We make crumb rubber with our own hands using a homemade crusher. Recycling tires into crumbs at home and at a factory Where to get tires for recycling

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. The famous one spoke literary hero. Confirming his words, the car fleet around the world is growing steadily. Russia and the CIS countries are not lagging behind in terms of growth in the number of cars.

This growth is leading the world to many environmental problems, and one of them is the constant increase in the number of worn tires.

Scientists estimate that every year about 3 billion tires are thrown into landfills on the planet. And only about a fifth of them are exposed industrial processing. The rest rest in various landfills, polluting the environment.

IN natural conditions tires do not disintegrate, but become constant sources of environmental, fire, and sanitary hazards. Although on their own, they can become sources of valuable raw materials.

So, from 1 ton of car tires you can get about 700-750 kg of rubber for recycling. And if we simply burn it, we will get about 600 kg of toxic waste in the form of soot and toxic gases.

Small tire recycling plant in Russia

Car tires can become a source for obtaining high-quality secondary raw materials. The tire contains polymers that can be used in various industries.

Tires also contain a sufficient amount of metal that metal processing enterprises are ready to take. If we consider that in Russia today no more than 10% of car tires are recycled, then such.

Among the advantages of such a business is access to raw materials. You can find tires for recycling in any city.

Its cost will be minimal, and you will often get it for free. The processing production line occupies a small space; you do not need to look for a large room for it.

To work on the line, 2–3 people per shift are enough. The cost of the line depends on the degree of tire processing and ranges from 800,000 rubles to 1,500,000 rubles. With a well-organized process, this will pay off in a period of 6 months to 1 year. One ton of tires, after processing, produces an average of 700 to 800 kg of secondary raw materials.

Tire processing products

The product of the primary processing of tires, crumb rubber, is used to obtain new products:

  1. Car tires and other rubber auto products.
  2. Manufacturing of rubber tracks and mats.
  3. Production of road coatings.
  4. Shoe making.
  5. Production of water-repellent surfaces.
  6. Production of coverings for tennis courts and sports fields.
  7. In construction, crumbs are added to concrete products.

This list can be continued, remembering all the other use cases.

By heating them in a special reactor, we obtain the following fractions:

  1. Liquid fuel, it is used to heat water and rooms in boiler rooms
  2. Gas, a significant part of it is used to support the heating process.
  3. Metal cord, it is readily accepted by metallurgical plants.


Start-up capital

Your main primary expense will be to purchase equipment. Your primary expenses will be in the range of 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 rubles.

Let's see where your money will go:

  1. Purchase and installation of equipment – 1000000 – 1500000 rubles.
  2. Decor entrepreneurial activity LLC or individual entrepreneur - 30,000 rubles.
  3. Rent and preparation of premises – 300,000 – 400,000 rubles.
  4. Decor permitting documentation100,000 rubles.

If you do not have your own cargo transport, you will need money to rent or purchase. This is at least 2,000,000 rubles.

Current expenses

  • Renting premises – 100,000 rub..
  • Employee salary - 80,000 – 120,000 rub..
  • utility bills, transport, communications, taxes – 200000rub.

Total per month will be approximately 380,000 – 420,000 rub..


The production line includes equipment:

  1. Reactor installation.
  2. Hydraulic shears.
  3. The separator is magnetic.
  4. Air separator.
  5. Belt conveyor.
  6. Vibrating sieve.
  7. Crucible 3 pcs.
  8. Tape cutter.
  9. Fuel oil storage tank.
  10. Containers for storing bulk raw materials.

The composition of the equipment may vary depending on the tasks assigned.

Selecting a room

Installation of a tire recycling line takes approximately 300 square meters. meters. To this should be added a room for storage of raw materials and finished products, approximately 200-300 sq. m. Since the installation is a reactor, it has greater height, it is better to install it in an open space.

The number of employees

All modern lines are fully automated. They require an average of 2 – 3 people per shift. It is worth noting that you may need a storekeeper, driver, forwarder, and accountant.

Line workers need to go professional education. Many companies offering tire recycling lines conduct personnel training at the commissioning stage. If the person came later, then the burden of training will fall on your shoulders.

Recycling process

Tires to be recycled are taken to your company's warehouse. Then there may be two options. The rubber will go into a reactor to produce fuel oil, or it will be processed into crumbs. It should be noted that in the cold season the demand for fuel oil is better, and in the summer the crumbs are sold more.

Let's consider the process of producing liquid fuel. After inspecting the rubber for the presence of metal discs and rings, it is crushed and fed as raw material into the reactor. There the raw materials are heated to approximately 450 degrees.

As a result of temperature exposure, the rubber breaks down into gas, which is sent to the reactor furnace for further combustion. Excess gas is released into the atmosphere. Its composition resembles car exhaust gases. Liquid fuel, which is poured into special containers.

To obtain crumb rubber, first the seat ring is removed from the tire, then the metal is removed from it. Next, using a tape cutter, spiral tire mode, we get a tape 3 - 5 centimeters wide. Next, the second seat ring is removed. And the rubber blanks are sent to the shredder. Next, the crumbs are separated into fractions of different sizes and sent to the warehouse.

Revenues and payback

The big advantage of the tire recycling business is that the raw materials are virtually free. But you can even make money from this. Some businesses are willing to pay you to rid them of tires.

Let's consider the option of obtaining liquid fuel. On average, the proposed installation is capable of processing 5 tons of tires per day.

From 5 tons of raw materials we will get the following amount of materials:

  1. Liquid fuel – 2 tons
  2. Metal cord – 0.5 tons
  3. Carbon-containing residue – 1.5 tons
  4. Gas – 1.0 ton

The average cost of liquid fuel is 7000 rubles/t. Metal cord – 4000 rub/t. Carbon-containing residue 3000 rub/t.

Thus, with continuous daily work, we will receive revenue of 615,000 rubles. Let's subtract from it monthly expenses 380,000 - 420,000 rubles. We will receive a net income of 195,000 - 235,000 rubles.

Depending on the primary costs, the payback period for the line will be from 6 to 12 months from the moment the line is put into operation.


It is worth noting that the processing of domestic and foreign tires is somewhat different. Although they look the same on the outside, the tires differ in their insides.

So in Russian tires There are a lot of nylon fibers, this point makes it very difficult to process Russian tires into rubber crumbs.

Foreign manufacturers They install an all-metal cord in their tires, without the participation of nylon fibers.

From this we draw simple conclusions. We use foreign tires for crumb rubber, but it is better to process domestic tires for fuel oil.

Location of the enterprise

One of important factors The location of the tire processing plant is its proximity to the raw material base. However, it should not be closer than 300 meters from a residential area. It is better to install it outside the city, in an industrial zone.

You also need to pay attention to the presence of basic communications, electricity and water. Industrial and automotive enterprises with a large fleet of vehicles. Tire fittings are also a good source of raw materials.


When organizing a tire recycling enterprise, you will need to obtain environmental certificates.

Install additional filters and carry out a number of other activities.

Can often help rental of premises in an enterprise, the territory of which already has a corresponding certificate.

Modern tire processing lines operate according to waste-free technology and have the appropriate certificates. When purchasing such equipment, make sure that it has the appropriate certificate.

Fire safety

This production must comply high standards fire safety adopted for enterprises involved in the processing and storage of petroleum products.

The room where your production line will be installed, and the warehouse of finished products and raw materials, must be equipped with good fire extinguishing system. Otherwise, you will be guaranteed problems with firefighters.


Despite some challenges, the tire recycling business has a bright future. The growth of the vehicle fleet is at the level 10-15% per year. The number of tires will increase accordingly.

The recycling process itself begins to be paid for by the state, plus the sale of processed products comes as a bonus. Before opening your business, conduct a market analysis. Maybe there are already a lot of competitors in your area. And the return from the business will not be so significant.

Of the total amount of used tires, only 20% is recycled, despite the fact that a ton of tires contains approximately 70% of rubber suitable for use. recycling into fuel, products or building materials. When this amount of tires is burned, 460 kg of harmful gases and 280 kg of soot are released into the atmosphere! Equipment for tire processing pays for itself in 6 to 12 months; there are never any problems with raw materials and sales of finished products.

Types of tire processing

There are two recycling technologies, during which car tires are made:

To produce the first four types of raw materials, the same type of machines and equipment are used. The process involves grinding and separating raw materials. The entire cycle takes place without the use of chemical reagents and the release of harmful products into the atmosphere.

When processing into liquid fuel, pyrolysis is used - thermal decomposition of rubber with the release of gas. Some of the gas is released into nature, so such equipment must be equipped with cleaning stations.

Crumb production line

The tire recycling line operates in semi-automatic mode. This prefabricated equipment occupies approximately 200 square meters. meters. The productivity of a small workshop per hour is 200 - 1000 kg of finished crumbs, up to 200 kg of metal per shift, up to 1000 kg of textile wool per shift. To service the machines, 3–4 unskilled workers are needed. The line recycles used tires, releasing metal and textile inclusions.

Not all tire recycling equipment contains stud and cotton textile separators. This should be taken into account when selecting machines.

In addition to the area for equipment, it is necessary to prepare a warehouse for raw materials and finished products. The basis of the line are roller-type shredders. Most mini-plants are designed to process tires up to 120 cm in diameter; modernization to 170 cm is possible. Not only tires can be processed, but also any rubber waste (gas masks, conveyor belts). The output is:

  • crumb rubber;
  • crushed steel;
  • textile wool.

Rubber yield ranges from 60 to 80% of total mass tires The properties of crumb rubber may vary depending on the quality of the scrap.


  • pure rubber content 99.9%;
  • metal content up to 0.1%;
  • textile content up to 0.2%;
  • division into factions;
  • black color;
  • does not oxidize under the influence of temperature.

The machines produce crumb rubber with particle sizes from 0.8 to 3 mm. The amount of crumbs of various fractions depends on the degree of wear and hardness of the original product. Using a vibrating separator, you can clearly separate the crumbs into fractions.

Diameters can be adjusted by adjusting crushers and replacing screens. The smaller the particles, the longer it takes to produce them. To produce rubber dust, an additional wiper is installed, which produces particles less than 0.1 mm.

Processing technology

  1. A seat ring is cut out of the tire, the metal is squeezed out, and rubber remains.
  2. The tire is spirally divided into strips 3–5 cm wide.
  3. A second metal ring stands out.
  4. The tape is cut into thin and short pieces.
  5. The workpieces are crushed on rollers into crumbs and dust.
  6. Rubber, metal, and cotton wool are released on the separators.
  7. Finished products are sent to the warehouse.

Tire shredding equipment

The production process is divided into two stages, taking place in different areas:

  • preliminary;
  • abrasion.

The preliminary stage takes place on machines:

  • landing ring selector;
  • tire separator into lanes;
  • lane separator;
  • ring squeezer.

Equipment for the main stage:

  • chief eraser;
  • coarse vibrating sieve;
  • magnetic filter;
  • air separator;
  • belt conveyors;
  • thin vibrating sieve.

The abrading machine is the main equipment in the recycling workshop car tires. A hard concrete or asphalt floor covering is required to place the machines.

Selling crumbs

The final product of tire processing is used:

  • in the production of various types of fuel: pyrolysis gas, fuel oil, gasoline;
  • during construction highways: production of special slabs for areas of special danger, braking modules, fences for car parks, soundproofing panels, rail crossings railways and trams, bitumen-based mastics, sports and play surfaces;
  • in the manufacture of shoe blanks, floor coverings;
  • in the production of rubber products, roofing coverings;
  • for preparations for the adsorption of oil and its derivatives from water and land.

Fuel production line

The second type of device processes tires into liquid fuel. The machine occupies about 18 square meters. meters at a height of 10 m. Tires are cleaned of metal rings and disks, crushed and transported to the reactor receiving tank.

The reactor maintains a temperature of about 460 degrees, at which the rubber decomposes into liquid fuel, gas, carbonaceous matter and metal wire. Part of the gas is used to operate the reactor itself; the excess is released into the atmosphere. Their quantity is small and therefore does not harm the environment.

Liquid fuel is poured into containers and sent to a warehouse for further sale. The carbon-containing substance is cooled, quenched, and metal is released from it. All processed products are ready for sale.

Such equipment processes up to 5000 kg of tires per day, producing:

  • liquid fuel - about 2000 kg;
  • metal - 500 kg;
  • carbon-containing substance (solid residue) - about 1500 kg;
  • gas - 1000 kg.

The equipment is installed outdoors, on a concrete or asphalt area. The continuously operating workshop is serviced by 2 workers per shift. On average, the machine consumes 14 kW per hour. Gas obtained from tire recycling is used as fuel.

The first video talks about the process of recycling car tires, the second demonstrates the processing of tires into crumbs, the third shows a homemade pyrolysis plant for producing fuel from tires:

  • Processing technology
  • Selection of premises and personnel
        • Similar business ideas:

The growth of used tires worldwide is more than 10 million tons per year. At the same time, only 20% of the waste goes through the recycling process. total number tires The rest are thrown into a landfill, and some of the tires “don’t even make it to the landfill.” In our country, the annual volume of discarded tires is more than 1 million tons.

Environmental Importance of Tire Recycling

The problem of tire recycling is of great environmental importance. Accumulating in places where they are dumped, tires have a high fire hazard class (class 4). Tire combustion products have a negative impact on human health and can cause cancer. At the same time, the decomposition process of tires is very impressive - more than 150 years.

Modern equipment allows you to create a working tire recycling business. Tire waste, which we see everywhere, is a valuable polymer raw material. Just one ton of tires contains about 700 kg of rubber, which can be used to produce fuel, rubber products and materials used in construction.

Products obtained from tire processing

Conventional car tires are used to produce products that use in great demand:

  • Safety tiles, which are used on pedestrian paths, sidewalks, bus stops public transport, on treadmills, etc.;
  • Cord fiber, which is actively used in construction, as well as for the manufacture of sound and heat insulating boards;
  • Environmentally friendly crumb rubber, which is used for making seamless floors, sports surfaces, for decorating landscapes, and improving playgrounds;
  • Rubber paving stones, which are used for original decoration of various areas: children's and sports grounds, areas near private houses, and so on;
  • As well as new tires, water-repellent coatings for roofs, wheels for wheelchairs, rubber goods for cars and other products.

As practice shows, there should be no problems with the supply of raw materials. IN Lately Penalties for illegal disposal of used tires have increased. Thus, from June 30, 2009, the fine for officials ranges from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, for legal entities from 100 to 250 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In order to avoid such punishment, enterprises and organizations are ready to transport illiquid tires for recycling hundreds of kilometers away. Such organizations include primarily large enterprises with a large fleet of special equipment. They will be willing to cooperate with processing plant, since they accumulate a lot of worn tires.

Processing technology

As for technology, the process of processing car tires using the mechanical crushing method includes several operations:

  1. Cutting out bead rings on a special machine;
  2. Cord removal;
  3. Cutting tires into large pieces;
  4. Crushing tire fragments on rollers to fractions of 3-4mm in size;
  5. Extraction of small particles of metal cord from the resulting mixture by magnetic separation;
  6. Grinding the crumbs to the finished size (less than 1 mm).

Selection of premises and personnel

To operate a tire recycling line with a capacity of 300 kg of tires per hour, at least 6 people per shift will be required. To install the equipment and arrange the work area, you will need a room with an area of ​​about 500 m2 with a ceiling height of at least 6 meters. The operating temperature in the room must be at least +5 degrees, and the required power electrical connection should be 300 kW.

The downside of this business is the large investment at the start.

How much money do you need to start a tire recycling business?

The purchase of only one tire processing line will cost 10 million rubles (investments may be less - up to 2 million rubles, if you purchase the equipment separately). However, as practice shows, tire recycling is a profitable line of business with high profitability and return on investment.

Tire recycling business plan

Opening an enterprise that will process tires must begin with a detailed study of the situation in this field of activity. It is necessary to find out whether you have potential competitors, find out the scale of their activities, and also study the situation with the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products. If you have found answers to all of the above questions, and they confirm that tire recycling is a promising business in your region, then you can begin to perform the following tasks:

  • The most difficult moment is searching for free territory or premises for organizing production. The ideal solution to this problem is to locate the company in the workshop of an existing industrial enterprise.
  • Preparation of a business plan.
  • Business registration and documentation.
  • Purchase of equipment and treatment plant.
  • Personnel search.
  • Concluding contracts with buyers.
  • Solving administrative issues.

This business highly depends on your organizational skills and ability to negotiate with government officials. It is necessary to convince government officials that your company will bring great benefits to the ecology of the region; if this is not done, you may simply be denied a permit.

Estimated profit of a tire recycling plant

The main advantage of this line of commercial activity is the fact that you do not need to buy raw materials. In many cities across the country, car owners even pay extra for tire recycling. An enterprise processing 5 tons of tires per work shift receives:

  • for fuel oil 100 dollars;
  • carbon $75;
  • scrap metal $50

The enterprise's total daily gross income is $225, or $4,950/month. The company's costs will be $2,000/month. This means that by recycling tires, you can earn $2,950 (with taxes) or receive $2,653 in net profit (STS 6% of revenue).

Setting up a tire recycling business requires quite a solution large quantity issues, including preparation of necessary documents.

In addition to certificates of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, you must have:

  • permits from fire services and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • agreements with counterparties;
  • coordination with environmentalists;
  • labor contracts with personnel;
  • permits from local authorities and labor protection institutions.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, to organize a tire recycling business you do not need to issue licenses or obtain additional permits (except for the above).

Selecting a tax regime and OKVED

The most rational tax regime for enterprises specializing in tire processing is the simplified tax system. To choose this system, you need to write an application and submit it to the Federal Tax Service along with documents for registering a company. You must specify the payment option tax obligations: 6% of revenue or 15% of enterprise profit. Firms that process tires belong to the business category with OKVED 37.20 (processing of non-metallic waste and scrap).

Every year, thousands of tires are lost in landfills and landfills, despite the fact that for an enterprising person they are free resource, from which crumb rubber can be produced.

If you need it only once, you can buy it in the required quantity from the manufacturers.

But where can you get crumb rubber if you need it on an ongoing basis and in large quantities?

It's worth thinking about purchasing your own.

However Not everyone can afford a full installation, and not everyone will find such an investment profitable. The solution is to create equipment with your own hands and use it to produce crumb rubber from tires at home.

If you need very little raw material, you can do without equipment at all.

To do this you will only need scissors and cutter.

The metal cord is first removed from the tire, then divided into strips and crushed into smaller fractions to the required size.

At this point the process is considered complete.

The material for decorating paths, flower beds or a separate playground is ready for use.

But in order to obtain a larger volume of raw materials or to have income from processing tires at home, you need the appropriate equipment.

Construction of a tire crusher

There are three main methods for producing crumbs:

  1. Crushing tires after cooling them with liquid nitrogen to –190 degrees.
  2. Getting crumbs on industrial equipment full cycle with removal and subsequent grinding of rubber.
  3. Processing using universal crushers, which can be done at home yourself.

The first two methods require large investments. Third option accessible to everyone who has the opportunity and desire to make a crusher at home.

The necessary units can be make it yourself in a workshop or production site– where there are metal-cutting machines (lathes, milling) and welding machine for the manufacture of components.

If you cannot perform mechanical processing of the workpieces yourself and you have to order them according to your own drawings, the cost of tire processing machines will still be several times cheaper than similar purchased units.

The main component on the tire conversion line is a shredder (rubber shredder). Let us consider in more detail the purpose of the components of this machine.

Unit design

The machine consists of the following main components:

  • electric motor 5 kW – 2 pcs;
  • housing with disk shafts;
  • lattice;
  • worm gearbox – 2 pcs.;
  • shredder frame;
  • loading hopper;
  • guide tray;
  • control cabinet.

The installation parts are mounted on a powerful frame welded from channels.

Box with cutting discs

The main unit of a rubber crusher is a housing with milling rolls.

Wherein cutting knives made of high-strength steel and heat-treated, which significantly reduces their wear. They practically do not require sharpening during operation.

The calculation of the box openings, shafts and cutting elements must be accurate, so it must be done by a specialist in this field (designer).

Grid for calibrating crumbs

In order to obtain a calibrated fraction of tire raw materials, shredders are equipped with a special grid, which is installed under the rolls.

Worm gearbox

The rotation of shafts with disk cutters is carried out separately, directly from worm gearboxes connected to electric motors through couplings.

The gear ratio is selected from 25 to 35 so so that cutting occurs without jamming and at sufficient speed.

Unit frame

The frame is welded from profile elements, ensuring the reliability and stability of the unit during operation, as well as loading and unloading operations.

Loading hopper

The tire recycling plant is equipped with a tire loading hopper and a tray for removing finished crumb rubber.

Thanks to its design, the bunker eliminates the formation of congestion from raw materials and guarantees directed movement of the mass towards the rotating rollers.

Tire cutting device

Installation for cutting tires and removing cords consists of a supporting frame and a stand.

The frame contains a tire clamping mechanism that rotates with the tire during cutting. Engine speed is reduced due to different pulley diameters. The stand has a built-in wedge cutter, which is adjusted to a specific size by moving the quill.

How to shred tires?

The technological chain is several preparatory stages, before the product of the required fraction is obtained.

This procedure includes:

  1. Inspection and removing foreign objects from the tire cavity.
  2. Cord cutting.
  3. Tire cutting on strips measuring 50-80 mm.
  4. Grinding raw materials through a shredder.
  5. Separation and separating metal from textile parts.
  6. Calibration crumbs into fractions using a vibrating sieve.

Equipment performance

The operation of these two main units when processing tires done semi-automatically.

For normal operation of this line, a room of about 150-200 sq. m is required. meters. This is due to the fact that you need a place to locate not only equipment, but also to store used tires, finished tire products and metal waste.

The production of crumb rubber on this equipment per hour will be approximately 200-800 kg and up to 100 kg of metal scrap; 2-3 unqualified workers will be needed to service the machines.

In addition to tires, this equipment can process other rubber (conveyor belt, inner tubes, gas masks). The output is crumbs with dimensions from 0.7 to 4 mm, while it makes up 65-85% of the total mass of raw materials.

In this material:

A business plan for processing tires into crumbs will help determine the starting investments for renting or purchasing premises and purchasing equipment. Monitoring the sales market will minimize risks and downtime; competition in this area is low. Launching a line pays off fairly quickly, the ability to purchase raw materials at very low prices(or even making money from it!) makes the business economically profitable.

Production of crumb rubber

Recycling car tires with the further production of crumb rubber is a profitable business, but this niche is nevertheless relatively empty. If you have the funds to purchase equipment, the mini-plant will not stand idle due to lack of raw materials: used tires are not so easy to dispose of, many enterprises and individual entrepreneurs are faced with a real problem. Competently organized business It will also allow you to earn money from the collection and removal of tires.

Business Description

Waste tires are hazard class 4 waste. Relaxations in legislation have simplified their disposal, which often comes down to either long-term storage or burning of tires. In both cases, damage is caused environment, there is a danger of rodent reproduction and the spread of infectious diseases.

Environmental services pay the closest attention to the storage location of used tires. The materials that were used to make them take decades to decompose, and the tire recycling business is modern solution Problems. Besides, reuse rubber allows to reduce oil consumption. The problem of tire recycling is acute all over the world, and Russia is no exception. Penalties for improper storage of used tires are high for both enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

Competition Analysis

Paradoxically, in small towns City authorities are faced with the need to organize landfills and look for ways to store and destroy tires with minimal damage to nature. An individual entrepreneur who solves an urgent problem by organizing a mini-plant for recycling tires will certainly receive support from the authorities, both legal and material.

Competition in business today is low; small enterprises operating on the basis of Soviet-era factories are rarely equipped with modern equipment. The problem of disposal is often solved with the help of fire, but you can make money from this waste that no one needs. The problem is in the mentality (the idea that is not fully understood in the minds that separate collection waste can and should benefit) and in start-up capital.

Registration of activities

Can engage in tire recycling individual entrepreneur, who received permission:

  • fire service;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • environmental inspection;
  • labor protection authority;
  • regional authorities.

In addition, you will need contracts with suppliers and buyers of finished products, employment contracts with staff and medical records with a completed medical examination.

The simplified taxation system is preferable as a taxation system.

Choosing a room

The choice of a suitable premises depends primarily on its location: the territory of an urban industrial zone, far from residential buildings, but within the city, is suitable for such purposes. The closer the enterprise is located and the more convenient the access to it, the higher the likelihood of tires being delivered to the site by those who are interested in it.

In other cases, you will have to pick up the tires yourself, which means additional costs for fuel and vehicle maintenance.

It must be said that processing factories may well be located in close proximity to residential areas, but in this case they must comply with all sanitary standards and not cause any trouble to residents. Otherwise, complaints and “showdowns” from inspection services will follow, which will in one way or another negatively affect the development of the business.

The size of the room depends on the choice of equipment; you will also need a room for staff, a shower and toilet, and a warehouse for storing finished products. Tires can be stored outdoors, under or without a shelter, as long as the area allows.

Buying a property or limiting yourself to rent is a voluntary choice for everyone. Your own premises can be converted “for yourself” with the expectation of long-term use; on the other hand, if there is no confidence in the future development of the business, you can limit yourself to renting (for example, subsequent purchase).

The issue of price is relevant, but very individual: renting and buying a building even within the same settlement varies greatly, not to mention the range of prices in a metropolis and a small town. Before making a choice, it is worth thoroughly studying this issue, not limiting yourself to official announcements in the media, not disdaining “word of mouth” and reviews of acquaintances or business partners.

Necessary equipment

To start production, you will need to install and set up an automatic line; the processed products will be:

  • crumb rubber of several fractions;
  • metal cord;
  • textile cord;
  • pyrolysis carbon black;
  • synthetic fuel (liquid phase) and gas.

Necessary equipment:

  1. Tire shredders. Machines for removing and separating metal cord, cutting rubber, and shredding it.
  2. Separators. Vibrating screens various types cleaning.
  3. Transporters. Belt, bucket, screw.

A set of tire shredding machines will cost, on average, 1,250,000 rubles.

The cost of the line depends on productivity and power, as well as on the “branding” of the manufacturer. The simplest configuration will cost from 2 million rubles. Modern high-performance equipment allows you to process up to 1.5 tons of raw materials per hour.


To determine the number of workers, you need to decide on what schedule the enterprise will operate: shift production of crumbs around the clock, seven days a week, or work only on day shifts with a five-day work week.

In the first case, workers will be needed for 3 shifts (2 people in each), foremen for each shift, a technician for servicing (adjusting, repairing) equipment, a tire receiver (also the head of the raw material warehouse), a manager combining the position of purchasing and sales manager crumbs.

Work in daytime involves recruiting one shift - 2 workers, 1 foreman, otherwise everything is the same. You can immediately or over time open your own tire shop (a source of used tires), but it will only pay off if the recycling shop is located within the city.

Workers and foreman undergo special training to operate the equipment. Such services can be provided by the manufacturer.

Business promotion

Given the certain specifics of the business, it is worth taking care of advertising for your services in advance. In addition to working directly with interested parties (enterprises, tire shops, individual entrepreneurs), it is worth paying attention to advertising in the media, opening your own website and posting information on third-party portals. It may seem that an information campaign is an unnecessarily costly aspect of the matter, but the sooner the general public learns about the work of the workshop, the greater the likelihood of a quick return on investment.

Financial plan and profitability

If we rely on rough calculations, then at first the main costs will be (per month):

  • rental of premises – 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electricity, water supply, sewerage – 20 thousand rubles;
  • fund wages– 100 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – 5 thousand rubles;
  • maintenance/repair – 2 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to add the purchase of machine tools - 10-15 million rubles; taxes and loan repayments.

When recycling tires, the yield of crumbs is about 70% of the mass, the rest is textile and metal cord, which are also used, the prices for the purchase of recyclable materials and, especially, scrap metal are quite high.

The cost of a kilogram of crumb rubber is, on average, 20 rubles; textile and metal cord with a rubber content of up to 5% - 2 -3 rubles.

The tire recycling business has its pros and cons; those who take the risk wisely and occupy a relatively free market space will reap their profits. Provided that the business plan is thought out and calculated to the smallest detail. First of all, the question concerns the supply of raw materials (will powerful, expensive equipment that promises high profitability due to turnover be idle?) and the sales market (crumb rubber is widely used in various sectors of the economy, but you need to be able to interest consumers with the price, quality of goods and services ).

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