How to organize a recycling business. Sorting and recycling waste as a business. Items made from plastic waste

Nowadays, in an era of great opportunities, you can find a lot of ideas on how to start own business. As a rule, most novice entrepreneurs open cafes, shops, pawn shops, sell balloons or rent vehicles. And only a few make millions from waste. Yes, yes, you heard right. A waste business can bring in really big money.

Unlimited possibilities

Currently, all conditions have been created to enter this area and take a worthy place in it. You will have few competitors, but the prospects for developing and expanding your empire are limitless. In general, it is very strange that in Russia this business still seems somehow outlandish and unprestigious. Meanwhile, in Europe it has long been appreciated.

Moreover, there is fierce competition in this area, and it is simply impossible to enter it without a sufficient number of business connections and financial resources. The interesting thing about running a waste business is that you will always have raw materials to work with. Plastic bottles, broken glass, household waste - all this was, is and will be as long as humanity exists. Experts estimate that every person on the planet produces about 250 kilograms of waste annually.

About providing documents

Before you start doing business with waste, you must obtain permission to engage in such activities from the Ministry of Environment. It is this that should issue you a license for the right to collect and process solids. household waste. However, for this you still need to undergo a special environmental assessment, which will allow you to obtain the necessary conclusion.

Its peculiarity is that it is issued to the entrepreneur one time for the entire period of the company’s existence and costs about 5,500 rubles. In addition, you will be required to get approval from the sanitary and fire departments. For a positive response from these authorities, write project documentation, with a detailed description of the technological processes at your processing plant. These conclusions will cost you from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Think things through in advance

Experienced entrepreneurs say that in order to obtain the entire package of permits, it may take from 3 to 6 months. If you are planning to open a small processing plant, then register as an individual entrepreneur. To do this, provide the tax office with a corresponding application, a copy of your passport and pay the state fee.

And before investing your personal funds or loans attracted from outside in a dirty business, be sure to draw up detailed plan actions. You must also clearly understand what type of waste you are going to process, what principle will be used to deliver the waste, and, finally, where the processed products will be sold.

About investments

Let’s say right away that this business is not suitable for all entrepreneurs. As a rule, businessmen who have already succeeded in some business, have earned their first capital from it, and are thinking about expanding their empire into new areas, show interest in it. Experts say that opening a new universal plant for recycling various types of waste will cost about $20 million.

We think that because of this amount, many entrepreneurs who had previously thought about how to make money from garbage have lost all desire for it. But don't despair. You can get by with less money. For example, you can open a small factory that would be focused only on a specific type of waste. In this case, 80 thousand dollars will be enough to get started.

This amount will include obtaining all necessary permits, rent, purchase of all equipment, purchase of raw materials and, of course, the first salary for all personnel. As you can see, you can still figure out how to make money on garbage without having millions in your pocket. By the way, even less finance is required to organize a waste removal business: a new KamAZ garbage truck costs about a million rubles, and a used one costs half as much. But in such a niche, the big difficulties are finding clients.

There are nuances

Your income will directly depend on what type of waste the enterprise is capable of accepting, how it processes waste and the volume of its work. Entrepreneurs who have already made capital in this area admit that it is best to deal with paper and plastic. Processing of this particular raw material is considered the most profitable (about 50%).

In order to provide your enterprise with an uninterrupted supply of waste of this particular category, organize your own collection points. As a rule, small factories buy recycled plastic at a price of 14,000 to 18,000 rubles, then process it into special granules and sell it for 30,000 rubles per ton. The products of waste recycling plants are in great demand among companies dealing with small plastic items.

About the premises and more

In order to begin full-fledged work, you will need a spacious room. Its minimum size is 500 square meters. In addition, you must have about 100 square meters of storage space, as well as a room or a separate building for an office.

Experts in this business suggest locating their enterprise closer to the landfill outside the city. This way you kill two birds with one stone: you save money on renting premises and increase your income by reducing the cost of delivering raw materials. Your enterprise must have a minimum set, which consists of crushing equipment, a sorting line, a press, a storage hopper, and a magnet.

Don't spread yourself thin

It is also recommended to install additional melting furnaces, but this can significantly increase the amount of required investments. Minimum set of new equipment domestic production will cost approximately $50,000. As you can see, before you start making money from garbage, you need to invest well.

However, it is not only the initial capital that is of key importance here. Before engaging in this type of business, think carefully about everything and draw up a business plan for your enterprise. When properly built and organized work you can start making serious money from garbage in the first year.

Let's sum it up

Currently, the waste recycling business is not popular among domestic entrepreneurs. This area is still treated as something inferior. In fact, the earnings from garbage can be very significant, and European companies have long understood this and are ready to invest millions of dollars in this business and compete in order to take their place in this market.

It's better to start small. Open your own mini-factory for processing paper and plastic. It is better to purchase equipment in Russia. The minimum set that has already worked will cost you 50 thousand dollars. In order to start making money as quickly as possible, move your enterprise to the borders of the landfill.

Considering the cost of a garbage truck that has already worked at another enterprise, it can be purchased in order to mobilize recycling as much as possible. And in order not to experience problems with raw materials at all, organize the collection of waste that interests you here at the enterprise.

In order to start this business, you need to have at least $70,000 in your pocket. Experts are confident that these funds can begin to return in the first year of operation. This means that in about a year and a half you will be able to justify your investment and achieve net profit. Therefore, it is worth trying your hand at this, albeit not very attractive, but profitable business.

Modern problems associated with the processing of household waste in Russia are based on disabilities to return resources to natural and economic circulation. Running a business based on waste recycling is characterized by the rationality of investments with high degree payback and profitability. In addition, this business option does not require special knowledge.

Business relevance

According to the Ministry natural resources, the average Russian family annually throws out about 1.6 tons of household waste, including more than 145 kg of plastic and almost 100 kg of paper waste, as well as almost a thousand glass bottles. All this garbage is a potential raw material base for production activities in the waste processing industry. Waste recycling as a business in Russia is one of the most profitable and promising due to the following circumstances:

  • the emergence of high-quality and affordable domestic equipment that allows you to process household waste in small production areas;
  • annual expansion of the sales market.

In addition, the Ministry of Natural Resources plans to prohibit incineration of waste that may be suitable for further processing. Like any business, waste recycling requires initial financial investments and registration of all necessary title and permitting documentation.

Preparation of a package of documents

The first and most important document that allows you to engage in waste recycling as a business is obtaining a license from the Ministry of Environment. This document must be obtained once. The received license is valid for the entire duration of implementation entrepreneurial activity. Obtaining a license is quite simple. It is enough to register as or with simplified system taxation and organize an environmental assessment, which issues a conclusion.

Next, a package of documents is collected, including title and design documentation for the premises used, as well as a business plan for waste processing, describing the production technology and permission from the fire inspectorate, SES, water and utilities. The process of collecting and confirming the entire package of documents takes about three months.

It is worth noting that a fairly convenient option is to order turnkey licensing. Firms involved in the preparation of such documentation work with both legal and individuals with individual entrepreneur status. The cost of such a service depends on the type of solid waste processed and the volume of production.

Of greatest interest is a mini-plant for waste processing based on crushing and sorting equipment, a business plan for the use of which is developed according to a standard scheme. The highest profitability is shown by a plant with a Russort production line, with a productivity of 10 tons and a power of 100 kW per hour.

Production premises and personnel

The construction of the plant requires the use of a relatively flat plot of land, the dimensions of which range from 55 by 30 to 80 by 40 meters. The location of production lines may vary depending on the type of access roads. The building must include a sorting room with an area of ​​about 10 by 7 meters. The plant area must be landscaped using road slabs and equipped with a protective net to prevent debris from scattering.

The standard staff of the main personnel, in addition to the manager, foreman and mechanic, includes a team of workers consisting of:

  • sorting line operators;
  • press line operators;
  • hydraulic manipulator operators;
  • drivers.

Five-day work week - 8 hour shift:

  • number of workers - 21 people, including foreman and mechanic;
  • processing volume per shift - 80 tons of solid waste;
  • the volume of processing per year is 19 thousand tons of solid waste.

Five-day work week - 2 shifts of 12 hours:

  • number of workers - 40 people, including 2 foreman and 2 mechanics;
  • processing volume per shift - 115 tons of solid waste;
  • the volume of processing per year is 39 thousand tons of solid waste.

Seven-day work week - 24-hour operation:

  • number of workers - 80 people, including 2 foreman and 2 mechanics;
  • processing volume per shift - 230 tons of solid waste;
  • the volume of processing per year is 80 thousand tons of solid waste.

The work is carried out in four shifts, each with 19 workers, a mechanic and a foreman.

Equipment selection

Modern standards and requirements require equipping the complex with the following equipment:

  • press for recyclable materials and “tailings”;
  • hydraulic manipulator;
  • container capacity of 15 cubic meters for broken glass;
  • feeding and sorting conveyors;
  • a basket for secondary raw materials with a volume of 8 cubic meters;
  • hydraulic stacker and trolley with scales;
  • a sorting booth of 168 square meters with twenty working sorting stations for sixteen types of waste;
  • KAMAZ-multilift.

In addition, the area of ​​the frameless hangar should be about 430 square meters, including household compartments with locker rooms, showers and toilets, a manager’s room and a relaxation area for service personnel, as well as an individual boiler room.

Process technology

The technology used in solid waste processing plants may vary depending on the equipment and the final destination of the raw materials, but the main processes are standard and consist of the following steps:

  • unloading garbage trucks at the unloading site;
  • loading of waste mass onto the feed inclined conveyor belt using a hydraulic petal gripper of a hydraulic manipulator;
  • lifting waste by the feed conveyor onto the sorting conveyor belt;
  • manual sorting of waste with the selection of useful fractions that accumulate in special baskets;
  • unloading the remaining mass into the press compactor, which is located near the end of the plant;
  • compaction of waste into press containers;
  • pressing of recyclable materials into special bales, ready for shipment to consumers.

Income/expenses and profitability

Starting investments:

  • the cost of the mini-plant is 30 million rubles.

Economic indicators:

  • annual volume of solid waste - 33 thousand tons;
  • the annual volume of sorted recyclables is 5 thousand tons;
  • capital investments for the acquisition of the plant - 30 million rubles;
  • annual depreciation rate of fixed assets - 3 million rubles;
  • annual diesel costs - 356 thousand rubles;
  • annual transportation costs - 8.3 thousand rubles;
  • annual equipment maintenance costs - 81 thousand rubles;
  • annual costs for equipment repairs - 150 thousand rubles;
  • annual payment for electricity - 650 thousand rubles;
  • annual volume wages— 3.85 million rubles;
  • annual payroll taxes - 1.1 million rubles;
  • expenses for workwear - 48 thousand rubles.

Total expenses: 9.2 million rubles. in year.

  • maximum consumption of secondary raw materials per ton is 1.8 thousand rubles;
  • annual sales volumes of secondary raw materials, including VAT - 17 million rubles;
  • profit before taxes - 8 million rubles;
  • VAT -1.4 million rubles;

Income: 6 million rubles.

The estimated payback period is about three years.

Mini-plants for processing solid waste belong to the category of prefabricated ones, and the average construction time is about three months. A high-quality and reliable line for such an enterprise can be purchased for an amount of 30 million rubles, and inexpensive and modern construction solutions make it possible to minimize start-up costs.

The productivity of such production under standard conditions is about one hundred tons per shift, which is comparable in volume to twelve KAMAZ trucks of waste. With such indicators, the payback threshold does not exceed four years.

In Russia, like many other things, our country is distinguished from the West. Mainly in Western countries Waste is sorted according to certain criteria. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation does not want to rush into the transition from burning waste to recycling it.

The solution to the problem proposed by the Ministry and its Federal Agency

In Russia, waste incineration plants are used locally for waste disposal. According to representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources, these plants are very energy- and cost-intensive and largely survive due to government subsidies. But this ministry still plans to build in accordance with the adopted concept for solid waste management until 2030. Rosprirodnadzor considers incineration to be the most optimal form of waste disposal.

Why incineration is not the optimal solution

In Russia, burning solutions are dangerous from an environmental point of view. With the help of waste incineration plants, solid waste is turned into smoke, which contains all the carcinogens that are not dispersed throughout environment when storing waste in landfills. As a result of the construction of such plants, there may be an increase in the incidence of a number of serious illnesses, including cancer. But even if the issue under consideration is taken out of the realm of the most serious diseases, then emissions with carcinogens cause allergic reactions - the scourge of diseases recent years. When burning garbage, dioxins are released, which are more dangerous than strychnine and potassium cyanide.

The problem of waste recycling in Russia exists, but it needs to be solved.

Concept of garbage business

The waste recycling business should be based on the creation of appropriate plants. Like any other business, this business requires initial capital to rent or purchase premises, hire personnel who will have to work on the appropriate equipment, but this will also need to be purchased.

In addition, you will have to collect a bunch of different documents permitting this type of activity.

It is also necessary to provide for how the waste will be delivered and how it will be sold. The first is especially relevant, since there is no culture of garbage collection in our country - on a local scale, it is all stored in one bag without sorting and thrown away trash container. According to Rosprirodnadzor specialists, if the state does not encourage manufacturers of recyclable materials to purchase from waste processing plants, such plants have no future.

Russia has its positive and negative sides.

Positive aspects of the garbage business

  • The volumes of waste are limitless.
  • The processed product, as world experience shows, must be in demand.
  • Such a business will most likely be supported by local authorities, since recycling is also a headache for them.
  • A processing plant can process different raw materials, or maybe some specific ones, which makes it easier to make a decision about starting business development.
  • Almost zero competition - as will be shown below, there are practically no waste processing plants in Russia.
  • With reasonable organization of production, these factories can become fully profitable and profitable in a couple of years.

Negative aspects of the garbage business

  • The main disadvantage is waste sorting, as mentioned above.
  • Large costs - the plant may or may not pay off if not approached correctly, but it will require initial costs, and these costs will not pay off in any case for a number of years.
  • A huge pile of documents that an enterprise in this business will have to deal with.
  • Finding suppliers and buyers, especially at the beginning of a business, is very difficult.

Garbage statistics

Here are the statistics on waste recycling in Russia. Only 4% of the total volume in our country is recycled. In 2017, the volume of solid waste in Russia exceeded 60 billion tons with an annual replenishment of 60 million tons.

All the garbage in our country occupies about 4 million hectares, which is comparable to the area of ​​Switzerland or Holland. Every year this area increases by 10%, which is comparable to the total area of ​​the two capitals of Russia.

Currently, there are about 15,000 waste dumps in the country that have been sanctioned by the authorities, the number landfills, according to various sources, ranges from 200 to 1000.

More landfills are illegal. Most of them are in Leningrad, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Sverdlovsk and a number of other regions.

Waste recycling plants in Russia

Data from Rosprirodnadzor indicate that there are only seven waste incineration plants in our country, which are located in Moscow, Sochi, Murmansk, Vladivostok, and Pyatigorsk. Here, garbage is burned, the resulting ash and slag are compressed and disposed of by burial. Moreover, only 7-10% of the received waste is burned. The cost of burning solid waste is higher than the cost of burying it.

According to other sources, there are more than 200 waste processing plants in Russia, as well as about 50 Let's take a closer look at some of the list of waste processing plants in Russia.

IN Kemerovo region The Novokuznetsk waste processing plant has been operating since 2008. Here waste is sorted, recyclable materials are recycled, and the remaining garbage is buried in a landfill designed for 75 years.

IN Kursk region in 2013, a sorting line for a waste treatment plant was opened.

In Krasnoyarsk there is a waste sorting plant that processes up to 730,000 tons of solid waste per year. Recyclable materials are sent for recycling, and the remaining waste is disposed of at our own landfill.

In 2014, a waste processing plant was launched in Orenburg. Toxic substances such as medical waste and mercury can be processed here. The plant is equipped with a perolysis unit. Processing is possible up to 250,000 tons annually. Sorting occurs manually. The remains are buried at the landfill and compacted with a roller.

There are several waste incineration plants operating in the Moscow region. These include the State Unitary Enterprise "Special Plant No. 2", "Special Plant No. 3" (this plant operates with enviable instability), and the Rudnevo Waste Incineration Plant has been operating since 2003.

World experience in waste management

Not only the surface of the Earth, but also the ocean is currently polluted with garbage. In 1997, the American oceanographer C. Moore, passing through the Northern Pacific Spiral, saw that he was surrounded by heaps of debris far from land. According to him, it took him a week to overcome this pile.

In most countries of the world, waste is collected not in one container, but in different ones, after being sorted. In Ljubljana in Slovenia, as well as in Russia, they were going to build waste incineration plants. Their construction was included in the 2014 project, but the country’s leadership came to their senses in time. A special employee visits the apartments. The need to recycle waste and use recyclable materials is actively promoted among the population.


Waste recycling in Russia is at the initial phase of its development. Very little waste is recycled. In Russia, the garbage business is not developed. It has its own prospects, but those who are not afraid of paperwork and who have money for initial capital that can be risked should try their hand. Management should listen to environmentalists and, instead of building waste incineration plants, pay attention to global experience in waste processing.

Garbage - promising business and also eternal, I came into it out of greed and still don’t regret it. In order for a waste business to generate income, it is necessary, if possible, to be present at all stages of the technological chain: removal, sorting, depositing and recycling. So far we are present at the first three, but our business model assumes that we will definitely engage in processing, increasing sufficient volumes of incoming raw materials. If you control the entire chain, you can collect added value at each stage. We take out the garbage - we get a margin of 10–15%, we sort - another 15%, we recycle - plus the same amount. The highest competition is in the logistics market, and with each new municipal competition it increases, bringing new players to the market, and the country’s real need is in sorting complexes, processing plants and high-quality landfills. There are still no full-cycle factories in Russia.

Today there are companies working in the field of waste management different levels and with different approaches. Someone is exploiting the infrastructure inherited from Soviet times, without investing in modernization and without developing new directions - this is an approach fatal for our ecology. Russia is choking on garbage. And the Moscow region is perhaps one of the most problematic. What is needed is comprehensive solutions to the problem: it is necessary to build new modern infrastructure facilities in accordance with European standards, at the same time it is necessary to update the container park, sites and vehicles.

Influential competitors

The Russian model of managing the utility sector differs from the European one. In Europe, the municipality is independently responsible for the quality of public services, collects money from the population and hires contractors through competition. Our management companies are responsible for this, they are the link between residents and utility sector enterprises - that is, they negotiate with everyone directly, without any participation from the state.

As a result, the heads municipal government There is practically no leverage over companies providing waste removal services. In order for the mayor to force a company to work well, he needs to go through a difficult procedure: create a yard inspection, conduct an inspection together with the local district police officer, prove that the service is being provided poorly, fine or sue the company. Now Moscow is trying to change the system towards the European model, abandon the institution of management companies and assume the right to hold contract tenders.

Separate waste collection is not yet very popular in Russia, while in Europe it helps people save significant amounts

For me, as an entrepreneur, this is a risk, because it is one thing when my customers are sixty management companies, and quite another when it is a municipality, which will be both a customer and a regulatory body.

The largest Moscow company in our sector is the State Unitary Enterprise Ecotekhprom. They control 50% of residential waste removal and 80% of recycling and deposits. The second largest waste removal company is MKM-Logistics, owned by the Chigirinsky family. They are followed by “Ecoline” by Gennady Timchenko.

Our priority is the construction of new modern facilities - MSKs and training grounds. Now there are 13 enterprises in 6 regions. We recently acquired the largest operator for the removal and disposal of medical waste in Moscow, so in the very near future Eco-System will create its own infrastructure for managing medical waste in the Moscow region.

Drinking employees

The utility industry traditionally suffers from a shortage of qualified personnel, and without the training of professional personnel, it is difficult to imagine its further successful development. There is also an acute problem of the prestige of the profession. Since Soviet times, people have had the belief that janitors are losers, drunkards, limit workers, and now also migrant workers. When I joined the company, I had to conduct a personnel audit and completely change personnel policy. We have changed the principle of remuneration so that employees understand exactly what they are rewarded for and what they are punished for. You can evaluate the work of employees in different ways, for example, based on how much they traveled and transported, and not on how well they provided the service. Therefore, we first of all formulated what exactly our service is, and then translated this understanding into a system of employee motivation. We are not an ordinary cargo company and our clients do not pay us for driving our vehicles 100 km with some kind of cargo. We are paid for a high-quality and timely service, that is, for maintaining cleanliness, which has measurable parameters - everything must be done on time, quickly and accurately.

When people go to work, there should be no more garbage. In any civilized city, cleaning occurs in a short period of time, from 5:30 to 6:30 in the morning. It is believed that if garbage is not removed within three days, then this will lead to an environmental disaster. A city can be easily destroyed by paralyzing the waste system. This, for example, happened once in Naples. The owners of the landfill and the logistics company could not agree on a price, as a result of which the garbage collection system was paralyzed for a month, during which time Naples turned into a dump. The city was restored for a whole year.

Separate collection

IN Soviet time no one valued human, much less natural, resources, so no special landfills were planned during urban planning. Throwing garbage into the forest or into a ravine near the city was considered completely normal. There were experiments with collecting scrap metal and waste paper, but it was more of a fashion than an indicator efficient work with waste. We have not developed the habit of thinking about what and how you throw away.

Europeans perceive garbage as a raw material and understand that waste recycling is a complex and expensive process. For comparison: average Russian family currently pays about 600 rubles per year for waste disposal, and the average Austrian costs 500 euros. And here you need to take into account that for them this is the cost of removing already sorted waste. If the shipping company finds paper or food waste, a fine will be issued. Not separating garbage in Europe is expensive and simply indecent. Russia can achieve this through evolution, but several conditions must be met. First, the cost of waste removal should increase. Secondly, there should be competition among companies dealing with waste.

Finding good employees to work in the garbage business is not easy. In order to restore order, Yakimchuk used a special assessment system

Companies could offer residents savings by separating waste at home. We have such experience in Astrakhan and Ryazan. This service has not yet received mass distribution, but is already very popular among educational institutions, which is important, since it is necessary to create a culture of waste management, as they say, “the sooner, the better.” For now we sell secondary raw materials. To start recycling on our own, we need to start serving about 5 million people.

Plastic, metal and pure cardboard are highly competitive raw material fractions: they are actively purchased and are in short supply. Plastic has become increasingly popular in Lately, because many new factories have appeared in Russia processing it. One ton of PET costs 380 euros in our country, and 500 euros in Europe. China is actively buying secondary raw materials. The trouble is that the garbage that has passed through the container and the garbage truck is mixed so that it turns out to be very difficult to separate them, and such dirty raw materials are cheap. Therefore, sorting before transport would benefit everyone. In fact, many janitors make extra money by sorting garbage. They stack bundles of cardboard or bags of bottles next to the containers, which are then picked up by representatives of recycling companies.

Landfills in the forest

Moscow produces from 6 to 10 million tons of garbage per year, and this is only household waste, and add medical, biological, construction waste to it - and all this needs to be stored somewhere. As a resident of Moscow, of course, I may not care where the garbage is taken out - the main thing is that it is not in my yard, but as a person who often visits the Moscow region, this is already important to me, because this is where it ends up. Half of the existing landfills in the Moscow region have long expired, and the number of unauthorized dumps continues to grow. As before, as now, garbage dumps appear spontaneously - without a plan or appropriate permits.

Ask any Russian mayor what their main headache is, and they will answer that it is landfills. Often, garbage is simply taken outside the city and dumped wherever necessary. For example, we once undertook to close unauthorized landfills in several regions - it turned out that it was difficult to even count them. There are about sixty operating facilities near Barnaul alone, none of which have a license. And how many we haven’t found yet!

Once, some guys organized a landfill right in a residential neighborhood of Astrakhan, and the residents blamed us because we were removing garbage from this area. Law enforcement They didn’t want to do this - we had to organize surveillance ourselves, find out who was behind it. As a result, after six months they simply upped and left - they probably found a new place. In the garbage business, the shadow sector is very large. Companies enter into an agreement to remove garbage, but no one cares where it is dumped. Most often, either into the forest or to long-closed landfills.

Russian companies are just beginning to explore the waste recycling market. But unauthorized dumps in forests have long become a tradition

The most high mountain of all the waste that I saw reached 25 meters. A ramming machine can still reach such a height. But the worst thing about a landfill is not what’s outside, but what’s inside. During the decomposition of waste, a toxic liquid is formed, which flows down and, if there is no protective geomembrane or clay castle at the base of the landfill, ends up in groundwater. After the landfill is filled, it is reclaimed: the garbage is allowed to settle for a year, compacted as much as possible, then covered with a layer of earth. To prevent methane, which appears as a result of decay, from blowing up the landfill from the inside (and this has happened), pipes are driven into it to different depths to remove the gas.

In Russia, I have not seen a single enterprise that collects landfill gas, so that it is freely released into the atmosphere. For comparison, in Europe, deep processing of waste is actively used, as a result of which a certain set of completely inert fractions, similar to sand, from which everything possible has been squeezed out, ends up being buried at a landfill. Glass, plastic, and wood are selected at the collection stage. They use the remaining food waste for needs Agriculture and obtaining electricity.

Waste incineration plants

Incinerating waste does not destroy waste, but only reduces its volume to the detriment of safety. One ton of waste produces 300 kilograms of ash, while the waste itself has a fourth or fifth hazard class, and the ash has a second class: it is poisonous and requires special storage. The only more dangerous things are radioactive and chemical wastes. 60% of the cost of a modern waste incineration plant comes from cleaning up emissions into the atmosphere. In the center of Vienna there is a factory where a stork lives on the chimney as a sign of safety of emissions.

There is one scandalous anecdotal story regarding emissions from Moscow waste incineration plants. Mayor Luzhkov wanted to prove to journalists and environmentalists that the plant he built was safe, but during the interview, acrid pink phenolic smoke poured out of the plant chimneys. Without being taken aback, the mayor explained: “Don’t be afraid, there is such a wind rose here that all the smoke is carried away outside of Moscow.”

I don’t even want to think about where the ash from Moscow factories is taken, because it is known that we have not built any special storage facilities for this. But she's going somewhere! The capital's factories burn about 12% of all household waste in the city, which results in at least 300 thousand tons of ash.

Photos provided by the Eco-System press service

Garbage has always appeared environmental problem for all humanity. Today, the issue of garbage is being discussed at all levels: federal, regional, and so on. However, so far this is just talk and has not led to concrete action on the issue of waste recycling.

According to research, today waste disposal requires at least one. Only in this case can you significantly influence the ecology of the environment.

In some countries of the world, a real war is being waged over garbage. Everyone wants to dominate their landfill because they firmly believe that this will bring them stability for life.

The problem of waste recycling and the creation of a special plant as a relevant business idea today

Today it is believed that waste recycling is a very profitable and profitable business.

Until recently, this area of ​​business was not like, for example, processing of wood or other raw materials. But now the situation has changed dramatically.

Throughout the Russian Federation there are now a huge number of landfills that require certain actions, and thus will allow waste to be disposed of. According to statistics, about 96% of all household waste is disposed of in landfills. Moreover, according to estimates, about 60-70% of this is of some value and can be reused after recycling.

First of all, to process waste, you need at least a specialized mini-plant that will perform this function. Today there are very few such factories, which allows you to seriously think about this type of business.

Lack of high competition, as well as the fact that people will never stop throwing out garbage, says only one thing - this business will remain relevant for a very long time.

The relevance of opening this business is discussed in the following video:

Opening options

Every novice entrepreneur who is thinking about creating his own waste recycling plant thinks about exactly what form to implement.

Exists several varieties waste treatment plants, namely:

Here, as they say, the choice remains with the entrepreneur himself, but it is necessary to take into account his start-up capital . If, for example, a stationary plant will cost millions, then a mini plant will cost no more than $30,000.

Most entrepreneurs recommend initially betting on a mini-factory, since the start-up capital required is not so much, and at the same time it is quick. Moreover, there is no need to hire large quantity staff, while productivity is high.

Starting a business with a mini-factory allows you to understand the whole process from the inside, and after receiving tangible profits, think about whether it is worth expanding or not.

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Review of mini-factories and their cost

Without any doubt, any manufacturing country sets its own prices for such mini-factories.

So, for comparison, China offers to purchase their mini-factory at a cost of no more than $16,000. At the same time, it includes all the necessary functions that allow you to perform any assigned tasks.

As for the Ukrainian manufacturer, the cost of their mini-plant starts at $60,000. Agree, this is quite an impressive amount, which can completely discourage the desire to initial stage formation of their entrepreneurial activity.

If we take into account the domestic manufacturer, then in this regard the price can vary from 10 to 20 thousand dollars. It largely depends on the configuration of the equipment.

It is worth noting that the domestic manufacturer is distinguished by its reliability and quality, and the important fact is that in a short time you can always purchase any part that may fail.

Which manufacturer to pay attention to is the exclusive desire of the client himself, who focuses directly on his starting capital. But don’t forget that the costs will quickly pay off.

Description of the processing process

Modern mini-factories are equipped with sections in each of which waste is separated, sorted and crushed.

In addition, there are areas where heat and energy are obtained, including waste compaction.

The basis of such a mini-plant is a mechanized complex, thanks to which waste is sorted. High-temperature processing is carried out using pyrolysis equipment. During the afterburning of pyrolysis gases, the temperature can reach about 1100º C.

It is worth noting that the exhaust flue gases have a fairly impressive level of purification.

The presence of a pyrolysis unit as part of a mini-plant practically guarantees waste-free production. And this, accordingly, entails significant profits.

Main advantage The creation of a mini-factory is considered to be:

  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • absence of insects and other various rodents.
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • low cost.

The technological process of processing is presented in the following video:

Business registration rules

Before starting to carry out business activities in this area, it is necessary to obtain a package of permits.

To do this, you need to contact the Ministry of Environment, which issues such a certificate.

Initially, a newly created company must undergo a compliance examination, after which a conclusion is issued. Such a conclusion is issued for an indefinite period. It is worth considering that its cost will cost approximately 5 thousand rubles.

In addition to this document, necessary:

  • obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES);
  • a project that describes all the nuances technological process.

But, despite all the documents that are necessary to legalize this business, it is necessary initially, which can describe all the intricacies of doing business.

In addition, you need to pay attention to sales, which is a key factor.

Drawing up a business plan

Anyone who is trying to start a business in this area must have a business plan, thanks to which it is possible to predict many problems that await at the initial stages, including calculating a number of actions that will help in the event of possible insolvency.

Descriptive part

It has long been no secret that a mini-plant for waste processing is an excellent investment that will provide a stable profit for long years. This field of activity is very popular all over the world, since many companies are ready to purchase for themselves in any quantity certain type waste, or as a complete set.

Production part

Equipment which is necessary to implement its labor activity includes:

  1. production line for sorting raw materials;
  2. crushing plant;
  3. bunker for collecting raw materials (capacity for storing processed material);
  4. special press.

Most beginning entrepreneurs give their preference to imported equipment, however, this is a big mistake. The fact is that the domestic manufacturer, firstly, is of higher quality, and secondly, significantly cheaper.

For this reason, many people need a fairly impressive start-up capital, and this consequently leads to the fact that many simply abandon their idea at the initial stage.

In addition, it is also worth considering the need for a truck, which will be used to deliver raw materials, as well as sell finished products.

It will cost approximately $80,000 to meet this need. If the entrepreneur has additional capital, it is advisable to purchase a melting furnace.

Marketing part

The marketing part of a business plan is rightfully considered key. Thanks to a competent approach to competitiveness analysis, you can solve many problems at once and leave your competitors behind.

Even though there are few competitors in this area, not paying attention to them is a grave mistake.

According to statistics, many similar factories are created every year in the Russian Federation, whose plans are to make a profit from this area of ​​​​activity. It is necessary to analyze this market in detail and finally decide in which direction to move in the future.

This is primarily due to the fact that there are a huge number of types of waste, and it is impractical to tackle everything at once.

Today this direction is considered one of the most promising and quickly pays off.

However, this is not an obligation at all, but rather a recommendation, because each region has its own competitors from which it is necessary to build on.

Financial part

To open your own mini-factory, it is enough to have start-up capital in the amount of $80,000.

First of all, these funds will be spent on implementing priority tasks, namely:

  • registration of all permits (licenses, permits, etc.);
  • renting premises (the place where the equipment will be installed);
  • acquisition of necessary equipment;
  • purchase of the first batch of raw materials;
  • employees (the annual salary of each employee is taken into account).

Little money will be spent on the organization itself associated with waste removal. This is due to the fact that the garbage itself costs about 1 million rubles. The greatest difficulties arise at the moment when it is necessary to find sales channels.

In the process of doing business, you need to understand that profit company depends on many factors, in particular:

  • waste processing method;
  • production volume.

In order to significantly increase the profit received, it is enough to organize a collection point for secondary (processed) raw materials.

This method will allow you to maintain production profitability at a level of at least 50%, and thereby obtain tangible benefits.

Possible problems

Each type of business activity entails the risk of non-receipt of profit. To avoid this in every possible way, it is enough to competently draw up a business plan.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account literally every detail.

First of all, any problems begin with minor shortcomings, which, as a rule, leads the company to the bottom.

It is necessary to study the information on waste recycling as best as possible in order to be aware of the entire technological process and, if necessary, quickly solve any problem.

Once the business has started operating, it is necessary to sign an agreement for the supply of raw materials with several suppliers at once, since in this case the risk of a shortage of material is minimized. Ultimately, this will allow the mini-plant to supply finished products without delay and in full.

It is also worth considering that you should not overestimate the starting capital, and you should expand only as a last resort. Inappropriate investment of personal capital can play a cruel joke and affect the company’s activities.

An overview of domestic waste processing equipment is presented in this video:

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