grinding of tires into fine crumbs. The textile part of the rubber reinforcement is removed and the remaining metal is separated. The total output weight of crumb rubber will be 300 kilograms, textile - 130, metal - 70.

Equipment for processing tires from the Novokuznetsk company ALFA-SPK is interesting due to its large capacity range: the ALFA-TIRE RECYCLING line includes complexes that process 250, 300, 500, 1000 kilograms of raw materials per hour. A dust removal and protection system has been added to the package. Including installation, commissioning and start-up, the ATR line will cost 6-9 million rubles, depending on the selected power.

One of the ATR lines, the video shows the control panel, conveyor, grinders, magnetic separator, and vibrating sieve in operation.

The EcoStep company from Tolyatti operates on a franchise basis. There are several options for equipment configuration:

  • rubber chips production line;
  • automatic crumb rubber production line with a capacity of 500 kg/h;
  • automatic crumb rubber production line with a capacity of 700 kg/h.

Purchasing a franchise will require costs of 950 thousand rubles for the minimum configuration. The company provides start-up and commissioning services, personnel training and warranty service. The advantages also include concluding a contract for the purchase of products - you do not have to conquer the sales market on your own. Tire shredding on EcoStep lines is carried out using the hydrocutting method, which means that less money will be spent on replacement knives.

How to choose equipment

Selection of equipment for processing plant- a responsible matter, and it should be taken seriously. First, you should evaluate your financial opportunities and the location of the future plant (closer delivery from Europe, China or central Russia). Secondly, understand in advance whether you are ready to look for distribution channels on your own.

Important! Equipment from China is cheaper, but may have quality and efficiency issues, and it is rarely possible to test the operation of the line before purchasing it.

Advantage Russian companies the fact that you can verify the effectiveness of the equipment personally, and the documentation will be in Russian.

Before purchasing you need to pay attention to the details technological process and get acquainted with the lines in real work:

  1. Check the quality finished products. The resulting crumb should be free of traces of textile reinforcement, oxidation and burning. The line must receive raw materials reinforced not only with metal, but also with textiles. Compare the actual efficiency of the line with the declared ones technical characteristics, estimate the loss of raw materials in each sector.
  2. Make sure the line is secure. Each processing machine operates at specific temperatures. Compliance of the temperature of the machines with the declared indicators reflects the reliability of the cooling systems. It is also important to monitor the correspondence of energy consumption by the line in real operation.
  3. Check out the details. Find out how many personnel will be required, what qualifications the workers must have. Are transport conveyors included and how are they controlled? It is very important to find out in advance what types of tires the line processes (truck, passenger or utility) and whether the beads are removed before cutting.
  4. Take advantage of other people's experiences. Look at the reviews of the selected company: is their policy regarding technical documentation and payments transparent, is the start-up and setup of the line included in the total cost or paid separately, does the equipment supplier provide a guarantee, where is the closest one to you? service center, how quickly you will be provided with replacement parts in the event of a breakdown.

Opening your own tire recycling plant is not so difficult: if you have the means and want to be the owner waste-free production, choose a pyrolysis unit. Less money, but do you already have crumb rubber buyers in mind? Then cut tires using domestic machines. There are no clients yet and your budget is limited? Buy a franchise.

There are more and more cars on our roads, which means the number of used tires is growing. The question arises about what to do with them, how to dispose of them? Many people simply quietly throw away used tires, but this only leads to the emergence of spontaneous landfills. But you can make money from this garbage. Let's learn how to open a tire recycling plant.

Bargain trash

Why is tire recycling so beneficial? This category of waste contains polymers, which are widely used in a wide variety of industrial fields.

Tire processing products are used to make new tires. Crumb rubber is used in decoration and as a waterproofing material in construction.

It is used in the design of running tracks, arranging children's and sports grounds.

Deep pyrolysis processing of rubber makes it possible to obtain fuel oil at the output.

In addition, you will not have problems with raw materials. Owners of used tires will gladly take the opportunity to get rid of annoying garbage. Often you won’t even have to pay for the rubber junk, you just have to offer tire pickup.

In addition to cooperation with individuals, you may well enter into cooperation agreements with companies that buy outdated cars for scrap. And agricultural enterprises always have a lot of unusable equipment tires in stock.

It often makes sense to seek support from local authorities. This will speed up the issue of obtaining a license.

Tire recycling license

Since your activities will be related to hazardous waste, then you will have to obtain a license to work with them. Passing an examination confirming the safety of your production will cost you certain financial costs.

To avoid problems with sanitary inspection, do not ignore the requirements of environmentalists about the need to install appropriate filters. They usually come complete with a production line.

Also, strictly observe the distance of your enterprise from any residential settlements. Either small village or a densely populated residential area, a tire recycling plant must be located at a distance of at least three hundred (four hundred) meters from them.

What documents are needed to start

Before opening a tire recycling plant, register your business and register with the tax office.

Settle the issue with the firefighters in advance. You need to get permission from them. You will also need it from the sanitary inspection.

In addition, take care to conclude an agreement with energy suppliers.

We are looking for premises

Tire recycling production cannot fit into a tiny space. You'll need some serious space. To place the equipment you need about 500 square meters. You also need to allocate space for a warehouse for raw materials and finished products.

And remember the required distance to residential buildings. All these indicators should be reflected in your business plan. Tire recycling shouldn't upset your unwitting neighbors. Public complaints may well lead to the closure of your plant.

A site located outside the city in an industrial zone is best suited for these parameters. Finding vacant land within the suburbs is difficult, so focus on former factory buildings. Nowadays it’s not difficult to find something that doesn’t work. industrial enterprise. Then there’s just one small thing to do – you need to sign a lease agreement.

When renting a room, check the proximity of electrical networks and the possibility of connecting to them. Access roads are required.

What does recycling consist of?

Tire recycling technology consists of several stages:

  • the bead rings are removed from the tires on a special stand;
  • remove the cord;
  • the tire is divided into pieces;
  • the resulting parts are crushed to obtain fractions of 3 or 4 millimeters;
  • Metal inclusions of the cord are removed from the mass using magnetic separation;
  • the fractions are ground to a powder state in which the particles do not exceed one millimeter.

Now a little more detail. The assembled tires first end up in a warehouse. After that, they go to the initial screening. Line employees find out whether the tires contain metal parts (rims, rings). They remove anything that might interfere with the initial cutting of the tires.

The crushed raw materials enter the reactor bunker. The decomposition process starts in the reactor, and at the output you get a carbon-containing sediment, gas, and liquid fuel fraction. The gas is returned to the reactor to maintain its operation, and the remainder, which is excess, is simply removed to the outside. Since they contain harmful substances, you need to install filters.

It is necessary to distinguish between the mechanical method of disposal and pyrolysis.

The result of the first is the production of rubber crumbs, granules, and chips. In the second case, the product of processing becomes fuel oil, which is close in characteristics to fuel oil.

Turning tires into fuel oil

Pyrolysis tire recycling has already been mentioned above. The liquid fuel fraction, which is formed as a result of the decomposition of rubber powder in the reactor, is pyrolysis oil. From one and a half tons of raw materials, about 40 percent of this substance can be removed.

But only after the refinement stage will the oily liquid turn into fuel oil. It is purchased for the needs of private homeowners and industrial enterprises.

We equip production

Equipment for tire recycling is usually supplied by technological lines. They are already equipped with all the necessary installations and assemblies. At the same time, you need to understand whether you will be focused exclusively on mechanical recycling of raw materials. Or your plans include the production of fuel oil. Although usually the owners of mini-factories prefer to do both to increase profits.

So, tire recycling equipment includes:

  • hydraulic shears;
  • air separator;
  • eraser;
  • tape cutter;
  • cut out the ring;
  • squeezer;
  • chip cutter

To start the decomposition process, a reactor is needed. And for storing pyrolysis liquid - a tank.

When choosing installations for your plant, remember the safety of your production. Additionally, install cleaning units and install filters. To save resources, select lines with low level energy consumption.

Before opening a tire recycling plant, check with the equipment supplier about the terms of service for the plant. The cost of the line is very high, so do not skimp on quality staff training.

We are recruiting employees

For uninterrupted operation of the installation, a huge staff of workers is not needed. Two technical employees can handle it quite well. For the second shift, two more are needed. In total we have four people.

To operate an office, you need an accountant, a sales manager, and a manager for the purchase of raw materials. Sometimes a storekeeper's rate won't hurt.

Staff salaries are included in the business plan. Tire recycling is unthinkable without freight transport. Therefore, either hire truck drivers under a contract agreement, or maintain a transport department.

It is better to entrust personnel selection recruitment agencies, taking over the final interview. As mentioned above, you will most likely have to train the employees you hire. A company that manufactures equipment for recycling plants can support you with this. They usually have orientation programs.

Sometimes enterprise managers invite employees who previously worked at similar enterprises.


It is necessary to calculate expenses and income in advance, at the stage when you are preparing a business plan. Recycling tires is a costly business. The cost of the equipment will cost you a hefty sum. Even the most budget installations cost over a million. And this does not take into account the delivery of the complex. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without attracting investments.

In addition, without the presence of treatment units, you will not be able to sign permits. This is another significant expense.

Every month, a certain amount will be consumed by rent, electricity consumption, and employee salaries.

So does it make sense to recycle?

Let's now count the pros. You get the raw materials practically free of charge. And in some cases, businesses will even pay you for the opportunity to get rid of old tires

In addition, the resulting product, be it polymer powder or fuel oil, is sold at a high cost. The main thing is to find sales points. So your enterprise will pay off and begin to generate stable income.

Tire recycling

Recycling car tires is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Their disposal requires the availability of appropriate equipment. A tire recycling plant will eliminate old rubber by grinding it, and the machine will help from car tires get fuel.

The price of such equipment may be high, but despite the difficulties of installing it, this technology is progressive and effective. Recycling tires makes it possible to get rid of very difficult material that is not subject to natural decomposition, but is very common as recyclable material.

Worn tires are only partially recycled - 20% of the required amount, that is, this niche is still free. The problem of recycling tires is quite serious, so you need to approach the choice of equipment with all responsibility. Equipment for processing tires is often stationary, takes up a certain place, but does not require special knowledge from the operator, since the machine itself remembers the sequence of actions. And still recycling tires are of significant economic and environmental importance, so the importance of rubber tire recycling equipment should not be underestimated.

Features of tire recycling

For efficient processing For such complex material as tires, special plants or mini-plants are needed. When disposing of such products, a variety of products can be obtained: liquid fuel, carbon black, steel cord, etc., the cost of which is beneficial to the consumer. Tire recycling plants also provide crumb rubber, which is a collection of shredded rubber particles.

It is worn tires that are the main raw material for the production of crumb rubber. The price of a tire recycling line is not that high compared to the results that can only be obtained by using it. Even a mini rubber recycling plant will bring good results.

The main thing is to choose the right equipment for setting up the plant, otherwise there is a high risk of failure. Crumb rubber production lines make it possible to obtain from industrial rubber waste something that is in demand, which means it will bring income and benefit, and a business can be built on this. There are very few tire recycling plants, despite the fact that old tires make up the majority of difficult-to-recycle waste suitable for reuse. So tire recycling is important from several points of view.

Every year, thousands of tires are lost in landfills and landfills, despite the fact that for an enterprising person they are free resource, from which crumb rubber can be produced.

If you need it only once, you can buy it in the required quantity from the manufacturers.

But where can you get crumb rubber if you need it on an ongoing basis and in large quantities?

It's worth thinking about purchasing your own.

However Not everyone can afford a full installation, and not everyone will find such an investment profitable. The solution is to create equipment with your own hands and use it to produce crumb rubber from tires at home.

If you need very little raw material, you can do without equipment at all.

To do this you will only need scissors and cutter.

The metal cord is first removed from the tire, then divided into strips and crushed into smaller fractions to the required size.

At this point the process is considered complete.

The material for decorating paths, flower beds or a separate playground is ready for use.

But in order to obtain a larger volume of raw materials or to have income from processing tires at home, you need the appropriate equipment.

Construction of a tire crusher

There are three main methods for producing crumbs:

  1. Crushing tires after cooling them with liquid nitrogen to –190 degrees.
  2. Getting crumbs on industrial equipment full cycle with removal and subsequent grinding of rubber.
  3. Processing using universal crushers, which can be done at home yourself.

The first two methods require large investments. Third option accessible to everyone who has the opportunity and desire to make a crusher at home.

The necessary units can be make it yourself in a workshop or production site– where there are metal-cutting machines (lathes, milling) and welding machine for the manufacture of components.

If you cannot perform mechanical processing of the workpieces yourself and you have to order them according to your own drawings, the cost of tire processing machines will still be several times cheaper than similar purchased units.

The main component on the tire conversion line is a shredder (rubber shredder). Let us consider in more detail the purpose of the components of this machine.

Unit design

The machine consists of the following main components:

  • electric motor 5 kW – 2 pcs;
  • housing with disk shafts;
  • lattice;
  • worm gearbox – 2 pcs.;
  • shredder frame;
  • loading hopper;
  • guide tray;
  • control cabinet.

The installation parts are mounted on a powerful frame welded from channels.

Box with cutting discs

The main unit of a rubber crusher is a housing with milling rolls.

Wherein cutting knives made of high-strength steel and heat-treated, which significantly reduces their wear. They practically do not require sharpening during operation.

The calculation of the box openings, shafts and cutting elements must be accurate, so it must be done by a specialist in this field (designer).

Grid for calibrating crumbs

In order to obtain a calibrated fraction of tire raw materials, shredders are equipped with a special grid, which is installed under the rolls.

Worm gearbox

The rotation of shafts with disk cutters is carried out separately, directly from worm gearboxes connected to electric motors through couplings.

The gear ratio is selected from 25 to 35 so so that cutting occurs without jamming and at sufficient speed.

Unit frame

The frame is welded from profile elements, ensuring the reliability and stability of the unit during operation, as well as loading and unloading operations.

Loading hopper

The tire recycling plant is equipped with a tire loading hopper and a tray for removing finished crumb rubber.

Thanks to its design, the bunker eliminates the formation of congestion from raw materials and guarantees directed movement of the mass towards the rotating rollers.

Tire cutting device

Installation for cutting tires and removing cords consists of a supporting frame and a stand.

The frame contains a tire clamping mechanism that rotates with the tire during cutting. Engine speed is reduced due to different pulley diameters. The stand has a built-in wedge cutter, which is adjusted to a specific size by moving the quill.

How to shred tires?

The technological chain is several preparatory stages, before the product of the required fraction is obtained.

This procedure includes:

  1. Inspection and removing foreign objects from the tire cavity.
  2. Cord cutting.
  3. Tire cutting on strips measuring 50-80 mm.
  4. Grinding raw materials through a shredder.
  5. Separation and separating metal from textile parts.
  6. Calibration crumbs into fractions using a vibrating sieve.

Equipment performance

The operation of these two main units when processing tires done semi-automatically.

For normal operation of this line, a room of about 150-200 sq. m is required. meters. This is due to the fact that you need a place to locate not only equipment, but also to store used tires, finished tire products and metal waste.

The production of crumb rubber on this equipment per hour will be approximately 200-800 kg and up to 100 kg of metal scrap; 2-3 unqualified workers will be needed to service the machines.

In addition to tires, this equipment can process other rubber (conveyor belt, inner tubes, gas masks). The output is crumbs with dimensions from 0.7 to 4 mm, while it makes up 65-85% of the total mass of raw materials.

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