Equipment for wood processing small production. Processing of wood and its waste. Making paper by chemical processing

It is divided into the following types of wood processing - mechanical, chemical, biological, hydrothermal, and all this is united by the timber industry. In it except woodworking industry includes the pulp and paper, wood chemical and hydrolysis industries.

The pulp and paper industry combines the production of pulp, paper, and cardboard. The peculiarity of these industries is the grinding of wood to the size of the fiber and the manufacture of the necessary products from the fiber. In products made from chopped wood, it is difficult to recognize the original product - wood.

The wood chemical industry combines industries engaged in the chemical processing of wood, which results in completely new substances that do not look like wood. Using wood, the wood chemical industry produces more than 80 types of products, including charcoal, phenolic products, rosin, turpentine, acetone, acetic acid, formalin.

The hydrolysis industry is engaged in the microbiological processing of wood. Its main product is ethyl alcohol, which is necessary for the production synthetic rubber, fodder yeast, furfural, solid carbon dioxide (dry ice), etc.
The woodworking industry brings together a large group associated with the processing and processing of wood. According to the raw materials consumed and the products they are manufactured, they can be divided into three groups: by the production of semi-finished products (raw materials - logs, logs, logs, vanches; semi-finished products); for the production of wood products (raw materials - semi-finished products; finished products of complex design; special productions.

Group of productions for the production of semi-finished products. Wood taken out from the forest in the form of whips, logs, logs is processed at woodworking enterprises. This group includes the following industries:

  1. Sawmills, where boards, bars, blanks, technological chips are made from logs. The main type of processing is sawing, milling, drying; the main products are wood semi-finished products.
  2. Manufacture producing details of wooden houses. The main type of processing is sawing, milling, drying; products - bar and panel elements of wooden houses.
  3. Production of laminated laminated wood. This group includes industries manufacturing veneer, plywood, plywood boards, wood-laminated plastics, plywood pipes, blockboards, glued blanks. The main types of processing are peeling, drying, gluing; the main products are semi-finished products.
  4. Manufacture of chipboard and wood fiber boards. The main type of processing is wood grinding, drying, pressing; products are semi-finished products.

Distinctive feature woodworking industries engaged in the primary processing of wood, is the consumed raw material - the products of logging enterprises. For the first three industries, the raw material is industrial wood, for industries that produce boards, low-quality wood and technological chips.

Group of productions for the production of wood products. Further processing the main part of semi-finished products is carried out at enterprises belonging to the group of industries for the production of wood products. Consumed raw materials are products of production facilities for the production of semi-finished products: boards, chipboards and fibreboards, plywood, veneer, glued blanks. Manufactured products are products suitable for direct use (cabinets, tables, pianos, doors, window frames, etc.).

This group includes productions that produce: furniture, building components and parts; wooden prefabricated houses of full factory readiness; wooden musical instruments; housings and cases for radios, televisions, watches, microscopes; wooden ships; parts, components, assemblies and products for the equipment of railway cars, motor ships, agricultural machines, motor vehicles; Sports Equipment.

The products manufactured by these industries are different complex design and versatility. The main way to connect wooden parts into knots is carpentry knitting and gluing. Finished products in most cases have protective and decorative coatings.

Special woodworking industries. This group conventionally includes industries in which roundwood and semi-finished products are used as raw materials, and the design of the product is relatively simple. These are match, pencil, cooperage, baggage, shuttle-reel, containers and other industries. The special group also includes production for the processing of wood waste and the manufacture of wood flour, fiberboard, wood concrete and other plate materials, parts from a chip-glue mixture.

Types of enterprises. At present, from the considered productions, there are Various types enterprises. Specialized enterprises are enterprises that specialize in the production of certain products. Sawmills produce sawmill products, plywood factories produce laminated glued materials. This includes furniture factories, factories musical instruments and etc.

Combines are enterprises that combine various industries: sawmill, plywood, furniture, chipboard. This combination, apart from more rational use wood allows better use of labor force, electrical energy, fuel, transport.

Timber industry complexes are enterprises that combine production not only for wood processing, but also for its processing and full integrated use in pulp and paper, wood chemical and hydrolysis industries. In the field of activity timber industry complexes includes not only the harvesting and processing of wood, but also the renewal of its reserves. In addition, it is possible to process branches, bark, needles, stumps here, which makes it possible to comprehensively use the entire biological mass of a growing tree.

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Wood processing as a business is enough profitable area entrepreneurial activity. Wood is a wonderful material with many advantages. positive qualities used in most different areas construction and light industry.


Currently, the only rational way of disposal is incineration, respectively, in obtaining energy. This procedure is carried out in special boilers or CHP. The latter device helps to significantly reduce the cash costs for electricity in small and medium-sized enterprises.

However, it is better to use garbage like branches and sawdust as fuel for the above structures. This will significantly save on the purchase of fuel (there is no need to purchase briquettes, you can simply purchase wood waste) and save the environment.


According to experts, getting charcoal is the most effective method recycling. Despite the fact that the method is directly related to incineration, it is largely isolated. To obtain charcoal, a process called "pyrolysis" is used - the decomposition of raw materials in a device without oxygen.

There are three classes of coal:

  • Class A. A similar group is obtained as a result of the processing of branches and other hardwood waste.
  • Class B. Obtained by mixing hard and soft waste.
  • Class C. A mixture of hard, soft and softwoods.

Among all groups, only the first is actively used in industry: in the manufacture of activated carbon, silicon, and the product is also used as a reducing agent in metallurgical plants.

Processing steps

Wood can be processed different ways, depending on what product should be the output. The desired product can be obtained with various types of wood processing:

  • chemical processing of wood
  • mechanical processing
  • deep wood processing
  • complex wood processing

Chemical processing, coupled with mechanical processing, will allow you to get plywood, chipboard or fiberboard.

Using heat treatment, you can get various resins, coal, acetic acid. Consider the processing in detail, it allows you to get paper, cardboard, pulp or chipboard from branches and sawdust.

The process involves the following steps:

  1. The tree is divided into pieces, like branches, trunk and greenery. Then they are sorted by rocks, subjected to hydrothermal treatment, rotten areas and foreign elements are disposed of.
  2. After primary processing, wood waste is crushed. A complete processing of wood into chips is carried out using a chipper. To obtain chips, which will later be used for the manufacture of fibreboard or paper, disk machines are used. Processing with a drum chipper is only suitable for hydrolysis production.
  3. The next stage of the process will be the transportation of chips for further processing using scraper or belt conveyors.

After the primary processing of branches and other wood waste you can work further with chips, compress them into briquettes or other semi-finished wood products.

Chemical method

Recycling wood waste using wood chemical technology makes it possible to obtain products that are used in almost all areas human activity, such as turpentine, rosin, acetic acid and other products.

The basis of the chemical method is the hydrolysis reaction, after which monosaccharides are formed. These substances are then processed biochemical way, resulting in the formation of products such as glucose or ethyl alcohol. But chemical processing is more aimed at obtaining the extraction of furfural, which is the basis for the manufacture of medicines, plastics and many useful products.

Not every type of wood waste is suitable for such a procedure. More often they use secondary raw materials from birch, aspen and ash. There is also chemical recycling, which is environmentally friendly, but the disadvantage of such recycling is its economic irrationality, it requires large investments and careful work with chemicals.

mechanical method

The main essence of the method is to change the size and volume of elements. Mechanical methods involve planing, cutting and milling operations. Chips are first created from the original wood raw materials, and only then they are processed into chipboard material.

Mechanical processing compared to chemical processing is more economical in terms of money resources and time. However, there is a nuance, the equipment for wood processing is not universal, completely different machines are used for each type of raw material.

It is worth highlighting the briquettes, which are created by mechanical processing. Briquettes are one of many forms of preparing wood waste for use as fuel. Briquettes - great business, which requires little investment and has a short payback period. Therefore, recycling as a way to get rid of wood waste is irrational.

Quality standards

Depending on what will be the final product due to a process such as deep processing, there are certain standards that the chips must meet. For all areas, it is imperative to exclude the presence of various impurities, such as: rot, sand, earth or metal particles.

  • For the production of paper or cardboard, chips are taken that do not contain bark at all.
  • For the production of fibreboard, waste with a bark content of up to 15% can be recycled.
  • The highest quality fiberboard will be obtained only from wood chips that contain no more than 3% of the bark.

Compliance with these standards ensures the quality of products.

There is the concept of "thinner" - this is a raw material of low quality. The diameter in the upper cut of the thinner softwood is 2-6 cm, hardwood 2-8 cm, length 1-3 m. Over time, this material is increasingly used, despite its low quality. Processing of small-sized wood takes place, as recycled raw materials are used in construction, agriculture and mining.

Profitable business

If we consider the processing of wood waste as a business, then there are several undoubted advantages of entrepreneurship in this area.

  • Firstly, it is relevant, because effective use wood waste today is not widely used. A lot of raw materials quite suitable for processing are left to rot.
  • Secondly, a quick payback, although the initial costs may seem quite impressive, mainly due to the need to purchase specific equipment. With proper performance and well-established distribution channels, all costs can pay off in the first year.

Thus, we can conclude that the proper processing of wood and branches is quite a profitable business, of course, with a competent organization of production.

Necessary equipment.

Sample Plan mini carpentry business income

Organization of a business for the manufacture of medium-sized wooden products.

Additional tools.

Woodworking is one of the oldest crafts known to the world. We, in Russia, attach special importance to this craft. Many wood products are decorated and decorated using this particular craft.

The development of the art of artistic processing of wood in Russia was influenced by the development of the state itself, and the cultural development of the people. Therefore, the history of the promotion of wood crafts is divided into several main periods.

Very few original monuments of ancient Russian art of the 9th-16th centuries have come down to us. But based on ancient manuscripts, drawings in painting, information from guests who visited ancient Kyiv and Veliky Novgorod, they testify that even then the artistic processing of wood occupied definitely high positions in the life of the state and the people.

Housing was built from wood, furniture, dishes, city fortifications, workshops, outbuildings, ships, sledges, pavements, water pipes, machines and machine tools, tools and tools, children's toys and the like were made. All this was decorated with geometric patterns carved on them. The manufacture of spoons from ash, maple, birch on the tips of which various ornaments were carved was in special demand, one of the most popular was wickerwork.

The XV century brought the inhabitants of Rus' liberation from rot Tatar-Mongol yoke and the founding of a centralized state centered on Moscow. Subsequently, folk arts, among which the artistic processing of wood, received freedom. Creative natures have received will in their craft. It was at this time that the greatest wood craft artists lived. Ancient Rus': Feofan Grek, Andrei Rublev, Dionysius who stood out for the integrity and harmony of their work.

Masterpieces of arts and crafts of the 15th century have become the objects of imitation for a generation of many craftsmen. Iconostases serve as an example, if you pay attention, they have a wicker ornament and gilding, which was inherent in the iconostases of artists of the 15th century.
A separate place worth noting is wooden interiors and wood products. Being indoors from a wooden interior it seems as if you are one step closer to harmony with nature. Your heart becomes calmer and you feel more invigorated. The tree not only brings you closer to nature, but also gives the dwelling sophistication, sophistication, especially various carved geometric ornaments, in the details of which the craftsmen leave a particle of their soul.

Implementation of a mini carpentry business.

First you need to study the markets, visit exhibitions, wood industry fairs, in order to know what type of products are in demand by buyers. After collecting the information, create a business plan for your carpentry shop that can lead you to success.

To create a workshop, you need: a dry, bright room measuring 50 square meters with ceilings up to 4 meters high. It also needs electricity. Then take on the collection of documents necessary for the tax and fire safety services.

Necessary equipment.

The next step is to collect necessary materials and purchase of machines for production. At your request, you can either buy all the necessary equipment completely, or 50 to 50. Make half yourself using Internet drawings, and buy the other half. It is not worth saving on materials and equipment, because half of the quality of your products depends on this. In short, you will need tools such as a circular or miter saw, jointer, thickness gauge, power tools: a drill, a milling cutter, as well as sets of hand tools: chisels, mallets, hacksaws.

Before buying equipment, you should carefully consider everything. What exactly will you produce, what tools and machines are needed for this, in order to avoid unnecessary costs for unnecessary equipment. It is also important not to forget about the people who will work with you, or for you. It is best to look not only for masters of their craft, but also creative people who will put their soul into your products. If your product is original, the demand for it will never fall and it will bring a stable income.

What kind of wood products to make?

Wood products have their own character, which gives not only the apartment, but also the same office coziness and harmony. Therefore, the choice of products is very large from door handles to furniture of different categories. The carpentry business entrepreneur has a wide range of choices, the main thing is not to make a mistake.

There is a sea of ​​wooden products among which are souvenirs, talismans, toys, amulets, they are one of those who are popular among buyers. Especially the amulet "Knock on wood." Its design is quite simple. They take a birch log with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 10 cm, cut into two in length, cleaned from the bark. A wooden figurine of the spirit is placed at the bottom of the log, or the image of the spirit itself is carved. People say that by knocking on such a talisman you can contact the spirits of the tree, which will give you protection from evil forces and wickedness.

Lacquer is not applied to such a talisman; it is decorated with pieces of birch bark. The chip of the manufacturer of such amulets is the so-called instruction of knocking on wood. The people believe in all sorts of superstitions, so by printing instructions for communicating with spirits to your amulet, you will attract the attention of buyers. Such a product costs about 300 rubles.

Using the cheapest business slab material, you can make benches, tables, stools for cottages, and decorate with various geometric patterns. On this moment such things are in demand and quite well valued in Moscow.

The most common slab bench costs about 2,500 rubles, and by adding some kind of ornament to it, you can customize it for 3,500 rubles. IN summer time you will be able to manufacture and sell 25 pieces per month. Hot stands cost 25-40 rubles, and made from polished cuts up to 100 rubles, napkin holders from 150 rubles, but good original bread bins can cost up to 1000 rubles.

Mini business expenses and income.

The business plan expenses will include the following items:
. - rent of the premises itself up to $ 200, if you do not have your own;
. - room lighting up to $10-20;
. -materials up to 300 dollars. USA.
. -tools — $2500

It will take about $3170 to open a small mini carpentry workshop. With a business efficiency of 23%, the net profit will be from $ 1000 per month, and the payback period will be up to 4 months. The carpentry business should be launched in time for the start of the construction season.

An approximate income plan for a mini carpentry business.

Subject to your premises:
Let's say your mini workshop makes the simplest joinery - doors. A master with no experience will be able to produce 10-12 doors per month. To do this, you need to purchase 1.5-2 cubic meters of wood. The cost will be $270-360.
Price per door $120-130. $120*10 doors = $1200 income. Net income: $1200 - $270 = $930. Here the possibilities of a master without experience are pointed out, since usually a carpentry workshop with one employee manages to make large volumes in a month.

Organization of a business for the manufacture of medium-sized wood products.

The system for the production of window and door blocks can be divided into the following stages:
1. cutting lumber, checking its quality;
2. creation and processing of blanks;
3. construction assembly;
4. product grinding and coating.

For each step indicated above, you can buy a separate machine or choose a woodworking center that can perform all the above points. You can also kill two birds with one stone, that is, purchase a multifunctional installation that can combine several functions and work for 2-3 workshops at the same time.

When buying such units, you also save space in your premises, because one unit takes up less space than two or three, but includes the same functions. An example of such an installation is the D 300 machine, which can perform the functions of several types, such as: thicknessing, milling, grinding, planer shops.

Additional tools.

For high-quality and holistic work of your carpentry workshop, you need to buy the following tools:

Minimum locksmith tool kit;
. drill;
. screwdriver;
. jigsaw;
. Sander;
. moisture meter;
. roulette;
. calipers;
. electric planer;
. mains powered circular saws;
. tool for applying coloring, antiseptic substances;
. fan with bags for organizing sawdust removal.

Small carpentry shop can be arranged on an area of ​​60 m2. Space savings can be achieved by combining all the equipment in a woodworking center. To achieve success in business, it is necessary to hire at least two professional carpenters, and also at the first stages of the publishing house, the director must be present in person at the production processes.

Feasibility study.

Capital investments (in rubles):
. purchase necessary equipment- 184,000 rubles.
. tool costs - 85,000 rubles.
. transportation costs - 50,000 rubles.
. purchase of raw materials - 400,000 rubles.
. registration of a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur - 21,000 rubles;
. other expenses (payment work force) - 15,000 rubles.
The total amount of investment in the business: 755,000 rubles.
For each future product, a sketch is created separately. At first, this is done by hand, not on the scale of the future product. This is a sketch by eye, in which the author develops the idea of ​​the product itself. After that, he coordinates this with the director of the enterprise, if he liked this development, then another drawing is created already beyond the scale, directly according to which future products will be made.

The designed product is depicted in three views from the top, front and side. Make a cut if necessary. If the part model is very complex, then it is divided into parts and each part is depicted separately. Each part receives its own number, under which it enters its specification. All drawings are made on paper, with a simple pencil, so that, if necessary, it would be easy to correct the mistake made, or to introduce some kind of amendment, refinement.

Most use special paper - graph paper. This is paper that is divided into cells so that it is easier to calculate the scale and draw to scale.

In one step with the sketch, they think over the manufacturing system for this product. What kind of materials will be needed, what machines will be needed for this development, what tools will be used in the process of creating this product, the costs are calculated. They calculate everything to the last nail, in order to avoid a shortage of some materials in the future, and, of course, to ensure that production is organized.

Also during this period they are preparing the place of work of the master. Choose a workshop that is more convenient in size, which will correspond to the size of the products. They choose a convenient location of the drawings, the placement of materials in the workshop, from which future products will be made. Provide the master with free access to the machine, as well as tools. Provide him with a comfortable working environment. Then the manufacturing system and the design of the future product are once again checked in order to avoid quality damage and various failures in the manufacturing process.

Wood is used in many areas of activity. This construction, furniture, various business areas. But in the process of producing the necessary products, a lot of waste remains. Their processing is not only a matter of environmental friendliness of production, but also saving money and resources. Therefore, the wood waste business is a promising direction today.

Business Relevance

Despite the fact that the woodworking business, as well as the wood waste processing business, has been developed for a long time, the niche has not yet been filled. There are many ways to process sawdust, wood chips, bark, and more. Only 50% of the available material is used for processing, and even less in Siberia - 35%. At the same time, the remains of logging and sawmilling are not used at all. All this suggests that your business will always have raw materials for production.

At the same time, in the production of furniture, building materials, the amount of wood waste is about 45%. Moreover, not only sawdust, shavings, but also slabs, bark are used.

Place of business organization

For a mini-plant for the processing of wood waste, you need to rent or buy a room. Its area depends on which direction of processing you have chosen. This affects the type and dimensions of industrial installations.

But the most important thing is to choose the right location for production. It must be located near the place of supply of raw materials. It is advisable to equip the workshop directly at the woodworking enterprise.

Similarly, it is necessary to think over distribution channels in advance. They should also be located close to production, otherwise all profits will go to logistics costs. Also, you should not focus on the export of produced fuel to Europe. On the one hand, the demand for it in European countries very tall. But on the other hand, transport and customs costs will force you to set an exorbitantly high price for the goods. Not to mention the fact that a product for sale in Europe must pass a lot of checks to ensure that it meets all local regulations. The optimal distance to which you can transport goods from wood waste and make a good profit is no more than 100 km.

Types of wood waste

There are several types of wood waste. They can be divided by density:

  • lumpy (solid);
  • sawdust and shavings (soft);
  • bark.

They are also classified according to the method of obtaining:

  • primary or secondary wood processing;
  • the use of round timber;
  • deforestation.

The type of wood waste depends on the technology of their processing, the equipment that your business will require, markets, and so on.

Waste treatment process

Wood processing begins with sorting waste by wood species, cutting, steaming, removing rotten areas. Then the raw material is treated with salt solutions to remove possible harmful components from the wood that could have penetrated from sewage or contaminated soil.

The next stage of processing is mechanical crushing on special machines with toothed discs. Before this stage, the wood is sometimes steamed to facilitate grinding.

Processing equipment

Depending on which direction of processing you have chosen, the market offers separate specific equipment. But there is a whole list of units that will be needed in any direction of activity. These include:

  • screw conveyor;
  • Press forms;
  • manual rammers;
  • drying chamber;
  • chipping machine;
  • gas generator;
  • mixing station;
  • wood splitters and wood splitters;
  • storage bin;
  • charcoal kilns;
  • Remote Control.

Areas of application for wood waste

First of all, recycled wood waste is used in construction. For example, in the construction of houses according to the Canadian system, slabs are used, which include wood chips, shavings, which are glued together with environmentally friendly resins.

In addition, wood waste is used to make:

  • chip-cement and wood-chip boards;
  • brick;
  • plaster sheets.

Waste is also used in hydrolysis plants and paper mills, for the production of paper and cardboard.

Briquette production

The recycling business can be oriented based on the areas of use of wood residues. As already mentioned, these may be Construction Materials: brick, slabs, gypsum sheets. But the most promising direction is the production of briquettes for fuel. The fact is that their thermal conductivity approaches the thermal conductivity of coal. For example, if during the combustion of coal, heat is released by 22 MJ / kg, then during the combustion of wood briquettes - 19 MJ / kg. For comparison, the usual firewood gives 10 MJ / kg. In addition, after burning the briquettes, there remains a minimum amount of ash and CO2 gas.

Equipment for such production will require investments of about 1 million rubles. least. In this case, the business plan includes the purchase of such equipment:

  • warehouse;
  • packaging;
  • molding press;
  • aggregates for grinding, drying waste.

As practice shows, it is the production of wood briquettes that helps to quickly bring this business to payback. Additionally, waste can be sold to other destinations. For example, Agriculture- an active consumer of sawdust.

Pellet production

They are used for heating both private houses and in industrial production. The level of thermal conductivity depends on the source material. The most popular is sawdust. To establish the production of pellets, the business plan should provide for the purchase of such equipment:

  • for packing and packing;
  • cooler;
  • press granulator;
  • dryer;
  • equipment for crushing raw materials (up to 1 mm or less).

It costs from 400 thousand rubles. and more. Can be purchased special installations European production, focused specifically on the manufacture of briquettes from sawdust. They allow the use of wet sawdust - the unit simultaneously dries them. The device works on diesel fuel and gas.

In the production of pellets, it is permissible to use straw, grain waste, but the higher the percentage of their content, the lower the quality of the final product. Pellets with a low content of other impurities are used for domestic heating boilers. With high - for industrial, as well as for cat trays. But in any case, the percentage of additional impurities should not exceed 5%.

Production of fibreboard

They are used both in the construction of buildings, finishing works, and in the manufacture of furniture. In this case, the production plan is implemented in the following stages:

  • cleaning and grinding wood;
  • steaming;
  • the second stage of grinding;
  • drying;
  • molding;
  • pressing;
  • grinding;
  • decorative finish.

Today you can buy special lines for the manufacture of such products, both foreign and domestic production.

Fuel production

If your business is focused on the production of fuel, it is worth buying a pyrolysis plant. It consists of the following main nodes:

  • raw material preparation unit;
  • pyrolysis boiler;
  • gas power plant.

They have been produced in Russia for more than 80 years, but you can also buy foreign equipment. A domestic unit for 10 tons of sawdust per day costs about 30 million rubles. And it works partly on electricity, partly on fuel. About 3 tons of fuel are obtained from 18 tons of waste: gasoline (40%), diesel fuel (40%), fuel oil (20%).

Additional destinations

A business can be built not only on the processing of sawdust. During the cooking of bark and sawdust coniferous trees, as well as their greenery, condensate remains, which is also called the VAT residue. It contains water-soluble biologically active substances, organic acids, chlorophylls, carotenes, provitamins, vitamins, etc. A useful coniferous extract can be prepared from it, which is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, medicinal preparations for animals, as well as feed additives for animals and birds.

The hard greens of coniferous trees remaining after cooking can be processed into fodder meal for animals. This is another area that your business can use for additional sources of income. Moreover, such flour has a bactericidal effect and is used as a prevention of tuberculosis in animals.

Another area that a business can use is the production of fertilizer. For this, the composting method is used. It will be necessary to make special trenches and lay waste wood pulp in them. During ripening, it accumulates nitrogen. Such fertilizers are used for highly mineralized and loamy soils.

Opening costs

Cost plan for initial stage will require considerable investments - at least 150 thousand dollars. They will go to repair the premises, purchase equipment, raw materials. Such items should be included in the spending plan.

Arrangement of the premises:

  • fire alarm, fire extinguishing system ($2.1 thousand);
  • lighting ($500);
  • power supply (1.8 thousand dollars);
  • general ventilation ($800);
  • technological ventilation and air ducts (4.5 thousand dollars);
  • creation of conditions for workers (2.5 thousand dollars).

Equipment costs (on the example of the production of briquettes for fuel):

  • commissioning (10 thousand dollars);
  • a machine for the production of briquettes ($110,000);
  • packing machine (12 pieces each, $1,000);
  • packing and warehousing equipment ($1.7 thousand).

Other expenses:

  • production costs (7.1 thousand dollars);
  • consumables ($2,000);
  • wages (3 shifts of 4 people, about 6 thousand dollars).

Monthly spending plan

The cost plan is formed on the basis that the production of briquettes will work 20 hours a day and be serviced by three teams of 4 people each. Total per month for wages will take about $300 per person and another 50% of taxes - about $5.5 thousand.

Electricity costs must be included in the cost plan. The operating power of the equipment will be 80 kW. It will work about 600 hours a month, that is, it will cost about 4.7 thousand dollars.

You also need to include various additional costs. Thus, about 240 tons of briquettes will be produced per day (equipment capacity - 400 kg/h). They will require 240 euro pallets. To do this, about 2 thousand dollars must be included in the spending plan.

Please note that the basic equipment includes four auger nozzles. But they wear out already after 80-90 tons of manufactured products. The cost of the tip is about $300. Used tips can be refurbished for $100. Then the cost plan will be reduced. From additional materials you will need a stretch film that will wrap the folded pallets. The total plan for monthly expenses will be about 8.9 thousand dollars.

Income plan

One ton of wood briquette costs $115. Taking into account the operation of the plant for 20 hours a day and a production volume of 0.5 t / h, it is possible to produce products worth $34.5 thousand per month. Production costs and costs for consumables - approximately 9.1 thousand dollars. In total, you can receive up to 25.4 thousand dollars per month.

Investments can pay off already in six months, which is a pretty good indicator for a small production. If you have enough funds to organize such a business, then it is quite possible to establish a promising and highly profitable production.

Wood is natural material, from which a person has learned to make semi-finished products and other products. However, for industry, a simple tree is not of great value, so it must be processed on special equipment. But there are many nuances and interesting points. Let's talk with you about what wood processing is and what is the technology of the process.

General useful information

The most valuable thing that is obtained from recycled wood is paper. Today the paper industry is of great importance. Hundreds of tons of paper are produced every day in the world. After all, this product has a different purpose: household, industrial, etc. It cannot be said that the most expensive furniture is made from wood.

In principle, there are a huge number of materials that are obtained from wood. Today, particle boards have become extremely popular. They are somewhat similar to a board, but less uniform and most often measure 205 x 520 cm. Let's talk about everything in more detail. First you need to understand the types of wood processing.

Chemical processing

Wood-chemical technology allows you to get the following products: rosin, charcoal, turpentine, acetic acid, etc. From this we can draw a completely logical conclusion that this is an extremely popular method. It is based on hydrolysis - the reaction of polysaccharides and water. As a result, monosaccharides are obtained, which are processed by a biochemical method. After that, it is possible to obtain products such as glucose, ethyl alcohol, as well as protein substances.

If we consider purely chemical processing, then furfural is extracted by this method. The latter is the basis for the manufacture of medicines, plastics and more. It should be noted that hardwood trees are most often used as the main raw material: beech, aspen, birch, ash, etc. Of course, chemical wood processing lines are quite complex and require a lot of attention, as well as highly qualified specialists. A much simpler way, which we will now consider.

Mechanical restoration

The essence of this method is to change the size and volume of wood. It is easy to guess that in our case this is achieved mechanically, to put it simply, by cutting, sawing, planing, milling, and so on. For example, first, chips are obtained from the feedstock, and then chipboard material is made, with which almost all of us are familiar. But just so you understand, wood chips are made from process waste, not solid wood.

This approach allows not only to save money, but also to reduce wood consumption. Despite the fact that chemical processing is more complex and subtle, it is also not so simple. Depending on the size, as well as the type of wood and the further purpose of the material, various machines are used, which we will talk about a little lower. Every day, technology is becoming more perfect, which allows you to achieve better results. Mechanical processing products are widely used in construction, fuel briquettes and wood pellets are also widely used.

Main processing equipment

Automated equipment allows not only to increase the productivity of workshops and factories, but also significantly reduce the number of work-related injuries, which is important. Depending on the volumes, as well as the direction of processing, both simple units and entire complexes can be used. Let's look at the main machines:

  • Shredders - used for shredding waste of various sizes. As the main working body are used cutting knives. The stronger they are, the better.
  • Low-speed shredders - characterized by high performance and reliability. Allow to receive spills in the size of 8-10 mm.
  • Briquetting press - allows you to get briquettes used for space heating or in industry. It is characterized by functionality - the ability to work with various types of materials, for example, wood, paper.
  • Horizontal shredders - designed for processing short as well as long lengths of waste.
  • Silos are not mandatory, but simply necessary, especially if the wood processing plant has a large production capacity. Used for storage, transportation and unloading.

Wood processing machines

As noted at the very beginning of this article, machining involves sawing, milling, as well as planing and other similar operations. Therefore, it is hardly possible to do without the appropriate equipment even in a small workshop.

  1. Planer - used to remove the surface layer of wood. In addition, during planing, the surface is polished. Modern machines allow you to process both sides of the board in one go. The shavings, as it used to be, are not burned, but sent for further processing.
  2. Milling machines - used for cutting grooves, splines, etc.
  3. Peeling machines are needed to obtain veneer, and they are chipless (no chips are formed in the process).
  4. Debarkers allow you to remove the bark from logs. Depending on the purpose of the wood, corrugated swaths or circular knives can be used. The former are needed for rough processing, the latter for finishing.

Integrated wood processing

Today, the issue of waste disposal from the woodworking and wood-chemical industries is acute. Approximately 50% of the wood was thrown away as it was waste. Thanks to the introduction complex processing managed to achieve a significant reduction in this indicator. So, at present, not 50%, but 30% of waste is spent on recycling.

Such figures are due to the fact that, for example, sawdust, wood chips and bark are materials that are extremely inconvenient to transport and store. Moreover, without preliminary preparation (drying, grinding) they cannot be used. However, there is equipment for wood processing. At factories with such equipment, you can get:

  • charcoal;
  • briquetting of wood waste;
  • gasification - the transformation of solid fuels (in our case, wood waste) into gas.

Getting charcoal

According to many experts, this method recycling is one of the best and most efficient. This is due to the great need of the population and industry for such coal. This is one of the few ways to effectively clear the forest from cutting waste. You can also recycle softwood. To get charcoal, you need to acquire equipment for pyrolysis. The essence of the method is the decomposition of raw materials in a special apparatus without oxygen. Today, three groups of coal are distinguished:

  • grade A - obtained by processing hardwood waste;
  • grade B - a mixture of hard and softwood waste wood;
  • grade C - a mixture of hard and softwood, as well as coniferous waste.

Only the first group is of industrial importance. The fact is that such coal is used for the manufacture of active carbon and crystalline silicon. Some metallurgical plants this product used as a reducing agent.

Production of charcoal briquettes

As practice shows, enterprises that produce charcoal by pyrolysis accumulate quite a lot of little things that do not find any use and are most often simply thrown away. But today there are more conservative solutions, such as the manufacture of briquettes. Who would have thought that wood products could have great importance, especially for household purposes?

In principle, it is one of the most efficient and cheapest types of fuel. Today, briquettes are usually divided into two large groups: technological and fuel. The latter are widely used in everyday life, for example, for a fireplace or stove. Rarely used in CHP. By the way, the product of combustion is considered an excellent fertilizer. But it is worth paying your attention to the fact that it is impossible to get a full-fledged briquette by pressing alone. Here a binding element is needed, for example, wood resins, petroleum products or other binders.

Harvesting and processing of woodworking waste

According to statistics, about 30% of the world's timber resources are located in Russia. This figure corresponds to 18 million tons of fuel, and about 40 million tons of wood products are emitted annually. A variety of waste can be used as fuel. For example, it can be stumps, chips, bark, sawdust, slabs, as well as sleepers, plywood or even telegraph poles.

Waste should be transported by trucks and stored in warehouses. The latter may not have heating, but must be covered and well protected from moisture. This is due to the fact that high humidity hinders the production of high-quality fuels. It can be said with confidence that the harvesting and processing of wood in the territory of the Russian Federation is rather poorly developed. This is due to the disinterest of the state, as well as the complexity of procurement, transportation and storage.

Making paper by chemical processing

Most entrepreneurs are engaged in the manufacture of paper from wood waste. This decision is due small investment and low cost of the main raw materials. To receive a product required quality, first remove the cellulose. Further in aquatic environment mixing of fillers, sizing and dyes is carried out.

Then create a continuously moving grid paper pulp, which is further dried, driven through a press, and also wound into a roll. Since the process is continuous, the output of the finished product from the machine is quite large, approximately 800-1000 meters per minute. In principle, the chemical processing of wood is the best way paper making different quality. This approach allows you to clean the forest and dispose of waste in production.

What to do with low grade wood?

We have considered the main types of wood processing. From this it can be concluded that quite a large number of waste can still be recycled. But if hardwoods are still of interest, then low-grade waste practically does not bother anyone. This is due to the fact that neither high-quality paper nor good fuel can be made from them.

But even here there are several worthy solutions. You can make table wood or packing chips. There are profitable enterprises for the manufacture of plaster shingles, brooms, etc. In principle, the processing of low-quality wood waste is gradually finding its place. Thus, "slimmer" is increasingly given to animals as an additive to the main feed and used as bedding.

A few important points

As you can see, deep processing of wood will allow not only to properly dispose of waste, but also to do a lot of useful things. First of all, this fuel is used not only in everyday life, but also in industrial scale. It is impossible not to mention the production of paper, especially since there are many countries in the world that are poor in forests and need such products. But the wood processing technology is quite complex and time-consuming, but the profitability sometimes makes you think. For this simple reason, many do not dare to work in this direction.


Here we have considered the main points on this topic. In principle, the direction is very interesting, but the underdevelopment of the industry scares off most entrepreneurs. But there are reasons for this. For example, to date, a rational way of processing has not yet been found. tree bark although several attempts have been made. But one can trace the trend that every year the interest is getting higher. For example, furniture factories, farmlands, and paper factories buy large quantities of raw materials. But the processing of thin wood requires serious lines, so many people consider it expedient to buy already prepared raw materials.

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