Secrets of the correct address to the service center. How to hand over the equipment for warranty repair

They insulted and at the same time ripped off money from you and your laptop or computer is still inoperative. And as a result of all this, a spoiled mood and unjustified expenses.

In this article, we will consider in detail the question of what to do if you have been deceived at a service center.

What to do if you are still deceived in the service center?

Having brought home, your computer or laptop, but does not work, worked for only a few days, or the repair work was not completed in full.

Do not panic and grieve about wasted money, seeks to scandal in the service center and similar unconsidered actions that will not lead to good anyway.

To get started, look for an agreement and a check from this service center, which provided you with repair work. Agreement, if any. going to service center, make a written claim to the service center, on the fact that the repair work to eliminate problems and defects was not completed in full, or as a result of this repair, new defects and similar problems appeared.

Take a girlfriend or friend with you, as you know, some representatives of service centers can exert psychological pressure or rudeness on customers, and there are two or three of you, in case there will be a witness to a bad attitude towards you. Arriving at the service center, in no case be nervous, do not shout or stomp, in this state it is easier to disorganize and mislead you, in a calm voice explain the reason for your dissatisfaction to the person who took your order. Be more confident in your words.

If after all the claims you were denied. Demand a written refusal from them, with a warning, contact the consumer protection committee and the department of economic crimes, because you have every right to do so!

Having figured out what to do if you were deceived at the service center, you will already be prepared for such a situation, knowing what and how to do.

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Hello Igor!

If you have a paid repair, you have concluded an agreement with the contractor on the provision of services. According to Art. 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" dated February 7, 1992 N 2300-1:

1.If the performer violated the deadlines performance of work (provision of services) - start dates and (or) completion of work(provision of services) and (or) intermediate exact dates performance of work (rendering a service) or during the performance of work (rendering a service) it became obvious that it would not be completed on time, consumer of your choice entitled:

assign a new term to the contractor;

entrust the performance of work (provision of services) to third parties for a reasonable price or perform it on their own and require the contractor to reimburse the costs incurred;

demand a reduction in the price for the performance of work (provision of services);

refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of services).

The consumer has the right to demand also full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the violation of the deadlines for the performance of work (provision of services). Losses are reimbursed within the time limits established to meet the relevant requirements of the consumer.

2. The new deadlines for the performance of work (rendering of services) appointed by the consumer are indicated in the contract for the performance of work (rendering of services).

In the event of a delay in the new terms, the consumer has the right to present other requirements to the contractor, established by paragraph 1 of this article.

3. The price of the work performed (service rendered) returned to the consumer in case of refusal to execute the contract on the performance of work (service rendering), as well as taken into account when reducing the price of the work performed (service rendered), is determined in accordance with paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 24 of this Law.

4. In case of refusal to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering of a service), the performer shall not have the right to demand reimbursement of his expenses incurred in the course of the performance of work (rendering of a service), as well as payment for the work performed (rendered service), unless the consumer has accepted work performed (service rendered).

5. In case of violation of the established deadlines for the performance of work(delivery of services) or new terms appointed by the consumer on the basis of paragraph 1 of this article the contractor pays the consumer for each day(hour if time is specified in hours) late payment penalty (penalty) in the amount of three percent of the price of the work (rendering services), and if the price of performing work (rendering services) is not determined by the contract for the performance of work (rendering services) - the total price of the order. An agreement on the performance of work (provision of services) between the consumer and the contractor may establish a higher amount of the penalty (penalty).

A penalty (penalty) for violation of the deadlines for the commencement of work (provision of services), its stage is collected for each day (hour, if the period is defined in hours) of delay until the start of work (provision of services), its stage or presentation by the consumer of the requirements provided for in clause 1 of this article.

A penalty (penalty) for violation of the deadlines for completing the work (rendering a service), its stage is charged for each day (hour, if the period is defined in hours) of delay until the completion of the work (rendering a service), its stage or the presentation by the consumer of the requirements provided for in clause 1 of this article.

The amount of the penalty (penalty) collected by the consumer cannot exceed the price of a particular type of work (service) or the total price of the order, if the price of a particular type of work (service) is not specified in the contract for the performance of work (service).

The amount of the penalty (penalty) is determined based on the price of the work (rendering the service), and if the indicated price is not determined, based on the total price of the order that existed at the place where the consumer's claim was to be satisfied by the contractor on the day of voluntary satisfaction of such a claim or on the day of the judgment, if the consumer's claim was not voluntarily satisfied.

6. The requirements of the consumer, established by paragraph 1 of this article, are not subject to satisfaction if the contractor proves that the violation of the terms for the performance of work (rendering of services) occurred due to force majeure or through the fault of the consumer.

Thus, you need to contact the contractor with a claim in which you reflect your requirement. Hand the claim to the contractor against signature or send it by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

My actions? Can I claim forfeiture?

In the Claim, you have the right to claim a penalty, in accordance with the Law.

If your claim is not satisfied, you have the right to go to court.

With respect, Nadezhda.

“We will do everything for you for 1000 rubles!” - employees of service centers cheerfully report by phone in response to the question of how much repairs will cost. But as soon as the client arrives at the office, the pricing policy changes dramatically.

You begin to voice at best real, and at worst - inflated prices. The technique works to ensure that a person comes. Standing in front of the receptionist, it is much more difficult to refuse the service, because you have already taken time off from work and spent time on the road.

What to do? First, feel free to call several services to find out for yourself average price repair your problem. Secondly, do not be afraid to leave if you feel a catch.

The price on the website and when contacting does not match

On their websites, some service centers draw very beautiful price tags. But it is worth reaching the stage of handing over the gadget for repair, as it turns out that it is absolutely impossible to meet this amount.

What to do? Perhaps the second named amount will fit within the bounds of decency, but in any case, this is an indicator of a not very conscientious service. Better look for an alternative.

True sign good service: for the price indicated on the site or announced by phone, you get the whole package of services. That is, work, spare parts and warranty service.

Alexander Levchenko

Artificial value creation

There are also such situations: you come to a service center to repair a broken iPhone button. It costs a maximum of 2.5 thousand. The master opens the phone, sighs heavily and sadly declares: “Everything is bad here - pay 7 thousand or take the device away.”

The client is shocked: they scared him and they are trying to refuse to repair. The master, as if by chance, recalls that he had already encountered such a case and successfully solved it, although it was long and difficult. Most people at this point agree to the renovation without going into details.

As a result, the client is indeed repairing the button, but not for 2.5 thousand, but for the very 7 thousand to which he himself “subscribed”. Most often, such situations happen when contacting tiny service centers in the electronics markets like Savelovsky and Gorbushka in Moscow. The reason is a very high rent, which employees try to cover by all available means.

What to do? If the master does not bother explaining, but simply calls the sums from the ceiling, then you must immediately run away from such a service. There is no charge for the initial inspection. By changing the service initial stage you don't lose anything.

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Additional work without approval

Repair mobile devices- it's a complicated matter. This is still microelectronics and it is not always possible to track all malfunctions even at the stage of receiving equipment.

If hidden breakdowns are possible, then the master of good service will definitely warn you about it. And he will certainly call to agree on the cost of repairs if he finds something.

The master of bad service will carry out additional work without notifying the client about them. And it’s not yet a fact, by the way, that they really were carried out - you still won’t be able to check.

What to do? In no case do not pay for those works for which you did not agree. In any case, the service will not be able to prove your consent to them, but the solution to the problem, alas, is only legal - with filing claims and subsequent lawsuit.

Absolutely always, the service center must coordinate its actions with the client. What exactly to do with the device, and whether to do it at all, is up to the customer. The task of the master is to offer options.

Alexander Levchenko

Owner and Lead Specialist at Tech-Town Service Center

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Agreed price changes without explanation

The method of the simplest and most cynical divorce for money looks like this. You agreed on the cost of the repair and handed over the smartphone to the service, and after a couple of days they call you and say something like this: “Dude, this is a complete mess, we urgently need another five - there’s no other way.”

What to do? First of all, ask to explain why you are being asked for money. If an explanation cannot be achieved, then the repair must be abandoned. If the explanation is confusing, then you need to come to the service and ask the master to show you the fault found, which was not declared at the time of acceptance.

Warranty Disclaimer

The service center must accurately and clearly explain to the customer the rules of warranty service, since the warranty periods for different spare parts differ. It happens that some manipulations are carried out at the risk and peril of the customer in agreement with him, and guarantees do not imply at all.

The service center is not interested in re-repairing devices under its warranty. If the obligations are fulfilled honestly, then this is an indicator that you have a good service.

Alexander Levchenko

Owner and Lead Specialist at Tech-Town Service Center

By the way, in no case should you think that by changing the screen you get a guarantee for the entire smartphone. The warranty is given only for the spare part with which the master worked!

What to do? First you need to try to solve the problem with the service and discuss everything with the managers. If they do not meet halfway, then look for the manager. If even this did not help, and a reasoned refusal is still not received, then you will have to go to court. To do this, be sure to save all contracts and other documents.

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How not to fall for the bait?

The stories above may scare you, but in no case should you be afraid of service centers. Of course, there are deceivers, but the services still earn money on repairs. And this is almost always cheaper than buying a new smartphone in these difficult times.

Finally, here are a few useful tips from the owner and leading specialist of the Tech-Town service center Alexander Levchenko:

1. Check all functions of the phone before handing it in for repair, and record all faults on paper with the receiver. This insures against possible risks in the future. Not only you, but the service itself.

2. Check all the details before starting the repair. If you feel a catch, then do not be afraid to change the service. It is better to spend an extra day than a bunch of nerves and money.

3. Feel free to call several services to understand the order of prices for repairing your malfunction.

4. If the repair price at all stages is the same, you are given the exact terms and do not change them in the future, and the master regularly reports on the progress of the work, then you are definitely in a good service.

5. At the time of issuing the repaired device, the smartphone must also be checked. Again, both you and the service center need this. You will make sure that everything is in order, and the master will fix the fact that further responsibility for the smartphone lies with the client.

The work of a SC specialist saves your time for your money. Do not devalue his work by coming to the service with the installation “everything is simple here - I can do it myself, give me only a tool, spare parts, a place and time to figure it out ...”. It may seem that repairs are unreasonably expensive, but the point here is expensive spare parts, the price of which is tied to the exchange rate, not greed. However, sometimes it really makes no sense to restore equipment.

Alexander Levchenko

Owner and Lead Specialist at Tech-Town Service Center

It would seem, what difficulties can arise when handing over equipment for warranty repairs? Brought to the store, gave away, picked up after repair. In fact, everything is not so simple and there are nuances, ignoring which can result in a headache for the buyer. Today we will talk about how to properly hand over phones and household appliances for repair.

What is warranty repair?

One of the options offered by the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" in the event of defects in the product is the immediate removal of product defects free of charge. In other words, warranty repair. The law implies that this repair should be free for the consumer. That is, you do not have to pay for the repair work itself, nor for all the necessary spare parts and parts.

Shop or SC?

Few people know that a claim for free warranty repair can be submitted not only to an authorized service center, but also to the store itself. In practice, some stores can be cunning and redirect customers to a service center. By law, the choice between a store and a service center is up to the buyer.

If you are faced with a choice of whom to entrust the warranty repair of your equipment, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • territorial location - go to the website of the manufacturer of your brand household appliances. In the "Support" section, look for a list of authorized service centers in your city. If there were none, and it’s too expensive to travel to another city, contact the store;
  • the presence of a replacement fund - check before handing over for repairs whether they can provide you with a product for the period of repair and which one;
  • how the delivery of bulky goods is ensured and whether it is possible for the master to come to the house.

If both the store and the SC are equally available, we recommend that you take the goods for repair through the store. In this case, the store will be responsible for all damage to your equipment and for all delays in terms. In the case of delivery to the SC directly, if the repair deadlines are violated, the store may refer to the fact that it did not send you to this service center and cannot bear full responsibility for its actions. Service centers, in turn, often refer to the fact that, under an agreement with the manufacturer, they do not refund money for goods or exchange for a new one in case of violation of the repair deadlines. Both of these can be challenged judicial order, but it is better to protect yourself from such controversial points in advance.

Terms of warranty repair

According to the law, the defects of the goods declared by you, the store or service center must eliminate immediately, that is, within the minimum period objectively necessary to eliminate them, taking into account the commonly used method. The wording is not very successful and not sufficiently defined, but in any case, according to the law, the terms of warranty repairs cannot exceed 45 days. This period is counted from the date of delivery of the goods for repair (the day of delivery is not considered, the first day of the period will be the day following it). Within 45 days, the store and the service center are required not only to find the cause of the breakdown, but also to ensure the supply of the necessary spare parts and carry out repair work. In addition, it is during this period that the store and the SC must notify you of the completion of the repair.

If the prescribed 45 days have expired, and you still haven’t seen your equipment and haven’t been notified by the store about the readiness of the goods after repair, we recommend writing. Firstly, in it you can present another requirement (instead of repair), for example, a refund or an exchange for a new product (including a more expensive or cheaper one with recalculation of the price). Secondly, for each day of delay you can claim.

We hand over for repair

Delivery of equipment for warranty repair must be documented. The store or service center is obliged to issue you a receipt or an act of acceptance of the goods for repair. This act must include:

  • the name of the host organization or individual entrepreneur, contact addresses and telephone numbers - that is, a store or service center;
  • your full name, address, contact phone number;
  • product name, model, brand, serial number or IMEI;
  • description of the appearance of the goods (it is better to specify the presence of damage, scratches, abrasions in detail);
  • completeness of the goods - headphones, headset, Charger, box, protective film, etc. Please list whatever you are transferring. By the way, if the factory packaging of the goods has not been preserved, the store and the SC still do not have the right to refuse to accept the goods for repair;
  • the purpose of receiving the goods is a warranty repair or quality check (if you do not need repairs, we recommend that you specifically specify this in writing. Indicate that you are asking for a refund or exchange of goods);
  • the actual date of delivery of the goods to the store or SC - it is from it that all repair periods will be counted;
  • defects that you ask to check or eliminate (indicate in as much detail as possible all your claims on the quality of the goods so that the store or service center checks them all during repairs).

Upon delivery of the goods, you will also be required to have a cash or sales receipt for the purchase of equipment and a warranty card. Keep in mind that it is best to keep the originals of these documents if possible. If a store or SC fundamentally requires originals, be sure to make copies of the receipt and warranty card for yourself: you may need them in court if the repair situation is not resolved voluntarily.

Also keep in mind that, by law, the delivery of large-sized goods weighing more than 5 kg to warranty repair and back must take place forces and at the expense of the store (service center). If you are forced to carry the refrigerator for repairs yourself, be sure to keep receipts for payment for delivery services and movers. These amounts are your losses and must be reimbursed by the store or service center.

Even if your defect is not confirmed, the store or service center does not have the right to demand that you reimburse the costs of shipping the goods and paying for the “exit of the master”.

Not all buyers know that for the period of warranty repair, you can ask for the so-called "replacement fund". It's free. To receive goods from a replacement fund, it is enough to write an application in any form addressed to the store manager or SC with a request to provide free replacement goods for use during the repair. A product with the same basic consumer properties as your equipment must be provided to you within 3 days from the date of application.

Of course, the law does not oblige stores and service centers to provide replacement plasma, iPads or expensive touch phones for the duration of the repair. Therefore, a store or SC can provide a simple cellular telephone or regular TV. However, the absence of a replacement fund is a violation of consumer rights. If you were refused the issuance of goods for use during the repair, you can complain about the actions of the store or the SC to Rospotrebnadzor and ask for a penalty in the amount of 1% of the cost of the goods for each day of delay in providing a replacement fund ().

Remember also that there is a list of goods for which stores and SCs have the right not to provide a replacement fund(Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of 19.01.1998):

  • cars, motorcycles and other types of motor vehicles, trailers and numbered units for them, except for goods intended for use by the disabled, pleasure craft and watercraft;
  • furniture;
  • electrical household appliances used as toilet items and for medical purposes (electric shavers, electric hair dryers, electric hair curlers, medical electric reflectors, electric heating pads, electric bandages, electric blankets, electric blankets, electric brush hair dryers, electric curlers, electric toothbrushes, electric hair clippers and other devices having contact with mucous membranes and skin);
  • household appliances used for thermal processing of products and food preparation (household microwave ovens, electric ovens, toasters, electric boilers, electric kettles, electric heaters and other goods);
  • civilian weapons, the main parts of civil and service firearms.

Getting out of repair

If your repair was completed within the stipulated time, when returning the goods from repair, be sure to check the following points:

  • check on the spot appearance goods, completeness. If there are scratches or dents on the body that were not specified during the delivery, or if any of the components is lost, immediately inform the receiver about it. It is also advisable to immediately submit a written application for the elimination of such damage or the issuance of replacement components instead of the lost ones;
  • ask for the original purchase receipts and warranty card to be returned to you;
  • ask for a certificate of acceptance of work, which should indicate the actual terms of the item being repaired, the identified shortcomings and a list of repairs performed (including replaced spare parts).

Be sure to keep all warranty repair certificates or keep copies of them if the originals are required by the store or SC. By law, for the time the product is being repaired (i.e. from the moment of delivery until the moment it is returned to you), the warranty period is extended. In case of disputable situations, it is with these acts that you can prove the period for which the warranty period of your equipment has been extended. In addition, for technically complex goods, in order to demand a refund for a purchase, sometimes you need to prove that this particular problem has already been fixed by you under warranty or for several repairs within 1 year you have run more than 30 days. Warranty certificates will also help you with this.

Or maybe you can do without repair?

In some cases, the buyer can indeed refuse warranty repairs and immediately demand a refund. If your product does not belong to, then if there is any manufacturing defect, you can ask for a refund or demand an exchange for a new product. Some stores mislead customers and report that they can only offer the buyer a repair. In this case, we recommend that the buyer write to the store a claim for a refund or exchange of goods, because the right to choose the requirement that is presented to the store belongs to the consumer. The store is not entitled to impose warranty repairs instead of other options.

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