Equipment for the recycling of tires into crumb rubber. Tire recycling business. Hot and cold tire retreading

Problems of waste disposal are increasingly beginning to arise in the world. Waste management can be turned into a successful business. A prime example is the recycling of car tires. This type of activity is different simple terms general production process. Moreover, the prices of equipment for processing tires into crumbs are not so high. Investing in rubber processing activities is undoubtedly profitable and successful.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tire processing industry has the following virtues:

  • raw materials are widely available;
  • the level of competition is not high;
  • technology does not prescribe the presence of qualification and special skills;
  • high requirements are not set for the premises for production;
  • high efficiency;
  • big profit.

TO shortcomings production include:

  • the need for investment in initial stage;
  • implementation becomes more difficult in the absence of regular customers;
  • raw materials are selected taking into account uniformity.

A tire processing plant can generate high profits at low cost.

Features of tire recycling

Tire recycling equipment can produce crumbs or pyrolysis products at the final stage. Installations for pyrolysis operate at a temperature of 450-500°C. The result of the decay process will be the following products:

  • liquid fuel on a synthetic basis used for heating purposes.
  • carbon black, which is widely used as an adsorbing agent, a filler in the manufacture of rubber, a coloring component for the production of paints, mastics.
  • gas that can be used again in pyrolysis.

When using installations that convert rubber into crumbs, fractions with different particle sizes (0.25-5 mm) are obtained. Further, these residues are used for the production of the following products:

  • Rubber tiles and coatings for sports fields;
  • Fillers for sports equipment;
  • Boots;
  • shoe soles;
  • Surface and artificial bumps for roads;
  • Accessories for the car (rugs, mudguards, etc.);
  • Lining material for the construction of the railway;
  • insulation;
  • Elements for soundproofing.

The steel parts of the tires can be used in the construction industry as an additive component for concrete when separated.

Known three kinds of technology that use tire recycling equipment:

  1. Exposure to liquid nitrogen with further crushing;
  2. Mechanical method of grinding and deformation in an isolated chamber;
  3. Formation of pieces by cutting with further grinding by means of crushers, mills.

The first technology is highly effective, but the price of equipment for processing tires into crumbs for it is in the range of 30,000,000-40,000,000 rubles. The third option is the most cost-effective. The cost of investments varies from 4,000,000 to 7,000,000 rubles.

Raw material

In order for tire recycling activities to be profitable, it is necessary to fully load the equipment during the work shift. Therefore, a continuous supply of raw materials is needed. To do this, you need to find permanent sources, which can serve as:

  • Landfills for citywide waste;
  • Industrial waste storage sites;
  • Automobile services, tire fitting;
  • Enterprises with a wide fleet of vehicles or bus, trolleybus fleets.

And you can also open a point for receiving or buying used tires.

Process flow diagram

The price of a tire recycling plant is quite high. Moreover, a large production of this type is not capable of giving a large profit, since a lot of energy is required. If you open a mini-factory, then the profitability in this case will be much higher.

The technological process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Initial inspection of raw materials, removal of impurities;
  2. Withdrawal of one landing circle;
  3. Cutting into strips, the width of which is 4-5 cm;
  4. Withdrawal of another circle;
  5. Cutting strips into parts, the parameters of which are 2-4 cm;
  6. Reduction of the cut parts by means of crushing rollers and a shredder;
  7. Cord removal from textiles and steel;
  8. Fractional division;
  9. Packing;
  10. Shipment.

Tire recycling line crumb rubber must meet all standards for equipment. Requirements to be met:

  • Noise level;
  • Emissions;
  • Safe processing conditions;
  • Safe conditions for life.

Equipment categories

When choosing equipment, you need to focus on functional features, service availability. The cost is determined by the capacity of the installations and the manufacturer. Domestic equipment is valued for the general availability of service maintenance services. The volume of supplied raw material for this set of plants is 100-200 kg per hour. The price of equipment for processing tires into Russian-made crumb rubber fluctuates at the level of 15,000,000-2,000,000 rubles. But, alas, the release of crumbs with such equipment does not imply the supply of some installations, for example, a separating chamber, a cyclone.

Wider lines are represented by the following equipment:

  • Machine for cutting boards;
  • Ring exclusion machine;
  • Machine tool for tape cutting;
  • Machine tool for cutting the tape into fragments;
  • Machine with rollers and mills;
  • Vibrating table and vibrating sieve;
  • Separator for removing metal parts of a magnetic type;
  • Cyclone for textile parts;
  • Electric switch;
  • Conveyor belts.

The productivity of such a line is 300-500 kg per hour. The total price of a machine for processing tires into crumbs is 5,500,000-5,700,000 rubles.

In addition to this equipment, you need to purchase a tire cutter big size, accumulation bins, scales, packaging devices. At stable work the business turnover scheme built will quickly pay off. Thus, the price of a tire recycling mini-factory will be 6,000,000-6,200,000 rubles.

Planning features

Tire waste processing activities involve the preparation of a business project, which includes:

  • Initial capital, which implies the necessary amount of money to start production. If the required amount is not available, then you can use the services of banking institutions to issue a loan. It is worth remembering that the loan requires subsequent repayment.
  • Registration actions for registration of activities, consisting in obtaining a license permit to work with dangerous view waste and resolving issues of taxation, energy supply, compliance with fire safety requirements.
  • Selection of premises, implying the availability or rental of the required type of premises with an area of ​​at least 500 m2. And also it is required to equip warehouses for storage of raw materials and finished products.
  • Selection of equipment and tools for the production, packaging, transportation of products. You should purchase the latest and high-quality equipment for a quick payback.
  • Recruitment involves a small staff. Production of this kind does not require a large number of people. 3-5 employees are enough to carry out the technological process and implementation.
  • A cost plan that includes the cost of production and monthly costs for premises, labor, utilities, transport, communications and taxes. Financial conditions depend on the location of the enterprise, sales markets. Therefore, this item is calculated on the basis of average indicators of this type activities.
  • Operations for the sale and promotion of manufactured products, involving the analysis of sales markets and the development of marketing schemes.

Such steps will allow you to reach the desired result in a short period of time.

Tire recycling business plan implies investments at the initial stage related to the purchase of equipment, consumables, registration actions. Assessing the initial costs of these activities, we can say that about 6,000,000 rubles will be required. The item of expenses per month will be about 300,000 rubles.

Taking into account the advantage associated with the low cost of raw materials, the profitability of the enterprise will be 1,050,000 rubles. This is when processing 80 tons of feedstock per month.

The business of recycling tires into crumbs with such calculations will pay off in 8-10 months.

Emergence of risks

Any activity is subject to risks. So the tire recycling project assumes the appearance of such situations:

  • Untimely receipt of raw materials;
  • Violation of implementation;
  • equipment failure;
  • Damage to products in case of violation of storage rules;
  • Reduced product prices.

A business plan for recycling tires into crumbs must be developed taking into account the decision possible problems. Timely maintenance of production plants will lead to a reduction in breakdowns. You can sell products not only in your region, but also in other nearby areas.

Getting rubber crumb from used tires is a very profitable activity with small investment. The organization of production and the price of equipment for processing tires into crumb rubber make it easy to start a promising business.

The correct functioning of production will lead to a quick payback and profitability.

In European countries, the process of eradicating such concepts as "waste" and "garbage" has been going on for quite a long time. Almost anything can be recycled into useful materials - from plastic bottles to used car tires. Rubber crumb, which is obtained by grinding tires, is a fairly useful material that can be used in a variety of industries. A tire recycling business plan with calculations will be an excellent guide for aspiring entrepreneurs in this specific but profitable endeavor.

To open your own small enterprise for the disposal and recycling of old tires in a provincial town, you will need to initially invest at least 2 million rubles. Given the not entirely stable economic situation in Russia, it is better to use personal savings to start a business, refusing loans and other types of loans.

Brief description of the concept

For a businessman to open a private processing plant car tires, you must first visit the local branch of the Federal tax service. An example of this business plan involves registering an IP. A limited liability company in this case is not entirely suitable. The optimal taxation system for this business is the simplified tax system of 15% (income minus expenses). If the entrepreneur has basic knowledge in accounting, then the appropriate specialist may not be hired. As a last resort - give filling tax returns for outsourcing. It is very important when registering to choose the right OKVED codes, namely these:

  • 38.32 "Utilization of sorted materials".
  • 38.32.54 "Treatment of rubber waste".

Until 2012, a license was required to organize a line for processing tires into crumb rubber. IN this moment there is no such need.

How much to invest in opening

The costs that are inevitable at the initial stage of organizing a private plant for the processing and disposal of automobile tires are as follows:

From the above table, it can be seen that the equipment for processing tires into crumbs is the main cost item at the start-up stage of this business. Also, do not save on preparing the premises for the start of production, so that later the relevant authorities do not have unnecessary questions.

Marketing plan

Tire recycling is a rather specific business that does not require serious investments in advertising and promotion. The only thing that should be given increased attention is the search for distribution channels and the establishment of a system for accepting old automobile tires from individuals and enterprises.

The company's income will consist of the sale of crumb rubber and metal cord. The wholesale cost of one kilogram of crumbs for 2017 is 20 rubles. From one ton of tires, approximately 700 kilograms of crumbs are obtained. The capacity of the production line will allow the free processing of approximately 1 ton of tires in one working day. Accordingly, the monthly income from the sale of rubber crumb will be about 280,000 rubles, and the annual income will be 3,360,000 rubles.

Production plan

To install a tire recycling line, you should rent a production facility with an area of ​​at least 80 square meters on the outskirts of the city. meters. The area adjacent to the workshop should also be large enough to equip it with places to store tires after they have been received from the public. Naturally, the premises of the workshop must fully comply with the established standards of SanPiN and fire safety. Also, the safety regulations must be impeccably observed in the workplace.

The optimal schedule for the workshop for the processing of tires is as follows:

  • Monday - Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00.
  • Saturday - Sunday: non-working days.
  • One day a month - preventive work.

The list of workers in the workshop for the production of crumb rubber from tires is given in the following table, as well as the approximate salary figures that should be assigned to them:

Job title Number of people Salary, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Production master 1 25 000 25 000 300 000
2 production line worker 2 15 000 30 000 360 000
3 Equipment adjuster 1 15 000 15 000 180 000
4 Tire Receiver 1 10 000 10 000 120 000
5 Sales Manager 1 15 000 15 000 180 000
TOTAL 95 000 1 140 000

Below is a list of equipment that will need to be purchased to organize a production line:

  • Device for cutting landing rings.
  • Device for cutting tires into strips.
  • Device for cutting blanks from tapes.
  • Apparatus for abrasion and formation of crumb rubber.
  • Vibrating sieve for the initial cleaning of crumbs.
  • Two magnetic separators and one air.
  • Conveyor devices in the amount of three pieces.
  • Electrical panel.
  • Vibrating sieve through which the material is finely cleaned.
  • The device for squeezing out the landing ring.

Calculations of income and expenses

The current costs of ensuring the functionality of the workshop for the processing of automobile tires are as follows:

No. p / p Expenditure Amount per month, rub. Amount per year, rub.
1 15 000 180 000
2 20 000 240 000
3 Salary of workers in the workshop 95 000 1 140 000
4 Deductions for personnel in the FSS 28 500 342 000
5 Marketing expenses 5000 60 000
6 2000 24 000
7 3000 36 000
TOTAL 168 500 2 022 000

The profitability of a tire recycling shop organized in a small town is shown in this table:

No. p / p Indicators Amount for the current year of activity, rub.
1 Planned income from car tire recycling 3 360 000
2 Cost of expenses for disposal and recycling of tires (sum of lines 2.1-2.7) 2 022 000
2.1 Monthly plant rental fees 180 000
2.2 Utilities (mainly electricity) 240 000
2.3 Salary of workers in the workshop 1 140 000
2.4 Deductions for personnel in the FSS 342 000
2.5 Marketing expenses 60 000
2.6 Planned maintenance and possible repair of the equipment of the production workshop 24 000
2.7 Possible additional costs 36 000
3 Gross income (before taxes) 1 338 000
4 Tax payments 200 700
5 net income 1 137 300

Recycling car tires into crumb rubber will bring a pretty decent annual profit of 1.1 million rubles, that is, about 100 thousand rubles will “drip” into the entrepreneur’s account per month. And this is when the production line is not fully loaded! The profitability of the business will be 34% - an excellent indicator. The initial investment in the organization of the production shop will pay off in less than two years.

Possible risks

Tire recycling and recycling is a business that can either “shoot” with huge profits from the first months of operation, or fail in the same period. The reason for the failure can be very unpleasant risk factors that do not need to be discounted when working out the business concept. To such negative factors can be attributed:

  • Problems with finding quality equipment for recycling car tires.
  • An increase in electricity prices, which can lead to an increase in the cost of the production process.
  • The risk associated with a drop in demand for crumb rubber, which is obtained during the processing of tires.
  • The risk of a serious increase in the payback period of this business due to the low load on the tire recycling line.

A far-sighted entrepreneur will always calculate the likelihood of such risks to the smallest detail and try to protect his business from their occurrence as much as possible. So be careful, do not make hasty decisions, and then your business will always be accompanied by good luck and high profits!

Waste management is one of the actual problems modernity - however, few businessmen are able to see the prospects for activities in this direction. The paradox lies in the fact that every year thousands of tons of raw materials disappear in city dumps and landfills, while being an almost free resource for creating a successful and profitable business.

An example of such a business is the processing of tires into crumbs: the price of equipment and the requirements for production space make it possible to quickly deploy an enterprise in fairly modest conditions, and revenues measured in millions leave no room for doubt about the feasibility of investments.

Taking into account that the existing domestic factories are not able to process more than 20–25% of the volume of used tires that end up in landfills every year, it can be assumed that a newly created business in this free niche will not experience difficulties in finding raw materials. This will allow the entrepreneur to pay more attention to the organization of sales and the creation of related production, which allows to receive additional income.

What can be obtained from processing?

Considering, it should be borne in mind that the disposal of old tires provides for two possible directions: pyrolysis processing and grinding into crumbs. The differences between them are in the equipment used, energy consumption, size start-up capital and implementation methods finished products.

In pyrolysis plants, the raw material is heated to 450–500°C and decomposed into:

  1. Synthetic liquid fuel, which is used in boilers and heating installations. With further distillation, hydrocarbon fractions can be obtained from it - gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil and resins;
  2. Technical carbon, which is used as an adsorbent, a filler in the production of rubber products, a dye in the paint and varnish industry and a base for bituminous mastics;
  3. Gas used for re-combustion in a pyrolysis plant.

Tires are made from high-quality rubber, which, after mechanical grinding, completely retains such properties as elasticity, strength, resistance to chemical attack. When processing car tires into crumbs, the main products are various fractions - from 0.25 to 5 mm, widely used for the manufacture of:

  • Rubber tiles, coatings for stadiums, gyms and playgrounds;
  • Sports equipment (as a filler);
  • Soles for shoes, rubber boots;
  • Wear-resistant road surface;
  • Speed ​​bumps, chippers, railroad crossings;
  • Bumpers, rugs, mudguards and other automotive rubber products;
  • Linings for railway sleepers.

The steel component of the tire is also separated from the rubber and used as a reinforcing additive for concrete in the construction of buildings and roads, or as a raw material for smelting.

Thus, the processing of used tires into crumbs, as well as pyrolysis recycling, are practically waste-free processes, which make it possible to obtain products that are quite in demand in the industry.

Processing technology

Currently, three main technologies for processing tires into crumbs are used:

  • Cryogenic grinding after treatment with liquid nitrogen. Despite the effectiveness, this method requires huge costs - about 30–40 million rubles;
  • Mechanical abrasion and deformation in a closed space;
  • Tire cutting into pieces, subsequent grinding with crushers and mills.

In the latter case, equipment for processing tires into crumbs is the most affordable for small businesses, since it can be placed on an area of ​​300-450 m² with overall dimensions investments in the range of 4-7 million rubles.

The technological process includes:

  1. Preliminary inspection of raw materials and removal of foreign inclusions;
  2. Removal of the seat ring on one side;
  3. Cutting the tire into tapes 4–5 cm wide;
  4. Removal of the second ring;
  5. Cutting the tape into "chips" 20–40 mm in size;
  6. Shredding of fragments using a shredder and rollers;
  7. Department of textile and steel cord;
  8. Sorting crumbs into fractions;
  9. Packing and shipping.

Tire crumb recycling equipment

Sources of raw materials

Organization of continuous supply of raw materials is one of the critical tasks in this business: Recycling tires into rubber crumb will be cost-effective when the equipment is fully loaded for at least one eight-hour shift per day. Even a small workshop can process 200-500 kg of rubber per hour - such an enterprise will need a daily supply of at least three to four tons of old tires. To ensure such volumes, it will be necessary to establish contacts with all possible sources:

  • Motor transport enterprises, bus and trolleybus parks;
  • Landfills of municipal and industrial waste;
  • Tire workshops and car services.

According to the law, legal entities must pay for the disposal of garbage (including old tires) in the amount of 2000-2500 rubles per ton. Therefore, the offer to recycle tires at a lower cost will be commercially profitable for them.

In addition, the population also experiences problems with the disposal of tires: with the help of organizing a stationary collection point, you can buy them at a mutually beneficial price and constantly provide the plant for processing tires into crumbs with raw materials.

Sales organization

Rubber crumb, textiles and metal cord cannot be attributed to goods that are in demand among retail buyers. Therefore, a business plan for recycling tires into crumbs should provide for the organization of sales through contacts with wholesale buyers or direct deliveries to construction and processing industries.

You can find interested customers using the Internet, participation in specialized exhibitions, sending out commercial offers and personal negotiations. At the same time, it is important to correlate the needs of the customer with the possibilities of its own production - not every company is ready to buy tens of tons of crumb rubber every month.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Recycling tires into crumbs is a business that entrepreneurs and investors are interested in, not only because of its usefulness for the environment, but also because of its acceptable level of profitability, quick payback, and also:

  • Continuously replenished sources of raw materials available almost free of charge or at a symbolic price;
  • Simplicity of technology - maintenance of the line for processing tires into crumb rubber does not require special qualifications and special knowledge;
  • A large number of industries in which tire processing products are used;
  • Opportunities to receive a comprehensive state support an enterprise carrying out socially and environmentally beneficial waste management activities.

The disadvantages of the business include significant capital investments, as well as the difficulties that arise when looking for regular suppliers and buyers. Therefore, it is advisable to establish the contacts necessary for work before purchasing machines for processing tires into crumbs.

Company registration

When the enterprise is officially registered, there are no legal subtleties - since 2012, tire recycling activities are not subject to licensing. Of course, to open a business, you need permits from the fire and sanitary services, as well as contracts for the supply of electricity and garbage collection. However, when choosing a form of ownership, some economic factors should be taken into account:

  • Individual entrepreneurship implies the availability of sufficient start-up capital or the possibility of obtaining state assistance in the form of grants, partial compensation for the cost of equipment, soft loans and reimbursement of payments under equipment leasing agreements;
  • If the launch of a mini tire recycling plant requires the involvement of partners, co-owners or private investors, then it would be advisable to register a limited liability company.

Room search

A suitable production facility should include not only the area required for the installation of a tire crumb processing line, but also an area for storing stocks of raw materials, as well as a place for storing finished products. A workshop with an area of ​​350–500 m² and a ceiling height of 5 meters or more, located on the outskirts or outside the city in an industrial area and having good access roads for heavy vehicles, will be acceptable.

Second necessary condition- availability of connection to engineering networks: water supply and power lines with a capacity of at least 120–150 kW.

The third is the remoteness of the enterprise from residential buildings. Due to the noise of production, the sanitary norm here is taken equal to 300 m.

You can find such a room on the territory of former and operating enterprises, bases, warehouse complexes. The rental price here will be acceptable, and the absence of renovation requirements will lead to additional savings.

Equipment selection

The average cost of equipment for processing tires into crumbs is determined by both its capacity and the country of production. Advantage domestic lines before the Chinese lies in the availability of services for setting up, launching, maintaining and repairing machine tools. However, even at the initial level, the processing of 100–200 kg of raw materials per hour requires costs of 1.5–2 million rubles. Unfortunately, such lines are often functionally limited (for example, there is no magnetic separator or cyclone), therefore, to launch a full-fledged enterprise, it is advisable to consider complexes with a capacity of up to 300–500 kg/h, consisting of:

  • Bead cutting machine;
  • Machine for removing landing rings;
  • Machine for cutting tires into strips;
  • Machine for cutting tape into "chips";
  • Roller machine, mill;
  • Vibrating table and vibrating sieves;
  • Magnetic separator for metal removal;
  • Cyclone to remove textiles;
  • Electrical switching equipment;
  • Conveyor kit.

The total price of machines for processing tires into crumbs for the production of such a capacity is 5.5–5.7 million rubles. However, for the needs of the enterprise, the purchase of additional equipment is sometimes required:

  • Large tire cutter;
  • storage bins;
  • Libra;
  • Sewing machines for polypropylene bags.

Taking into account hand tools, a tire recycling shop can be equipped for 6–6.2 million rubles. However, despite the impressive amount of this amount, investments in production pay off quite quickly.


The process of recycling tires into crumbs with your own hands is technologically simple, and therefore does not require the constant presence of highly qualified personnel (with the exception of repair and maintenance of the line - sharpening knives, replacing conveyor belts or electric motors). 3-4 people can serve such production. In addition to them, the following should be accepted for work:

  • Accountant (possible on a part-time basis);
  • Receiver of raw materials (storekeeper);
  • sales manager;
  • Truck driver.

General spending plan

Given the high cost of equipment for processing tires into rubber crumb, entrepreneurs can turn to the state or private investors for help. For this, it is necessary to develop detailed business plan, which takes into account all associated costs:

Initial business investment

Monthly expenses

Income and profitability

The main advantage of recycling used tires into crumb rubber is the minimum price of raw materials. Most often, it is zero, but in some cases, enterprises even pay extra for waste disposal.

The line with a capacity of 400 kg / h allows you to process up to 80 tons of rubber per month, receiving 55 tons of crumbs, 15 tons of metal cord and 10 tons of textiles. When determining income, we can assume that the price of crumb rubber of various fractions is approximately the same: 16–17 rubles per kilogram. The market value of a kilogram of textile is 2 rubles, and of a metal cord - 2.5 rubles.

Enterprise income

Thus, the average return on investment in a business at full capacity of the enterprise is 8.5–9 months. The minimum volume of raw materials that needs to be processed in order to recoup current costs is 170 kilograms per hour.

Production risks

Like any business, recycling old tires comes with certain risks. Some of them are reduced by timely maintenance of the machines, others are unforeseen circumstances:

  • Interruptions in the supply of raw materials;
  • Breakdown and subsequent downtime of equipment;
  • Failures in the organization of sales;
  • Damage to products due to non-compliance with storage conditions;
  • Falling product prices.

Organizational risks should be minimized by duplicating supply and marketing channels, searching for new buyers not only in Russia but also abroad, as well as by expanding the scope of activities. For example, homemade tire crumb products can be pressed into tiles and painted, thus producing a practical and safe surface for tennis courts, sports fields and children's playgrounds.

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Buying a franchise

Manufacturers of recycling equipment sometimes include tire chip recycling franchises in their offers, the price of which depends on the volume of services provided. Most often it is:

  • Granting the right to use the brand and customer base;
  • Supply of complete technological lines;
  • Equipment warranty and technical support;
  • Distribution of large orders between network members;
  • Forwarding regional orders to the entrepreneur;
  • Training;
  • Marketing and advertising support.

Depending on the size of the start-up capital and the required production capacity, the purchase of a package worth from 4 to 9 million rubles can be considered. It should be noted that in such cases, most often there are no regular monthly payments, however, such large-scale investments require a mandatory preliminary study of the regional market and the capabilities of the supplier company.

Recycling tires into crumb rubber solves the global environmental problem of pollution and becomes a promising line of business not only abroad, but also in Russia. Low level competition in this niche serves as an additional incentive for an entrepreneur interested in recycling.

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How are old tires recycled?

Used tires can be disposed of in the following ways:

  • electromechanical grinding with the use of cutting equipment;
  • changing the chemical structure to obtain liquid products.

Features of electromechanical grinding:

  • frequent downtime of equipment due to repair and replacement of cutting elements;
  • significant costs for the entire process and, as a result, too high cost of raw materials at the output.

Features of chemical disposal:

  • the rubber component is not retained in the tire, which reduces the cost of the final product;
  • low production efficiency.

It can be concluded that at present both methods are not technologically perfect and require modernization.

Tire recycling technologies

Currently, there are 4 main tire recycling technologies:

  • pyrolysis;
  • burning;
  • recovery;
  • tire recycling.


Pyrolysis is a change in the formula and properties of the source material with the splitting of its constituents. The end products of pyrolysis are suitable for fuels and lubricants.

The technology process is the heating of the tire without oxygen access.

From 1 ton of tires you can get:

  • 400 kg of liquid hydrocarbon fraction;
  • 250 kg of carbon;
  • 150 kg of metal.

In a number of countries, pyrolysis as a method of tire recycling is prohibited and is recognized as environmentally unsafe at the legislative level. This is due to the fact that in the process of heating the strongest poisons arise.


  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • carbon disulfide;
  • hydrogen chloride and dioxins.

Despite the fact that the industry is undergoing changes and may begin to gain momentum in the future, today, due to high toxicity, this method is not common. It requires large investments in modern equipment that meets all environmental standards. Which calls into question the profitability of production.


Burning one ton of tires gives about the same amount of thermal energy as one ton of thermal coal.

However, when burned, sulfur, which is part of the rubber, forms a large number of sulfur dioxide, which requires the installation of special filters in the equipment. In addition, to burn 4,000 tires, the amount of air consumed small town per month.


When recovering, oil costs are reduced by 6 times, which indicates the rationality and efficiency of the method. This is a new generation in tire recycling.

Tire factories are the leaders among tire retreading companies. For example, the Marangoni company (Italy), in addition to the production of tires for cars and buses, produces products for both retreading and recycling tires without waste.

Tire retreading technologies:

  • hot vulcanization;
  • cold vulcanization;
  • cutting.

An example of a tire retreading process using cold vulcanization:

  • visual inspection and screening of tires with visible defects;
  • tire pressure test;
  • eat the remnants of the old tread;
  • preparing the frame for processing with glue and applying substances that activate the vulcanization process;
  • laying the wheel in shells called envelops;
  • feeding into the autoclave;
  • tire pressure test and wheel reshaping.

In Russia, cold vulcanization technology is used by:

  • LLC "Sky", a dealer of the German company Vergolst in the North-West region;
  • Chekhov Tire Restoration Plant;
  • LLC "Sovtransavto-Bryansk", working on the technology of the American company Bandag; RTI plant (Kopeysk).

Tire recycling

Due to the fact that the most rational and environmentally friendly method of disposal is the recycling of tires into crumbs, the business plan will be based on this method.

Rubber crumb is crushed rubber with fractions of different sizes and shapes. Crumbs from rubber products are characterized by the preservation of their molecular structure and elastomeric properties inherent in the original material.

Scopes of a crumb depending on the size of fractions:

  • small chips are used in the production of new car tires;
  • medium crumb is used in the form of a sorbent and in the modification of bitumen;
  • coarse crumb is used for the manufacture of coatings for various purposes.

The technology for the production of rubber crumb from tires includes the following steps:

  • identification of tire damage and elimination of unusable parts;
  • cutting into parts;
  • sorting from metal components and shredding;
  • abrasion into crumbs on an impact crusher;
  • separation;
  • cleaning crumb rubber on a vibrating sieve;
  • appropriate packaging and transportation.

The video shows technological process recycling old car tires into crumbs. From channel

Relevance of the service

The timeliness and necessity of this business is due to the presence of an unfavorable environmental situation in the country and the world. Every year, according to data provided by the UN, more than 25 million tons of waste tires are generated. This is due to the growth in the number of cars and the insufficiently developed infrastructure for their collection and disposal.

Such a situation is global problem and greatly worsens ecological situation on the planet. In addition, with unauthorized burning, car tires cause irreparable harm to the environment.

The relevance of organizing an enterprise that will process tires into crumbs, in terms of economic efficiency, can be explained by several factors.


  • no need to inject large funds into the purchase of raw materials;
  • it is possible to receive support from the municipality for the provision of raw materials and subsidies;
  • high demand for crumbs from large commercial construction organizations.

Description and analysis of the market

An analysis of the pan-European processing market indicates its annual growth. If in the 90s only 5% of used tires were crushed, then by 2010 this percentage was already more than 30%. In addition, the niche is actively moving towards the use of automated technologies.

Today, the level of utilization is distributed as follows:

  • 50% of retired tires are burned for energy;
  • 30% is processed to crumbs;
  • 11% is buried;
  • 9% of tires are retread for recycling.

According to the foreign magazine EUROPEAN RUBBER, the EU Council has prepared recommendations for member states on voluntary initiatives to develop technologies for the recycling and use of used tires.

Some of the fundamental goals of such initiatives are:

  • level up recycling from thirty percent to one hundred;
  • lowering the level of their burial to zero.

About 1.1 million tons of tires are processed annually in Russia. Over the previous 5 years, this figure has grown by 25%, which currently accounts for only 10% of the total.

The volume of the market is increasing due to the growing demand for crumb rubber, which is used for various products.

Rubber crumb is suitable for the manufacture of:

  • seamless floor covering;
  • tiles and roll materials;
  • asphalt and other road elements;
  • coatings for running tracks and sidewalks;
  • rubber products.

Competitive advantages

The degree of competition in the tire recycling business can be assessed as low. However, it is worth defining in this niche competitive advantages enterprises.

The main benefits can be:

  • use of high-tech production line;
  • the possibility of processing tires with any type of cord;
  • thorough purification of the final product from by-products;
  • free disposal of raw materials and pickup from large sites;
  • full production cycle: from tire recycling to the manufacture of finished products using crumb rubber.

Advertising campaign

Recycling old tires is a narrowly focused business that does not require mass promotion and large investments in advertising.

Main promotion tools:

  • creation and promotion of the company's website;
  • the appearance of information about activities in specialized business magazines;
  • cooperation with environmental organizations.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a company

Stages of opening a second-hand tire recycling plant:

  1. Niche analysis and competitor research.
  2. Selection of premises in accordance with sanitary-epidemiological and fire regulations.
  3. Purchase and installation of equipment.
  4. Registration of activities in government bodies and obtaining permits.
  5. Personnel selection.
  6. Marketing policy development - marketing research and customer search.
  7. Development of an advertising strategy based on benefits.


When registering, an entrepreneur can choose the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. IP assumes lower costs for registration and subsequent reporting. An LLC is established if the company plans to attract investments and organize global activities, including in foreign markets.

Rubber crumb belongs to the IV class of danger.

According to Article 5 of the Federal Law Federal Law 89 dated 06/24/1998 "On Production and Consumption Waste", the collection, disposal, transportation of waste of I-IV hazard class is one of the licensed activities. The licensing authority is federal Service on supervision in the field of nature management.

Before registering and submitting documents for licensing, you must have:

  • production room;
  • industrial site with a sanitary zone;
  • processing equipment line;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspection.

To obtain a license, you must provide the following documents:

  • copies of statutory documents certified by a notary;
  • list of services provided;
  • copies of documents on the right of ownership or lease of premises and equipment;
  • conclusion of ecological expertise;
  • documents on the presence of production control;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

Room search

Requirements for the production room:

  • remoteness from urban and residential buildings;
  • an area of ​​at least 80 sq. meters;
  • the presence of an adjacent territory for the storage of raw materials;
  • compliance with established SanPiN and fire safety standards;
  • compliance with safety regulations in the premises.

When planning a room, it is necessary to organize zones:

  • production: to accommodate equipment;
  • warehouse: for placing raw materials and storing the finished product.

For storing old tires and tires, an unheated outdoor hangar or a fenced area with the possibility of unloading recyclables is suitable.

Equipment and raw materials

The business plan considers the acquisition of a full-cycle line for processing tires into crumbs with a total cost of 2,100,000 rubles.

The line includes:

  • bead cutting machine;
  • a device that removes the landing rings;
  • shredder;
  • roller apparatus, mill;
  • vibrating table and screening unit;
  • magnetic separator for metal fraction extraction;
  • cyclone for extracting textile material;
  • switching device;
  • conveyors.

It is important to take into account that complex installations may not correspond to the specified performance, and hence the payback period.

Equipment for processing can be both domestic and foreign production.


  • installations from Europe have proven to be reliable and efficient, but are very expensive;
  • Chinese equipment has low cost, but also low productivity;
  • The Russian manufacturer is currently showing itself as a supplier with best quality at an acceptable cost.

Establishing a system for collecting raw materials becomes the main task of the entrepreneur. Currently, we can talk about an undeveloped infrastructure for receiving raw materials. At the same time, there are a sufficient number of development channels in this direction.

Channels for the collection of raw materials can be:

  • motor transport enterprises;
  • landfills;
  • tire services;
  • private car owners.

It is possible to organize both free reception at stationary and mobile points, and in individual cases do it for a small fee: from 50-100 rubles. for the wheel. This will help to recoup the transport costs of the enterprise.

Bead cutting machine Transporter Shredder Magnetic separator


Employees of the enterprise must have special training for working with waste, confirmed by a certificate or certificate. In addition, highly qualified adjusters and installers of equipment must have.

Tire crumb rubber production staff includes:

Job titleNumber of peopleSalary, rub.Monthly payment fund, rub.
Master1 35 000 35000
production line worker2 20 000 40000
Equipment adjuster1 25 000 25000
Raw material receiver1 15 000 15000
Sales Representative1 25 000 25000
Total6 140000

Sales of finished products

Organization and development of marketing policy is one of the milestones drawing up a business plan. It must be thought out in advance.

Sales channels can be:

  • builders and construction contractors;
  • large factories for the manufacture of rubber products;
  • manufacturers building materials for residential and commercial properties;
  • manufacturers of new car tires.

A good tool for expanding sales is participation in specialized exhibitions, where personal meetings and acquaintances with potential buyers are possible.

Financial plan

The idea of ​​organizing a recycling business must be economically calculated in advance.

The main investments at the stage of production start:

Recurring expenses

The monthly expenses of the enterprise involve the following items of expenditure:


The income of the enterprise will be calculated in accordance with the capacity of the equipment.

The production line has a capacity of 3200 kg per day and provides about 60 tons of raw materials per month. The company's income comes from the sale of crumb rubber and additional products obtained in the process of processing.

Calendar plan

The calendar plan of the enterprise is designed for 8 months. This is due to the special requirements for the premises and, accordingly, the timing of its search. And also, as a rule, with a rather lengthy execution of permits and the selection of suitable equipment.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Market analysis+ +
Business plan preparation + +
Registration of a package of documents + + +
Obtaining Additional Permissions + +
room rental +
Repair work +
Purchasing and stocking + +
Recruitment + +
Opening +

Risks and payback

Payback period for a manufacturing enterprise with full cycle average and is 18 months.

Like any business, rubber crumb production is subject to certain risks. Some of them can be predicted and prevented, while the rest cannot be controlled by the entrepreneur.

External risks:

  • failures in the supply of raw materials;
  • sales disruptions;
  • a drop in crumb prices;
  • increase in electricity prices;
  • change in legislation.

According to business owners, the main risks are production and related to equipment.

Production risks:

  1. Failure and insufficient performance of equipment. Tire composition domestic production implies the presence of a mixed textile or diagonal cord. Imported machines are not designed for such products. This must be taken into account in order not to purchase a knowingly unsuitable production line.
  2. Poor supply of components. Especially often occurs when ordering components from China.
  3. Insufficient performance. The indicated information and equipment capacity may not correspond to reality.

To reduce the overall impact of risks, it is necessary to:

  • make a thorough check and selection of equipment;
  • timely repair and produce and adjust elements:
  • duplicate supply and distribution channels;
  • establish cooperation with both Russian and foreign companies;
  • expand the scope of activities: continue the production cycle of crumbs in coatings for sports grounds.

The business of recycling tires into crumbs is not easy and requires quite large investments. Nevertheless, the demand for products is high, which can become a factor in the rapid payback and growth of the enterprise.


Informative film about the recycling of car tires. An example of a processing plant and a description of the complete production cycle.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

We work with all regions of Russia. Valid license. Full set of closing documents. Individual approach to the client and flexible pricing policy.

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The need to recycle used tires arose due to the rapid growth in the number of cars in most developed countries. The number of used tires is growing every year, so the problem of their disposal has become an acute problem for the authorities of the states. Tire recycling equipment is not cheap.

Special factories and enterprises for their processing are being built. They decide the environmental and economic problem associated with the disposal of obsolete car tires. This waste tire business is already growing by leaps and bounds today. First of all, this is facilitated by a large amount of inexpensive raw materials.

A tire processing plant is being built near the place of sale of the product obtained after processing, namely: rubber crumb, saw, steel cord, fuel oil. A tire recycling plant is a cost-effective solution to the problem. It is located at the place of accumulation of raw materials or near the plant, the production in need of recyclables. The main thing is that the tire recycling plant should be located at a distance of more than 300 meters from the located residential buildings.

The plant is equipped with special equipment for the production of crumb rubber. To open a business in this area, investments are needed, however, due to the small number of competitors and the demand for this raw material, all investments pay off in the near future.

Waste Tire Recycling Equipment

Equipment for rubber processing is a plant - a reactor. It is installed in a specially designated open area.

Medium tire shredding equipment has the following capacity:

  • 2 tons of liquid fuel
  • 1.5 tons of solid residue containing carbon
  • 0.5 tons of steel cord
  • 1 ton of gas

The volume of tires to be shredded is 5 tons per day. Processed products serve as raw materials for many types of production. The reactor itself operates using gas, which itself is capable of producing during the processing of used tires. The installation is low maintenance, it only needs two people for one shift. To work on such a plant, employees of the enterprise need to undergo special training and study the features of the process.

Tire recycling products include:

  • Rubber granulate and crumbs. Rubber crumb comes in various fractions: 0.1 - 0.45 mm.
  • Regenerate. Finely ground crumbs with improved quality. Dimensions: 0.6 - 10 mm.
  • Chips. Size 2 - 5 cm. Represented by pieces of tires along with steel cord.
  • Resinoplast. Used in the manufacture of soft roofs.
  • Rezinopol. Represented by a floor polymeric covering.
  • Bireplast. It is represented by a multi-layer waterproofing rolled roofing material.
  • Reisol. Represented by rubber with a waterproof adhesive layer of rubber.
  • Fiber concrete. A mixture of crumb rubber and two types of cord: textile and metal.

Rubber processing technologies

Rubber recycling can be done in several ways. The choice of method ultimately determines appearance and demand for the resulting product. The paragraph will not deal with landfilling. Despite the fact that this option is the simplest, at the same time, the crumb plant causes the least harm to the environment.

There are four main recycling methods:

  1. Crumb production - equipment for recycling tires into crumbs is considered the most rational, it can process several tons of tires per year and brings to the owner stable income. But the technology is not perfect, it has a significant number of disadvantages, such as the need to select raw materials with the same composition to standardize the properties of the final product.
  2. Pyrolysis - decomposition of tires under the influence high temperature. This method is extremely inconvenient because during this process a huge amount of toxins released into the atmosphere is released. Another obvious disadvantage of this method of disposal is economic unprofitability. Decomposition equipment is expensive and pays for itself in a significant amount of time.
  3. Incineration is the complete destruction of tires. The only benefit from such an action is the production of energy, however, such products do not act very well as fuel. This is due to the fact that during combustion a large amount of soot is formed, which over time makes the equipment (furnaces) unusable. Since rubber contains sulfur, when using this disposal method, the substance enters the atmosphere and, when interacting with water, sulfuric acid is formed.
  4. Recovery is a process similar to recycling. This is the most promising and rational way. So, when making one new tire Approximately 30 liters of crude oil are consumed, and only 5 are needed for recovery.

Behind last years business in this area is gaining momentum, it is especially popular in European countries, because it is there that society takes environmental protection most seriously.

Another clear advantage that this business is famous for is the purchase of inexpensive equipment for processing tires into crumbs. You can organize a recycling plant with your own hands in any room, even in your own garage.

Tire crumb line

The tire recycling line produces crumb rubber for business, it is considered environmentally friendly due to the absence of emissions into the atmosphere or into the ground.

The line and all equipment must be made in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation, which were put forward for equipment of this type:

  • The level of noise emitted.
  • By the amount of harmful emissions.
  • According to life safety.
  • Accordingly, the safety of waste processing.

The whole line for processing tires into crumbs consists of sectors:

  • Preparatory, which includes 2 machines: 1 - for removing bead wire, 2 - shears for cutting tires.
  • Crusher, consisting of 1 - crushing chamber and 2 - return sifter.
  • Crushing rollers, representing two drums that rotate at different speeds towards each other.
  • Granulator that feeds the mixture from the feed funnel to the crushing zone.
  • Vibrating table of a magnetic selector for uniform distribution of the mixture under the influence of vibration.
  • Knife granulator, consisting of a body with knives, a shaft with knives, a mesh with a hole diameter of 4 mm.
  • Vibrating table in the form of an inclined rectangular structure.
  • Magnet for picking up fine wire residues.
  • Textile separators for high level cleaning the crumbs from the present textiles.
  • Automatic packers filling bags with crumbs.

This is how the process of recycling tires into crumbs, which serves as a secondary raw material for further production, looks like. It is not difficult to organize this recycling business. This is due to the relative cheapness of equipment and fast payback periods. The main mission of this business is to protect the environment.

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